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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page 6 PO eer ese atoadoateatoade ade adoateateate ate aioe ates E SPSS SOSA Hees seateaieas Seteatestoety oe MEDICINE HAT DAILY BEWe Wednesday, A Seetes SLPSLSHS PISS SSS SLL TT SS SSS SOS SS eee eee dertorsretecgeetenteateeteazeazoer PPPS SHIPS HE IS NO STRANGER TO YOU, BUT YOU HAVE BEEN NEGLECTING. HIM. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY DBRS GRA AND TWELV FOR THESE ITS THE TIME YOU Potestectest meteatees The ORIGIN. AL TERMS ARE EASY, THIRD CASH AND BALANCE IN SIX HAVE A FULL YEAR TO PAY DOLLAR LOTS. - CHANCE, AND ITS THE FIRST SHOW AT ALTAWANA. BE- FORE, YOU COULD NOT LOOK IN-NOW, YOU CAN BUY, OWN AND OCCUPY. AND Sboseeoees SEL ELELLELIELLEL ES LSS SESE SSEPS TE: WE ARE OFFERING YOU THE CHANCE TO GET AN ON THE GROUND FLOOR IN OPPORTUNITY ORPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR JUST GIVE HIM A PEEK IN. 5 eee edeaie teeter rare POSS Stee LOOPS SSESSSIOT SLOT O TESST SOOO SS oo ioc ee Costa lestetesteteste taste sesso stoateeiney es s Mota Me iM eee tons 4 sity ae ieee indir otto te diet ee Geno ed odieodirstedtoss fs 2 25 FT. LOTS INSIDE THE HALF MILE CIRCLE ARE NOW OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ALTAWANA At 100.00 PER LOT. Sas ee where you can get good building Lots less than half a mile from the Post Office at' 100 eachand up. dust imagine what it means THIS OF : where in ether cases he is obliged to pay as high First come will be first served and first served will get his own choice : 2 : E MONTHS. YOU ONE HUNDRED WORKINGMAN S HAVE HAD A Roate-stoatesteaseste-egeets - VNERS of this. Sub-Di IN THIS. You get it FIRST HAND at bottom prices. ision are selling this property direct. THESE LOTS WILL BE SOLD SINGLY, IN PAIRS, OR ANY WAY A PERSON WISHES TO BUY IN LARGER QUANTITIES. lt; Our offices will be open EVENINGS JUST CONSIDER WHAT all this week as. long as th the market. Don t lay off work if you can come in during the EVENING, and TIEN INSPECT pick out your Tote, THEM DURING THE HOUR. It will save you money that way and our PRICES will save you money the other way.- We want the citizens of Medicine Hat to buy up all of this property if possible. That: buying it ese lots are on NEXT NOON IS TO HAPPEN IN THIS CITY DURING THE COMING SUMMER AND THEN DECIDE WHETHER THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY OR NOT WE THINK IT IS, AND WANT YOU: TO GRASP IT. -the-advance ins*sad of outsiders ERS OF YOUR OWN PROPERTY apd see how it feels to have the other fellow PAY YOU. NO LOT W SOLD TO ANYONE OUTSIDE OF ACTUAL: RESIDENTS OF THIS CITY DURING THE FIRST THREE DAYS OF THIS SALE. WE CANNOT OFFER YOU MORE. PERRY, SEWELL PERRY Sostestontesiociesioets Saeed tesece testes Hutchinson Block, Toronto a Medicine Hat, oceky Srey wt 500 AND ap eet GO eo tee eee ee S23 Sreletoatosiedontocteteetectontecietoat Seetete te Sed SEESTSSSSESSESSESE SS LOTS TIONS SELLING AT FROM FER of ours AWorking Man is given a chanee to-own his own home within FIVE MINUTES walk from the Post Office, as 500.00 for a building lot of 25 feet in other parts of the city, or go two miles out and buy for 100.00 per Jot. YOU HAVE NOT GOT TO PAY SECOND.AND THIRD TURN-OVER PRICES OTHER ADDI- IN TO. 700. PER PAIR ON OUTSIDE OF THE MILE CIRCLE ALTAWANA LOTS WILL SELL FOR MORE IN- SIDE THE HALF MILE CIR- CLE AND IN HALF THE TIME THAT IT TOOK THE OTHERS TO JUMP.TO THEIR PRESENT. HIGH VALUES. rostestestes peueeseee The Nat Dea for me, isfaction es a nui tort tha me I fr of visior Yi Sede ele Grete dedrptree eet Rretetoateedeateatesentectesoat Sees e ee asssss ee me letters BIgeaqe No mo WO SHOOTS CAR THROUGH THE AIR Inventor Shows Scheme for Leviated Transportation by Magnetic Repulsion. NO SCIENTISTS PRESENT AL ENPERIMENTS He also Suspends Metal in Air at-will and Aluminiim: Rises Out of Water . New York, April 2. A dozen re- porters -who+were noteseientific ex- perts, a couple of young women and one or two men who professed to Wave a technical knowledge of elec- (eity saw wonderful things happen. before their innocent eyes in a small Test in Third Street, Mount Vernon, yesterday afternoon, Emile Bache- lef, a pink-faced man with thin grey hair, who speaks with a French ac- cent, was walloping old troublesome gravity and insisting that-he had in- vented a mottiod for levitated trans- portation... There were no writers on scientific feubjects present: 6ovoshad to take it on what you saw. Bachelet did suspend substaintial bits of alumi- num, iron and steel in the air without any visible means of support, and he shot a model of a car shaped like a projectile, through the -air all of which was done by means of what the inventor cails electro-magnetic propulsion. Altogether the demonstration was an Interesting one to the lay obser- Yer. Though Bachelet is not widely known among scientists, this is not his frst venture in the field of in- vention, On the word of his: assist- ant, Frank-K Pumphrey, who can't stick any college degres at the end of his-name, Bacbelet js the inventor of the Bachelet magnetic wave appar- atus. Scales Register 8 Pounds To show his exhibition was free from -sham, Bachelet brought out small scales which he placed three arf a quarter pounds of alu- minum and brass. Then be turned on the synchronizing interrupter. Fine The square of copper and aluminum were raised off the plat- form and back shot the finger of the indicator of the