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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ry 21st, 1912 i K RENT ; : i et OD cs d,s created ts oy DAILY EDITION al suites. All . Apply News s4det 90 copies Thursday. Advertisers in Dally get the benetit of the Weekly country eirou stiee eaxtrs charge. Books open bo advertisers. MEDICINE HAT NEWS MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1912 Rot PAR AP, e; ' FRLEGRAPHIC SERYIOR ea ve PRICE, FIVE CENTS England Husbanding tna PROPOSE TUNNEL fons PEMILAR DEAT Home Rule Bill nsult Us, oUF ex- 0sal free. H. B, oronto St state Her Coal Supply, is ON NEW YORK TRIP Will Pay an Official Visit 1S BEING INVESTIGATED Young Ward of 73 Year Old UNDER ST. LAWRENCE be Introduced 2nd mous Soon List of Invited the Big Plan fox Tube at Mont- Man Dies Shortly After e cpr Purchasing U.S. Fuel) Heal for Stat and Elect.) cuardian Week in March trade for ranch unimproved, in aii and Manitoba, Admiralty has Arranged for to Supply Gibraltar Lab- (W. AP, Cable London, Feb. Although the Duke of Connaught s visit to the Un- OWS AP. Dispateh) Hutchinson, Kas. Feb, 22. Inves- tigation of the mysterious death of WANT GOV'T. ASSISTANCE So Says Invitations to Irish National Banquet to be sot the Panama rites make Statement that if Strike is Declared ict stim was wots rwer' Plans Have Been Laid Bo- Mict Hina Nein, ward of the inte) Held on Bt. Patrick's Day Will Closely Follow has reached the colonial office from z-e; Dr. B. R, Richardson, took on a new ; Bill . Ws Vaneonten both Sides will be Violating their Agreement. His Royal Highness. Ho maintains f0T SEES Project) corm when the fact that the girl was Tatroduction of the 178dimo, - - a noteworthy tribute to the reception a0 Ent New One. a spiritualist was offered in support (W. A. P. Cable) accorded the Duke, his wife and of the theory that she hud committed CW. AP. Cable London, Feb. 22. A sensation has thie agreement distinctly guarantees daughter in NewYork. Hopes are Ovtawa, Feb, big scheme for sufelde. Miss Nelson's body was Tondom, Feb. 22. A circular an- Saturday belore the date of the ban- deen sauused in Welsh coal trade by minimum wage under abnormal ettertained therefore for a formal of- a new. tungel treal bas found. in the home of her. the-Iriok National. -Rarguet BS ; the statement that the British Admir- conditions. sfuse to ttelul viate-ahletpater later Whlch WIll inid teiore the Ragt Hon. R. 1, Bor- suardian last Saturday. A strange o s . Patrick's Day where John Red- The cirealar ia at hers, bought and alty has arranged for supplies of Am- erfoan coal to be delivered at Gibral- tar or Vigo. The steamers Corbin and Eleanor have been in London the last few days, to load about 17,000 tons of coal at Norfolk, Virginia, or Newport, New Zealand, and in March it, is believed that further. charterings will take live up to thelr part, of 4t they too have equally gratifying results. wilt violate the agreement. Mr. Ed- wards claims to Have obtained confir- mation -of hts tnterpretation of the agreement from three of the greatest British: lawyers and other competent lawyers predict that.the real point raised Will have an important bear- The official visit will be primarily to Washington at the invitation of British ambassador. ere In any extension thereof every care will be taken to avold the appearance of Royal intervention in society ar- rangements, The only drawback to ing on the present quarrel, and it may the full enjoyment of the Royal party even-make-it-necessary-for-the stay in New York towards the (project is sought. infatuation the police. say bound the: 25 year old girl to the white haired man of 78. When he died of heart den, Hon. F,D. Momk and Hon. C. J. Doherty. Briefly