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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Good doughnuts are good food. Made from the right flour they are not only a delicious treat but the combination of right flour with fat is distinctly nourishing. You see I put special emphasis on right flour. For it is very important. It means the difference between light, flaky, crumbly doughnuts that melt in your qnouth and are easy 5 rubbery greasy wads of dough, heavy, soggy, indigestible. Try making doughnuts from Royal Household Flour Notice how rick, soft, and flaky they are. And the reason is that ROYAL HOUSE- HOLD being richer in high quality gluten than ordinary flour resists the absorption of too much fat in cooking. It doesn t get rubbery, makes a lighter dough, absorbs just enough of the fat for nourish- ment, but not enough for indigestion. The absolute uniformity of Royal Household enables you to get the same splendid results-every time beth-in Bread and Pastry. Try Royal Houschold . Find out for yourself, All grocers sell it or can get it on thort motice. eaetanp nticted iitipee that, Save been Wied aod Seeted seat free on Mention same of your (CGIMEE FLOUR MILLS 08,, LIMITED, WIOPES, For Sale by LePAGE BROS. Medicine Hat 17 PROTRUDING APRON KILLED FIREMEN CONDUCTOR ON FREIGHT WHICH STRUCK V. LINDQUIST, GAVE EVIDENCE AT INQUEST. The inquest on the death of Victor Lindquist was resumed yesterday ai ternoon at 2.80, Dr. Boyd presidinx Lewis Levegue, conductor on Ex- tra 641 West, which killed the de- ceased; sald his train met Engine 118 standing on the siding at Stair. They left Medicine Hat at 24.16 and arrived at Stair 24.45. Oh approaching Stair he noticed a man with a torch get off the standing engine. When about one half of his train had passed the en- gine, a few seconds later, the torch disappeared fom view. He was elt- ting on the right side of the cupola of the caboose as his attention was directed to the number of the engine jas thon passed. the man falling or what happened to the torch, but thought that the wind had probably blown it out. About a mile east of Bowell, as his train was slowing up to take the siding, he walked over the flat cars of which they had about 40, and 9 cars from the caboose I found a ballast apron lying about, the centre of the car and projecting at least 3 feet over the edge of the car. The apron was out of place. It should have been fastened to 4 eye bolts put on the ear for the purpose. He threw the apron off at Bowell as it was in a dangerous po- sition to anybody that might be stand- ing alongside of the train, and as he had no means at hand to fasten it on safely The dimensions of the apron ; are about 8 feet long by 4 feet wide and-i-2 to 3-4 inch thick, and would weigh about 350 Ibs. At Bowell he heard of the accident. Engineer McNeil and I were walk- ling atong the platform, said the wit- BY ONE OF THEM meet at the home of BMrs- Niblock on A foll and loved ones. The: Womar's Literary*-- club- will --A The -diqnor-traffic affects -her-in terests and the interests of ber tome / Monday evening April 16th. basement of attendance is requested as plans will be made for next year's work. The W.MLS. of the Methodist, church will hold their annual meeting in the the church on Tuesday efteroon at 3.30 o'clock. A full at tendance requested. A WOWAN SUFFRAGE CATHCHISM The woman who says I have all the Fights I want is eithel rant or both, for sibter women suffer under burdens it is our tusiness to sift. Q. Who made the laws? A. The men. G Do women pay taxes, A-Yes. Q. Has she no voice in the making of the flaws concerning the liquor trafic? A. None whatever. Q. Hawe the saloon-keepers anti dis tillers votes? g A Certainly they have vested in- terests. Q What vested interests? A Money invested and the right ty Tob the counry of wealth and boys for Q. Have mothers io vested datiprest im their boys? A. None that are respected by. + Having the care of an invalid who always wanted to know the time, but could not bear the sound of a-clock licking a nurse put an open-faced Watch inside a thin glass tumbler and placed it on a stand by the bedside. It Taw. was not Ioud enough to annoy. the News Job Department. could be easily seen and the ticking ness; and I remarked to him that I thought we had hit a man at Stair. As I said this we arrived at-the door of the despatcher s office and he told us that we had him him, because a call had just come from Redcliff to that effect. I thought that no man could escape the apron if he was standing where the man torch was. The jury retired for about twenty minutes and returned the following verdict: That