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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page Two The 3 Glasgow House Spring Dress Fabrics Andersons Scotch Ginghams. Crams English Prints. Irish Dimity;-in-White and Colored Bordered Voils Bordered Delainetts Bordered Muslins Bordered Silks . White and Colored Marquisitte Fancy Ninons c q . jon the International boundary? Medicine Hat PRews The answer to that question is pregnant (D4 NOW FACING MEDICINE HAI Dalby NI sree ing to the student of rail ons in Jim Hill s country aci Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every with mez lawful evening at Its office, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alta. -onditi Tietder. A. J..N. TERRILL, E ttor. We will leave it with you. Et HONE: gt; Advertising iseperariey awe Crecutenwet OUR GREATEST YEAR OF EXPAN. News Dept Job Depts. SION. 13 BING RINGS TQ OTWITHSTANDING the existence in eet Hat of the finest brick producing plants in Canada, it is fear- 1 months, divert. 140 monte, WF mal ed that there will be a famine in that mat- i oh sae . put both naw ad rial during the present season. Inquir- old ad resser at be given. ies already made at the offices of the local WEEKLY NEWS contractors indicate that this is to be Medi- Pubhshec every Thursday in sixteen or more pages, and Cine Hat s fecatent building year. Three contains a renee so es oot of the week. jand probally four new churches are to be 1 erected and the News already has know- epee eaamaracoe, i 3 montha, in advance. ledge of five large business blocks which it eee ld is proposed to build: one jalaateles groun oo their buildings before the first of May and WHAT THE C.N.R. WILL DO FOR US. there are the new buildings for the Medi- cine Hat Milling Co. and the J. R. Preston HE future of Medicine Hat along the) Mill besides the extensive additions which lines of industrial and general develop- will double the capacity of the Alberta Clay men is writ large across the face of the) Products Com; the Alberta Roller railway map whieh is reproduced on the Mills and the Alberta Foundry and Mach- DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1, delivered. ... 4.00 3 year by mail, months, d ilivered.. 2.00 months, by mall. 3.00 1.60 +60 Saturday, March itth, 1912 breaking We have three ad- *t* 8s implicating practioalty alt the-offlolais-of-the- Internation a T ciation of Bridge and Structural Iron Saturday, March 17th, 1918 DYNAMITE CHARGE Vast Plot was Furthered by Iron Workers and the Officials, THE DYNAMITING CREW Was the Title of Those who Did the Dirty Work for the Union. BEAVER BOARD HEY look better, wear better, ta longer, and cost less than lath, plaster and 77 wall-paper. BEAVER BOARD does not crack, chip or disintegrate. BEAVER BOARD heat and Ces pet pe OW. B, Dispateho- Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 16, New disclosures would indicate conspiracy cases through the forty thousand let- ters and telegrams voted in indict- /7 Workers, and will be a basis, it was. declared today, upon which the gov- ernment will seek to convict fifty- four of the defendants who are charg- ed with committing or abetting in al- most one hundred explosions. The correspondence contained in one of the thirty-two indictments and first page of this issue. Lhe money which the Canadian Pacific) Railway has spent, and is spending, in the city has doubtless had much to do with our past progress and present prosperity, but a one-railway. town can as a rule be classed, ine Company. The question of additional school accommodation has also to be solved this year and on top of all this prospective building on a larger scale, comes an aval- anche of requests for prices in connection with the erection of private residences. A as a one-horse town and growth beyond a conservative estimate, based on figures sup- ones Real Estate: Buy Now Buy All You Can We believe the best real estate Our Special Ls +45, 25 foot Lots, Central Park, for 12000.00 one-third cash,'6 and 12. Must be sold en-block. Lots 5 to 20, Block 20, Cousins-Sissons, 235.00 each. One-third cash, 6 and 12, Lots 1 to 20, Block 7, Cousins-Sissons. 210.00 each. One-third cash, 6 and pide os a and 12. : 4 ALBERTA REALTY + BROKERAGE, WAULSUHEY : Seer ecocteceeteeateceetecy eceteateeeteaeteetetectete Rostostertesie THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA Established 1864 tal and Reserve Funds Diese ae ee ews give special SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No delay in withdrawals. wo or more persons may open a joint account and either party-can withdra w money. Our deposits have Increased from 19,126,001 in 1901 to 63,194,580. 