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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ilnnd-tatly-teday which cut off com HAT -do we mean by uniformity in flour? We mean stability and dependabili very barrel like every other barrel, every baking like orher. Now, uniformity inflour comes only from eternal vigilance. It is the result of everlasting care and watchfulness at the mill. It can only be produted by the most advanced methods of milling and the most expensive up-to-date equipment. One of the many great virtues ee Royal Household Flour is its'absolute uniformity. It never varies. It is the same yesterday, today, to-morrow. Year in and year out it is always uniform, always the best, always invariable in results whether*for Bread-or Pastry. Royal Household Flour has to be uniform. It cannot be anything else. It is surrounded at every-stage of production with the utmost care and watchfulness. The Ogilvie Mills are models of up-to-date equipment the machinery is the most advanced and most expensive the inspection laboratory and test baking departments are the most complete and scientific in the world. Te has taken enormous Capital and the experience of a life time to achieve the absolute uniforeaty of Roya? Hlouschold Flour. The watch, watch, watch and test, test, test which have made ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR the world s finest flour are-your:permanent For Sale by LePAGE BROS. Medicine Hat i city is unsuituble no matter hoy von: TWENTY ICE- BERGS. NEAR THE TITAN'S GRAVE Carpathia Sends Wireless . But Gives No Details Severe Electrical Storm Raging. Halifax, N: 8., April 17: The wire- less station at Sable Island was in communication for a time this morn- ing with the Cunarder Carpathia, en- route to New York with the survivors of the Titanic on board. The Car- pathia reported that twenty icebergs were sighted off the banks near where the Titanic sank, but no details of the disaster were sent. * The wireless station here reported a violent electrical storm off Sable the reason that all the fumes from burt gus, and the dust and dirt that accompanies industries would be wind) driven over the city. The best. assct life and health is pure air, Contam- inate the air and you shoreen the life and capacity of anything that areathes even tree. In writing thiq I must knock somebody s proposition, but I do not care about that-i-it-wosks out well for the city. If an industrial Site were selected out im the vicinity of the Tace-rourse it would make me seventy-five thousand dollars but I will vote agpinst it. I will oppose it. fo the utmost. It would: te aj mistake for. the same. reason that the other site would be mistake amd the rea- son is swficient. It will alao be a mistake to locate this iminstrial cen the city of Medicine Hat possesses is the life and healttof-ier peopie, and tHattrax, S-.-Charies-M- Hayes and the element most conducive to long wife, Montreal; Miss Margaret Hayes, Davidson and Mr. MEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS. +--+ coxa 8 e England is Indignant aio LE + TITANIC SURVIVORS TO ie GO TO WASHINGTON * z - : FOR INVESTIGATION + Many Things in Connection With; Titanic Disaster), Has )i: wast DEC, April 17. Raised the Ire of English People Unsinkable Liner e partes bf the Titante ' ter will be wuiimoned to + Theory Forever Exploded. y +f Washington to tell: the com- + sh mittee Of Congress the facts (C. A. P, Cable) concerning the. inability of + London, April 17. Although hope t legrams and whether their origin + the steamship officials to save that the survivors of the Titanic will codld be traced * the lives of all passengers on + be added to, has practically ben giv- The electrical control of bulkheads /*f - the giant Iner. : Representa- +f en up, the offices of the White Star installed fn the Titanic ts coming Im -f tive Alexander of Missourl, + Line in London, Southampton and for muniy criticism. It is stated here +i chairman of the house com- + Liverpool, were again besieged this'jthat they pet Idea of Lord e mittee of merchant, marine +f morning by throngs of anxious inquir- PirM , Who insists on introducing jsf and fisheries, announced to ers, Some of those who had relatives them in ships pv'It in Belfast despite day an investigation ti which of on board remained at the office thf ) Condemnation of many well known +f