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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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wear, coats, 3 On all Christmas Neck- sweaters,h eavy gloves and Imperial Bank of Canada Capital and Rest . ital Assets . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS Monday, January 8th, 1912 7 DON T T METHODIST CHURCH Rev. chant services weather big crowds turned out the two services. There will be a mecting. of the Ep- worth League at vhe Church om Tues day night at o'clock when the Rev. C. J. Wilson will deliver an 1 address. A. prayer mectmg will be held on Wednesday night at the Church at S ociuce when a cordial invitation is extended to all to be present, BAPTIST CHURCH * Qeacher Training in the Sunday eet was the subject of Rev. . Holman's address at the Fi ie church yeoterday mor ing. coon-coats, fur-lined sheep-lined coats, felt shoes. ork dy to show thyself approved unto God, q workman that necdeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing, the word of truth, The sermon was especially * for Sum day school teachers and workers. Mr. Holmay pointed out that this was an age of syecialization im ll lines, and that specialization was just a5 essential to successinl Sunday school teaching as in anything else. The New ork harbor pilot hed to serve on apprenticeship of 12 years before being permitted to guide a vessel into the harbor, Should the one who un- dertakes to lead the young trustinl soul into the. kyowledge of God be satisfied with any slipshod prepara- tion for the work? Teacher training courses. aitn to im- part tie special knowledge reqpired by the Sunday school teacher, know. ledge of the Biule, of pedagogic imate ed gnd Sunday school orjganization, res Me es Poste eee ie tote - , 11,993,800 72,000,000 te S o- es et Se osteo 0 A. D. DUNCAN, Act. Manager Medicine Hat Branch. eeteatetecteateategesiestostoete dom seaheeteete 4 At the Methodist church yesterday organize N. McDonald conducted the cov-'and to follow mornng and, evening, Standard Course, under the leadership and im spite of the inclemency of the of Mr. C,H. Weir, principal of the to Montreal street school. mosoing of the class will be held on Almday ovening, o'clock. ing to Im O. Hofiman s anthem 0 come Iet us worship at the evening service, Solo pacts were taken Dy Miss Sinclair, and Mr. H. 0. Dugaiea, and q duet part was sung by Messrs. Balk and Duggen. Brin preached at both serdices, the th inst., dipipinny. mien to the infant Jesus. Teacher Training Cliss, tbe Canadian First The first Jan, 1th, at The choir gave an xcellent render- st. BARNABAS, ANGLICAN The rector, the Rev. E. A. Davis, the first Sunday after the His theme, at the morm- ing service, was the visit of the, wite It is am act 9f wisdom. to seek Christ. - If yoU om- religion you would recognize th : pup- eriority of Christianity. Throtgh Christ the soul oblains peace, power any purity.. The Christians, like the wise men, r coguize Christ a8 a king. As a hing, Christ set-up a spiritual Kingdom, knowing that the root of the worid s misery was lt;sih. He es- tablished a spiritual kitigdom to de- liver mankind. from moral evil, The wise men gave giits. The best gift that the Christian gives fo Christ is himself, through the deditation of his powers of boxy and soul: to Christian service, At the evening. service, took as. text, Rom. 1 seech you therefore brethern, by the merci s-of God to present your bodies a living Sacrifice, holy acceptable to pared all religions with the Christian FORGET THE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10th, AT THE GOPERA HOUSE Feebeebbe bebe hhh he brebteieer rhb ee OR CHES fi HE CHURCHES ge esl Jers and officers met and decided to * The La Such succes: Seguin, righted. the theatre on ,Marauls de Frotitigniac, tune