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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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terns. Now s the time to offered a better MEN S THREE-PLE tweeds in bro of good smart a) OF POLOTZK si0c01 +a army without provisions or shelter nesiest the terrible Russian be featey cea the smow and the eanaieye wild bla t. scattered his ike winter's of the legions withered - . While Napoleon's army was large ly composed of troops who fought and suffered agaifst their will and the German and Austrian allies es- pecially were so apathetic that they could not be depended on to carry promptly or effec- tively the Russians were fighting in defense of their fatherland, and dis- played wild enthusiasm and brav- mand of Wittgenstein, and corps and division of carrying th banner 6f the*Man of Destiny. In the tnd the Russiansisre- treated further lt;into the interior; in line with the policy of Barclay, the Cear s tommander, for Iucing out any orders the imperial palace in. Moscow. a banquet given in their honor by 1 century ago today, the nobles pledged toJevy and equip their own expense one man in gn in the country. his loyalty, sword that boar not count- gk it was that that paput his final defeat. the Emperor, housand people were A earthquake that devast- ted Naples on this date in 1626. ago today Prince Albert Edward of Wales afterwardi King Edward Vil landed at Hali- fax to commence his tour of Amer - iea. Today is the poulvecsary of Seventy filled by Fifty-two years founder 1784, of Denis. of Peansylvanis, and, in Diderot, the reat French philosopher and freethinker. peror found. he had underestimated the valor of the-Russians. The ad- vance into Russia was not so easy, as he had-anticipated, and although he finally reached -Moscow, it-was the-News-Job Departnrent. Some Things YX Should Know usiness Ste TIONERY esetostentetoetootet ceeaige if the average business man had -time to carefully investigate every proposition n put up to him, he would pay less attention. to first impressions and judge less by appear- ances. But he is called upon to think and act quickly, and he must base his judgments upon what he can take in at a glance. 2 foe *s f Ra Leste or ees eS ES ores Sosfeageageateay RS Using poor stationery or printing is poor business however you look at it, because it represents you, and you cannot prevent it. The safe thing, therefore, is to use paper and printing so good that you are willing to have your-work or your goods judged by it. Po stocte . te os fs 4 so-ateeg RS Ms fo see Sototestost There are certain things that are impossible to say about one s self, For instance, your character, the esteem you hold for your business, your integrity, these are things that cannot be advertised. But you can .through your stationery and printed matter. Soeseateag suggest fea A handsomely printed letterhead on good-stock will at once impfess your man favorably, while an indifferently print- ed letterhead-on-ordinary paper might have scarce gained attention, Re Sof 2 It Is not exaggeration to say that the success of your let- ters often depends upon the printing and paper you buy. We will gladly submit samples to you. ean premse you Medicine Hat News, Limited. Medicine Hat, Alta, We know that we i MBO OSTOLEOY TOETETOTTOOSS The Migration Geo the Church to Acquire a Large Acreage ind Batablish a Colony For Its People oes o been: theliaizration af Catholte parishes, has nade atrange- So Kreat ACT Stator Glitety ORebgReAG CaA- eat to Tun a Weekly crala from St ada during (heigaat te Paul, Minn., through 1 the colon fama: parties. from the s eral States eee are ussembled at St, Paul, under the united Stat ment included and communica; sociation for thd land directing. direction of the asteclution, and ac- companiod to the colony by Its agents. - Four carloads of settlvrs are leaving Illinois this week. The following record of Immigrants tion where they settling In western Canada for the communities of year ended March 31, 1910, indicates the extent of the movement from the a land company, From Great Britain jacauired.. is and Iretand, 59,790; other than Eng- now known 5 in lish-speaking, United States, the Quill Plaig fan, A moa and there is Ole population. Pa The association. which, was