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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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PH medium prices. The Hartt Shoe. PATENT OXFORDS .. Regular 5.25 for T BLUCHERS .. Regular 5.75 for .... PAT TAN OXFORDS Regular 6.25 for . TAN BLUCHERS Regular 5.75 for .... GUN METAL BLUCHERS ..-. j 5 Regular 5. 75 for ese aaa These are all the very latest styles. pencer Todd SPENCER TODD ONE 40. A Reduction of 20 per cent. off the Following Lines in our. Men s Wear-Department. - 4 oe a0 ae Mj Now Once the idol of nio F, de and mother. The Navarro home international fame. with Robert Hichens, the author, the dramatization of Allah, and firsted her native cessful production. ing Miss Maud Adams. She is a n: ive daughter of the Golden West, since she was born in Sacramento on July 27, 1859. She was not long-a resident of the California capital, however, as she-was but-an arms. when her parents moved to Louisville. Her father fought in the Confederate army, dying in 1863 at Mobile, so that Mrs. de Navarro, besides being a native daughter, is a Daughter of the Con- federacy. When Mary was eight her Mother married Dr. Hamilton Griffin, fe, who had been a surgeon Fhe Peopte s Store- the American stage, Mary Anderson, now Mrs. Anto- arro, is today celebrating her fifty-third birthday as-a supremely contented, happy and beautiful wife in Worcestershire, England, is a perfect nest for the loving pair and their two Digeons, as Mrs. de Navarro calls her sons. Far from tho blazing lights- of Broadway,. Mrs de Navarro she in- sists on being called that, and not Miss Anderson, after the manner of some in the profession in which she gained She collaborated in The Garden of land for the first time in many years to at- tend the rehearsals of that highly suc- Mary Andereon was and is, to the older: generation the best loved of American actresses, not even except- Devoted Wife: and Mother the stage, aiid marked by many tri- umphs in New York and London. Miss Anderson retired from the stage in 1889. Seeking rest, she bought Court Farm, a lovely Cotswold build- ing of rambling architecture, situated et the top of a winding street-m old Broadway. Worcestgrshize. she resides with her sons and her hus- band, whom she married at Hampstead ro, who had settled in Engi the world, is it on pewter art. a book entitled Pewter. The dedication reads: My Wife (Mary Anderson) With sociated with a Precious Metal That Their Dedication to a Precious Name Might Prove More Worthy and Deserv- ing. . At fifty-three, Mrs. de Navarro is as beautiful as she was a girl over a quarter of a century ago. Happiness and an Ideal married-lite-are-tonics. that have preserved her loveliness un- tarnished by the passing of vears. The elixir oftife she calls her do- mestic bliss. The Worcestershire Ed- en affords a magnificent setting for the homecnest In which the one-time favorite of the stage is spending her age of sixteen, appearing as Juliet in a trial matinee. That was the beginning of a carreer familiar to all lovers of There var d after /many years spent in travelling: about holarly gentleman, a collector of pewter, and an authority Last year he published ansories on English the Regret That These Essays are not As- of a tremendo: have ed which was originally designed Washington, D, C, July 27, Pres - Today still continue in to mect the difficulty oxperienced ent Taft wit be officially notitied of Thy William Mf, in raising the s nomination at the White House on RIVERSIDE ws of war for a contliet with Thursday, According to present plans : (e250 pe lot.) rs he : an France. By the influence of Paterson Mr. Taft will receive the notification . and Michael Godfrey, forty mereh-/Committee on the rear portico of the RIVERDALE ants subsoribed forty thousand X cutlve mansion, waich overlooks ( 185 per lot.) pbounds towards but the measure obtained the roy: tive operations Poultry, at bills for foundation Threadnoodle 1732,.and the two years later. 