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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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26th, 1912 BERS o., Live Stock foneers, 619 Tor- s every Friday 1 o'clock. Ranch wonducted any- ture sal con- nsult us, Ourex- osal free. H. B, pronto St. 182dtt KOUS roperties in and trade for ranch unimproved, in n and Manitoba, mentioned above ces. Call at 504 * Phone 587. Jeaning Co. Fourth Avenue. ed and Repaired New. 1 Goods Bought la and Delivered. RIS, Proprietor. AND PRESSING in the Pingle irug store, Main anteed.- Ladies attention. Goods red. Phone 353. 17641mo., E ublic improve- sidewaiks, curb ding, water, gas a ns, and. sewers, etitions for the t the City Engi- ruary 23rd, 1912, onsidered by the ittee, and it ap- 1e by-laws which . GRIMMER, City: Engineer. te. ourran, OMBON, Te eobane 28 SS MINNIPES . ae Wee coples daily. 900 etreginted (n cit) 2000 copies Thufeday. Advertiners in Dally xe the benefit of the Weekly country ciroulatior noaxtraehargs. Books open to ad vertine MEDI SNE HAT DAILY EDITION co WAP. AND GAP, TELEGRAPHIC SERVIOR CWS VOL. 2, NO. 195 QB ., Threatened Coal Strike in England Announcement of a Settlement May Be Made This Evening -Miners and Operators Holding Conference With Representatives of Government To-day: Smoothing Over Rough Places Landon, Feb, 27- It is antletpated that settlement of British Coal di pute will be officially announced this evening according to report publish- ed hy News Agency. London. rev. 97 dn early, ment ef the dispute In the coal le which has threatened to throw gt;near- ly a million miners out of niploy- ment om March Ist, is probably, more than probable although it icannot yet) be definitely: announced. May Be Tia extagl The executive committee of the Miners Federation has agreed to meet representatives of the mine owners together with some members of the Government and representatives of the Board of Trade at Premier Asqu- ith s office in Downing Street this afternoon. The meeting of the dis- putants with the meditators in an effort to smooth away the rough places s confidently regarded as forshidowing avollance of what pro- mised to be the greatest industrial struggle of modern times in Eng- land. This clearing of the atmosphere followed: a conference between Pre- mier Asquith and some of his collea- gues with the members of the com: mittee of the Miners Federation, 180 of which discussed the situation with the premler for nearly two hours this forenoon. Mutual concessions ar to form a basis of the settlement of dis- pute. HAT S. ASSESSABLE PROPERTY OVER, SEVEN MILLION Court of Revision Considered Twenty Appeals against Assessments under Single Tax System Few of Them were Allowed. Only two appeals were allowed es- terday against the assessments which have been made by the city'uniler the single tax system. The sum of 850 only being involved. The total amount of assessable pro- perty im the City of Medicine Hat amounts to the round sum of 7,020,- 000.00, Twenty ratepayers appealed against thelr assessments but over one-half of them withdrew their appeals. Seyen and a half millions is the amount assessable for school purpo- ses against which there is no appeal. The appeal of the Royal Bank re exemption of the land: on which the Methodist church is built was refused and the bank will likely take the case to court, The amount involved is about 12,000. Clay Products Has ae Have Found Clay on Crows Nest Line that will Make the Best of Tile Experiments were Completed Yesterday. Althougit turning out thousands thousands of pressed brick. tile, the Clay Products-Compamy have been unsatisfied up to the present time with the quality of sewer pipe they have produced. The management are not satisfied to label their goods es good. Nothing but the very best wilt do for -them and now after snonths of experimenting with: from various pits a perfect clay hus b en foumd at one of the pits in the Cuow's Nest Pass. A load of this clay was brought in some few days ago and moulded into both 6 inch and 2 it. pipes. The kiln was opened up yesterday and the result has proved eminently sstitastory. The clay vitrified well ft and capable of carrying any) finids which sewer pipes are over call- ed upon to do. The Clay Products fated on the highly satisiactory -re- sults of their experiments. E Paso, Texas, Feb. 27. At seven o'clock this morning the insurgent troops