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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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1 16th, 1918, ee See ete eeeteeiecte Soke de deee- Oa. Oo oO peieees rt 1 Setiestossesioai boos . tectected ee es Se ncncocenee Perret eget * oasoate deo es lt;q oee8 Segeotiony Soey Sededecteated Poets so-ete 2 Sy Se ey 2 0-4 me - Se gt; fe Ne esorioes lt vl Soa Ko eiotee PePepeegeatediosseaions tees Sees HAS FINEST LIGHT HOUSE cial to News) April-15, What is said st light-house in the at Richmond, Staten. ut Into commission to- light the new Ambrose: g into New-York: Bay istble for twenty-one ght 1s of 300,000 candle: System The News Job s every facility for sup- st satisfactory. er r Co. GHT and HEAVY -DRAYING-.. 4 Toronto Street. FIRS FRVED- SSS SINESSES it. corner, N. Ry. ft, Toronto N. ts, corner, S.. Ry. TH YUILL bik, 11. r. Snap. 1g E. Allow. y, bik. 7. 4.12, bik F Cota. 18 14, bik. G. water, sewer. bik, 1, Elm st FOR ACREAGE OROSITION Monday, April 15th, 1913, MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. RE you wondering how this year s styles will look on you? Largely depends on the corset you wear, Be sure that you get an up-to-date model the one that suits your figure by asking for ola Gaace : CORSETS. - The best stores sell them. The variety of models meets every Woman's require- ments. Style book sent free if you write Crompton Corset Co., Limited, Toronto RECORD OUTPUT OF GOLD IN ALASKA Mild ore : Allows Miners to Begin juicing a Mont Earlier. RUBY DISTRICT VERY RICH claim Owners. in New Greeks Are Now Digging Into Bedrock. Fairbanks, Alaska, April 12. Alas- ka s olld production this year Is ex- to beat any previous record Phe carly sluicthg in the Tanana vql- Joy, at Nome and other districts will get the gold washed out and market- ed earlier than:ever before. Last year there was not enough water to complete the clean-ups, suz- menting the dumps to be w: spring. Alaskans winterme scarcely believe todays cables from Fairbanks stating that Tanana min- ers began sluicing on March 30th, four to,six weeks earlier-than-wsuxt- Large dumps have already been start- Some of Our Good Buys and Snaps CENTRAL PARK 2 lots, block 218840. 14 Cash. HERALD 250 feet, block 10, per pair 700.00. Regular. rete Lots 9 and 10, block 23, pair, 900.00. Regular. Lots 9 and 10, block 4, 1000.00. Regular. Snap. Lot 10, block E., 50 foot corner, block 13, 1450.00. Regular. 2 lots, block 9, 850.00 Hasy terms. 2 lots, block 29, 650.00. Regular. 2 lots, block 17, 840.00. cash. 100 feet near Highland St, 2500.00. Regular. TOWNSITE Lot 8, block 82, 900.00. 400.00 cash. Snap. 1050.00. Regular. CENTRAL PARK Snap. Lot 18 to 14, block M., Main Street, 1400.00. 800.00 cash. Lot. 14, block 62, 141 10 lots, block 22, 600.00 pair. Regular. lots, block 27, - 600-00 Pair. Regular. 2 lots, block 11, 750.00. 320.00 cash. 00. Regular. COUSINS SISSONS NORTH YUILL Lot 1, block 18, 625.00. Regular. Lot 6, block 9,- 600.00. Regular. 50 ft., block 10, 500.00. Regular. SOUTH YUILL Lot 18, block 6, 900.00. 350.00 cash. 50 ft, block 4, 850.00. Regular. 50 feet, block 11, 800.00. Regular. 50 feet, block 14, 700.00. Regular. Snap, - WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. T. F. DAWSON CO. Real Estate and Financial Brokers. Loans and Insurance. ed through the sluice boxes. Behring Sea camps have had a re- markably mild winter and early April will see slulcing begun there. Forty Mile, Circle City, Iditarod and Aniak districts have larger dumps to wash than ever before. Treadwell and half-a-dozen other great free-milling quartz gold imines of Southeastern Alaska will yield a record output this year, The quartz development on Prince William sound and about Cordova promises big future returns. The Ruby district west of the Tan- ana valley will probably exceed any tent and richness, Three more rich creeks have just been opened, mak- ng nine producing creeks to date. Claim owners are now digging to- : ward bedrock on hundreds of claims and a big yield is assured for this year. The camp is very orderly, wild stampeders being discouraged. Con- siderable machinery has been taken in from Iditarod and Tanana. DOG DETECTIVE CAPTURES MAN Leads Gendarms Officer to Murdered Family. Sreeoedeeteteateatedtententnne Soeeeeiosteocsesioets +e tIN SIX WEEKS? we shall have ten 7-roomed houses finished and 3 for sale. for rent. In three: weeks we shall have ten small houses Anticipated buyers of houses on easy terms;-keep in touch with us. We are building : 25 to 35 here this season 3 ADOLPH SMITH MEDICINE HAT. MOOSE JAW For further particulars see C. W. Smith 116 Montreal St. Bostecteefostosteatostregoatestocionte. refoatreteetoateseatectretretesteate Reeteecteeateete Cleared Up in Last 18 Months. Odessa, April 13. In the small Bes- satabian township of Floreschti a Jew storekeeper, mamed Khaimovich, with his wife and three children, the latter aged respectively three, seven, and