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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Gun Men Gum Club meeting,27tb. Lieut-Col, F, 0, Sissons has re- turned-from the East. The evening given by the Bachelors of the Cosmopolitan at that most mod- ern and beautifully equipped hotel last night, was attended by a success which speaks volumes for the manage- Vanities for the Young Man s Fancy Feet Three Years to-morrow Since Hamilton s Sensational and Heinous Crime was Committed Girl s Slayer-. Never Caught. (Special to N Florence Kinrade, Hamilton, Ont. Feb. 2: of attractive ap- ment. The guesta were received by Wisi availeth the Smart Mrs, I, Basset, Mrs. E, M, Cawker, three years tomorrow since the mur- the pet of the household, while the M E. S. Hodges, Mrs. HL. Stewart, der of Ethel Kinrade furniaghed Ham- other daughter, theslain one, was the Sihtath the Last Word? Mra-8 Hagen aud Dtre..J:keokana UOOSWics eee Sreeen, sensation of family drudge, Florence was a con- inColeaaic its Postscript in Hats or Thearae Watog room wwe ened: tor NC cmRA Meee DiNsgeg. and acces ien:heert MAD Rage and: a-tiigestat: of VOL. 2, NO. Neckties, if the Young 3 Shoes Gata ta the early. parts Gb the van: o* criminal annals a mystery that gay summer resorts, while Bthel re- . look hereied. fae thistytablen being uigcensarie to NO emcwemerey CAGES Jn America mained at home and did the work. Four Dollars that s all for daa cenke the gusta: Latat, the es, eileathimnravel. While the others lived, In comfort, Fashion alee ore raenurred and beterel hiieca DEME.semnade. (he Ganeaiter ot len gren Wxerts Rebel Kinney wee ate eminently respectable family, was slain in broad daylight in her parents home in the fashionable section of thiscity, Her sister Florence, tho only eye-witness of the tragedy, from the first declared that the *Hurde Was a tramp, Though th , act ap- peared incredibly brutal and andac- fous and the motive inadequate, that mere closet for a bedroom and a Dunk in'which to rest. At the preliminary hearing Florence Kinrade was subjected to the severest cross-examination, but her story of Tati remained unshaken and the other members of the family refused to. throw. any light on the crime. From time to time there haye been rumors Twenty-two different Regal for Young Men who like Gin- ger in Shoe Expeeen Knobs, Kinks, Swing Soles, Bulgers and Bluchers. Say that quickly-and then hie away to the Regal Shoe store to sce what these terms mean when skill- fully translated a leather. devoted to dancing, the full Leonard orchestra.of eight pieces belng in tendance. The prizes at cards were woh by Mrs, R. D. Smith and Mr. Cuyler, Delicious refreshments were served-from-a buffet at the conclu- sion of. card playing. The Bachelor hosts were Messrs, T. A. Bassett, J. Elliott, L.F, Keller, A. W. Glea' 9 lots, block 15, Herald, each 900.00, Terms 7 roomed House on 50 ft, lot. King Street. Only 2100.00. 600.00 down, Balance easy, Small House and 100 ft,, Esplanade, money maker. 50 ft. on Rosi Street. Only 450.00, Only 2500.00. This ls a Quiet Shapes, also Suj stand- S.- Cratksh: D den, Dr, YeTMon Wits at first accepted by the of possible arrests and only a f 56 ft. on treet, ards, for Older ollss who haye more Wateaia Lad ae A, euthorities, Then discrepancies in weeks ago It was fapatied: at the 2 onesies sae 5 9000.00, This will sell Sone need Wala Holbrook and M. RB. Laserte, secre- ae eames Sebere vaplieos ed be re-opened and that a ff 4 Track Lots In Rosedale. Only 1500.00 each. g eeds W: tary; toms of her e us private detective had dis 2 Regal Shoe spo ae made'in four A. maecting of We Wlectrical Board aissatas The tramp story was soon coe 4 clue to the murderer. But iss ae Se ao Annex. 800.00. See of Exam fl be -held-at the-of- so far as anything is known now th oe on oral Street. On Sewer line. On 5.00, These Shoe . Factories Hae: Electrician at pm lt;The, Police thay, While it fled mystery ts lkely to remain Tani We have the largest lst of property In yen rel cers huge volume) are now satis- sharp on Feb. 26. yogaz t fima-any trace of the murderer,/and remembered for many years as There appears fed with a mere abe grok fit above actual nek ak a president PTORENE. to. Tight remarkable con- the most baffling and absorbingly in- understanding in cost giving the lus Value to ee oan a aaa io, Preeideot aition of affairs in the, Kinrade fam- ter ating criminal ease tn the