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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Glasgow House . .... agi tm i 2 516 No, Arrive I eve 1, 20.20 20.40 Imp. OurWBhree Days Sale of No. Arrive Leave R. 240 Dress Goods at HALF PRICE saved a lot of people a lot of money. All this week we have clearing prices. on these lines. Coats and Dresses to go. Portland, 12. * 9.45 to St, Paul, 818-511 512-519 19.25 520-613 B14-617 4.30 Winnipeg and Revelstoke, east, shown, PUONE: Bditorial, Repertorhd, and Nowe Dept 4* BING 1 y-a,, delivered. ...34.00. months, delivered 1 month, delivered....360 months, tn advance Toe Year in advance,... 1.50 9 z Don t Pay Rent 7 or high rates of interest. + -We Will Loan You Money ; To buy roiorinee says. share. 1 Per To Pay Off Mortgages Control at To Improve Rea Estate : Cent. We Guarantee the time when your indebt- : edness will be paid off. Office open evenings. D Weite; phone ot call. International Home Pur-- chasing Contract Co.,Ltd. jedicine Hat Office 389 Main St, Phone 79. ; Over Assinibola Music Store. 000 shares. : THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA P This Bank offers to its clients the services of a thor- ; oughly up-to-date Banking organization. MEDICINE-HAT BRANCH , H, McDUNNOUGH, Manager. Montreal POS eee lototodoclodoctectoety Imperial Bank of Canada Capital Paid Up .. ++ 6,460,000 Reserve Fund .... ++ 6,460,000 . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAYINGS BANE DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. RG. WILKINSON, Manager. offe Medicine Hat Branch. Sretpergedetorteate Geeteetecteeteeeeteat ; THE MERCHANTS BANK :: OF CANADA . THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established ise1, 180 Branches in Canada. it to anyone: will bring forth pulation a ould attain get railway stoc stock Yields must nec o ks appreciate i (Nor. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. Sadiere:170 i A general Banking Business Transacted. Spectal attention to Savings Accounts. W. 0, JOY, Manager: : : Medigpe Hat Branch cited, Montreal atches, but the: ry Property: asked to gi the state of: surance . EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS dicate obtain time men instal the the benefit. ) MVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS ot ee ; teat WINTER 1912-18, PRPRCTIVE OCT, 27, 1912, Easthound. 3 Train and 8.20 lap, Ltd. Vaneou Toronto Exp, Van ouver to Toronto 4d pull out, but to those of us who eat tostr,,and wish te spend the-rest. of our natural local-and district 3 months, tn advance. .56e turn must be cv H higher. lists purchased t efused to sell to the ould therefore , ear profit and th trouble entailed would have beena few pen surplus for cheaper fares. s in Medici: ul consideration fairs which exist in fe 2 Local trom Calgary. Westboung. Train and Terminal, Led, Montreal to Vancouver, 3 12.00 1225 Van. Exp. Toronto to Vancouver. 18-2240 23.0 St. PaulSeattle Exp, StF, to Seattle 615 630 Local for Calgary. CROW TRAINS. Train and Terminal, 2.55 Soo-Spokane-Portiand Ltd.. St. Pant throne read by the Governor General at the 11.15 Local for Cranbrook. Laval from Cranbrook. 23.13 Express for Kootenay Landing. Express from Kootenay Landing. Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping cars only between is oe i fafacti No. Li and 22 do not come SUCH- It is a matter of national satisfaction . deb Depts. of the markets: RING YX /rangements with certain West Indian Saturday, November 23rd, 1912, WHAT WE HAVE WE'LL HOLD. THE Halifax Chronicle in a recent issue The Halifax city council passed a resolution favoring the purchase by the municipal- ity of Halifax Electric Tram- way at the rate of 170 per of the company was recently turned over to a group of Montreal financiers, headed by E. A. Robert, by Messrs. F'. B. MeCurdy Co., on a basis of 160. Tf th Robert - interests were willing to relinquish its holdings in the eompany, it would mean that the Montreal men would profit by the tran- saction to the tune of 100,- 000, as it is understood the re- cent transfer from the Mc- Curdy interests involved 10,- per share. Tt is not considered likely, however, that the loeal group will readily sell, even at the 170 mark, as there are other plans in sight for the proper- ty. KE. A. Robert, president of Tramways, asked as to whether he intend- ed to enter into negotiations with the Halifax eity council for the sale of his holdings in Halifax Tram, said: We have just secured our stock in this company, and hadn t thought of disposing of What the future is another question, but I can say that we are well satisfied with out bar- gain, and have no intention of ing it for sale, present, at least. ifax is a city of less fhan fifty thous- March 31 last. ize to whieh Medicine ithin five years. Now, is Worth 170 in a city B e s Sitty. thousand, the dividends which that of these cases did the operation of the Act sarily be about four- * il to avert a-str when for the Again, Hat Sfarebier i Juto Medicine Hat passing time at Denmore, mites