he takes to himself. - ears later the Marguis's grandson, penniless, becomes a steward in the household of Seguin, and falls, in love with the latter's granddaughter, guin at the point of death confesses his theft to Frontignac, To save the girl he loves, he: would destroy proofs, but she also Jearns the se- cret. The possession of wealth en- ables Frontignac to speak of his love and with the union of the two families in marriage the anclent this but the seating capacity, not enlarged is distributed more even- eeeeeeneeeeees + + MUSIC DRAMA + ha SLEEPER EEE EEE SE of the Frontignacs This Is the biggest thing in modern * Ery success. staging yet attempted. This subject has all the merits of staging and act- ing for, which the Ambrosio historical productions are so famous, but adds to these merits the further one of tell- ing a story of the present day: The title Is The Last. of the Frontignacs. Wise chier-shale pal of. ti pliy la taken by the finished artist who im- personated Grenadier Ro film of that namie. ard him as the best actor st-present appearing in pictures. is the talented lady who appeared with in The Human Tigress. The story is furnished with a pro- ee: telling of the treachery confidential servant of the whose for Star Theatre The Star Theatre has now been al- most completely renovated, and the seats which previously were so ar- ranged that a considerable difficulty was experienced in and out. have now been re-arranged so that a great improvement has been given to Not only though the inside. QUADRILLE DANCE a in. the Many buyers re- The heroine Be- the wrong is rite erk SOCIAL AND PERSONAL st. narabasW. A. will moot so cially tomorrow Tuesday afteruooti at, Mr. Walter Gillespie, of tho Mati- Mra. F. G, Forster's, 427 , Montreal cine Hat Grocery Co., left yesterday ae stret. morning for Sudbury, Ont., where he John Steinbrecker, of Calgary, was takes up duties a3 manager of the cin ab: mrs in town yeatbrday. Manitoba tai ms sie Mills. 9, Erickson, of Sevei Persons, spent, His many frisnds im the Hot wisivihim 44 week-end jn the city, DIAMC We have recently large stock of d special Goan ery, Specials NOELS FRorr (IN GLOBES) Strawberry, Peach, Pineap- aple, Apricot, eneh 1.00 Macaroni .. Sweet Potatoes, per tin 20 CHEESE: - MeLaren s, per pek. Small Jars: Medium Jars Roquerfort, per lb. ' Limburger, Ib, cake English Stilton Swiss Cheese Worcestershire Sauce, 2 bottles for... up to 550.00. G. W. EL JEWELER AN) Issuer of Marris Crystalized Cherries, nice. and fresh, per Ib. 600 Crystalized Mixed Fruits per Ib, F Grape Fruit, each Cranberries, p r. Ib. Faney Seeded Ralsins, 2 of Ibs. for Libby's Mince Meat, per Ib. 200 Asparagus Tips, per tin S5c to Se, CANDY A fine assortment of Choco- lates and Creams in box: es 25 to 2.00 Ssbeetestettoeteeseroate setestotiodtretesetirese dora lt ? Pe eee Ms oo Waxstai?'s Plum Padding Eik Sauce, per bottle... 2e ake nee 1.00 FREE fesh, Hiss, per With each tin of Red Cross a Egg Plant, per. Ib. . ORANGES Japs, per box .. javels, per doz, . NUTS Nice fresh stock, per Ib, Shelled Almonds, per Ib. Walnut Meats, per 1b, OLIVES Baking Powder, one China Cup and Saucer, XMAS SPEOIAL , Given away with every three packages of-Jelly Powders, one glass berry dish. Jelly Powders, 8 pkgs for 250 OF MWe doz. Lipton s Tea, Blend C, reg- ular 402, special 3 Ibs. 1.00 Poate seaSoages Seeing 30e, 4c, SNe oe STAR THEAT PROGRAMME . Es BEAUTIFUE DAHITAS. STOLEN HORSES ADMISSION ADMISSION T oday s The Last of the Frontiguaes, 4000 feet of it will be your misfortune if you miss it. Admission 45c- Doors Open at 7.30 Children 10c Matinee every Day 3. 