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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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brother bought his clothes from ui If you do, boys, we will sell you Oar Boys Clothing and Fura High-Class- lothiers. - POLICE RAIDED CHINESE PLACES SEIZED OPIUM Sixteen Prisoners Appeared In Court Today Case Laid Over. Police Sergeant Campey ami coi- stables raided Chinese haunts on North end South Railway streets yes- terday, and es a result seized some two or three pounds of opium. Some sixteen Chinamen appeared im court this morning on the. charge. Liquor was atso-found im-one-of the-pinces, case, and are confident of putting what he opposes. See how well she looks in her brother's clothes Mary Jane looks well in her brother's clothes, Because her We want all the boys in town to buy their clothes from us, minimum of profit for a maximum value. Suits 8.50 up to 12.50-mnd-every stit ie worth at least ten to twenty per cent. over the price asked, and Is good value at that. MEDICINE HAT DATLY NEWS. Monday, April 22nd, 1912. s. clothes you will be proud of. shings are priced so as to give a IN FIVE REELS. 5300. Per Foot for 75 Present Dally Av Advertisers In Da of the Weekly No xtra charge. vertisers, THE WORLD S GREATEST MOVING PICTURES See Dante and Virgil on Their Journey Through the Infernal Regions. MONARCH THEATR Heder roote Lestetecletlodederetesteiesiose es If you compare this with business pro- perty in other cities you cannot keep from buying this, Can be sold in 25 or 50 foot lots. ot S Feet on Main St. - This is the best buying in the city today. H.C. PETTET Co. eet oe) 20-4 Re s So ots vs tes Toronto- Street. SOCIALIST M. L. A. WILL LECTURE HERE C. M.-O'Brien, M.P.P., will give two lectures here on Tuesday and Wednesday at cight p.m. in Cochran's hall on Socialism, q question that is receiving world-wide attention. Ad- 9 mission is free. Questions and discus- sion will be allowed efter the lec- tures. + While lecturing in tlie United States last-year a big daily paper said of SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. O rien: eS ; He, O'Brien) made 9 proloundesd Mrs. McLaren is attending the Wo- most favorable impression on all who man s Synodical meeting in Leth- heard him bere. In his public speak- bridge this week. ing he is logical, forcible and direct, Miss- rnikshanks is attending the depending on facts to carry conviction ) Women s Synodical Conference of ho to his hearers, and hasing no reliance) Presbytetian ciurch as delegate from wi cither the towers of thetorie or St. John's-Ausiliary-end Mrs. A; B- a iti of dissent from Orsborn as delegate from Knox 7 CHUTE: down the traffic in the city + which SS es Miss A. Stein the champion lady they allege is going on. The case AT DREAMLAND TONIGHT steer thrower of the world doing the has been remanded until two o'clock this afternoon to allow mote evidence to be secured. CARD OF THANKS. Mf. atid Mrs. H. thank their many friends quaintances for their kindness bereavement by the loss of their son. The Great Digmond Rench featuring the champion steer thrower nf the world, ot Dreamland will find it to thelr advantage to write 5 te Box 1266, News office Miss -A. Stein, TL W. Forster and ac- and expressions of sympathy and floral tributes tendered them in their recent trick at Dreamland tonight. cannot be recotn- Our visitors from. Redelif Messrs. The Diamond A. MeColinan, Hpmby, G: B. Goddart and J. Clayton. Miss Olga Evans left last evening Our programme mended too strongly. S. Ranch picture is a marvel, nob a common ordinary ranch scene. This picture portrays the animals at their worst. It also shows Miss A- Stein, the champion lady steer thrower of the world; doing the tick, The al- ance of the programme comprises four subjects and is extra good. Don't