stated, the jproject is to con- pi Ss, naa ae gueuil or St. , beneath the St. Lawrence and lider the erty and mountain, somiimg: out at Jaq fimp Car- tier Junction. A government subsidy jelson threw herself upon the body crying: Oh my darling, syeak to me, and never ceased to mourn him until her own death. mond will preside, states: two Irish members ol pairkiament, Te is expected that tthe Home Rile Jerry McVeagh and Mathew Keating confidently look forwand for realiza- meut that the home rale bill will be tion of their country s Hopes will be imtrodueed atout the second week in fesctced. Sif the hoaet ol pommious Sher. darvard Talloring place, It is Understood that te Ad aah STRNTHCONS BETTE Fa ae a ea cane AYemue, opposite miralty wishes to reserve what Welsh ers to ballot all over again on the 8Tose-from the gossip surrounding the sae scompenay an is, has sop sat sues P. 0. box 701. coal is available, question of a strike, Mr. Bdwards lists of. the Invited to moet them at bem definitely Sed Sore eh ( . A. P. Cable) st Prices Paid for. suggests that as the owners conceed the various social funetions they at- cae ae a? have reu- + ondon, Feb, 22- The condition of 23Dte. London, Feb. 22. The expected coal the principle of the minimum wage in tended. peoneae o pies. Si ee bs Lora Strathcona is unchaiged. Hie strike'on March ist is the princlpal the 1910 agreement, they might ex- Bropgsa owing Micngthide matatained: at HiDE, FOR tople of conversation today. Something tend it mow and prevent. a strike. TODAY'S MARKETS te dc GIR wen lect i 2 that fo definite coming The above have in the nature of sensation was They could do, this on conditions that peor beyond a promise that any farmai List your property, with H.C. Pettet lection of Second city, We carry wards, Laborite, of the London Sun. to which they are entitled. The lat- t ; nd Bedding, new He claims to have made a discovery ter might agree to this because of aoe 00: * oe tn ne Bestel 100 earefut, consideration. right. seat lothing, Clocks, thelr failure to observe their part of F 5* Sised ee Te is stated thet the project is only gp ap oeop bb bbe EH Rifles, Guns. Re- Suggies, Harness, ) of winter goods. mentioned above rices. Call at 504 or Phone 687. f Cleaning g Co. , Fourth Avenue. ssed and Repaired New. Goods Bought sold and Delivered. BRIS, Proprietor. AND PRESSING im the Pingle . Present contention. Mr. Edwards, who Sprung last night by Clement Ed- wrong in their is a barrister, says there s a clause fh the agreement of 1910 betwen the miners and owners which the latter will violate it they strike for a min- imum rate of wages. Five Ships Ashore on Virginia Coast Two More Schooners Have Been Blown out to Sea by Worst Blow in Years Dwellings Wrecked Peo- ple Killed at Bluefield. Norfolk, Va.; the miners forego claims for arrears the agreement. As the day set for the strike upproaches the conditions throughout the country are growing worse, The price of coal has gone up to 8.a ton and the poorer people who can buy only in small quantities are Winnipeg, Feb, 22. May wheat, old, May-oats closed 40 3-4; July-closed 48 1-4; extra No. 1 feed, May, closed 39 3-8, May flax closed 183. Cash Prices Wheat No. 1. Nor.. 96 1-2; 2 Nor. 93 1-2; 3 Nor. 89; 4 Nor. 82 1-4; 6 Nor. 701-2; 6 Nor, 60 1- Oats No, 2 C.W. 40; No. 3 C.W., 36; extra Ne. 1 feed 37; No. 2 feed 34 1-2. Barley No. 3, 63; rejected 47; feed 46. Co. They will sell it if the price ts Proposal sutmitted world receive eke STROPHE. is designed thy gibay to materially imcrease the transportation facilities of the city end district. The tunnel would be uscit steam railways, thus connecting the lines of. the north and south shores, and for the street Tailway service be- lt; gt; tween the city