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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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(BRS STRIKE e. Cable) Miners to the num- ropshine struck to- to reanme work as ats are employed in Use copies dally. 900 cirenlated in city 20 copies Thursday. Advertisors in Dally got the Deneiit of the Weekly country circulation Agnocxtracharge. Books open to advertisers, MEDICINE HAT NEW DAILY EDITION WAP. AND C. ALP. TELEGRAPEY SERVICEA VOL, 2 NO 150 Be, MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. FRIDAY. JANUARY 5, 1912 PRICE, FIVE. CENT TE ire Co.) refuse ay gt; pleas- wD Ulsters Threaten War If Home Rule Carries North of, Treland Said to be Preparing Arms to Fight if the Home Rule Bil Car- ries and they ave not Granted a Special Provincial Rarliainestt 7 Bins Bd. Carson Says whey wil be Many Riots. doors .EUR- London, Jan, Following the ac- lon of the Utster Unionists yesterday in declaring that they would not ac; cept home rule ali) would get up a -geparate governmelif, sensational ra- more are in circuldgn that the oran- iratlons are preparing. Yo resist home Tule by the force of arms. The Ulster King: Breat activity. investigatiig the rum- ors, Py It ts asserted that despite precau- tions, drilling in Ulster? ts-going on at an extensive scal , The Belfast correspuhdent of. the Pall Mal Gatette says le is informe that Over 2000 former military, offi- cera are with the militant organiza- tlon. The correspondent says, appar ently on- tis own responsibility, that one of the first moves of the Ulster men will be the securing of the whole of the railway systems: 7o. Northerai, Cork. At the annual meeting of the Ulster Is: IN GLOBES) , Pineap- ch N-UNIONISM Tancaghirs Lock-out Takes London, Jan. The, Lancashire cotton lockout now . threatens unfor- seen contequences of the most m- portarit-kind: Tho-executive commit- tee of the general federation of trades unions met to-day and discussed-pri- of Red Cross ECIAL yately the questions of non-unionism h every three which his led tothe present lock the executive committee decided to. organize a national campaign to crush s non-unlen- labor. and to this end has convened a conference of delegates ERS OF can (Wo PL clal- Travellers Association 8, M. Sterling, first James C. Kane, ec- vice-president; E. Fielding, treas- trek Directors George W. Moore, john Everett, W. J. Zammers, Charie Dahean, C. J, Tuthill, Charles Silver, tors will be appointed at the next reg- E Uncosstea by. Ste e se . Me rap mete st 5 . Seteg i 5 tric Volts:in Arm. trical Depurtment had a narrow Leaders Planning a Fight against. non-Union Labor thy. statement from an official source Toronto, Ont., Jan. 5. The Commer- yond vice-president. hag elected the following offi- ot a: a City Electric Pole Frank Brown had Thrilling Experience and Harrow Escape from Death. When he Received: 2,300. Elec: Unconscious and held suspended by a and only the leather girth which he leather strap aboutthis waist Frank lind aout his waist to allow fee usa Brown an employes of the City Elec- es accident. Unlonists Council at Belfast yester- day a resolution was adopted re-af- firming the decision of :493 not to recognize an Irish parliament and de- mending for the Ulster-folk a contin- uation of their great existing rights, and privileges as part of the Unitgd dom, The resolution added that 1 the demand was refused the only alternative - consistent with thelr rights, as subjects of the King 18 for an Ulster provisional goverument to come into operation, and this once establishedtiex are-determined to see: it through. John E. Redmond, chief'of the Irish party, and Winston Spencer Churc- hill, first Tord of the adintralty, will Se speakers at the home rule demon- stration which will be held at Beifast on Februais Sth under the. auspices of. the, Ulster Liberal Association. Bolfast, Jan. 5. Sir Bdward Carson, MP, chairman of the Ulster Orange- men's Association, is to lead-the fight an Unforseen Step Union rom all trades unions in the country fo discuss the course of action to were -filied-to-day summonini the delegates to assemble and hear the proposals. of the executive com-' mittee. It is