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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. HAVE you ever met your real customer? Have your salesmen a speaking. ac- quaintance with him? Have you told him about the merits of your product? Have you explained why he should give your goods the preference? Have you done any- thing to stimulate his desire for-your goods? In short, have you made any attempt whatever to sell your goods to him? When the user wants your goods and won't take any other then you are independent of all but him, your real customer, To make the user want your goods, you must do two things: (1) Produce an article of value. Most assuredly, you say. Every dealer in Canada is known to our trav- elers, and we certainly wouldn t pay a salesman who couldn t tell our cus- tomers all * One. minute, please. The dealer isn t your customer. He's simply 9 part of your sales organization, and a decidedly independent part of it at why he should prefer it. that. He is distributor for other con- : i cerns in whose goods he is just as Sete tracts: much interested as he is in yours, And. he isn : particularly interested in your product, any more than in The dealer realizes that he can serve siz who order their goods by a well-known trade n me ss quickly as he can serve one to whom he has When are the makers of piano ac- tions, for example, going to. discover that they do not know their real cus- tomers; and, what is worse, that their So'the public have to buy pianos in blind ignorance of the quality of the most important mechanical part of (2) Tell him what you make, and * real customers do not know then? JUST MISSES. REAL TROUBLE WITH MEXICO Suddenly Changes Mind ab- out Sending Warships to Mexican Ports. MADERO WOULD HAVE BEEN ANGRY An International Difficulty Perhaps War, Averted by Quick Change of Mind. Washington, May 1:). It is known jon the highest authority that the gunboat Yorktown was ordered last Saturday to sail up the Gulf of Cali- fornia on her way from Panama to San Diego and go as ar a8'Topolo- bampo to bring refugee Americans who want to leav Mexico. Topolobampo is near the head of ;the Gulf of California, the last port to the north on the west. coast of Mexico, and fully 600 miles out of the Yorktown's ordinary course. It was expected of her to call at a number of ports on the way down the coast and pick up all Americans who de- sire to get out of the country. The decision fo send a warship to Mexico was telegraphed the same day to Ambassador Wilson at the City of Mexico, and he acquainted the Mexican foreign office of the fact. -The news proved so. the Madero administration that it was conveyed to Mr. Wilson that +such a move on the part of the Uni- ted States would beyond all manner of doubt result in precipitating a rr 7 the pikiie: is 5 fe demonstrate that a product is Bede stn We We WOR ES Th Your yeal customise the Public plano-action miker who firs disdoved the Pubic who wears your clothing, eats your pickles, uses your safety razor. You've got to sell your goods to the Public. that his real customer is the Public, and not the piano manufacturer who incorporates the action into the com- plete instrument? + Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or through the Sei of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Bldg., Toronto. Enguiry involves no obligation om your part so write, if interested. fought. 1865, history would be able civil conflict between the States was commander of the Flying Ariillery. Not long ago the question Although Texas was the scene of the came up in Congress and even the final battle of the Civil War, it has wise Solons of that august body held been variously held that the war end-. widely differing opinions, The truth of history is that the final engage ment occurred in western Texas for- ty-seven: years ago today, It has gone down in the rec- fords as the battle of Palmito Ranch, gd was a victory for the Confeder- ies, who, undef the leadership Slaughter certainly an appro- Tame for a warrlor defeated the Union forces under Col. Thirteen days later the last Confed-' erate army in the Lone Was surendered by Gen. Kirby Smith, and the bitter .war was over. Battle of Palmito Ranch was fought om the field wiiere, in 1846, the bat-) clone passed over the tle of Palo Alto, the opening conflict in.the war between the United States 1. anid Mexico had been waged. A stretch) has been called Of prairie about eight miles northeast many people in the middle West. zi ed by eS oop al (Special to the News) Cheyenne, Wyo,, May 13 In ac- of Matamoras, Mexico, ponds and made beautiful trees, was thus the scene of the first Borden leaves tonight where he will remain , was the Scene of Last Conftict . Mk.-C.