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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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sw age wo RPG PEED ED LePAGE BROS. THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE 3 adestoateegeatentententectetentestest e AULEN'S TRIAL OPENED 10-BAY MLEDICINE TA DALY NEWS. BETWEEN.. WILSON AND. UNDER. Woon. (Special to uw News) Jacksonville, Fla, April 30. In the state wide Denmovrattc primary WISCONSIN. SOLONS MEBT (Special to the News) Madison, Wis., April 30, The Wis- consin legislature assembled in extra Session today In pursuance of the call NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, Tuesday, April 20th, 1912, AUCTIONEERS. H: 5. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St, Stock Sales every - Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch nee tomorow the vot Florida will jgsyed by Gdvernor-MeGoversn last For Sal y and farm stock sales conducted apy- Murderer On Trial in Court r oe vee for nominees month, Tae prin l aor a Toe creer Lowes Mone, (ete. ale anes ee owas fustice : oe p th. The principal matter to come these headings. ire sales con: House Where the Deed r the presidency, tor me govennor- before the legislators te the question 38 word one day .. .. 26 ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- o * Was Committed. ship and other state s, for nom-/of State ald in the strengthening of 25 words, three days .. 60 Perience at your disposal free. H. B. : es inees for representa in Congress leve s and oth es ve Browne Co., 519 Toronto St. 182dtt o M d ; P er measures to prevent eix days .. .. 1.00 isses an omens WoA Dispateh and for the legislat, a ee flood damage. The water-power leg- Additional words at same rate. No SSeS 3 a) Wytheville, Val, April 80. Floyd fices. The contest Ue Dees slation and proposed amendments to ad accepted for less than 25 cents. ELLANEOUS oe 3, sic indorsement wi confined tol the weights e: ie f - 8) Allen was before the bar in the cir- ts i ned ights and measures law are al- Cash must accompany the order. ; 4 Muslin Dresses cuit court here today to be tried for Woodrow Wilson ani scar W. Un- s0 to be brought up at the extra sei- Phone your ad to Ne. 18 ring 2, and VWANTED LADIES AND GuNTS: . 3, his life for part he played in the derwood. Thetre ar only saree (soo t will receive attention. cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, i allot. Moat a o , + tha a / + vatines; 6 Pl oes ial first Interest centers in ) vst for the) YOUTH ON TRIAL FOR MURDER. Cases, stoves, musical instruments, z These smart new dresses will appeal to + Ee ene esas onder Gal Os governorship, for whi there are five u mee MASSE, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- x wi a BOY well Gib- aa Bice, harness, bleyel mK e ave jaspirants, They ar (Special to the News) WANTED aA maid. Apply at Gen- ) dlcyeles, carpenter k3 the pereon requiring a smart, well-made mneicauee cabo cee tte lyons of Ja ksonville. )rk M. Tram- Walkerville, Cal, April s- John Mrs Hospital, 24saat 01s, ete, raw hides and furs, hore garment. They come in plain white and One ete mone uate guard ia Well of Lakelan WW Watson of Nelson, one of the four youths char- hair, wool and f thers, bought and spot muslins.. Beautifully trimmed with celled Clansraen Bow under: 5u Miami; William H, M //1 of Marianna ged with the murder of Peter Rob- VANTED Pantry girl and cham- 8l4. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring pot musl: ns. Be f the jail here. and E. M, Semple of kv) West. Each /erts in the Mad River country near ber mald. Apply to the Coamop- C 312 Fourth avenue, opposite jaces and insertions. Have new set in of the three presen renentaliees here last February, was arraigned nj olitan Hotel. -ga7ast ae theatre, P.O. box 701, i ist li Jin Congress is a cand for renomin court today for trial. The thred other - lone 295. The Best Prices Paid for sleeves), Lush retish, walsy Hoos Wien collar NUMBER OF BODIES, ation and each as ston, members of the quartet, ranging nj VANTED General grvait ADDF the abov spt and collarless effects. Sizes 14 to 18 years, . addition there are fo; didates forage from 16 t 20 years, alrendy have to Mrs, MeDunnough, 1017 Es- 34 to 40 bust. Prices from HUDDLED ON BERG, Coligressman-Rclare been tried and convicted, planade, Small family . 