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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ath, 1912 Walls lings of BOARD ook better, etter, last Pcost tess 24 INVINCE our PURE IT JUICE -EADER rating. fORS AND DEBS RE WITH YOU AGING YOUR R A BUILDING 156 and- Rey- wart will be ring and show EW SPRING 1 the rooms of STEWARI FEN Binning s Store. shed on ail kinds Paperhangitig eG 8 FF ae eerste PSS So gt; -- --eheteateatectents aE PACIFIC OFFERING Oe EXCEPT- Vancouver, eo SINGLE FARE PLUS 2.00 for the round trip. ION AL es of Sale, Feb, 18th, 14th, Golng transit Mmit, 15 days. Final return mit 8 months, Bor-turther information, apply to any Ce P, RB AGENT, DIAMONDS Our buying Is done direct from Enropean firms, thus saving you the Jobbers profit. 1, A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent Drop in and see our eee. Medicine Hat. Phone 201 or to B. G, MeNEILLIE, G WwW. ELLIOTT District Passenger Agent, gary, Alta, SEWELER AND OPTICIAN eae Calgary, Issuet of Marriage Licenses LIMESTONE PANATORIUM Thatcher and MeLelan, Cleaning and Pressing Work G. L, Dunham's old stand. Corner of Fourth Avenue and Toronto St. per cord deliver- ed at Medicine Hal THE A. P. BURNS CONTRACTING CO. W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER xp CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly-attended to. *Phone-No:-335:- AMERICAE LEAGUE MEBTING Special to News. Chicago, Ill., Feb. 13. The baseball magnates of the American League ar Seabed in Chicago for their anntal schedule meeting tomorrow. Outside of business pertaining to.the schedule, there is said to te nothing of much importance to receive. attention. As the work of the schedule committee has already been inspected and ap- proved-by practically alt-of the club, owners the mesting probably will te SuntSS en the lt;SeUTEEEN AUBERTA MEDICINE HAT. AJ Business Subjects taught. Write or call for partlewlars For. all kinds of Job. Printing try sent First Meeting in Ottawa, Feb. 13 The inyestigation into the question of western fr ight rates opened this morning before the railway commission the time was taken up with outlining the mode of procedure it was decided that another meeting be held next Tuesday when H. W. Whitla counsel for the public Will state what documents and papers: he wants from the railroads. The future schemes will then be named. It is likely that the first important sitting will be held in Montreal and later the commtissnon will hold sit- tings in Winnipeg and through the West. There was a distinguished array of counsel when the case was called, H.-W. Whitla, Winnipeg representat- ive of the Dominion. Government; J: F. Orde, Saskatchewan and Alberta; J: Ohrysler-of Ottawe; EW. Beatty Montreal the Cenditian. Pacific, W. H. hippen ant E Anderson, Winnipeg, the Nortiern When the tase opened Mr. Whitla said he presumed the question af procedure was the only a one to be decided to-day. es It might be advisable since there were three companies to be investi- gated that they take one company at atime. He suggested that the Can- dian Pacific be taken first and that short sittings be held in Montreal to lay the foundation work. He thought this would be the most. expeditious way to proceed. Judge Maybee said that they had already arranged dates for their re- gular spring sittings in the west. Commissioner McLean sald that the st thing to. do-Was to find what was the basis of rates tes for the east and Opens at Ottawa Railway Commission and Great array of Counsel Pre- West O.P.R. Likely First. Montreal and then for the any, justitieal tween eastern and western rates. Mr; Chryster objected to any diseri- mination against the Canadian Paci- fic, They don t Want to be made ap- pear as the obief sinner. They should be placed 6m the same basis. Mr, Whitla suggested that the fin- ancial-standinge--of the companies might have to Be investigated and Biggar, speaking 00 behalf of the Grand Trunk Pacific thought-that it the financial standing had everything to do with the qtedtion then they should all be ingulred into alike. WISCONSIN TELEPHONE CONVENTION (Special to the News) Madlsoh, Wis,, Feb. 14. The annual meeting of the Wisconsin State Tele phone Association began in this city today and will coftinue