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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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a. gt; ster s ve the skates STORE Y SHOES. helped us e AS. - Pounds during the ten years of its * Panama, Limited, four miles south of ris 3 feted 1 in Dally get the benefit Weekly country circulation. ad ot the No Sharge. Books open to ad- li Dally Average 2825 Coples. VOL. 3 NO. 142 lt; iBe,,, FOOLISHNESS 10 SAY CANADA HAS QVER-BORROWED Debt Has Increased V: Little Compared Wii Her Great Developmantene CANADIAN OITIES British Financial Authori- i 5 Tne, to Protect ame Among Inves- Money Too Easy to : * London, Dec. 26, In the pretace to the annual repdrt of com: panies in which-it is interested, the British Empire seeks to defend Can: ava s good riaine.. Alluding to the leged over-borrowing the report says the truth must be admitted that Can- dian cities have been allowed-in- the Past to borrow too freely and at too low-a rate of interest, thus enicourag ing extravagance. It warms the Bri tish investor to beware of the prom- ises. of huge profits. tram-teal estate and says that promoters-in the past have taken . advantage of Canada s great prosperity and great future to Une thelr own pockets at the expense pf the British public. The statement that Canada herself has overborrow- ed is too foolish to merit discussion, Says the preface. The young coun- try is still in the early stages of de- velopment, full of energy and pros- Derity and its total debt is only in- creased: from 36,000,000 to 50,000,000 Breatest development, but she can Point to the large incteases and sur- Pluses of revenue and can certatnly not be accused of straining her cred- it.. What is more probable is that an excessive amount of capital has. been Taised for her development, FOUR KILLED AT Champaign, Hl. Dec. 26. The four mmembers of the family of Edward H. Miller were killed-early today by be- ing struck by tlie MMlinols Central Champaig . The Millers were: driv- ing home froma Christmas celebra- tion at the home of a neighbor. OBSERVED CHBISTMAS. Hudson, N. Y., Dec. 25, The suf- fragette army en route to Albany did for the first time since the army left New York on Dec. 16, ordered 9 full day's rest for the. observance of Christmas festivities. The c lebra- tion included a skating party, Christmas dinner and tonight was spent at a charity ball where Miss Jones and others will be given an opportunity to make apeeches. To- yaorrow the marchers will go on not march'today. Gen. Rosalie Jones, fe Messenger LEER EEE REED + KING GEORGE 18 : INDISPOSED 0 Dec. 26. In the S Yreolroular last evening, -f fins s name fs omitted ij record of the day's E Sandringham, It 18 is suffering it cla, ae + abe of eke ofe obs fe John J. MeDonald, Late Employee of Provincial Government, Died of Heart Failure. John J. Neneaaiae civil engineer, Well known fent of Medicine Hat, died suddenly this. morning oi failure, The deceased up to few days ago was in the best of. Thealth. He was taken slightly 11 and this morning expired. The deceased has been a resident of Medicine Hat for some six or sev- en years coming here from Glace Bay, N.S, He Was one of the best engineers in the district, and for a long time was assistant city engin- eer and for-a time acted as gineer. In these positions ie . had much to do with the laying ont of the ity, He was the engineer who laid out the Riverside Park. Of late the deceased has been in the employ of the Provincial Govern- ment and was in charge of a large engineering gang carrying on work south of the city. He caiie into the city about a week ago to send in his report of the sumuier s work to the department. The deceased was about 32 years of age and is survived by a father and brothers in Glace Bay to where the remains wiil likely be sent for interment. He was a member of Lethbridge Council Knights of Co EN a enone - DETECTIVES HAVE RED HUMMER MEN Springfield, I., Dec, '25 That they have positively identified Jack Hart nett, of Chicago, and Hlmer Vigus, of Springfield, as the men who held up the C, A, - Red* Hummer, Monday night at Iles, was the claim made tonight by detectives who rigidly examined the suspects at the Holice station where. the prisoners were confronted by Engineer Me- Laughlin, Fir jullivan and Ex: . The railway amen declared also that the men held were the bandits. 