understood that these involve action more drastic than anything which had hitherto been at- total membership of all the mills Fechich sumber 900,000, It 1s virty ally deadlock and the only hopd-of settlement Ties inthe fact that ne- gotiations have not been abandoned. Dispatch gt; Directors Ar thur F. Hatch, E. R. Zimmerman, Charles Smye, Michael P. Malone, W.) Montreal Board Ww. Williamson, vice-pres; Director George Dawson. Kingston. Board Directors, W. . Graham and W. S. Murch, For Brantford, Quebec, Berlin atl Brockville, the directors of Jest year were Te-slected. ' For the Northwest... a of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta ahd British Columbia, honorary direc- ar board meeting of the directors. on Top of of his hands. saved his life. A Yellow workman, who saw the hurriedly scaled the pole and resoued the anconstious tan from his) fon and. after q mighty smegpened 1011-4, closed 101; May (new opened 101 1 closed 100 38; opened i0i 8, glosed 101 3-4, May onts ofened 41. 1-4. Winnipey Cash Prices Wheat No. 1 Not, 94 3-4; 91, 3-4; 3 Nor. 85 3. Winnipeg, Jan. 5. May wheat (old) WDA s2: No. 4,53 1 closed 41 38; extra feed, May, opened 38, closed 8lfopened 108 May flox opened 199 1-2, closed 202, 2 Nor. 9 9-8, closed 98; 4 Nor. 80 1-45 Oats, NO. 2 O.W., 3 34 1-2; extra No. 1 34; No, 2 feed 32 2-4; barloy No. 3, rejected 45; feed 44 Ame iean Markets Mirieapolis, Jan. 5. Wheat, 8, closed 108 speed 109 1-4, closed 109 1-8. Grficagg, Jan, 5, May wheat open- 4 101, closed 101 1-4; July opened Sept. opened 94, May, July be pursued. One hundred and forty mo fet, up bere todey for. the. pirpose of lt; ipiUister against home rule. in a ment today Sir Edward said: We don t want rioting, ttotgh tun- less we.are ftayored there will. cer- tainly be terrible Hots in Belfast af ter-the home rifle bfll passes Its third reading in the House st Commons. Ulater-will fight byy refusing to rec- ognize the Dublin parliament, For in- stance,.the farmers will refuse to bay thelr-Anstaliments on land they, have purefgs d to the Dublin ex eutives and f the latter try to: sell the farms. they, will not find a buyer. There will be no- fighting bat a deadlock. tm congequen e the. Dublin parliament. will not have any troops and if; to England for troops. The essential question s:*Would the English par- lament comply with Dublin's request and send soldiers tq enforce -an exe- cutive order of which England has no offical knowledge and over witch she has no-control? , DAKOTA mt SUPPORT TAFT AN NEXT ELECTION Big Rally Republican Leaders in Huron to-day Plans May be Upset However. Huron, S.D., Jan. Datota may safely be counted on. to suppo-t Taft for. reelectiofi is the opinion confidently expressed the many Republican leaders: wilo nizing q State H publican Taft . Enthusiasm appeared to be Ane: keynate-of-theratly, which held allday sessions in the opera house and, listened to stirring speeches by representatives of the Republican par- ty from every att of the State. The recent organization of some fo- jest clubs by the supforters of See Taft adherents on a systematic and aggressive campaign. So, far as surface indications go the La Follette svmtiment docs not appear to pai noth- ing li-e as strong as it secms to he in the neighioring State Dakota. At the samo tim the Tait forces. realize that they must, keep up jan active . campaign if they would make absolutely: sitre of sending a South Dakota delagation to Chicago which will favor the ren som of President Tatt The Taft supporters, while -profess ing to welieye that the La Follette candidacy will cause them little trou- gible, are ready to admit that the in- fection of-Col. Rooseve't's name into the contest might upsct their plans. Roosevelt's popularity. throughout this section isyonerally conceded. THIER WHO STOLE QUEEN'S JEWELS, 3 Case which Completely Baffled European Police for Long Time at Last Cleared Up. Eendon, Jan, 5A Scotland Yard detective to-night,-made an arrest in onnection with the robbery of the een thE police of the world for nearly, three years. The stolen Jewellery which included a pearl necklace in- sured in London for peared-from the German steamer on which they were sent from England to Bangkok