passengers will give chief. fs ot the night eoanning liste sivgp contFadtors, wis iin thelr faith tol-f. testimony, + ou. during the early hours, .whigh, hydraulic power us being far more ofs fe ofe ofe ofe ofe ofe however; proved not to contaliighy reliable. Thies: consttuctors point Peet he fresh names, but merely confirmation /out that ven a small mishap 8 Hable of those given earlier. Most of those who waited in the London office were women, whose lov- ed ones had left to make new homes. Early this morning the White Star Company gave-out-the-statement. re- celved from the Olympic that neither the Virginian .nor the Parisian had jany survivors on board. expressing the belief that all those who had been rescued were on board the Carpathia. -Whije-trav lers- generally unders stood that great liners do not carry enough boats to accomodate all of the passeagers and crew, to the general public the news that all on the Titan- fe did not have a chance of saving their lives in this way, came as a rude surprise, and there is likely to be con- siderable agitation in and out of par liament on the subject. The Lord Mayor of London opened the Mansion house fund for the reliet of families-of the-erew-of-the-Titanie, and of any others left in needy cir- cumstances in consequence of the disaster. .A service for the victims is to be held in St, Paul's Cathedral on April 19th, Much indignation is expressed in connection with the publication of the telegrams stating that the Titan- ic was in tow of the Virginian just af- ter the news of the accident was re- ceived, Col. Chas, Yates, member of parlia- ment for Leicestershire will ask pres- ident of the Board of Trade in the House of Commons if his attention has been drawn to the. publication of to render electric installation useless. The newspapers criticise the disas- ter temporarily, chiefly laying stress on the duty shown by men belonging to the differen: nations, but all of British origin, agreed that the catastrophe explodes forever the theory of an unsinkable liner. It is probable that a national reliet fund will be opened. A meeting of the executives of the for the celebration ce held under the today passed British committe: of a century of pe presidency of Far the following recolutio E This committee. formed t6 cele- rate the centenary of unbroken peace and- friendship between the British Empire and the Uuited States of Am- erica, desires to convey the express- ion of its profound and heartfelt sym- pathy to the families of those who have been lost with the Titanic. In rparticular-does i desire-to- express: its solleitude for th safety of Will- jam T. Stead, member of this com- mittee, who was travelling by the Vessel on a mission of peace. The text of the German Emperor's message of sympathy sent to the White Star Line, is as follows: Achilleon Deeply grieved by the sad news of the terrible disaster which has-befallen your line. I send the ex- pression of my deepest sympathy and also with all-those-who mourn the loss of relatives and friend: SA Gmillitiz rilw: att Dreamland tonight, Saving the Special, somiething unusual, serecesssSCHNMDINNS ABOARD THE TITANIC Winnipeg, April 17. Following is the corrected lst of Canadians on board the Titanic: Montreal; Thornton wife (latter being daughter of Hayes) Montreal; V. Payne, treal, secretary to Mr. Hay Parr, Montreal; Mra: FO. Dotiglas, 2 Mon treal; H. M. Nelson, Montreal; HJ. Allison, wife and daughter and in- Arthur Pou hen, Toronto; Mrs. J. C. Hofe- boom, Toronto; Dr. Alfred Paine, Hamilton, Ont; James MeCrie, Sar- nia, Ont.; Ernest A. Sjostedt, mining Montreal; Mrs. James Baxt fant son, Montreal; Major engineer, Sault, Ste Marine. Ont; Mark Fortune and wife, Winnipeg: Alice, Eethel and Mabel Fortune and George, . Wright, Lesneur,, W. H. Harbock, moying pic: ture operator. Total 36. Winnipeg, April 17 John C Baten wired from Toroito this morning say- ing that George E, Graham, T. Eaton Co.'s buyer, vis safe on board the Carpathia. (ther Canadians known to be on board are Mrs, Hayes and - two daughters, infant son of H. J. Allison and curse, - Mrs. Hogboom, Maj. Peucan, Mrs. Mark Fortune and her thr e daughters. Local offices of the White Star Line received word at;noon that Mr. and Mrs. Dick of Calgary, Alta., first cabin passengers, are safe aboard the Garpathia. The following Calgary people are second class passengers, and 0 far are not accounted for: Mr. