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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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CLOSED New Williams aries Machine Won by Mis. Ferguson, Bridge St. nst the In- ric of P saree land, taxi cab. dri for a fight against as d in the price to them, Petrol ly during the last CUTLERY, SKATES and HOCKEY STICKS AT POPULAR PRICES An. Entrancing Portal It fs Entered on the Wings of Faincy king ofA lttle re- it After Marston's: last as- he employers have 5 sertion THE oe Eo Anderson Plumbing Co. 4 HARDWARE... HEATING ce the Increase BD- fon agreement of permitted pro- e in the price of if the trade prices * cent. The men's at the fact that Imost 70 per cent. ne award invalid. seven thousand n London, and the e fund has already URSIONS DEC 1-31, 1912 GOVERNMENS. in Duluth the peo- oted overwhelming- rr Gh 61.2 Corresponding low rates to points in Ontario, Quebec and Maritime Provinces. Tickets on sale December Ist to 31st inclusive... Good to. return within: 3 months. oS SS oaks to Toronto with it the initia ALN : Return and recall. The 4 , x trade unions were curing the adoption of city government. Looe fondly Co if pot sat ee Daa cad i lis ie Medicine Hat to Montreal Return vices from officials vork of the Panama ction force was the: ory of the Canal at mber. There were ork, of them 5,816 tizens...Qm the con- ock-gates; 4,000 men a ll iii Tickets issued in connection with Trans-Atlan- tic Trips on sale Nov. 7th to Dee, 31st inclusive, and limited to five months from date of issue, with privileges of extension. 5 Finest equipment, Standard and Tourist Sleep- ing Cars, Dining Cars on all through trains. Com- partment-Library. Observation cars on Imper- E ial Limited and Toronto Express. SPECIAL THROUGH TOURIST CAR SERV- ICE in connection with these excursions. For dates of departure and reservations apply to local agent. Tickets via all TransAtlantic Steamship Lines. ie For full information, rail and steamship tickets, apply-to L.A.Dobbin, Ticket Agent, Phone 201, Medicine Hat, or write to ms - IR. G. Mi ILUE, District Pass Agent, Calgary, Alta. omen hodcarriera. pBank Block to 397 Toronto St., to E. D, Bennett Co. : Cae i i of Building Materi Lath,, Cente Plaster, E inish and Yard, North Railway. Street. : , 3 LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS pce x he went onto bis room to it tad evidently pase ids of a number of carriers,.each one of whom recom- mended'a vew try. Marston had 00 sisters, aunts or cotisins who were named Virginia, and there was no reason why be shoald Bot mend the fetter on for another try. He threw It back on the table, put on his evening clothes and was go- ing out to bis club to dine when be noticed the. letter and, taking It ap, Jooked at t again, If it were banded back to the carrier it would eventually Bod Its way to the dead letter office to be opened by a clerk: If it were for any relative of bis. why wouldn't It be better that Its contents should be ex- posed to Marston than to a stranger? In any event, be could write. on it Opened. by mintake by Joba D. Mars- ton. He felt of t, and there was something stiff ke pasteboard in it Taking out bis penknife, be silt the eu yelone and withdrew tetter aod Photograph. ge The ikeness was that of a vr pleasant woking old iady. tastefully dressed and with a couple of putts of MARSTON WAS USHERED INTO THE DRAW- Na BOOM, grizzly gray balr on each temple: Marston felt-at lberty to gaze ob it, but not to read the letter, so-trom the picture be turned to the subscription: The letter was signed Your grateful friend, Sarah Sherwood. Marston was satisfed to have open- ed the letter. There was something so pleasing in the Inds s face that be felt assured she would not blame him for doing so. Virginia had evidently been kind to her. He wondered.what Vir- ginla looked Hike. in fact, be wonder Hked to know what the old to feel grateful for. tograph th. the nrejope and, after or- Geriog bis dinner at hls clab, sat down table ib the writ bo story. But be was impelled to Id not have helped see- the photoxraph-which be presumed fear of being blamed for the course be had taken with regard to ite return. Now, in the Orst place, letter trom stranger written from a prominent club bas stending. Club membere most pass the ordesi-of an election and Are aupposed to have some social pos - lon) tn the second place, a letter from iG act. E Sberwood's features. vo did Miss Mar retain tt. Mrs, Sherwood waited 2 * befef note from Mise bot Marston) thank. turn of the letter to i Marston my to comm days he Virginia Mat ing nim for the pender. ped out tle Un. exfiress re at Mr. Marston's Appreciation of the dearest old indy ta the world. Here were paths igading