where they were destined for Queen Sowafa E ok It was room was opened at Moped 94. they . want to exert force they must apply . by jtana An La Follette have serve to start that pieces of broken bottles supposed of North) YEARS ACO, ARRESTED 50,000 disap- strong-room of a SEVERE COLD IN AMERICAN CITIES ature Re- y Years *. Frozen .to in ie Stock Minnespolts, Jan, 5. With damage attFibutable to the cold in. western Kansas the already high figures. re- cords of the weather bureau to-day showed a still further drop ther since yesterday. At. Dodge Center the mercury stood at four below, the tan- gest period, of cold and deep snow known In-many years and has caused great lose of live stock, frozen or starved to death. Temperatures in Okiahoma and Texas were consider- 12 at Oklahoma City and 18 at Fort Worth: A drop was shown In Neb- raska and Iowa. It was six below at Des Moines, two, below at Tamipa and 18 below at Minneapolls. Governor Recommends Docks and Water Termi- nals be taken Over by-the State. Boston, Jan. 6. In entering to-day for second ferm of the governorship ot Massachisetts, Eugene Fosse said that the Canadian north-west is be- coming ong of the greatest granaries of the Wofld, adding, We are entitied to share in this it development for the porto WT haturat pe much as it 1s of New to:that end he mefded public ownership of water tefminals and also terminals if necessary. ye URES WAS Says Inspecto: A when Told of finding of Bottles outside Buildings. CW. A. P. Dispatch) Toronto, Jan, 5. Detective-Inspec- tor Duncan attaches no importance to the statement by the patrol sergeants to have contained spirits,.were found around where the Globe arid Mail fires occurred early this morning. I do not: think there is anything: in.. the story, heleaid. It was Just a Little bit of glass fiat might have been ly- (ing there for a long tim of some crank, some fool or lunatic having no special object in view. The. unsuccessful way in which it was done leads me to that conclusion. I do not think for a moment that it was the outcome of any organized scheme to destroy the things. It is the work-of some foolish cran / PEG AN CALGARY S NEW CITY CLERK Calgary, Alta., Jan, 4 By the cast- ing vote of Alderman Hornby who was in the chair at the special meet- ing of the Council this morning, Mil- ler, Winnipeg, was - appointed city clerk. The matter has caused much discussion in the-ccuncit, some alder- mien thinking some of the men in the city offices should be given a chance but th commissioners and several aldermen saw the necessity of having trained men for the Job. C.NLR. GRANTING NEW WHEAT RATES ably lower yesterday belig the record + PUBLIC OWNERSHIP reine Stes tne tuer we for the march on Pekin. The revolu- 4 My idea is that this is the work DULUTH COLDEST IN UNITED STATES 35 Below (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Duluth, Minn., Jan, 5. Street ther- mometers here.this morning showed 3. to 35 below zero, AJ slow north Vind Is Blowing. Duluth (t day is said by the weather bureau to be the cold- est place in the United States. CINK WAR WILL BE RESUMED 0-MORROW 30,000 Republicans well armed and . clothed Pre- paring-to. March on Pekin CW. ALP. Cable) Nanking, Chine, Jan, .6. Tht publican troops began at-noon today a large quantity of railway Re kow, where it is expected a north- ward march will begintomorrow when the armistice terminates. The winter clothing for the Republican army is arriving here today in cartoads and soldiers are being rapidly equipped tionary commanders today received reinforcements of four thousand men from Canton, who brought with them thirty thousand new magazine rifles. It is rumored that the. Republican more than thirty thousand, with many batteries of field guns and plenty of aifimunition. The Imperialist troops ta the neigh- i orhood, under command of General Chang are not, it is believed, nearly so trohk numerically as the Repub- leans, and although many of them system, there afe a large number) of luntrained men and undisciplined troops. 