head- quarters in Waterlog, Tapemadigh overs ten States, embral Roman e- 103,798, The wealth of the inmigrants set- Uing in the west during the five years ended March 31 was vstimate as fol- British, 546; effects, States, i 110,982,000, cash, : United 1 effects, fo, 1910, several anarchists pro- to celebrate the tenth anni- of Humbert's death by killing dow, Queen Margherita, but ome ing Fog*them confessed and several of the the tragic death of eX King cgnsptrators were arre ed. The lat- Umberta 1, who was slali m- se on the King s Hfe was archist assassin Bresct Whogi z gui year, wut was frustrated ittorfo Evnanuele ttt: he succeeded to the t he acceded to the throne, quiet and retiring life, ite known to the people at Hat general distrust and dis- ed the beginaing of neial depression had sp, thousands of people erge of starvation, and and graft prevailed in of the country, Victor hown himself one of blest rulers in Ital- brought order out Monza by order Margorita, on the vety King Humbert was murdered, and large, memorial services will Y -held, there aatisfact toduy. Bresci, the slay b King, fired several sho all of which took effect. was driving when theatl and died before he could tf the palace. Bresci was an erican and declared he had to Italy with the sole purposd Ing the King. As Italy has ab has coped with. sev- capital punishment, Bresci w: te 3, and waged a tenced to-Hife-imprisonment, d : eae nspeakable Turk. still supposed to be living.- wip reflect lustre ago complaints were made of. yet a question that fency with which he was alleggd to be fed. The King was treated by the prison authoriti:s. iniental in. prosecuting ictor Emmanuel to give his name the Camorrists, and the English spelling has beep the ob- nvictions at Viterbo Ject of several anarchist plots dur- shall r eaking up that mur- ing the dozen years of his reign. the /derous plackmailers a3 is last of which is still fresh in the pub- now p B riimph alone lic memory.. In June. of 1906 two should maki name immortal. bombs were found hidden in the Aure- ' Personn: is unostenta- lian wall, near the Porta San Lorezze, tious, kindfy with the object of wrecking the roygt Gorki, the train, In the following year, as theylalist, who largely fhe : it the r q eold shoul- d Rome, the and bomb exploded near the railroad tracks just four minutes before the royal train reached th anarchists from Argentina engaged in a conspiracy to assassinate the King two years ago, but the plot was di Max Nordau, 63 Today, Most Ee tnent-of tewish Scholars (By 0. Terence) the world.will today,ceive Nordau s work with any en- i thusiasm, but it had a puritying effect djon the diterary atmosphere. Another startling work followed in Conventional Lies of Our Civiliza- tion. State, church and society. were called to account, and inthis book ple, Max-Simon-Nordau is: jordau aimed his criticisms at institu- these. As.a man of letters, a critfc of tions and Society at large, taking up literature and art, of-scienee-and-phit- sociat decadence tnsteat of the-deea osophy, he is well night supreme dence of the individual, which he had among living writers. He is one of the/treated of in Degeneration. In most profound thinkers in Europe to-) Conventional Lies, Dr. Nordau point- day a thinker almost free from pre- ed ov that numerous social and relig- judices born of convention . and re- ious dogmas, once necessary and there spectability, who dares to arrive at fore to be considered as virtuous, had independent and revolutionary conclu- outliyed their mission and had become sions despite precedents and prudery. positive vices, working injury to hu- manity. As a physician, he s the author of sever works that are accepted as Dr. Nordaa-has written many books, authoritative by. the medical men of put-it i on these tWo that his reputa- the world. As a criminologist he now tion among the public largely rests. Wears on his shoulders the mantle of/ while he has assailed what he calls Lombroso. He is a social revolution- talse progress and delusive radicalism, st, In the best sense of the word, and he s himself a radical among radicals. jone whose influence will be felt long He asserts that he is an advocate of jafter his death. In the opinion of one, revolution, when one Comprehends ex- Dr. Nordau