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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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LePAGE SOOe Wednesday Store Closed All Day gt; Special for-Tuesday c Some Clean-Up Prices ae F All new spring styles. eels a bargain of this sort than later in the seasor costes OUR ce atuateatnetectestesteateatoateat BELLE LEADED Setrereetetenaetetes THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE a eS EE CSS Clean-Up Day Ladies' Spring Costumes left, and we think that you will appreciate BROS. Next 24th fs roe totes a slethe te ee In Ps oe in We haye only cleven this. time of -the year i ieee MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. createl) Our highest wisdom is to Kmmible ourselves beneath the mighty, wre reqinded yt the weakness: of man. hand ot God. Then we aro reminded ulso of the uni certainty, of human life, end thet all should be ready to receive at any time the summons from Ged to leave this life. Life is voyage. Our determina- tion should be to reach the hasbor of heaven, The wreck of q great stip colliding with q floating mountain of There s a great demand for minie- ters in our day so as to enable the churches to accomplish the work that ls Iatd out for them to do. Young men when usked to become mintaters say, No. want to see some- thing of life and want to be man. They seem to think that a minister is ninety per cent. white necktle and theological philosophy and five , per cent, human, But I say very man should aim to lve just as good Christian lfe as the preacher. The young man wants ice is q sad thing; but what cam bel, aa lites Gan te o08) fein tha padder thn the ruin of CMANNCtr brothels and squillt cubirt tey by some great sin? If as great wishes to associate ith men, mbt with British statesman has declared, the sissies, moral growth of soul is of more Can he find triv men in the gamb- value than the stability of the boav- ling hells among (ie (hugs, or tn the ens, then the moral ruin of q soul is/pool rooms? No, i hr WIT THA CHOBE the greatest disaster. Who are fitted to be called men ain- The church comiorts the bereave with the message of the resurrection. The dead sliall. te raised mot only from the beautiful cemetery, but alsa from the depths of the sea. And th sea gave up the dead which were in ie. Until that time the souls wha men, Men who ate daily sacrificing themselves for their brothers. The minister should be an example to his people and others, but: this Is also the duty of every man and does not belong to ministers alone. The essential for a minister Is close rela ongst the nobies nd purist living te -the-senate commerce committes self to a policeman and was ushered to the seats reserved for the witwesi es. (W. ALP. Dispatch.) Washington, April 22 The senate investigating committee in the Titanic disaster which began in New York last week on arrival of the Carpathia, with Gurvivors of the wreck, Was resumed here today.with J. Bruce Tamay, president of the International Mercantile Marine Company, P. A. 8. Franklin, vice-president of the White iF OF the Carpathla and tour of ficers and 2 sailors on the Titanic crew, Waiting to be called as witness- . Although chairman William Alden Sin th an Ne were the only members of the sub-committee present when the preliminary. testi mony was taken tn New York, the full sub-committee will be in attend- ance at all the hearings here, Other members are Senators Hikins of Cal- ifornia; Burton, of Oblo; Bourns, of For Sale, Loat, Found, otc., ads under these headings, ad accepted for leds than 25 cents. Star Line, 'T, H, : Cottam, wireless OP- phone to No, 13 ring 2, and WVANTED Lathers wan North side track, SWWANTED Genoral- servant Apply For IMMEDIATE SALE Complete furnishings for six roomed hous: Dining room buffet, china cabinet, table, etc., beautiful quarter cut oak. Den in mission style. Two bedroom sets, carpets, etc. Everything in spleudid condition, A soap, Great chance for any person desirous of stepping into a completely NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, words, one day... -26 furnished house, Low rent, Apply 5 words, three days .. 