to acquaintance witb nn elderly iady of Pleasing appearhore und youbg iady Up9o whom Mf Burston's (maxination Deeb to play tke heat mer night, That. se ent in ber vote: well, abe might Ap 4 Ughted pumpkin supposition did vot fancy excited Im Mr. baving been recety- sender and the re being warmed by imagination. and onre born be usually becomes vigorous. He bat straw, but i: be will. pull bimsetf fooking for Sorely the latter was enpecially jnat what be did not wish. Tbe truth iste tido't know what be wired Per haps It was the Instinct of the ponte an thet was intcencing nim. At any rate, Ae Gnally took the risk of breaking the notional bonds that and wrote another Stepping be exprenned a curlonity to shy in ber tetter to Miss Martin al bad signed berself your grateful friend. He wai aware that request. was trespasm ing on ground forbidden to nit. stranger, Butth axcited in him by, seeing Afra, Sher woods plctares which gave the 1a- dreasion that kindlinesn war to ne ex- dected from her rther than that sbe should receive kitidness. This letter of Marston's placed: the matter in the popition of an eplende, an adveuture call it what sou wili ind its develofiment deyended upon thie fliture courm of the Woman con- serned Mra: Sherwood wrote in a cesponisive vein that abe tind received so facts of Rindpess from Vir zinin that itsgould be impossible for aer to single olt any one for expecial mention. Indeed. sbe gave Mr. Mi ton the Impression that Miss Martio was an angel. ba To this Marston replied that young fadies who could elicit such encomlams trom elderly persons were rare and their acquaintante was-desirable He regretted that be bad no better claim to make Migs Martio s acquaintance than the return of;a misdirected .iet- ter. He didn't sander the circu stances feel warranted In asking per- mission to call upon Miss Martin, but, be would: feel grateful to Mra. Sher- wood If she would permit kin to pay dis respects to Ber sinee- sirous of meeting one of whom Miss Martio had referred to as the deurest 21d Indy In the world. When Mr. Marston opened the reply to this note he took ont a photograph of a girl whose expression. was de- lightfully feminine, One would know apon lonking on ber featnres that any nice old lady would speak kindly of her. Mrs. Sherwood wrote thatuunde- Known to Virginia she nid sent this photograph that he might the better Jetermine whether it was worth vis hile to make the young Iady s ac- qoaintance, requesting bim to return it. she having perf et eontidence trom bis belng member-af the W club and from the few words he bad writ- ten her that she ra no-risk whatever Im doing so. i Mr Marston's andition was ike that of grate fre in whicb kindling food has been snapping. Now a bright cont. He began for retaining Ii few days be wrote xpressing bis thanks for the loan and bis admiration of the picture and a: td bow jong he might be permitted to week before replying, then said that she would leave the time of its retura to his own inclination, To this be re- piled that om the foll6wing Wednesday Svening he would do bimeeif the bunor to pay bis respects to Mrs. Sherwood nd would bring the pbotograpn with made an appointment, Sherwood; to call on Miss Martin and the following evening was ito a drawing room dimiy and violet jamps and first time, dressed 1p per becoming costdin , Virginia. Thus the citadel itielt was captured, or, rather, citadel captured oF was John Marston made a prisoner? One afternoon a month after Mare fon ted utood before bis friend's side board be stood there arzain. I bear, John, said Taylor, that you are going to miirry. 1 am about to enter into paradise. I thought you considered marriage more iike the other plac It may be, but the doors are jew sled and the Interior 1s concealed by profusion of fow rs. The entering is worth a century of matrimonial mis ery. Ae kindness. Within a tew OME Ne? 27. Everything is. Hr reacMes for the weltome to President-elect Wilson late tonight to be the guest of his native town on the occasion of his fifty-sixth birth- day anaiversary tomorrdw. The Pre- sident will spend the night im the little Presbyterign' parsonage where she was born Dec. 28, 1856 Tomorraw he will be formally welcomed by Mayor May and other Jeading repre- sentatives of the ctty. Thers will be HER 3 a dream, tm t it? on bet a variety of ceremonies during the day, but in deference to the expressed wish of the distinguished visitor the program will be as informal as pos- sible, The President-elect says he desirey to meet the people of his na- ty n wWPMout formality. The ai iments committee expects 10,- 000 Visitors here for the demonstfa. tion, ace your orders now for the * Interest bad been p DAILY NEWS. SCIENTISTS MEET IN