2 11,458,978 fe W. 0. JOY, Manager: : Medicine Hat Branch siEWOVALEAAKOF GAMADK ? THE ROYAL 3 Incorporated 1800 : Capital and Reserve- 13,7000,000- + Total Assets 110,000,000 mc This Branch conducts a special de- e SAVINGS partment tor Savings Accounts, in which deposits may be made with J sams of 1.00 and upwards. Ivterest. pald half yearly at highest 5 current fates. : 3 sais eas a MEDICINE HAT BRANCH . Ge -Pourth Avenue, . H. McDunnough, Manager. Realizing this fact,-advanees-have been made time and again to systems other than the O.P.R., with a view to securing a competing transportation line for the city. The circumstance, however, of the new) trans-continental trunk lines being located far to the north appeared to present an in- surmountable obstacle to obtaining the de- sired end, until the Alberta Government recently promulgated a policy of railway development which gave Medicine Hat the opening which we had been anticipating) for so many years. The chance came with the announcement that the Canadian Nor thern would complete its Goose Lake li from the eastern boundary of the Provinc to the junction with the Vegreville-Calgary line just north of the crossing of the Red Deer River. Fortunately at this physico- logical moment we had a friend .at court in the person of Hon. C. R. Mitchell, who was able to present the claims of Medicine Hat consented to guarantee the bonds of a north and south line through Bruderheim and Vermilion and thence to the boundary of the United States, passing through Medi- cine Hat. Not only has this concession been secu- red, but the assurance has been given that with the completion of the Goose Lake ex- tension, this fall, construction will immedi- ately begin on the Medicine Hat branch. The distance to be covered between the Goose Lake extension and this city is.less than one hundred miles. The deduction is a simple one a year-from this fall Canad- ian Northern Agents will be soliciting freight and passenger business in Medi- cine Hat. : t Those who are in touch with publie affairs in this city know that in every in- stance the only feature of the Medicine Hat situation that has militated against the ld- cating of many additional industries here, is the lack of railway competition.. With the altering of this condition of affairs, ing of the foundations for a great indust- rial centre. Aside from the fact that the entrance of the Canadian Northern into Medicine Hat will superinduce the conditions referred to in the preceding paragraph, there are other factors introduced into the situation which are of no inconsiderable moment. The mere presenee of a competing railway line in the eity was the ambition on whie all effort has been concentrated but the entrance of the Canadian Northern means far-more than this to Medicine Hat, The line in question opens up the whole eastern end of the province making it direetly tri- ibutary-to-this-city and connects up all the East and West lines of the various roads running north of us. Just what this signi- fies can perhaps be better understood by a reference to the map. It will also be seen that we are given direct access to the great north country. That there is even more in store for the city and district than is apparent on the face of this railway announcement is evi- dent. It is to the south that we must now turn. What railway connection in this direction for us is, of course, a mat- ter as yet of conjecture and not certainty. The citizens and settlers have been so plea- sed witn the proposal of the new line enter- ing the city that very little thought has -been-given-to-speculation regarding what the road would do after it had left Medicine Hat. On this point the charter simply says and thence to the Southern boundary of the Provin e. The southern Koundary of the province is the northern boundary of the State of Montana. Is the Canadian Northern Railway going to carry passeng- y POOLED. Sotrrtodrirlleeteee ers to a dead end out in the prairic solitudes it is not-within-the- range-of possibi- plied bythe lumber y: rards and-contractors indicates that at least three hundred houses willbeerected. tS 20 gt; T HE: definite announcement has been received that the C .P.R, will begin con- . struction on the branch line from Medi- cine Hat, which is to develop the great ir- Hagar traet of the Southern Alberta Land 0. 