50 box No, 1267, 2a9dst 25 words, oix days .. ..91.00 Additional words at same rate. No FOR SALE One J, J. Taylor sate at a bargain, Size 2 6 x2'6 . Can be seen at T. J. Fja er's Blacksmith shop, or apply to box -22,-P.0,-2214tt. Cash must accompany the order. it will receive attention. FOR SALE A now seven room, fully modern cottage on Braemar St,, in block 83. .Apply to owner, D. T. Maher, 13 Braemar-street or-Phone 720. 2agdat HELE WANTED. A, Dickinson, 120 O11 FOR SALE A seven room house on west Braemar St, built about a year ago, lot 50x130. Good neighbor- hood, excellent value, easy terms. Ap- ply owner, The Bartlett Studio, 213 Fourth Ave, Would accept a good lot close in a's part exchange. 426-Baplanade, - at MAN WANTED To work in Dairy. Best wages, Phone 142. 24043 WANTED A teamster. Apply Red- Bronze Turkeys Eggs: Jas. Fleming. ao These cos a aed ilor gt; and silk ce asit- Oregon; Simmons of North Carolina; es These costumes are all tailor made and silk lt; ee aoa ees - se ee rene, Sinlent one. 10-4 GOETSam wiotchee, ae Fiabe ar aise neaaitt: anes ne - lined. Prices placed on-each costume is but ord. sonls of the righteot , vostolic succession that counts, but) yj i eee ae 4 gt; cic in the-teed of God, end thera) , 8 lany of the Titani 's survivors will 7 3, the cost of making. o. ng Aspotolie success in winning sou Ne reastea Gs tive eptieeibe buadee, tie WANTED common aborts Foy URE BRED Bronze Turkey Begs : Se eee touch them. sicc ava turee culls to. the Milnte- eainmtttee. t-te eepedted among the . Couata month and board or bet- 3-dollars-per-setting-of nine. Box y See window for styles and prices. Te Apostle Siw. a great white try; Rat cichasen Mee Sera Tata ot Seen weeR, ADDU. Crag (FOE CUT, OF 8. 408 oe 85570. tae throne.' Tet us live every day as if 1. The direct cal of God. We-have Jaco) Astor, Mrs. J. B..Thayer and Hiss, Tilley, Alta, 240d10t 7. 236-d6t te a Uhis great white throne were be- a heard of men sho UY aS they Col, Archibald Grace. : fore out vision, remembering that be- would could 4. evade the call of MAID WANTED Capable of doing E OR SALF Barred Rocks, l eP A G fore it we shall appear to be jadged God. They were so pursued that at plain cooking for small family. White Rocks, Brown L ghorns, according to our works, may it be last they-gave in and were steatly Wages 18.00 per month, Apply at E BROS. 226-Ime, News office. 2a0dtt. blessed in their work. Some preach - fF Xke doses o Seteetentecgentestecteteateatetee 888 Toronto St. Phone 28 Le Pate 2b ke hee OCs Boateeteazeeteaeatestecte see goeyy SS FATHER CADOUX SPEAKS S OF TITANIC DISASTER At High Mass at St. Patrick's church Sunday, the prayers of the Congregation were offered up: for the souls of those who perished in the Titanic disaster. Rev. Father Cadoux in his sermon made. reference to, the disaster, pointing out to the members of the congregation that what hour or timp we may -be called upon is not teown. He admonished all thope who have so far peglect d their Egster duty to at once. perform it, Combinu- ing his sermon he dealt with the per- section of Christ and pointed out that like Christ bis church was being which the Catholic church inherited from Christ and which has been con- tinued down throughout the ages was one-of-the-highest tributes that.could be paid to the church. sf. BARNABAS: ANGLICAN Sunday morning at St. Barnabas a memorial service was conducted by the rector, the Rev. E. A. Davis, B. A., for all who lost the r lives in the ithmic disaster. The first part of th burial service was-read, and their fol- fowed the Communion service. The or ganist rendered the Dead March in Saul. One of the hymns sung was, Nearer My God To Thee. The rector, took esq text for his Sexmon, Revelations 20-19: And the sea gave up the dead -witich were in it. The sermon was as follows: To the Apostle St. Jobm-was given a Vision of the gloty of Christ md the HE CHURCHE than ome way of Sees ing. One persecuted. Hiswever, the persecution be i SS Ss e) of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.'' And the sea gave up the dead) which were in it.'' in the presence of the great disas ter cated by the sinking of the Tit- auic, the whole civil world is ap- paildd ebd sorrowful. After all, the tnman race is one great family, and th? sympathy and sorrow caused by his disaster mgke us realize our ote ness. A congfegational minister in Win- nipeg is preaching on Whp did God permit this disaster? There is more presumptuous in dealing with the Divine purposes. We baye not beard God's site of the case. God is as silent as the depths of ithe sea to found. that tho mame of every. one present is written in the boou of life. Tho Rey. C:-J. Wilson preached in the Baptist church yesterday morn - ing, owing to the sickness of Mr. Holman, He took as his text Matt. 16:18, Thou art Peter and upon this gates of Hell shall not preval aigainst it There is a great diversion of views on this text as to Its meaning. The Roman Catholic church hold that Pet- er was the first Bishop of the church and of course of their church. But it was on this very point that Luther the founder of the Protestant church attacked the claims of the superiority of the Roman Church. If Peter was given any particular authority it was also given to the other disciples after the crucifixion In the words, Receive ye the Holy Ghost; whosoever sins ye remit they are remitted unto them: and whosoever sins ye retain they are retained. The subject of my remarks part of the apostles, creed, vi.: Holy Catholic Church . First; tet-us consider the meaning of the monosylable the , which in this realation means one a oneness. Now in the Protestant church there is a great deal of oneness or-unity de- spite the many diversities of thought is a The which the victims of the disaster bev descended. Reverence dows not rush in where angels fear to tread. All that we know is that God is holy ond righteous in all His ways- 2 As to nllan s patti, it is too catly to speak fully of whether duty was nog- lected. But We may admire the-hero- ism of the men who stood back that the wotnen and children might enter the lifeboats. Ha flaming cross had appeared in the sky, it would have by which those men were actuated. When they offered their own lives that others might be saved. Their noble self-sacrifice shows that there s something Divine in humanity. The attitude. of the world today: is Such, that if any man escaped, the world symbotized the spirit of self-sactifice jnesides that application has been re- land purpose of the many denomina tions, The churches all accept their in- structions from the Scriptures, All believers have as their aim, to live so as to obtain everlasting Jife. Unity fs more apparent than at any other time. Take for example, the concen- sus of opinion in the three churches which have been voting on union, in every case more than seventy per cent. have been in favor of it, and ceived from two other sister churches. A fraternalism that was-not known until the first of the present genera: tion. Showing that the churches are working along similar lines with common spirit. i Secondly, we have the word Holy . re world. He saw great white throne and the. dead, small and great, stand before God. And the books were opened: and another book was opened, which ds the book asks him to explain how he escaped. From this disaster we may learn some lessons:First we are reminded Flow easily ere the works of man des- troyed by the forces which God has and the dead were judged out Weekly Auction Sale FRIDAY APRIL 26th, ON THE MARKET SQUARE Of the weakness of man. How easily 5 AT ONE O'CLOCK PROMPT are called to be Saints, but not fn generally in a sneering sort of way. tract anything from the real meaning no more than