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Pugh, Mrs. Mar- shall and t two children; E. P. Shie had gone into Purdy's house on ie was playing with her when the OBTAINING GOODS BY FALSE PRETENCES M. Seite Police Court Girl C. of Assaulting Wife. mee Mike Gerhardt, appeary in the Po- lige court this afternoon on a chatye of obtaining goods under false pre- tenses. - Gerhart rented the basement of the Imperial Bank for to open q builder's and Contractor's office. He furnished it nicely and ssued checks for the fumtibhirigs. Aliout n promfient business men will appeat aguinst him. J. McBreen, q native of the U.S.A., sought up on drunk and disorderly charge was fined three dollars. . An- other charge of carrying unlawiul weapons was preferred against him. Accused had in his possession an iron ball covered with leather with Jea- ther handle about 8 inches iong. He also wore on Iris finger rim made of hots shoe nail. He gaid he wore it for rheumatism, but Magistrate thought t was too heayy for that purpose. He fined the man ten dol- lars on the second change. McBreen s friends paid the fine. Frank White having made provision for his niece Annie White-and provid- ed the money to send her to Winni Peg was released from sentence by the magistrate on payment of tosts of the case, 6.75. Mr. (W. H. Purdy was before the court on a charge of keeping in his possestion vicious dog. i Miss Stella Williams, age fourteen years, of701 Ottawa street was- bit- laid: the case lefor Chief Mazistrate Kealy. Shoshow the marks on her arm whee the dog had bitten her. Monday evening end was trying to get out of th wey of Mr. Younger og seized her by the arm. On a previous occasion the dog was mixed up in a case and Mrs. Pundy was ordered to keep it tied up. In ther evidence she said she did not need to Keep it tied in her own house and she had not let it loose outwids, i Magistrate Kealy Yook the view that the dog should be under contiro under all copdit ons and ondered it to muication with the Carpathia at that time, eb oh be be be de hte bestesk fe oe a) COMMUNICATIONS * * + EEE EREPE EES tre southwest of the city for the same good reasons. Go-th aty of the coast cities and see the dirt and smoke from) the shipping drifting in and settling force.of what I contend. There will be dirt, dust and burnt gas fumes, which, if not so offensive to the eye, Note While we welcome all com- , re pethaps as injurious to thid health. munications from our: readers, we; The question s q vital one. Why so) wish it to be thoroughly under- uh talk about town planning, etc., Btood that we donot necessarily sub- if we leave out the most important Master-Fortune, Winnipeg; Hugo Ross, Winnipeg; Thompson Beattie, Winnipeg; J. J. Borebank, Winnipeg; Geo. E. Graham, Winnipeg; F. Me- MANY PROMINENT NAMES MISSING (Coley, land surveyor, Victoria, B. C., fs among the missing. W. D. Douglas retired grain dealer of Cedar Rapid Towa, and former member of Piper- Johnson and Gase, the Minneapolis grain firm, is among the missing. He well known im Western Canada. The Star published at 9 am. that Mr. Hayes was safe, this information being secured by the Grand Trunk ag- ent In New York by telephone and handed over by the-Gran Trunk Pac- on toe case. The dog to be in posses sion of the poundkeeper in the mean time. Mr. Malson of South Yuiil waa charged by bis wife of unlawiully es- saulting her. On Sunday evening last, while com- ing home from church, Maison walked home with another woman. When he arrived et bis house his wife charged Scribe to or endorse the opinions part. expressed by: our correspondents. I understand the desire s to have All letters must be signed by the the sit on the bench ter, -not--necessarily for -publi- There-are two places where the Sation, but as a sign of good faith. jctions I have stated cat be avoided. Ed, 4 One is across the river to the north. The other is disectly southeast of tite, city hall, say Sec. 21-125, Our winds) are with but infrequent exception from the northwest, west, southwest and soutly and the fumes, and ditt, and dust and, im the event of our ever using coal, the smoke would blow from the city: insttad of troughs at and over it. THE SELECTION OF AN INDUSTRIAL SITE The city is about to select am in- dustrial site. Several offers of free fand have already been made. We look to