247a3t HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR LOOM ooott Sodhedte diode ts The Trading Co. s Stand, PHS GHOSE HE HOSES 5.20 to 27.20 LePAGE BROS. Ps Sesto Ms fos 888 Toronto St. Phone 28, en he Wee eteateat oats Liner Princess Irene Re- the North German Lloyd liner Prin- cess Irene, which docked just before midnight, told of a wireless message which they Intercepted on Wednesday in which a ship the name not learn- ed reported that in passing fifty THE HALF-HOLIDAY Are Meeting With Consid- erable Success in Having Stores Closed Wednesday - Afternoon....2... The Clerk s association which was organized Tast Week have been very busy Interviewing the merchants of our city on the question of the Wed- nesday haif-holiday. They are meeting with success on every hand and have as yet to inter- view the hardwaremen and the jew- elers. It seems to: be thegeneral opin- fon that this half-holiday is a good thing for the clerks and will in no way ingire busines. 7 LOVED A'S HORSES- SHOT THEM; DOMESTIC TROUB with it a letter for the Medicine Hat N ws. ARE TO INVESTIGATE : Special to the News) Boston, Mass., April of distinguished American medical ation in Europe. The party of physi- cians will inspect the big hospitals and medical. schools in London, Paris, Vienna, Berlin and other European centres and upon their return will re- -MEDICAL-WORK-ABROAD 30. A party authorities sailed from Boston today iths* tour of trestis /ice amd had trozen to deat NO at miles from the scene of the Titanic disaster she had sighted an iceberg ron which were the bodies of more than a dozen men; all wore life belts and the bodies were huddled in groups at the base of the berg. It was the op- inion of the officers of the ship that the men had climbed on the mass of tempt was made to take off the bod- fet SIGHTED BY LINER calves je --Describ-/, TS AE Helie-made for the ing Ghastly Sight. banquet to be gives n this elty to: morrow night-in honor of the disting New York, April 30. Ofticers of yjshed French delegation that has AONOR FOR FREN( 1 DELEGATES (Special to New York, April News) Elaborate ar- Just arrived with the bronze bust of. La France which be presented to the United States aud to be placed Jat the base of the monument to be dedicated next June o Samuel de Champlain, the French navigator and explorer. The delegation is headed by Gabriel Hanotaux, the noted histor- fan, member of the French Academy and former Foreign Minister. M. Jus- serand,.the French ambassador at Washington, will attend the banquet and Attorney General Vickershami will be present as the official repre- sentative of the Governnient. LOUISIANA CENTENNIAL (Special to the News) New Orleans, La.ipsil 30 New EXCHANGE BUILDING .AFIRE. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) New Yory, N. ., April 30. Fire to- Yay broke out tn the tp floor or the twelfth story of the Exchange bulld- ing on West 22nq Street, and before it was extinguished four floors were burn d out causing losses estimated at 300,000, The offices of D. Appleton, publish- er, WAs Swept by flames and halt a dozen or more of merchants estab- lishments burned out. MONTANA. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Great Falls, Mont, April 30. Many delegates and visitors came, to Great Falls today. for the annual con- vention of the Montana State Sunday for the gathering covers three days and provides for num rous interest- ing and instructive features. The lo- cal church societies are entertaining the visitors. WANTED A general servant. ply to Mrs. Terrill, 812 Esplanade: dollars ter. Hiss, Tilley, Alta, 240a101 WANTED Bricklayers and ers. Co., Limited, Redcliff, Alta, WANTED Two young men to sell to Box 1248. 206 Montreal St. or phone 56. 24743 Ma4 D WANTED Young girl to as- sist In general house work, Ap- ANTED Common laborers, forty month and board or bet- Season's work, Apply Craig labor-. Apply Lussier Construction Teal estate on commission. Apply 2a7ate AND JUNK CO. The above: have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches). Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harne: and a nice new line of winter goods, We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at South Rallway St. or Phone 687. SS BUSINESS CARDS, Salpeter SINGER SEWING MACHINES and Sherlock, Manning Pianos and OFeans for sale and fo rent. All classes of insurance. W..J. Fleming Office 881 Main Street. jt barber trade, special on, now an Particulars free, Moler System Col EN. AND WOMEN TO LEARN summer lege, 609 Centre St. Calgary. 294dtt The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired : es Tuesday, 4 When You in the top of know that it the oldest good hats in the man wh stiff hat it s CHRISTY ; We are s for Christy 1 ity. Get there doesn t cost Turpin The Man Ston COMMENT THe STMT THSeCATTONS in America the adoption of such fea- tures and methods of work as are deemed advisable, Included aitiong the members of the party are Dr. Henry A. Christian,, dean-ef the Har- vard Medical School ; Dr. 