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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page 8 BY-LA pany undertook and agreed to eregt W/O. a plant for the manufacture of se e1 products, nd confirm a certain er pipe and other clay pr eae which said contract, commonly agreement between Hat and the Alberta Company, Limited. The Council of the City of Medicine Hat hereby enacts a8 follows: 1. It sball and may be lawful for the Mayor and Clerk of said City of edicine flat, and they are hereb; authorized and empowered, for and on behalf of the Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat, and under the corporate seal of the sald City, to ex- ecute such transfers und agreements as may be requisite for the due car- rying out of the c rtain agreement 1912, and ation of the City of Medicine Hat and the Alberta Clay Products Company, Limited, a copy of which said agree- ment is hereto annexed marked B, and is hereby incorporated into and made part of this by-law, on behalf of the said city, and to fully carry out the terms of the said agreement and do all things necessary therefor. 2. This by-law shall come into force on the day of the final passing thereof. . - 3. The votes of the burgesses of the sald city shall be taken on this By-law on the 5th day of July, 1912, commencing at nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon, at the fol- lowing places and by the Deputy Re- turning Officers herejnafter nam d, namely, Wards one and two at the City Hall, by T. C. Blatchford, De- puty Returning Offider; Wards. three and four at the Court House, by John Benson, Deputy Returning Officer. 4. That Herbert Baker shall be the Returning Officer. 5. That on the 4th day of July 1912, at eleven o'clock in the fore- noon, the Mayor shall attend at his office in the City Hall for the pur- Pose of appointing persons to attend at the various polling places, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Returning Officer on behalf of the-persons interested in the pro- moting or opposing of this by-law re- spectively. 6. The Returning Officer shati at- tend at his office in the City Hall at eleven o'clock in the forenoon on the 6th day of July, 1912, to. sum up the number of votes given for or against this by-law. Read a first time this Sth day of June, 1912. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. H. BAKER, Clerk. the Corporation the City of Medicine aes ued Clay Products ed to in by-law of said City of Med- follows : BETWEEN : known as Exhibit A and so referr icine Hat, passed by the burgesses of said City of Medicine Hat on the 28rd day of November, 1909, reads as EXHIBIT A This agreement made in triplicate THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT, in the Province of Alberta, of the first part, and THE ALBERTA CLAY PROD- UCTS COMPANY, LIMITED, in- corporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and whose of- ficers are James Campbell, brick and tile manufacturer, of Lehigh, Towa, president, and Warren Over- pack, of Webster City, Ohio, sew- r pipe manufacturer, secretary- treasurer, of the second part, WITNESSETH, THAT WHEREAS certain inducements have been offer- ed to the parties of the second part to have them erect their plant in the City of Medicine Hat instead of at Coleridge. AND WHEREAS the City of Medi- cine Hat and the citizens thereof de sire the parties of the second part to locate their- sewer pipe plant and construct their buildings, more spec- ifieally described, in the City of Medi- icine Hat, and as an inducement to that end are willing to grant and convey to the parties of the second part the property known as the Ath- etic Park or Athletic Grounds containing five acres more or less and to secure an additional parcel of land from the surveyed portion ad- Joining on the south and east, com- mencing at the apex where the C. P. R. fence adjoins the fence surround- ing the Athletic Park and running jeasterly to the most southerly angle lof the Bray property, and then runn- ing southerly to a point where it in- tersects the railroad at right angles with the northerly limit of the pro- perty, and containing seven acres more or less. NOW THEREFORE have agreed as follows : The party of the first part n con- sideration of the sum of One Dollar to it paid by the parties of the sec- ond part (the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged) and the fur- ther consideration of the covenants and agreements of the parties of the Second part, herein contained, agree to convey -or cause to be -con- the parties to endeavor to have them carried by the burgesses of the City of Medi- cine Hat, fully authorizing the carry- ing out of the matters herein provid- ed for at as carly a date as possible. The party of the first part further agrees to exempt all improvements that may