Victor Lindquist came to his death by being struck by a ballast apron, which was lying on a flat car on the train which passed Engine 1185 at Stair on April 10, 24.45 o lock, eausing dislocation of the neck and death. We recommend that greater ears-going-out ofthis city. MINISTER FINED FOR. STARTING PRAIRIE FIRE ROSTHERN, SASK., CLERIC START- ED BLAZE TO PROTECT OWN PROPERTY. CW. A. P. Dispatch) Rosthe costs for starting a prairie fire yes- terday which, fanned by a high wind, destroyed the barn and granary own- ed by H. A. McEwen and a threshing separator owned by D. A. Week. The fire was close to town and firemen and citu+ns were called out to extin- guish the blaze, Hemphill pleaded guilty but said he simply was burning a fire guard to protect his own pro- perty alongside the railway, claim- COMMERCIAL PRINTING es) Mr. Business Man are you aware that THE NEWS JOB. PRINTING DEP- ARTMENT is now equipped with all the most modern machinery and latest type faces with which to turn out Commercial Printing. Your. next order for Job Printing be it--targe or .small would. be. appreciat- ed by us and will receive our careful and prompt at- tention. THE NEWS, LIMITED Arini-- NERVOUS DISEASES ; - IN THE SPRING Cured by Toning the Biood and Strengthening the Nerves. It is the opinion of the best medi- cal authorities, after long observa- tion, that nervous diseases are more common and more serlous in the spring than at any other time of the year, Vital changes in the system long winter months, may cause more trouble than the familiar spring weakness-and weariness from which most people suffer as the re- sult of indoor life, in poorly. ventil - ated and often overheated buildings. Official records prove that in Aprif and May neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy and other forms of nerve troubles are at their worst, and that then .more than any other time, a blood-making, nerve-restoring tonic is ne ded. The antiquated custom of taking purgatlves in the spring 1s useless, for the system really needs strength- ening, while purgatives only gallop through the bowels, leaving you weaker, Dr. Williams Pink Pills are make the new, rich, red blood taht feeds the starved nerves, and thus cure the many forms of nervous dis- orders. They cure also such other forms of spring troubles as head- aches, poor appetite, weakness In the limbs, as well as remove unsightly pimples and eruptions, In fact they unfailingly -bring new health and strength to weak, tired and depress- ed men, women and children. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2.50 from the Dr, Williame' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont He did nor natic? with the vate be taken In Inspecting all Tat April Y. Wik ySHT CANADA the best medicine, for-they actuatiy against the acceptance OF Me check, MEDIGINE-HAT DAILY N: A RELIABLE MEDICINE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN Baby's Own Tablets are a safe medieine for all litle ones. They re guaranteed by koverpment an- alyst to be-absolutely rea from opl- ates and other harmful drugs that is why so many mothers will give their baby. nothing cise in the way of medicine, Concerning them Mrs, Join Thompson, Coutts, Attx; saysz t have given my lby. when noed- ed, Baby's Own Tablets and think they are the best remedy for consti- pation I have ever used. 1 would not be without then in the house, The Tablets are id by medicine dealers or by mail x( 25 cents a box from the Dr, Willian Brockville, Ont, SOCIALISTS BUCKING COMPULSORY DRILL Australia Having Trouble Enforcing Law for New Militia Plans. (C. AP. Cable) Melbourne, Australia, April 13. The Federal Government's compulsory military drill scheme is hampered by violent opposition of some small er- tremist Socialist organizations. Ap- peals of an urgent character are be- ing made to the executive to remit the fine of 100 recently inflicted on a Soclalist father of the boy who was refused permission to drill. The min- isters deplore the Socialist tactics, but express the determination to vindi- cate the law regardless of class dis: tinctions. National corps, including Scottish regiments, will merge this year into Australian battaloons, the Jatter losing their kilt as name. - UNARIMOUS CALL TO REV. WR. HENC CONGREGATIONAL MEETING AT KNOX CHURCH ASK PRESENT CLERIC. TO BECOME PASTOR. At the Congregational meeting held in Knox church last night a unanim- ous call was. extended to Rev. E. E. Flench who for over txo years has fhad charge of the work, to become pastor. If the call is found in order by the Presbytery, the induction ser- vice will be held he near future, Rev. Wm. Shearer of