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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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RENT. HED ROOMS APS offite. 144-3 HUD ROOM OR modern, With gt; Business people ings 733, Balmor- 44-8 G2 ROOM Well eo fully one -LARGE FRONT Apply 304 2nd 142-3t ANTED. ; THREE FURN fled couple, with- 469 News office. 148-8 D ROOM. KRDING ROOM Owner may have io News and pay- 144-tf T. BOOK CON- ney. Owner can ring property and Apply to 630 To- 144-1 HAND PERSIAN itt in the down- 24th. Finder re- turn to News of- 144-3 MARMOT MUFF i four tails. Apply 143-3 LOCKET WITH Owner may have 4. News office and 138-t2 JMBRELLA WAS use some time ago, sum for ad when ells. Apply News iste ANEOLS AND... WINDOWS , 1 repairers orders- to. Apply 718 one 875. NED PARTIES und, can have same ass manner at the 2 St. J; Halward. 125-tf ES EVERY . MON- and Friday, Ar for out-of-town or desired, K. Her- Street, - Medicine 124-tf HAT HIDE, FUR O. The above have selection of- Secone ne city. We carry and Bedding, new Clothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re Buggies, Harness, ne of winter goods 1 mentioned abos Drices. Call at 504 - or Phone 587, t HERE THE RAW OPEN. Don't sel) ar raw hides till er write P.-O box Our price is trom tuctfon ert, 619 Tor- Sales evi Briday at Lo: Banch ules urniturs: disposal free. e ne Co. 519 To nd auditors, (estab ors, city of Medicine Medicine Hat, Lethe ibeon, C-A., resident 198, Burns Block. 2T5att 138- t. VIEW NOW ON THE MARKET Prices from 200 to 300 See cet cate Cash; Balance 6, 12 and B months. Rediced prices by the, block. G.6, MacBean Cf OPEN EVENINGS ROOM 7, IMPERIAL, BANK BLDG., ath wt Medicine Flat Agricultural Society PUBEIC NOFICE E Will be delivered under the auspices of the Medicine Hat Agricultural Society by A. D. CAMPBELL s and LORNE McCOMB, ESQs. 2.30 p. m. on Tuesday, January 7, 1913 im the Council Chamber; City Hall, Medicine Hat, before close of the Seed Fair, which is being held on that date. SUBJECT OF LECTURES: Proper, Cultivation of the Soil ; Preparation of Sacd. Bed ; Best Methods of Conserving Moisture. ? JAMES RAE, President. H. HASSARD, Se a Capital Realty Co. 420 Main Street - Phone 799 REDOLIFF NOTE THESE PRICES. THEY ARE -SHAPS : 8000.00,.75 ft, corner, Block 08. Usual terms. 2000.00 jeach. : Two corners in Block 76. Usual-terms. 200.00 to 450.00 each. Residence lots in all parts of the town. COUSINS AND SISSONS 2Jots in Block 20. HERALD Terms. 1500.00 pair, 1400.00. Terms. Good ylew of the:river and town. Two lots'in Block 9. TOWNSITE We-have some of the best buys in the city in close-in improved properties. See us about this. i SUBDIVISION PROPERTY We have 6000 acres adjoining the city sultable for subdivision. We'also have a half section near Redcliff at farm land prices. RIVERDALE We have only four lois left in Block 8 at 400. GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS. BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS 50 feet, on Toronto aes Block 24, 325: 060.09 Good terms. 50 fect, corner Mon Oe block-from depot, 25,000.00. Goo:t terms, 300.00 per foot, 950.00 per foot, Toms First class in n Mi 8 oes St. 28,500.00, Good termi Aarelge Repetition. if All my esnibitigae 4 Us andottes, the, most, the feat 20 ribbons Wo; igs enttiediy ice ne pee lag And the best +: mn. aS ior. hago rere stock 213 Fourth Ave, The Ghalice By Cyrus . Brady m4 Those were happy eventt on one side of the fire act Singer wound with cloth to, hold his giant thimble, fashioning tag arse she had but known t- which he put t her disposal. While on the other side of the same homely blaze made for her out of the skins of some of the animals that he had killed, a shapeless foot covering, half mocca- sin and wholly leggin, which she could wear over her shoes in her short. excursions around the plateau sand Which would keep her feet warm and comfortable. By her permission he smoked as he worked, enjoying the hour, putting aside the past and the future and for Sometimes he laid aside his pipe and whatever work he was engaged upon and read