over tomor- ow. The Wiageeaee workmen's com re Tinos, and the different methods of b nd handling collections lare among the Teading subjects sched- uled for discussion: CHICAGO'S OLDEST CITIEN (Special to the News) Chicago, Ill., Feb. 14. Mrs. Eleanor Hamilton Keenon, who succeeded to the title of Ghicago s Oldest Settler upon the death of Fernando Jones some months ago, celebrated her eigh tieth birthday anniversary today. Mrs, Keenon was born inside old Fort Dear- born and has resided in Chicago all her life except for short periods when west and then to find out if there is Bromo That is USED THE WORLD OVER TO the News Office. a very short ont. Roete teeter we ESTES S OSS T TOSS TOOT at the price-of Lbaee - Mover OR SALE . VATING TEAMING me 260. LAIT feb, 13. Members-ot e Exchange, repre- ) States trom the Car- assembled at the fel today and began vention. The sessions lays and will bo iib- jed with features of a SPECIAL SALE PRICE ... doesent eter are C. A. Long Company s F urniture Stock Fast Melt- You Buy Tables for the Price of Chairs. 1 Spring, with Iron Side Rail: 4 Mattress; Art -Hekig eateaeeateae Se There Is Only One Laxative Bromo Quinine Soeecessees during the civil war. 10 Quinine GURE A GOLD IM ONE DAY. fd Bhe-was-with her HUsbant-at the front . tial financial advis r to the Canadian estetosteeteteteeesteetestosie rete creted Seegeazeegeazesse sioezeatesgespeageeseege age ae ontesoetestesiee eeeees So sheteateate ster) SPSS EHO HLS CANADA But Englishmen want to Send it in Pints, Not in Gallons. SIR T. SKINNER HONORED for Little England. London, Feb) Mi The recent van- Ghet of the Canada Club im honor of the naw Anglo-Canadian baronet, Sir Thomas Skinner, was an clognent tri- bute to Canada s high and almost supreme place here. Rkpresentatives of the foremost banks, financial, houses, sipping concerns and mar- chant firms assembled to honor Can- ada and recognize Sir Thomas Skin ner's untiring afforts for -thirty years to establish r credit and renown here. Load Strathcona, having contracted a chill, was prevented at the last motent ront responding for Canada. The Duke of Argyle would have pre: sided tut for the death of the Duke of Lond Goschen tagged Canadians to Femetiber that dey bh appreciation of Canada s prosperity. It was a deep fecling of gyutual im- Yerial obligations and sutual loyal ty to ideals bold in common. Lord Furness put in a laughing plea for little England in view of Earl Grey's recent prediction that Cqmeda was soon destined to become the sou trolling partner of the British rece. They tell us, be sakl, that Otter wa is to be the great city af the Em pire and Londos q sort of smmiseum of antiquities (Canadian cheers), Well I am an ambitious man and I like to) ghter and cheers), He insisted upon the gmat part English money and eo- terprise was destined to play im the development of oceanic and lake ship- ping, upon the expansion of which Canadian progress must largely de- pend... Sir. Thomas. Skinner. tersely. traced Anglo-Canadian relations from the days when Cabadiun Pacific stock stood below 50, when Canada receiv- ed the bardest knocks here from those of her own household, and ay good word for her could, with the greatest difficulty, be got iuto London four. nals. Mr. Arthur Hawkes, whose immi- gtation mission to England closes to- day, made a humorous speech, em- phasixing the fact that the real em- pirematers who wefe successful were Wife. The institutions reprashnted cluded the London County and West- minster Bank, the Imperial Ottoman Bank, e Snes ees Peet ae ot Boreign Bondlbiders, the Conan the Canadian oathacay the Hudson's Bay Company, the Bank of Montreal, the Canadian Bank of Commer e Royal Bank, the Dossinion Bank, the Union'Bank, the Commercial Cable Company and the Direct West Indies Cable Company. Speeches were made by Lond Gos- chen, Lord Furness and Mr. Alfred Smithers, chairman of the--Grant Prank Me,-Colmer of Coates, Son ii Co, emphasized the astonishing -de- velopment of English confidence in Ganada since the, happy dayi in the Stephen-induced Sit Thomas Skinner to accept the fiscal agency here of the Canadian Pacific, followed as that was by Skinner's efforts as confiden- Government. + Incidentally Mr. Smithers stoutly