wait and ihave others tell you how good it was, a Parties intending to build a house Begg a CAS to Calgary yesterday Don't miss Dad's mishaps at the Star theatre tonight. Mr. N. W. Fuller of Whitle wes in town Satuniay. Mr. P. M Ltish of Irv me spent Sun- day in town. Dreamland Theatre (The 014 ReHable) T0-NIGHT Cc. Daily Matinee 2.30 Evenings 745 915 Admission 15c. and 25c. Se Coston at Neto ege es Ernest Holbrock, who started as junior clerk in thy Merchants Bank Watford, just five years ago, has rec- ently become manaser of a branch of the sam bank at Alberta. Mr. Hotbrack faa br rto Mrs. A. B. Connor of Alvinson.-Alvinston; Ont. Free Press. A. mecting ve held ix the Alex- andra -schoot ing on Tuesdayr 2 evening Apru 2rd at eight o'dlock for the purpose of ofgaaTaE tclasses for tir lt; who wish to take up the preparstory course for house warpentering nd building construc- tion branches of technical training. A fall attendance of all those interested is, desired. Mr. A, E. clvy. of Brooks is in Don t miss Dad s mishaps at the Star Theatre today. STORY EXAGGERATED Duluth, Minn., April 22. A report from Midway at midnight stating that the St, Louis County Tuberculosis rhe hospital is incompleted and had Wight, C. McLellan and T. Francis. no patients. : DELICIOUS a So etesteetetoateaiecsecteasestestesteeie ste Lots 4 and 5, block 22, 750.00. sete 04 0-5 e Poste seele se Re Every indication points to exceptional activity in the building line this spring, and whatever is wanted in reliable TOOLS, we can supply from our well assorted lines of HIGH GRADE TOOLS. FOR SPRING CLEANING DAY We Offer as Follows: - Hammers, 25c to 1.50. Saw, 1.75 to 2.50. Shovels, 1.10 to 1.25. Spades 1.00. Rakes, 40c to 75c. Garbage Burners, 2.50 to 4.00. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat Re ots stoefort te First Class Investments .. McKINNON S .. TOWNSITE (South) Lot. 22, block -80; 1050.00. blogik 2, 1050.00 cash. Lot 27; block 2, 1100-00, FE i b 0 b dene al ots 1 and 2, bloc Patrons for thelr generous patronage during the past seven years Tot 9, block, 8 , 1250.00; in which he as conducted his-bakery business, and-bees to-state that on and after April 15th the business will be carried on as a HERALD Joint ieee Compas (aim ey ea would bespeak for the company a continuance of their esteemed patronage, with an assurange of a bate Ssnd Spee. saseot: continuation of that service and quality which has always been 150 ft. corner, Esplanade, 3700. assoelated with this store. : F. B. McKINNON o Cae ee Watch for further Announcements 235-d-tf: Lots 13-and 14, block 17, 650.00- cash, Lots 1-14, block 19, 350 each cash. COUSINS SISSON Lots 1 to 4, plock 2, 735 pair. Lots 3 to 10, block 19, 375 each. Lots 21 to 40, block-22, 350 each NORTH XUILL eS eee et ALLAN MURDERERS GO 10 FACE TRIAL Are Being Taken Back to Little Court Room, the ene of Shooting. the murder of John Moore, the sev- enth prisoner is under indictment for delomy, the charge being that.he as- sisted the Allens to escape. Sid Allen: aud Edwards ere still at large. DESIRE UNIFORM WEIGHT LAWS. tat; a Lots 8 and 9, block 11, 525 each Lot 8, block 9, 600.00. Lot 5, block 11 (with shack.) 650.00. Lot 2, block 11, 600.00. A. G. TROTMAN Oklahoma City, Okla, April 22. Several thousand prominent repres entatives of the retail grocery trade: throughout the United States have arrived In Oklahoma City for the an- nual convention of their national as- seelation, In-point of attendance the: convention promises to be the most (W., AP. Dispatch.) Roanoke, Va., April 22. Under strong guard seven Hillsville prisoners who have been in the jail et Carrol started for Hillsville res thy : nond S Ranch Se'ig z NOURISHING, as : Ammerial Bank Building the ae nie epee estern Ranch Scene, but a pletare Tar yous AP) a 9 THE Hit - - Drama * 2 on e cece 1 MOTHER S