the Council, however, to take the) city fully into its confidence before they will do that. Ve) Tet 1ig getbusy in this town plan- Londou, Apri 17. The Mst-of Continued from page one) the country, President Taft instruct- ed the company to notify him immed- jately whenever they found anything regarding Major Butt. This morning the Marcon Wireless Co., reported they had received no communications from the Carpathia and that if the atmosphere conditions were favorable they expected to get in touch with the steamer through Sias- consett station, probably this after noon, i is icials here. The Witnesntr ie fle here. The Witness interviewed ison, father of Thornton Davidson, who said he had. received private message fro the vice-president jof-the White Star line dn New York, Mr, Franklin, that all Montrealers were safe. Secretary MacVelgh said the treas- ury department had been informed by the officials of the Cunard company which owns the Carpathia, that no newspaper men would be permitted. to board. which he denied, and an argument en- sued, and in the heat of passion he thmst his wife outeide. Magistrate Kealy came to the con- clusion that the quarrel was simply difference of opinion and asked Mr. Amasher, pastor of the Evangelical church (German) who was acting us imterpretor to take the parties aside and try to come to an agreement on. the matter. No agreement could be arrived at in rhis way and we under- preeeeesees* 7S GENE CHP TD tem by the dog on Monday 16th and be destroyed, but gave the defendents chance aie: higher court . VANTED An all round butcher In Hope That Bodies May Be Picked Up Coffins Are Being Taken. Halkitax, April 17. The cable ship MacKay Benastt which as been char- tered by the White Star tine to go to ths goene of the Titanic disaster was being ioaded today preparatory to departure. In the hope some boilies mai be picked up coffins are being: in- eluded im the catgo ond several uhder takers and embalmers will go along. The cable ship Minia which was in the vicinity of the disaster has ar- rived hens with no ourvivors on Mpand. Tt had Upen hopid that whe might have picked up a few stragglers floating on raits or among the wreckage. A full hour's show at the Mon- arch theatre tonight, six pictures, Be there. AVIATOR KILLED Versailes,France, April 17. Jokn Versipt, well known Belgian who. par- ticipated in many of the leading spor- ting eveots-in- Europe was killed to- day while making flight at the aero- drome tere. For some unknown cause tis monoplane capsized while he was flying at a height of six hundred feet and he was killed instantly. A full hour's show at the Mon- arc theatre tonight, six pictures. Be there. A thrilling railway drama at Dreamland, tonight, Saving the Special, something unustal. NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under these headings. 25 words, one day .. .. .26 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, andj It will receive attention. HELP WANTED. MAID WANTED Good wages. Phone 0. Box 26. Jas. Har- 237a12t 202 or P, le oe ANTED Dining room girl, upstairs girl. also At Redcliff Hotel. 236-3t DRIVER WANTED Apply at Co: mopolitan Hotel. 236-3 WANTED Young lady for the cigar stand at once. Salary 15.00 a week. Apply Assiniboia Hotel Cigar Stand. eg 23543 MAID WANTED Capable of doing plain cooking for small. family. Wages 18.00 per month. Apply at News office, Isdatt. wanted, Apply at once to K. F. Collins, tf )VANTED Two young men to sell Teal estate on cOmmission, Apply to Box 1248, 2etatt MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade, special summer Fate on, join now and save money. Particulars free. Moler System Col- lege, 609 Centre St, Calgary. 294dtt ker and Patten. 2isat? ROOMS TO RENT. RENT Three partly furnished rooms to'let on main floor, mod- ern conveniences at 18.00 a month, including gas. 620 Toronto Street. Phone 637. 287a3t TO RENT Furnished double-bedded aah rown Leghorn rooster, Montreal Strayt. Phone 236-a9t SALE Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Brown Leghorns, jGG8 FOR SCENE OF DISASTER Bronze Turkeys Eggs. Jas. Fleming. 226-1mo, FoR 8aLe Grocery: store and com Pleto stock, good living apart ments above, 1200 will handle this, the balance on easy payments. Apply Hox 1249, News Oftice; 2esdia FOR SALE Good 60 tt. butlding lot Block 68, Ottawa St., 1350, 730 cash. P.O. Box 68. lt; LittTye CLUB SEED WHEAT FOR SALE Ripens 10 days earlier than the Fife wheat, clean and free from smut. Sample on request. Grades hard, Myers Bros., Bowell P- 0, Alta. K-Ap. 18 FPOR SALE Two tots and three mod- ern h uses thereon. Lots 18 and 19 fn Block 1, Townsite. 