'Eawrence F. Rhea, pathologist of the Montreal General Hospital; Dr. Francis G Peabody, an instructor in Johns Hop- kins Hospital at Baltimore; Dr. Thomas F. Leen, head physician in the Carney Hospital at Boston, and Dr. George F. O'Day of Worcester. TODAY'S MARKETS, (W. AP. Dispatch.) peg, Man. Aprit 30- The fol lowing are the market quotations for today: Wheat May (01d) 103 3-4, 103 5-8: May (new).104, 103 5-8; July 105 5-8, 105. 3-8; Octob r cIpse 97. BROTHERS ESCAPE Succeed in Effecting Their Liberty From Kingston. Penitentiary. Kingston, Ont., April 30 The Mec- um brothers, Arthur, Brown and Bon- ner, the desperados brought to pen- Itentary here on March 13th, and who made a desperate attempt to es- cape from their keepers at the Union Station at Toronto that day, made. thelr escape from the provincial pen- itentary at 11 o'clock this morning in mpany with a Woodstock convict. wards but the two Mecums, otherwise known as Jones and Kelly, have so far eluded pursuit. One report is that after overpowering Dr. Phelan and Orleans is en fete for the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the admission of the State of Louis- fana to the Union. The centennial festivities will be conducted under the auspices of the Louisiana Hitsorical Society and will continue through the entire week, The prostamme provides for historical exercises. banquets, par ades and pageants, commemorating the early and later history of Louis- lana, which has been more pleture- sque than that of most of the Amer- ican Commonwealths MOR UNIFORM MILK STANDARDS, (Special to Louisville, Ky., April 30. Unifor- mity of methods snd standards in the production jof certified milk through- Out the country is the-object sought by the American Association of Med- News) CONVICT MURDERED GUARDS (W. AP. Dispatch.) Lincoln, Neb., April 30. The work of selecting a jury to try Charles Morley, convict in. Nebraska peniten- tiary for the murder of three prison officials March 14, was scheduled to begin in the district court -here to- day. Morley is the only survivor of the outbreak at the penitentiary in which three prison officials were as sassinated by the convicts in the act of attempting to escape. MISTAKEN FOR BURGLAR TW. AP. Dispatch.) Minneapolis, Min., April 30. C. W. Thompson, 2000 Penna avenue: south, vice-president of the A. D. Thomp- son Drug Co., was shot twice early man a position in business otherwise, tice. MAN C0oK wants work. camp and ranch work. box 17, post office. OFFICES TO RENT. So, suitable for office. Duggan and Duggan, Real Estate. WANTED By young English wo- or Apply Box 1271, News of- 246a3t Used to Write 243-6t FOR .RENT Ground floor store, al- Apply to phe ee OFFICE TO RENT Fine large office 20x24 feet in size, corner of 4th Avenue and Main street, upstairs ip the News Block. Modern convenien- E. Bartlett, Muficipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Etc. Burhs Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- your rooms, Phone 156. PIANO TUNING VOIGING and REGULATING them. Sauerbrach had gone from-the pres- ence of his wife. A few minutes lat- er she heard four shots at the stable. He then came in find shoek hands Nor. 79 1-2, 6 Nor. Flax May 196 1-2; July 196, 196 1-2. Winnipeg Cash Prices. Wheat 1 Nor. 108 2+ Nor. 100 3-8 r. 96, 4 Nor. 89 1-2 76 1-2, feed 59 1+ 2. with her and told her she could go to Oats No. 2 C.W. 48 1-2, No. .3 C. her lt;riends, She went outside: and W. 41, ex. 1 feed 42 1-2, No. 1 feed 42. saw Sauerbrach, Sr. and Mr, Lust No. 2 feed 40 1-2. s coming down the road. She.want to Barley No. 3, 3 1. 4, 65) reject- meet them and they came to the sta- d, 56; feed 56. bie and found the horses dead.. They then proceeded to the house and found Saverbrach lying dead, the body being still warm. shot upstairs and In the death strag- gle fell through the trap door to the round floor ir d wit? 0 had ing him: od, which showed where taggered around after shoot- DRUG COMPANY PLANS TWO LARGE BUILDINGS Wi Sell Their Present Property on fellington Street -- --Teronte,- April-30- -Fhe---National Drug and Chemical Company of Can- ada has decided to erect at the cor- ner of Beverley and Phoebe streets two five or six-storey reinforced con- crete buildings to cost In the neigh- borhood-of 200,000. They will sell their present property at 27-29 Well- ington St. west, near