be made upon the aforesaid mentioned lands by the parties of the second part and covered by this agreement from any and all taxation under itsTeontrol, except school taxes for ten years from So date the nec- of this contract are carried,by the burgesses. The party of the first part agrees, subject to the waterworks by-laws now in force in the City of Medicine Hat, and subject also to any water- works by-law which may hereafter be in foree in said city, to lay and thereafter maintain and operate suf- ficient water mains, pipes, hydrants, and other facilities and appurtenan- ces necessary to furnish ample and adequate water supply for fire pro- tection to all structures which may herea constfueted ypon the Sald lands, and to have such water mains, pipes, hydrants and other fac- ilities completed and in operation not later than the ist of December, 1910 (ten). The party of the first part agrees to furnish the parties of the second part on said lands all water required for operation of said plant and all in- dustries that may hereafter be oper- ated on said lands for a reasonable compensation to be thing in this shall obligate the construct any hydants or fities or appurtenances upon the ab- ove-mentioned lands which will be- come the property of. the Alberta Clay Products Company, Limited, upon the fulfilinent of all the terms of this agreement. In, consideration of the premises the party of the second part cove- with the party of the first part as tollows: (a). To cause to be erected and op- erated er. Dl ufacturing Bl upon the aforesaid lands, which will consist of the following amongst other buildings: Main dry- ing building about 256x80 feet, four stories, including basement. Build- ing for clay and part machinery about 256x56 feet, the portion for machinery to be one story high and the balance three stories high. These buildings to be connected by another building about 30x60 feet, three stories, withoyt Uasement. Battery of twelve kilns, 28 feet in Read a second time this oth day of June, 1912. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. H. BAKER, Clerk. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the foregoing is a true copy of the. proposed by-law t3 authorize a certain. agreement bearing date the thirty-first day of May, 1912, made between the City of Medicine Hat and the Alberta Clay Products Com- pay, Limited, which has been intro- duced and which may be finally assed (in the event of the assent of the burgesses being obtained there- from said well to sald lands, and to) after one month from the 11th day of June, 1912, that being the day City Hall; for voters residing in Wards Three and Four at the Court ment to furnish additional gas shall House, H. BAKER, City Clerk, THIS AGREEMENT, made and en- tered into in triplicate this ist day THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT, Province of Alberta, Party of the First Part, and THE ALBERTA CLAY PROD- UCTS COMPANY, LIMITED, cor- Porated under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and duly register- ed in the Province of Alberta under the Foreign Companies Act of said Provinee, and whose officers are : James Campbell, brick and tile manufacturer, of Lehigh, Iowa, President. John Dixon, merchant, of Maple Creek in the Torta a age chewan, Vice-President, and - Ten Overpack, manufacturer of Clay Products, City of Medicine Hat im the Province of Alberta, Sec- retary-Treasurer, party of the Second Part. WITNESSETH, . that whereas, heretofore on or about the 12th day of October, 1909, the party of the first part and the party of the sec- ond part entered into an agreement for the transfer, by th sald Munici- pal Council of said City of Medic Hat to said Alberta Clay Products Company, of certain tracts of land situate in the north-west quarter (1 ) of Section twenty-nine (29), Town- ship twelve (12), Range five (5), lt;west of the fourth 4 . principal mer- Minn, upon which said tra t of lana Said Alberta Clay Products Com- upon which this notice is first pub- ments of the industries which may Medicine Hat, and upon the Sth day lands, the party of the firet part of July, 1912, the voting thereon: will erees to furnish to the sald indus- be held between fhe hours of .nine trles hereafter located on said lands, thereto and therefrom and use the G elock am. and five o'clock p.m. at the necessary gas in addition to thie as therefrom until such time as the the following places fixed for taking S28 the vote of the burgesses: For voters Well as aforesaid to hereafter meet Commence operations on said lands. residing in Wards Number One and l said requirements at a cost not to Two, at the Council Chamber in the xceed five cents per thousand feet. ne Second part may desfre to use in. con- veyed to the parties of The sec- ond part, their heirs and assigns, clear