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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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+ In this During an English-German War? Would be Placed in a Peculiay afid Serious Predicament i Which Would Haye Use of the Danish Waters? Copenhagen, Oct. 26- -Denmark s troops can be landed at convenient neutrality in-e-possiti iwar betwoen points in Denmark. Great-Britain and Germany is being Both rumors are declared. to be constantly discussed just now. There pure fiction. The present govern- is no doubt that Denmark would be/ment, as proof of their desire to Placed dn a serigis predicament, for maintain a strictly neutral attitude, at Teast one OF the Combatants /requ sted the English and Russian would want to fige the waters of the fleets to time their that they Baltic and other Danish waters. The would: not be in Danial waters to- German fleet has manoeuvred im gether. Officially the reason given these waters frequently; and itis be-/for this request was that there was Meved that the visit of thes nglish not room enough in the Copenhagen and Russian f ts to Agen was harbor for both fleets. in answer to the G Tumors of an to Prussianize the people of the form- Den-jer Danish Sleswig. But Denmark Town Being Without Jail se P Lets Prisoners Run Loose Finally the information was obtained Chin - Sie oe Bae pointing to Gum and Hun as the dts- ing Bli pensers of the booze, and the success- to Indians. ful raid was planned. A quantity of Chinese whiskey was selzed at the time. But the officers found themselves up against the problem of holding the culprits. without a fail to hold them in. At last they hit upon the scheme of telling the captives ttt, considering the fact that they were uncommon prisoners they would not be thrown into a common jail, but be allowed thelr freedom until the arrival of the steamer. Sum Gum and Hun have for a week past enjoyed the freedom of Masset streets, and un- aware that this prosperous town had Rot a jail in which to lock them, , Oct. 29. One of the worst that ever as run on Gra- d was last week put out of iS by Magistrate Harrison and Constable Mactavish, and the srs, Gum and Hun, have been South to be locked up for four six months respectively. en Indians of Inte have caused l trouble and for a long it was a mystery where Mey ured the booze, A lot of Chinese employed at the cannery and ing Station at Naden harbor and some of the Indians were pticed to be on very friendly terms. ' Prima Donna Finds A New : Hair Tonic- Just Plain Milk New York, Oct. 28 On the strength sof statements made repeatedly by ture hat would have been lost among Mme. Carolina White, prima donna of them.. Mme. White asked questions the Chicago-Philadelphia Grand Opera and was informed the women ribbed since her return from milk into their heads daily. last week with a wondrous She tried the experiment. herself, abundance of glossy black Jocks; sev- persisting for-five months. At the eral important dairy concerns are end of that periqd her hair was nine planning to publish placards bearing Inches longer. Now it reaches to her her picture and the legend: knees. ) 2 grew this hair and we can prove Most husband Mme White spent part of her vaca- iss that the most venturesome pic- Jose some of their affection: when'-thelx wives hair be- tion in Naples and noticed on trips comes sparse and gray, she sald to through the surrounding country that an interviewer. Of course, I an the peasant women had beautiful quite sure my husband would care for hair. Not only the young women but me just as much if I were as bald tho old as well had raven tresses solas a billiard ball. But then made advances. to her. she asserts. One-day, she declares, she told Bit- ter of her condition and that he be- came greatly excited. He proposed that we quit Mil waukee, the girl says, but I re- fused. Then Bitter drew s revolver FORCED 10 ELOPE BY DEATH THREAT, -. GIRL DECLARES 2 from his desk and, pointing it at me, Milwaukee Couple who Fled said it was either death or fight. in June, 1911, Captured chose the intter. We left Milwaukee i Park. in June, 1911, and sailed for Lon- Asbury si don from New York, Then we went Poet peal Gear to South America. There I became HAVE WANDERED FAB jit and whon I recoveted Bitter one, ee: gested that I go home. I wouldn t Bitter Deserted Wife and go alone to face the disgrace that I Three Children Fcels knew awaited me. . We wandered * from. place to place. Relief at Arrest. We got to New York. ur funds Saati . low. Then the baby was born. New York, Oct. 20. Alert H: Bit- h5 ter. who fed