t0 know that the r HONE: 93.00 Addresses, changed as otten as desired, but bot a2 a: old ad reaser st bo given WEESLY. NEWS. f . ; Publishec every Thursday ta Afxteen or more paces, and Naval business made the terrible discovery contains a eumma-y of the news of the week, teenperdent. on the original investment, s dividends form the basis upon v value, cod ta8 Stock; the reg tells? Mould any law much better deserve In the case the, support of the ich More desirable? Could anything be much ina ha only ve heard around the Hat s mnuicipal offices to are tay Street Gradings, Industrial Spur Rall- i +6 the effect that the Calgary municipally 7 ietigat x owned railway is losing money is only an- rs thetsame conditions Other private franchise dream. ff the trol of our. This is a concrete and an applicable ex- their country. ample of conditions Whieh should be con- sidered in connection with the street rail- way franchise as it affects us. Of course it i have uo weight as an. argument with the man who expects to make a clean up lives in this good city of ours, it should be convineing to the last degree- 0 SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. HEAVY grist for the parliamentary mill is promised in the speeeh from the ia peslaner tha cae wtlana CPCHINE of parliament... As expected the government congratulate itself and the country upon the abounding prosperity and expanding revenues, a provision from Providence and a heritage from the. late government, although unacknowledged as venues produced by the system adopted by the late government are sufficient to the capital as well as so the current expenditure of the country. It Medicine Mat Dews i: safe to say that the government can find Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ld, every no expression of opinion by the Canadian lawful evening 2t its ofice, Main Street. Wedicine Hat, Alta. public in favor of A. J. N. TERBILD, B ttor, fi , lt; lt; DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 3 yoar by mail. 8 months, a-livered. 2.09 4 : vee a 1.00 8 Sue on. 7 0 their products which already far exceed roducing more revenue y any raising of the tariff. Whatever jchange wanted will be toward the lowering of the burden of taxation and the extension The promised trade ar- British possessions will hardly satisfy a so People clamoring for wider markets to take the home consumption demand. The intimation that the four cabinet ministers who journeyed to London on that Britain is in urgent,-even imperative need, of help from Canada, will be reeog- nized by the public as merely a subterfuge by which the government hopes to evade the promise made to their Nationalist allies last fall, that no naval policy would be adopted without a referendum to the elec- torate of the coun i The premier ll have no easy task proving to parliament and the people the sincerity and wisdom of what is thought to be the plan of the government s assistance to Britain: Soe Tf the government can show that its pro- posal to co-operate with the provinces in the matter of the betterment of the agri- jculural interests will not be used with political partiality as was the evident: in- tention of the plan to co-operate with the provinces in the matter of better roadways, there will not likely be much opposition: to ,jits legislation. But if it should be shown up as part of a party political machine, It iste be ho; the government will work out a fair and impartial system of co-oper- ation in this important task. Not being previously in a position: to provide soft places for those. to fall upon who fell in the west owing to the recipro- city bump, the government is hurrying now to provide-senatorial cushions for the in- jured members. Magrath; Herron, Lake, Griesback and other worsted members of the valient anti-reciprocity western bri- gade will find solace in the red chaimber for their wounded feelings and prestiges. The session, with its long and important programme, promises to be one of the most momentous since confederation and doubt- Jess will be followed by the keenest interest by the whole Canadian people. Pa A SW a Se ee TALE OF THE LEMIEUX ACT. REFERENCE was made recently by the Journal to figures which showed the of a board of conciliation before a strike or a lockout may take place in connection with any public service corporation. i A Dominion blue-book just issued brings the statistics more fully up to date up to; at least, the end of last fiscal year, namely, During the five years the Lemieux Act has been in force, 124 industrial disputes have been dealt with under it. In only 14 Could there be anything more simple, more effectiv the story of-five years people? Ottawa Journal. Se ei eee e THERE is niueh talk in Calgary at the pr sent time of using the street Use-the surplus to provide ommodation. Evidently the rumor 0 - MK foronto-News It is said that the bag- nesigns and will pay them handsome return withim the pipe is not native to Scotland; On the other hand, if we em ourselves, we will reap Scottish antiquaries. are ge that birth e was in Turkey. wipe away a stain from the esew' there will be strennous opposition indeed. beneficient working in Canada of the Lem- MEDICINE HAT STEAM LAUNDRY jeux Act, the statute which calls for.a trial - Fall is. Here O. F. LANGE railway Civil Engineer and Archi- The Albertan tect. Municipal Engineer. better Sewerage, Water and Gas Of office: Opposite Reseiltt 1 AtBargain Prices 50x150 ft., Dominion St .. 