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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Moot Fa ae Fee eZ Sik. SSS jaw im April last, was polled yes- Jwhen the voters passed nine) snacks and at which were presented to considered an eyesore to the. city being visible to all incoming trains. Sof the . by-laws were fof The other park js farther on at eessions to mantifac- end of the annex. Toate their plants here. plants are already under om and will'soon be ready ;, the manufacturers taking Wor granted that their by-laws Improving meet with the approval of the and as soon as their agreement Industrial the Council was concluded they for approval. he other six by-laws were money ws, fwo' of them were for the Straw Paper of 640 actes' of land south , the city for industrial and muni i- Pump and purposes. One'was for the laying spur tracks to the different fac- 35,000 park.123 21 ci See A grosk eal of trsck is al ready Inid. 1500 for grading, widen- 50,000 Ind. and improking streets, the street question being the McLeod trail. The other two by-la' Cement Products Industry Signed gether make *a total available 1,958,482.60. The above amount was disposed of aggregating 649,004.53; 569,760 and 450,000 re- spectively transferred to reserve fund; 109,000 written off Bank premises account and 50,000. contributed to officers pension fand. The balance 148,718.27, earried forward to following year, complete the disposi- tion of the net profits. * 4 The reserve 6,410,760 or paid-up capital. bank is strongest. The with its recently added capital commands resources of nearly eightyy five million dollars, has establi connections with the leading business. centres of the West as well as of the and serves all classes of it being mentioned that hree millions of advances over ten millions i cern. capital i thgir:pachinery. age paid-up capital. RAILWAY, THROUGH SOUTHERN ALBERTA Do toxthe Old Senate Sttastieas Wanted, Help Wanted. For Sie Lost, Found, otc., ads under these headings, 26 words, one day words, three days 25 words, vix daya Additioval woras* at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents, Cash must accompahy the order, our ad to No, 18 ring 2, and ive attention. (BELL SONS REAL ESTATE BROKERS North Railway St. Opposite crossing on Main St. SPECIALS TODAY NORTH HALF OF : BLOCK 29 in Bending. 400 per lot. Usual terms. 450 corners. The Can- Railway Com- iy watipmbply to parliament to build a Aiverta, through Cardston topPincher Creek, BALKIN ALLIES REFUSE PROPOSALS BY TURKEY (Continued from one one) Offielal Report. The official story of the sixth ses peace conference issied adjournment rather warn megting ofp tiie. Con servative Association laat night, By A. Lancaster declared that the coun* ty patronage was bis and Rot the any speaking . of Borden's naval policy te sald if the senate killed the bill, Borden would attempt an amendment of the British North America Act to aboush the upper house or make it an weetive body. North South West Jt has come to be a common expres- sion among careful housewives that Royal Household Flour is the secret to better baking Ask Your Grocer cout TO, RENT A furbished, warm, in a fully e house, seven minutes walk tolls: aftice, G32 Bracmar st 34S3 ROOM TO RENT LARGE FRONT bedroom Avenue, East sociation s. BELY WANTED, EXPERIENCED BOOK: sstenographer. WANTE 0. Box SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL Vancouver real. estate. Salary commission, Georgia Real Estate Company, 515 Pender St., West, Vancouver. WANTED MAID - FOR GENERAL Apply Mrs. Chas. Pratt, a6 AND: CHAMBER: maids wanted. Apply at onee to man- sete Cen Dea 'WANTED EXPBRIENCED HOUSE- maid, Apply 139 Braemar St. phone 604. Girls Get; Twe: Families y jons of An- liately after Marry References cithe Turkish delecates ae Dre 1 sented their counter pro thi saithine to be Sp city ie delezates of the