from Milwaukee in Pitter supported us by working in ime, 1911, is under arrest at As- 3 oury Park, N.J., today awaiting ex- ame here and took house at Brad- son who was born to an man by. rainstorm. This tuught by Usen (Apache God) to shoot. Apache battle with a dragon and tecting the dragon's he: fourth arrow piereed thefo to general belief, n and hammered in- care, when it had ished until no rough- Winnipeg, Oct. 29 Heavg Was accepted. ent, designed amply interests, operated 4 the ludicrous spect- of a great city be- ustice clear up to the temporary advance daring jrder compelling the ing but the close on all f weak, heart and Killed it. im piano shops. Some time ago-we; 7HE MARKET For the present export di Very quiet and, cash dull. markets opened at a sligh Winnipeg opened weaker. somewhere in the West, but the pro- hitities are that it will not be within the confines of either Arizona or New Mexico, because the territory em iraced by these mew States was the seene of many of- the eavage deeds of that warlike tribe. one ' of the few that never-would take to the white man's ways of living and, sine ly terms with any member of the white race. In 1858 one division of the six branches of the, tribe went from the eastern line of Arizona, where they were ranging, into Old Mexico on a trading expedition. Arriving mear the outpost of Kas-liydt they leit their women and children in camp there and proceeded to Casa Grande, and entered into a treaty of peace with the Gitizens, though the Mexi- can Government had placed a price) upon their - heads 100 for a war- rior, 50 for a squaw and 25 for Mexican soldiers took advantage of their absence to mas- sacre the women and children, When the warriors returned in the evening the soldiers opened fire upon them, and the Apaches, being armed only with bows and arrows, were exter minated all except two, one of them was Geronimo, at that time a young. brave. Geromino s wife and child were among the victims of the mas- sacte, and he then swore oternal hos- tility to all-Mexicans. Geronimo returned to Arizona and sought aid from the other five branches of the Apache tribe in seek- citizens of, Casa Grande disclaimed to him any knowledice of the mas- sacre of his people, but Geronimo could never understand how it was that the citizens had no control over the acts of their soldiers. From that year until 1886 Geronimo made an- nual raids upon the settlements within three hundred miles south of the northern boundary line of Old Mexico. Only once was he accom- panied by more than a dozen com- Panions, and the extent, of their de- predations consisted chiefly in run - ning off ponies and cattle. The Mexican Government never had in the field more than two companies of troops against the Apaches. and the largest number of Apache war- riors ever assembled at one time in their war paint was stated by Gero- nimo himself to be four hundred. Once they ran off some cattle in charge of white cowboys, and soon afterwards American troops made their appearance. The Apaches al- ways professed to believe that they came in response to a request by the Mexican Government. In 1872 President Grant, sent Gen. peace treaty with the Apaches, Sometime after the treaty the lead-' ers of the band were arrested and put in chains, bat subsequently were released. Then the Apaches took to the hills with their leaders. Some of th latter were invited to a'sOhtier's tent, and while there Were Kifi d: The Apaches under Geronimo kept up a desultory. warfare against the Government. until Gen. Miles was sent out to enter into a treaty with them. The warriors thought that they and their families would be united in some western country, but instead the warriors were sent to Florida and compelled to work. Geronimo stated before his death that he was compelled to saw wood. The Apaches were kept in the South until 1867, and finally were brought to Fort Sill and held as prisoners of war. The old race of warriors has died off and it is believed that the new generation can be trusted on an open reservation. The word Apache third shot knocked off the sand or Chicago, Oct .29. sngfig in outl: had a bullish effect font which The fact that receipyf t Geronimo and the Old Gene- ation of Braves Having Pa Believed to Be Safe. tradition. With him is Freda -Nor- ' , Beach. 