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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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LePAGE BROS. S peptal in Whit e Cativas Shoes for Saturday's Selling FOOT COMFORT FOR THE For cool comfort during these hot days the nothing quite so nice for shoes. They are perfect fi comfortable as yu-could wish for, lines of thi Children s Vt. he kiddies as these canvas tting, coal, airy, and as Made to fit the Canvas Slippers, sixes 3 to 10 1-2, ie 95c a pair Misses* White Canvas Pumps, sizes 11 to 2, Satur- Child's White Canvas Button Boots: size Special for Saturday. Ghild s White Buckskin Button Boots, size 4 to Saturday special .' Misses White Canvas Bu Saturday special... . - h45 a pair 4 to, pp. 1.10 a pair 1.35 a pair, ttoned Boots. size 17 to 2. - 1.45 a pair LePAGE BROS. 388 Toronto St. See Sho The Woman's Mission circle meets In the Baptist chureh on Tuesday af- terneon at 3.80 o'clock. cae The W. C. . Us Xn Atherta Local members . of the Women Christian Temperance tinion will. be lad to know the growth of unions in the West . A two days institute of the Provinelal W. . T. U, for Alberta * Gwas held at Calgary on Junq 11 and 42, at which delegates were present ftom different parts of the Province. Whe Calgary District numbers over hundred members in the city alone, besides local unions from Carstairs to Macleod and from Langdon to-Banft At the convention, one of the chief ow speakers: was Mrs. MoKenney, presi- t of the W.-C. 'T. U. for the Prov- of Alberta and Saskatchewan.s5 nam adress, she referred to the Jawin Alberta that all property-hold- ers have the municipal franchise. Wo- 2 sSaeeeeoens she re- marked, and went on to tell how the mo contract oe and not. to pay ? them, k Rave not pala our grocer, to: live be yond our means, to spend on ourselves the Money Which ought to be given to the Lord, to borrow without security or prospect of repayment, to borrow at alat 5 een de avolded, to waste to spend cther pedi See recklessly, than we a spend our -OWn.: ss e ae (By Mrs. Frank A Breck) One-noble aspiration leaves a trace A touch a ling of beauty in the Tace, But years of nobleness will drive it and Pain and perplealties, amd prayers and years, t Faith-reachings, pure ve, and meditations w Window. Phone 28. Not Fearing-the. Pathway of Blessing Our most trying circumstances are greater than God. He controls and eifeumstances; he can sw: out of the way, and he whdgever that ft 15, best gt; e if Just now pressed upon by some so heavy that it sesms uunendurable, let us remember tliat, it we are living in surrender to God, his will Yor Us is in this very pressure, A writer who puts, this truth urges us to remember that the overhurdening is the best-shaped tool in, the Father's hand to chisel you for eterni- ty; and pleads: Trust him, then. Do: not push oway the instrument Jest you. lose ifs work. We may. safely rec- Kon that the sufferiyys of this present tine-ate not Worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us-ward ; for our Hight affliction wliich 1s for. the moment, worketh for us more and mors exceedingly an eter- nal welght of glory. How safely we May trust ing 8 loving use-of ev- erything with*which ie would bless us For we Know that he will. bless us, if we will let hi: Fhomus-R- Robinson jt us. Lord, the value of thy gitt it by the pangs which wrung he heart divine iustice smote that righteous Son of thine Us,all unrighteous, from th gloom to hilt. If'on life's waters. we serenely aritt, Beneath bright-skies-wirence- cloud- less sunbeams shine; Where no rude tempests our frail bark entwine, Wor straining waves reveal some hid- den rift; Grant we may not, amid the eaim, for- got The price He paid, our.cup of joy to gt; ti, Im Sacred garden and on hallowed hill: Or in thy loving wisdom smite us yet With stormy winds, that so our souls may thrill With racine. to near thy Peace, Purple Lotus Mother of . Theosophy i is 60 lade Established latte at Point Soma as Headquarters ) Seplains Her Views of Her Famous Creed, Those whose universal brother- hood flows trom the fountain at Point 6 world s Theo- Madras, India will the sixtieth birthday of the Purple Lotus Mother, Katherine Tingley, Of the three high: priestesses of Theoso- phy who, in the iast halt