and perfect title to the above- mentioned properties, upon the com- pletion of the buildings hereinafter Specifically described and after the plant has been completed and in op- eration for one month. The party of the first part also ithe second part at the same time as the said property is transferred as jaforesaid, the gas well recently sunk by the party of the first part on the pro) known as the Grounds amd to constfuct an ade- quate pipe line to convey the gas should the said well not. furnish sufficient gas to meet the require- which shall be supplied by the Provided, however, that this agre - not be in force during such periods (if any. as the supply of gas owned or controjied by the parties of the first Hart inuy be insufficient to permit/ The plant shall be a thoroughls of the use of the same for industrial Purposes, but whenever the supply of such gas is sufficent to permit of its use for any industrial purposes dustries Tocated on said lands as aforesaid in as large a proportion to their needs as it is furnished to any tracts. The provision in this para. not exceed five cents per thousand cubic feet shall be in force only for a period of ten years from the date the necessary by-laws to carry out the terms of this eoutract are carried by the burgesses but at no time shall the party of the first part charge the parties of the second part a the same time charge the most fay- fored customers for similiar service. Provided also that if, during the winter of 1919 and 1911 there should be a shortage of gas in sald city for domestic purposes the parties of the Second part agree to allow the city the use of all gas from said well for domestic use only during such short- age. The party of the first part agrees to furnish tree of charge when re- quired by the parties of the second part all gas which the parties of the jection with the construction, main- tenance and operatfon of their indus- trial plants on said lands until the said gas well is turned over to the parties of the second part and con- nected with the sald works. The party of the first part agrees agrees to turn over to the parties of 8tee Not to sell or supply gas from lands which will become the proper- ty of the Alberta Clay Products Company, Limited, upon fulfilment of Nuisance this agreement. said plant shall cease operation or be shut down and the said gas well shall not be used for one month, the City shall be at lberty, after serving ten other industry in the sald City of Proposed to be erected including the - Medicine Hat subject to existing con- Clay lands, rallway tracks graph that the price of said gas shall is 150,000. Breater price for gas than it shall at ;0f the second part show reasonable diameter inside measurement Thee dimensions are approximately correct as to the capacity of the buildings to be erected, but the parties of the Second part reserve the right to make changes to conform to the most approved plans that may be secured for the construction of its plant. The parties of the second part the said well for use off the said If from any cause whatever the enure to the benefit of and be bind- ing upon the parties hereto, its and their assigns, helrs, administrators, executors and successors respective- ly, IN WITNESS whereof the said Corporation has affixed its corporate nant, undertake and agree to andj MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. i Leen eee and Secretary-Treasurer thereof res- pectively, Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of J. J. Mahafty. D. MILNE, Mayor. A, R. PERRY, Secy.-Treasurer. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of J, J. Mahatty. JAMES CAMPBELL, President, WARREN OVERPAOK, Secretary-Treasurer. Making of said agreement Exhibit by said parti s and the ratifica tioh. thereof by sald, burgesses, sald Alberta, Clay Products Company en- tered upon and took possession of the. property intended to be trans- ferted to said Company, and erected thereon its said plant, and has in all respects complied In substance with its part of said agreement, and has erected and constructed on said pro- perty, plant of much greater value than that contemplated by said agree- ment, afd said Municipality has pro- cured title to all of said property in- tended soto be conveyed, and has in all respects attempted to comply with its part of said agreement, but that by imadvertance and mistake, the description embodied in said, agree- ment between said parties was and is erroneous, and does not accurate- ly describe the property intended to be conveyed and does not correspond to the plan of said property which was at the time prepared and regis- tered by said city. a copy of which is hereto attached and marked Exhibit B and said city has never complet- the transfer of sald propert, there parties concerned ,that be a