maintained that Camadian credit would continue here at its present high level despite the Dominion s NORWEGIAN LUTHERANS TO UNITE For Sale Several trios of thoroughbred Partridge Rocks, Either Eng- Meh or American strains, Also some young eockerels. A. J. N. TERRILL, 12 Bsplanede, or at News affiee i W. A. Henderson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS (Bstabished 1882) Winnipeg, Lethbridge, Modleine, math A. EB. Gibson, C. A., Manager. Phone No. 198 Progressive We cater to that class of patrons who - want (GOOD), not (CHEAP) Photos at a fair price. If you will compare our work and prices with that of oth- ers you will understand why this is the most Popular Studio in these parts THE BARTLETT STUDIO, 4th Ave. gt; Company Burns Block Gpecial to the News.) Madison, Wis., Feb. 14. Following HegOUALONT that have been It pro gress for several years, a general eomniittee representing the Ni re Norwegian Lutheran Church of Am- erica met in this city today tb arrange the final details of a plan for uniting the two branches into one organiza- tion. The union will affect nearly half a million Norwegian Lutherans, the most dt them living in Inineis, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Nebraska. mISSOURE BOOSTERS MEET 1 (Special to the News) Sedalia, Mo., Feb. 14 A State im- - migration convention assembled in this city today to plan an aggressive campaign to attract. immigrants and capital to Missouri The convention, which will continue in session two days, is largely attended by State of- ficials, and representatives of numerous com- rallroad immigration agents . Builder Contractor, 708 4th Ave,, Phone 434 J. Jessop Nott Funeral Director and Embalmer Parlors and. Residence, 22 To- Chas. Johnson Funeral Director and Embaimer Parlors at 300 Main St. corner Third Ave. Office 227 Main St., Phone 188. Open Day and Night. evargrowing ntcessities. But we want to give our English You Buy Davenports for the Frice of a Mattress. Soe cteegetns HEALS THE LUNGS: i. 25 CENTS. Hing Away Under the Magic Spell of February Sale Prices 8 Hangings. Get a Kitchen Table at the Price of a Kitchen Chair. Good arithmetic you say. It Doesn t Take Much Money Now. Profits its Absolutelv Disregard Pre nd Stand, Ro 1 Iron Bed, Brass Nob SPECIAL SALE PRICE Remember There sa a 40,000 Stoc : + From Which To Select in This Sale. : Green Denum. Regular price 33. Peogenteieeaioies roetestoesoateste-t Don t Delay A Day Regular Selling Prices Ignored Now. Phe most amazing sacrifices that this elty has ever known affecting fashionable new. Furniture, Every Carpet and Rug below actual Regular Selling Prices. Re o so-4 Re S So- tee oe e RS ee we epcrersese trates aed eessstesedes You Buy Draperies ; Sesosiesessetesieatectesiosiociesteciesteieeiesieiosiees ee are Seats 4 Sef lt; oad 1 Quarter Oak Di 1 All Brass Bed 4ADiamond Wire Spring 4 6 1 Ostemoor Matress 4 6 .. SPECIAL SALE PRICE .. kK of The Best For The Na BED-ROOM SET. reser .. .. 2 inch posts 46. 83.50 25.00 5.50 15.00 Complete Price Reductions on Everything in Eyery Department 4 Kindel Davenport Beds, opens wifh one motion, oo. Special Sale Price 24.75 aD A Furniture Sale Wituout An Equal upho 6 -Onlp Istered in lar Trice 9.50... LookK -READ BUY a2 Dozen Square Window Shades. .- 0c. Cc. A. LONG AND COMPANY 22 os; Furniture Dealers, News Block. + Opposite the Post Office. nodieate afeegetehis eopgooees Srrermeorerrorrrerigoseos rateeteatoate ee Splendid value at : Sale Price 35c. ese Medicine Hat, Alta 1 Quarter Oak Buffet 1 Quarter Oak China 1 Quarter Oak Pedestial Table 1 Quarter Oak Set of 6 Diners 79,00 63.75 SPECIAL SALE PRICE -- The Most Stirring, Energetic Occasion Ever in Medicine Hat Extension Tables, Elm, Golden Finish. Regu - Sale Price 7.25 Hustle Rown Profits Absolutely Disregarded Exeellence and Desi always Favored by Diserimin and always Agsuring Fullest 9069096488004 Leaberesedtieteeteeteceeetetoetedodedd Seeder hPL Pr perp ae CoP SSO S OTST TES. well-known the very Merchandise irability ef the Home Mer- ating Medicine Hat Women Satisinc tion. CROSSLEY BROS: oa
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Image 249 (1912-02-14), from microfilm reel 249, (CU1738493). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.