fs not only the greatestjactly what revolution mei living Jew, but one of the greatest and Revolution in the political and le- gal order, he lately asserted, invol- most useful of living men. Max Simon Nordau was born at Bud- ves the rights of man, the equality of apesth, Hungary, on July 29, 1849. He /Cltizens, universal suftrage in short, was the youngest son of Gabriel Sud- the democratic republic. Those who clamor loudest against 1793 would not feld,-a rabbi. His education was s cured in the Protestant Gymnasium even have shoes on their feet today if that memorable year had not been snd Royal Univerdity of his native city. and at the Faculty of Medicine in Par- what it was. A froth of words cannot 's, For several years he was em- rock the republic built on the rock of as a journalist and traveled all revolution. jover Europe. For a year-and a half practiced Medicine in Budapesth, and then Went to: Paris, where he Nas since resided. caf prob Gorki declared, up on leaving, that the King. was almost a Sociall orator, Max Nordaw, on the occasion of his -sixty-third- birthday, The trenchant defender of Zionism, the orator and tribune of the Jewish peo- The average wage received by brickiayers in England: is 9:72 per week for fifty-two and a half hours The bricklayers in Germany receive 7.50 per week and are required to work 59 hours. Dr. Martells FemalePills As journalist and author, Dr, Nordau utilized his training as a physician, a scfentist and a keen analyst. He be- came a critic of the critics, and in that capacity flayed many a hoary super- stition and ontworn idea. His first notable literary effort, which generation. Lombroso had alread discovered the relation between genius and insanity, and Nordau applied the theory, With an unsparing pen, to con- temporary works of literature and art The dacadents. naturally, did not, re- Prescribed and recommended for women's ailments, a scientifically Prepared remedy of proven worth, The result from thelr use is quick and permanent. For sale at all drug Get the Chance 4 lots in Riverside 7 lots left in Riverside, 20 lots in Riverdale left 4-perfectly sno netessity of Tookiig THE GLOBE CLEAN. ING PRESSING CO. dressed to the undersigned up to 6 o'clock p. m: of Saturday,- August 10, 1912, forthe-ereetion ofa ten room brick and stone, public schoo build- ing In the city of Medicine Hat, Alta. Seen at the office of W. T. Williams; Architect, Medicine Hat. 13-kAug 10 Father really ought to have his ple- ture taken he hasn't iad a photo- graph since that funny looking one in the cut-away coat that he married in, ( Twas a noon wedding, you know.) Yes, mother says twas a kood one ade of him as he looked then, but a Alay an THTerNAtIONAT Tigre, was De- Wineteen Years Standard for tho sake of the leone le ae the should be one of bim as he now. There Photographer in your town, The BARTLETT STUDIO, stores. 2.0.4-10mo, on Broadway, Block 13, at 300 each. Block 19, at 250. at 185. tevel lots with good view of ri er, in the Herald 375 each. at Pingle, Wales: Bell 4th Ave, corner of Esplanade, Half-minute from Post Office. PHONE 791. RIGHT RIEF ROTHERLY This is the Young Peopie Society at the Methodist church. Held every Tuesday at 8 o'clock. WILL YOU COME? Lift up. The Popular. Summer Man is the one who always looks clothing doesn t bag at the knees nor gather-ta wrinkles. You can have your suit cleaned and pressed at such a moderate price that there slouchy and badly groomed. We make your suit look like new when it is renovated at ar of, Post Office on Fourth Ave. TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received ad- Plans and specifications may be Each tender must be accompanied by a certified check for an amount equivalent to 2 per cent of tender as a guarantee of good faith. j Phetowest-or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, * (Signed) RIM. NAPIER, Sec.Breas. Medicine Hat School Dist. No. 76. TENDERS Bids are wanted for the building of a ferry of the standard government type, at Redeliff, Alta. ings and biue print will be furnished upon application to C. W. White, Sec. Treas. of iMage, Redcliff, Alta. there looks family, FOURTH AVENUE. For Sale, Lost, Found, et ad accepted for less than 26 cents Cash must accompany the order, It will- receive attention, Situitions