Calgary who was appointed moderator pro tem: a All Through States. (Special w. A. P. Cable.) London, April 13 A party of en- gineers and engineering students from the* universities, polytechnics and great works throughout the country is leaving England on April 19 on a tour of the United States and Canada, ig at Quebec, Cross the continent to- Vancouver, seeing and on the way. They will th their way through Washington, Ore- fon and California, will,visit all the return east through Colorado and. the middle West, ending the tour with visits to New York, Washington and Boston. i The great railways, bridges, tunnels breweries, steel works and . latest buildings will all receive attention from the engineers, while other ex- perts will'examine financial and bank- Ing arrangements, SUCKER SOUEALS PILE OF GOLD AND G REENBACKS PROVED 100 MUCH FOR FARMER W. A. P. Dispatehy Minneapolis, Minn., April 13. Ed- win Maurice, who lives on a farm near Fargo, N.D. today reports to the police that he had been blinded for a moment yesterday by the sight of a table piled high with gold coins and green back notes and induced to sign his name to a check for 5,000 he asked that warning be sent out which he bad repudiated. He said he was lured into a room near the Cham- ber of Commerce by a stranger and there told he would be shown the Toad to easy wealth through specula- tion If he would show his good faith by signing the check, Im addition to the check he said ne parted with 12 in the form of a loan to the steerer, who led him into the alleged confid- ence game, Loose Leat System The News Job studying all that there is to be seen chief attractions of the southwest, and 1 EWS. SUNDAY. SCHOOL. Lesson Il. Second Quarter, Fos oApril 14, 1912, THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text, Mark ti, 27 Commentary Pre pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. The record of today s lesson, two Sabbath day incidents, the disciples plucking corn and a withered band of Him, Jews whom the wise men sought Giate i, 2, NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ote., ads under these headings, 25 words, one day .... 25 26 words, three days .. 50 25 words, nix daya .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for leas than 26 cents. Cash must accompany the order, Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and It will receive attention. HELE WANTED. REPRESENTATIVES WANTED for sale of townsite lots in divisional and junctional points along line of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway. in Western Canada, Whole or part time, Write to authorized agent . T. P, Ry.,International Securities Co,, Ltd., Somerset Bldg., Winnipeg, Man., plain cooking for small family. Counselor or, Sha. Mists Gad, the Bre Wages 18.00 per month. Apply at lasting Father, the Prince of News office, ada who will yet sit upon the throne of : David and whose shall know ae cn eee 4, 82, 89). DRIVER WANTED At once. Apply Tae Mate Weston in his Genesis Sprague and Williamson. 2331 of the New estament says that the Jewish Sabbath was the one p cullar and distinctive ordinance of tion. Other nations practiced circum- cision and had temples, offered sacri- fices and performed religious rites, but ihe Sabbath was the Jewish national Ylag. In it they claimed a peculiar rela- tion to God as their Creator, and Rest, and, if by this man's treat- deprived of their distinction from other nations, what is the use of being God's people? Considering this, it is not so surprising that the immediate of the power. Jehovah, whom they to worship, was in thelr, midst, and they knew Him not. Matthew says that as the disciples passed through the cornfields they were hungry, and Luke says that they rubbed the ears of corn in their hands and did eat Our Lord-Himeelf was an hungered on other occasions,.as re- corded in Matt. iv, 2; xx1, 18 Concern- ing Israel it is written that He suffered them to hunger (Deut. vill, 8), but it was to prove them fd teach them. The wicked are ever watching the VANTED An all round butcher wanted. Apply at once to R. F. Colfins, tf. WANTED Two young men to soll to Box 1248, 2a7dtt MEN AND WOMEN. TO LEARN barber-trade, Tate on, join now- and save. -money.. Particulars free. Moler System Cel- lege, 609 Centre St, Calgary. 294att VANTED A delivery boy, one with a bicycle preferred. Apply Bar- 21satt SITUATIONS WANTED. K;XPERIENCED , STENOGRAPHER desires position, Apply Box 1251, News Office. 284d1 STENOGRAPHER desires work in the evening. Apply Box 578 Post Office, 22ga6t ROOMS TO RENT. RNISHED ROOM to rent, station, Phone 727. near 2343 BOARD AND ROOM. 00D BOARD and rooms, 427 To- Tonto Street. 