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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS, hy Wednesday, May 8th 1912 2 seat Me Sestese Mo ateate 2 ductor oame through, nodded at him. ageatontestostostontestontectecteteete Geet COPE EY ' Th sation : See SS PEEL THAT NOTHIN Lips OPERA HOUSE y i Keith of the io ccs) CW NOW KIL INO : : A Tate ot the Se wate eat mee cee AONE RULE 4 Thursday. : Border 22 th lt;o ? fon) ge ereenuleateal: r tam the Nationalist Conrid In Nall ee ee ee : + Mr. Doula ./Werbs Presents Se pee el aay Or Se ee ee cane mene Orewa Dolla Glark s American Romantic Drama H vans oat nrg ou fe. -Tos te tor mgs 0 6 ES anotcne tus, ences ow ERIS LEADER SAYS: COVT. NU) ov au.rne pine oe eetntrt Se e 1ces An Impressive and Interesting Story Dialogue and Action Delightfully Appealing Pictorially Soul-Stirring A Play Thera and Human. Prices 50e, 75 and 1.00. co ict a follow. Scott.did not move, perhaps had already fallen drunkenly asleep lon his chair, and finally Keith croseed his own room and lay down. The din jowiside continued unabated, but the jman s intense weariness overcame it jell, and he fell asleep, bis last con- eclous thought a memory of Hope. CHAPTER XX. Hope Goes to Sheridan, The discovery of the locket which had fallen from about Keith's neck made it simpossible for Hope to remain quietly jfor long in the hotel at Fort Larned. lhe more carefully she thought over the story of that murder at the Cim- maron Crossing, and Keith's tale of, lnow he had discovered and buried the mutilated bodies, the more assured ;she became that that was where this Nocket came from, and that the slain freighter must have been her own fa- ither. She never once questioned the truth of Keith's report; there was that labout the man whieh would not per- jmit of her doubting him. He had simply tailed to mention what he re- . Bass- quick- ist; to- Good Investments: CENTRAL PARK Bik, 1, all at 1,050 each. terms. Bik. 17, 75 ft. 1,185, terms. Bik, 25, 50 ft; 776, terms. TOWNSITE SOUTH Bik. 55,60 it. corner, terms. Blk, 86, 60 ft, 1,200, terms. Blk, 52, 100 ft, Main street, 2,625, LORE OOOO gt; OEP O PoP moved from the bodies, supposing this Hwould be of no special interest. i Mye, Murphy, hoping thus to quiet ithe apprehensions ot her charge, set herself diligently at work to discover the facts: As her house was filled with transients, including occasional visttorsfrom Carson .City, and was falco lounging headquarters for many fot the officers from the near-by fort, she experienced no difficulty in pick ing up all the floating rumors. Out of these, with Irish shrewdness, she soon managed to patch together a consist: jent fabric of * 4,500. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX wv, ios mt, Sect bens to K. 31, 10 lots, a pair, t Bik. 18, south 18, 315 each, Terns Re invert father that wot kilt. It was e tons at nat two fellers what stole his outfit, Bik. 14, 50 ft., 450, terms. Be 28.0 Se eee Slothes an ail, an'-was drivin off wid - Blk. B, 5 lots, 1,050 each, fom inter the sand bills, Divil a.wan * terms. idoes know who kilt em, but there's gt; lsome ugly storles travelin about Some says Injuns; some says the 4 posse run-' m- down; an*-Black Bart a gt;t fi fan his dirthy outfit, they swear it was . an. 0. tee ee 2 : . e Inyhow, there's bout three hundred Se Phone 287. REAL ESTATE DEALERS News Block. aollars, some mules, an a lot o' Yak aaa tyble papers missin im ; But ff it wasn't father, where ts hi ad now .. That's what O 've been tryin ter foind out. First off he went out to the Soho todees peeest* Cochrane s Hall, TO-NIGHIT Sree Sorts. itt, tae Also Thursday and Friday at 8 pam, Lectures on Meee Caine wint slong; an told : i . ime all about it. They dug up the ae SOCIALISM melite. hates ad Phone 759. a on em not a paper, ae ens) Z ay: they'd bth robbed all ro 6 Saar , Z ALCFRED BU 1d Gineral swore loike a wild mon BY DD. EN jall the way back, Tommy said, an Socialism is the most discussed and yet at th same time most mis- the first thing he did at Carson City understood question of the day. You should not.miss this opportun- was to start huntin fer Black Bart. ity of hearing an authority on the subject. Knowledge dispels pre- fe was two days gittin on the trail judice and misunderstanding. Knowledge is power. Admissicn free. .v him;' then he heard the feller was jgone away trapsing after a singin or St dancin gyurl called Christie Maclaire. She was suposed to be ayther at Topeky or Sheridan. A freighter tole, . the owld man she was at Sheridan. an ) Fasker no he started there overland, hopin ter head off Black Bart. Oi reckon * TT f Sn e could a-towld morn that. What do you mean? SANITARY Fransfer Co. fee 2 rier a on Piano Moving apid LIGHT and HEAVY trvin ter Didn't Jack i TORS A Speciait: easonable DRAYING was Christie Maclaire? Specialty liable 864 Toronto Strect. . put I'm not I'm not, Mra. Mur- pby. 1 don t even know the woman. It 4 such strange thing; I cannot lietth; wid bis own Ups, tell me ye meoount for t both those men mis- um and Fan Seeder deetecdentece reteegeereteeeedoeteeedes Nie, who tie man Ramey eu ilati: oe 4 powea me to be, but I intended to have aug; 3 de itold Mr. Keith he was mistaken: I eo : ao don't know wart on eae Lr ; Bu : + Some Things You Should Know) , (tt ee iouere, airs, Murphy , furnished. 