-A. building, to tell, off the Mexicans lost fifty-three men, in- will be acorded civie honors. will lay the corner stone of the new KANSAS MEETING OF K. OF C. --+ avy--departmentiom Panama: against Americans in Mexico and pos- sibly lead to'an outbreak that the regular forces could not control or jeven cope with on even terms, This intelligence the American am- bassador fepeated fully to this gov- ernment, with the result that Sun- day night it -wasidecided to send the army transport. Buford and the tor- pedo boat destroyers Preble and Perry from San Diego, Cal., with all possible speed to mect and intercept the Yorktown and cive her drders not to to Topolobampo and Hot toueh-in dny Mexican port n her tay up ftom. Central America, The Preble and Perry got into communication with the Yorktown yesterday, first by wireless, and last night were alongside and delivered Hier s. Captain Washington of the Yorktown had telegraphed the he would go in at Magdalena Bay, A coal in quiet water from the eol- lier Prometheus. : That ih view of the recent, disturb- ance about 'Jauancse colonization at that point and the recent concession, of fishing rights and forest and land grants there and along the Pacific at once raised the re WHOLESALE GROCERS IN ST. Louis. Special to the News) ow tocers and. Prodacts. hay ered In this city for die annual vention to be held this week by th tion, The convention will last thre sideration of a wide range of ques: tlons of general interest to the whol sale trade, 4 Great Sak Lond A Sr) Laan travels fast. And the great news about our bargains in pianos has reached the limits ot Assiniboia. If you want a Plano or a player piano now is your chance. We make ex- ceptional easy terms. Cone in and talk it over. QUITE SHOCKING. We'hitve many shocking devices in- vent d for the comforts of the mod- ern home. Our large stock of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES covers every requisite for the in- -stallation.9t-heat,Mabt-or-power, of whatev r tiiagnitude, Our prices, , aro shockingly low, Medicine Hat Electric COMPANY. MAIN STREET PHONE 430 Three thou- con- National Wholesale Groceys' Associa- days and will be devoted to the con Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete, ads under these headingy, 25 words, one day .. .. 25 e 25 words, three days 50 25 words, wix days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for hess than 25 cents. Casb must accompany the order, Phone your ad to No. 18 ring 2, and WORUAT odfooor 114 le HELE WANTED, WANTED Mald wanted to do plain housework for family of three, Apply Mrs. Dunham 622 Ottawa, or phone 432. 26903 TED Rellable maid. irs. 8. H, Northam) care Apply Simp- son-Northam Co. North Railway St. 25743, WANTED Capable general servant, must be a good plain cook. Good wages to right party. Apply P. 0, box 83. 257att WANTED Generat serv. room.-girls, earpenters, , dining inters, WANTED Good: reliable girl tor day. Good wages. Apply 220. North. Esplanade. 254d6r WANTED At once a first lass waitress. Apply Assiniboia Hotel. 2bsatt Teal estate on commission. Apply to Box 1248. aeTatt MEN AND WOMEN. TO LEARN Mere trade, special summer xate on, join now and save money. Particulars free, Moler System Col- lege, 609 Centre St, Calgary. 29/dtt ROOMS TO RENT. LET Nice, comfortable front bedroom in modern cottage. Ap- ply 633 Braemar St. Phone 620. 254-d6t OFFIcES-To-RENT, QFFICE-TO RENT Fine large office 20x24 feet in size, Corner of 4th Avetiue and Main .treet, upstairs in the News Block. Modern convenien- ces and well lighted, Most central location in the city. Apply at. the News Office, FOR SALE PRIVATE SALE of household fur- niture. Good seven drawer Sin- Ser sewing machine; new Victor Granophone, with 35 good records; as-or coal heating and cook stove. Apply to 816 Main, box.41i. Phone 682. 25906 FURNITURE Baby carriages, stoves, all household goods, -at low prices: Two cars: just in: No trouble to show*you goods. Over the ed with the surrender bf Lee on April 9, 1865; the surrender of Johnston at Durham Station,.N. C., on April 26; and of Taylor at Citronelle, Ala., on May 6, The Government decided tha the war closed June 1, 1865, but in 1867 Congress, to serve a certain purpose, placed the date at August 20, 1866, order, May 13, TEXAS. PYTHIANS of Barret. Twenty-nine years ago today a tor- nado raged In he States-of Ohio, In- Star Statel diana, Missouri and Kansas, doing much damage and wiping out the town of Oronogo, Mo., and exactly three years later another severe cy- States from Missouri to Ohio, killing many peo- Since then the thirteenth of May: yelone Day . by Many dele; of the Texas grand The be held in eum and will session. by tall AT DREAMLAND TONIGHT (Special to the News) Great Bend, Kas,, May 13. A grut- itying increase in the membershi, of the Knights of Columbus in Kansas was reported today at the opening session of the State convention of the Several hundred delegates are attending the-eonvention,- which will continue in session over tomorrow. (Special to the News) Waco, Texas, May 13 A week of interest in Pythian circles was usher- ed in here toda ywith the arrival of tes to the annual session lodge Knights of Pythias. The sessions will the Cotton Palace Cotis- last four days Thi Pythian Sisters also are in SSION of the cannual WY)MING CONVENTIONS the wisdom of allowing ted States warship to go to any Mexican port while the feeling Plants for Sale ANTED t'wo young men to sell Monday, May 13, 1912, LOST AND FOUN. ry POUND Ear ring. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. 25901 HOUSES WANTED WANTED 6 or 7 roomed house With modern conveniences. State rent. Apply to box 856, 258a6 ee MISCELLANKOUS WANTED FOR CASH 1 team of ox- en (two or three), second hand wagon, Second hand tent, (together OF separate.) Must, be in good condi- Hon, State price required in letter addressed to box 948 P. 0., Medicine Fiat, May 9 w 2 ee a aurea ra Sle WaANTED Lapigs' aND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revol Yalises, sult cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bioyeles, carpenter tools, ete. raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f-1thers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tatloring Co, 12 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre, P. 0. box 701 Phone 295, The Best Prices Paid for the above, 28Dte. THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have pn hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Quns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and.a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices, Call at 504 South Railway St or Phone 687. tt AUCTIONEERS ee H: 3. BROWNE 'CO,, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock, Ranch nd-farm-sto sies-comducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- , . Derience at your disposaj* Browne Co,, 619 Toronto St. 1szatt REAL ESTATE ee OWNER of lot nearly opposite the depot on the north side, would Dulld stores to sult intending tenants, Further particulars apply D. B,, 722 Short Avenue, 254a6t e SNAP in Kensington, lots 15 and 16 in block 22, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 in block 23. These lots are all high , and dry view lots. Only 135.00 cash for eath if sold n-a-bunch. Look them up. Earl Stambaugh, North Edmonton . SINceR SEWING MACHINES an Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent. All classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming, Office 381 Main Street. The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired , SEED POTATOES Leave your or- Equal to New. between the two countries der for sed potatoes at 704 Main New and Secondhand Goods Bought strained apd from Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, St. Samples of Manitoba Wonder ana Sold Suggestive of posible war between Tomatoes, Pansies, Asters, /and Wee McGregor on hand. Prices Clothes Called for and Delivered. them. Stocks,-ete. as right, J. Huston. 25743 MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. Hurry-up ordeis were at once is- sued to the torpedo boat destroyers at San Diego to hit up their 28 knotg-an hour in the direction of the Yorktown and avert a possible in- ternational contretemps: This has now been accomplished and the po- liey of this gov nt to avoid ev- ery appearance of untriendliness to- ward Mexieo has once more been de- monstrated. OTTAWA HORSE SHOW Special to the News) Ottawa, Ont., May 13. Officials of the Ottawa Horse Show Association Announce everything in readiness for the opening tomorrow night of the Association's annual exhibition. The and the last conflicts in two of the memorable wars in which the United States hus engaged. e Palo Alto Gen. Taylor, at the head /a headliner, a full hour's entertain - of less than 2,300: Americans, inflict- ment for 15 cents. Save your circus ed a decisive defeat upon 6,000 Mexi- money for picture- shows, it cordance We afe showing four extra good In the battle of subjects tonight everyone of them is pays: th the provisions of the how will be held at Howick Hall and new primary law the State conven- tions of both the Republicans and Democrats of Wyoming assembled in this city today to select the delegates to the national conventions. rete foundation. Li 50x130, South Yuill. 25x130 South Yuill, These will rent and make good interest on your investment. Lot 18, Block T, South ie Yui. sz HOLLINGER AGENC 600.00 pair Terms Lots 35 to 40, Blk, 17. Shack Propositions 1000.00 Easy Terms. 5000.00 Terms. 100 feet on Ottawa St., -near-Methodist parson- age. Snap, Herald. 4,000.00 400 Terms. 25 ft. Corner, bik. 22. Central Park. See us for 2100.00 Terms 100 ft. corner, Barclay St. Snap. Choice view Listings. 