indicator to nothing, showing that the weight had been re- moved. Zip the current was shut oftand the aluminum ropped back to the plate and the scales registered three and a quarter pounds again. Bachelet repeated the pertormance several times and then he shot the plec s of copper and on and copper ist-them roll araund the floor. Such persons doubted whether Mr. Bachalet could leviate more than a few pounds. Up went four pieces that had. been held together by an up- right and back went the indicator zero, Mr. Bachelet kept the 12 pounds of metal suspended for what seemed to be-a reasonable time and then dropped them back on the Only one killowatt had been used, Bachelet sa: The direct current attracts, Mr. Bachelet explained but the alter- nating current will repel aluminum, although it will not repel steel and fron. Whereupon he brought ou a fair sized bow halt filled with water in which four tiny gold fish played. Flat on the bottom of the bowl was a square plece of aluminum. Mr. Bachelet turned on his, cychronifzer. The aluminum rose to the surface of the water and rested there: The gold fish were playing at the bottom of the bowl. This was all very pretty, but the nventof wore a smtle. Sud- denly the aluminum lifted itself out of the water and balanced Itself ab- ont an inch and a half over the top of the bowl. And there it Btayed un- til Bachelet electrically called it down. But. the real stunt was the scheme for levitated transportation. Rigged up on one side.of the room were mod- els of what might be called, overhead aluminum and copper in the air and ing not by clectric magnetic repul- sion, was. a car shaped like a cigar, with both ends pointed and the bot- tom flat. On one of the railroad models was an aluminum skeleton car. It welgh- ed 18 pounds, and by turning a switch the car was raised about an inch from the grooved rails upon which it had rested. There were no Wheels to the ear, but there were brushes connected by springs) with t.9 body-of-the car, As explained by Mr. Bachelet, the brushes did not carry electricity, but ran in the groove of the rails and kept the car on the track. There was virtually no friction, he sald. eT At intervals along the model road were electric carried enough power to raise ten pounds and there were eight co a section. Over the track was a 80- lenofd, which sucked the car to Tis mouth and then it, shot through. The Propulsion for his leviated transport- ation road will come from a series of solenoids, Bachelet said, and he can get as much or. as Iittle power out ofthem as pleases. Certainly the model was hot along the road or reversed, and apparently Bachelet had t under good control. He also used a 40 pound steel model, and this seemed to be as well trained as the aluminum model Has Applied. for Patents. The basic princfple of Bachelet's Aiscovery, explained Assistint Pum- electric roads. Suspend d over the two models by strings from the cell- bhrey, Is the adaptation of propul- sion Patents have been applied for-the levitated-road as Welles for-the syn- chronizing interrupter. Rachelet thinks that the levitated system could be adopted for aeroplanes, es- pecially on warships. There is no anger of concussion ye Rachelet was born in France and has been in this country 28 years. Twenty years ago, he says he was the boss electrician of the city of Tacoma and for eighteen years he fias been working on the invention which he displayed yesterday. TO ANNUL MARRIAGE OF DOROTHY ROGERS Makes Sprcial Legislat- ion Necessary. - Winnipea, April 1. A special till to annul the martiuge of Dorothy Rogers to Charlea Watson was sent to Otta- wa foday, and it is expected Parlia- ment will pass it, Six works-ago; Miss Rogers, the. Iftyear-old daughter of a pronrinent citizen, married Watson, who is 40 years old, and capitalist, a few min- utes efter snetiad met bim for the first time ina drug store, where she was Having an ice cream soda. Wat- Shilols Gure HEALS THE LUNGS. son thought she was the girl he had THE INTELLIGENT AND arranged by correspondence to. marry. The girl pretended to be the one who was to meet tim, and they went ace to the residence of Dr. Crummy and were married. Jmsband in a department store imme diately after the ceremony, anid did not see him again. know the real nameof hiswife, and appealed to the police for aid. The girl s-identity was reporters. wate leave Real Es tate You will get your allot- of the body: is not good. ted piece of dirt soon enough without drinking the in its present condition, Guard your health, ter alone and to quench your thirst phone 122 for some of the famous SHAMROCK BOTTLING WORKS Soft Drinks, any flavor, delivered to any part of the City. , gt; STOPS COUGHS Pxicz. 25 CHNTS Sse * ae The girl teft her help. Watson did not) An liinols man finally revealed by ing the basket. Inside Real Estate Is a Good Investment, But best home paper is the logical med- ium which to obtain the most cabable Use the News Want Ads. ERFIVIENT SERVANTS: : pee at te those who read the best papers. / de Therefore the want ad column of the ol Visi sible has patented a wire basket on wheels to be moved about for the collection of rubbish, - which can be burned without empty- Remi 706 MILLE ) will sell Be the mornin Also the re careful and Post Office 25 Ibs fo
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Image 539 (1912-04-03), from microfilm reel 539, (CU1738702). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.