5 waukee, Mrs, Bitter said when told who says he compelled her at the i Mat ef a revolver te clogs swith SOUt her husband's arrest: : ful blow to me. I think the mar eee wes geiieet i R- was over-worked and that he be : Nal land making up his mind to run ant tigi grataae mags Nor- away, asked the girl to go with aionts ig Bitter denies he forced the girl to Park's month, iieeer si de this E at the poll of a revolver ren in Milwaukee. Since his flight they have been living with her par- A pitiable. Sguce, wild-eyod, weor- 1 BE RELEASED ing and clinging t6 her baby, th the arrival of her father. He is said to be on his way to Asbury Park to not forgive her and take her. back. On the other hand, Bitter's atti- glad he has bem sought out and is xeady to waive any legal formalities waukee; and he willing to take Majot H. L. Scott, representing: the whatever punishment awaits him. War Department, and Lieut pretty. but whose features are now partment of tie Interior, have pinched and sunken, is on the point appointed yellowish-white hair. She says she cow at Fort was the only girl employed in Bit- Congress having e i di il- the seventeea-yearold. girl, According to a despatch from Mil him'and tir baby daughtos: The whole thing has been an aw: : ; it with his 1 Y store at Teicteenth and Wal. C m despondent with bts ie here, dered over two continents since they ty-seven, left a wife with three ehild- APACHE CAPTIVES ents: gitlis dreading and yet hoping for take her home. she fears he will stude is that of relief. He says he is at might delay his return to Mil- Oklahoma, City, Okla., Oct. 295 The girl-mother, who once was Ernest Stecker, representing the of collapse. Sho is slim and tae the 269 Apache prisoners g ter's store. She had worked there lease after twonty-six y Sening of shipm AFTER 26. YEARS the Toronto ; ofnerally to safeguard the iment tn tavoyad whieh the leading Can- 'so did predictiof the. day assured the people em in their needs, the city Ss dignity and pride and gone owing to ening wayAeS nd 1-4 ySoration and begged to thE eves of Canad City of Toronto is its which it was fondly be Aniiply fokdomnt some months-before her employer open reservation Wil company s profits. Howard to Arizona to enter into .a . l repute, represent- jations. Before it ent was subjected: he scores of thous- Toronto s popula- xtend its lines to lying parts of tending to check selligid beseechin: what the law Failing in that mission, it has ff threats at the company, in aengf have imperative needs sati staf been without avail, And w ty-two years of struggle, agreement. has safe; yond preadventure has. been the tailway Countrymen. ings to help the war Montana. was there. Sargentich. ranging from 1 to 10. city 85 a month. Tax Notic s Tax Reminders Receipt Books Letter Paper TT seventy-five it. to do out ipalities, Sherbrook if building the Pe : lieved the com- pany would build under thes, eee to select new homgdwhith safeguarded the ity only thing guarded be- a SIPOATIONS WANTED, CLASSIFIED ADS. Situations Wanted, Help wanted, 92-3 For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under these headings. 25 words, one day .. .. 25 words, three days 25 words, etx days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No Allowance, 6 ad accepted for less than 36 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 18 ring 2, and MONTANA FARMER GIVES SAVINGS 10 AID. SERVIA WAR Gave 5,000 and is . has never been on friends Mobbed by His Cheer Pingle, Wales Bell Notary Public, Real Estate, ete. Fourth Ave, Minute past Post office. ToDay s 36 New York, Oct. 29 The hero of the Servians in New York today is Milan Yovanowich, a farmer from Montana. Yovanowich bas given his life's sav- against the. Turks, and at their meeting in the Amsterdam Opera House afternoon, he had his fellow-country- men howling ardund with joy, em bracing him and weeping over him. Middle-aged, shabbily cla stained, -bis high boots still bearing traces of the soll of his farm,.his red inel shirt open at the throat, Yo- vanowich pushed bis way to the front when contributions were called for. The flerce intensity of excitement burning in his eyes at once made him notable and opened a way. As he passed a dozen hands Went to revolvers and as many keen-eyed detectives kept. thelr gaze on, his hands, Scattered among the 500 Ser- vians present, about one whom were women, sat detectives in plain clothes, They were there in fear Turka might break in and start part of the war over here. But they quickly saw they were wrong in sus- pecting the wild-eyed farmer from yesterday WANTED A MAID FOR GENERAL, housework. Mrs, Victor Ready, Fewings St. Specials BOY WANTED TO DELIVER PAR- cel and make himself generally use- OR SALE WRITING DESK, now; ful around store. Must be over-fif- 8 ing table; halt rack; two lounges, teen years old. Turpin Bros. 92 travel- CENTRAL PARK Block 27, 23 to 27, 425 of two. T. Burns, 