Balkan allies mado riage markets for the English aris The wedding of pretty Olive May, one of the cleverest dancers in to Lord Victor William Paget, brother of and heir presump- tive to the Marquis of Anglesey formally announced for the early new their observations was adjourned until Monday. The proposals Ottoman delecates were: First Provinoe of Adrianople. + remain under the direct administra - tion of Turkey Second Macedoni ed into a principality with Saloniki jas its capital. The principality to be under the suzerainty of the Sultan .of Tarkey, but governed by a prince: chosen by the Balkan allies and nom- inated by the Sultan of Tarkey gt;-This prince to be a. Poteet re froma neutral state, Thin Albania to be autonomous under the sovereignty of the Sultan And governed by a prince of Imperial Ottoman family, who is to be chosen for five years with the pos- i ren wal of his and the meeting house wor 639 Main. St, presented by WAITRESSES London, AIT jedicine Hat .14 is to be covert This engagement first reported last February, has been several times de- nies but now is definitely nxed. May,by this marriage will be allied to the Duke of Rutland s fam- jly through the newly married Mar- chioness of Anglesey, who was Lady Manners, HERALD Block 16, Lots 37 and 38, 1550. Usual terms. MAID WANTED APPLY HOSPI- WANTED GOOD GENERAL SER vant. Apply to Mrs. James Turpin, Jr:, 627 Main St. my aad, HIGHLAND ST. Block -1, Central Park, lot, 2800, also other lots for salg. See us. Marjorie duchess daughter. Another gaiety marriage is that) of Grace Dundas Slater, of The Sun- chorus to Charles) Ed- ward Thynne Eaton, a hussar officer who a week igo inherited a estate in Rutland. Captain Jaton. belongs to an ancient family and, bride is the danghter of prominent leading vaudeville manager. The wedding took place, on Christ mas day. MESSAGE 10 BROOKS SAVED A BOY'S LIFE * LONDON AND EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM Apply Jim's Cafe. shine, Girl WANTED MAN TO LOOK AFTER gas furnace and clean office, Apply by letter to box 642 city. COUSINS SISSONS Block 22, Lots 25 and 26, 1155. ity, of a pointment. Fourth Au the islands Aegean.Sea to remain Turkish. Fifth Thati ques cided by the Gonference as it is between Turkey and the an. powers. ese terms do not form even the asig for frimous outery of the peace en- voys of the allied Balkan nations to- day after Rechad Pasha, the Turkish delegate, had read the-reply he had received from Constantinople to his. request for instructions. The sitting of the sonference today assumed quite a different aspect from that. of its last) meeting at i the Servian envoy read the terms of, by the allies. while Rechad Pasha was engaged in reading the Turkish propositions the could not refrain from manifesting their astonishment, and indignation. by: means of gestures and expressive'exclamations. THE MARKET REPORTS 28. There was fairly active market today and prices spite of lower cables. flax a little firmer. There was a fair cash demand,for all grades from number down, with offerings liberal. Receipts were moderate with 668 cars inspected and 910 in sight. Cables: elosed: lower; Paris, to 4 lower; Berlin, 1 up; Budapesth, 2 up, werp lower. WANTED WOMAN TO LOOK AF- ter chambers, rooms, Apply b,: let- ter to box. 642 city. WANTBD DINING ROOM. GIRLS Apply Royal -Hotel. eae See WANTED MEN TO LEARN: BAR- ber trade; lght weeks completes; situation furnished; tools free; won- derful demand for barbers. Write for our new, free. illustrated catalogue. Moler College, 604a Centre St., Cal- Also Block 13, 4 pairs at 1600: not to be de- per pair, matter REDCLIFF Block 51, 50 Tt. between school and depot. Block M. Broad- Snap: 900. ee 25 feet opposite hotel uext to pool room, 1800. Block 48, 25 feet near school, We make a special study of Redcliff Property. FAIR VIEW 200x100 ft. corners for Good