4 Busi + Waite, and not Christie rilders, . About Business STATIONERY ee ee GR ca ent ee i eee Seioeteetente denen EBD Soederdergedoetedoote If the average business man had time to carefully investigate every proposition put up to him, he would pay less attention to first impressions and judge less by appear- ances. But he is called upon to think and act Sogey so-eg 4 te os Seog Seg oy nor, an Of'm thin yi I Keith will be moighty well piased ter jsyurl fer? I de not in the least know. He rust have induced me, to go to that place in the desert believing me to be the other woman. Yet he said noth- Poste quickly, and he must base his judgments upon what he can take in at a glance. Using poor stationery or printing is poor- business however you look at it, because it ee Yepresents you, and you cannot prevent it. The safe thing, therefore, is to use paper x and printing so good that-you are willing to pair Terms have your work or your goods judged by it. 40, Blk. 17. ae There are certain things that are impossible to say about ann one s self. For instance, your character, the esteem you fF 2 hold for your business, your integrity these are things a that cannot be advertised. But you can suggest them 00.00 : 4 through your stationery and printed matter, Seeiler. :, Avhandsomely printed letterhead on good stock will at once z impress your man favorably; while an indifferently print- mar St, ed ietterhead on ordinary paper might have scarce gained us for attention. S It is not exaggeration to say that the success of your let- ) ters often depends upon the printing and paper you buy, Paste oe oot Sibesgeredonten Iparaginely. ) It was shure some diviment, she lasserted, stoutly. He'll be up to jsome trick wid the poor gyurl; Ot How the lotkes ay him. Shure, the two av yez must look as much aloike as two payes in-a pod. Lotkely now, it s a twin sister ye've got? Me Seago so-0 - - Hove smiled, altBough her e7ee were misty. Oh, no; Fred snd I were the only fldren; but what shall I do? What jought I to do? The Irish mouth of Kate Murphy firmly, her blue eyes burning. ing of any purpose; indeed, he found) nig pad, oblivious to all else. ino opportunity. te was growing dark, the outside thrains out from there on road. It'll bo aisy fer in: out from some. ay, the Inds low. The only equipment oper: Sheridan was sonatruc with 'an old battered passe: coupled tothe rear A heavily armed: infantry ro protection against poss iders, but there Was no aboard on this special trip wit be Ing into India crowd as all construction work had been suspended joa the line indefinitely, and uost ot ; the travel, therefore, had changed to the eastward, The coach uscd had partition run throwgh t, and, as soon as the busy tralbmen discovered ladies on board, they unceremoniousiy drove the more bibulous passenge: protesting, into the forward compart- ment. This left Hope in comparative jpeace, her remaining neighbors quiet, jtactturn men, whom she looked at jthrough the folds of her vel during ithe Jong, slow, exasperating ourney, imentally guossing at their 1s oc. lcupations. It was an tedl- us, monotonous trip, the tsin slack- ening up, and jerking.forward, appar- ently without slightest reason; then joccastonally achieving a full stop, (while men, always under guard, went ahead to fix up some bit of damaged track, across - which the engineer dared not advance. At each bridge japanning the numerous small streams, itrainmen examined the ltore venturing forward, and at each wtop the wearled passengers grew more Impatient and warcastic, a per- tect stream of Huent profanity being iwatted back whenever the door be- tween the two sections chanced to be ilett ater, structure be- : frankly to answer. No loss to you worst place to live in on earth no exceptions I know been there myself three months got friends thsie likel: I hardly know, doubtfully, I think so, but I shall tave to hunt some place in which to stay tonight. Can you tell mo of some some respectable hotel, or boarding house? The man wheeled about, until he could look at her more clearly, That's a pretty hard commission, Don't Be Nervous I ll S e You Make the Hotel Ail Right. :Miss, he returned uneasily. There DEFEAT WOULDN'T AFFECT Half of Fight in Ulster, He Says, is, Merest