Bay street, the brick and stone building on which Was erected four years ago, a five- storey structure, it-has a frontage of 60 feet on Wellington and a flankage 115,000, The company's new plant will be the most modern in America. Before approving of. the plms-members-of the, firm Will visit Seattle, Portiand, Los Angeles, and St. Louis, where the most up-to-date drug manufacturing plants snd warehouses are to be found. The National Drug and Chemical The company has branches in evry place of importance in Canada and employs 800 hands n addition to the 75 travelling salesmen, who cover the Dominjon from coast to coast. Mr. W. W. Bole said yesterday the He had fired the 113 3-8, 112 5-8; Sept. 107 5- The upstairs was coy- 112, 111 1- lican leaders of Pennsylvania arrived on every train today in anticipation of the State convention which is to meet in the Majestic Theatre in this American Markets. Minneapolis, May. 112 1-2, 111 1-8; July 106 3-4. Wheat. Chicago. Wheat May 115, 114 8; July Sept, 109 1-2, 108 3-4, PLAN FALL OF BOIES PENROSE (Special to the News) Harrisburg, Pa., April 30. Repub- ated .at this conveation a candidate for Auditor General, State Treasurer, and four Congressmen-at-large. The convention-wiit-also-etect twelve -dele gates and twelve -alternates-at-large to. the national convention at Chi- cago. Though- the- work will- be merely Prefunctory, since the nominations and selections have been made in ad- vance, the: convention nevertheless promises to be of great importance to the future of the Republican part; in Pennsylvania. The Flinn-Van Val- cause of Roosevelt, Intends to follow up the notable victory scored in the recent primaries by capturing the State convention and--making- their control of the party unquestioned. The ultimate aim of the antl-Or- ganization faction is believed to be to. capture the seat of United States Senator Boles Penrose for former State Senator William Flinn of Pittsburgh, who-aspiresto-bethe-Re- publican leader of tne State and who, since the route of the Penrose mach- Ine in the recent primaries, appears to be in a fair way to realize his am- bition. While the term of Senator Penrose does not expire. until 1915, company s business had outgrown the the Wellington Street property. the increai e In general business and (especially the tremendous develop - the coming campaign will be of great existing plant. He could not disclose importance to the Flinn plans, as half the mame of the prospective buyer of the State senators are to be elected next fall are to vote on Senator Pen- hoy Thete changes are necessitated by rose s successor. Locse Leat System The News Job - Ment of the Na-Dru-Co, Department )Department has evory facility for sup- which te-located in Torento plying the most siti factory, ' jkenburg combine, which espoused the Graham Bell, prison, Sonre-of Wie attendants were badly used up. Hear Speeches Over the Phone Associat d Press Banquet In New York Addressed by Taft. New York, April 29. Representa- tive journalists from all over the United States and Canada were brought together at the anaail ban- quiet of the Associated Press andthe American Publishers asso iation, held in the ball room of the ahh Astoria hotel. The telephone played pronu part. in lending novelty -o the ceodings. President Tait, actually in Boston, addrss as tance. wire of the Ambcom Telr- phone and Telegraph ton-pany. kis voice being distinctly conv:yni 20 each -guest b Heel instrument. 5 In like manner, Premier Bordea, of Canada, addressed the guests by long distance telephone om Springs, Virginia. Interm these addresses were sons telephone wires: from tres. At the tables were seated over seven hundred guests, among them Thomas A. Edison and Alexander altheugo tie late Rear Acniral, performed the storing ceep sia ieceee ee ganization ts garded as of great importance, bearing as it does, direct- ly on the conservation of child life. The meeting will v' attended by med- fcal men and health authorities trom many of the leading citles of the Un- ited States, DESTROYER J KINS LAUNCHED. (Special 1 the News) Bath, Me., Apri 29. The torpedo boat destroyer Jenkins. was launched today at the yards of the Bath Iron Works,, The Jenkins is a sister ship to the Jouett, which was recently lauriched at the same yards, She is 293 feet long. ani will have a speed of 29.5-knots: The Jenkins was nam- ed in honor of tie late.Rear..Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, who was known ag the father of the lMghthouse board , Miss Alice Thornton Jenkins of Washington, 0C;, a daugbter ot christening ceremony at the laungh- A meeting of the Clerk s Association will be held in the Court Room of the eight o'clock. ed to attend. All clerks are request- 248art Te be Electors of Ward 1 Ladies and Gentiemen, As stated in the. Times of Friday, Iam in the field as a candidate for Alderman in Ward 1. In acceding to the request of the gentlemen whose-names appear on the requisition which has been hand- ed to me I wish to thank them for my ability to serve the City in the council To the voters in Ward 1, I may say that, as arrangements have been made for turning the Assinibola Music. City Hall on Wednesday evening at W this evidence of their- confidence in B BOARD AND ROOM. ern conveniences. News Office, ROOMSTO RENT. Modern conveniences. Braemar Street, TO RENT Furnished bedroom, all Avenue. 247aat. FOR SALE OR SALE First class sewing ma- WawDIN IN NAVAL CIRCLES. ompany over to the new owners on June the Ist, I shall be able to give pir nevexsary, practicany all my time and Attention to city affairs, 12-5; for prices and terms inquire of YANTED 2 roomers or boarders. Englisti family. New house, mod- Splendid situation. Superior apartments. Apply Box 1270 246a3t 0 RENT Furnished rooins to rent. Apply 25 248a3t modern conveniences. 509 Fourth chine (White's) with all accessor- attendants, Matten and Davis, they ical Milk Commissioners which will/this morning by Jos. Bushway who Ce and well lighted. Most central au kinds of repair undertaken at The reason he gave for his suicide Oats May 49 1 2, 49 1-4; July tiea them: up- in. their clothing and/meet in this city tomorrow for a two mistook Thompson for a burglar he 0cation in. the city. Apply at the the lowest charge consistent with was donivstic worries, and for shoot- 47 1/2, 47 1-8; Ex. No. 1 feed May got away two milea from the big days session. The work of this or had been -pursuing. - Nows Office. best. workmanship, ing thie horses His love he had ror ter ek osg See + EXpet ork mteed, CHAS, A. ADSIT Telephone 68. 505 Main St. TENDERS WANTED. For the erection of a Brick Hotel Building at Medicine Hat, Alta. Plans may be seen at the office of the eub- seriber up to noon, Monday, May 6th, Lowest or any tender not necesiar- ily accepted. T. WILLIAMS, Architect, Medicine Hat, Alta. 245-km6 IMPOUNDED, Weight-about'1000 Ibs.; will be sold by. public auction at City Pound on May ith, 1912 at 14k, unless the same is claimed and all lawful charges paid thereon, WM. FUNNELL, Gelding, Light bay, no visible brand, SETEATIONS WANTED: aeal te NeW RES New and Secondhand Goods Bought ; Fase ae and Sold ranch from 5 to 15 men. Good Clothes Called for and Detlvered. experience, Apply to box 1272, News MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. Office, 24703t It is qui probabl That You V OUR SPECIF WATERP ff before the ne of this adv. rou had them today be the excellent H.S IREI CPLR, MENS FISHING 1 FOR Hh New Law for Pr inces Passed May be gt;f Inte The fishing regulatio present may be of int in the Hat. Quotatio act passed on the 12t) 1912,. the following ext Jation to fishing in Alt vatehewan. Section 20 of the Ac Soe cheap. Globe Cleaning and Pressing -1000t Pound Keeper Co., Fourth Ave., in rear of Post of- s fice. ON ko deb eo - FOR SALE Northeast quarter. of NOTICE TO + 1212-6; Southwest quarter 14 - ADVERTISERS + No one shall fish kill any Pike (Jacl Wore), Perch or Gold Philadelphia, Ps. April 30. A-wed- ding of interest in naval circles took place in Philadelphia this afternoon, the bride being Miss Pauline Parsons, daughter of Captain Remus Charles Parsons, in charge of the naval hos- pital in this city, and the bridegroom Lieutenant David icDougal le Breton U. 8. N. After a two months tour of Europe the. couple wifltake up their residence in Boston, where Lieuten- believe that I am-sutticlently lib- eral in thought, and indep ndent in action to serve the city without being influenced in my Judgment by any conflicting interests, personal or oth- erwise, As to my policy: I am convinced that Medicine Hat will make, ap- proximately, as great-develapment in the next twenty years as Winnipeg hag in the last twenty, and that all Charles Cregiow, Pioneer Bullding, St. Paul, Minn. 248a6t, FOR SALE A choice trio of Golden Wyandottes, includes 1st prize cockerel, Medicine-Hat Winter show and first hen at Calgary mid summer exhibition, Also firstp rize Buff Coch- in Bantam, Cock. Geo. N. Bartlett, ZIy Fourth Avenue. 