23006 for particulars maps, etc 211-Sa-8t-+ Arp WANTED Capable ot doine real estate -on commission. Apply Saturday, April 13th, 1912, MISCELLANEOUS Sovecieieiasins (CORSETIERE Spirella Corsets made to order. Guaranteed against breaking or rusting. Phone 594 or send card to box 72. Mrs. Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 202dimo ANTED Gen; clothing, also old gold, allver, Jewelry, furs, hides, and all kinds of Second hand goods. Best prices paid, Globe Cleaning and Pressing Co,, rear Post office, 4th Ave, 202dime fee SY WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, Watches, Jewelry, guns, revo ers, valises, suit oases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f- thers, bought and Sold. Apply to the Harvard Tajioring Co., 812Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. , 0. box 701. Phone 295.: The Best Prices Paid for the above. 23Dit. HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above hays. on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the eity. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggi: Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned. above and pay the best prices, Call at 604 South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf BUSINESS CARDS, ee ae Se SINGER SEWING MACHINES an Sherlock, Manning Pianos and spectal summer O'sets-for-sate-and to rent. al classes of insurance, W. J. Fleming, Office 381 Main Street. The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired Equal to New, New and Secondhand Goods Bought and Sold Clothes Called for and Delivered: MARK HABRIS, Proprietor. E--Bartlett, Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, - Irrigation, Plans, Ete. Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 PIANO TUNING All kinds of repair undertaken at consiston b best workmanship. Expert Work Guaranteed. CHAS, A. ADSIT 505 Main St. Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) . - New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fally ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms. Phone 156. 4 i F ing the church it, purchasing ft with His own blood. We cannot give anything to God nor offer Him acceptable service until we have received mercy from Him as the Presbytery, presidei at the meeting. ciples,.and the Lord, too, because alee they knew Him not, nor the Scrip- FOR SALE the lowest charge THE INTELLIGENT AN tures, which they professed to rever. EFFICIENT SERVANTS ence. Ho referred them to thelr own FoR SALE A new seven room, fully gt; ses op, Seri saying, Have ye never modern cottage on Braemar St., Telephone 68. read what David did when he had ,. pot 9. Ay as dre those who read the best papers, and was an bungered? (Verse 25.) in bloc a pply to owii f, -133 - Ther fore the want ad column of the Bee snd Was AB Nene ademnation (Braemar Street or Phone 720, 28442 Dest home, paper is the logical med- here for David and his followers. He ium which to obtain the most capable) eame not to-condemn, but to show 'OR SALE Imported high class hhelr. Use the News Want Ads. mercy, hence His quotation from the Cly sale Stallion for sale, Ap- - prophets in Matthew's record, Twill ply 5. J, Skelton, American Hotel. have mercy and not sacrifice (att. ie 334a1 ENGINEERING STUDENTS Foran tn Hosea says that the Know For SALE Much cow. FT RF, edge of God is better than pan er Collins, South Railway St. 233tf 4ng The primary idea in sacrifice : 3 See ee that re ie FOR SALE Good 50 tt. building lot Big Party from England tora gave to Adam and Hve redemp- aes seer St, 1950. 730 Will Tour West and Then ton clothing which He Himself pro- cash. P. 0. Box 93. FFOR SALE Grocery-store.and com- plete stock, good living apart- ments above. 1200 will handle this, the balance on easy payments. Apply Box 1249, News office. 2egai2 R the erection of a frame school at Schuler Industrial School Dis- trict, No. 2517. Plans and specifica- gt; tions may be seen at E. N. White's residence at Schuler. Tenders will be received up to April 30, 1912. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. S Baturday, April 13th, POSH STS 3, ee TODAY'S F Every effort th: be made to make a thoroughly s tory place to dea. ing made here. want your thoughts to be p and to be of Wal Shoes. Turpin B The Man's Stone W Get the Big Dollar's c SLICKERS RAIN COAT and RUBBER BC Our Rain Coat is the best val have ever got. lutely waterpro sewn seams. H.S IREL/ C.P.R. MENS DEDICATE KEW NEW LUTHERAN COA AL CHURCH WIL CIALLY OPENED The Eng. Luth., St. E gregation of Medicine H icatea new. church on near the flour mill on th month, English services at 2 o'clock and an Engl deliver the music. Ever; their inability to do anything for God until they would accept His mercy. In the record. in Matt. xii, 11. 