4k to 6 per cent. for the buik street was i It mow occupies Sts Christopher-le-Stock: a Today is the breaking out jf more in consequence of the opposi tion of the against England expressed by newspaper, The office and centennial of printing materials Baltimoreans attacked the tection of Lingam, and. others. A hot military protection in prison. the following night to the j an eight others as dead, and several were wounded. tion in the assault. The authorities Spain, are greatl, of Paterson, Seatchemer the Bank of Eng- the sum of 1,200,- was violently opposed in Parliament assent and the charter was granted. Sir John Hout on Ras the first gov- ernor, and the banl amenced ac- Grocers Hall, issuing notes for twenty Pounds and upward and discounting The in in bank removed there Great additions have beou made from time to time. the site of the ehurch and nearly, all the parish of The churchyard is n w termed the gar- the a riot in Balti- declaration of war the Federal Republican. were destroyed. One hundred vears ago tonight a great mob of enraged. house, of the editor, A.C. Hanson. which was garrisoned and under the pro- Gen: Henry Lee. Gen. fight Ook place, in which, a mumpber-ot Persons were killed and wounded: Additional troops came to the as- sistance of the besieged editor, who On another mob formed and assaulted and broke in- Gen, Lingam was killed were thrown out No one was punished for participa- Barcelona, exercised over the MEDICINE HAT DAIL NEWS FORROAST FOR THE (Special to the News) the eclipse, Portico, with te committee 000 pounds to be Tent to the nen grou. tint Suburbs, rertent At: Sight: pexicell,, Ui see e One Siarions the towne SNe: Pree: We hold large and ex luslve sideration of the subseribers being Meut will probably tears for hie sain-j ..We Held igs sid oihusive ter the notification State conventions of the Progressi neeting, al the following: New Mexico, at Albuquerque; Loul fana, at New Orleans; Arkansas, n ssee, at Nashville ver; Indiana, at Indianapol Missouri, at Kansa ticut, at New Hay ty: dential nominee or the Democrat his notification address. i-/ary law, will hold their State conver a Itvely convention, Five aspirants are mer Governor Benton among those who aspire to head th their candidates in Congress in the State-wide prim: ary to be held Saturday. A State assembly of the Republi- . uns of Colorado will be held in Den- ver Wednesday to nominate presiden. POMING WEE, He will speak from the party during the week witi include Montana, at Helena Little Rock; Illinois, at Chicago; Ten- Colorado, at Den- Virgin- Ja, at Roanoke; Minnesota, at St. Paul, and Connec- Governor Woodrow Wilson, the pres- Darty, expects to continue at his sum- mer home at Sea Girt during the week, receiving Visits from the party leaders and putting the tintshing-touchex to Republicans and Democrats of No- with the prim- tions Tuesday, the former meeting at Lincoln and the Jatter. at Grand Is land. As the nominations were made in the primaries the work of the con- Yention will be confined principally to the adoption of the party platforms. The rivalry of the two factions In the Republican party is expected to cause contesting for the Democratic gubernatorial nomina- ton tn Temmessee,-which-will-be-set tled in a State primary Thursday, For- MeMillin is Democrais of Kentucky will select for representatives tial electors and select the names to be placed on the primary ballot. The State assemblies are a new feature in Y NEWS, Our Specials They are the coming Residen- please note. We handle these localities and if you place your Ustings with us you will have your stuff placed before the best buyers, who come to us know- ing: they are-our special goods, We have just received a good number of Townsite lstings. Buyers please, take note of this. REDCLIFF We are the Medicine Hat lo- cators for this growing town. We hold over 300 lots exclusive- ly given to us. We advise spec- wators to step nto this mar- ket. - There-is going to be a doom very shortly here. A manufacturing boom, mind you. Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave. corner of Esplanade, Half-minute from Post Oifice. PHONE 791, ve 5 at fc theso headings, 26 words, one day .. 26 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words, ex days .. .. 1.00 ad accepted for less than 25 cen Cash must accompany the order. Phone your-ad to No.