century, have preathed th doctrines of karma and Felnearnation to a world that is con- stantly demanding new faiths for old, Mrs, Tingley. ia not the least remark- able. Mme. Helena Petrovna Blavat- sky, who gave the cult its start and Drought it to its greatest vogue, was re-eminently a mystic, and her fat ody was curiously at variance with her alry-tatty) maginings of things that never were on or land. Annie Bos- ) Sith, who-ih-her-cartior days was the -tomradig and co-worker jot Charles ig by the athelstic philosopher and was easily the most. faitelectua .of the ists of the celebrate today gmbyoment, Katherine Tiley brought hood and Theosophical Society 1s to to the oult.a her. England: colonial ancestors, At Point Loma, not far from San Diego, Cal., she has established a world s Theo- sophical center that is one of the Wonders. of the world. On a penin- sula jutting into the clear waters of the Pacific, combining the beauties:ot the sea with the natural loveliniess6t the land of. sunshine and flowers, the: architecturally magnificent edifi- cos of the Universal Brotherhood and Theogophical Societx have a setting that Ig little-short of perfect. . There the Purple Lotus Mother has cre- ated a Mecca for her followers through out the world, of buildings are a Raja Yoga (By O. Terence.) scttool where children-of more practical value in winning a lyelihood;, a library, an auditorium for lectures, a publishing plant, and various other edifices for living and studying. purpose: Mrs. Tingley explains her creed-in the following language : Thie prin l- Dal purpose of- the, Universal. Brother- Included-in the group. male it a living power in the life of humanity, by establishing Raja Yous schools throughout the world, and cre- ating-a new literature Its subaldiary Durpore s to study ancient-and mod- ern Teligion, science, philosophy and arty fo Investigate the laws of nature fad the: latent divine powgril in man. Ty- declares in ts:-constitution that every member bas a Fight t belleve oF isbellove in any religious system or philofophy, each being required to how that toleraice for the opinions of'athers which he expects for his, own. , Ruiherine Westcott was, born in Newburyport, Mass, July 6, 2852, and martied P, B, Tingley, an inventor, tp 1889. After the death of Helen Blavats sky and her co-worker; Col. Henry Olcott, the leadersh in Europe de+ Yolved on Mrs, Besant, while 4n Amer- lea William Q. Judge becamehe head of the movement. Mrs, Besant profer- red charge again Mr. Judge, and tho ult Wag 4 Iively Sight among the ples of brotherhood and the, founding of a separate society in Am- erlca. Upon.the death of Mr. Judge: Th 1896, BS, THueTey clave Wat We mezntle of J adership had fallen to her. and in 1898 she fofmed the Universal Brotherhood and began, the famous colony at Point Loma, Mrs. Tingley soon made. her influence felt, not only in the United Stgtes, but in Canada, England and othePcountries, and peo- ple all over the world now look to the Purple Lotus Mpther as their spir- tual and intellectual guide. * Aha Is Th inst Awful Mable are the Terri Uncle Sam s and John Encounter at Sk Olym; (By Aba Have we discovered a. deep, dark conspiracy of the Swedes against the English-speaking athletes ente qd: in the Olympic games? Indeed, it looks yery much like it. While. the games. were officially opened a week Ago, the real sport of the meet, the track and Held games, commence to- day. As I have pointed out before, these contests which will make:tnter- hational athletic history are tobe Staged in the Biljettfersaljning. That name- alone is enough to break. the heart of an American or British glad- Mator and leave him gasping for. breath. But that is not the worst, The conspiracy goes deeper. The swimming events, which also begin to- day, of rather this evening, are to be pulled off in a jurgardsbrunnsviken. Can the fish-men-of-Unele Sam. or John Bull keep afloat in such a boay of moisture, much less make a record? It seems unlikely. ut, The worst is yet to come The by- ciele race, to be held tomorrow, will start at Idljenholmsvagen and on the very. first spurt the riders will have to negotiate the hill of: Nybodabacken. And the finish wil be at Biljettfor- saljning And what will. happem to the Invaders when the Swedish spoc- sa , Conspiraey