12, He uses the illustration of the necessity of rescuing a sheep from a pit, even n the Sabbath dus. but He sneaks of the owner of the aheep doing this, saying. What man sball have one beep. not-ae n sheep. He loved these wayward sheep. He came to give them life. He wax ax resdv to heal them Ax He war to restore shat wither- ed hand, bnt they would not let Him, and the hardness ir blindness margin) of thelr hearts wis a. grief to Bim. Note the ers from His heart concer seontd not. We wilt hadst known (Matt xxii, 37: xxii, 4: John y, 40: Luke xix. 41, 42) Instead of yaving any thing like a pehitent spirit. a convic- tion of xin, their. proud-bearte xr rebel: fed agninst. Him and. His teaching thot they went away and took counsel how they might kill Him. For His tove thes gate Him betred. they knew Him not. thes soald not -bare sneha one as thelr Messiah, but the time will apleine makes ful change from lemo vanilla for flavoring. better than Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satlatsctory. makes a home-made srrup White Rocks, Brown Leghorns, Bronze Turkeys Eggs. Jas. Fleming: ; 226-1mo. OR SALE One Jy J. Taylor safe at a bargain. Size 2 6 x26 , Can be.seen at T. J. Flager s Blacksmith shop, or apply to box 22, P.O. 221dtt LITTLE CLUB SEED WHEAT FOR SALE Ripens 10 days earlier than the, Fife wheat, clean and free money, OWer can have same on proving property and paying expen- ses, Mrs, -MoCtatr16-Matm- St. 23443. AUCTIONEERS H- 2. BROWNE CO, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where. Howse furniture sales. con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- ESG8 FOR SALE Barrea Rocks, * Patrons of the News *. + -who desire to change * * their advertisements, * + will hereafter have to * leave the copy for the * ** same in the business * + office the day before * + the issue in which they * GEC canis oh reteee . wish the change to take +, Grades hard. Myers Bros., Bowell P, * effect. * kite Kap. 18/ ae ea Y OH Se Fe oe fe oho fe fe fe ode obo oh of of OR SALE Two light horses for - sale, 3 and 4 Years old. Inquire SEE ee ree 216 Montreai Street. 2asace. . * MAKING ONE + OR SALE Two lots and three mod- ** DOLLAR DO THE + em houses thereon. Lots 18 and) WORK OF TWO + 19 In Block 1, Townsite. 3 new frame .t. - houses t,he three will be sold en Your dollars vary in value + dloe for 11,000. One third-down and). according as they vary in + Valance can be arranged to suit the .t. (purchasing power. + burchasers. Apply to Wm. Ansley, /. The man or woman who Phone No. 269 or 643 Highland St. . studies advertising is able, - Centra Park. 217att, frequently, to make one dol- + *f lar do the usual work of two. . + LOST AND FOUND b The-experienced reader of - TOUND Pureo containin : f advertisements will always +f premium, that 4s, make t buy more than the dollar of a non-reader of advertise- ments. How much above par are the dollars in your pocket worth? It will depend on how close- ly you study the buying cp- ,Portunities outlined in the store nds. et EEE DAILY NEWS Re tebe obeobeobe feeb eee bb eb bb bebe bebe ++ One who saves sinners. Before ever : + E. N. WHITE, Sec., dially invited to attend. ieee ee aoe ae set Gags FOR SALE s room house on hill. Th. Fr. Sat-2 wks Schuler, P.O. German service at 10.30 might be free from all work and give Bath, furnace, water, gas. 4200. i ype purer he 1000 cash, balance like rent. Apply *f f+ fe +f of of oe oe ooh oh ob oe quainted with God, for there in pth tnow233. Tosett ( can NOTICE TO - H Port Arthur Man 1 Local Skating Molicine dat skating yesterday to J. C, Beas Arthur, Just what the was is not known or wh 4+ igh intends to do with it It is understood, howe . purchase was just a8 spe BEETON-SPEN A very pretty and. qu was solemnized at 8 church. on Wednesda when Miss Susie Elizal eldest daughter of J. A Bowell, became the wife old Beeton of Medicir bride looked lovely church on her father's in white satin with old fringe trimming, wearlt orange blossoms, and ca quet of white carnation rose, buds. Attended by her sister who look d charming 1 quisite dress with blue fringe trimmings, and Deautiful bouquet. Mr. Harold Wm. Cours groomsman, The Rev. Mr. Davis The groom's gift to t Wasa cross set with pe chain, and. to the best ty pin. After the ceremony wedding luncheon was Chatterton House. 0: friends and-relatives w ance. The happy couple lef
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Image 601 (1912-04-13), from microfilm reel 601, (CU1738732). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.