any spurious imitation does take anything from the real ar- ticle, but tends to make it even more precious, Some four hundred years ago. in Europe a man went from one place to, another. selling indulgesiees; oF licenses from the Pope, granting the Fright, to commit sin, which would be forgiven to the holder of the license, to secure ISTEAMERS COLLIDED rock-f-wii-bulid-my-ehureh; and the Secondly. Tye ers work on the theory that they do not need preparation. They have direct call and rit will put the words in their mouths. But believe tn this age that God intends men to get the best preparation possible. of man s - own aa Mine mature, or of the Sou Saaotron tre fers Line bound from Jacksonville am 'men who take the service on this call, ao so because they love the work and are strengthened in their love as they see the glad results of their labor. Thirdly, The call of a needy world. rhis is the most frequent and is em Creton is Badly Damaged in Collision in Fog. Norfolk, Va., April 22. The steain- er Cretan of the Merchants and Min- (GENERAL SERVANT WANTED. LOST AND FOUND Twenty dollars a month to cap- able girl. Apply 602 Fourth Ave. 5 asgdet OST Dark Merchants Bank check book: with Gordon Ironsides and Fares written on inside, One dollar reward for leaving at News office. 241-2t ANTED A good smart boy, must. be over 14 years of age, to learn Savannah to Baltimore, is making her way slowly up the coast seriously damaged above the waterline, as 8 result. of a collision during thick weather off Hattras with the steamer Iroquois, from New York to Charles- ton-and Jacksonville. The Savannah to feed presses and make himself gen - erally useful, Good wages to the right boy. Eight hour day. Apply to Foreman, News Job Department. a TO8T A Scotch Collie dog, slightly lame in front, answers to the name of Paddy Reward will be paid if returned to 833 Third Avenue. 240ast -ANTED Bricklayers and labor- ers. Apply Lusste lt; lt; lt; lt; Sa The-members-ure-to-be-holy- FHF ieee sjlencid by the power of money. the sense of the word chat is ue But that way of using does not de phacized on/ali sides. Young men are giving themselves to the work. But training of men is not all they have to have a full sharebof the Spirit of God. The minister may havetraining and the love of God in his heart, but jf he has a Ustless, prayerless congregat fon the rewards of his labor will be small, It is the duty of the congres ation to bear a share of the pastor's londg as well as their own respon - sibility, The people should pray for the work and for the pastor, and if they come to service from bended knee Line steamer City of Montgomery was standing by the Cretan to give assistance if needed: She carried passengers. Miss A. Stein the champion Isdy steer thrower of the world doing the trick at Dreamland tonight. Madison, Wis., April 20. A hearing was held. before Governor McGovern today on an application for the par- don of Harry Dunn, who is serving.a life term in the prison at Waupun. Dunn was.convicted of the murder of Go., Limited, Redcliff, Alta. (VANTED An all round butcher wanted. Apply at once to R. F. Collins. 3 tf SS VANTED Two young men to sell real estate on commission. Apply to Box 1248, 2a7att EN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade, special summer rate on, join now and save money. Particulars free. Moler System Col- lege, 609 Centre St, Calgary. 