slight modification of jded to be conveyed to lay Products Company, thereof to be used of said property, to be wi track to reach certain other indus- tries and jto provide for the neces- Sary curves for-said track and to transfer the said Alberta Clay Pro- ducts Company the balance of said property s0 intended to be conveyed and certain other small irregular tracts or parcels of land adjacent to said original site in lieu of the pro perty so reserved by said city, and whereas said City has caused all of the property herein referred to, to be surveyed, designated and shown upon a plat hereto attached and marked Exhibit C . NOW,. THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between said Municipal Council of the City of Medicine Hat party of the first part, and said Al- berta Clay Products Company, Lim- ited, party of the second part, that Said original agreement, known and designated as Exhibit A , be and the same is hereby amended by strik- ing therefrom the description con- tained in Paragraph Two of said agreement. and inserting in Meu thereof, after the word willing , in Hine eight (3) of said agreement as contained in printed by-law hereto- fore referred to, the following: To grant and convey to the par- ties of the second part all those certain fracts or parcels of land fotics on the ies ot the second part toate sitnte-ooi betng- tn the northwest second Ave ant THRE Ava 0S quarter ( ) of Section twenty- peaceable possession of the said gas well and all necessary rights of way nine (29), Township twelve .(12), porate seals to be hereto affixed this Sist day of May, A. D., 1912. GORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT, NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. HERBERT BAKER, City Clerk. In the presence of W. H. DOTY, (as to Nelson Spencer and Herbert Baker.) ALBERTA CLAY PRODUCTS COM- PANY, LIMITED, By Vice-president. (The President being absent from the Province.) * WARREN OVERPACK, Secretary-Treasurer. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of GIDEON HOOD, (as to John Dix- on.) . M. H. ROCHE, Overpack:) (as to Warren BY-LAW No. A BY-LAW to provide for borrow- ing 34,190.00. upon the. credit of the Municipality at large by: the issue of Debentures to pay for the construct- fon of cemennt sidewalks construct ed as local improvements, WHEREAS in the opinion of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat it is desirable and expedient to construct cement sidewalks as local improvements on the portions of the streets herein- after named and within the limits de- scribed. AND WHEREAS the sald Council have given notice of their intention to undertake and construct the said works and assess and levy 25,213.85 part of the cost thereof upon the real property fronting or abutting upon the portions of the streets as afore- said. AND WHEREAS although duly notified as aforesaid of such propos: ed works and assessment respective- ly the majority of the owners of the real property fronting or abutting on such portions of said streets respect- ively representing at least one half in value thereof did not petition the said Council against any of the said works or assessments. AND WHERIAS the said sidewalks are to be constructed within the fol- lowing limits and it has been ascer- tained and determined that the real property comprised within such limits that is to-gay: 6-foot walk South side Barclay St. between Her- ald St. and W. Rd. Allowance, 530 feet; 6-foot walk west side W. Rd. Allowance between Barclay St. and Toronto St, 466 feet; G-foot walk north side of Toronto St. between Seventh Ave. and Eighth Ave., 530 feet; 6-foot walk south side Toronto St. between Sixth Ave. and Seventh Ave., 530 feet; Ottawa St, between Seventh Ave. and Eighth Ave., 530 ft.; 6 ft. walk be- ween Fourth Ave. and Sixth Ave. 940 feet; 6-foot walk north side Balmor- al St. between Seventh Ave. and Eigh- th Ave, 580 feet; 6-foot walk south side Balmoral St. between Sixth Ave. and Seventh Ave, 646 fect; 6 between Sixth Ave. and Seventh Av 646 feet; 6-foot walk west side Four- th Ave, between Fewings St. and Roy St, 470 feet; 6-foot walk east side Saratoga Ave. between Alberta St. and El Paso St, 600 fect; 6-foot walk west side Esplanade between 6-foot walk west side Main St. from end of present walk to First Ave, to be conveyed, to be used exclusive- ly for manufacturing purposes, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the: said party of the first part and said par- ties..of the second part have caused these presents to be executed by to submit all necessary by-laws and Seal and the hands of its President thelr proper officers, and their cor- feet; together with fifteen crossings will benefit dftectly or indirectly by the sald works and which said pro- perty is more particularly described in the Schedule