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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Progresses L PLINES oF DRY GOODS WILL BE CLEARED our REGARD- LESS OF COST. DIFFERE) First Item Kid Gloves One lot ranging in price from 1.00 to 1.50; on sale at 75 cents. Many other interesting lines to clear. The Glasgow Ho use of, Fashionable Fashic The House Dressers T nite 94th YEAR IN BUSINESS es ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. mepicing WaT BRANCH 394 TORONTO STEREE' JOHN I D, Manager. TE ROYAL, BA INCORPORATED 1969. and Surplus ... ... of firms, corporations te ICINE and individuals carried, on favorable rms. HAT BRANCH , H, MeDUNNOUGH, Manager, MED: . P. R. PASS: GER SERVICE 1. , PAB 00 8.20 Imp. Ltd... Vancouver to Montreal. 20.05 20.80 Toronto Bxp., Vancouver to Toronts 23.00 Local trom Calgary. Atrive Leave Train and Terminal. 2040 Imp. Ltd. Montreal to, Vancouvar. 72.00 12.25 Van, Exp. Toronto to. Vancouver. 18/8240 23.10 St: Paul-Beattle Exp. St, P, to Seattle. BlbS 6.80 Local for Calgary. . . gt; CROW TRAINS . Arrive Leave. Traln-and Terminal, 3 240 255 Soo-Spokane-Portiand Ltd, St. Paut Portland. - i 9.45 9.66 Soo-Spokan -Portland Lcd, Portland a to St. Paul. i . sis61 11.16 Local for Cranbrook. Bibsi9 19.25 Leal trom Cranbrook, 520-613 23.13 Express for Kootenay: Landing. SIE-517 4.30 press from Kootenay Landing. Note Traine 1 and 2 carry sleeping care only between Winnipeg and Revelstoke. No. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, iniles X Medicine Mat PubUshed by the Medicine Hat News every lawful evening at Its office, Main Strequ Wedieine Hat, Alta. . A.J. N, TERBILL, E ttor PUONE: Editorial, Reportorhal, and 1 mon 350 old ad Teaser st be given. WEELLY NEWS. Publishec avery Thursday in sixteen or more pages, contains 2 eummany of the news of the week, Jocal and district year in advance...-81.50 - Saturday, Decemb r 281.2, 2912. , CITY BOUNDARIES, ENLARGING ci boundaries has been western cities. Lethbridge is the latest to overdoing it as others have done. It is all very well to-argue thatthe subdivisions that are being increased in value by the growth of the city should be taken im and made pay a part of the municipal taxation, But on the other hand when this territory is taken into the city it has the right to demand municipal improvements. Water mains must be laid, sidewalks built, sewer installed, streets graded. street care lints extended, and lights erected. All this costs money, not only to build and install, but al- Srietrite Sodeaeegeeteeestegeeyeege light, sewer and street car services do not rial Bank of Canada Gapital Paid Up to. Reserve Fund A GENERAL BANKING BU INESS TRANSACTED. SAVLSGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. KINSUN, Manager. mpe RB. G. WIL so to keep going. The revenue from water, z begin to pay for running expenses of the Lethbridge City Council the other day de- cided to take-in about three more sections, Se eeeteeged soon as they pay city taxes? Not very fa RCHANTS B OF CANADA THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. 180 Branches in Canada. 6,000.000. ANK THE ME Established 1964. - Capital Bald Up, Total Assets (Nov. S0th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted Sayings Accounts, Special attention to W. 0. JOY, Manager : + Medicine Hat Branch much to look and feel that way. Ge eg eid TORONTO S CIVIC RAIWAY. Automobile Livery Phil. Gocking 438 Cor. Roy and 5th Ave. LONG AND SHORT TRIPS IN OR OUT OF THE CITY Phone 804 Strg op MURRAY OLSON emirate naan Real Estate and Employment Agents. 386 TORONTO STREET, Please write or phone 942 or call on us. Property solicited. Insurance Your Yistings of City or Farm the ci pitiful portion for the use of i away any franchise. . Medic not be as large as Toronto fo: ars, but Toronto was not 1 it is now before its rey had made a mis their franchise and are now trying ws Tasker Transf easonable liable Ce Fh members of the Liberal Party in the He LIGHT and HEAVY Blof DRAYING remedy their error. DURING the * alleged by the Conser - lections last y atives that tl mmous were not united on the poli of ri MEDIOINE BA? BEBOTIVE OCT. 27, 1912 Bo mpm. strong nor so binding on the members. ee ak Kemet Gite Time after time during the debate on the speech from the throne the members of the 416 440 Seattle-St, Pah Exp. Seattle to sep. government side of the House have chal- lenged the members. of the Liberal Party epeeet(; to state their position. Rvery member who was suspected of being at variance wil G policy of reciprocity was directly chal- lenged, but in eve I a prompt and explicit, the Liberal Party is still and will be the party of wid r markets, with an especial care to secure for , the people of Canada the great market south of the international boundary line. THE MERCHANTS BANK of Canada Montreal on Wednesday last. time of prosperity throughout Canada. in excess of 20 per gent. of the average paid- up eapital. per cent. to shareholders, the. reduction of the bank premises account of' 100,000. and giving 50,000 to the Officers pensjon fund th y were enabled to add 450,000 to the re- Serve, and carry forward a good balance. ing increased. by 649,004 from premir.m on new stoek. sees dded capital, now commands resources of 2 months, Wivered.. 