739 Charles St. undred. of Burns, Esplanade. With bis arm upraised demanding silence, Yovanowich, in 9 strong yoice, told who he was and why he CARPENTERS AND wanted. Apply Crossley Bros, 729 Lockwood St, Phone 569 REDCLIFF Block 27, 475 pair. I am Milan Yovanowich, he said, and I have come all the way from my farm in Montana to talk to my fellow- countrymen and to contribute to the cause of my country. I cam to this country seven years ago and 1 have worked hard. My wife is a good wo- man and a true Serb and has borne me four sons and helped me save. have saved 7,000. I have brought here to New. York with me 5,000 of that sum, my life's savings, and here 1 give it to-my)country. Yovanowich produced two canvas bags and emptied cut the 5,000 into the hands of the treasurer, Thomas WANTED GENERAL adian Bank of Commerce, COUSINS SISSONS Block 4, 950 pair. Highest wages 90-t WANTED A Before the treasurer's bag was closed it contained 16,000. 10,000 was given by Prof. M.-F. Pu- pin of Columbia, who is honorary Servian' Gonsul in this city. The rest Wes:given by the audience in gifts Of that Pingle, Wales Bell ronto St. Fame, after all, is but. a pedestal on which the victim is elevated In Order to give the public a better chanc to throw mud at him. The Daily News Welivered in OakesEverard Co. REAL ESTATE. 365 1-2 MAIN STREET. PHONE 556. See us fe good rein Hi, North us for ays x Yuill and Powell. Job .Office; Canadian Limited: GENERAL wanted. We oe AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER wants position, Box 1391-News of- BOOMS TO RENT. TO RENT A. DOUBLE ROOM surT- able for two gentlemen. Apply 721 E. ONE ' FURNISH: BEDROOM TO Apply P. 0. box 91-8 SE ROOM TO RENT IN MODERN houge. Every convenience; five min- utes walk from depot. Apply 201 Bal- 412 mora) St, fl 91-8 93-3 FOR SALE i carpet; dishes, curtains, blinds, dresser, and seteo. WANTED GENERAL HOUSB SER- Apnly 123 Toronto st, 98-8 vant, Good wages. Apply 104 Mon- treal St., or phone 661. 92-3 7 ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR SALE Imimediate possession. For price and GUNERAL SERVANT FOR FAMILY terms apply to owner, 627 Montreal No children, Apply Mrs, J. Street, ee 92-3) TO SELL ONE HOUSE 24x26, WANTED 20 LABORERS AT ONCE. shanty roof, 375, placed on the lot. Apply T. Bergman, cor. 6th Ave. and Also one kitchen range and one gas Braemar St. 92-8) heater. Apply J. J, Lait, 116 Mon- treal, 89-6 WANTED MAID. APPLY TO A. P. WW . 92-t FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- quis seed wheat, grown on new WANTED WAITRESS. APPLY TO gt;reaking. 2.00 per bushel. 0.3. Me- American Hotel. 92-3 Gee, Redvers, Sask. 81-490 LABORERS: LOST AND FOUND 30-tt LOST, BETWEEN TASSIE BROS. snd Elm St. purse containing sum WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GEN- 0f money and keys. Box 1392 News eral housework. Apply 626 Balmoral office. 92-6 91-8 LOST ABOUT SIX WEEKS AGO SERVANT. gold charm with monogram W, J. H. Apply 603 Main Street or at the Can- Reward if returned to News office. 90-tf 91-3 WANTED CAPABLE MAID FOR WANTED TO RENT general housework, Apply 784 Esplanade, NISHED HOUSE. for a short time. Apply at B. F. WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL S UCh s drug store. 8 housework. Apply 601-Montreal-St: TO KENT WANTED LABORERS. APPLY oN 70 RENT THREE ROOM SHACK, with summer kitchen, gas and water. th ss the , R..C. Church. 2 Jol across thie: river, go.te APPIY to 630 Lockwood -St. Phone 764, z 93-8 WANTED CARPENTERS. HIGHEST wages. Apply Odd Fellows job, To- ROOMS WANTED. 89- + GENTLEMAN WANTS FURNISHED BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE 'Om in modern house at once in Ogilvie Flauy MIN job. Telephone 787, V inity of 4th and Balmoral. Will be Stewart Co,, Permanent. Apply 1894 News office. 15-tt 93-3 Se HOUSEMAID BOARD AND ROOM. Apply James Hargrave, Ss ee ee BOARD AND R00 AD Phone 302 or P.O. Box 26. 87-tf o Be abe an private family. Apply 408 1-2 Maim CORSETIERRE OEE NOY US ir are EE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO guaranteed for fagainst breaking and rusting; very light weight. House No. 7, School Av- enue, opposite school, Phone 699 for appointment or write P. 0. box 72, Mrs, Matthews. Pace Sate Sir iain areal MISCELLANEOUS fe ANY SMALL JOBS OF CONTRACT- ing, either carpentering, painting, la- boring, plumbing, will be undertaken by the undersign- ed. Estimates given. Patrick Mac- Court, 723 Third Ave. or general de- livery, city postotfice, WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY A. Dickinson, Bennett House, 6th Ave- SCHOOL FORMS Assessment Rolls Assessment Notices measure, one year WANTED PORTER. APPLY COS- mopolitan Hotel. 