1m: Uae ranks, WG BELOW Iciest Blast in Last Two Years Brings Cold Feet to the Windy Citizens. (WA. P, Dispateh) Chicago, TS Jan. 5. Chicago shiv- ered today before the ciest blast that jyears, Zero weather for the first. time came fy early last evening before a driving northwest ;vind that con- tinued to send the mereury downward until 2 o'clock this morning when six degrees below was registered. At that hour the gale subsided and four hours later it was three degrees warmer. FAMOUS SKETCH. ARTIST OF LONDON: G. H. Galland, Satarized Hunting Episodes for Sporting Journals Many Years a Cara aturist. Losiden, Jen Mr. G. H. Jalland, the noted artist, whose hunting sket- Punch and leading sporting, journ- als for many years, died tlie other day in Londen. He resided at Hon- castle for many years, was 45 years of age and-was a son of Doctor Jalland, of Horncastle. He was taken serio, usly fll a few weeks ago with an in- ternal complaint. GOVT. MUST GIVE forces now amount to considerably tralned-on the Enropean has visited the city in the last two PUNGH EXPIRES - ches have-been regularly-published in . Jaw-Melville, The officers Regina, 2nd vi the meetin TBs and Subue. low: serious grain vince owing to terminal untouched inc clement weathe: to fermers and Regina, Sask. nual meeting of th Associated Bo- ards of Trade of Southern Saskatche- wan wag held here last evening with delegates present from Regina, Moose and other southern towns. Jaw; 1st vice president, A. T. Hunter, Lemberg; council F. Indian Head, A. E. Kay, Estevan; 8: R, Haylor, Melville. - of ineeting will be following places were repregented at ulyea, Head, Lamsden, Tho thost Important bu- siness before the meeting was the pas- sing of resolutions over which there was practically no discussion. all seven were considered and only four adopted. The most important of which dealt with the Dlockade, and the question of freight rates, The resolution the grain. blockade was in full as fol- Whereas there exists t very Fallroadg with thelr present available facilities and all-rail road; to promptly handle the grain offered for shipment and where- a8 a large proportion of the grain is fore spring will be of no Value, there- by In the spring interests of this province, therefore be Boards of Trade . of Sask. Meeting tered in the City with a Slow Nort Wind. - Association Urges Government to Give Favorable Rates to Duluth and Minneapolis to Prevent Seri- ous Grain Blockade Resolutions Unanimously ad- opted Unjust Freight Rates. ? Jan. 5. The first an- Lashburn, Lamburg, elected year-are: president, Ri Lonoy, Moose for the next ice president, J. Days, W. Chisholm, The next place at Regina, The Mooes Jaw, Regina. Melville, Indian Loreburn, Haldfast, In present grain dealing with blockade in the pro- the inability of the inadequate consequence of the in- ir since. harvest, and serious drawback business and financial tt resolved that the Associated Board of frade of Saskatchewan in conven- tion assembled hereby request the government to arge the railroads to give such a favorable rate to Duluth and Minneapolis ae will-enable ship- pers to dispose of their grain in the markets, Resolved further that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the- minister of agricultug.and the man- agers of the freight departments of the railroads operating in this, pro- vince. Taking up the question of freight rates the delegates unanimously de- g of the as sociation the people of. the west have been long suffering from the burden of excessive and ufjust freight rates, and. petition the board to order the railway companies to refund to the proper persons all excessive charges collected under the present rate scale, The meeting further decided in view . of the large international trade be- tween Canada and the United States, to urge upon the government of Ot- tawa the necessity of continuing ne- gotlations with the United States with the object of creating a joint commission vested with meeessary powers to regulate railway freight Fates on international preference. Yet another matter taken up found shape in the passing of a resolution asking the provincial government of Saskat- chewan to appoint an offi er having tall knowledge of railway, telegrapbic and express Uiriffs affecting Saskat- chewan. It wae well after midnight before the meeting adjourned and the members present repaired to a well- earned