records H Cc P tt t Vinibiia tat. the. Consumers. ebecen Assent - O-l ity, The investigation showed that of Canadian crim: A os e e e oO. gt; NS The sure value of each 3 Se 0. F. oa visit the city relating to the Shoe is stamped on the me by the night and will te present at the met) PRESEN 366 Toront Phon ; in the city, wher masible Makers who alone know ng uf the Jocat Rebecca lodge, Ruth TATIONS A PTIST CHURCH able eddvennie woe eng eg Real Estate: Dealers. eae Beas : Slntaee tn. ques : what Service ig under the finish. No. 6. All members are asked to at- ee Pe een ee reeset et Pees pay Bees phase of the cas . Young Man Get your feetinto tend. rey. ne Sass presentations were. made: Under Sec. 19 of these nifty Mr. J. L. Peacock has returned from 4. J. HE. Miers and Mise -K. Sin- by Mrs N. NM. Lean and Mrs. 6. 1. a a pair eae clair were both very greatly taken by Dunham. Mrs, Miers and Miss Sin- nectHia: Eaikeny New York. surprise when last evening at the clair replied briefly. company is oblig Subject in St. John's church Sum-/ close of the choir practice both of This happy occasion was brought to gt; sent of the Burge pany ean exerels mence eonstractl in the elty Lmits Under Sec. 4 day night: Should we not have /them were made the recipients of a close with a hearty singing of Y.M.C.A. in Medicine Hat? handsome presents. Mrs. Miers, who They re Both Jolly Good Fellows. Votes for Church Union will be re- has been for ten years a member of Both Mrs, Miers and Miss Sinclair turned on Sunday or by mail. the choir, and for some time leader, have rendered excellent service and Mrs. Pearson will receive on Mon- has found it necessary to ask to be their friends think these expressions day next at 623 Esplanade. Mrs. relieved of the responsibility, and. the of EQod will were thoroughly de- John Trinvble ill receive with Mrs. members of. the church and congre- served. Pearsoh. gation thought the occasion oppor- THE MARSHALL-MITGHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD. Wholesale and Retail. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Builders Supplies. Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing a Specialty. Prices 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.60 6 REGAL SHOE Barker Patten HIGH GRADE FURNISHINGS, : : TORONTO STREET pany eannot con to the works of t or elsewhere to a tl the consent: burgesses has fi must be observe FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Phone 2c Toronto St, Medicine Hat B. W. Bellamy, President) tions ami resotutions.- and James Thompson J. Choutier, clerk of the House of Named Vice. ons, wrote re old age pensions, und the secretary df the Trades and tune to express their appreciation of DISPUTE OVER WAGES, her services. She vas presented with A local woman was charged jin/ handsome aliver pudding dish and z Lae pote lalso a ten dollar gold piece, Miss The Pastor tomorrow ing Ww crs Weiss for balance of wages dus, 18. Sinclair, who has been organist for continue the Sunday: evening series Sot Accused stated that the prosccator considerable time, also received Of sermons on Men of the Gospels, SESS SS POPES : cee ace cuploy for several fom, the members of the church and omlenced a week ago, with ser- ies ainda she Gued in know- CSFegation a, beautiful gold wateh, On entitled The Wise Men from the erial Bank of Canada rae eee eee e eevee COUNCIL OFFICERS e vice 19 to 00 per Of Dersonal eateem, and as a token ed the Light month. In January last the wages a Pca aeeh de Sais Capital and Rest . fie were 90 tut one day young HE Balmoral House man came who she believed hed never proce ovary weer two Blocks from the station. Room and board by day or week. Terms Total Assets A GENERAL BANKING. BUSINESS ee sine e 72,000, eeheetodoetestest SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. riage and wap accepted.t Her employed heer 5 k, . WILKINSON, anager. ol stopped work ana never seturned to it moderate. Apply Mrs. Herbert Love, Byron W. Bellam, of the Typogra. bor Congress of Canada wrote re Armament 1 4 Medicine Hat Branch. again. The woman says she warned 308, Balmoral Street, isiatt phical union wus lected presi- tHe same matter asking. the opinion se - dent of the Trades and Labor Coun- the Council on ( this matter... vide for cil at the annual mectiog held last MESS- Shaw, Harris and Thomson Aerial 1 Stee Redtedy HE at the time of leaving thet she 99SOF2S OHSS COSTES Ses