hereto attached which forms part of this By-law. AND WHEREAS the total cost 6-foot walk north bide * of which 8,976.15 ts to be borne by the Municipality at large and 25,- 213.85 is payable by special front- age assessment. AND WHEREAS t will be neces- sary to-raise annually 1083.88 for the payment of the debt and 1709v9 for the payment of the interest there- on making in all 2793.37 to be raie ed annually for the payment of the debt and interest of which it will re- quire the sum of 720.28 to be raised Dr annually for a period of twenty t assessable property of the Munici- pality- at large to pay the Muntcipal- ty s portion of the debt and thie in lt; terest thereon and it will jrequire the sum of 2078.14 to te raised an- nually for a period of twenty years by a special frontage assessment up- on tbe property fronting on the said respective streets according to the frontage thereof to pay the portion of the debt payable by special as- sessment and the interest thereon. AND WHEREAS according to the last revised assessment roll the total value of the land charged with the spqctal frontage assessment for cem- ent sidewalks is 473,065.00 and the amount of the whole assessable pro- perty in the city 1s 7,012,585.00 and the ratable proportion thereot is 7,012,585,00. 2 AND WHEREAS the said debt is contracted on the credit and secur- ty of the Muntcipality at large, but as to the sum of 25,213.85 the said Corporation is to collect the same by way only of special frontage assess- ment as aforesaid. AND WHEREAS the existing De- denture debt of the sald Municipality fs 947,966.00 of which no principle or interest is in arrear, THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1, The Municipal Council of the City, of Medicine Hat may expend the sum of 34,190.00 in constructing the said cement sidewalks, and for the purpose of raising sald sum deben- tures of the sald City to the amount. of 34,190.00 shall be issued in sums of not less than one hundred dollars each which said debentures shall be dated on the first day of July, 1912, and bear interest. from that date and shall be payable on the first day of October, 1931, at the principal office of the Bank of Montreal in the cities of Medicine Hat, Toronto, Montreal or New York. 2, Each of the said . debentures shall be in form prescribed in sec- tions seven and eight, title twenty- two of the Medicine Hat charter or to the like effect and shall be signed law to sign same and by the Treas- urer of the said City who-shall tach thereto the Corporate Seal of the Maunielpality. 3. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent- um per annum payable half yearly on the first day of October and of April at the same place or places as the- principal in each and every year during the currency thereof. 4. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised annually by special rate on all rat- able property in the said City of Medicine Hat the sum of 271.43 for the purpose of creating a Sinking Fund for the payment of the part of the debt payable by the Munici- pality at large, and the sum of annual interest thereon, making in all the sum of 720.23 to be raised an- Tuesday, June 18, 192: anally by special rate aforesaid dur- ing each of the said twenty years. 5. For the payment of the portion of the debt payable by special as- sessment and the interesithercon a apecial frontage rate of ten cents per ft, frontage except where corner lots abutt upon euch sidewalks in which Case a special frontage rate of 5 cents per foot frontag lots is hereby imposed on the teal frontage thereof over, and which special rate shall be sufficient to produce the sald sum of 2073.14 and shall be annually inserted in the: tax roll and shall. be payable in the Same manner as other rates in the- sald roll. 6 This. bylaw shajl take effect on the date of the final passing thereof. The votes of the burgesses of the said City, shall be taken on this by-law at the following times anc places, that is to say, on Friday the fifth day of July next, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing untiI five- o'clock in the afternoon of the same. day, by the following Deputy Re- turning Officers, namely, for Wards 1 and 2 at the City Hall by. T. C. Blatchford, Deputy Returning - Offi- cer; for Wards 3 and 4 at the Court. House by John Benson, Deputy Re- turning Officer. 8, Herbert Baker the Clerk shalt be the Returning Officer. 9, On Thursday the fourth day jof July, 1912, the Mayor shall attend Jat his office in the City Hall at ten. o clock In the forenoon to appoint Persons to attend at the various poll ing places a8 aforesafd, and at the final summing up of the votes by the. Clerk on behalf of the persons inter- ested in promoting or opposing the passing of this By-law respectively. 