294dtf LOST On Main street, a pair of framed glasses, double pight. Re- ward will be given if returned to.Mc- Kinnons, 239aat AUCTIONEERS I- 8. BROWNE CO, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 619 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday + on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- Derience at your disposal free. H. B. all the better for the Kingdom of God. And finally they should come prepar- Emil Leber, a Milwaukee saloonkeep- er on August 3, 1898. He was con- ed to take to heart the lessoifs that victed on circumstantial evidence may be given out as the living of the and has always maintained his in- J nocence. The pardon is asked chief- Christ life. iy on-the-ercund:that the prisoner is Rev) Mr, Morrow preached last suffering trom tuberculosis. and can- evening foc MF, MacDonald in the not live Igmg if Kept in confinement, Century Methodist chureb, os, The subjec: of his remarks was the M. E. RYGG fact of the power of money over maz to make the to do evil. He took as his foundat on the story of the bribery of the soldiers who were klac- ei to kuani the tomb of Jesus hy the TEACHER OF Shick priests and rulers of the people. Violin, String Instruments The soldiers were bribed to tell un- Str ee truths but were protected irom the authority) of the governor by the qmonied men who had the govemor un- der their thumbs. Just so is it to- day. We hive iq case ofthe wey same thing in out own land ond even in oar own citieg,where men have Brass of All Kinds Phone 525, SITUATIONS WANTED. e ae eee WorK WANTED Yardwork, digg- ing cesspools, ditches, cellars, etc. Apply P.O. Box 1016. 23sd t BOARD. AND ROOM. (00D ENGLISH BOARD and room, for 1 or 2 men. 24 Third Av- enue, 241d3t ROOMS TO RENT. ee TO RENT Three partly furnished rooms to let on main floor, mod- ern conveniences at 18.00 a month, including gas, 626 Toronto Street Phone 637. e4odst TO RENT Five unfurnished rooms to ren Water, Light and Heat, over Foster's Shoe Store at 35.00 per month. palate Browne Co, 619 Toronto St. 1s2att MISCELLANEOUS MISS FLANAGAN wishes to an- nounce-te-her friends and the Public that she has moved her dress- making parlors from Princess Ave. to 201 Balmoral St. 240d WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, nuit cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, ete,, raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f-ithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvatd Tailoring Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. O. box 701 Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 23D HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND.JUNK CO. The above have Our new are here, Christy Ri the Balti and Panan ces from SEE Turpi The Man's : Get the Bi Sele of a Semi-re i you plen' choose, a1 time to oughly. Repair: and Hy. RK. AMERICAN Boston Cleveland Philadelphia Chicago . For Sale WELL DRILLING PLANT Situated at Moose Jaw, Sask., suitable for drilling 4000 feet; 65 foot double-tower, heavy iron drive wheel, heavy balance wheel, 35 H. P, Link engine; 40 H. P. bolier, un- derbits 18, 14, 10, 8 inch; drive head-and elevators for 18, 14, 10, 8 inch, drive and flush joint pipe; pair of 7-8 in. quadruple blocks for handling pipe, complete set of sand pumps, sinkers, .jars, wrenche: The reason for this condition of af- fairs is tie greed of men and the love of money and: dress. THING DISASTER ENQUIRY OPENS / Continued from page one) Yrould have the telegraph companies turn over all White Star messgges to you, so we can see just what hap- pened. 1 O RENT Furnished front bedroom, modern conveniences. Apply 642 Montreal Street. 2ata6t eRe ee JFURNISHED ROOM TO RENT Modern conveniences, 201 Bal- moral Street. Also good-stable to rent cheap. 240aat ROOMS WANTED, Wane housekeeping. Close in. Ap- ply Box 1268, News Oftice. ANTED Two-or-three-rooms;-for 24003t on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Hifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf Washington . Detroit... St. Louis .. New York ... NATIONAL Cincinnati... Philadelphia New. York Sti Louis... GER SEWING MACHINES an Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to. rent. All Boston Pittsburg hicago - Brooklyn . eer Hinyne Cosamter inetrnc re gare The of t the ete: Carpenter's and blacksmith s a ee GE Slinger Ty efor a. great cAthedrat at Rome. Asked when Be a ey eewtd bef fo2isy steam fan-for torge,-all in pee es ANTES classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming, There was also a current belief that le had sunk, Fran