1hand4.15. DREAML AN Bt i (The Only Theatre in Medicine Hit Showing LicensedFizas.) oe on Matinee at 9.15 and 4.15. - Evenings at 8.00 9.00 RVENING PERFORMANCE AT 7.45 MONARCH THEATRE Red Cloud s Secret, The Long Skirt, fis First Trip, . MONEY SAVERS? and) of the psychology of the pupil. The interests of the growing caild are constantly changing, and teach- cfiective must be adapted to HECTOR'S-INHERITANCE. always are i set receiving any such instruction. They think they don t need it. But usnally: they are like the woman. who knew how to rais -childres;she-bad buried Give of them. So these teachers have seen classes come and depart. And the very fact that they couldn't hold them, was proof that they lacked the required training. Our aim, said Mr. Holman, should be to: have our teach ers all thoroughly trained, and our) motto Every teacher the bolder of 2 Teacher Tra ning Diploma. After the Sunday school th teach- 2 2 z : : : 10 and 15, Cents (The Home of Good Pictures.) wie Program of Photoplays. (Ambroses) Special Film on this Subject. Local Men Won Large num- per of Prizes at Lethbridge Show Last Week. Mr, F. W. Thompson lias returned from Lethbridge where Ne was in Lormrge-ot-the Medicine -Hat-exhibit of birds at the Poultry Show. The local boys did splendidly, against keen cam- ppecitl Janding prizes as follows: Percy Riches, Rose Comb Brown Leghorns, 1st cock; 1st d 2nd eock rel, 1st. 2nd-and 3rd pullet, special for best display of this breed; F, W. Thompson, White Wyan- dottes, 2nd cock, Ist-and 4th hen, cockerel, ith pullet; Single. Comb Rhode Island Reds, 1st hen, 1st cock- erel, 2nd und, 8rd pullet;. Rose Comb , Rhode Island Reds, 1st and 3rd pullet James Hole, Silver Laced AVyandottes, 1st cockerel; Kose Comb Rhode Island Reds, 3rd cock; Buff Leghorns, 1s 2nd and pe) hen, 1st cockerel. FIRST BLIZZARD OFTHE SEASON Hatters given Taste of a Good Blow Lest night A Melies Western A Vitagraph Drami A Edisoti Comedy Prices 10e and be Prices 15e 100 PLE POE OOS this world: but be ye transformed by Septavie arid pertect-witt-of God. God which is your resonable service. dhe wot fashioned according to the renewing of your mind,that ye may proyeywhat is the good and ac A living sactifice is made whet the tnergiey of Ehe body are spent in the service ol. .God. Everyone serves God or the de fl. The service of God is perfect freelim. The service of slav- ery leads to abject slavery: Be not conformed to the wickedness. of this world, Dare to be different. Christ was sinless although be grew up amid evil. environment. As chemical action Changes one stbetance into another having entirely different properties so divine grace transforms g bad charac ter into-another having entirely dif- ferent qiialities. end if the mercary still continues to rise we may expect sultry weather by tonight. There is still a lot of suow in the air, however, and another downy fall is expected very shortly. All trains are more or less late. Tomorrow evening at headquarters Troop-No-2-of the Boy Scouts will meet when it is urgently requested ly, making it Shi Monday, with romance. of nature. in Canada. that all those who are able will turh out in force. 4 MAIN STREET. come in-and out. The. splendid films that have been so great a source of attraction at this popular theatre au keep up to their High standard of exepllency and veryenjoyable-evening can be spent at this popular moving picture show, 3 Gure HEALS THELUNGS ea TESS VOICES: Don t miss The Last-at-the-Fron- tignaes at the MONARCH THEATRE 4000 feet of film, 4 reels. FROM THE RANGE A delightful volume of verse con- taining vivid word pictures of West- ern Canadian Life. Pronounced by leading critics to be ; - Pare the best collection of verse: published, 7 By Rhoda Stivell. Seo Press Critielsm. To-be had from all Booksellers, PRICE The, no less than 24 eee WILLIAM A. BEGG BARRISTER, ETC. Has Removed from 394 Toronto Street, to: Th Becker Block : MEDICINE HAT sier for, visitors to Poetry tecming i Stirring Balads of the Plains and beautiful