50x150 ft., Yuill St... ... 50x130 ft., Queen Stow. .y. 2 50x130 ft., Elm St. 22. 2 oy f 50x150 ft., Balmoral St........), 1800.00 100x130 ft, corner, Braemar St,;. 4000, 50x145 ft- in Altawana... 2... 265x120 ft., in Altawana, ... 2... gt;. gt; 475.00 50 ft,, Block 29, Central Park. . .. 700,00 See us for bargains in City View. All these lots are money makers for you, 1250.00 - . 1150.00 EDWARD J. FEWINGS AGENCY -PHONE 90. 5 NEWS BLOCK, Opp. POST OFFICE, as Cards The Finest Assortment Ever Show. in the x City ey Pingle s Drag and YOUR LIGHTWEIGHT pices Book Store: : : you'll soon be needing. Oh, yes, it will do for another season if Wwe renavate it. That's the beauty of our work; you cannot distin- suish an old suit or overcoat from new one after we get through with it, Our methods are individ ual, distinctive, perfect. Try us on that last year's coat. THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING Co. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Wear Made To. Order Shirts MADE BY F. ; LASTIMO Room 8, News Block. We guar- antee satisfaction with very Shirt. We carry all the new- est and up-to-date styles and patterns. A trial order Is all we ask. Prices 1.25 6.50. ROOM 8, NEWS BLOCK sett R. B. Taylor Transfer: Light and Heavy Draying. Pro Attention Plano Moving. with Plave Van Speciality, Parcels Delireree. sh Llane sence HARMONY My hair must be dressed in har- mony with my shfrtwaist laun- dered at the Medicine Hat St am Laundry, for they are the most careful and do the best work I have found; before I tried them, I tried all others in town, They send my waist back with all the buttons on, looking lke new. 1 advise you to try them too. Phone 8 AND SO 18 HOUSE CLEANING TIME HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE NEW VACUUM PRO- CESS. OOSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE OLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT. ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS. i Gas City Vacuum Cleaning Co, Phono 707 O.1l-lm J. . LARSON, Manager, City SaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle i Horses for Sale, q LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale, NEF FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85. PROPRIETOR E..M. CAWKER, Phm. B. . .Drussist stock of Toilet Articles Dru dries, Propri cites, ete. ee C.E.B.U. Supplies ways, Irrigation, ete, Subdivisions Layout of Parks, Steel Constructions Specifications for T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC, Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120 Eiglith Ave.) Phone 696, vieo for Reasonable Prices, life, Alberta. fexcurs +Fo Eur es L WASTA Haawe ke) ha ET In connection with on the railways, Noy. 8S, CANADA from 3 16. 88. MEGANTIC tri Nov. 23. 88, LAURENTIC. fr Dec. 1. 85. LAURENTIO. Dec. 8. 88. THUTONIC tx Dec. 14. 8g, TRUTONIC trom BS CANADA from a1, BS. CANADA from Hi ). Other Sailts TEUTONIC trom Mo LAURENTIC from Mc f Trav l by the Ls Megantic, the best, or by the on cabin steamers, Canada, Jarge an Excursion Also from New York P services to. Liverpool ampton; American Li ampton; Transport 1 don; Bed Fad gine Antwerp; from Bosto Star and Leylodd Li Pool. Also sailing via yeturning via anothe Apply for particula rallway or 5, Agent MoLeod, Can. Weste Agent, 383 Main Stre DONALD ( Room 1, Becke RealEs NORTH YU 100 foot corner in 2500. Terms. CENTRAL P Lot 16, block 3; 50 Terms. 75 tout corner bloc Terms. RIVERSIDE 5 lots in block 15 corner 450. es Lots 3 and 34, b Broadway 105 Tots 13 and 14, dic Terms. ROSEDAI Trackage 183 ft. In block 6 Proposed Tra 50 ft. in Mock 8 - 100 ft. in block 2 s POWELI Lots 2 aud 3 in blo Terms. TOWNSII Business Pre 61 ft. im. block Terms. . 68 ft on. the corn treal St. and. ance, price 50 KENSINGT T have a few corr per palr, 1-4 ce a2 Room, 1 Beek NEW MAN awa Vit this invention will do sends a stream of vita nerves, organs and bl 8. You are asleep. rheumatism, weak ness, stomack, liver orders, varicocele, an Dr: Metzger Dry. Gell isa high-grade batte charging with vinegar gt; Bee, cent. easelor: aps per greater se1 Rem low price. with for fancy books. 4 full particulars maile (HE: METZGER BATTERY Robl Block, Cor. 7th ; St, Eas TeThsa Calgary, A MEDICINE HAT LIY Horse Rey Rear 312 Fourth Dreamland T Single and do of all deseriptio or hire. Horse or Aut: livery at all tim HAY FOR Prairie Hay by the Timothy by the bale PHONE Dr. de Van's Fi Secure Sold-at Piugle s. Di
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Image 972 (1912-11-23), from microfilm reel 972, (CU1740205). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.