caine es eee eee wages in lien thereof os per agree) ment. The inagistrate adjourned the case until Monday to allow accused to evening, George Thompson, Rotuct YES appointed a committee to deal Collier and: James Thomson were also ith the matter. Fasfaibated for phcebdenky tekdawy eal lt;n es Oe She sity arene, retired in favor of Mr. Bellamy. oEenized and all that is mow secos The other cllcos chaste ace 9a 288Y 8 the permission from Lethe City Sale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses IT must call at the C.P.R. Men s Store for London, Feb. contemplates cor produce witness to prove the mgree- For -Sale The Backwoodsman s Suspicion Essanay Drama sent. Light and) Heary Draying a pair of those Boots. o S lisridge before the charter: can be 96 and, Germany in : Country Cupid Blograph eer Hay for Sale P OES. Vice Pr sident: James Thomson, SNe. : Serena ceett a Three Heroes eon z . The values are worth. TyPoetaphical union. Several other matters of minor im- onene ee suuakaa Wal. Mappes: 3 Edison Comedy BROWNE'S SALE Fred McClain 3 Denier Sscecery oe: y, Portance were deale with. lberal provision Se See ogi Ripe ote getting after. Nennnechitay Bape London, obs 24 Influential sup neronianes, Pos Mr, Brown, the Aue 4 Phone 85. Prop. Recording Secretary: G. W. Graves, Port is promised for the great meet will okies nae Dreamland Theatre 5 (The Old Reliable) We have to-night How Algy Captured the Wild Man, a comedy, that is a comedy. Come and enjoy it The Fighting Schoolmaster is a war story and yery popular wherever shown. The Mistress of the H.D.C. 1s a Western picture and. will be well liked. Miss Bessie Portillo will sing I want you all the Time Dowt miss hearing this, An hour's a enjoyment. Adults 16c., children 10c, a Is- Germany After - Panama N Naval Base? Bil in Denmark Reichstag to Give Unlimited Rights Over St. Thomas Harbor to Private Concetn Of Greatest Importance to Her Naval Arrangements. woke. Teton, Feb. 21. Under the heed- ing a Gateway to Pansma interna- tional Peril from a Denish Island the London Standard published 2 pate that a syndicate headed by five Danish capitalists ip altout to alt Diapatas at the construction of a fie naval base within easy striking distance of Pahatna and of her eastern seaboard. that might at any moment pass out of pnssession of the private syndicate into the hands of a powerful rival or that could be held in time of war by la minor neutralistic. that he made a record day yesterday as regards quantity of goods and stock sold and also as regards prices. A bunch of good mares of all sizes fetched top prices and. a half-bred Jersey cow was knotked down at six- ty dollars, as -well-as-everal grade, cows all of which fetched good prices. A number of Indians attended the sale and brought with them stock and goods, and went away. apparently well pleased with the results of their sales. She weekly auction sales have. be - come an Institution and there seems to be little fear of thei, being drop- ped. Suse OF WALTER GARLAND word was recel ved in the city this morning of the death at Winnl is Garland, whose seriot was noted in the News a few days ako, The deceased was only 26 years of age, but already had won distine- tion as a member of the Winnipeg bar. His friends in Medicine Hat will extend sympathy to the bereaved rel- atives, Mrs, Sissons and Mrs, Rox- orough were with him at the tine of his death. Straight Loans 900 Corner on Columbia Ave. 500 Pair, bik. 27, Central Park 650 Palr, bik. 17, Central Park 750 Palr, bik. 11, Central Park 300 Lot 16, bik. 8, Yuill 8. 775- Lot 19, bik T, Yuill S. 315 50 ft, bik. 15, Yuill 8. 875050 ft, bik 8 Yuill 8. 600 Palr, bik 25, Central Park 750 Patr, bik, 21, Central Park 750 Pair, bik. 20, Central Park 600 Pair, bik. 29, Central Park 600 for 8 and 4, bik. 31, Central Park: 700 Patr, bik, 21, Central Park eet bik, 10, Cousins 525 Palr, bik. 19, Cousins and Sissons, 400 Pair, bik. 26, Cousins and Sissons. 420 Palr, bik. 5, Cousins and Sissons, 575 Pair, bik. 18, H. School Annex. 850 Pair, bik. 20, H. School Se 8550 Pair, bik. 17, Herald. 