deseriptjons 50 and 1.00 PICKLES ills, per doz, fein, Cross and ) Blackwell, Machonocieg and Stephen's Pickles, ranging In price from 2e to be 6 Plain Series, per bottle .20c to 1.00. . Celery, Pimento- and Nut, stuffed be to WE tin resh Daily Bananas, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Celery, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, and Egg Plant. STOCK: XD THE PUBLIC FROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF HARD- WARE. THANKING YOU FOR PAST PATRONAGE ep HOP- ING-T0 BE FAVORED WITH YOUR TRADE IN FUTURE. Marshall- Mitchell-- + For Several, trios of Partridge. Rock: lsh or Amerfes some young 60 AJN 812 Esplanade, c Hewitt 50-ARMOUR CLAD BUCKLE RUBBERS (ALL Soe ee Creeping s RUBBER)... .. + eles Glew ts Sole : 4 fa Modic'ne Hat has. had some fairly dy Cold weather with the thermomerer many degrees below, but it. was yes- Re 970 11 ee + when the morcury was hover- ia aod 0? mark, that those 2 soa: 2.50HEAVY CONGRESS FELT BOOTS, HEAVY S ine aout : 1 ion fe Hatters, who hid the hardihood to * Die come out of Tors, shivered the most. Circumstances with me such th: the present-time. I take t the very generous support for some Permit me to announce that I haye taken partner in the hardware business i the person of Mr. R, , Black tp future the: business will be condueted under the firm me of Black and time past have been 1 have not been able to attend to buyin ss; nor am I at is opportanity to thank the public for en. me during my three years. of husiness on Main Street, and 1 Hope that every customer feels ths he alawys received a square deal at Hewitt's Hardware. Tn future Mr. Bl:ek will be actively connected with the Be 4 T SOLE, BOXED SEAMS pusiness and fs assuming the duties of general mianager. In him ao A fierce Hiezard, almost a wurticane, (sou will find a thorough business man who has-had many years oe 8 Y Boor, LIGHT. fy Faizmed supreme all over the city, amd Gf expertencrin the. West, and one who will give his best endeavors me LEATHER SOLE, FOR INSIDE OVERSHOE : i with a velocity of about 69 mites an fo the prover attention of eustomers, knowing that the greater Gy NOT there was a dfBculty. in sceing your satisizction In trading. with Black and Hewitt, the greater Sg50-HEAVY DRIVING G WITH yards ahead. Added to this our saecess eS NITED WOOL WR ENSEDE, WEAYY a perle-t torrent of sm: +The stock is one,of tlie Jargest and best assorted in town, 31:30 who remvied irtoors micht (Mand the new firm Is in.a position to fill all orders satisfactorily. LINING 4 9 have mada a worse choice 1.50:to 2.50 -ODD UNDERSHIRTS, TRAVELLER: 3 In the mornit(r she Pass was down to SAMPLES OF FINE RIB AND PLAIN KNIT, Go, Fetow: Hat later ine the afternoon IN-CANADA, TO CL 8 it hod iuimped up until at 1 in BEST MAKES tonst tonthet the and nin the sraw made it exn coder than theploss went di H. S. IRELAND. Reerrtodtedte wtetecteete Bo com tetely ant Pinede's registeret 1 beneath 8s Moiese Dpathatestoateateageteate Sr This snorning the wind had dropped idday it bad jumped'2 Mayi to he q prices. will ty I J. SJ. Very Truly Yours, am, t completed stock-taking, we find a number of our fines heavy and to the proper adigsting of such, very entleing Thonking you ag:In for past favors, and hespeaking for the new fir, a conthrmmnee-of-yonr-conildence and patronage. Hardware Co- OPERA - HOUSE wo Nights only Jan. 8-9. LEWIS A.TILL -PRESENTS CLIFFORD BRUCE HN HIS BATE NEW YORK SUCCESS THE THIEF Seais.on Sale Friday ain St. P RIC CURTAI Wiuitpes, Tathbeh A. By Gibson, 4 Phone No. 198 * J. Jess Funeral and Embi Parlors and Re ponte ns Phone 145, Parlors at 390 Main Ottis 257 Mats Open Day and Night
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Image 38 (1912-01-08), from microfilm reel 38, (CU1738291). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.