twelve, were discovered brutally mur- dered. Failing to obtain a clue to the es s lice chief telegraphed to Odessa re questing the aid of the marvellously dog-detective int charge of a gendarme officer was at once despatched to the scene of - the crime. The bodies of the five victims lay, as they were found, in the sume bedroom; they had all been strangled with. short lengths of stout cord. Spitz made his usual sniffing inves- tigation of the bodies, irom under one 2. ae hoeteatodeate) One Visible Model 10 inuse in your office, will absolutely prove to you the enduring leader- ship of the Rem- ington. And every additional one sim--- ply piles up the proof. Remember that we guarantee -your satisfaction. Remington Typewriter Company dacorporated) 106 CENTRE STREET, Typewriter of which that of the youngest child he dragged forth large colored handkerchief. This article occupied * Spitz s close attemtion for few mom- ents, then, then he unbesitetingesy up the trail, Being unieasbed, be ra- pidly crossed -the backyard, jumped upon the adjoining yard wall. With nose to the ground the dog proceeded without pause or halt to small and isolated cottage lying half mile be- yond the township boundary, at the door of which he angrily barked for entrance. When the officers came up the door was forced. Spitz made straight for the bedgoom, where the occupant, a peasant-hokler, was sleeping. He sprang-upon the bed and. was about, as is his wont, to seize his quarry, when he was restrainel by the gen- darme officer. Despite the man's dis- avowel of all knowleige of the mur det he was arrested om tho umerring evidence of the dog-detective. Later in the day he made full confession. He suspected Khaimovich of having de frauded bim of 916.25, and had mur dered him and bis family im revenge; h hed not robbed his victims. This is the ninth murder case in which. the murderer or munderers have been traced and captured by this-won- derfuily intelligent and clever dog-de- tective within the last eig seen momths He has not once failed in ramming down the murderous quarry op whose trail he has been set, amd in three cases his services were only reypistion- led four daya alter the perpetration of the crime, and-when the police re. searches were completely itaffied. Spite ix unquestionably the most dis tinguished member of the Odessa de- tective force. On parade duys he wears d very handsome silver collar, Hawail, at Honolula, to selcet gates to the national convention. gates to the national convention. abama, at Montgomery, to select del- tate officers. * Direct primaries of all parties in confine his activities to the eastern tates. Woodrow Wilson. will speak in Georgia and Florida; Governor Har- mon in them iddle west and Senator. La Follette in the far West. William other Alasska placer district in ex- mbn in the latter's home state. . Cabin of Peasant Whotm + ANIMAL IS SA WONDER the American Revolution in Wash- Ninth Murder Case He Has ence on the Negro at Tuskegee, Ala murderer or murderers, the local po-lentertainment inthe opera house un- The dog, Well-known throughout-the Dominion NEWS FORECAST FOR THE WEESK (Special to News). Washington, D, Cy April 15. Im- portant fixtures om the political cal- endar of the week will Include the fol- lowing: Monday Republican territorial convention of dele- Tuesday. Republican State convention of Con- necticut at New Haves, to select dele- Republican tate eonvention of Dele- ware, at Dover, to nel ct delegates to the national convention. Wednesday. District conventions f Republicans in Connecticut to Select delegates to the national convention. District conventions of al parties In Ttinols to eelect delegates to the (national conventions, Democratic state convention of Al- egates to the convention. a parties in Nebraska td select delegates to the nationa) conventions and name cat didates for United tates senator and Oregon to select delegates to the nat- ional conventions amd express pref- erence for United tates senator. State conventions of all parties in Il- Unois to-select the delegates-at-large to the national conventions. Nearly all of the presidential as- pirants will be Im the fleld during the week. Col, Roosevelt, fs expected to J. Bryan will add to the gayety of the situation by speaking against Har- The unveiling of the statute erected in the national capital in memory of John Paul Jones, the revolutionary naval hero, is fixed for Wednesday and will be made an occasion for im- pressive military and civic exercises in-which President Taft and other notables will takelpart. The consecration. of Father Austin Dowling as Roman Catholic bishop of Des Moines will take place on Thursday in the cathedral in Provi- dence, R. L, with Bishop Harkins of- ficlating as the consecrating prelate. A central eclipse of the sun is sch- eduled to take place early on Wednes- day morning, lipse in the eastern portion of the United States and Canada. The conventions of the week will in- clude