3 new frame houses t,he three will be sold .-en- ioc for 11,000, One third down and balance can be arranged to sutt the Durchasers. Apply to Wm. Ansley, Phone No, 269 or 643 Highland st. Central Park; 217ate. eee ee ee ag SPRaTED pedal pain JESTRAY Dark grey. mare, branded 4 on tHeht shoulder, A reward of 5.00 will be paid to any- one finding the sam . T, Wood, Walsh Alta, 236-2 AUCTIONEERS ee ae ee es H:- 8. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 619 Tor- onto St, Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House farniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consuit us, our ex- perlence at your disposal:free. H. B. Browne Co., 519 Toronto St. 1824t ea ae RS eg MISCELLANEOUS (CORSETIERE-Spirella Corsets made to order. Guaranteed against breaking or rusting. Phone 594 or Send card to box 72, Mrs. Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St, 202d1mo Perea nee IIa ito WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, nuit Cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hid s and furs, horse hair, wool and f thers, bought and sold.- Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co, 12 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. . 0. box 701. Phone 295, The Bost-Prices-Pait-for the above. 23Dte. ee (HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in th city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and secgnd hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf aan iia cinerea the partnership heretofore exist- ing between the undersigned unde femom tyle of the J, H Preston Planing Mills has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing by said partnership will be paid by the undersigned, J, H. Preston, to whom all'debts owing to the said partnership should be paid. Dated at Medicine Hat, the 15th day ot April, A.D, 1912, (Signed) J. H. PRESTON, (Signed) WM, RUTHERFORD. Witness: (Signed) William A. Begg. 236-2 W ANTED , one with a. bicycle preferred, Apply Bar. BUSINESS CARDS, INGER SEWING MACHINES ane Sherlock, Manning Pianos an Organs for sale and to rent. All classes: of iisurance. W. J. Fleming Office 81 Main Street. The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co.- NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN -that Wednesday, Ap are here, Christy Rou the Baltim and Panama ces from 5. SEE T Turpin The Man's Sto Get the Big D Season after ing, wearing qu and. they omt note of sivc-t cost no more th SEE Et ase + teeeees Pal- Moore and signed for a bout San Francisco the month. Carl Morris, the WITH TH uci vivors of the Titanic disaster as ning echeme. Let us get busy and) endeavor to have the Saskatchewan river and the Seven Persons valleys given as much as possible for reaiden- tial development, The north side of the river is the most ideal and beau- a tifully situated residential property around the city, amd the Seven Per- sons is ko whit less beautiful. Ge tu Portland and then you will have 0 idea of the great possibilities the. are in these two valleys fon beautiful houses, gardens, driveways at par 1 sincerely hope thete will never be a industry. located west ur south of th: city. What if it does cost: us more ts get water and gas sites tothe cast- ward or nosthwand of the city, are these not compensationg? What if someone does give us free'a eite, where, we do not want it. Would it not be better to buy one and have it im the Fight place? SES - Don't let us make this selection in too much haste. There are a few things im regard to this which the people shotid make up their minds about for all time. To my mind any site to the west of the S, EB. McCLELLAN. Great show at the Monarch Thea- and Mrs. Jacques ton. Preylous Ij only. ig that of Miss Finney, the name of sland the case may: be brought up room, modera, private, clbse in. bm of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. CW. A. P. Dispatets again for Mr. Kealy to pass sentence 426 Toronto Street, ' gg5aa Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired OW. AP. Dispaten) Equal to Now. MARKET Winnipeg, Mian, April 17 A local Sea Furnfshed room, all mod- New and Secondhand Goods Bought FRIDAY, en out by the White Star Tine offices ed special saying that A native of Bounie Scotland was up 7 CoHvenfences. 