of Emilio Campa had made no move toward attacking Juarez. A il force Was seen directly south. of Juarez at six o'clock but were evi- dently only a scouting party. The force loyal to the Madero government within the ity Ison the alert for every: move, A Speciat General Meeting of the Conservative Association will be held in the Court Room of the City Hall Important business ,to be transact- ed. 19542 : Bi Sank; 32 : Lost Their Lives/: Belgian Steamer Founder- ed :and Passengers and Grew Were Drowned, Brussels, Belgi sengers and crew were drowned foundering of the steamer Delivers the governnient vessel on Kwango ri- v r, on the borders of Belg um Congo Lynds can save you money on Better phone 163 for prices: 195d Tasnraace Cos. Must a Income Tax on Money Deposited With cs t. So Decides Court of Appeal in onside: Three Cases on Appeal onidon, Fed, 27. The court of ap- fo-day Fiil d that the money de- posited by Fire Insurance Gompan- jes with the Dominion Governments as to enable them to trdnsact bust- nessa in the Dominions was lable to the Income tax. This decision af- fects three appealing companies. ABROGHTION OF RUSSIAN TREATY Meeting in St Petersburg, to Protest Action of the United States. St. Petersburg, Feb. 27 The mass. meeting of the Nationalist party in th Hall of the Nobility last night to protest against the attitude of. the United States in denouncing the Rus- so-American treaty of 1832, was at- Yended by fifty members of the Duma, many public officials and several thousand others interested in. the re- taliatory action which Russta propo- ses, After four set speeches; resolu- tions were rei In support of the Na- tionalist proposals for total exclu- sions of Americans of Jewish faith from Russia and for tariff reprisals. Thes proposals were introduced in the Duma on December 27. According to their terms the customs duties are to be raised 100 per cent. in some cases. The declarations of speakers depre- cating Jewish influence in the United States, which, it was alleged, was re- sponsible for the attempt to meddle in Russian international affairs, and to-be-their-own masters-within-their own-doors, elicited some-applause.In other respects the speeches merely re- viewed ancient matter. Some speakers made friendly refer- ences to the American president and ali attempted to explain how the Jews had taken advantage of the exigencies of the situation with the electio1 heartily congratu- yeaeat hana. M. von Eggert praised President Taft, while Count Bobrinsky declared that ex-President Roosevelt was the svvorn enetiy of Russi. POULTRY lavewing the determination of Russla startling developments are antici- MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY . 27, 1912 WIKL PROBE ALL WESTERN RATES A aca U; heval to be Rais- ed at Special Hearings pee Railway Commis- sion. Edmonton, Feb 27. C. W. Metn- nis, realty man of thls city, formerly rate clerk with tH provincial gov- ernment, returm d Tost evening from business trip fo Ottawa. Mr. Mc- Innis went to the Mational capital in behalf of the e in reference to the freight ay effecting wes- tern Canada doal Business. This case is to come before the railway com- missioners when the board sits in Bd monton on the 28nd of March, when a special hearing is 0 be xiven. All cases concerning all western freight rates are ta be heard by the commission during this trip west. This trip west next month is for the purpose, primarily, of hearing these cases, The commission will sit at Regina on the Jdth of March, at Cal- gary on the 18th, im Edmonton on the 22nd. The Vameouver case comes up for hearing in this city at the same time the Edmonton cases are-before the board. At these sittings the board will en- ter the finaneiaf status of the three railroads as regards revenue from western freight: This means that the investigation is stirring the question Dr. Neely said that the goverfiment. of rates from the bottom. A general reduction in freight rates all along is anticipated, Charles 8, Hotehkiss, publicity com- missioner for the province of Alberta, accompanied Mr, McInnis on this mis- sion to Ottawa, He returned to Ed- monton last evening also. GIRL. MARRIED WAN AS JOKE oe Stenogeapher Now Re- from Her Hur- Hod Ae Act. gt; (W. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, Feb. 27 Dorothy M. Ro- gers, daughter of W. Rogers, civil en- gineer, of 600 Corydon Ave., herself working as a stenographer in the Mas- ter Mechanics Department of the Can- adian Pacific Railway, is the seven- teen-year-old gir) who married Geo. Watson here as a joke/but now finds it avery serious matter, It develops that there was but one girl Miss Ro- gers in the affair all along. Some . PRICE, FIVE. CENTS Government Rather Shaky on Term. Elevator Question Will Experiment with a Few Elevators at Fort William under Grand Board Super- vision Won t Purchase all Outright Amendment Made to Establish Sam. Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 27. During the further consideration of the grain act in the Commons yesterday Hon. G. B. Foster gave some further explanation of.the policy of the government in re gard to the Ownership of terminal ele vators. He said the government would lease or purchase two and perhaps three elevators at Fort William and they would be run under the super- vision of the grain board. The gov- ernment, he said, did not propose to undertake the responsibility of going in for the purchase of all the terminal elevators, but the experiment to be made would be upon a large enough scale to demonstrate the truth or oth- erwise. of the charge that there have been dishonest practices in connection with the operation of these elevators. Incidentally, the minister safd, he was Very well satisfied that there had been little or no dishonesty practiced during 1910-1911. The attitude of the Opposition members was critical. Mr. Knowles sald tbat f Premier Borden had undergone a chenge of opinions from when he was in the west last summer, he could inform the house. ple Seeds and Mixing. should go all the way in connection with this matter or nowhere. Mr, Knol s proposed to wider the clause which provides that no one managing or operating terminal ele- Vators can buy or sell grain, but by an additional proviso it should supply any one interested in terminal eleva- tors. After a long discussion the minister took the statement under ad- visement. At a late hour Mr. Foster moved and presented bis amendment providing for the establishment of sample seats and mixing. The Opposition was disposed to oppose the amendment on the score that it was. but a plan to allow mixing to take place. Mr. Oliver read a letter from Mr. Roderick Mackenzie, secretary of the Manitoba Grain Growers Association in which he declares against the pro- posal. Arthur Meighen supported the amendment, He said that thousands of farmers were in favor of It In the early part of the session Mr. MacDonald of Pictou, brought up the question of the apparent attempts of the National Association of Great Britain to bai the Ross Rifle bythe adoption of a rule in regard to the attachments of sights with which the Ross rifle on accout of its construc- Uon cannot comply. He accused the association of doing a lot of quibbling afd of treating Canadians meagrely at the meet. Col, Sam. Hughes, Minister of Mil- itia, agreed with Mr. MacDonald in practically all that he said, and in T retosing tis speech expressed doubt as to whether the D. R. A. would this year send the team to Bisley. He traced the opposition to the Ross rifle in England to the manufacturers of small arms and announced that the Canadian government bad offered to loan the British ten thousand long Ross rifles which would put the two countries on exactly the same footing. London, Feb. 27. Lord Choyles- more, chairman of the National Rifle Association told the Canadian Asso- ciated Press to-day that he had noth- ing to. say regarding the Ross Rifle difficulty, excepting merely that the Sutherland Sight was outside the scope of the regulations. He also denied that Canadians were unduly interfered with or treated different from the other competitors at Bisley. GOLD FOUND NEAR GOCHRANG Town is Full of Excitement Everyone has Staked Claim, (W. A. P. Dispatch) Calgary, Feb. 27 According to a meagre story which came here last night from Cochrane, gold in paying quantities has been. discovered. fif- teen miles northwest of there In the mountainous region around Ghost River, An old Yukon prospector, looking for new flelds, discovered the metal and he declares it is there in large quantities. Cochrane at present is seething with excitement and most of the citizens of that place have staked claims in the vicinity of the one taken by the prospector. Unnatural, Inhuman Acts Committed by Nhe Turkish Troops Desecration of the Dead Attacks on Ambulances and + Other