'Phey were ar- rested today. Warrants charging burglary were Sworn out against tiem, this being sufficient to hold them. oa Wm Loeb, jr., former seeretary to President Roosevelt, has resigned his 12,000. job as.collector for the port through the snow to Stuyvesant Falls, nine mile Journey. of New York to take a position with the Guggenheims. + PASSENGERS WERE LANDED 08 DESERT ISLAND OFF AFRICA Experience oi Two ought, TT Fren . Hundred People End Had Comer s Marselli s, Deo, cs ihe teamer Indian O eat during a cyclone on November 19) /The passengers, give a thrilling ac- count of the wreck of the; Salaz e, which was proc eding from Diego Su- washed away and the second offiosr perished while trying to rig a floating. anchor, When the storm subsided the passengers were landed on a desert island tn the remaining two boatg: Camps were erected and one of the boats proceeded to Madagascar, bring- ing back ald. Thepassengera were : taken off. SHOULD TREAT MRS, SEDDON -AS MYLIUS Woman Admits She Saw: Her Husband Murder Woman Went to United States. . London, Dec, 26. The deportation from New York of Hdward Mylius, the iibeler of King. George, has aroused interest, although his return is not regarded with gratitude. It is point- ea out that ag. a British subject he would tot have been refused aidinis- sion to Canada. Its: worth noting that among the recent immigrants to the States was. Mrs. Seddon, who -her-husbang, few mont ago, for poisohing Miss Barraw for her money under circumstances of pe- cullarly: cool-blooded manner. Seddon was convicted and Mrs. Seddon ac- quitted. She recently married a man named Cameron and ereated a pain- ful sen ation a few weeks ago by de- claring in the Weekly Despatch how she had seen Seddon giving Miss Barrow her fatal dose of poison. As. this statement was in dir ct contra- diction to her evidence at the trial, the question of prosecuting her for Perjury was discusigd, but she arriv- ed in New York. at the end of last week from Liverpool. CRUISER. WRECKED. St. Pierre, Miquelon, Dec. 25. The crew of the cruiser Aldine, number- ing probably six-men, are believed to, have perished in yesterday's gale. At daybreak yesterday th wreck of the vessel was found on the north: side of the St Pierre road..There was no trace of her crew. The Aldine was a three masted vessel of 112 tons, owned by A. B. Conroy, of Lunen- burg, Nova Scotia, Bigs wound- include ilysthe period up to the proclamation of the ai Ice... Eng- laud, one ofthe great European, po zapcd with the cast expense. tred by the British government for naval movements and this Btiay has .veen officiatly placed at has 100,000. There was no mobilica- fion of troops by land. Exact figures for Belgrade cre Peer reer tests oe OUS CHRISTMAS Atlanta, Dec. 200 patients shot, cu Drused, burned and otherwise Infured were received by the hospitals here today, as a re- sult, of the celebtagion of Christmas with fireworks, pistols and other nolse inal ing devices. None of the in- Juries were serious, according to the hospital authorities, BALKAN WAR HAS COST EUROPE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER DAY Russia Two Million Germany, Italy, Austria and France All Had Heavy Expenses- it+ Combatants Have Paid Heavily in Lives and Treasure e-third of Turkey's Revenue Figures Given With Authentic very hard to get, but the figures aro partly correct. Servia has 300,000 men. Of, these 50,000 men stayed at home for service there. They lost 22,000 killed and wounded. Of these, and the rest Wounded: The Bulgarians sent to the field 200,000 men with 50,000. on the nor- ers not Actuaiy.engagodin-the -war,jthern frontier. They lost in Killed and. wounded 80,000 men and at Kirk-Killisch alone they lost .20,000, The Montenegrins jsentv l the: front. of which 6,500 and 7,000, tributed 120, lost up to 7,000 men. from October 18 until making 6,600,000. her: army eighteen d the outbreak, of the, hex 1,800,000, Sh i fun enough for, 3 montis Jager wi Her mobiti another 2,160,000. Greece has jiiiG) out. 3,660,000 up to the time of witt ing, that Js . about 60,000 a day. Moritenegro spent 10,009 per day end sho bas fought for fifty-five days, bringing her expenses up to total ot 560,000, all of which was supplied by-Russix-and ttaly- Servia has captured, according to official information, 308. cannon, 213.