Gravy ) English Spalers ble Places ad Things That Bull s Favorite, Sons Will piad. Hor jingskornas- ns template, We ci ope for thi best. jntssyetajui The Swi ish language listens like a findtype- man's cuss word. Swedish program committeo D to have as few events as possible on Sunday, in deference to the American and English athletes. Who are not accustomed to the dea of the-Continental Sunday. So tomorrow there will be only the 190-mile by- jeycle race around Lake Milar; the running high jump, Heats; the 14.000 etre flat final Heat; the:final heat of 800-metre/ fiat, the Pentathion, a swimming contest fo, and a few minor events. Fis absolutely all, unless it sboild be ecided at the Jast minute to adda few more events. The Swedish idea ot Sabbath obser- tators cry out Ketsjvagen? It ds vance ig suttinly very Continental, inleverything must be sold. deed. Te sea acdir seimaaly gymnastic and wrestling Imencing today, will continte to Fu Phevhorse riding cotmpetition will ocewpy-the period trom July 13 to Mig The owingevents will be de- cldea on Tialy 18 and19 and-the yaqht- ing rates on Juiy 20 to 23 TOBE FREED FI Will Finish Time for His Pa: * Most Feared Man in En; (By 0. Terence.) -- . Tom Mann, the leade? of the British ndicalist labor movement, the comrade and colleague of Bill Hay- wood in America and- vetot In-Franc Will bg released from-Jail today. For his the Jabor troubles in Eng- Jand Man was sentenced last May to six months. imprisonment, his spec- itie crime having been am attempt to influence British soldiers from. their duty. The conviction of thelr leader was the signal for wild agitation and threats of violent reprisal-on the part of the Labor party, and as a result Reginald McKenna, British Home Sec- retary, reduced th sentence to two months. Today Mann will walk forth 3 free man and the employers of Ia- bor in Englan are quaking in thelr Boots. 2 Syndicalism was invented by French labor leaders, among them Yvetot, Pel- loutier atid Pouget, and its- doctrines quickly spread to England and Am- erica. On thig:side of the Atlantle the new form of labor organization found expression in the Industrial Workers of the World, which tias con ducted strikes fence, Mass., and other industriat cen- ters and in the Western mines. In Eng- Jand Tom Maun, who had spent life- time In labor movements, was quick to grasp the new gospel and to put it into effect in the various strikes that within the last year or two have threa- tened the peace and Drosperiiy-d of John Bull's fslana, Mann was borh fifty-six years ago in the coal mining district of Warwitk shire. His parents: were poor and at the age of ning he left school to work on a farm, and at eleven Was employed. in amine. He saved his money and learned engineering, afterward getting a. position in Birmingham. There he tolled fourteen hours a day, at wages barely Sufficient to Keep him alive: In 1881 he Joined the Amalgamated So- Giety of Engineers and has ever since been on of the leuders in British trade unions. He Joined the Soclal- fits in 1885, but tias gradually te- come more and more radical, until now he apparently has only contempt the Fabian Socialism of Shaw and volftical. Socialism -of . Robert Biatch- ford, as well ax for the old torms ot labor onfonism, No man in Exigland is mote feared by employers of labor than Tom Mann, Before beginning a labor war for be holds that. c pitai ana Tabor are-now engaged tn a real war he plans. every laible difficulty into conaid ration. When he sirikes he delivers bigebiows bard and fast. In executive. abtity 4- and strategy he has probably never, had an equal in the labor world, Hist? Aoumen that teach universal brotherhood, demon- .enemies admit that. aw they do -hin thrifty ie strate; that it is a fact in nature, and honesty, for today be has the ctottgs laf HK a + - TOM MAAN, SYNDICNLIST LEADER, 9 in the milis of Law- ... move in advance and takes every pos- t FED FROM Ml TODAY rt in fis Part in Revent- Troubdle Is glish Labor Circles Today. - on his. back, aiid praetieally n more in the way of worldly As an orator and writer Mann oF gifted in smoothspeech He his never been heard to attack the, teh. For. the,poar who-listen eagerly tp his m ssage he has only words of derision, of scorn, of biting sarcasm.