-13 ring It will receive attention. Situations Wanted, Help wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, eto., ads under Additional words at same rate. No and aNTED, WANTED AT ONCE Ground floor office in business part of town on+ Muln Street or Toronto Street, Ap- ply P.O. box 92 Ci Mast WANTED Return ticket to point in P. EB. 1, or as near as possible. Please write box 1331, News office, Mase ts. WANTED To buy second hand pho- nograph in geod condition, Apply to box 1933, News oftice. HELP WANTED, YOUR CHANCE W Stewart Co. Position. 3 of a family, Apply box 1330 News office, 13a WaANTED A maid. Milne, 908 Barclay St, 10d Tun boarding camp on Ogilvie Mill or phone 787. Tat WANTED- Small team outfits ditch work, let, Sizes of ditches from 8 to Bassano, Alta; tre St, Calgary. SITUATIONS WANTED, want a few 004, live men, capable of listing WANTED AT ONCE Carpenters on the Oxilvie Mill site, by Canadian- 16dtt WANTED A housekeeper. A good Apply Cc. G. WANTED By the Canadian Stew- art Co.,.a responsible party to site. Applications made at the above for Have 2000. miles to fogt bottom, Jense, McDonnell Co., WANTED Men and women to learn barber trad Summer rate now on, Situations guaranteed. Special logue ffee. Moler College, 609 Cen- 29satt real estate, houses, lots, ete. If you Bre a business getter here's your Vered. Apply to W. 7. Finlay. ate chance to make money, Box 1332 News: office, Mast ROOM WANTED VANTED Furnishea room with modern conveniences, Apply to box 1330, 1343 MISCELLANEOUS to DC ot WANTED LaDIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watch s, Sra . Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valses, sult W iat recast eee a OaM06,. atOveu, musical Instrumente. furniture, Democrat Waggons, bug. sles, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f ithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. -P.-O, box 358. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above 28Dtt. PUB MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools tn the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new an second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods, ee tt 8 and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Rallway. St. or Phone 587. tf CHABTERED ACCOUNTANTS 14a31 Supreme Cou: today, may be Serious riot. COP SHOT COP New York Mounted Police- Fired by Fellow Officer. New York, N.Y., July 27 Mount. ed police Richard Chaffee of the Sheephead Bay station, who was shot-last--night during a family in which Patrolman Thom- is said the part of Mrs, Chaffeg, died early today. 1 Collins was locked up charged with felonious assault the occasion of another man Dies From Shot to have taken candidat primary ballot. sion of modern journalism, its ideals, trend and its existing condition, assemble at the University of-Wiscon iule prominent speakers, Baltimore and Fremont Older of San Francisco, Other events that will figure in the news of the week will be the nationa the conference of Western States gov- Boise, the annual Canadian Henley regatta at St. Catherines, and the reception of the American Olympic team upon its arrival in New York. FEE EEE EEE EE EEE in the Confederate army. D. Griffin Was extremely fond of his step-daugh- ter, gave her an excellent education, Pearean scholar, initiated her into the sublimities of the Bard of Avon. He also obtained instruction for her from Charlotte Cushman. Miss Anderson mate her debut in Louisville at the . . * Old Lady Two hundred and cighteen years ago today, on July 27, 1694, the world s. greatest financial i tion, the Bank of England, was granted a charter, and the birthday, in accordance with anmal custom, will be celebrated as a holiday by the thousands of the bank's em- ployes. No other financial institu tion in the world possesses soqnany) Privileges as the Bank of England. Tt issues bank notes and acts as the: agent of the govermment in the matter of the national debk. Its stability is famous throughout the world, and as strong as the Bonk f England is a comparison that thas become proverbial. Besides its . LARGE STOCK OF Maple, SOLE AGENTS FOR . Paroid Roofin further finish. ee Today Is 248th Birthday of The of Threadneedle Street Soedeegecetontectectrtonteegege. seed eeseoes Western Canada Lumber Co.Ltd i Dry Common Lumber, Fir and Cedar *Finish, Fir and Cedar and Oak Flooring, Proof Paper.