1.00 3 months, by mal. oe oS ee ts Addrester shanged eo often as desired, but bota aw ad 2CCOUM 2 ers in Canadi: ern Provinces especially the bank has sue- SS z cessfully endeayored to keep pace with the 6 months, tr Havance Tie , 3 mits, tn edvance -F0e' crowth and development of the country. Of the fifty three millions of advances to the public, over ten millions are loaned, to farmers. have been established throughout the West- erm provinces. one of the failures of a great many) good record*of this and recent past years get the disease and it came very nearly will be continued in the fature. TIME, and the other members patience jmains and lines put to the outer parts, the assessed valuation of which will be in /THIS DAY IN CANADIAN HISTORY the neighborhood of two and a half million dollars. How far will the taxes on this as- sessment go towards paying for the im- provements the people who own or live ou this land will have the right to demand as Ve Every addition to the area of a city is an influence to make the population just so much more scattered and consequently the revenue from the municipal enterprises will be lowered in proportion to the cost of putting them in. It is all look big and feel big, but sometimes it costs too TORONTO has at last openly rebelled against the treatment given it by the Railway corporation that has been ig the cars of that city. The fran- chise the company has does not expire un- til 1921, but the city has not waited to have its own system. As a municipal enterprise it built a line of its own in east Toronte and by July next expects to have sixteen miles in operation and by 1921 to have mileage United States. equal to that of the company in the newor 1335 Patent for re parts of the city, so that there will be no 852 Barl of Aberde difficulty in taking over the company s business when the franchise expires. The city is giving two cent fares which appeals public of China. mightily to the people of Toronto who have lt; i to roll profits into the THIS IS MY 55th BIRTHDAY y getting a treets. The DUKE OF PORTLAND best time to beat out a street railway cor- The present Duke of Portland, w poration is at the beginning by not giving Hat may good many jn 1379, nis predecessor beingiyeout Sas large cession he was plain Mr, Caven yuand out eo th included many of the most i r 1 in giving away ealthiest men i there were others who were.afraid to me out, Now the Liberal Party is in pposition and the party ties are not. so. case the answer came o held their 49th annual meeting iu The Bank is sharing to the full this flood The statement shows profits which were After providing for the dividend of 10 The reserve now stands at 6,410,760, be- The Merchants Bank with its recently Ahty-five million dollars, and is as ne of the first pow- n banking cireles. Valuable connections have been estab- ished throughout Canada, but in the West- Highty eight branches and agencies There is reason for expecting that the eine OSS 5 ge Se seem to be a secondary consideration with the speakers on fhe navy question. Like Jim Hill one time tried to tell a farmer how to save time raising hogs, but the far- mer cut him short with What s time to a: hog? gt; EX-MAYOR John Shaw of Toronto,,.in his remarks at the opening of th tnuni- cipal street railway in Toronto the other day, said: No public service of any kind should be in the hands* of private enter- prise. That is from the man who years ago fought for what has now come to pass in Qntario s leading city, municipal cars. Soh ESI Sues) DECEMBER TWENTY-EIGHT. This is the fifty-thitd anniversary of the earliest issue at Fort Garry, of the first newspaper in the Red River district the Nor'wester. Agitation for the annexation of the country ta Canada had begun amongst the free traders but for some years the Hudson s Bay Company contrived to keep a restraining influence over the pioneer squarely against the Compan: Grandmother of Fenchurch St, from the street in Lon- a flag-pole erected course, anything but pleasing to Governor McTavish. 3 ae THIS DATE IN HISTORY DECEMBER TWENTY-EIGHT Born July 6, 1832 John . Calhow ing fire: e became premier of England. ada. 440x180 ft. on COLUMBIA AVENUE . 200 ft. Frontage In ALTAWANA . 25x150 ft. Lots In ALTAWANA . 560x160 ft. Jot on DOMINION ST. 125 ft. corner two blocks from Cs SEE US FOR ACREAGE FOR FRELDWANDGLEEWINGS, Medieine Hat, Alia. NEWS BLOCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. 7 PEEP EEE SF sunorvllok. Canad ae + + THE WEATHER NEW YEARS CARDS The Finest Assortment Ever Show in. the City Sok bhp eb bbb fb Toronto, Dec. 27. The disturbance mentioned last night has during the flay been reinforced by a develop- ment off the middle Atlantic coast and this evening is centered oyer the Bay of Fundy. The barometer reads 28.56 Inches at its focus. Fine unsea- weather througbout the western provinces. Victoria. Re Vancouver .. Kamloops ... Edmonton .. Battleford . Prince Albert Calgary . Moose Ja Winnipeg: Port Arth London . Toronto Kingston Ottawa .. Montreal . Quebec ... St. John ... ... Halifax ... ... oe All West, fine and mild. sonably: prevails Pingle s Drag and Book Store R. B. Taylor s Transfer Ui ana y Draying. Prompt Atteftion to all orders. Piano Moving with Piano am a Speciality. Parcels D liverea. HONE NO. 349. H. B. CURTIS Neer arene TERS YOUR WIN OVERCOAT How about it? ofthe press in-the future capital of Manitoba. At length, in spite of the opposition of McTavish, who soon after- wards became the Hudson s Bay Company's governor of Rupert's Land, it was bought by Dr. Schultz (the future Opponent and prisoner of Riel). It now came out which it dubbed the CitySale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle. Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING, . y for Sale, McCLAIN PROPRIETOR It. surely needs pressing and renovating tp anake it leok Hke pew, if you have had it put away rom summer moras. Better bring t around and let us put in ship shape for you, so that it will be ready: for the first cold blast. IE will look like a new, one when it fs returned from THE GLOBE. CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Improved methods make service particularly efficient. don. where the head offices were. . McTavish treated the qniserable little sheet, issued at irregular intervals, with contempt, but It was eagerly read in Upper Canada. In 1869, when news arrived at Winnipeg of the relinquishing by the Company of its territorial rights, Dr. Schultz had ront of the Nor wester offices and alongside his own stcre , hoisted on it a large flag with the word Canada across its whole face. - This was, of Rear 312 Fourth A TS reamland Theat 1 26 John Flaxmang * celebrated English sculptor, died. resigned the vice-presidency of the 1872 The Northwest Territories Council formed in Can- is1t Dr. Sun Yat Sen elected president of the new re- titlets-William John Arthug Char) Bentinck, Viscount Woodstock and was born December 28, 1857. Hep rds. Through his inheri ngland, don, Melbeck Abbey. hie pi as almost incredibly magnificent great subterranean picture gallery. THE J. S, FOLI Contragii On ee Heavy Teaming, Excavating a ak AM LAUNDRY 2 zs. CONGRATULATIONS TO:* gt;: 56 years old today. ERNEST E. CARVER Lic, R. LB. AL Registered Architect H, A. E. Browne, Mgr. Suite 25, Becker Blk, Woodrow Wi esident- lt; 5 ts oodrow Wileon, President-elect of the United States Phosphonol restores Wim and vitality, Preni weakness averted ae of . : Henri Regnier, celebrated French poet, 48 years old to- ovity, One , ; poet, 48 9 sroeity. One or two of them like W. ayy. Main St, next City Hatt M..German and Lloyd Harris came out openly. against the pact and the Tories said today Head Office: Lethbridge. Perry Belmont, noted New York financier, 61 years olt IN STATES DI THE YEA d ifty-twe-or of One Per W Taken Place. Chicago, Dec. 28. Onl, lynchings, known to be s doubt, occurred in the U in the year now closing. years the number has bee Ber, 190 having been re 1894 and 170 in the Yea: The past ten years Deon steadily decr . year, however, produced f ings than 1912, In 1907 shows 61 lynchings, one this year, In some of the Sout there were feweiipynchit than in almo pre The decrease 1s attribute the efforts made by g01 prominent citizens to D1 ence, Many of the gove promptly and ener sayent lynchings, with t Pot giving the law for the punisbmen offenders, white or Again, as in the recor: more lynchings 0c Georgia than In any other eiana ant Florida come list. South Carolina, wi nor has gone on record : ed to Jynchings in certain Six cases of summary ex year as against only one 1911. Kentucky, with ings in 1911, had a cleat year, Oklahome is ano with a clean record for twelve months. The figur as, Tennessee, Florida sas show fewer lynching 1911.- In Mississipp , Al Louisiana the number sl ceeded that of last year. The States outside of where lynchings occurre were-West Virginia, Wyo tana, North Dakota and Ca States the record is a8 fol ; Loui iana, 8; Sou 5; Alabama;-4 Texas, 3; Mississippi, see, 1; Wyoming, 1; We 1; Montana, 1; Californi North Dakota 1. In the fifty-two lynchin tims of all but two we Three negresses were incl list, Alleged crimes agai or girls and the murder persons account for pra the cases. A singular feature is fe lynching of the two white of which occurred in the In each casc the victim v of-marder, In the town short distance from Rose Harry Hefter, alleged sla William Merrill, was take gounty jail -by-a crowd men and hanged, despite tt the sheriff and his d puty ond lynching occurred at D., where George Baker, cl the murder of his wife an law, was taken. from tt hanged by a mob. The ly the first recorded in No in more than a decade. The Tynching in Wyomi of the most sensational o Frank Wigfall, a negro W ed to having made a crim on Mrs. Esther Higgins, a man known as the prison was lynched by the conv State Penitentiary at Raw In the West Virginia 13 yictim was Walter Johnsts Horse Repo: Single and doubl of all descriptions or hire. ai Horse or Aj Of,?he, twenty- the News? daily ave ered to city subscrit advertisers in the 1 when you have som igppres estate or ai seaches every addition to we merage a daily jac yos and vi inv :in Med: Di -torget-e over if hundre Total circulation fo: Average daily Total circulation fo Average daily Present daily outpu
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Image 1246 (1912-12-28), from microfilm reel 1246, (CU1740342). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.