- Hig voca. bulary of, yituperation is unusually complete and -he heaps denunciations upon his auditors silly asses who permit others to.ride them, who starve that their riders may grow fat and: heavier to carry, and who have not wit ehough-to balk or buck? rich declaims Menn well, who. can you-have shown yourselves to be? And s0 he goes.on, his listeners fools with half a dred variations, ism and: sabotage. the News: Job Department. Bebb beh eb et bob ot z A GOOD WANT AD, + replies or answers. +h makes certain. the quicker sale. gt; The Want Aa. ts ths brict- ext kind of'an Ad, that is ever oh written, and hence in its brev- ity there must be wit-wisdom. * The Want Ad. can only inter- * est the reader on the basis of * his interest. Each ceader is * interested in each and all of the five essentials to every she. Want: Ad. These. essential fin the order of thelr import- * lance, are, first, the names of the article or thing advortis- ed; second the quality of the article or the kind of thing advertised; ' third the price of the article or thing advertis- ed fourth, the- address, (phone, or street number)- of the advertiser, and, fifth, the name of the advertiser. When the above essentials are fully und truthfully, stat- ed in the Want Ad, the best Tesults are obtained; but in Proportion to th number of ERPEEE DEERE * + + + iser curtail the results to hia Ad, Bach Want Ad. is an opportunity; look for them in The News, TPhoun 12. SESE STIS E SESE PHEEE EEE pet tena Terms, Cash. ttective; although far from eloquent As for the blame them for riding such willing ins fun while: the asses cheer wildly. the doctrines of syndical- No order too large or too small for + h Is, of course, one which will +f bring the greatest number of + It is a of law that increas d demand + Hee he oke she ple ob obs oho oh th he Auction Sale 'H B. BROWNE CO. Haye been tavored with instructions 107 publi auction the whole of the Ranch, Farming and Store ef- fects belonging to Mz. Marchesseault MONDAY, JULY 8th, 1912 At 12 ofelock noon, sharp, The following is a partial list of the goods and effects that will be sold, 2 Bay Geldings, 11 years old, 1 buck- skin Gelding, 9 years: old, 1 sorrel Gelding, 10 years old; 1 black Geld: ing 8 years old; 1 day Gelding 12 years old, 1 bay Geitiag 10 years old; 4-bay Gelding 3 years old; 1 sorrel Gelding 3 rs old; 1 black Mare 8 years old; 1 black Mare 8 years old; 1 dark Roan, 4 years old; 1 white Mare 10 years (old; 1 white Mare 3 Years old; black Mare T years old: i bay Mare 8 Yoars, old; 1 bay Mare 8 years old; 4 bdy Maro years old; 1 sorrel Stallion 4 years old; 1 dark jroaned Heiter, Wagons, yehicles and implements: 4 Wagons, all of first.clags make; 1 Democrat; 2:sets Disc Harrows; 1 24-fn. Gang Plow; 1 8 in. Bobsleigh; barrel Churns; A large quantity of all descriptions of water and milk pails; 1. complete blacksmith s -out- fit, consisting briefly of 1 anvil, 1 blower, vises, tongs, sl dge hammers, and. all of the necessiry-tools; a large quantity of paint in gal,, half- gal. and quart tins; the store stock consists of; sewing and washing machines, ing and heating stoves, plates, pans and, kettles of all des- eriptions; Tagfes hata, all descrip- tions,* ladies ) and gents boots. and shoe; shdyels, spades, picks, hami- mere, Jocks, nslje and other. effects too numefous to mention. ge Notes Mr. Marches: seault-1 retiring from business and The auct- loneers have every confidence in Te- . cominending pur hasers to attend this-sal , The stock s in good con- dition and consists of matched teams, general purpose and heavy work- hors y and single rivers: Store stock is pew and up-to-date. Luncheon. provided. For further. particularstappiy - to Davidson Wills, qpliitors, Medt- cine Hat, Alta... o HB, BROWNEWS CO. ive: Stock and General Auctioneers, Tos Toronto St, Medicine Hat, Alta, FEhones 703 arid 295. THOROUGHBRED STALLION TOPSAWY ER (IMPORTED) Topsawyer, winnerot Goy- ernment premium of 250 Jan. 1911, is L brown horse; 1215 1 bred. from: proven stayers over two and a half ta four mile courses. Do you wanta 16 hand team that will road ten or twelve miles for five and six hoors at a-stretch and can .be pushed 80 to 100 miles in) a day? Cross Topsawyer with mares of 1100 to 3200, with a. dash of standgrd and thorough bred blood, Do yeu want a good heavy, weight hunter? Cross Torsawyer with a good - short- legged general purpose mare swith a thorough-bredscross one or two generations back. Top- sawyer will stand at the Sarnia Ranch, Walsh. Throws no col- ors-but bays or browns puts his own hedw on get. 297-12t. SBALED tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon ot Saturday, July 6th, 1912, tor the erection of a frame Exhibits buil- ding, etc.