order for 3500.00. oat Ea Four coo antieea ae One Seal SEDIGREED: STALLIONS AND MARES iccrici suet meatier cara he soon ast ott oc eo Wat en pe ay 2 Mats Set wave 501 : . itiTOnS . eee and were not released until Mr. eae then produced a thick 145 per foot, 1115 fect drive pipe ly ae Danteat if possible. Aooly ST ALLIONS eas- Package of telegrams foot W. Rogers, P. 0. . qortAPEIN'S, PRIDE, (10960 Fosled uly Ist, 1909. Won second prize nee was pald to have thom relene ved in relation to Lagi piso tna bares becit WBE The Globe Cleaning San Jose, J or fon, 1911, Second, Syracuse State-Fulr. 3 2 FOR SAL) * le On ROMAN BRIDE (11124) -Foaled May 25th, 190 . Won first prize, a frank examination of our OW About 20 minutes of two on Mon For all particulars apply to a Pressing Co. ' a ; Syracuse State Fair, and first prize, Niagara Falls. lives will show us to be far from per- day morning, sald be, I awakened ) ry WALLACE BELL CO, LTD. EHP A RECORD of Rea: re Fi A CLYDESDALE: 3-YEAR-OLD STALLION of good breeding, but may have an ideal set be-jdy the telephone bell. I was called i K of your stallion. r of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. spel ; Bee TROL cak, Honittoation: will be wilh Meir when sold. fect. But we have eal sek he ny csi Gata paves waa ee oe St, Montreal, Que. Know all your mares, Send 1,00 Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired delivery wit ae ra MARES: Ties siete fore us. even. Chita St 19 on ne informed me that the Titante had met zest for 100 agreements, neatly bound in Equal to New. This time bh 1p, SUBEN Dr, BEVERLY Imp.) (771)-(19700) Foated 1906, Imported eer eee should Wwietige: we sball with an rccident and.was sinking. 1 book form to-E-t--Calnr Thompeon, New and Secondhand Goods Bought: controt of a rom Great Britain 1908. most of our E ; 0 it if 2 Spy CLIO (imp. (16071)-(20904) Fonl d May, 1908. imported trom attempt to live nearer t0 Our ideal asked him where he got the informa- Clothes Sapna Delivered, oe ae f Se WERT THRUSH (Imp.) (16140) F. y tov esa on fre R SALB Improved quarter soc- MARK HARRIS, Proprietors + the thumb, H Si ev amt ZRUSE a 6) Foal May 24th, 1905. Imported Nov. we ag believers, have to go beyond is He told mee eet a nie fons 18tulles trom towne all tant 5 See Gaal a nerease less from the Virginian, Ww a i watered. ' 7 S f i Eby OF LARKEND (Jiip:) (tetory-(2 ris mere conversion, we should ed, well watered. 7 per acre. for i hase Ney 508 DCSE CED 9042 Tm Ne Peieh each day and In good works, been ppesiod to PY the Titanic for immediate sale, Box 491, Medicine E B tl et et SICKLE FLOWER (Imp.) (16113)-(20941) Foal May 1906. Importea and we must not see ee said Mr. Branklin. Le roast . DAL ett, B.A.Sc. side to side, Noy. 1908. deeds but strive to live in the - e ; : - MISS RICHIE (Imp.) (16077)-(20929) Foated June 1906. Imported lent and live for those who surround (W. AL P. Dispateh). SH FOR SALE Duck eggs, Pekin, set- p,, Municipal Engineer, the usual pi Nov. 1908. an ire anty to be Holy in our lt;Washington, April 22 Hours pe. TENDERS will be recelved up to ting of eleven forego, Box a8, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor ning. : FULL BLOOM (Imp.) (16085)-(20950) Foaled July 14, 1907. Tmnport- asg fore the reqamptioh of the Inquiry, Boon 6n Monday, Apri 20th, for FE Industrial Spur Railways, eat i . ed 1908. . vas the providing of I fe 5 Water Supplies; Sewage, Irrigati JEDBURGH QUEEN (Imp.) (11836) (Vol. 30 S) Foaled May 24th, 1903. Thirdly, Catholic or Catholicity great crowds swarmed to the senate ira hotles ig Of feed and stabling for . aie ipD pa aus dgation, WELLS ae Imported Dec. 1906. which means 2 building and made a rush for) Ve MTT wt 5 Sia F sn res of land for 5 piece etna nsec ike FATR -FLO-(Imp;) (16070)-(20061) Foaled Jiin 1906. wpiinations aa on an equal footing the caucus room. By ten o'clock enders to state price per a for sale, adjoining the town of Burns Block, Hat, Phone New York Unported Noy- to be--addressed to, i ALDERMAN ANSLEY, Irvine, Alberta, cheap for cash. For particulars call or write, John round bout English cha there were no available seats and the standing room had been exhaust- ember, 1908. certain : ves. Thi gt; ABERDEEN ANGUS CATTLE wits Gare Te ane: which say they are the true Painting and Paperhanging- M SaEBEN, casos classe: ai iee : seen en Se be Oe Oe Nountee (4441)-(20805) Males cnarets, all: others are tmiposiars: ney ed.. even the senators and represen- aaa Public Works Soares Howland, Irvne Albertia. 