Terrible Acts Described in a Pen Picture of the Italian-Turko War London. Atrocities. Received -at London, Feb, 27. A memorandum issued by. the Italian government con- taining a protest against the evidence addressed to the powers concerning the atrocities committed by the Turks and Arabs on Italian soldiers, killed or wounded in and around Tripoli in October last, has been received in London. The memorandum contains also attagks made on Italian ambul- ances and the use of dum-dum bul- lets. Under the first head a renort of the both eyes sewn with a thick string. Many cases of firing on ainbulances were reported and several cases of killing stretcher bearers while carry- ing wounded are vouched for by eye- witnesses. Firing on the Red Cross is alleged and in one case it is declared knife stabs were made through the Red Cross armlet worn by an ambul- ance attendant. The memorandum continues: These are the painful facts that not only Italy. but the whole of humanity de- pated within-the next day or two which may let the sitlou of the snarl she thoughtlessly involved herself in. GERMAN EMPEROR, PRESIDENT step Towards One More ean Peace is Now Considered by Diplomats Paris, Feb. 26 Both French and German diplomats and members of FOR BIG FIGHT Washington, Feb. 26 The affairs jat the White House went on as usual yesterday and there was no great in- crease of congressional calls in con- Roosevelt's willingness to accept n other nomination. Vice-President Sherman and Senator Murray Crane, of Massachusetts, hurried to the pre- Sident s office early to-day but would net discuss their visit, Secretary of War. Stinson among, the presiient's time, Asked as to what attitide Citizens Interested in Breeding Invited to At- tend a Meeting over the News Office To-morrow Evening. be ENS try Association will be held in the News office tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at elght o'clock sharp, when Mr. Geo. N, Bartlett wil glve an in- The Seiekce of Mating and Breeding. Mr. Bartlett bas had i large experience in breeding poul- try-and-hls address should prove most instructive, The meeting will be an open one and all interested are cor- ially invited to attend. SOAP FACTORY FOR WEST (W, A. P. Dispateh) eatgary, that, the Sunlight Soap peopte wil to- cate in Calgary in the near futare. Genera Manager Knight of Toronto, who has charge of the business In Canada was in the city yesterday looking over the ground. They have a good business In Canada, which has increased to such proportions:that it is necessary to open a branch in the west. A Special General Meeting of Conservative Association will be held in the Court Room of the-Gity Halt the on Thursday night at 8 o'clock sharp. Important business to be transact- ed. 19542 List your property with H.C, Pettet the French and German cabinets are considering at the present moment plans for a meeting between President Fallicries and the German Emperor, according to a report current in well Informed quart r The meeting like the visit of Vis- count Haldane, British Secretary of War to Berlin, worfld represent anoth- er effort to solldiiy peace o and be an ndication of Franco-Ger- man accord on subject of Morroco, he would like with regard to Col- onel Roosevelt, Mr. Stinson: said: I will make my position perfectly clear in a speech I will make in Chicago, March 5th. The speech is to be made before the Chicago Taft Club and several days 60 Mr. Stinson said he would talk ft administfation, his speech had been looked forward one of the serles which cabinet officers make in support of the President and it was fant Laeht-+ ABT thts tthe teast year of Feb 97- 3t te possiblo nation and German Emperor would pares waren Sng oer: Jenk: the g fieral Impression +here to-day ards the establisment OF mort trGer (that Mr. Stinson will adhere to his ly relations between France and Ger- 4114) purpose. The fact that he pa said he would anounce his position he ine ape Fee Balliere before a Taft organization also is SHOU EO eae ee Geptem (Tesarded as significant. There is a, Te oe i esepevor snould STOWE Bellet Ta Washington, that the eet Pench Presi. CT of pre-convention eampaign will ctoes trontex-to Eree centre in Ohio the president's own state is known that the Roosevelt forces will make one of their strong- est bids for delegates there and the president's friends are preparing to meet their activities. Mr. Taft him- The matter, veter, is