proper and the subfirits i on both sides of it -thus relieving the existing ae im many quarters. Washington, Feb. 22 Sen- for Cavor received a cable- + + + the capital of Costa Rico with + the single word, Earthquake + + + + eae bbb by in it. He fears another cat- astrophe has taken place. PEER ES Six 24-knot-Vessels will beBuilt for Trade Will be TRADE rT CANADA Armed for Defense and to Protect Atlantic Trade During Time of War. CW. A. P. Cable) London, Feb. 22 The announce- port that six 24 knot vessels will be ment from Montreal that a company built for the purpose of sending weat- supported by a powerful group of ern Amerlean and Asiatic traffic via Britisti capitalists and Canadian rail- Canada instead of via the United Toad mien had been formed to operate States. It is stated that the vessels a Une of boats between Great Britain will be subsidized by. the govern and Hallax, was received tere with ment and will be armied for self-de- patriotic: joy: fense and for the deferise of the At The London Times confirms the re- lantic trade routes in time of war. German-English Diplomats: Plan Another Step Towards Peace at: Portugal Ss Expense exs have bea driven ashore in. the dwellings were blown over and wreck Products Gompany of This me cine Ss es Sale feo 8 Te nee eo nme pack for the Alberta Clay ind Rae a Ue F oa wil oe a OE coast ia many years. The storm be-/The wreckage took fre and turned City--Largest Single: Shipment-of This Nature ae Bran Ao ee ee y Com gan last night and continued today. for an hour. Several people are re- Pp i e uguese Possession in Africa oe At 10.30 two schooners were reported ported missing nda woman and Ever Made in the Canadian West Negotiations Carrie on but Germans are not to Bete tamer by Capt. Henley. as being blown rap- child were Seay erect. Sone * Seek Actual Possession. rading, water, gas eee Gtk Boe a 10. ae MR, WARREN OVERPACK HAS RETURNED FROM CALGARY AND - ions, and sewers, Petitions for the of the City Engi- ebruary 23rd, 1912, considered by th mites, and if ap- IN HIS POCKET IS THE LARGEST INDIVIDUAL ORDER FOR. BUILDING MATERIAL EVER GIVEN IN WESTERN CANADA. THE WESTINGHOUSE, CHURCH, KERR COMPANY HAS THE CONTRACT FOR THE ERECTION OF A ALGARY- aay a nn GENERAL MANAGER. GILMORE AND SUPERINTENDENT. OF CONSTRUC- . A TEST WHICH HAD BEEN MADE IN London, Feb, 22 It is from an unusuaHy well source that Africa is likely to be one of the ral Ol nation towards an suede learned lsh and German. diplomats, however informed uch Portugal might quarret with the ethics of such diplomacy. London, Feb, 22. Barom Von Stuum, * Wirector oF the ee mE SHES TS RECALLED TION CALDWELL IN REFERENCE TO ciroat Bettain'sacqulascence in tak t's men, cram omen ort viele KRIMMER, me NEW YORK OF SAMPLES OF BRICK AND HOLLOW-WARE FIREPROOF. e over by Gormauy of the Portu- ir eee dine gece fing ity Bagineer ING WHICH HAD BEEN FORWARDED TO THE COMPANY BY VARIOUS oe eric, tanmcstod as tonets 4 Conmeny fact oa Dose aldose ie : CONCERNS ENGAGED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF BUILDING MATERIAL, 1 proor thar the English good will sited Berlin on q similar (en Action Quickly Follows their Notification to Secretary THE INTERVIEW WHICH MR. OVERPACK HAD WITH THE REPRESENT. asked for in the Reichstag by the Im- The Baton, who is mows, NDON, Barrister, Knox to Stay at Home Want Panama Matters ATIVES OF THE CONTRACTORS WAS THOROUGHLY SATISFACTORY. AS) eriat cliancetlor, but Portugal has Moneta: srapatiice, mat r7, Medleine Fiat, Arbitrated First. THE RESULT OF THE NEW YORK TESTS, THE MEDICINE HAT PRODUCT etled ter readiness to part with) cone Seosption from te SO CLEARLY SHOWED ITS SUP SAMPLES FROM RIVAL COMPANIES THAT THE ALBERTA CLAY PRODUCTS COMPANY carrics on, however, on