- 000 rifles of various types, hundreds of quick firing guns, 42,000,000 ca: ridges and 110 wagons: Ammiun- ition and all the rest of the property is In good shape. Servia gave Bul- garia 6,000,000 for war expgnses, he- sides much ammunition and the uni- forms foR80,000 nen. Xustela s Expense, At present Austfla-Hungary's daily expenses for hari rmy are calctilated fat about 206,000 and those of the Navy 60,000. The, totaP daily ox- penses are estimate at about 26 lias now been forsninety days, therefore total mifiitary and naval ex- fo-date have been about 23.- be The loss in wages and in- ustrial profits is more difficdl towompute, but high financial auth- ities in Vienna put it at 15,900,- 600. Italy s army being already on a war following the Tripoli cam-. . her military expenses, owing to the Balkan. situation is far less than it otherwise would be. The as for the purchase EWS DAILY EDITION ALA BAND CoA, By TELEGRAPHIC SRRVIOR oe ae Dec. 25.5 now oF the +f here today fs floated down +) e from the sky to the here candy, ere had for yor Rolph Fa set oe 0. for - Civie is to be The burgesseg will be asked tombr- row Friday to Vote on seven by- Jaws which will be presented to them for approval: There, are five money other by-laws granting concessions to. manufactur - ers to locate hore, The money total up close to 180,000, one Of the largest. anaes submitted fo the burgesses during the year ou side of the water byelaw, and a good large vote of the people is expetted. The bye-laws are: 35,000 and 30,000. Two rai for parks. 1 28,000. eLwo- for the: purchase of land for indus- trial purposes. 640 acres in all. 15,000 for widening: gind improving ity streets. 20,000 for spur tracks. The three. industrial by-laws: Granting. eoncessions to Geo. Still- man to erect a grain bin factory fhere, Mr. Stillman. has almost com- pleted the erection of his: plant. Granting concessions:to the Al- berta and Saskatchewan straw paper board factory. Granting concessions: to: the Medi- ine Hat Pump and Brass Co. The latter two plants are also well under way. DYNAMITED: STREET TAFT PASSED AT PANAMA Panama, Dec. 26- Fitteen min- utes after Presidemt Taft had passed on his way to the ball in his honor, last night, ut the na- tional theater, n Kioska, near the station on Central Avenue, the prineipal street of the town, was blogyn up with dynamite while the street was still lined with po- Hee. One man was badly injured. Several arrests were made, The mayor and the republican com- mittee hurried from: the ball to the scene of the dynamiting. QUARREL Over Union s Auto Led. te Chicago Il, Dee. 26. -James Con- way, an official of the United Steain' Fitters and Helpers lo al No. 520 was shot and killed today-by Thos. Freer secretary: of the organization. A quarr l growing out of an-election of Officers held a week ago which led to a dispute over the possession of an automobile owned by the union + the attorneys for the defendan Murder of One Offic -fexctater POH i R 26, 1912 PRICE, FIVE CENTS Dentist Pulled J. P. s Poth and His for sou for Wife s s Laundry Tady. Mr. Morgan wan In a entiet's Bhate P it waa reiated, suffering consides- able: is, ok elise oe Eee dentist was tolling Me financier the case of his wife's naneeWwonh Was one of the worst instances of destitution he ever knew Her-buaband died and Teft her thirteen children, only five of them being large enough to work, he sald, and while keeping on with his dental work he continued the hard luck: narrative in detall. Mr. Morgan left alter. the opera- or 28 without comment, but