Moon- shine. London, May 7. Confidence in the suocess of the Home Rule fight rows steadily stronger among the Irish Nationalists at Westminster. Supposing the: Liberals go out of Bower belore Ireland gots Home Rale what then will be the prospectst one of the ablest Irish leaders was asked. In the first place, was the reply the Liberals are not likely to go j out. Tf they do you will find that the Conservatives are fully alive to the strength of the Irish party and the vitality of the Irish eause. Home Rule no longer depends upon the fate of the Liberal party in Eng- land. If the Liberals were compelled to go to the country at present would they be beaten? Quite possibly, the labor rows, the Insurance Act and a dozen other things. would work against them. But if they were beaten at all they would not be beaten badly and the Conservative majority would be small. The Conservative party pro- bably could not form a stable go- yernment without the support of the Hope was not. the only woman on board, yet a glance at the others was aufficlent-to decide their status, even haa thelr freedom of mxnuer and Towa italking not made tt Squally obvious. Fearful lect she might be mistaken of the game clase, she re- mained in silence, her vell merely lifted enough to enable her to peer barren view slipping slowly past. This jand desolate, occasionally intersected iby some small watercourse, the low hills ristng and falling like waves to the:far horizon. Few incidents broke the dead monotony; becasionally a herd of antelope appeared in the dis- jtance, silhouetted against the sky: line, and once they fairly crept for an hour through a mass f buffalo, graz- ing so close that a-fusiliade of guns isdunded from, the front end of the itrain. A Uttle farther along she caught a glimpse of a troop of wild horses dashing recklessly down into a shel- tering ravine. Yet principally all jthat met her straining eyes was ster- Mle desolation. Here and there a great, ugly water tank reared its. hideou: gbape beside the track, the engine al- ways pausing for a fresh supply. Be side it was Invariably a pile of coal, a few construction cers, hut half barricaded, with several rough men loafing about, heavily armed and in- quisitive. A few of these points had once been terminal, the surrounding scenery evidencing past glories by piles of tin cans, and all manner of debris, with occasionally - : vacant ack, left deserted afd forlorn. Wearied and heartsick, Hope turned jaway from this outside dreariness to contemplate more closely her neigh- bors on board, but found them scarce- ly more interesting. Several were jplaying-cards, others moodily staring lout of the windows, whil a few were fiaughing and talking with the girls, thelr conversation indne amd punctu- ated with profanity, One man was jfiguring on a scratch pad, and Hope decided he must be am ngineer em- ployed on the line; otliers she classed ae small. merchants, saloon-keepers, and frontier riff-raff. They would curiously at her as they binkin lolkely Jack marched up and dewn the narrow iI have m laisle, but her vell, and averted face, prevented cven the oldest from peaking. Once addressed the jeonductor, and the mam who was. fig- juring turned and looked back at her, levidently attracted by the soft note her voice, But he made no effort jae advances, returning fimmediately to rading into darkn t , with a few great jstavs burning overhead. Trainmen lit, the few .moxing ofl lamps screwed jagainst the sides of the car, and its dim shadows. All by this time were fatigued into silence, and several were lagleep, finding such small comfort as Was possible on the esamped seats. Hope glanced toward the heretofore fnolsy group at the rear the girl near- jeat her rested with umeonsclous head plllowed upon the shoulder of her mam friend, and both were sleeping. How haggard and ghastly the wom- leonsisted of the bare prairie, brown , pa focoupants. became little more than ; may be such a place in Sheridan, but IT have never found. it. Okt Mother Shattuck keeps roomers, but she jwon't-have-e-woman- In-the-house: I ireckon you'll haye to try It at the hotel I'll get you in there if I have 'to mesmerize the clerk you'll find it bit nolsy though. Oh, I thank you so much. -I don't lout through the grimy Wwindow at the /mind the noise. so it is respectable. He laughed, good humoredly, Well, .I don t propose to vouch for that the proprietor ain't out there tor his health but, I rekon, you (Won't have no serious trouble the boys mostly know a good. woman iwhen they cee one which tsn't often anyhow, they're Mable to be decent enough as long 1s I vouch for yo But-you-know- nothing of m Don't need to your face is enough 4'l get you: the room. ail right. She hesitated, then asked: Are you are you connected with jthe