the. under- Anglo-German negotiations will be ee pe FeteEee eee Hj be to te fact that Columbia lt;iins PECEIVED AN ORDER FOR FIVE HUNDRED CARLOADS, ALTHOUGH standing wa Germany wit not nek at-today- convmpn mis been arbitrated. Notification given by THE ALBERTA CLAY PRODUCTS COMPANY HAVE OVER 1200 CAR LOADS tate sctusl possession of the Por- te ie en at ne poe MACHINES ana RECALLED MINISTER - the Columbian government totey 078) TN STOCK THIS WILL HELP TO REDUCE THE SUPPLY ON HAND. THE) critica to resard-that section of the tho Medicine Hat Ailing Ca a ase ae + ee a et ee CPR. SHOPS ARE-TO BE BUILT PRACTICALLY OUT OF FIRE PROOFING, continon: as a sphere ot commercial Mr. G. H, Reed of Lethbridge te in rent SpE ROPE? a ee OW THAT IF THE MATERIAL ; ie . W. J. Fleming, + Bogota, Columbia, Feb. tncldent between Columbia and the WHICH GOES TO SHt C.P-R. CAN Sega IN ilereat TORUS be CRE pte deeads ana any io vet. Gon. Pedro Oshina, Columbian United States is closed. It continues THE CONSTRUCTION OF THOSE LARGE SHOPS, IT AN BE USED VERY SE ee Tn neers is me Da Ser ay a eee te ae eee en ee SATISFACTORILY IN SMALLER STRUCTURES OF ANY NATURE. core ae epee ss rel Corsets le was recalled e lumh- gt; 7 into-an actual possession of G r- Gordon of Winnifred are in the city. franteed against. *f lan Government this morn- Ce the Anglo-German negotiations L, M. Mansfield was in the cit Phone a i . ity y : Mi Sani: a * Washi oe Pak eee ens con- will-not need to discuss, Portugal's terday from Bowell. irs. SF at ington, nae consent could not be eternally with- Mr. C. Watson of Winnipeg, who Main St. 168dim bee EE bhbe heb ep z cern of the State Department on be- held. spent yesterday in the city, has re ing informed through the Associated It is clear that delimentation of turned to Winnipeg after transacting Bogotta, Feb. 22 The action of the Columbian government was taken-be- Press of the recall of the Columbian minister was that tt should be thor- spheres of interest in Africa would important.real estate business in Bas- be a feather In the caps of the Eng- sano, OTMAN cause neither it nor the Columbian oughly understood that the depart- 7 sees her people holds the position oe the Co- ment had. vot..directly .or .indirectly te 10 Jumbian minister at Washington in suggested this course which conse- ee seat 68: ROgTApnEr. sng tug Bie Doar resect ue Gans soeare eave teem See Rough Neck Suffragettes olding and Con- a visit to Columbia. of Secretary of voluntary on the part of the Colum- Justice Charbonnean Gives His Decision in the Famous Ne Temere Case at M at Mont- ll K 0 M. Imperial Bank State Knox would be inopportune ow- blag, government, Ss real Held that Decree has No Effect Against Civic Code Minister was Wi eep ae at eeting Ine Hat, Phone 484 Paperhanging, FORMER HAT BRAKEAN WAS KILLED AT Y J. . Kennedy, ex-C.P.R. IKING YESTERDAY local brotherhood jJodge. The mains. wil Authorized by Civic Statutes Children are Legitimate. (W, A. P. Dispateh) ment, declaring the marriage illegal rendered by Mr. Justice Litundereau on March 23rd,1911 and-suoh judg- ment, moreover, he finds that the withdrawal of the husband trom the Methodist church. sult by filing desitment of From the suit by fillng desitment of sult did not prevent the wife from seeking to establish her civil staues by bringing evidence to prove that her drawn, The attorneys band. claimed that when their withdrawat that ended the case. They desisted from the sult and the lady won, There covld be no hearing of evidence after that, When the Judge admitted the evidence under re- Servo they abruptly ift the court-room and the case for the husband, that is, that the marriage of a Catholic not performed by a priest sud was never Montreal, Feb. 22. Judgnient