785 Pair, bik. 1, Herald, 1000 Lot 24, bik. 87, Braemar St. jain concession of the-Haxbor of)* 4. Thomas without mcurring any ap parent obligation toward Denmark and with full power to sub-lease or ell the unlimited rights they ac quire. A bill granting the congession has been introduced in the Danish Reich- stag on the poisit of, becoming law. Denmark is occupied almost to the exclusion of everything clss with the possibilities of St, Thomas efter the Panama Canal is open. Potentia ast international organi- zation composed of some of the lead- ing men of all countries met at the; Hotel London today? and issued manifesto signed for by Sir Edward Dunand whick says 'No: sincere friend: of the Danes can desire to sec such a juill cartied through without giving the people an opportunity of reatiaing the possible political and fimancial issues dnvolved to Amenicu the matter would America has twice. ben in negotia- tion with Denmark for the purchase: of thesa islands. tnt Germany is behind the estatishment of this naval base a private enter- prise on a Danish island in the Car- ribbean Seas. a ST. BARNABAS-ANGLICAN Fen, 25th Firth Sunday in Lent: Celebration of Holy Communion, 8.30 a, m. Matins and Litany, 11 a m. Evensong, 7.30 p. m: Sunday School and Pible Class, 3 p.m. WAR MINISTER RESIGNED. Brussels, Feb. 24. Gen. Hellebaut, Minister of W resigned to-day. Premier Debroqueville will take the North Railway Street. DRUG STORE, Medicine C. PR. MEN'S. H. S. IRELAND. Electricity the Mother. of Invention Frozen Water Pipes quick and cheap. Orders will be attended to promptly. Apply atthe office of the City Elee- Thawed Settlers in Local Improve- ment District NO; 6B can obtain Gopher Poison: FREE lying at -PINGLE'S ay Electrical Workers. Treasurer: R. Collier, Typo. Statistician: J. Porter, Brotherhood of Carpenters. Warden: J. Baliour, Carpenters. letters were received from various provincial end Governmept officers ennouicing the receipt of communica- ing in Albert Hall next Wednesday which Js to mark the beginning of a very active campaign against the granting of votes to women. Lord Cromer will preside at the meeting: and among the eminent speakers will be Lord Curzon, Lord Loreburn, Lewis Harcourt, M.-P,,and Mrs. Murphy- Ward. BH Soe ate eio leet dse te erey kinds and you don t have to buy either. Tmimel : fo Call: 163 anyway and get Target that T sell for cash, everything C-0-D. to everybody. ** LF.G. LYNDS; Pe eee Vegeta bles: Are essential to the health of the body, but it's more essential to your POCKET BOOK to buy them wholsale. I ean supply all a ton to get the wholesale prices acquainted, and please don't Frait and Provisions Wholesale to Consumer, Reatete BAKE DAY .. SNFEEIOR FLOUR DISAPPOINTMENT. be built to meet the army. The activity of tion as shown by MM, Miller, the Fri who says that 4 pended for aviat ing year,-and- tl to increase expe pose from- 3;200 Capt. Von Sim officer, who is e a TH. At St. Patrick's yesterday morni doux preached a on Lent, It hav he remarked in that It ought to fect. He outlin season of lent, 5: of the most ancie church, The ps day however, We and abstain as people of the ea abstinence and severe now 2s It closing he made eep most rigid) Holy season, atte preparation for the season, holy day and Easter B-F.-S0UCH ya Pha B. GEO. JENKINS, z Sec.-Treas, L, I, Dist, No. 6 B 4. Draggist-Optician. Medleine Hat. Feb. 22-w NO DELAY Give us Your Application. See us for Real Estate Snaps. DUGGAN DUGGAN Real Estate; Fourth Ave. The Marshall Hardware ing sold their business,, all payable to Messrs. Marshali office in the Assiniboia Hotel Co., Limited, hay- accounts are now Hunter, at their Block, formerly oceupied by Johnston .Co. Real Estate. if PUT UP IN WHITE COTTON BAGS IN THE FOLLOWING WEIGHTS: 24th, 48iBs,, 98Ibs. Five Roses Flour BRINGS THE RESULTS YOU WANT.. TRY /IT AT OUR RISK TO-DAY. SS .W. Ireland Co, Thists Bmbe day, Friday and fast and abstine In the evenin; vespers continue the Ten Commai Grace, which he God's greatest And Ahab sa said Thus saith the young men provinces. Such was the EEE ES + + ST. JOHN'S + CONGREG AGAINST + ++ . The ballo fast et f Churchzon +h vote. The *s0 far take Advanced on. Modern : Residences THE MARSHALL HARDWARE 6, LIMITED tof instant moment in regard to war portfolio temporarily and use PHONE 527. ART TWEED BLOC her mavel carxemgement for she could 'this occasion for pushing his army re- a ay iL Ed nem not alord in any eventuality to blink organization scheme. Bieieeiieeiieeebeiebieefeliiciee eee inieieieiel- comer - + ae ia against the f 4 ev 4 agninst it -t 3 Gepeee
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Image 322 (1912-02-24), from microfilm reel 322, (CU1738504). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.