20 HE opening up of the fertile Joseph- burg and Elkwater country lying south- east of the city, by the electric line for whieh-a eharter has just been secured, means cheaper living in the Hat. Fresh country produce will now be landed at our doors for a song and a magnificent market will-be-built up. T is difficult to conceive of more. ideal pring weather than Medicine Hat has lto sueh goed-purpose that the Government been enjoying for the last-week-or-so. With the temperature ranging up as high s 42 in the shade, during-the day, the con- ditions can hardly be surpassed by any of the winter resorts in the south: lt;0:: T seems curious to-hear criticism of the farms raised in cost of demonstration the Alberta Legislature. If there is and part of the Dominion that needs all the instruction possible in this very line, it is the west, where the day is rapidly appro- aching when radical changes must be made in agriculture. It will not always be wheat. farming, and the present generation would be -w: 0 get ready for the day when that change must come London Free Press. HE reason why cold air seems to be curative, has not yet been discovered, sdys the Ottawa Citizen, but it is point- ed out that our ignorance must not delay the application of the new theory. The only main fact that is known is that cold contracts the superficial aterioles, or small Lots 25, 26 anal 27; Block: 20; High-Seheo' terefore, we may-expect the-steady-eed arteries, and-this-tends-to-soothins the i Amex, 1000.00. One-third cash 6 stable expansion which goes with the lay- flamed surface. Cold air has more oxygen and requires fewer respirations. and less heart gnergy a matter of importance to those with cardie afflictions. Internal ves- to cure and arrest infections. ee THIS DATE IN HISTORY February 17. of Plymouth-colonies. sented to Parliament, Quebec, born. Died April 12, 1898. les Napier. 1 Ireland. the Union. : THIS IS MY 43rd BIRTHDAY Bishop Guertin in Nashya, French parentage. St. Charles Borromeo College brooke, Seminary, near Boston. St. Anthony s Church at Manchester, N.H., for seven years as pastor. He was conse- erated third bishop of Manchester in 1907. sels are contracted, and this in-itset tends;s ouldcither be accompanied by this 1621 Miles-Standish selected ag Captain 1778 Lord North s conciliatory bill pre- 1820 Cardinal Taschereau, archbishop of 1843 The Ameers severely defeated at Meeance by the British under Sir Char- 1866 Hapeas Corpus Act suspended in 1870 Congress readmitted Mississippi to Rt. Rev. George A. Guertin, Roman Cat- holie bishop of Manchester, N.H., was born N.H., February 17, 1869, of He was educated in in Sher- Quebee, St. Hyacinthe College also in the Province of Quebec, and in St fotn s He was ordain- ed to the priesthood in 1892, and was as- signed as assistant in a church in Manches- ter, N.H., until 1896, when he went to Le- banon, N.H., for four years, and was then in embracing what are termed uncon- summated acts of conspiracy, Is held ag showing: that the vast plot, known O and furthered p mnk-M-Ryan; President of the Iron Workers, and to the members of his executive and many business agents, was carried on for six months to destroy property of steel and Iron contractors who em- a Jabor.. It charges all defendants with being equally guil- ty-as-abettors. It also purports to re- veal evidence that Kobs became the Accepted term to be sent through the mail to designate some place that was to be blown up and that gradually the officials of local unions began to call dlanopilis to assist by dynamiting and nitro-glycerine in expenses of. open shop contractors, Ortle McManigal, Herbert S. Hockin, second vice-presi- dent, and. James B, McNamara be- came it is charged an organized dy- namiting crew. See Wright's windows for Saturday. Some big snaps in diamonds. Over 5,000 worth of diamonds set jewelry going at less than factory prices. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S ture is on each box. 25e CANADA'S BEST METROPOLITAN AND NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Strong and Courageous The Daily Witness on trial .. 