247aat NEW CONTRACTING Fina M Ssre. J. Marshall and J. B, Bates both of whom have been engaged in the building trade here for a number of years have entered into a partner- ship to carry on a general contract- Ing work. Thetr first contract Ts that Jof building the new residence of Mr. W. A. Buton. * TAFT STARTS FOR GEORGIA (Special to the News) Washington, D. April companied by Secretary Hiltes and the usual escort of s cret service men President Taft departed from the cap- ital this afternoon for Savannah, to attend the centennial anniversary of the Hibernian Society in that city. He is scheduled to teach Savannah 30. Ac- ant le Breton Is at present attached ;+ ape- Cod and Berkshires, when the to the Charlestown naval yard. VOTING IN MASSACHUSETTS (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Boston, Mass.,.-Aptil 30. Searcely had the echoes of the scene of the most strenuots campaigns in Massa- chusetts ceased vibrating between voters were starting for the polls to day to vote-in the first presidential primary in the Bay. States. The vot- ing began early but. in the majority, of the 353 cities and towns the polls did not open until the afternoon andi as the polls will not close until 9 P.m. in these places, definite results of the great contest were not expec- ted until late tonight. tomorrow morning and remain in that city until Thursday noon, when he Will return to Washington, Tes estimated that more than 15,000,000 votes will be cast for Pre- ident this year. buying of industrial sites, school sites and parks; estimates for water and electric plants, widening of streets, and all city planning should be con- sidered and carried oti, insofaf. as: the different stages of development. will permit, and reason Will warrant, with that prospective development in mind. In my opinion a city s development depends largely on the initiatory epir- it of the men in it s councll. It is also. the people's prerogative to put on the curb, andea council requiring moderate restraint s preferable to one requiring constant urging. I do not think that I have. permitt- ed myself to become Irtte-bound tn my opinions on matters of public in- terest, and, if elected, will do + my best to-honor the confidence placed- n me. If I do not canvass your vote per- sonally please be assured that I want it, and thet circumstances, and not 1 Imperial Gang plow, 1 set Dog Harrows, 1 Mower, 1 Hay Rake, 1 Buggy, 1 Single Harness, 1 Wagon Box, 1-Hay Rack. W. Tomlin, Hast Road Allowance, opposite Rossiter s Store. After 6 p.m. 445d3t BALE A seven Toom house on west Braemar St., built about a year ago, lot 650x130, Good neighbor- hood, excellent value, easy-terms. AD ply owner, The Bartlett Studio, 213 Fourth Ave, Would accept a good lot close in a s part exchange, 287-d24t enn H SGS FOR SALE Berred Rocke, White Rocks, Brown Leghorns, Bronze Turkeys Eggs, Jas. Fleming. s 226-1mo. LOST AND FOUND L 08T Betwenn traffic bridge and disposition prevents my seeing you: Yours truly, the Serial Story in the News. 8, E, MeCLELLAN. , crossing, blue coat with watch, ete. Finder will be rewarded. Call at News office. 243-6 Verity Watking-Plow; te * Patrons of the News * *+ who desire to change * their advertisements, * + will hereafter have to * leave the copy for the * same hr the business a + office the day before + the issue in which they fs e - + + PE ee + + TREE te HOME SEEKERS EXCURSIONS, tt bhp e Ther s many home seek- rs excursion right here in the city every day personal- ly conducted, too, by readers of The Daily News Want Ads. It you have property for rent rooms, houses, cot- tages apartments, plan a home seekers through the Wants; bid pos- stble tenants come and icok at what you have to offer. The Wants cost but 35 for one insertion, 3 for 50e, one Week for 1.00. Phone 13, two rings, FESS EEE EEE HETEE bbb bbb bbb bebe be PEEP EEE EEE inclusive except in wat or intersected by the 5 North latitude betweer boundary-of Saskatche 109 Meridian and in 55 North Latitude betw Meridian and the West of Alberta, See. 32 (b) In the Ri and its tributaries and Saskatchewan River ; taries no one shall fish kill any trout grayling Mountain Whitefish fror of September, in. each 30th day of April fol days inclusive, See.. 34 (c) No-one gh by angling or trolling tain more than twe (Jack fish) Pickerel ther of these species he aggregate. amoun ve. BNES BILL DAHLEN AND UMPH few York, April 3 of the National meed yesterday after fined Maaager Dahl okly team 100 a: until May 4, and hi Rigler 100 for the the Polo:
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Image 720 (1912-04-30), from microfilm reel 720, (CU1738727). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.