83-tt east side of high WANTED ARI A. Dickinson, Hotel Cecil. wanted at once. Apply News Job Department. engineering, etc. Mrs. B. Lively, Main St. Envelopes, etc,, etc. Wednesday HH MEDICINE HAT HIDD, FUR AND JUNE CO. The above have New and the best selection of Secon President Clevapols im the city. We carry ores and Bedding, new SSS ea THIS IS MY 67th BIRTHDAY. Contracting Co, Sir'Nevill G. Lyttelton. General Hon. Sir Nevill G. Lyttelton,-a famous officer of the British army, now. retired, was born in Worcestershire, Octo- ber 28, 1845, a sori of the fourth Baron Lyttelton. After completing his education at Eton he entered the Rifle 1865, and served with it in Canada, India and: other parts of the empire. Beginning with the year 1868 he served as military secretary successively to the Viceroy of Treland, the Governor of Gibraltar and the Governor of Bombay. He served in the 8 Fenian rebellion in Canada, in the Egyptian g in vain eampaign of 1882 and in the Nile Exp was believed tion of 1898. He distinguished himself in the last Boer war and later was made com- mander of the British forces in South From 1904 until his retirement from active service he was Chief of the General Staff of the British army and First Military Member of the Army Council. a Sg CONGRATULATIONS TO: Joseph W. Folk, former Missouri, 43 years old today. Rt. Rev. Paul Laroeque, R. C. Bishop of Que., 66 years old today. Col. Sir Henry E. McCallum, British colonia administrator, 60 years old he . agreement today. - e-interests, ALL GERMS Vou, OR TEAR 20 6. as City Vacuum Cleani Phone 707 O11-tm J. . LARSON, Manage: Brigade in Com Dring Sind cines, etc. Phone 75. Africa. Steam Laundry Modern and sanitary in every Tespect and the machinery the best that money can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will cali for and return the goods. Governor noted Dr. B in Columk SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY PAINTER, ETC. Machines for Sale and Rent, 381 North Railway Street. P.0. Box 184, shford Dean,Professor of Zoology ity, 45 years old today a Univers William H, Hartshorn, President of the International Sunday School . Association, 69 years old today Phone 486, Street, 91-3 TO EXCHANGE WILL TRADE FOR MEDICINE HAT lots or acreage (close in, bullding 24 by 60 ft. two Stories, in centre of sete 1 PENTERS, APPLy im Street, opposite depot, in Gra. sete) 2 - Ground floor used as pool hail with three pool tables upstairs. Has TWO GORDON PRESS FHEDERS C gt; rooms. Everything goes for to foreman 5,000.00, W. Stevenson, 518, 20th te Ave. W., Calgary, Alta. 91-6 SERVANT WANTED APPLY T0 AUTOMOBILE IN GOOD ORDER TO at. Sugar Bow , xchange for Medicine Hat lots, or 78tt Payment om house. Address full par- ticulars to box E., Carlstadt, Alber- BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE * 89-6 Ogilvie Flour Mill job, morning. Telephone 787, Job Oftice, or Assiniboia Hotel evenings. Can- adian Stewart Co, Limited. 76-tt. WANTED TO BUY Building lots in Old Survey, Herald or Central WANTED CARPENTERS, LABOR- Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to P. ers and teamsters. Apply A. P. Burns 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. TUE) ease seen fe nee RBtE, ED AT ONCE 50 carpenters WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS, Pe. . Boarding camp Apply 377 Esplanade, 62-tt Stewart Co, 33-tf STRAYED carn 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILD. paid for information that will lead e recovery of one grey gelding, about 1300, branded either ; a on left ogee or WoeseosooiTecerreTeom m, s E. M. CAWKER, Yor : Phm. B. Drugsgist of Toilet Articles : Proprietary Medi- ing of Physicians Pre- a specialty. 206 South Rv. St. OOO S OOO: F.S. CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale. Yuill Street. Phone No. 41h P. 0, Box 81. House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL STREET Phone 260. T.F. Reynolds Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120 Eighth Ave., Phone 690, Mesgeatoaenye rick pfek landed Ge treal, and Tonto, for Teport thi with the play in skeptical. T have far as T this invention + sends a stream nerves, organs time you are a rheumatism, ness, stomack, orders, varicoce Dr. Metager Dry is a high-grade charging with vi Der. cent eascse ber e nt greater at a low price for fancy book: full particulars TRE METZ Rohl Block, Co: st uThSa . Calg
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Image 780 (1912-10-29), from microfilm reel 780, (CU1739980). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.