the Episcopal church Congress vation Congress of the Men and Religion Forward Movement in New York city, the nat- PRPAREMBE Mawel Your Best Shopping Guide UPPOSE there were no-advertisements what a worrying task shopping would 1 be Think how you would miss the helpful information that now guides you to select the best goods, and to know the shops where they can be best obtained. How difficult to make up your shopping list without first knowing something about-the goods you need, or the store that sells them Your shopping would be all ex- periment. You would pay out a lot of money during the slow proc- ess of learning by experience how to avoid disappointment and dis- satisfaction. Tinks bs the Lith olga present-day Advertising, no person needs to shop at random. The ad- vertising columins of a newspaper give you just the information you require to make your best selec- tion of goods or store. Leisurely, in the comfort of your own home, you can plan and decide upon the purchases in view. From soap to gas ranges from shoes to automobiles one gets from newspaper Advertising the in- formation that is essential to safo and advantageous buying. Newspaper advertisements are the finger- posts on the road to right buying. They are quick and safe guides to the places and goods most worthy of your patronage. Admce regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or through the Secretary of the Canadian Press Asso- iktion, Room 503 Lumsden Bldg., Toronto. Enquiry tnvolves no obligation on your part so wrile, f interested. . UPB ePews ington, and the Int rnational Confer- No order too large or too small for the News Job Department. Give us a trial. Stal dan Vienna, Ill, the murder of Harry Thacker here on September 10, 1910, was called in court today for trial. The killing of Thacker was the result of a bitter . arfaignment of Thacker s father, the News Job Department. Give us a Frank Thacker, by Sheridan in his trial, Sheridan claims he act- jefence. fed in self- April, 16. No order too large or too smail for e's Attorney Thomas H. Sheri- of Johnson county, accused of A TREAT FOR APRIL 18th. - A big treat is in store for, the peo- ple of Medicine Hat on April 18th, when J. W. Bengough, the noted car- toonist, raconteur and wit, gives his APRIL 20th, 1912 - der the auspices of the Medicine Hat Fire Department. Mr. Bengough is American Canadian and the U.S, A. His humor appeads toall and his original songs and stor- fes have left a trial of laughter from Halifax to Vancouver and all over Australia. The Bengough Entertainment on April 18th, consists of comical songs, stories, readings and up-to-the-minute cartoons of local and other well- known men and incidents. These pic- tures are drawn before the audience with a few deft strokes of his magic rayon, Don't be one of those who, the next morning are so Sorry they re- missed it. Be in on the good time. Get your tickets at Pingle s Drug Store. - EERSTE SEES + A GOOD WANT AD. z + Is, of course, on which will bring the greatest Dumber of replies or answers. It is a + law that increased demand mgkes certain the quicker sale. The Want Ad. is the brief est -kind-of an Ad. that Is ever written, and hence fm its brev- ity there must be wit-wisdom. The Want Ad. can only inter- est the reader on the bosis of his interest. Each -eader is interested in each and all of the five essentials to every Want Ad. These ssentials. in the order of their import- ance, are, first, tne names of the article or thing advertis- ed; second the quality of the article or the kind of thing advertised; third the price of the article or thing advertis- ed; fourth, the address, Tpliowe, Gr street number) of the advertiser, and, fifth, theo name of the advertiser. When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat- ed in the Want Ad, the best results are obtained; but In proportion to the aumber of these essentials ommitted from the Ad., does the advert- ser curtail the results to his sfc sfckesbob ese seseseseoe sess seestedesbebes to which are gttached quite num- ber of smal end ornate medals in Jecribed with records of his official Ad, Each Want Ad fe an opportunity; look for them in The News, Phone 13, EEEEEEEEESE SS PEPE EE EEE EEE het hhh bhhhe ke + + + + + + + + + + + + + Coal Stock Rises to 50c. per Share ground. We have proved Last message from pro- 24 million tons of The above cut-shows.coal outeropping on eur . it to a depth of 465 feet and the drill is still in coal. perty dated April 7th, gives us by actual measurements the finest coal. Only a limited amount of stock of the present issue is available. Make your reservations at once. On Monday, April 22, the price go s to 50c. lt; lt; DISTRICT OFFICES: 374 Toronto 8t.,, Suite 2, Morris Block, Medicine Hat.. Lethbridge. R. A. Airheart, District Manager
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Image 612 (1912-04-15), from microfilm reel 612, (CU1738846). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.