WASHING. TON. Washington, Di C., Dec. 27. Phil- ologiats and archgeologists trom Nearly all the leadimg institutions of learning in the United: States, as well as from some of the Canadian and Buropean universities, met in this city today to delye sito the bistorical development of and to gain knowledge tirou, exchange of hyyothes y debatable The--sctentists. American Phil- of the Arch America, which ings today Pot the National meeting of the Society of Biblical Biteratiire is be- ing held in cdnjunetion with the oth- er sclentifie: bodies. One of the lead- ing features of the gat will be reception for visitors at the, home of Ambassador Bryce, who is him- self an ardent student of Arhacology, ae Fire today destroyed the Pottawa- largest Prevention iS CHEAPER THAN Cure SO FILL YOUR RADIATOR WITH ALASKA The Only Genuine Anti-Freeze Provincial Auto Co y 188 MONTREAL ST. SE On an average paid-up favourable showing. (Montreal) and St. Jovite. Mr. Charles M. Hays, whose Hodgson, in retirement, These vacancies on and F. Howard Wilson. e -the-Autumn, when the -vie' you for your assent. also be submitted to you, the past summer, accompanied and the:staff. knowledge of being capably handled. We have mugh pleasure Premium on New Stock The balance brought. forward 30th November, 1911, was... Maiing-a-total of .,. interest Deposits terest bearing: in- Banks in Canada... 783 ed Britain . States and elsewhere Dividend No, 101 ... Dividends unclaimed 2. To the Stockholders. Capital paid up. It was report of the Directors nx wblted, ig, maklog. the ot a Ghote you will all agtee: with we for the yer i teler than oF ey tine rho clever they may da th that oue General Manaege hae ae ive travelled bpeautifal weather. We tr in twenty si day, sod be went over the with the pro of affairs. Indeed iy iy-law No. VE, Providi In reply to would cover five mont rind ae Sir H. Montagu AMlan, Ke W. Bisckwell, dent and Board of Directors the Cetera Mana News big handsomely flustrated In- dustrial number. Over sixty pages. eck ta eobasqoent ot Preside and Vic The President then read the I beg to submit the Annual Report of the Directors aud the Profit and Loss of the Bank covering operations for the past twelve months. 2 Adding the balance brought forward trom been dealt with as follows: Dividend of 10 on the paid-up Capital, 649,00 ses, 100,000; contributed to the Ocicers Pension Fand, enabling us to carry forward 148,718.27 in the Proftt and im the year, our valued colleague, Mr. onathan, Hodgson has served on the Board of this Bank for'over thirty-five years, and Mis adyi councils was very highly esteemed. During the last ten years he was our Vice-President: ay. enjoy Many years yet of health and happiness, cc Your Directors and the General Manager have had under consideration for sbmie visability of asking your permilssion to change the termination of the 5 vember to the 80th April, as the general conditions in this country, In Another ByeLaw increasing the amount of the Directors r muneration to 25,000 per Supplementing tals report, I would lke to say I visited most of the Wesi rn Branches additional information bearing, upon our business and met a great of 10 per cent. per annum 151,902.63 Dividend No. 99, at the rate Ms es of 10 per cent. per num 162,685.12 Dividend No. 100, at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum. .. 66,530.50 Dividend No. 101, at the 5 0,760,00 rate of 10 per cent. per afmum. 22... (167,886.28 5 649,004. from Transferred to Reserve Fund from Pro- ae Ss aa and Loss Account... . 450,000. Balance, 80th November, 1911... Transferred from Profit and Loss Premium on New Stock .. Average Paid-up Capital during year ending 0th November, 1912, 6,498,332, Statement of Liabilities and Assets at + 17,340,321.41 44,322,560.99 Boe. Balances due to Agents in /Great Balances dye to-Agenta in the United 8;747,680.00 then moved by the President the President auld ere ix very little that can be done by them except proved himeett not only on this occasion but on Fatlogs 0 Sy to: your interests. T have great plesmare 10. tasti the West thie Summer, ihe Vice-President, Mr led at comfortat everywhere that the enthoslanm ax tremehiooe, and that al wate profoundly topes with: the of tthe, aad rity of the Back, Rod tbat all were entinay devoted to the Interests of iNe Bink, whlch was A very extlaactony The Oral Mae MF den, mae fo atin art ote ep al th bom 6 te. ak Niclas Popa sie ac eae i ee Wed MOSER awe wy be Fm ara 8 ent ete ui hee ed hi ay beep w No. IIL Tnerrastne the number of directors to twelve, n ES tee So EAT a es i See ty he mn ant he Vleet ld ttf and then the regular armual. statements, mo oe in Aires ek Pritt Sat Oe tne andra, ll ew ct Dawes, , Howard Wileon, Parqubar Robertson, 0 On motion