the next day the dentist received a letter which 1s quoted as follows: Dear Doctor You hurt me like the devil yesterday, but your vivid story about the widow. and her thir teen children helped some. Enclosed find my check for 10,000, which Please turn over to the: washerwo- man and tell her that she'was x fool to ever haye had thirteen children. WHITE CHRISTMAS . IN NEW ENGLAND Boston, a 26. A blanket of snow rahging from two feet ia the south, to scarcely a trace in the noftl, made Christmas in New England foday a white one for the first-time in three years: Tie weather, however, Was a repetition of the Indian summer con- ditions which prevailed last year, for ft was clear, calm and warm throngh- out the day. On Nantucket island the natives Spent the day in digging out from un- der a thick blanket of snow, meee fell in esterday s storm, and in an endeavor to re-establish communtca- tall averaged more than two feet and the telegraph and. telephone wires were Interrupted and all. roads were blocked. FLETCHER Prominent Presbyterian Divine Died in Hospital BpHewings Op Operation.; Li. Hamilton, Dee. 25 Rey. Donald Hugh Fletcher, one of the best known Presbyterian soinisters in Canada, died this evening, following an opera- tion at the city hospital. He was sighty years of age, -and-for forty years was pastor of McNab street Presbyterian church of this city. Dr. Fletcher is survived by his wife, one son, Hugh M., and a daughter, Mrs. P, J..Montague; Win- nipeg. GOT MONEY BACK - FROM SOCIETY iiss, bec MET aceounta ap in terest of ail fraternal organizations were disposed of by Mr./Justice Bon- neat, when Joshua Snyder was awar. ded 799.66 in a suit entered against the Royal Guardians. The amount figuring in the award represents the total of monthly assessments paid in- to the treasury of the organization by. the plaintiff since a certain restric- tive enactment regarding the quantity for the membership was adopted by Mr. Snyder, who has been 2 member of the orgauization for upwards of a quartbr-of a century, ed: into the after joining. Later an amendment to the constitution was passed where- by those engaged in such traffic were miberahlp, SERIOUS FIRE IN MINOT, N, D. Minot, N, Dak., Dec. 26. The entire business and manufacturing district of Minot was threatened with destruc- tion Iast-siight by a fire which de- stroyed the building of the Minot Foundsy Cofapany, while the city was (Contintted on page 4.) * pene pee He ae with, hor: propeller the island and mainiand. The snow i port ee retail traffic in Mquor a few years , eh aibeitalynyhy AUSTRIA SEES PEACE voice * London, Dec. 26. A St +f Petorsourg despatch to the . Dally Mail ways: According to reliable information Aus lt;-s - trla, has decided to. discontin- x ue her military /ADRIANOPLE IS STILL THE BONE OF CONTENTION Forioy Pr Pre to Hoiti set Ne ii? Demands aed M um Offers are Now Ready to Form Basis of 7) Ait Handa Taken Ashore Negotiation. Cargo of Bananas be Saved No Great Hard- ships. Borne. New York, Dee. 25. The fifty-seven Passengers and eighteen of the crew Of the Fruit Cornpany s: Steamship Turrial Ba, ashore sinco morning at Brigantine shoals, nine miles north of Atlantic Oity, arrived here tonight on board the United States revenue cutter Seneoa. The cutter stood by the stranded vessel all last night and - at nive o'clock: this morning the passengers and part of the crew, the baggage and mail, were safely transferrdd and the Seneca started on her journey to this port. The sea was smooth and the weather fair when the transfer was made, and the passengers ex- perienced little diseomfort. A Christutas dinner was provided by the officers of the fers t was not as bad as you thought it was, vouchsafed an elderly man, as he stepped forth among the reson ed passengers from the gangplank to- aight. We had plenty: to cat and drink on board. Beardly: ni licndted elatinng and friends of the passengers were ywait- ing at the pie, for wireless messages during the day: According to reports. brought here, the Turrial Ba lies Dec. 26. The possession kish fortress of Adrianople peace