terms. New Industries Also Ratify Six Money By-laws few Parks and New Industrial Sites Provided. WAS VISITING 1 DRANK BOTTLE OF DOPE. Biggest vote of the year, with more parks for the city. Both are e jon of the street railway to the south of the business section. One is the side hill of High School This part is built up with the present time is WANTED PANTRY GIRL. APPLY Cosmopolitan Hotel. (W. A. P. Dispatch) London. Dec. 28 A forty minute, reply to a telegram sent from Lon- don to Brooks, Al erta, over the Can- adian Pacitic saved the iife of a four year old boy visiting in the home of M, J. Kemmy, 209. Hyman Street. Jad came from Brooks some days ago and had a cough for which medicine had been purchased before the west. * The child took the bottle and drank it all, b ing Smimediately taken vio- J lently il. WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to Mrs. W. G. Lynch, 603 Main St. Today even Balkan delegates 3 in delegat BRICKLAYERS WANTED-ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job. Telephone 787, Stewart Co., ACREAGE We' have the choleest to offer around the city. The results of the voting: Bylaw. Ward 1-2 Ward 3-4 Total Job Office, Limited. leaving Canadian it. Agn'st. Agn st. We Have a House and Shack On Bridge St, 400. handles, Also one on Queen St, handles. SITUATIONS WANTED, atrects The doctor knew nothing of the. medicine and did not know what was best to save the boy who seemed to be in a dying con- DISENGAGED P. O. box Winnipeg, Dee. STENOGRAPHER, requires position. Apply Stillman im- held: firm in Oats are steady; See our House list. SITUATION aged woman wants to do light house ing from January Ist. kson B. Brown, Red- A telegram was rushed to the drug- MIDDLE- gist in the Western town and in for- ty minutes th reply was, back - The proper medicine was given and the child fs recovering. THREATEN ST. PAUL'S: BY MAKING SUBWAY London, Dec. 28 The question the stability of St. Paul's Cathedral which has agitated the minds of Lon- doners for many years, has been,re- opened by -a proposal, which is car- Hied out, will be according to Mervin the architect of the ca- fliedral, the most serious peril that fas: ever threatened Wren s magnifi- cent stcucture. Phe London council in face of the reported warning, las pushed ward a scheme, industry 185 6 three northern HERALD Black 10, Lots 5 and 6, Toronto ual terms. work and c Apply: Mrs. Di cliff, Alta. Brass ind. 18,000 park.126 17 Liverpool, + to -+ CENTRAL PARK shea Block 28, 50 ft, for. 1260. and Ant- TO RENT GARAGE TORENT, 4 518 Ottawa St, , Apply Phone 556 439-6 30,000 Ind. Per month. Oakes Gerard Co. WANTED TO RENT 2815 150 36 WINNIPEG GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Wheat Dee., opened 82; closed 61; May, 858, 86; July, 87 , 873. Oats Dec., 100 FOOT CORNER Riverside, 2200. Block 18. 318, 318; 1044; Jan, 1032, WANTED FURNISHED, HOUSE; preferably or 6 rooms, Wil give bond to insure good care of furtlityre. Address Flenner, Assiniboia Hotel. 100 FOOT CORNER Flax Dee., 1044; May, CASH PRIC Wheat No. 1 2 Nor., 784; , 69; No. feed, 45. Winter Wheat No. 1, 814; 79; No.3, 76; No. 4, 49. Oats No. 2 C.W., 314; No. 3, 28; (0, 1 feed, 29; No, 1 feed, 28; No. 2 feed, 26. - Barley No. 3, 46; jected, 38; feed, 38. Wlax No. 1 N.W.C., 103. North Yuill,' 2900. Queen St i00 FOOT CORNER Riverdale, Block 6, low-Fuller, 1600. Block 6, 50 ft. for 750. CENTRAL PARK Block 17, Lots and 4, 1400. RIVERSIDE Block 13, 50 ft, Block 19, 25 ft, 450. Macartney, jor., closed 814; 5 (o.