Wanted, Help Wanted, to tie Feeoree gelding with white stripe ears old, and weight abont) Brand HF monogram on left) jer one gray gelding. welt three days 60 1300 tba., branded 5 words: six dere These horses were ) Ts last AdAIONUT-Worgs-wr-saMs THERE AWVetes on the 1b Miy R. Starks, Medicine Hat. 16dtf. re Phono your ad to No.18 ring 2, and CTRAYED One steo s branded ' given for to H, EB gray mare, Reward will be delivery of same Medicine Hat. 1646 BELP WANTED. Brown SALESMEN are drawing 75.00 to Sreases, and paints direct to the con- WANTED-IMMBDIATELY An ox- lally expertenced in milking. Apply for particulars, Demonstration Farm, box Leader's office. WANTED AT ONCE Carpenters on Stewart Co. WANTED Matd wanted. Apply to STRAYED Two bay geldings, white 731 Esplanade. 17-6 faces branded on left thigh. Reward of 25.00 for return to Redeliff Clay Products Co. -299dttf. 100.00 per week selling our olls. CrRAyED 1 bay mare 6 years old, 1 r Big epportaaiis, Men blue grey gelding 3 years old, suming trade. branded right shoulder, Re- with team preferred. Inland OM 309 for information to 3. B. Works Co, Winnipeg, Manitoba. SWHe- Co. Auctioneers, Medicine Tur'so-ttm Fat, Phones 295 and 108. 1846 perienced farm hand, and espec- S088 BNO oEe OST Somewhere between post of- fice and Ogilvie Mills, bunch of 888, 1643t keys, Reward will be given when de- livered. Apply ito News office. 17-3 FANTED -Good general servant. Apply in forenoon at Hotson J,OST A pearl sunburst, lost be- sast tween Mr. W. T. Finlay s and city hall. Reward will be given:when de- livered. Apply to W. T. Finlay. 12 f the Ogilvie Mill site, by Canadian- leatt MISCELLANEOUS box 1330 News office. foot bottom. Janse; McDonnelt- Gos hate wool and f thors, Bassano, Alta. i on. rates to ladies. logue free. Moler College, 609;Gen- tre St. Calgary. rs gXPERTENCED Good references. Or would take any position-of trust. or clerical work. Have fair knowledge of stenography and bookkeeping. Ap- Ply to 1827 News office. 1335, News office. NOTICE Intending campers at Elk- four, as row boat, also fitted for sail- ing: Any size boat Write or apply to John Bull, Elkwater Lake, FOR SALE One roan. gelding, about er, suitable for lady. or call 09 East Allowance. Ross St. rect with owner and save commission. Box 949 City. ees bargain. 22.00. 453, City, FOR SALB One hors Apply J. Isaac, or H. Morrow s store. IN. Ry. St unfurnished. Caeap for cash. Apply to PENANT WANTED for vacant store business, Tooms overhead. sion, Repairs and overhauling will be Detailed draw- 17-6 was done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co. ssa. Imperial Bank building, toate ee eke oe te oh of ie thr : HOME SEEKERS ROOMS TO RENT. Se acaaron: TO RENT Moderniy turnistiea os aor eee Dre na Ss rooms with board, and use of. ones bath. Abply to 203 Main st. eazt the city every day porsonal- -f 5 + ly conducted, too, vy readers + (00D, bright furnished rooms to f of The Daily News Want Ads. let. by week or month, at reason- If you have property for se. able rates. Apply at News. W. B, ** Tent rooms, houses, cot- f+ Wright agact ** tages apartments, plan a +h home seekers excursion TED. * through the Wants; bid pos- f+ so + sfble tenants come and look sf WANTED AT ONCE Ground floor at have to offer. +f office n business part of town on f The Wants cost but 25 for fe Main Str et 6r Toronto Street. Ap- * one insertion, 3 for 6 c, one +f ply P. O. box 92 City. 14a3t week for 1.00. + Phone 13, two rings. + Department has. eye WVANTED A. housekeeper, A good ANTED LADIES' AND GENTS' Position. 3 of a family, Apply'to ' cast-off clothing, shoes, Watches, 1346 ) joweiry, guns, revolvers, valises,-sult cases, stoves, musical Instrumente. ANTED- Small team outfits for furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- ditch work, Have 2000 miles to gies, harness, bloyclea.. carpenter ae ; raw hides and furs, horse sold. Apply to the Harvard Tatlorin; Co., 12 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 358. Phone 295, The Best Prices Paid for the above 2aDtt. 2e7att -ANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now Situations guaranteed. Special Particulars and cata US MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have SITUATIONS: WANTED. Jon hand the best, selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new wants position. Excellent scholar. S74 9 ca, Fite dae volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and-a-nice-new line of winter goods. We buy everything mertioned above and pay the best prices, Call at 504 South way lt; 204ate Apply box 816, desires position of trust, office CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Satt WV. A HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine (Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E. Gibson, C.A, resident partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. 