10. The Clerk shall attend at his. office in the City Hall at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Saturday the sixth day of July,.192, to sum up the num- ber of votes given for or against this. by-law. Read a first'time this fitth day of Tune, 1912. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor H. BAKER, Clerk. Read a second time this fifth day of-June, 1912. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. H, BAKER, Clerk. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giver that the foregoing is a true copy of the proposed by-law to authorize the SUS of debentures of the City of Medicine Hat: to the amount of 84,190.00 to pay for the construc- tion of concrete- sidewalks which has, been introduced and which may be finally passed (in the event of the assent of the burgesses being obtained thereto after one month from the 11th day of June, 1912, that being the day upon which this notice 48 first published in the Medicine Hat News, Medicine Hat, and upon the fitth day of July, 1912, the voting thereon will be held between the hours of nine o'clock a. m. and five o'clock p.m. at the following places fixed for, the taking the votes of the burgesses: For yoters residing in on such corner meoesety above described according Wards Nos. 1 and 2, at the Council Satie the City Hall; Nos. 2 and for voters 4 at ree 149.86-for-the payment of-the semi-lthe-Court sess: Medicine Hat, June 10th, 1912, (Sed.) H, BAKER, Clerk. Tuesday, Calf. Wi into stoel tan calf, solid sha from the ago Calf, These going to for a 5 And fror ed to they wo1 Turt The Man's Get the ALL CU LIMIT, Internatio: Declares ment is ed. Toronto, Ju national Leag required jimi club, said Pi What fine ed had the ol limit on June That sa q makes it obl classed as AJ part of the 1 This agreeme operative, 80 fine could ha some club vi -urday. Our teagt and it was 1 was enforced jonal agreem there was nc have found lt; to twenty mi The nati fixing by: the vices of expert instructors have been secured. Rev, A. J. W. Myers, Ph, D,, will lecture on Religious Educa- tion and its relation to the church as a whole, Rev. Wm. Sibley, B. A, and Rev, Milton Jack, M. A, B. D., of the sald works ts 34,190.00, will conduct lecture classes on the range the most helpful courses of study, and it s hoped that every Sun- day, School will have a representative at, at least one of the summer schools, Further informaton may be had by applying to the Alberta Sunday School Association, Calgary Range five (5), west of the fourth a15 feet; -toot, walk east side Main CONCRETE SIDEWALK. Sone e (4) principal meridian, as shown/si. between Second Ave. and First Foot Watks - Asscntktion + Parties of the second part shall again upon and designated by said plan ave, 530 feet; 6-foot walk west sid City Property League. Th or survey hereto. attached, and Braemar St. between Second Ave. Length 2-3 2-3 1-3 2-3 1-3 Garry Herrn If the necessary by-laws to carry) marked Exhibit C , on which sald/and Ra. Allowance, 480 feet; 6-foot street From To est 3 National Cot out this agreement are not carried plan sald property so to be convey- walk, east side Braemar St. between Barclay S. Herald Allowance 530 30 500 500 ment was ai out by the burgesses of aid city on ed is described and designated as N, Railway St. and Third Ave, 380 W, All nce W. Barclay Toronto 466 - 70 272 124 124 272 ably by this or before the 15th day of November, A , B , and D , respective-/feet; 6-foot walk East Braemar St- Toronto N. Seventh Eighth 53080. 500-500. * ed, and is 1909, then this agreement shall be ly. between Second Ave. and Rd, Allow- Toronto. S. Eighth Seventh 530-80 500 500 *organtead i void at the option of the parties of 1 being contemplated and agreed ance, 443 feet; 6-foot walk north side Ottawa N. Seventh Eighth 530 30 500 500 The twen the second part. that the sald attached plan of said Second Ave. between Esplanade and Braemar S. Fourth Sixth 940 80 130 730 730 180 thing for sl property marked Exnitt C*stount Main-St-;-35 -feet+-G-foot watk north Batmorat-N-Seventh Highthr 580 40- 500 H00- of the mans substantial and up-to-date sewer pipe e forthwith registered by sald party Side Third Ave. between Esplanade Balmoral S, Sixth Seventh 64630 616 616 clubs consid manufacturing plant, equipped o the first part, and the original re- md Main St., 310 feet; 6-foot walk Fewings N. Sixth Seventh 64680 616 616 set for cut throughout with. Tre most modern corgea plan of sald property, known S0Uth side of Third Avenue between Fourth W. Fewings Roy ' 470 60 230 180 180 236 i According t machinery, employing from 60 to 100 and designated as plan No. 560IX., be HsPlanade to Main St., 310 ft; 6 ft. Saratoga B. Alberta - El Paso 600 100 500 500 May 15 is bet ween- Esplanade W-Second Phirg 30 30 500 500- i whatever di to 200 tons of clay per day when the nq that said party of the first part Walk Balmoral St, and Ra. Allow, 660 Main W End of Walk First 215 15 200 200 ter the oper Plant 1s im full operation. The esti- snail transfer ito said party of the feet; 6-foot walk east side of Fast Main B. Secon First 530. 