BREAD Insion. PTAIN, KATE Tomorrow. i ee Speen , i Our Peerless 4-Piece Orchestra Supplies the Music BK ae Snaps C4 TASSIE BROS Phone 256. Look for the Label. Come Early. . Night Performances I5e-and 10e. Monarch Dante s Matinee 2.30, April 22nd and 23rd - . IN-FIVE REELS ats The World s Greatest Moving Pictures. See Dante and Virgil on The Infernal Regions. : SPEOLIAL MUSICAL- 3 Admission 15 and 25 Theatre eeteteeatente Inferno ee oe hat rte 2 * : Trip Through the e+ ee Seate st S ROGRAM. Me e +0) ee st Sot Evening.7.45-and.9,15 easels P'ackfoot Half-Breed Baby and the Stork Afternoon be and 10 . STAR THEATRE Dad s Mishap Don t Miss it. Me 0-4 cS rw Pots Sooteet . 4 Historical Indian Production * Biograph Comedy Drama . . Comedy Realty, Customs Brening 10 and 15 , Ocean Steamskip Tickets. --us- Perry, Sewell Perry Life Avsarance C: nd for Great West Life eee ce Canadian Rallway ne 4 Finuncial Brokers, Totable in the history of the organi- zation. In addition to discussing nu merous toples of common interest. shooting of Judge Massie, Sheriff Webh and Miss Betty Ayers ocourr?d, ie men will be placed on trial to- anq importance-to-the retail trade, morrow. Floyd Allen, the first man the convention will launch an organ- Cable Shi Thos New York, April list of fifteen nam perished in th T: whose. bodies have made public today celved in a wireles: cable ship Mackay- So announced that ies had been recov the fifteen names, of passengers. The White Star public the: follow age giving the nam list of bodies reco died in the Titanic RESUL i That Pre Inade ence will fi Washington, Ap th inquiry into-t today the member: vestigating comm ced that the-heari many days. In the opinion o den Smith, chairms colleagues so mucl learned from the few witnesses. tha upon them to get mation from ever; enlighten the comn . That the facts point to inadequacy gulations they are whole story when Hutehinson-Bioek. Phone 186 arrested, still is suffering from a izeq movements, to secure wniforiil robes butwas taken back to weights and measureslaws through face the charges ogainst him, with * et Victor Ailes, his son, Byrd Marion, the Old Prices- isia miverss, ctaot 5. ation aod pon miss Dadiv mishaps at Ue - Wricl. He. is umfer indictment for Star Theatre today. ; CENTRAD PARK eet : 3 out the country. selcicbiiink Men s Work Clothes WE CARRY A BIG STOCK OF OVERALLS- cs AND JUMPERS. 600 Pair, bik. 29. i 400 Pair, 37 ft., bik. 31 560 Pair, bik. 31. 650 Corner, b1K.729, 50 ft; 450 Pair, bik. 2 100 each 1. 850 Pair, cor; near Park, OLD -TOWNSITE 2056 16, Tor 3, bl 53. now. j 3650 87 ft, bik, N, Toronto St. in plain bl yven-stripe- All sizes oe in pl lue, black and we gt; ie 1500 Lot 6, bik. 26, Toronto Stn. TESS 1250 Lot 18, bik. 89. 1100 Lot 5, bik. 6. 950 Lot 7 and 8, bik. 82. 1200 Lot 16, bik. 86. 1050 Lot 14, bik, -80. 2 1100 Lot 9, bik. 11, Main St. N. 3600 100 ft, bik, 52, Main St. South, 35500 Modern 7 room house, Mat St..N., bik. 12, in Cousins Sissons, Bending, Powell, ete. for men and boys, Also white overalls and jackets. Carpenter s Aprons, made of rock denim. GROCERIES,;. CROCKERY, SROES and Staples in Men s Wear Snaps H.W. Ireiand Co. .Phone-64.. a B. F. SOUCH Drug Store Toronto St: pale Perea TRS Tor ew ar fo an international ly revising the oce sportation. th y do mation-has come the authorities of (tions oF the worl investigation colse The committee call to the stand tc Boxall ofthe Tit the startling fact unknown ship was miles from the T - Chalk Dr.. Wright Mayor T Start P Mayor Spence large chalk mani agreement has al cheque this aite agreement will b day night. Dr. Wright's 95,000 and will expects to Increa He will man -and other materi
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Image 664 (1912-04-22), from microfilm reel 664, (CU1738852). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.