was fox une huss handed down today In the famous arriage Case by Justice Charbonneau: He upheld the validity of the mar- riage. He maintains that any officer authorized to solemnize a marriage can marry any two persons who ob- serve the ordinary formalities, includ- ing a marriage license, no matter what thelr religion may The De- they filed - Dressed in Costumes to Suit Job 70 Women will Act as Thrower-out at Non-Militant Gathering- Lloyd- George the Principal Talker, : OW, A. P, Cable) tions to which Miss Chrystabel Punk hurst-hag-aeked-trim to reply:- So- great has been the London, Feb. 22. The non-militant sulfragettes ave arranged for seventy; of-their 'stalwarts' to -eet--as-bew- Jards for theie mosting tonight at Ai bert Hall when Chancellor Loy Hall hailing 10,000 could have been filled twice over, some seventy them- tickets dor this ineating that Albere gt; LY . dress. Yhieie e: : pee Stewart, Word-was recefved by-the-loca Tl eree-tue-no eftect-as against-the civit marriuge was legal amt her children Presented to the court. The ortginat OSr* will give am adk Jbors ol partiament will be preseit- ed posite Binnings) Todge of the Brotherhood of Railway fd code which, be holds, authorizes all legitimate, He holds the children are judgment by Judge Iaurendean was veuty athletic young women ws Tord Lyton and Mre, Faweett amd Estimates cheer- dy, formerly of He was isterg of civil statue to marry parties The entire case for th wife was the marriage detwe : we killed at Viking yesterday. Unversity College, London. The fol- as to the marriage betwe n Marie Em- placed before the court several tare and Hebert 2t Montreal July 14,) and to obtain order, with persistcut takes phaice in this hall next Wednes- Kentiedy formerly tived here ana owing Canadians have been elected Cloustfe and Eugene Hebert, sol- months ago, the Judge reserving the 1908 and solemnized by the Rev. Wm, iaterruption euch one of the stewards day prominent members of both Was a brak man.on the C. P. R. Some fellows of the Royal Colonial Insti- emnizea by the Rev. William Timber Tight not to adjudicate upon the mer- Timbertake, miulster of ts preparedamt trainet to giN 4 houjes of patBament and their wives Trainmen of the death of J..A. Kenne- time ago-Menhedy severed his connec- tion with the.C..PR. and went to the C. NeR and was breaking on the main Hardy, AL. Hunt, Hon. G. E. Kemp, July 11th, 1910. Gut of Edmonton. Prior to leav- the Hat he was a member of the London, Feb, 23 Dr. Willey of Mc? Gill has been appointed fellow of the tute. J..J. Danfleld, Robt, Cale, A. C. S.-W. Pugh, GM, Richards, G, W. T. Stone and Geoffrey Tupper. d, 1911 annulling Madame Clou- legitimate and born in wedlock, rend red Mar persons who are allowed to keep reg- Lake, a Methodist minister, thorized to keep a register of civil statues on He helt that it was performed legally, He upholds, Ma- date Flebert s opposition to the judg- its of the question of marriage, pro- Widing he found that as a matter-of / proceedure and practice It was legal to hear evidence 1 party beginning the sit had with the centenary Methodist church. ert in Fall River, aMe Hebertein St Valentine in 188 ressed in physical culture. costumes 80 as not to impede their movemeot Mrs, Phillips Snowden will: speak. When the anti-sofimigette mosting, good account of herself ia a rough wil, te: present. The speakers incloda. of any militant sister who.does. not and Tyewis Fiescontt. Each cee think Tioyd-Geonge io answering ade- hokder pledges not to interrupt the quately some of the awkward gher- setter: rg
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Image 299 (1912-02-22), from microfilm reel 299, (CU1738460). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.