384.Main St. a 100 ft. corner. Braemar St; FARM LANDS We have some good Insurance and Loans. will continue until Saturday. A prize st aggregatize 5,000 in cash prem- tums has uttracted lt; record-breaking Humber of high-class entries from noted stables in many parts. of Can- ada aud the Bastern States, DAUGHTERS OF THE REVOLUTION (Special to the News) Bostoti, Mass., May 19, Headquar- ters were opened at the Hotel Ven- dome todiy for the annual convention for-the geueral society or the Daugh- ters of the lution. More than six hundred delegates ar in the city ane many others are expected to ar- Five before the real business of the convention is taken uy tomorrow morning gt; Much interest is saanife: ed in the meeting for the reason that the biennial election fail the na- tonal officers takes place thls year. All kinds of plants for the garden. THOS. E. MILLS, Phone 9 . 211 Yuin St. SNAP PRICES CENTRAL PARK Block 1, 50 lots 1,050. Terms. Block 1, 100 ft: cor. 2,100 cash. Block 19, 50 ft. lots 800. Term: Block 25, 50 ft. lots, 800. Term Block 28, 50 ft lots 525. Terms NORTH YUILL. Block 7, 50 ft. lots 750. Terms Block 9, 50 ft. lots, 650. Terms, Block K, 50 ft, lots, 700. Terms If you have not yet secured Zome lots in Marlboroug Place DO IT Now, - * See us about this before further developments arise, or you will regret it later on. Simpson Northam North Railway St. 25703 GAS CITY VACUUM CLEANING Co. ig now ready for spring clean- POR SALE OR TRADE for horse, Oliver typewriter No. 5; also To- Jedo computing scale, capacity 30 Ibs. B. F, Smith, barber shop opp. depot. 25703 JFOR SALE R. . Brown Leghorn cggs for setting. More than halt of females have won 1st prize. Pen is headed by a silver cup winner. Percy Riches, 99 Toronto Street, Medicine Ha: 256-6t. OR SALE Furniture,. nearly new. Apply 212 Toronto St. or phone 727, 2566 FOR SALE Duck oggs, Pek: ling of eleven for 1.50. Bass eet- Box JfOR SALE Cooking range, 6 holes, Boller, gas or coal, Also Heat- en-McClary s Piano, English make. Box 765, city. 25802 as poses a 9G8 FOR HATCHING Golden Wyandottes, the most useful - and beautiful of the feathered race, the best table fowl, mature early, ex- cellent mothers, wonderful a; Nine prizes at Winter. Show. rer 18. Birds for sale. Geo.N. Bari lett, 213 Fourth Ave. 26346 FOR SALE Clean flax seed tor sale, Only- limited quantity, Ap- ply A. W. Pratt or get sample at Gas City Lumber Co. kt PTA NO TUNING acre and acres leasehold, All fenced. Good house, six rooms and bath. Flowing spring creek rung through corrala and pastures the year round. Range well sheltered. Suitable for horses or cattle, 25748 of Medicine Hat, Apply estate of G. FOR SALE do0 SALE Good stable 10x14, with E* Murphy, Carberry, Man.; or Thos, E. Bartlett, Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, , Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Ete. e Room 14, Imperlal Bank Building. Medicine Hat : Phone 484, Painting and. Paperhanging. ees 8eStewart. Saw pa fully ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms. 'Phone 1656. VOIGING and REGULATING All kinds of repair undertaken at the lowest charge consistent, best workmanship, Souusne Wi Expert Work Guaranteed. A. ABSIT Telephone 68. 505 Main St. RANCH FOR SALE ull Springs Ranch for sale. 300 freehold and seventeen thous- Situated thirty miles N. EL . Lokier, Ball Springs Ranch,-Medi- tng, Clocks, SPECIAL S, of Patent kea Shoes We have a few toc Patent Leather so for the next si will give a discou 2O per ce on any patent Tarp The Man's Stone Wh Get the Big Dollar's Soft - Shirts The time for shirts has come a offer you many d tive lines. Soft attached and lt;det. and- rench cuffs Splendid. Wearing -Pretty Fabrics 1.0 2 H.S.IRELA C.P.R. MENS Premium ay torre katte City Sale Sta Heavy Teams, Drivers, Horses For Sale Light-and Heary Dr Hay for Sale Fred McCl Phone 85. Pr VEGETABLE PL All. Kinds EARLY CABBAGE now cold frame. grown; dozen, 100 or 1000, WHITE WYANDOTTE For hatching, 1.60 p ing. Thornton Fos ted in the interest of the numerous candidates. The busin 33 pessions of the convention will eonchide Wed- nesday, but the programme of enter- talnment will carry tie gathering through the entire weak. J. Pettit : 22941 mo. CONTRACTOR lt; Shilohs Gure outs Cu PRICE, 35 CENTS Phone 727. to owner, 208 Braemar St., or P. 0. Box 899. 250dtt. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED Immediately 3 or 4 room house, furnished. Box 781. News ottice. Uniontown, Pa, May 13 The an- nual convention of the Pennsylvania organization of the Protected Home Circle, a fraternal with throughout the State, opened here to- day and will session un- insurance order considerable membership 208 Ross Street ing. Have your cleaning done with loft, on Queen St. North. Apply . 208 the Vacuum Process, the Best and to F. Kass, c-o Foster Shoe. Btore, gine at OF Fred. McClain, aceasta only way to get leaning, Main Si and for less cost than the old hand 5 ee - Place your order to avold the F ORSH for sic. A tiret-class PROTECTED HOME CIRCLE disappointment of delay... ... driving horse and good-as-new EES Fhone 707. Post Offies box 744 rupper tired bussy for vale, Apoiy (Gaus aeweany
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Image 814 (1912-05-13), from microfilm reel 814, (CU1738931). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.