to her from some immor- tal noble number. Sometimes the en- tertainment fell to her and she to him in her glorious contralto voice music that made him sad. Once he could stand it no longer. At the end of a burst of song which filled the Iit- tle rocm he had risen to his feet hwhile jhe sang, compelled to the erect position by: the magnificent melody as the last notes died away and she. ismiled at him triumphant and expec- tant of his praise and his approval, he hurled himself out of the room and into the night, Wr stling for hours lwith the storm which after all was but a trifle to that which raged in his bosom. While she, left alone and de- serted; quailed within the silent room till she.heard him come back. Often and often when she slept quietly.on one side-the thin partition, he lay awake on the other, and some- times his passion drove him forth to cool the fever, the fire in his soul in the fey, wintry afr. loving eye of the woman searched his face, scrutinized him, looked into his heart, saw what was there. She determined to end it, deciding -thdt he must confess hls affections. She had no premonition of the truth and no consideration of any evil-con, Sequences held her back. She could igive free range to her love and her devotion. She had the ordering of ir lives and she had the power to fend the situation growing more and more impossible. . She fancied the matter easily terminable. She thought she had only to let him see her heart in such ways as a maiden may, to bring joy to his own to make him speak. She did not dream of the re- ality. One night, therefore, a month or imore after she had come, she re- isolved to end: the. Uncertaints She jbelleved the eadfest and the quickest lway would be'to get him to tell her hy he was there. She naturally sur- mised that the woman of the picture, which she had never seeh since the first day of her arrival, was in some measure the cause of it; and the only spain she had in the situation was the keen Jealousy that would. obtrude itself at the thought of that woman. She remembered everything that he had said to her, and she recalled that jhe had once made tie remark that 'he would treat her as he woud have this wife treated if he had-one, there. fore whoever and whatever the pic: iture of this-woman was, she was not ihis wife. She might Have been some lone he hed loved, but who had not loved him. --She might have died. She jwas jealous of her, but she did not lfear her. After a long and painful effort the woman had completed the winter suit (she had made for herself. He had ad- vised her and had helped her. . It was belted tunic that fell to her knees: red and black stripes ran around it, edged the broad collar, cuffed the arm sleeves and marked the gtace- 1 waist:line. It was excessively. be- coming to her. He had been down in- ito the valley, or the pocket, for a final inspection of the burros before the night, which promised to be severe, fell, and she had taken advantage of the opportunity to put it on. She knew that she was beautifu her determination to make this eve: ing count had unusual color to-her-cheeks; an ttiwonted sparkle to her eye. She stood up as she, him enter the other room, jshe. ae ReRRE creck at ge came iF ae id facedher. He ae some TR cicacy tod er beauty Mace. - He fim his tur Be clinging to ainiled at roedtgeer itt, Here, Yet Bo: v ia realize that 1 ha over a Marit ew? I want a little faik-with you, I Want Byou to fell me something. CHAPTER M4 The Kiss on the Hand. Did it ever occur to. yor eh Pend Maltiand gravely enough. tor an quite realized the serious nature LIVE. MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS :2 ' entin conversation, aia 1 (To be continued.) a few momenta blissfully content. : The struggle within him preyed upon him, the, keen y of Gourage the story of certain persons Who drank of it ind conquered Continued.) di ever occur to you: you know prac- tieally all about me, while I know Ipractically labout your The man bowed his head. You may have fancied that I was in ope way or eased yourself short and, until Newbold might Hive answered that