-3 Nor., 75 ; No. 4 5 Nor., 64; No. 6 Nor., next Har- J WANTED HOUSE TO RENT, FUR- nished or unfurnished, by Febrmary. Apply John McElhatton, general de- livery, Medicine Hat. f Oduneil Concluded Agree- ment. With Another Con- jas follows: Dividends to build an under- ground tramway lose to the struc- ture. It has already bought a block * of buildings near the cathedral at a cost of 1,500,000 for the purpose of starting the subway and will, if me- cessary, bore to a depth of 21 feet, only four feet foundations of only 65 feet from the east end of the cathedral, which is the weakest part of the edifice. Mr. Macartney, in an interview on the subject, says? Tunnels or WANTED ON OR BEFORE. January, house to rent. No dhildren. Write box 1428, News office. An agreement with another industry for Medicine Hat. was con- cluded by Mayor Spencer yesterday. The company will be known as the Medicine Hat Concrete Products Co., and Will be located on one and a half acres of land in the vicinity of Ogilvie Milling Co. This Is the fit iffdustry)of this kind im the city. The site along with gas, water and electric Hight at manufacturers rates, are the concessigns granted by: the city. The company jegrees to erect a plant cost- ing 26,000 and: will employ twenty hands. heir building is to be 50 by 125 and will be fireproof. Part of the supplied by local people. The head- of fhe company leaves to- day for London, Ont., to. purchase PUR SEAS No. 4,41; re- FOR 5. FOR SALE A NEW MILK COW Apply R. F. Collins. the actual the cathedral, Liverpool, Dec.. 28 Closing wheat: Spot, steady; No. 2 Man. 34d; gutures, March 7s. 444. fund now stands: at 95 per cent. of In this matter, strong, even. All the above are good listings, all verified to- FOR SALE BY OWNERS, TEN LOTS in- block 33, Bending, at 375 each, terms. High and level. ay Dee. 27th. We can deliver and sign up these on: Saturday. We call attention to the corners we offer today. Good buys. We would Be obliged to you listings. We have buyers ready to Invest. phone er drop u Iue to, , Friday. Merchants AMERICAN MARKETS... Chicago,.Dec. 28 Lower cables and heavy receipts, weakened wheat which opened a shade to t and down. May started a shade to 3 and at 918 to 914 and fluctuated for time within the opening range. There was only a in ats. R saLe aiBboD PAYING BUSI- ness for sal 9 Phone 755. excavating work of any kind tend to disturb the water lodged in the subsoil and drain off. Only so long as the subsoil re- mains unaffected will the safety the building be 512 Hightand st. VIOLIN FOR 5. child's violin and sary equipment Price 20 FIRST CLASS Every neces- violin needs. Apply Med- for your certain. The drain- ing of the subsoil has been pointed after expert. Longman and Penrose in community, of the fill to the public, loaned to the farmers lly are the activities of le where they have es- the present eighty light scattered started un- changed to cents depressed at 323 and to 32 and sold at 324 and 3. Minneapolis, opened 814, closed 81; July 874, 86. S out by expert In the West spoke of it in 1674 the 1894. MERCHANTS BANK ANNUAL MEETING and farm stock sales where, House. furnit ducted anywhere, Consult us, o perience at your disposal tree. H. B. Browne Co. 519 To- ronto Bt Bank notic tablished up to the lcight branches and agencies. The follOWing Airectors were elect 88? ensuing year: 28 Wheal FINED 850, The statements presented, at anntial meeting Wed, the Merchants Bank of Canada were ole for reasonably characterized as satisfactory. The bank is gettinglits Thamas Long, fall share of the benefits of a . fog trade, The profits reportediwafe:Jantyne, Andrew J im excess of 20 per cent. of the aver The:npt profits of the Merchants Bank lash yearyeal- ter payment of all chiinges,, rebate on disecunts, interest. on deposits and allowing for bad and dombtful debts, amount to 1,338,844.62 to iiist be added the premium on new mock 500,670, as well as the bal- brought: forward from Novem- 96th, 1911, 58,878.18, which to- passed unanimously. 