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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Thursday, Febraary Sth, 1918 MEDICINE HAE palLy NEWS a : : bility under w: ei Medicine Mat News . worth over 105,000.00. WACTED AWAY Tlawfet eveniug at its oftice, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alte tion Mr. ewart has been invited to act - 5 i in respect of more than t that value, 10 A dv Ju: Ne TRRBILL, Ector: mons vither as sole trustee or co-trustee. Ue . j ives 12 yea d Reportorhd, and i nee aa uy News Dept 1 prope iASZPOV OU and Ceilings of BEAVER BOARD THEY look better, wear etter, last Advertiaing Will thus ultimately have either wholly-or Cireulation a artially in his eare no less than 320,000,- Job Depts. (00, and it is certain that the department Addresses change as often as desired, but both now and Constipation, and at times I had no does not crack, chp piss Among those who have named him as co- * RING 2 t : : , Hutt, Qua. Dec. 24th, 1910; E - ) 1g Bixe Pe ate auescusetion Raves 13 will continue-to expand. It is a tribute to for the past, bvelve att bad longer, and cost less a pias, dettvered,...84.00 3 year:by mall. .sao0 the confidence in the public trustee that Fi'Starch 1908, I suffered such tortures than-lath, plaster and op Hs ree (LEE chert 00 mouths, by matt.... 160/the proportion of cases where he has been tht was compelled to soy OP wall-paper. aS resses 3 months, delivered. . 1.00 3 months, by mafl..... c/requested to act as sole administrator is Pate caused the most egonizin in - BEA Bi 1 month, delivered....350 about seventy-five per cent. of the whole, . y.stomach. Talso had attack VER BOARD movement of the bowels for two weeks, ms ole. aikievenee Treat De eriee trustee is the late Sir George Lewis, the j Sane: 7 HAVE ARRIVED WEEKLY NEWS. famous London solicitor, e BEAVER BOARD Our buying is d ee every Thureday tn eixteen or more pages, and/ Established primariiy for the purpose of iR nei keeps out heat and cold, European firms, smiay a ie naar the: gh rorithe cheap and reliable administration d . deadens sound, and re- the jobbers pref - 7 : R - ose a8 Il estates, advantage has been taken j : cds fire. ot y-ndvance 76e- 3-months,-tn-advance.fde , u z ards 3 Phese-are worthy-of -your j: mee rsa nee uF the act by many persons of large means BEAVER BOARD dint . c : 1 es 1 the average value of the estates committed VAs. ickly and easily put inspection. Just a little Thursday, February 8th, 1912 to his charge being 40,000. He is also j ae bee handy G. W. El z a charged with the oversight of 1300 minor : with tools, JEWELER 4 Aisa better than ever children and for this part of the work he 3 lt; Teevet of Mart has two: ladies as assistants. Experience * Wected by the inion 22S Shown that the advice given to widows TATISTICS collected by tiie Dominion d.phildventer two eausaled aud practical show that during Labor Department r N oe past vear 28.912 workmen wi women has been of the - greatest possible Watch for Em- ; the past year 28,912 workmen wer en ied: TAS bonsbadense at the pteiking - gaged in strikes, and. that the aggregate th in the last fo age i gt; ne i ur years, the govern- time lost was 2,018,740 days. If we esti- ont offiee of works has acquired a site in mate this apparently jost time at its wage O ra i lt; : ingsway and is now considering plans for + Guara U rol u y JTC value of 2, 2.50 or 3 per day it makes a public trustee office to ecchummadate the - formidable sum, sufficient in itself to entail/5,)) manihete oats which i yaa G. L. Dunhat us commercial and financial disturb- ) 40 doubled. befo ser lee builded Corner. of Fou ances. If we estimate the idle time accord- PES. BAG HEN DUR OIBE Das Toron ling-to the value of the workers normal pro- duction, averaging, according to the most eareful economic calculations, about 10 per day, the apparent loss assumes