repose. Seville, Ind., children, togeth lapse of a build here today. were killed and maimed by the col- It is not ScooF Collapsed; Occupants Perish Terrible Indiana Tragedy in Private School Pupils and Teachers Crush: ing Building, (W. ALP. Jan, 5. A number of er with their teachers ing of a private school mown how Dispatch.) many pupile were in attendance but the dead Dodies of the head: master,* - three women teachers and three chil- dren have beem already extricated from the ruins. It is believBtt that many more met thelr death. which imjuired the St. Peter's ing today, Teport by Judy homme, B.A., The former which includes q majority the commission, held wwas invalid while the INDIAN RESERVE INQUIRY. CONCLUD Mit FINDING Protracted Hearing of Cosinitua Fi der of Lands was Invalid, the that Statutory Formalities yr Cor Con SS EEE (W.A PL Winnipeg, Jah. 5 The commission sed into the surrender of * reserve isstted its find- re Locue, chairman of and Judge the minority that the ' st General Freight-Agent An- nounces that the Charge will be the same as to. Port Arthur. Brown was working. at-the top of the effort succeeded in Neinging him to the pongi, wife of the Inte King Chula- Regina, Sask, Jan. . The Canad- pote ben he received the full charge gronni, Brown vas. snconscious f0r ngkoru of Siam, The Jewels had tan Norther has agreed to grant a of the voltage of the wire some 2,300 2) minutes and wus taken to-the Get: raoy carefully packed In a Hox thrdugh rate on Western, Canada volts, He was rendered unconscious eral Ios; ital but. discharged Ty, London, conveyed with every precaiwheat to Duluth. The general. fre- tion on board the -steamer.and depos- ight agent Stephen has agreed to EE fited In the strong room but when the) grant the same rain on wheat to Dy- luth ag now pertains to Port Arthur, qmpty. That was in the summ This will be 18c, from Regina. The 1999. From that time not the dian Northern has over 4,000,000 lest clue was obtained until a fort- bushels capacity which will be filled night ago, when the police of Singa- in course of next veek or 0, Once pore learned that an attempt batl this ts filled, CN.K -cars will haul to been made to dispose of the missing Duluth where therv fs unlimited cap- gems there. A man was traced from acity, the Stralts Settlement t London ahd wag arrested to-night. The pri- Lot 20, block 82, Ottawa St., for sale soner will be brought up at Bow at a- bargain, only 790.00.. If you Btteet Police Court to-morrow morn- want a lot to build your home on, ing, get this, H.C. Pottet Co. 149atf DECISION IN 4.6.W. CASE BY FEB. 25 Argument at Ottawa were Finished to-day and the Result is now Awaited Jan. 5. The closing argv, Ottawa, mints in the A. and G. W. case today awere that the company had default in bond imerest .ewhich had subs quently teen paid by and that all things better han the J nothing to province AIRS The covernmnenfiy sion before Fe day on which the actions am be dis- allowed a if pointed. by to conidia an fers lities and requ ing of with. The inqu the St. Peter's ployed government der. Finally a to that gil the necessary; stattmsry a petition to Premiges Roblin Fe 1911, of npward of Sixty mem the agents of the remeutasfor the 4 the, surrender: was airy the result band of Indiangs: Who, nadintt negot surres- commission. xfas ap- provincial fevernment apg, 3H -witnes te Prodelg ill PC ae sontained 55/42 Sa Saar so : fas re So were ,Patented out Gh the stor which leis: es Be submitted to the deputy sperin- Sei general of the Indian Wands the reserve September 28rd, 1907. Tt - was charged that this adoption was through without many of *be In ans teitty fully aware of what, they: had ayreed te: Tee aon ee (EP, OFFICIAL RETIRES, Montremd, Jan Ex Hope, 5. The: recite purchasisx oe List, t aged (Special to News) Raptou,, Sqn-+ Memorial- exercises late Judgo Francis , Lowell, inited. Statee- Clr uit Court. were held io the Federal Court root yore to-day. * Juages Colt and Pat man, defiviyred eulogien and. eminent representatives of the Boston, Bar re sponded.
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Image 21 (1912-01-05), from microfilm reel 21, (CU1738277). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.