1.00 Regular rate, three dollars. jThe Weekly Witness and Canadian Homestead on trial 65 Regular rate, one dollar. These trial rates are, offered to NEW subscribers or those in whose homes neither edition has been taken regularly for at-least two years, that fg, since It has been so Wonderfully Enlarged and Improved the most popular paper among church-going people. Its subseribers love it, MAKE IT YOUR At the above Whirlwind Campaign Rates And telt-your friends about this of- fer. They would also enjoy it Subscriptions sent in at these rates advertisement or the paper in which you saw the announcement must ne named when sending the subscription. JOHN DOUGALL SON, Pubdlish- ers, Dept. M:H.N,, Witness Block, Montreal, st A.GLASSIC ON CONSUMPTION Words of a ent Canadian Citizen 1s He Has Viewed the War Against Consumption WMex, women, and children are all fell disease consumption and it is mistake. These words of Mr, BAWid Gurney, spdken at a gathering in. Muskoka a year ago, may be fittingly termed a classic on contamption. The records of the Muskoka Sanatorium, as do those of other institutions of like kind, on this continent, and in Europe, show very clearly that this much dreaded disease can be, snd is being conquered by the treatment followed in any well-managed sanatorium. In our own-Province, the time that the hospitals in Muskoka have been in existence, the death-rate from consumption has been r duoed twenty-five Pitthe life-siceing posibilitien of the 1 lifo-sewing ities of the aana- torianitir Cenadla-are fitaiied only by the means required to carry on and extend the work.. For this reason we very chearfully tusk our readers to help in the great and the ka Free Hi for Consum ives to be able to make, that from onth of Apel 902, ee ae an first opeoed, up to the it ors single patient has ever been retesad admission to this hospital because unable . Gage, Chairman of the minittes, 84 Spadina Ave., of on international headquarters in In- ; 1g6att Its circutation is being doubled, and s/s CHOICE FOR 1912 ocing-mowed down every day by this -f growing work thst ie being done at Siiihiobe teed es ing statement for the trastecs of SOLD The Lumber People. SOLE AGENTS. WILL CONVINCE you that our PURE LIME FRUIT JUICE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : :: MONTREAL WITAESS Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YoU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT'FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE: Office Next to City Hall. HOTSON LEADER Now fs the time to see about THAT ROOM YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE Papered Just phone 156 and Rey nolds Stewart will be Pleased to bring and show you their NEW SPRING samples and give you an eatitnate on one or all the rooms of your house. REYNOLDS STEWART 4th ave. opp. Binning s Store. Estimates furnished op all kinds of Painting Paper rm R. B. Taylor s Transfer PHONE NO. 349: House Mover - SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING CONCRETE WORK. *Phone 260. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL GREET Live-pool,.Feb.. 17. John Rogers. and Company, Liverpool cable to-day hat there were very few cattle for sale in the Birkenhead market and these Were readily sold at slightly higher prices than those last quoted. Indications denote better trade from now onward. States and Can- ladian steers making from 14 to 14 1. the reas., 347 King W , Toronte, will pladly receive snd xcknowledge contributions, cents: per pound. a, HEAVY TEAMING * faturday, Fe THROUGH TH (Continued of this country, branch Ine until competition. Mr. Bur Then we- recel Winn Dear Mr. Sitton, We have heard Northern and th cific railway com oring to enter in branch Une prog government, I t rangements will we have been gi of knowing what templation, so tha whero they are r tlers and also to duplication, THis prepared to build ment afd, branch urally tributary I feel satisfied to secure the m ment of such pari are already being T would be glad me at your conv ject as wo will s our construction 1 year, Vice-President 5 Oby. It is hardly ne marks on that, M it shows in itse was that theres ance given to an come into undue HON. C. R The man who has ing railway line their own lines,.a the programme I meets with their standpoint, and undue cyumpetitio they have so expr that as far ag thi cerned there fs 1 discussion. But 1 junction with thi Bury, the vice-pr manager of the Railway Company remarks of that and rallway man Shaughpessy, at ing of the Canad company, held in ber last,
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Image 271 (1912-02-17), from microfilm reel 271, (CU1738474). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.