start- ling Proportions. An pmense. jolume of wealth, aggregating about 20,000,000, 105 of operation a the fact that Turn inelani would have been brought into existence by : 3 Pe ee gt; over a new leaf and use Vineland the labor voluntarily or siteutionaly a St ee Senne pele BROKE CHILD ANKLES held. Apparently the Dominion has suff- eas ered a loss approaching the cost of a small JUST A LITTLE FUN. T0 MAKE I ACROBAT war. Such estimates are frequently made Cin innats, Feb. 822siamane. Bock: Sati Have you got a fireless cooker? by statisticans, but none attempt to explain) , you ere ty officers he Atneased a private why such things generally Pailv e tea No, but I ve got a cookeless fire. Bal- Sotsemante dig: aiven Gea ee Fruits in gine rhe guality is the best, even a ripple on the surface in a country, s timore American. year-old boy whoserankles and wrists the price the lowest. finances or commerce. The storm that; cos See eee Ne he was teo/ LIME FRUIT JUICE - seems sufficient to disorganize all things is nize acrobat and wrestler. The youngster is the Best. merely local and personal in its effects. An is the son of R. G. Noef, a Greek, who - Imp, Pints .. explanation must be found in the fact that tee, the publie trustee office is not a mono- poly, but a voluntary institution and has therefore to be worked on strict: business lines. -3fhis is probably on of the reasons for SOLE AGENTS. One Trial WILL CONVINCE you that our PURE : Mrs. Flatt Alice cannot seem to master that diffieult piece of music. She s been trying all afternoon. a RCE Z SPECIAL 3 Imperial Jelly Powders and - claims that le was a student of phy- Sa ee eee 5 : 4 the oowt of a alx the loss through involuntary idleness, now , Mrs: Nexdore- Yes. Indeed, she has Sie onthe nad Imp. Quarts ..... T5e. Bites weet 2 been. Boston Transcript. 1 Glass dish for 25c, described by the modern unemployment, broken the wrists and ankles of his 'Pingle s Drag and a is so vast every year that an addition of a Sg Oa son when he was ten days old, and LIZZ. 5 few million: seareely preceptible.. In THIS IS MY 66th BIRTHDAY a month tater began training the baby Book Store ac ons me 4 ized and George R, Parkin. for an athletic career. In his per- MEDICD most occupations there is a recognized and : Se nialt this Naat ontsd dai a 7 ; ; ea waste. thr I i - lt;a iehe obabee AD Braaisiewe Sable Elesveteg waste Guoueh Dot ime SFO George B, Pasa, dntingunhed Can- fuser sateen ea Se startling aggregate, but it is accepted a: dian journalist and educator and arganiz- 5, yenaing backward, with hands and one of the penalties of established cond eae of the Rhodes Schollar- ect on the floor in a wrestler s bridge mie rust, was horn in Salisbury,New. a oaslty: siipportea.160-pounds fo - WwW. ne Ty muoreha transfer this expect. Brunswick, February 8, 1846, Affer gra- on bie thet i 0 sonra POU STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 54. ed waste or loss from one season to another. duating from the University of New Bruns- use ee Noere plea of F Ee : The men who throw down their tools one * he went to Ox ford University, Eng- geveloping the child, bat exacted a aie Decorating. or lt; Selene init eink oo ould have had to lay them away at /2nd, for a course in classics and history. promise that no public exhibition metorons AED fe another. * * Upon his return to Canada he became prin- would be given by the boy for at least). 7 2, ys RIGURE WITH YOU Sereral I eso :. . 