raflroad? In a way, yes I'm the contract jsurgeon had to dig a bullet out cf watertank tender back yonder fel- low howled as though I was. killing him no nerve mighty poor stuff most of the riffraff out here ball wasn't in much below the skin In- dian must have plugged dim from the top of the bluff blame good shot too She shook her head. energetically. Don't' blame you nothing very ut common get dozen cases like Tt-a day sometimes s vy in Sheridan, show you something worth .while very pretty surgical operation to-mor row come round and ggt you if you care to see it got to open the stom: ach don't know whst 'll fnd like to igo Ob, no I'm sure you mean It all xindly, but but I would rather not. Hardly stipposed yc would only knew one woman who cared for that sort ef thing much she was nursing for me during the war had a hair iMp amd an eye like a dagger good nurse though rather have your kind round me ever nurse any? Coul get you a dozen jobs in Sheridan new prospects every night fiftty dob liars a week what do you say? + But I'm not seeking work, Doctor, smiling fm spite of her bewilderment with me. Well, I didn't know thought may be you wanted a Job, and didn t like to aak for it have known em: like that no harm dome if you ever de want anything like that, just come te me my name s Fuirbain everybod knows me here operated on most of ym rest expect to be Damn that lengineer don t believe be knows whether he s going ahead or backing He peered out ot the window, buried under earth, loop-holed and : Tagged-locking-elug tke tose? land atso the control not contain W OF Mr. Balfour would be compelled to make an arrangement with us. This could be done only by assuring us that we should have at least as giod a Home Rule bill as the one now before Parliament. Already the Con- servatives have shown themselves to vote. Do you think the anti-Home Rule feeling in the North of Ireland is popularly as strong as the langu- fge-tf the Carsuns, Craigs and Moores would indicate? Certainly not. The real feeling of the North of Ireland is one thing and the oratory and fireworks of the back-number Ulster Unionist politi- cians is anothe gt;, The talk of armed resistance to Home Rule is the merest moonshine. Neither will the Ulster men persist in any form of passive resistance to Home Rule, Any resistance would be not against the parliament in Dublin, but against the parliament in London, The Imperial Govern- ment retains command of the troops tion of taxes.. The old Ulster saya- gery against Home Rule, together with the- threads of blood, io based on the assumption that in the event of trouble the troops and the con- stabulary either would be quiescent or on the side of the ascendant par y. A condition has arisen in which the situation would be the other way about and riffes look less plea- sant when-viewed from the barrel- end. Mr. A. J. Balfour and Sir Edward, Grey held the stage at yesterday's debate on the Home Rule Bill in the House of Commons. The former premier showed little of his old-time fire and his speech was reminiscent of many heard before, He complained that the bill did) a germ of finality and that its adoption would work a great injury to the representative in- stitution of England while creating in Ireland an assembly which no Ir- ishman could regard with pride or respect. The powers of the Irish Parliament would be so hampered he said that good men would refuse to Of the collee- you can buy, either Prepared or spe- cially-made, none will apread soeasy, cover so much sur- jy, 400 a0d give euch good eatisfaction as al i Pure Paints Use M-L Fiat Wall Colors to. walle and Artistic. 16 shades. SOLD By HEWITT BLAGK Conimons ofthe presert minstrous congestion of business and put the control of Irish affairs in Irish hands. Lota Charles Ber sford, in a bree- wy speech, declared that the Irish: tion and tho only way to pacify Ire- land was to continue the present with the lord lieutenant and all that sham and rotten court. The Right Hon. Ronald C. Munro- Ferguson supported the bill because plete policy of parliamentary devolu- tion and paved the way for self-go- vernment in Scotland. Mr. .Munro- Ferguson, who represents the Leith Burghs has been an ardent suppor- ter of devolution, a Daniel D. Sheehan, representing the Middle Division of Cork, a labor advocate and an independent Na- tionalist, who favors the policy of conciliation as applied to Irish poli- tics, approved the principle of the bill, but said it placed too many re- strietions on Irish financial freedom. He maintained that the Irish parlia- ment should be given full powers with respect to the raising of re- venue in Ireland and all expenditures in Ireland. WEEKLY AUCTION SALE THE MARKET SQUARE Friday, May. 1O'CLOCK SHARP... metioneers annomnce a * entry of single