275att FOR SALE R SALE Two lots in block 9, City View. Cheap for cash. Apply box 16d3t AUCTIONEERS water Lake Boat for sale, carry FH. 3. BROWNE CO, Live Stock and General Auctionsers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. Phone 108. H. B, Browne Co, 519 To- Tonto St, 182att built to order, Teast 850 Ibs., Very gentle, good driv- Apply box 237 16a3t CR SALE Lot with new shack, 25 tt frontage, water and gas, blk. 7, A bargain for cash. Deal di- BUSINESS CARDS, W..E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consignee .and forwarding agent, sembler and executor of papers for shipments going into the United 16d3t/ States. Commissioner in b. R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent. MEDICINE HAT. E. Bartlett, Munfeipal Hngineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, 16a3t OR SALE Cabinet sewing machine almost unused, for sale at a great Cost 38.00, will sell for Apply Rey. C. T. Holman, box harness and class condition. buggy in first 1246 WOR SALE Lot, house and barn, lot being 50x150, on Ross St. House be 1329, Ne eitice, SS ee 1248 water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, : Plans, Ete. TURESS Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. - Me TO LET 4 roomed cottage. Apply eae ree S11 Toronto Sy Next Door. 10att Painting and Paperhanging. - Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue: opposite Binnings) on the corner of Montreal street and 3rd Ave. Fine location for any Reasonable rent. Living. Immediate vol be FOUF rooms. Phone 156, WANTED Return ticket to point in of of ofe of fe of oe obs ode of of obs he fe -P. EF. 1, or as near possible. Please write box 1331, News Gas on the stomach, causing bloat- office, 14a3t ing and a feeling of stuftness after eating, is not always caused by the Loose Leaf System The News Job thing eaten, but often by the stomach facility tor sup- Terves, says a physician. Subscribe now for The Daily News. plying the most gat ractory. Subscribe now for The Daily News, Suit at T The new 2 Brand tmarked-oft er been ow show such Medicine E yours now. The Man's 8 TSWAY E (Continued The recommenc include the follo trade should Inve ity of providing 8 dition to their w bulkheads with a above the waterli tudinal vertical on each side of th The court recor jsh board of tra require that should be submit early stages of th should have at tl to direct changes Another recomn boats and raft acc going ships be bai persons carried i of ship. The cour be necessary in 8 carried by ships stowing and law The court boats be provider paratus with con and that number to carry should The court suge tional conventior on common Tul ships, also as tc tions and appara tions, speed in th use of search lig Lord Mersey sa iness of the cou attacks on the 1 Conmg Dutr cor may, but: court might be very gross charg Duff Gordon tha men to row awa sons 8 unfounde 1 think if lie had men to return t had foundered have made an could have savet The attack concludes the Ji into the. suggest the position of the line, some me upon him to wa vessel foundered Ismay, after as passengers, foun starboard side o being lowered: there at the tin for him and he not done so he w ed one more life In conelusion Dlamed the Brit its failure to rev of 1894. A few days a1 team motored played a game res by a score put tp a good The line-up: Helm, e; Knij Kinnon, cf; After the ball berry put up a was much appr There is a sh Friday night a between the sai Save your co dinner set at E. You can buy Rope for 12 1-2 Hatness Shop.
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Image 175 (1912-07-30), from microfilm reel 175, (CU1739195). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.