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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Listen Our shoes wear well and make the foot look neat and trim. They ore comfort S , shoes too. a ene LS MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. WORLD of SPORT IAPR EEE PPP bbb ek Davis is the so many rooted for the Comiskey W; o 1912 ups. To them Cleveland looks and every time the Sox put 3 win. jlike tue weakest club that has uing game over there scems to be played in Washington this season. much rejoicing in many localities. The cause of this is the extreme po- The Boston Americans opened thei pularity of . the owner of the, team. new park yesterday. After the cere- Chartie Comiskey. His many kind moni were over big Kd. Walsh acts to all classes of people have added another game in the winning brought this about. The boat Disappointments' way Our Very Best Buys HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX, Block 28, Lots 22-26, 865 pair. Block. 2, Lots. 23-24, 525 pair. NORTH YUILL. Block 7 , Lot 4, 800. Block 18, Lots 3-9, 700. Monday, May 27th, 1912 ny v7 SHOES SHOES New Spring Oxfords have just arrived and are now in stock. All the neat nifty lasts in blacks, tans and patents, in lace and button styles. These shoes are.the. production of the RE- / GAL Shoe Company, and come in quarter sizes. Come early before the nobby ones are all gone, Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. Jss James, a thrilling melo- drama depicting the life of the fam- Ways uppermost. traction at the Opera House tonight, Mondoy, May 2 . The play. which pill be presented here is the only authorized version of any drama dealing with the lives of the James boys, and is produced with. the con sent and under the direction of Frank James, the only living survivor of the band. of Gutlaws known as the Jesse James Gang. The story is sensational in the ex- treme, but it would be hard to-write Doctor Samuels, forms the modern histiory. row. the News Job Department. fous bandit without showing the sen- sational side of his life, which was al- home inthe first act, and the at- tempted hanging of their stepfather, motive which sent Jesse James upon ja tour of crime unrivalled in the annals of Titanic Disaster in motion *Pic- tures at the Monarch Theatre tomor- For: all kinds of job printing, wy column for the Sox. Ed had the/dence of this popularity is that his Boston batters at his mercy. Man- lub, even when a second division ager Jim Calihan was chased tq the team, draws. as many people to see intother towns. This can be attri-/ buted alone to the esteem in which The poor showing of the world's Comiskey-is heid-by-the-people ot- champion Athletics at the present Chicago. Now that the Sox lead in time is blamed on too much literary the race the stands will hardly. ac- work on the part of certain players. commodate the crowds that wish to By those mysterious channels attend. ; through which news sometimes leaks it has become known that harmony is an absent merhber in the ranks of the Mackmen, and that the publish- ed criticisms by members of the Phi- ae ladelphia team brought fotth the Heeling of dissatisfaction. During the world's series of last W. A BLACK NOW fall, during the winter-and-during: IS. Mm n the spring, articles written by play- N DIRECTA ers appeared in different. newspapers and magazines and in instances the authors were not diplomatic inj Succeeds late F W. Thomp- pointing to the shorteomings of Som as Head of Ogilvie others. , . Flour Mills Company. Hugh Jennings has always taken a 5 stand against ball players writing for newspapers. And Jennings is particularly set against players -writ- ing of a game or play in which mem bers of their own team participated. pire s decisions. Titanic Disaster in motion -Pic- tures atthe Monarch Theatre tomor- row. Montreal, May 27 At a meeting of the directors of the Ogilvie Flour Mills Company, Limited, W. A. Black, who came down from Winnipeg a few months ago, was elected to succeed The Tigers leader takes the stand the Inte F. W. Thompson as vico- ste onti. President and managing director of that a ball player cammot write criti- the company. jcisms and hold the esteem v. Mtr Binek wash ipsa SA November 17,1852, and spent hie ear- There is i time and a place for)), noyhood in Montreal. After the everything and criticisms of players customary schooling, he entered the abs : public, declares Jennings. All ball clubs hold meetings, these meetings are private, and it in them that