-at-the Pair grounds, for the Medicine Hat Agricultural Society, Certified check for an amount equiv- alent to 5 per cent. of proposal to ac- company each tender. . Plans and specifications may be geen at the office of the architect, Porter Block Medicine Hat, 5 The lowest or any tender not nec- essarlly acepted. WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS, Architect. gegen June 29th, 1912. TENDERS dressed to the undersigned up to day of July, 1948, for the erection of a -room brick school building fbr the Medicine Hat School District No. 76. Certified check for an amount equiv- alent to 5 per cent. of tender to accom- Dany each tender. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the architect in the Porter Blotk, Medicine Hat, Alta. . The lowest or any seater: not neces- sarily accepted. R, M. NAPIER, Secretary, Medicine Hat School District No. 76. Reynokis Stewart, (4th Avenze opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates . cheer fally ufrnished on cost of Papering Your rooms, Phone 156, No Reserve. W SEALED tenders will be received ad- 412 o'clock toon of Monday, the 15tif ranted, fkelp Waisted, Bale, Last, Found) sta. 9s. uadht thede beadings, 25 Words, ix day 1.00 Additional wordg at,same rate. No ad accepted for Ves than 25: conts. Cath must aogompany the order. ig Phone your ad to No. 1 ring 2, and it, will recetre attention. BELY WANTED, WANTED xouth, high school edu- cation, for Redeliff, to assist in office and drafting room. Sniisald 2p portunity to learn or: trom Salary 10 per wed Board reasonable. Apply with sample of handwriting to City Baltor of Ne : a ry -ANTED A maid for general house work, None but experienced neoi apply. The best of wages peld. Mrs, R..R. Stoner, Redolift. so4ae WANTED A good steady young man for grocery clerk, also floor man. and driver. State experience and wages. Apply box 1309, News: office. ssa WWANTED General servant, 20. a month. Apply to 615 Main St, be- tween 7 and 8 p.m. 30203 WANTED Two first class exper- fenced waitresses. 35.00 per month. Apply to W. B; Routledge, Brooks, Alta. 3026 HOUSEKEEPER wanted to take charge of-boarding house... Good work, Good wages to right person. Apply Box 1296, News office. 299atf. WANTED A, few good sdlesmen for high class proposition. Big money to good men. Room 1, 386 Main St. 297ast /ANTED Maid wonted, Apply to Hospital. 297dtt BOARD AND ROOM. OARD AND ROOM apply to 103 Montreal Bt. 30343 SS WANTED A general Sorter, Cos- movolitan. ye aodate MAD .WaNTED 422 Be: Planade, 2s9att WANTED- Small. team ontfits for ditch wrtk, Have 2000 mil s to let, Sizes of ditches from 3 to foot bottom. Jense, MeDonnell Co., Bassano, Alta. 207att eet ey WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade summer rate now on,- Situations guaranteed, Special Tates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free, Moler College, -609-Gen- tre St, Calgary. 2g4dte SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION. WANTED Young lady desires. position of trust, office or clerical work. Has fair knowledge of stendgraphy and booKeeping. . Apply box 1808 News oftice. 080883 POSfrion WANTED Zxperiencea stenograpiter; customs clerk and general office mah. Commence work at once. Apply to P.O. box 479, 30246 ae rae RESPECTABLE poung man requires situation. Distance no object. Ap- ply to J. K., box 95, City, 30243 FOR SALE ror-Bate on EXCHANGE tor horses, 1-4. section -2 miles trom Irma station. For particulars apply to A. A. Dickson, Irma, Alta, S04a4 FOR SALE S5 rooms of household furniture, practically n w. Apply, at residence, 425 Rey St. 30406 Ve SALE 5 roomed house on Res 50x150, with barn: and outer f pulses. Owner will sell cheap. Ap- ply to box 1910 News office. 