jthere was one subjest which had been T have magined that it s yours. It is mine. Well, that, is really?all that I know. about you. And now I shall be quite frank. I want to, know more. You evidently have something to conceal jor you would not be living here in this way. Ihave fever asked you about yourself, oF manifested the Yeast curiosity to: solve the problem you present; to find the solution of the tery of your life. Perhaps, said the man, you jaidn't care enough about it to take the trouble to inquire. You know, answered the girl, that is not true. I have been con- stim d with desire to know. A woman's curiosity? Not. that, was the soft that turned away his wrath. Shie was indeed frank. There was that in her way of uttering those two simple words thst set his pulses bounding: He was not altogether and labsolutely. blind. Come, sald the girl, extending her hand to him, we are.alone here to- igether. We must help each other, You have helped me, you have been of the greatest service'to me. I can't begin to count all that you have done for me; my gratitude answer a es oo poasestess os Seaseatedtentotesiess PaMestecte Soetoss S Only that? But that is all that you have ever lasked or expected, answered the young woman in a low voico whose He Stood Entranced. gentle tones did not at all accord with the boldness and courage of the/ speech. You: mean? se cinsein ing at her, his face aflame, I mean, answered the girl swift ay, wilfully misinterpreting and turn ng his half spoken question another I mean that I am sure that Genble has brought you Bere, T do mot wish to force your confidence, J have no right to do so, yet I should ike to enjoy it; can t you give It to me? 1 help you, I want ta do my best to make some return for what you have been to me and have one for me: G ask but one thing, he said quick- and what is: that? But again he checked. himself. No, he said, I am not free to ask janything of you. And that answer to Enfd Maitland was like a knife thrust in the heart The two had been standing confront ing each other. Her heart grew faint within her. She stretched out jher hand vaguely as if for support He stepped toward-ber,-but-before he ireached her, she caught the back of the chair anf sank down weakly That he should be bound and not free had never-once ocdurreq to herr had quite misinterpreted the meaning of bis remar 904 ALBERTA BOOK CO. PHONE 904 The Annual Meeting of the ..Board of Trade will be held In COUNCIL CHAMBER of the City Hall on Thursday, Jan., 2nd. 1913 at clock p.m. H, HASSARD, Secretary. TEMONEY 1S VALUETO YOU ad This Our brand new stock of Men's. Furnishiigs, Boots and. Shoes, Mitts and Gloves, Sheepskin Conts, te., Is DAILY ARRIVING We are selling these for a very small profit. We still have some of the old stock, - Ladjes? and Gents? new and sevond-hand Clothes,Boots and Shoes and lots of other arti- cles which we are-selling, at. . your own price. If you are one of-our custom ers you know the truthiulness of this ad. If Hot, we ask you to come in and prove it for yourself. HARVARD TAILORING CO. Opposite Dreamland. Phono 295. TOR svissGrase Now tor me Dany Canadian a Railwa Home Visitors: Excursions. ros UNITED STATES RETURN FARE FROM MEDICINE HAT Minneapolis or St. Paul 41.25. Duluth 38.95 Ohieago 57.25. Kansas City 62.70. Corresponding fares to many other point+ Tickets. on sale December 1 to 31, 1912. For further particulars call on L. A. Dobbit, Ticket Agent, Med: icine Hat. or write to R. G. MeNEILLIE, Distriet Passenger Agent. MWR Calgary. MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATE PEERLESS BR et L, KOMM, Prop. Phone 751. O. F. LANGE c. E. B. u. Engineer and Lani ype Architect. 4Bewerage, Water and Gas Supplies. Street Gradings, Industrial Spur Raflways, Irrigation, ete, Subdivisions, Layout of Pathy,. Steel Constructions, Designs and specifications for Houges, tc, MOTTO: First-class responsible service for Reasonable Prices. Me
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Image 1249 (1912-12-28), from microfilm reel 1249, (CU1740379). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.