3 se i - 3 Spceedeospsee pete ete ete eens i ete 5 cipal of the Collegiate Institute at Fredric- itive years. BEFORE - PLACING . SRee enn popeseooeeeeceoeoeees The great economic waste of unemploy- Wen end later of Tope Canada College at; CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING Eh ee os ment is not so much on account of the men oronto, The latter position he resigned 1000 MEN TO START ESTIMATES FREE. AN who stand idle voluntarily or involuntarily, as on account of the men who are only half -/employed. The -pressure for work that characterizes organized society keeps a few in 1902 to become identified with the Rho- ON H.B. RY. SUB fe ee 812 Beplanade, des Scholarship. Trust. Dr. Parkin is an CONTRACT MAY 1 eee Sehbebeie ardent Imperiajjst. He has written seve- Gp ral books on th subject of imperial feder- (CW. A. P. Dispatch.) whee eieeiemieieiieeieieb Ww. A. H SPECIAL VALUES a a : willing men idle at all times, but it keeps iipicandteome years ret iy i age ; ago he visited all of winnipeg, Man., Feb. 8 One thous- IN C EY L 0 N T E A : an unrecorded multitude in positions which tye principal aoleaiee ofan e British Empire and Se 1 shop canbe got, + Now Is the, time to see about Cor afford scope for only:'a part of their pro- in the interest of the movement will be put to Worl on May Ist by Mc- * FHA T- ROOM YOU -ARE UHARTERED AC 3 ductive capacity. In brisk times there ee : Mili Bros. oo thelr mbeontract oo GOING TO HAVE AUDI BROWN PEKOE regular 40 cents per may be, for example, a seareity of carpen- : . the Hudson Bay Railway, ex' 2 ae Sie pound, 4 pounds for one dollar. ters. Work a postponed from day. to day CONGRATULATIONS TO: pen cae ate Paper ed oa : because skilled men cannot obtained. + . the Jetion of this section by the Just phone 156 and Rey- , Lethbri EXTRA CHOICE- GOLDEN. PEKOE But let a-strike or other disturbance cpen Soar Sir Architiald) Lucius; Douglass to of 1912, but Alex McMillan hazd- .f. holds Stewart vill Bo whine : 3 x ie eee A .N,, a native of Canada who has given dis- ill -be finished by that pfeased to bring and show A. EB. Gibson, c 50 cents per pound, 3 pounds an opportunity for permanent work, and tinguished services to the British Navy, 70 ice therm ts no question, however, *f, ZOU, thelr, NEW. SPRING Phone No, 198 forone dollar, a 3 boxes of tools are brought forth from many years old to-day. oe a oa a ReIernG eae WALL PAPER (samploe i 2 O55 E Se ee unsuspected cena veers tote Rush Rees, president of the University contractors filtted out a party to-day on one SF all: the Yooustar Fe ing permanent jobs as stret car onductors, of 52 d i to start the cutting out of the right ar house. ss Hi. F MO R R Oo Ww 3 janitors, or messengers improve the more oh eater 92 ee Mead. TT otrey, Sneaks: reparations fer REYNOLDS STEWART Prosr Phone 177. North Railway Street. 4 tempting opportunity. Though these men retired, 67 years old to-day. 7 Eee fe ee eiatnalts Te ; ' We eater to that c were not formerly regarded as unemploy- 7 Soren sil ik ste ced icra A oe, eae oe seh (cone pee See ed, they were only half employed. - When hove new and will be got to the pass of Painting Paperhanging at etait Brice, POTS HORS e 4 THIS DATE IN HISTORY roniwe: Sh - our work and pric they might have- earned they earned February 8. fag soon ad possible for distribution t1 ese ct rear tatatntatntatad ers you will unde 1.50. When they might have produced : Tyo. while the winter holds. is the most Popular eegoteets ee OEE oe ; : gna rar BANK OF GANADA 2.702 Paes one 5. They were 1587 Mary Quen of Scots beheaded. Born , : gH BARTLETT THE ROYAL swelling the vast smotnt Oe pupeployme Dee. 7, 1542 COLORADO REP UEEE ATS: pe . 3 Incornupoted 1900 that makes the loss of a few millions 4g99G n, William T. She born an R. B. Taylor s A oe ee through a strike a negligible matter. Mansficld. 0. 