one of self is to. be.called great delicacy, as diplomatists must i. snare of the burde reckon WIM public opinion in-France Feb 28 Washington, President sel ea eas forgotten AISACE- rate will-make-no direct allusion to raine. the announcement from Col. Roose- velt, prjor to the approach according to statement from officlal service an President Fallieres term of office, meeting betwen head of the French be-especialiy-appropriate Meeting of Gun Club to-night at 8 o'clock City Hall Court Room. Co. right. is9att fo ole ofe ole ofe fe ob ole eke obese eee fe in. Washington was announced to-day a by Medill MeCormic who is in 4 REAL ESTATE DEAL. (charge. Announcement from Roose- eo fel volt was all that was necessary to Ed. Bennett, real estate f convince voters he will not give up 4 dealer, yesterday sold 20 Tots, - of+ fight unt ) convention. sald MeCor- Block 28 and 30 Central Park +f+ mick. No comment upon formal en- for 7,500 cash. Se trance of Col, Roosevelt In pre-con- vention fight was made by managers of Segator Lu Follett candidature. They wil sell it if the price ta PEEP ERE EE ET commander of the Twenty-third In- matte beyond the trenches on ith: and Sth that they discovered . five bodies completely naked, three being horribly mutilated and decapitated. The commander, of the Third Bat- talion discovered the decapitated re- mains of an Italian soldier. The com- mander of the Fifth Company of this communicated: 5 testimony that the survivors of the battle of Oct. 23rd saw during the en- gagement Arab-Turks hul themselves on a dying Lieutenant and several other wounded men, beat them sav- agely about the head and afterwards strip and rob them. A lieutenant, callers and talked with him for some .ortaiy stricken, was. finished ott with rifle shots and blows from spade, then dragged along the gant and stripped, Officers of the Ninth Company discoyered the bodies of twenty-seven naked Bersagieris cov- ered with large-deep wounds inflicted after death and in many cases mutil- ated, The report says: A Bersaglieti who miraculously escaped from. the saw Arab women smashing the heads of the woundea with stones, and af- ter stripping them of thelr clothing and boots mutilated the corpse. The commander of Ambulance Nov 24 submitted a report of one of his subordinates which states that he dis- covered human cyes nailed to 2 wall underneath a Turkish shield near Am- shoring Arab camp five bodies were found in such an attitude leave no doubt they Were sol- diers- who had been buried alive. Other bodies were burned, others hadt thetr-hgnds-and-test removed by mutilation, A stretcher bearer had nis Thebt- ety torn-off and the lids of Life Imprison plores Tutay the Ttalian people who probation, the only vengeance worthy of its marties and its civiiizations, CW. A. P. Cabte) Paris, Feb, 27 The Matin under- stands that Gr at Britain, France and energetic Turkey to bring the war t German and Austrian gov: fore taking a decisive step. closed 99 3-4; July opened 100. 7-8, closed 100 7-8. 8-8;. July opened 43, closed 42 5-8: extra No, 1 feed, May, opened 38 2-4, closed 88 3-4. - May flax opened 183, closed 182, Cash Prices 93 1-4; 3 Nor, 88-1-4; 4-Nor, 813 5 Nor, 69: 6 Nor. 59; feed 55. Oats No. 2 , W. 40 1-2; No. 3 0. 85 3-4; extra No. 1 feed 36 3-4; No, 1 feed 35 3-4; No.2 food 4, Barley, No. 3, 6 ed 47; feed 46, American Markets Minneapolis, Feb. 27 May wheat opened 164 I-4, closed 104 8-4; July opened 105 5-8, closed 105 5-8. Chicago, Feb. 37 May wheat ek 100 1-4; July closed 95 3-8; Sept. closed 94. tynds and bave your money on butter. Better phone 188 for prices. 195d1 expansion of Roosevelt headquarters 7 aon Murderer Pleaded Guilty to Manslaughter Charge Killed Man with Axe. , cw. a P. Tandon, Oat., Feb. 27. DanielRey- nolds, who pleaded guilty to man- Dispatch.) The killing of Culver occurred follow: ing a drunken debauch. Culver and slaughter in connection with the death Reynolds. quarrelied andthe latter of Frederick Culver, was this motn- struck his opponent a blow. with. an ing sentenced to Hfe imprisonment. Ne axt from which be bled to death. Russia acting together, are ready to closed 100; May, new, opened 99 5-8 May oats opened 48 3-4, closed 43 niaisance Dave had to submit to opprobrium de-
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Image 329 (1912-02-27), from microfilm reel 329, (CU1738480). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.