30 500 500 Twenty mated total value of the plant 8 secona part said property so design- Allowance between Ottawa St. and Braemar W. Second Allowanve 480-30 450 450 i club. Carry ated as A , BY, C and D upon Braemar St, 350 feet; 6-foot walk, Braemar E.-N. Railway Third 380 50 180 200 200 180 i unnecessary and P- said plan hereto attached and mark- north side Yuill St, between R. Al- Braemar E. Second Rd. All'nce 443-30 413 413 managers a purtenances and its other property . soxnipit Jowance and Washington Ave, 1060 Second N. Esplanade Main 350 30-320 ase ing players bet. feet, ft. walk South side of Elm St. Third N. -Esplanade Main 310. 50-260 260 bench fall The party of the second part also ,J0,'* futher agreed by and Bet-lsctween Ra. Allow and Washinston Third S. Esplanade Main 31050 260 280 their say, F hereby agrees to proceed with the iairaeccs o Z mia - tee i Ave., 1060 ft; 6 ft. walk north side Printess N. Balmoral Allowance 660 630 630 630 to men wh construction of their sald plant im- * Tereere Di Oem Origine of East Balmoral st. between All'nce Ottawa Braemar 350 50 300 300 with them, mediately and to have same complet- ASteement Exhibit A be amended xve ana Minto Ave, 1060 Yuilr N, All wance Washington 1060 80 180 850 850 130 of a chance ed before the first day of December, 4 to read as follow walk east side Columbia Ave. bet- Im 8. Allowance Washington: 1060 80 130 850 850 130 year in th 1910. Provided, however, that. should The party of the second part ween King St. and S. Railway St, 1. Balm l N. Woodman Minto 1060 60. 1000 1000 Cx sald plant be not complete on Said agrees that the above-mentioned 1022 feet; 6-foot walk south side Fac- Columbia E. King 8. Railway 1022 92 650 280 280 650 area date as aforesaid, and if the parties lands and gas well which will pe tory St., from Columbia Ave. west- Factory S. Columbia Westerly 350 350 350 1 exere thin deeded to the Alberta Clay Prod- erly, 350 feet; 6-foot walk north yi Ww. Columbia Westerly. 300 300 300 ry one or cause of delay or that such delay is) ucts Company, Limited, upon the side Mill St, from Columbia Ave. fill s. Columbia 8, Railway 918 20 48 850 850 48 days, but due to any reason beyond their con- fuifiliment of the terms contained Westerly, 200 feet; 6 foot walk south yourth E. End of Bridge Broadway 600 112 448 448 One sman trol the parties: of the first part in the agreement shall be used side Mill St. between Columbia Ave. Broadway N.Fourth Ave.Fourth St: 3570 114 3456 i ekat toon agree to extend the time for the com- strictly for manufacturing pur- and . Railway St., 918 Yeet; 6-foot Queen W. Rd. All'nce Washington . 1060 60 1000 1000 ecg: whole pletion of said. plant. poses. walk west side Fourth Ave. from end gjxth W. Esplanade Main 350 20-380 330 told this h The party of the second part agrees a of bridgo to Broadway, 600 feet; 6- Main N. Seventh Rd. All ace 1000 100 900 il. wes 1 that the above-mentioned lands and Provided,*however, that this provis- root walk north side Broadway be- - 1 ee mal gas well which will be deeded to the fon shall not prevent said party of tween Fourth Ave. and Fourth 8t., Yo oor pr aee 99326 1653 4178 13139 17495 4178 Fees Alberta Clay Products Company, the Second part from transferring 12579 feet; 6-foot Walk north S10 assesses Aili bere Limited, upon the fulfillment of the Portion of said property. marked A Queen St.,.between Rd. Allowance and pe PES angers Tega 908 terms contained in the agreement Pon said Exhibit C to be used for Washington Ave., 1060 feet; 6 foot ALBERTA 2 SCHOOLS subject of Missions. It is expected woe ie shall be used strictly for manufac- residence purposes, in case sald par- waik west side Sixth Ave., between : that Rey: Hagh Dobetn, B./A:, will be Tieernaiion turing purposes. ty of the second, part shall have pr - rsplanade and Main St.,,350 feet; For the Alberta summer school to the lecture on Social Services. The i. Tae This agreement and everything viously purchased-a like amount of foo walk Main St Seventh Ave. be held at Cooking Lake, July 10th to/Bible Study course will be under the es ele herein contained shall respectively Droperty in the vicinity ef and ad- t gt; Raq. Allowance, north side, 1000 19th; Sylvan Lake, July 24th to Aug. direction of an able Bible student. pee joining the property herein agreed 2nd;' Banff, Aug. 7th to 16th, the ser- Every effort is being made to ar- ericin Ass
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Image 1043 (1912-06-18), from microfilm reel 1043, (CU1739010). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.