28 Frank Cleghorn, committed Toronto, Dec : Montreal hockey esterday 28 Wheat, player, sulting Newsy was fined 50 in tho Montagu Tuly, 84, 88h SHILOK AUDITOR Andrew A. through jst rye plea for Farqul a, aneitaan, . A. B. Evan A hearty vote of thanks President, lenieney for Ids, and heals 25 cents, was pass- Vice-President jenna bas trim /Medicine Hat FIRE VICTIM BURTED NEXT MOORE'S FURNITURE ed to the STORE and: Boars of Directors. It was also GREAVES AGEOUNTANT, was burned J. auditor, ete. tradesmen's books writ. Charges. r 3, News Block. Douglas 1, to death Christmas Eve was buried yesterday at Hillside cemetery. Rev their services be tendered the eunial J. Wy Morrow conducted the service. which was The:funeral was held from Nott s um dertaking parlors moved and seconded by, the same gentlemen that an warm appreciation KEITH CARL 8. BELL, JAMES V. BELL, CAS- PAR BELL, dept. 20, 1912) FF STRAYED QNTO TH iingersigned about with white face; bar on Teft ribs. PREMISES OF Nov. 15th, red cow branded A. 'K, over Henry N. Cavan. sonable, pression of manager and the Subscribe now for The Vatly News OOM APS ply to box 147 Nows oftife, 163 He ea da TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM OR two in new house, moderu, with gt; Amall private family. preferred. Apply evenings 733 /Balmor- al, or P. O. box 443, Mts Buathess people LARG ROOM well to rent. Apply 304 2nd 142-3t ROOMS WANTED. WANTED TWO OR THREE FURN- ished rooms for married couple, with- Put children, Box 1409 News ottice. 143-3 BOARD AND ROOM. FIRST CLASS BOARDING ROOM 22 Montreal. one block from depot. 148-3 WANTED TO PURCHASE WANTED TO BUY, A P. 0. B Address box1471 News oftice. jn Old Survey, Herald or ui Park. Give prices, terms, ete., to 0. Box 510. Owners only need COTTON: RAGS, 62-tt LOST AND FOUND FOUND PAIR GOLD iMMD Pinz-nez glasses. same by applying to News and: pay- ing for ad. Owner may have 144-tf, FOUND A POCKET. BOOK CON- taining sum of money. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this ad. Apply to 630 To- ronto St. LOST A LEFT HAND PERSIAN Lamb gauntlet town istrict on the 24th. Finder. re- warded I-0 on return to News of- mitt In the down- 144-3 LOST BROWN MARMOT MUFF with two hea News office, FOUND A GOLD LOCKET WITH likenesses inside. same by applying t6 News offic Owner may have for ad. 138-t2 pee te FOUND AN UMBRELLA WAS id in opera house some time ago, mer will remit sum for ad when they receive umbrella. Apply News office. MISCELLANEOUS STORM DOORS AND. WINDOWS , fitted, also general repairers orders promptly Attended to. Short Avenue. Phone 875. 138-*t Apply 78 SKATES SHARPENED PARTIES wanting skates ground, can have same done in a first class manner at the skating rink, Main St. J, Halward. 125-tf DANCING CLASSES EVERY . MON- day, Wednesday and Friday. rangements made for out-of-town or private lessons if desired. K. Her- man, 518 Toronto Street; Medicine 124-tt EH MBDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of-Secone Hand Tools in the city. We carry and pay the best prices. Call at 604 South Railway St or Phone 587, Looxt, LOOK? HERE THE RAW OPEN. Don't sel raw hides till write P.-O box ana Genera? Auctfoneee 619 Tar- onto St. Stock Sales ov -Briday GEO. SATTERLI General Auctioneek* Salgg/OD) every Friday Right price. Main. St (CHARTERED A HENDERSON* CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Lethe bridge, A. E.-Gibeon, C-A., partner. Phone 198, Burns Block. 2T5att all be delivered Hat A; A, D. CAMPBEL. eH Tuesday im the Council Ch before close of the that date. SUBJECT OF Li of the Soil ; Pr Methods of Conser JAMES RAE, Pre 44-1 Capita 420 Main St NOTE THES 8000.00, 75 tt, cornet, BI 82000,00 each. Two con 14tt 200.00 to 450.00 each. 1500.00 pair, 1400.00. We: bave some of the bi properties. (We have 6000 acres adjo We also have a half sect Ar We have only four lots BUSINES 50 feet, on Toronto stan 50 feet, cornet Mon 300.00 per toot, resident
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Image 1248 (1912-12-28), from microfilm reel 1248, (CU1740312). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.