711 Ottawa or See ac a here contains the names of both Mr. the Columbia has picked up more for vayroncy this morning telore Ma- Phone 626, seas COfSe Seiad. te and Dein oaeee Futrelle, of Bos- Survivors. So far this is unconfirm- gistrate Kealy. ee SE Eiactotess The auction Published here d. The report published in Afontreal Some tex imonths ago he came to FOR SALE very targe-ent contained the name of Mra Futrelle esterday that Chas. H. Hays and-all canada from the old land and has : e oe Asollier: new hame appearing he .Moatreslers were, tafe, Q0G8TS 1 a wandering Mila iged thbher HO SALE A. seven room foueb on E. Bartlett, B.A.Sc. Drivers on the Hst of second class passengers to have no warrant fn fact. 5 cee Eeeemiay St, Pune ancet ye ; ; He ever since. He came to Calgary from sear ago, lot 50x130,. Good neighbor- Municipal Engineer, Charles M, Hayes, President of the Grand Trunk Railway does not appear on the list, W. AP. Dispatch) Montreal, Que., Aprilt7. The As- sociated Press sent out from here yes- terday that C.. M. Hayes, president of the Grand Trunk railway, was safe, Which Information cannot now be sub- stantlated, but was indorsed by the evening papers yesterday. The Herald Interviewed Plerce Davidson, brother of Thornton Davidson, the latter be- ing the son-in-law-of-C, M. Hays and passengers on the Titanic, who said he had received a cable:saying . the Hayes party were safe. tre tonight. Six pictures om the pro- gramme; Come-and enjoy it. QUICKLY STOPS covaHs. WEALS THE THROAT AND CW. A. P. Dispatch) Toronto, -Ont., April 17. Toronto s Board of Controt today voted 5,000 to the fund being raised for the families of the sailors who went down with the Titanic. Great suosatuthe Monarch Thea- tre tonight. Six pictures om fhe pro- gramme. Come and enjoy it, A meeting of the Clerks Associ: tfon will be held fn the court room of the city hall on Thursaay at. -8 a elock. 23643 A full hour's show at the Mon- New Westeninster, and rom Calgary to Medic ne Hat. He worked in Calgary for six days but the city was not ,congetial to him ann the work was too datigerous he had five and a half bones spent, 2.95 for a pair of shoes, which be showed to the magistrate, Yesterday was a very short day to him (af Jewelry Store at 3.15 this moming. On being asued what he was doing he said he had-no remembrance of being there and that he must fmive been awful drumk; and also addai that the whiskey in Canada was very bad and ahrays made him stu pid, As his memory was not of the dest, the magistrate -remandebt tie, for him. When he struck the Hat . thongh he was canght behind Wright s P' hood, excellent value, easy terms. .AD- uly owner, The Bartlett Studio, 213 Fourth Ave. Would accept a good lot close in a 8 part exchange. 237-a24t Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Rallways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Ete. Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 R SALE Second hand baby car- riage for sale, in good condition. Apply Box 390, Medicine Hat. 23743 TURE BRED Bronze Turkey Eggs 3 dollars per setting of nine. Box 505 Clty or S. 1-2 Sec. 35, Tp. 12, R. 7. * 236-d6t FOR SALE Hoisehold articles and two stoves, Apply 209 Balmoral Strret, mornings before eleven. 235-2 PIANO TUNING VOICING and REGULATING All kinds of) repair undertaken at the Towest charge consistent with best workmanship. Work Guaranteed. CHAS, A. ADSIT Telephone 68. 505 Main St. Reynolds Stewart. a FOR SALE One J. J. Tasior safe at-a-bargain. Size: 2 6 x2'6 . Can but in the afternoom he was) sexuit- ted. be seen at T. J. Flager s Black smith Shop, or apply to box 22, P.O, 221dtt (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall .Paper Estimates choer- fully afritshed om cost:of Papering your rooms. Phone 156, Painting and Paperhanging. from 1000 to 1 Also a large Farm In ete, Included: disc, 2 cream gons, buggy, Several sects o large quantity numerous to A Quantity of: Householc 1 cycle, 1 p Entries for accepted up to of sale, For entries ticulars, apply H. B, BRO LIVE 8 GENERAL 519 Toronto 8
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Image 626 (1912-04-17), from microfilm reel 626, (CU1738719). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.