drivers, heavy work horses and saddle Bonfes. Several matched teams, single and double hathess; 1 ew democrat; I: MeCotiidk binder in first elass order,./1 breaking plough, 2 sulky plows, 2 buggies, 1 wagon, 1 (National). cream seperator, and a large quantity of effects too numer- ous to mention, ineluded are a quantity of earpenter s tools. Entries for this sale can he -tiade-up to 12 o'clock on day of The pressing his face hard against the jgiags. I reckon that's Sheridan he CHAPTER XxI. + The Marshal of Sheridan. Tt was called a depot merely through leourtesy;-consisting of a layer of cin jdera, seattered promiscuously so as to partially conceal the underlying mud, land a dismantled box ear, in which lprestded ticket agent and telegrapher. hundred yards below was the big serve in it. Every successful federal system he declared had been built up on a de- sire of the separate parts for a clos- er unity, but the government - was Pursuing an opposite course, cutting up the United Kingdom and creating fiscal divisions. a Sir Edward Grey contended that the constitution was becoming in- - creasingly unworkaple and that devo- Tution throughout the Unjted King- d m was necessary. The usefulness sales Terais Casi For entries and further iteulars, apply ete H. B. BROWNE 00. Live Stock: and General Auctioncers. Phone 708. 519 Toronto Street. Medicine Hat. oh he ole fe oe oe ole ole ole fe oe of of ake It's not sthroug O1 ant on advistn , she said, shortly, but if it was me Jova be fer foindin out what all this mix-up was about. There's somethin moighty quare in it. It s my notion that Hawley s got hold av thim papers lav yer father s. The owld gint thinks why he's so hot admoire me av Ol know where this Maclaire gyurl comes in, but Ol bet (ine binck divil hes g t Rer marked ; play. What jan s powdered face looked, with the Hight just above ft, and all semblance jot joy gone. it was as though a mask had been taken off. Out Ja the dark- jneas the engine whistled sharply and then came to a bumping stop at some desert station. Through the black indow a few lanterns could be seen fickering about, and there arose the jsound of gruff voices speaking. The aroused by the sharp over and swore, seeking easter postures. Then the front door. lodged. Across the tracks biased in- lvitingly the First Chance saloon, jal intervening space was crowded with mon, surgitig aimlessly about in the glare of a locomotive head light, (To be continued.) THE INTELIIGENT AND EFFICIENT SERVANTS of the imperial parliament could not, the foreign secretary added, be sacri- ficed for the feelings of Ulster. He admitted that the settlement: provid; ed in the bill was incomplete in some respects. The presence of 42 Irish members in the Imperial parliament was an anomaly but he did not mind that because he believed that it would We know that we some good can please you. tings. Medicine Hat News, Limited. gt; and Loans. Medicine Hat, Alta; Sheridan, an foind the Glneral, an itl him all 1 knew. Maybe he could Iplece it together, and guess -what wiey was up ter. Hope was already. upon her fest, Sner puzzled tace brightening. Ob, that is what I wanted to do, owe I was not sure It would be best jMew can I get there from here? Jopened, and slammed shut, and a now passenger entered. He came down the aisle, glancing carelessly at the upturned faces, and finally sank into ithe peat directly opposite Hope. He was a broad shouldered man, his coat attoned to the throat, with strong face showing clearly beneath the are those who read the best papers. Therefore the want ad column of the best home paper is the logical med- um which to obtain the most capab) help. Use the News Want Ads. Loose Eeat System jews Job broad hat brim and lighted up with a (pele of ahrowd, kindly eyes, The con- Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. prosipitate a further arrangement which, while not endangering Impe- rial unity, would relieve the different parts of the United Kingdom. If Ulster defied the solution the government proposed, or. made it impossible, some other solution would have to be found which woul relieve the overburdened House of + 3 ke ICE * + Having turned oyer * ** my ice business for the * ** coming season, to The +. Medicine Hat Ice Co., * + I desire to thank my * ** many friends and pat- + + rons for their generous + patronage during the + + would bespeak for the * PPE ESET ES + Company a continu- ** ance of your esteemed * patronage. + + H. . COOPER. + + Se question was essentially a land qnese land pur chase-sy.stem and 'do away . be open to a-bargain tor the Isisk it was the first step toward a com
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Image 788 (1912-05-08), from microfilm reel 788, (CU1738875). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.