-Neponset Roofing, Felt, and S. Wall Board requires no SEE US BEFORE BUYING. EAST ALLOWANCE. more matufe-and happier years. Tow- ard that Eden the thoughts of mil- Hons will-turp today in happy remem- brance and in earnest solicitation. struct the populace by dramatic repre- entation have a high mission, and Mrs. de Navarro, both as actress and Woman, has lived up to the best tra- ditions of the stage. extraordinary financial powers, the bank has others that it does not take advantage of. Under the char- ter of incorporation granted July 27, 1604, the privilege was given the bank. of selling beer without a license: If she wished, the old lady of Threadoeedle str et, as the bank is popularly called, could open a public house, or could send -drays around and deliver beer atthe doors of Londoners. The old lady? has never taken advantage of this provision, probably considering that she is too old and dignified to turn bermaid, but there is .no doubt that Bank of England beer, with the chief cashi i Peake oes lt;3 sot 8 Soe 1 st Re eS Doors; Fir, oe, o rat 2 Se So) Neponsei Water- Pook fo to oe fed Seeds PLAYS AND PLAYERS. Harry Woodruft to appear in Florence Ziegfeld, jr., has started work on The Follies of 1912. Corinne is soon to appear in playlet called Bill. Mrs. Brown Potter is to make her appearance upon the London stage. Frank McIntyre will be in the new musical comedy -. fHer'Left Shoulder. ' Lidne Walsh is to be starr d, by Werba Luescher in a new-play next season. Harry Clark has been engaged as mombert-of the cast of Tan- talizing Tommy. Eddie Foy, heretofore one of Chars les Dillingham's stars, has come un- der the management of Werba Luescher recently. Martit Harvey, the English act- or, is to appear as Hamlet in Loo- don next season. A new musical comedy is called The Love Maid. The composer is Edward Rosenbaum, jr. Richard Bennett will be under the management -of the Liebler -Com- pany the coming season. Tsabella Evesson is now associate ed with Melbournd - MoDowell i The Sheriff and the Widow. The Couberts ammounce that they ve changed the mame of The a The Dressmaker's h - FIRST THINGS. from America to Europe was sent forty-six years ago today by W. J. 8. Donnelly, a Newfoundland merchant. The cost was twenty pounds ( 100) for twenty words. The first message under the'cable letter system recently devised by President Theodore Vail of the Western Union company Was also sent by Mr. Donnelly, for which he paid six shillings, and three. Pence ( 1.50), The atomic theory, now generally accepted by modern scientists, was first formulated by John Dalton, an eminent English scientists, who died. Sixty-eight years ago today. The first strictly commercial news- Paper in America, outside of Boston, The New Orleans Price Current, is- sued its initial number ninety years ago today. The first successful Atlantic cable Was opened forty-six years ago to- morrow, July 28, 1866, when Queen Victoria sent this message to the President of the United States; From the Queen, Osborne, to the President of the United States, Washington. The Queen congratulates the President on the successful completion of an un- dertaking which she hopes may serve a8 an additional bond of union be- tween the United States and England. The cable had been tested the day be- fore, and a message sent to Lord Stan- ight -Birds to Phe Merry Count Fanny's First Play, by Bernar Shaw, will be given in America with the original London company. Charles Frohman is to produce in September a new comedy by Cos- mo Hamilton, entitled Browa. Tom Lewis season as a star im George M. Cohan's Yankee Prines tt will begin early in September idl Baltimore, The publishers of Phillips last novel, The Price She ess. David Graham out of commis ion, and a new company, ley, and also one paid dispatch had for each office to be filled the total vote in the assembly is en- titled to have his or her name on the A notable conference for the discus- sin Monday. The conference has sch- among, them being Melville E. Stone, William J. Bryan, William Allen White, Nor- man Hapgood, Charles H. Grasty- of open golf championship at Butfalo, -spTEemM 3p ER-srd looks neat and whose clothing doesn t wrinkles, You can have your suit cleaned and pressed at such a moderate price that there is no necessity of looking slouchy and badly groomed. We make your sult look like new when It is renovated at THE GLOBE CLEAN. ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Toronto Conservatory of Music EDWARD FISHER, Mus, Doc. Musical Direetor. REOPENS TUESDAY * gE ATIENDANCE LAST SEASON 2 e580 fe fe fe of ole fe ofe fe obs of ode oe STUDENTS sical P rez by cabieyPacuity of-100 Specialiste; CONSERVATORY RESIDENCE For Young Lady Students, is being greatly enlarged and will be ready for the opening. * YEAR BOOK, 170 pages,-mailed.on ap- plication, TENDERS er Sealed tenders: will be received ad- dressed to the undersigned up to 6 o'clock p, m. of Saturday, August 10, 1912, for the ere tioh of a ten room brick and stone, public school bulld- ing-in the city of Medicine Hat, Alta, Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of W. T. Williams, Architect, Medicine Hat, Bach tender must be accompanied by a certified check for an amount equivalent to 2 per cent of tender as guarantee of good faith. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, (Signed) R, M. NAPIER, 13-kAug 10 Sec.-Treas, Medicine Hat School Dist. No. 76, House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE-WORK. been forwarded. The American end of the cable was at Heart s Content, Newfoundland. The project of an At- lantic cable had been conceived in 1853 and Cyrus W. Field, Peter Copper and other wealthy Americans were the or- Plain iginal backers, The first and second attempts to lay a cable were unsuc- cessful, but in 1858 the junction be- ween the iwo continents was effected, and messages, exchanged between the President and:Queen, Owing to faul- ty Insulation the cable soon passed Paid, are negotiating for its drame PHONE 467 Directed atization. was formed, and the Great Eas laid another cabie. gt; me Weill Sharp your tools. Prices right. estate office next Hull Block, Toron- to street. Phone 260. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTHEAL STREET CARPENTERS Shop back of . Howley s real 453, City, man who offers me-a cash price. iFerns, 58 Gertie St., Winnipeg. buggy in first Apply J. Isaac, or H. Morrow's store. N. Ry. St. box. 1329, News office, condition, 30 horse power, Tully equipped. Apply P. 0. box.597, TO REN a TI brick house, 611 Toronto, Apply at Mrs, Scott, 620 Toronto. 12a3t a eee TO LET 4 roomed cottage. Apply 311 Toronto St, Next Door. 10dtf, TENANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street and 3rd Ave. Fine location for any business. Reasonable rent. Living rooms overhead. Immediate posses- sion, Repairs and overhauling will be done, Apply to G. G. MacBean Co. Imperial Bank building. loatt 0 RENT Large warehouse at 418 Main St. Apply at 422 Main St. toate ROOMS TO RENT, o RENT Modernly furnished rooms with board, and use of bath. Apply to 203 Main St. 16d3t (00D, bright furnished rooms to let by week oF month, at reason- able rates, Apply at News. W. E. Wright. dase OFFICES TO RENT. LARGE front office to let in the Im- perlal Bank Building. Posession August 30th. P. 0, boy. 792. M4a3st STRAYED STRAYED Two bay geldings, white 8 faces branded on left thigh. Reward of 25.00 for return to Redeliff Clay Products Co. 299dtf. STRAYED 1 bay mare 5 years old, 1 blue grey gelding 3 years old, branded right shoulder. Re- ward for information to H. B. Browne Auctioneers, Medicine Hat, Phones 295 and 703. 1346 BOARD AND ROOM. (T RENT One room, and board. Ap- A. TILLEY PHONE 561, sase ply 117 Main St, 13-8 Subserite now for The Daily News. T.ADY STENOGRAPHER and typist desires a position at once. Ad- dress box 156 General Delivery, city. POR SALE Cabinet sewing machine almost unused, for sale at a great bargain. Cost 38.00,sill sell tor. 22.00, Apply Rev. C. T. Holman, box 16d3t have a motor cycle near Medicine Hat which I will sell to the first HL 1343 FOR SALE One horse, harness and class condition. 