of Mr, C. R. Black, seconded by Mr. It was also moved and seconded by the same gentlemen thet an axpremion of mann appreciation and the eal Paseed wrantmously. Oy Se, carrie: Be Seti Toe President then declared the meeting. clomd. meeting of Dircotors, which followed immetiately after, Sir Allan, 7k we hich Montag fl Mr, KW, Racket wer THE DIRECTOR REPORT, annual report of the Directors as follows: 498,382, there has been earned year, there is still 1,397,722.80 to. be, Capital of 50,000, and added. to Loss Account, . Your Our Reserve Fund this year has been further augmented by the premium at 175) amounting to 560,760, dringing it up to 6,410,760, or a fraction over 95 of ' uring the past year we have opened offices at the following points, viz: 4, In Alberta: Delburne, Alberta Avenue (Edmonton), Hanna, Hughenden, Saskatchewan: Battleford; in Ontario: Brantford, Guelph, and Walkerville; in We have nut closed any agencies, All the offices of the Bank have been During the year We have lost two of our esteemed Directors, one by d ath death we greatly deplored and whose. loss was jodgson, resigned, on account of ad Board have been filied by the appointment of Messrs, And os financtal from the Spring ere Rot 80 pressure on the resources of Canadian Banks is at its height. With an amendment-to-the By-Law will-be submittod for your cofisideration, changing the. ancisl year to the 30th April, and changing the date of the Antiual Meeting from the third in the mohth: of Decemb r to the third Wednesday in the month of May. f a The Board of Directors of the Bank has hitherto-cons sted of nine members, and we to ask you to ineteaise the number to twelve, The necessary change in the By-Law will be : by the Vice-President and Mr, Long, where we acquired a great many of the customers of the I may say-that the trip was full of instruction and we returned with very iad acquaintance with your extensive interests in the West than we have bad he: think we are safe in saying that the business of the Bank Js on ghi 7 We were impressed with the fact that the Bank 1s well represented at all points, ant the. he und basis in testifying tothe continued excellent work of the staff in recognit Whtch;-ad in yiew of the satisfactory results of the business for the- past and sentations of the General Manager, the Bo om tie Sieuerto and have granted a bonus to the staff. AN of which 1 respectfully submitted, Statement of the Result of the Business of the Bank for tae Year ending 3oth November, 1912, The Net Profits of the year, after pay- ment of charges, rebate on. dis- counts, interest on deposits, and making full provision for bad and doubtful debts, have amounted to: 1,338,844.62 d have decided to depart from the policy itherto BH. MONTAGU. ALLAN, President oll This hag been disposed of as follows: Dividend No. 98, at the rate Transferred to Reserve Fund from Pre- mittm-on New Stock..s.... lt;..sc5-- Written off Bank Premises Account... Contribution to Officers Pension Fund. Balance carried forward - Reserve Fund Account: 1,958,482. 30 5,400,000 Account 6,410,760 goth November, 1912. LIABILITIES. ASSETS. 1. To the Public. Geld a and Silver ae hand jotes on Notes in Circulation .. 6,861,496.00 Notes. and Cheques of other Bani Deposits not bearing Balances due to other banks in Canad: Balances due by Banks and the United States. . Call and Short Loans Bonds and Stocks in Agents in ca else Government, Municipal Rail and other Bonds and Debentures. 62,446,479.12 1,051.538.51 + 279,838.49 + dense: 2,526 Cal Current Loans and Discounts (less Re date of Interest reserved) 70,809,749.24 Loans and Discounts overdue s for security of Note Circulation.....41 Reserve Fund . 6,410,760.00 Meeeaere and thks Securitionn tte pap Balance of Profits car- tet eon E ried forward .. 148,718.27 Bank Premises and 13,807,158.27 84,116,907.51 Other Assets .. om :. HEBBEN, General poor sca Sir BH. Me Hid seconded by the Vice Presk Mr. K, h Se Mermabded ene by oe nh Ema ete Ghat thin tea very sib Bcsocy report This statement of the romlt ot the Banks. bam the history of the Bank: 0S Be (wall know that ne mateee who the Board of Dirctors the amintance of the Stal . 1 4 aa we could, bot we had bard wOPkto do, all fnew Of the ant in these places yd mame, We mopped at twenty-one places digetmed, matters with the Manges We found was a very tate electing the following directors: Thomas Lang, Alex. Barnet, F. Orr Lewis, Andrew A. Allan, 0. Ballantyne, Andrew J. 1. Cain, A. BL Bare - A. Plddington, a hearty vote of thanks was pamed to he President, ViewPresi- ee OR ee,
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Image 1251 (1912-12-28), from microfilm reel 1251, (CU1740321). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.