21146 Reynolds: Stewart. Farland of eS Merce.) (ict). (A4198)- -Female, black, caived March 24th, Believe thelr ministers to be the bead tatives who sought to get places of 0R BADESi0 extension tables, Go (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) den Athleti 1908. tmrported Bee 340: aa arch 24th, e ehursh and the people exist vantage for the members of thelr Sar Bl ALE 10 estannon tables) 60 (OOS oer matinee, oh user ana a large quantity of Saddle, Driving and Heavy Work Horses. Also for the church, While we believe families were unable to do 80, e etsy ete room ote be Cheap for Ae eae rea a setts eer Boxing enth - Cows, Poultry, Bugsies, Wagons, Harness, ete-i-further, a large quantity the teaching of Christ to be that the William Alden Smith, chairman of 1 See eae be, clonniag, and Press- meat ipering eralavand of Farming. implements, included are 1 Peerless 250-egg Incubator, nearly t be the rulers but tm os the we Ss g Co., Fourth Ave., behind the Post Faur rooms. Phone a - jew; 1 National Cream Separator, nearly new; 2 Breaking and 1 Sulky clergy should not ne at an pubecoremntinw, reached. the senate ; pO lottice. arian ring have Plows: and a large quantity of effects too numerous to mention. should be the servants of the people, office building and went nto confer- CONTRACTOR pla s: a time. They nei aad ws JATER chantlty of effects 109 cchyere that the above; Fedigree He, who:would be feat mons Youjense with Senslart eer Ber- phone 727. Box 781, POR SALT wo tote aid tires mod- PIANO TUNING pounds at Stock are thoroughly climatized, all being in the country over two years Jet him he the servant ton, Perkins, Simmons and Fletcher. one . Ox * SeaiRGRbesy Ceatoeaes Late aslaaa R et tive oonite RMS ee eat at cals; balance Hen notes, payable lat Nov., 1912, Tt ts the duty of every man to as 1t was not determined at that time 49 tn Bi zi VOICING and REQULATING Se anit at 8 percent interest, or a speclal discount will be allowed: for all cash ponalbility of the in Block 1, Townsite. 3 new frame ql kinds of repair undertaken at These terms apply to the registered stock, remainder all cash. sume pore OF th Tesprmatiy TS who Would take, the siana oS ee W.R.Simmonds 1 the three will be sold. en the lowest charge consistent with picture rece Entries for this sale will be accepted up to 12 o'clock on day of sale. plan of Salvation, He oul a thought probable that J. Bruce Is- CONTRACTOR bloc for 11,000, One third down and best workmanship. lane is to For. further particulars and eatries apply to: : tity himself with some body that has may would be called. CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR ) balance can be arranged to suit the Expert Work Guaranteed. share. * Thi CHAS, A. ADSIT Telephone 68. 217at.t. SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Datly News, pulled off -Garden Ath en, ai year s for Its main object the Christlanizetion lot the-world and do his part to bear the burden, He arrived wih P. A. 8, Franklin before 10.30 o'clock and had difficul- ty in. getting tm. He ddentified -him- purchasers. Apply to Wm. Ans Phone No, 269 or 643. Highland St, Central Park, HIB. BROWNE 60, Si Torguta St; Medielne-Hat- Live Stock and GeneraloAyetionegrs. Phone Xo. 703. Repairs promptly attended to
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Image 660 (1912-04-22), from microfilm reel 660, (CU1738733). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.