1246 OR SALE Lot, house and barn, lot being 50x150, on Ross St. House unfurnished. Cheap for cash. Apply to 1246 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE CHEAP 5 passenger, touring; in first-class tt lern roomed W.'4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- x bridge. A. B. Gibson, C.A., resident Proposed celebration today of the Colorado polities. in some ways they SITUATION WANTED Young lady P8rtmer. Phone 198, Burns Block. third anniversary of the Barcelona correspond-to the old State- conven- desires position of trust, office 275att riots oo July 27, 1909. As s- re- tions, but they are designed to elim- Whe Popular or clerical work. Have fair knowledge sult of this uprising, hundreds of inate the bitter contests that fre- of stenography and bookkeeping. An- UCTIONEERS a conspirators were shot. /quently marked the conventions, The Summer Man biy te thar Meee ee them Francisco Perrer, the assemblies. take only one balfoton is the one who. always ee ree HY : BROWNE- -CO,, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St, Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- Perience at your dlaposal tree. Phone 703. H. B. Biowne Co, 519 To- Tonto St, * Aszdtt BUSINESS CARDS, W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consignee and forwarding agent, as- sembler and executer of papers for shipments going into the United States. Commissioner in'B. R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent. AIEDICINE HAT. E. Bartlett, gt; gt; Municipal Engineer, : Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Plans, Ete. Medicine Hat- Phone 420 eee Ui het DS Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) few Wall Paper Estimates cheer- jally uirnished on cost of Papering your rooms, Phone 156. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the erection of about twenty miles of five strand wo- ven wire fencing, near Chin, one strand barb wire on top, seven foot Posts ,two ft. six inches in ground, twenty ft, apart, properly braced at corners and midway between corners. Tendets should give price per mile for labor only, all material will be furn- ished except necessary apparatus for stretching wire and digging post holes. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Write C. F. Lunan Co,, 218 Beveridge Butlding, Calgary. leatt Father really ought to have his pic- ture taken he hasn't had a photo- graph since that funny looking one in the cut-away coat that he was married in. ( Twas a noon wedding, you know.) * Yes, mother says 'twas a good one of him as he looked then, but real for the sake ofthe familly, there should be one of him as he looks now. There y a Photographer In your town, The BARTLETT STUDIO, FOURTH AVENUE. Members of tho defunct William - son team, of the Mountain States League, were given only eight dol- lars for two -weeks work with the result that ons player is in jail for trying to beat a board bill, and another was arrested for sloping with five uniforms belonging to the club. Subscribe now for the Daily. News, House furniture sales con. Room 14,-Imperial-Bank- Building, First S Falls Ope The pat tra specia is all that tury peop them, whi best that duces, Also Sla over Shoe marked of ready for Get the By in your he a floor ths time. We with Oak; 1 Mooring a cost to you lThe ( Luml Office and Ya P BIG WELCOMI (Special New York, Jui al welcome awai tors in the Olyni Stockholm, wher next Monday on ' land. About two can team, includ the star perforn the Vaderland. team are sight-s will not-return The Metropolit numerous other dividuals, is pre the arrivals Mon plans are carried of men who are honors back wit the seas will be will almost sury The chief featur ton will be a bi Hall, where the Sially crossings reptesentatives 0 ot New York. CRI (CA London, July 2 All-Ireland by a runs. Warwickshire 168, Northampshire by 263, Don't overlook the Cardinals, about ster fir Ed s record 0 without an err the best inthe Hugh Jenni the remark that Boys are handic for the pennant hand-shaking they don t put often enough. You can buy Rope for 12 1-2c Harness Shop,
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Image 159 (1912-07-27), from microfilm reel 159, (CU1739188). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.