30343 YOR SALE One rolled top oftice desk and chair. Cheap if taken at) once. Apply 329 Factory st POR SALE 2 first class fresh milk- ing cows, Apply Kathreen Bac- kes, Redcliff, Alta. 30203 OR SALE Some household turni- ture. Apply at 632 Montreal St. 30143 JOR SALE One first class milk an for sale. Apply to 810 ard 29846 FOX SALE Complete got of farm machinery, spring wagon, singl harness, saddle, full blood Hameltor- fan driving mare. Inguire Harvey Webster, Yeoas aye AUTOMOBILE FoR SALE CHRAP 5 passenger, touring, in first-clase condition, 0 horse power, fully equipped. Apply P. 0. box 697. tt For ail Kinds of Job printing, try the News Job Department, ottice a and paying for this ad. 30348 PO RENT One furnishod front ved Toom, miso two uniurniahed beds rooms in new ' cottage near high school with use of*pione. Apply 630 Lotkwbod Bt. or.phon 764. 304d3. PO RENT Pirat class front BUitQhle Tor two Bent ern, . Sminuteg from city hall, 111 Seyenth Ave. Apply SOdMRE Oo RENT Furnished room in fair ly modern houfe, Use of phone; Apply Til Ottawa st. soaate heen (COMFORTABLE room to rent..Thre- minutes from depot. . House fully modern. Apply 2i5 Feronto St. 01-3 TO RENT Furnished rooms to rent, parlor, bed-sitting room, modern ete. jconventegcts, suitable for two gentle Apply: 426 Toronto St. WANTED. * Wwantep Rooms suitable for housekeeping, Apply to box 130 News oftice. goad nen, aTatt HOUSE WANTED To pitrctiase from owner, 7 or roomed: fully modern house, State best price and terms. Address box 210 Medicine Hat. z * 30408. MS AND BOARD WANTED ARD ANDYROQM WANTED Wanted by young business man room and board in private familys. ress full particulars to box 84, OST Saturday evening last a childs heart-shaped locket, nickle B. with nue. JfOUND Sum of money. Owner may have same by proving property. 8. IWR. Martin, International Supply Co. ? 30343 ae FPOUND A bunch of tape owes can have samo by calling at Rews aoidet OST A' child's sweater coat, whiter trimmed with blue, and a child's Mot embroidery skirt partly worked. Lost at C. 2; R, station. . Apply to Mrs. RB, Taylor, 124 Braemar St. s 30143 REESE) Ee LLOST In Meticing Hat Saturday evening last, a pocketbook con- taining sum of money and a railway ticket. Finder will be rewarded by Jeaving the same at B. F. Sotch s arug store. 30083 ffOUND Dianiohd ring. apply A. W. Bell, 413 Park St. 30184, STRAYED SSTRAYED Two bay geldings, white faces branded on left thigh. Reward of ee for, return to Redclift Clay Products Co, LO8t Brand over V. One day Belding 6, years old, white face, whit hind Tegs, ami big white spot on belly, Weighs 1000 Ibs. Bost 18 months. ago. 20 reward.. Apply to B. Baytiuck, Irvine, Alta, -July 4 dtw MISCELLANEOUS i ANTED Mrs, Henry Bochee of Cypress Hills would like to know the whereabouts of her daughter, Eva, who is in Medicine Hat. It WANTED LaDIES AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, jewelry, guns, Tevolvers, valises, suit cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, Dicycles. carpenter tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and t- thers, bought and sold. Apply. to the Harvard Tailoring - Co., 312 Fourth avenue. opposite Dreamland theatre. P, 0. box 353. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid tor the above, 28D HE MEDICINE Bat HIDE, AND JUNE CO. The: on hand the best sel Hand Tools in the: ol Furniture, Stoves and second hand Watches, Jewelry, 8 yolvers, Wagons, Bb and a nice new line of wintdt We buy everything mertion and pay the hest prices, South Railway St. or Phor CHARTERED ACCOUNT, W: 4 HENDERSON .CO,, chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- Hphed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E. Gibson, C.A., resident partner. Phone 198, Burgas Block. 276att AUCTIONEERS HH 8. BROWND CO, Live Stock and General AucHoneers, 619 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House turnitipe. tales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, oUF ex: perience at your disposal free. Phone 103. H, B, Browne Co., 519 To- ronto St Aszatt BUSINESS CARDS, olga ee SINGER SEWING MACHINES ana Sherlock, Manning Pianos ana Organs for sale and to rent. Alb classes of insurane . W. J. Fleming, Office 381 Main Street, F otfice. LOST AND am : chain. Reward given. 216 6th Aye gt; TU an Se Oe
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Image 27 (1912-07-06), from microfilm reel 27, (CU1739164). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.