2 Died a8 New Works, ee ian yv This Branch conducts a special de- A prominent financier stated- recently Feb. 14, 1891. B Dalene Golo web BeNext Mons T f r SAVINGS partment for Savings Accounts, In that in the staff of which he was the head 1826 Jules Verne, famous French writer day will be a notable day for Colorado fa ns e which deposits may be made Wi there were half a dozen men able to take his on romances, born. Oied March 24, Republicans, if plans now completed - re worerss; Ieee Bold patty place. These men must be regarded as 1905. i i 7) ae successfully carried out. A big - Light and Heavy Draying. carrent rath: MEDICINE. HAT BRANCH half employed. heir lack of opportunity 1843 The town of Point a Pitre, Guiada- ere sane ene the: copestation Saraaht, Attention Wall orders: Fourth Avenne. C, H, MeDunnongh, Manager. represents only an economic loss similar to lope, entirely destroyed by an earth- ts that peace will be restored among Pareeiy Delivered. Losteahertedtesertestnates sfestestritetentres-etesteeteeedesy that entailed by the foreing ofa skilled me- quake: the rival factions in which the party 'PHONE NO. 349. shanie to work-at inskitted Jabor Hr-all 4847 Gen. Kearney proclaimed the annex- i tls State bas been so long divided. ; 7 occupations the same pressure has the same ation of California to the United poco dene y mere pcg en se . ane pi restricting influence. The belief that States., cy sean teunes and itercnstyes, allla a Govt met. THE MERCH ANTS B ANK there is plenty of room-at-the top is a mis- 1849 The Roman National Assembly div- have been invited to join in the con- H ouse Mover te uh - chievious-delusion. 'The men eapable of ested, the Pope. of all temporal power, ference, and the Republican editors * e z Pe OF CANADA - x greater usefulness at the top are clinging to and adopted a republican form of gov- . fe Se wilt Lee en masse SAND FOR SALE r the middle rungs of the ladder, so that only) ernment, Biaiy SORBIGAE SWEENseet fo. the EXCAVATING , J. Jess i A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED at the bottom is a.small fraction of the en- 1861 United-States arsenal at Little Rock forenoon to fix upon the time and HEAVY TEAMING a ie Special attention given to the business of Ranchers and forced idleness available for statistical re- seized by the Arkansas authorities. place for holding the State convention. CONCRETE WORK. Ff Parloie and Ee varaets, cords. When the real loss through the 1862 Gen. Brunside s joint naval and mil- the evening Lincoln Day ban 'Phone 260. ronte - Bevings Denk Department esi rene pressure that causes unemployment is ade- itary expedition against North Caro- si saatiash Se tadhane oa cas eee? i ene mes ez MEDICINE HAT BRANCH W. 0. JOY, MANAGER. quately estimated the lack of apparent re- lina engaged in the-battle of Roanoke speaker. ae J J L A I T aati . sults from the millions lost in strikes is Island. s foie tea pe s . more readily understood. Toronto Globe. 1870 Prince Arthur (Dtike of Connaught) Mr. J. B. Howson s wholesal and 116 MONTREAL STREET z Chas. a BRITAIN S PUBLI i TRUSTEE attended the funeral of George Pea- Oy dot pote Ret pets ee ae rune int 3 'AIN ia Portland, Me. : Parlors at 300'Main *PHONE HOLLINGER-ANDERSO N i Loft ef 112 at ot oan Govatnoi General of OE ee Pa earl Ee Patterson Co. ; conta es AST year s report of the public trustee - India, assassinated at Port Blair. Born aneral Directors and : 66 T ran sf er Cc oO. GL office of the United Kingdom shows a in Dublin, Feb. o igo. rake Lakavtoe f nedMG can e eee Monn suis ees i apid . LIGHT and HEAVY remarkably rapid increase in the work 1887 Sir Alexander Campbell appointed Tablets. Druggists retund pias 30) Tereto Se, (eee W.R:-SI Piano Moving easonable DRAYING of the department. Established only four Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. Sails Socore: Oe Y SROVES nese CARPENTER A Specialty liable 361 Toronto Street f years ago, it has advanced by leaps and/1898*President Barrios: of Guatemala as- atic ha cae bounds until to-day the public trustee has , sassinated. Subseribe NOW for The Daily News Subseribe NOW for The Daily News, Repairs prom 4 *Phoo
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Image 208 (1912-02-08), from microfilm reel 208, (CU1738491). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.