delegates when they again in St. James Palace-o urday, and a definite basis ing will have been. forma Tf the Turks are ucee taining Adrianople,. thes less consent -to.. limit Barinnopie Vsouthward a Tailroad to Enos-on the Aegean Se thus leaving Dardanelles straits in their hands, ts Diplomatic cir les here cons there is certain-to be gradual. proximation of the excessive terms put forward by the Balkan allies and. the Turks yand when-thab stage has once: been reached third parties may have chance. to intervene in order. to reconcile the;remaining differences between the adversaries. LOST IN QUICKSAND fer int With good weather, the will be saved, it is expected, though her cargo of bananas may have to be tossed overboard. E T REILLY WAS MURDERED Beaverton, Ont, Dec. 26. Under the circumstances point to murd the dead body of Ernest Reilly was found near the water tank at the G T. R. station here this morning. Refl- ly was a well-known character around town and as Beaverton is under locat option, with a number of companions he spent the day fn Lindsay. The party Feturned Home in the evening, arriving on the G/T-R apout 8:45. A deep gash was found over the left eye, Several bruises about-the head and one arm and-wrist were broken. Reilly was minus his coat and hat. His shirt w2s torn into ribbons at the pockets of his clothes wer taj od -inside--ont An-inquest 15 tg be opened by Dr. McLean of Oril- lia, on Friday mofnin cue of Henry Luke, the truckman who was swallowed up Inthe quick saga Tuesday afternoon has alm been abandoned. Mine resoue British steamer the Oceanic gollided in Delay The boy has the ee where in our crow Only in the malodorous a the ways and the crowded streets. Tf he plays be a highway, it is a crime; if he plays at or shimmy, is liable to arrest. When his playmates detail him to lay kiggy for the op while his companions the hasp off a basement door, he welcomes if- lay, not as a crime. If booty Has been eas: polly obtained anid he has had enough ont of it him a moying pe show; there is little. h hes te Epreak ad enter. tis all so insi ious, often he has become a criminal without know The above is from an article in a paper of a Big. city that is now experiencing what Medicine Hat - will experience unless those who have'the control 4 of affairs, the voters of today, will look into the future and vote, not for today, but for twenty from today. The worst feature of the arti- cle is that it is horribly true. It is strange that most cities. have their parks where they ant least needed in the sonienatls residential tions. New York would today pay ten million dollars for patks situated in the same relation to that city as the two to be voted on to- morrow: ar gituated in elation to Medicine Hat s business centke. There is more real gospel in Hasting ballot for a play ground for the toilers thm there isin all your pi rs or moral preachings. Come out and vote for the parks tomorrow and remember that it s not the votes against, but the votes that are not vast for a by-law that often defeats it. 4s said to have caused the shooting. (ire eet on ee Oe he ole oe be oe debe ote oe oe ee eee is ea mated at 15,000. Insurance + + ounts to 00. The principal wa- FRVLA. eRRPS z main of the city broke early - READY FOR WAR + ednesday morningyand the city has ie deen. without water ever since. The Sofia, Dec. 26-King Fer- Blaze had a good: start when the fire 4 dinond, today addressed an or- -f department arrived on the scene and +h) der to the army, exhorting it the firemen: wore helpless. toa strict cbmpliance with + SE RIOT: SLY ILL. + the sanitary and other meas- +f (one * ures framed to keep the army *f) Toronto, Dec. 26 Rev. Dr.-. Par- +f at thh highest state of effic el sons, pastor Emeritus of Knox Pres- oh iency. pyterian cbtirch, who has been ill for th: some time; ts growing weafer and Hecke BeBe be ob ob fe he oh de doaih may come any moment. einteinieint
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Image 1229 (1912-12-26), from microfilm reel 1229, (CU1740330). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.