failures should be gone jover. Three years later, in 1882, he went west to Winnipeg, where for two years he was employed in the freight traffic associated with Mr. Thompson in 1884,-when Mr. Thompson was in the Jimmy Block and his ratting mark jemploy of thie Oxilvie company. Since of .338 must go under an operation on his fractured finger, thereby ore ating another gap in the South Side ranks. The loss of Jimmy Block at this stage of the flag chase is regarded Gy worked in almost constant assocla-) tion Wittr each other, Best Materials - MOTHER'S BREAD Look for the Label. TASSIE BROS. PHONE 256. Unequaled in Flavor. Callahan as a heavy blow to his ma- chine, for the Milwaukee, iron man has been one of the steadiest wallop- ing fellows on the squad. The injury to Sullivan . gave Block his chance pack /pecame secretary in his place to break into the lineup and from'y ater the outset his hitting and catching Thompson, and he Neturned to Winni- were AI stuff. who J C. W. Brown, Toronto Cap: is in the Hat for a day or so. Mr. to Edmonton. to se2 Medicine Hat making such en- ormous strides te become mantfac- service of the C.P.R. He first became turing centre. cine Hat are only beginning to real- ize thelr opportunity to become the great city of the West. I am glad to that time tinti recently, the two men know that the publicity campaign in Dearing fruit to such an extent and Block 18, Lots 10-11, 750. SOUTH YUILL Biock T, Lots 18-19, 1160.00. Block 5, Lots 11-12, 1260.00. CENTRAL PARK, Block 9, Lois 37-38, 790 pair, Block 20, Lots 47-50, 950 patr. Block 25, Lots 9-10, 860 pair. Block 18, Lots 27-28, 735 cash. BENDING. Block 24, south halt, 200 each. Fine level lots in Powell in block or half blocks near the Ogilyie Mills, See us about these HAMIL TON Vj 300.00 CASH will put you in possession of a home near the High School. Balance like rent. Immediate possession. Another Snap 50 foot lot, Block 1 on Bray Street. 525.00 H. C Pettet Co. PLEASED 10 SEE AAT GROWING italist Predicts Great. Fu- ture for City. Mr. Clifford W. Brown of Toronto Way Irom California, He said: Iam glad The people of Medi- sr aotodetoeteedecdode dele dongle doebeeterateigeey DPSeeseeeceeaeeteeteeteeteteete FS559500000. Some Things You Should Know About Business STATIONERY Sete ERB Senteetoateceateete. If the average business man had tiine to carefully investigate every proposition put up to him, he would pay less attention to first. impressions and judge less by appear- anees. But he is called upon to think and act quickly, and he must base his judgments pon what-he can take in-at-a glance: ts . Dar Grdeeseseate eaten Present Daity Ay Advertisers in Da of the Weekly c NO extra charge. vertisers, VOL. 2, NO see Shite THE C + + + + + Ramonton Cro ++ Ewing, Cons *h Kaight, Socis s - Clareshotm Mi eral; McMil tive. Cardston W Parish, Conse Sedgewick Ste Blair, Conser turgeon Ti Taylor, Conse hob beh bbb (Special to Edmonton, May Phe indicate that Hon, torney General, def by a majority of 516 count Is held on Ju dications are that 1 Minister of Educati Sturgeon, With tw be reported, he is le (Special to Calgary, May 28. Jatest returns from holm and Cardston, wary today at 12 0 stated to have a m MeMillan in Claresh given Woolf in Card 34 polls heard from CW. AP. Lethbridge, May to hear from, Mr. candidate, is leadin; majority. It is*beli eral polls unheard a Conservative mi The-erippled digit, thefirstone-on his throwing hand, was smashed by foul tip at Chicago, but Jimmy) of W. W. Ogilvie, Mr. Black sticceed- gave the would little thought untiljed 15 his position at Winnipeg. As; the finger swelled and caused him n ral manager in the 'west he had several sleepless nights at Washing- Charge of all the business from Fort ton. A doctor wt-the Capital City William to the Pacific coast, and There are many kinds, some good, some otherwise. A refrigerator that will keep onions, fish, milk mat- ches and butter for 48 hours in the same foot cham- ber without taint or odor is one of the best. THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR is the only one which will do this, and therefore the best to buy.; See it at our Store. Screen Doors and Windows, ete. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LID. advised the backstop to have tha there obtained the experience of west- fracture reduced at once, but Jimmy, T? Conditions, both as respects the Pluck to the core, remained on the Sf Wing and transportation of the job until the finger swelled to thrice) Heat which is so essential to an in- its normal proportion. jtelligent culdance of the affairs of a The maskman suffered all kinds of MUU s company of this character. sgony and at Callahan's order visit- Dont torget the Coming of Colum- ed an X-ray specialist, who photo-lyne at Dreamland tonight graphed the finger. It was found 2 ee es that a smal piece of bone had ben ARGUMENT ON necessary to ope- a and probably break-ovef the git game. He may not be soen in har ness again for a month. Luckily Billy Sullivan is now fit to ; resume heavy work and Kuhn, to, is there without a blemish, while May-/ er, the fourth hackstop, is in Chica- go awaiting the first call to arms. OPENED TO-DAY (W. A.B. Dispateh.) Ottawa, Ont., May 27. The argu- ment in the marriage reference to thes supreme cotirt commenced this morning. The bench was occupied by Chief Justices Fitzpatrick, Idding- ton, Duff, Davies, Anglin. The only one absent was Justice Brodeur. The Hetry-O' Day tas signed a new pie Teen St cher named Henry Jasper. Who says ;*lared when a member of the house what's in a name. of commons that he had agreed with There is more money made in real estate than on Wall street. dJ. P. Morgan. Here is Your Chance To get in on money making property right near the C..N. R. AIl of Block 16, North Yuill, at 750. a lot Usual Terms, This will go quickly. Don t wait too long before deciding to buy and then find the other chap has beaten you o it. FEWINGS -- RUBIDGE Phone 90. News Block, Opp. Post Office. iS c ipp. Post Office. m Without Griffith and Washington is Sir A. AAylesworth s opinion that the Dominion had no jurisdiction. The following counsel was presented: B. IL. Neweombe, representing the min- Manager Harry Davis, of the Naps, has revised his opinion about a man- ager being more valuable on the jeoashing lines. 7 Before the season started Davis said he would sit out every game on the bench. He was on thd coaching (SVE lines last Sunday; also ina half de F gt; Hellmuth, for the negative; R. C, : Smith, Aimo Geoffrion and Auguste zen games on the road. Davis does- 3 aaa n't rave, He keeps his eyes and ears Lemieux, for Quebec; B. B. Bayley Ob aad dic aaet ate held a watching brief for Ontario. E. A. Lancaster, promoter of the bill, was present and followed close- Joe Jackson seems to have had a batting slump in the recent Washing 1 the argument of R. C. Smith, for ton-Nap series. In-none of the gamed eee who raised the objection of played in Washington has he made tt Jwrisdiction amd took exception janything that resembled a base hit, 0 section two of the reference which and his effort to steal bases on the 1ealt with the valadity otherwise of few vecasions that he managed to mixed marriages. performed in Que- get on the bags yielded him nothing. be - He pes interrupted oS The National catchers threw him ont S ment by the chief justice who sai i eeplaal eines ae sues it would be better to leave over the question of jurisdiction until after made imeimmati im th . conclusion of the arguments. Clerk Geman Ee Cinsiaastl wr aitane Nesbitt Hommmedced the ae last place and went to Washington, Wallace Nesbitt commeno which was in seventh place. Cincin- ent for the Dominion s case wi Inati has been leading the National the court rose for lunch league and. Washington meintains a Sale of blouses, lingerie and tailor- Position near the top. of the Ameri- oq Thorsday, May 20. Miss Buzeas can league. Sinve the season opened 397 toronto, ieee Cincinnati is playing better ball TT. L. Lafteur, representing the af- firmative side of the case for the government; P. J. Wignault and I, A meeting of the Board of Exam- with Griffith. ners will be held at the office of the City Blectrician on the 27th, at 8 o'clock sharp, 27941 Playing better ball Can you figure it out? The White Sox band is cerbaitlly a ary were in town over Sunday. sons was in town yesterday. yesterday, week end in town. town on business on Saturday. chipped out of the second joint, andj MARRIAGE ASE - that it would be Visiting in town. Simpson of Redcliff were in tuea on Saturday. tures at the Monarch Theatre tomor- row. gt; ; wwas that hie Had. de Corporat Cory of NWT. cr Suffield is in town. in Lethbridge. ister of justice; Wallace Nesbitt and day to visit friends at t-rer-m Man. spending a few days at Banfl. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Blake of Cal- Dr. D. T. Crawford of Sever Per- Hon. C. R. Mitchell was in the city Warren Ayers of Brooks spent the 2 J. R. Paget of Suffield. was in Miss Mary Winslow of Taber is Messrs. T. H. Haywood aud B. 7. Titanic Disaster in motion. Pic- Mr. K. Watson spent the wrek end Mrs. D, Gillies left town 20 Satur: Watch for further Announcements it is possible that although you may Using poor stationery or printing is poor 2 3 Mr. Black was appointed general set twelve or fifteen companies to buss hi a ae i ies S manager of the western division of/come-this season they will bring usiness however you look at it, because it Se te aie in 1902, ee a Be WaA8itwice as many next year. The town represents you, and you cannot prevent it. elected to the board of direct rs. is not depending upon its position hin: is r Jn the early dars of the millhag sn agricuttural contre: (whieh It will men cure Hing, therefore, is tours paper company the late ae a5, tay hut ta possibiiitiss xe uin the and printing so good that you are willing to d previously been -gecretary; enormous manufactt t ji vi fe eerioasl Be: normous manufactures that may be have your work or your goods judged by-it.- we i z i: (io There are certain things that are impossible to say about 4 further prongotion came for 3 ene s self. For instance, your character, the esteem you oe SOCIAL AND PERSONAL hold for your business, your integrity these are things peg, tecoming general manager of the zy that cannot be: advertised. But you can - suggest thi western division. When Mr. -THOMD- Fred. Newhatn was in town on through your stationery and printed matter. 2 son finally came east, after the death Saturday from Hedelifl. ese A handsomely printed letterhead on good stock will at once tmpress your man favorably, while an indifferently print- ed letterhead on ordinary paper might have scarce gained attention Me It ts not exaggeration t9 say that the success of your let- ters often depends upon the printing and paper you buy. We will gladly submit samples to you.. We know that we can please you. Medicine Hat News, Limited. Medicine Hat, Alta, DPOerdoaioatrateatorioatocionie Coeionfectectoeteetoetoctoatoatoater -- McKINNON S.. B, McKinnon desires to thank his numerous friends and patrons, for thelr generous patronage during the past seven years which he has conducted his bakery business, and begs to state that on after April 15th the business will be carried on as a . Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company a continuance of their esteemed patronage, with urance of 2 not a F. B. McKINNON a35adtf Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ginther are Selected Snaps NORTH YUILL. 800 Lot 4, Block 7. 790 Lot 13, Blk 11, Bridge St. 790 Lot 45, Blk 10, Elm st. 6500 Lot 1, Blk , 100x150 corner, cor. Toronto Street and B, Road Allowance. COUSINS SISSONS. 700 pr Lots 11 to 15, Blk 11. 3650 pr Lots 37-88, Blk 4. 950 pr. Lots 14-15, Block 3. 840 pr. Lots 7 to 8, Block 2. 650 pr. S. half Block 22. 525 pr Lot 21-22, Block 5. HERALD. Lots 17-18, Block 22, Lots to 11, Block 3. Lots 141-5, Block 3. Lots 45 to 49, Block 3. 3400 pr. Lots 21 to 24, Block 4. 3300 pr. Lots 23-34, Block 17, CENTRAL PARK. 815 pr Lots 9-10, Block 9. 500 So ft, lot 10, Block 83. B.F. Souch, nm. favorite bunch with th fans through- Don't forget the Coming of Colum- out the country. Never before have bus at Dreamland tonight. DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. Main Street. Maple Sugar We guarantee these goods to be pure and unadulterated. : : H.W. Ireiand Co. Phone 54. hardly expected that didate will be beat Dolls are in the out (W.-A. P, Calgary, May 28. to hear from, McKe MeMillan, Conservat The two polls a and Willows, The ed to go for MeMills Jority, the latter fo 10 to 20 majority. 1 it is said there ar votes, mostly for Mc now. tled up which be counted. The re known until the offi CW. A. PLT Edmonton, May 25 ity ranging from 50( General Cross. was 1 monton today over / the most spectacula1 litical history of the is some doubt as to ity, the Liberals clai Conservatives 483, ough organization ar was thoroughly can) ago and gone over a cure every available + servatives claim that irregularities and sts election will at once About-tour humare not on the voters lis Messrs. toon, who h rangements The site on the north Marion Lan premises wi * feet in size 2 four storeys alone. The ger they will bec Club ? of th the ground dents of the come thus in parts of Can estate men, etc. + PERE he EP tt th sh ch oh hb oh of
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Image 892 (1912-05-27), from microfilm reel 892, (CU1738948). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.