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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Must be pril 5th. remises. treet E CO, LIB. 5 Supplies. Specialty. licine Hat . . 2,500,000. ITED postions for NCE nce, facilities other Comp- Hail Insur- ppard f Alberta, JAW, SASK. ARE - OFFERING . EXCEPT- IONAL VALUESIN Gaseonetg zest comune Tights week, at the SOUTHERN ALBRETA Ush or American strains. Also some. young cockerels, : AJ.N. TERRILL, 812 Esplanade, oF at News office Would You be Pleased Probably the most convincing argu- ment that we can present fs that we submit proofs of your Portraits up- tl you are satisfied that your likeness ig both pleasing and correct. - The quality of our Portraits is evi- enced by the fact that we have an ever increasing patronage. THE BARTLETT STUDIO Fourth Ave.. Sieg Saar -OMTREAL WHE, CANADA'S BEST . METROPOLITAN. AND. NATIONAL NEWSPAPER os a ae The Dally Witness on trial .. 1.00 TT eelagesete, three dollars. homes neither edition has been -feguiarly for at Teas sretaeee hae beat Wonderfully Enlarged and Improved Tteveiroulation is boing doubled, and is the most popular paper among. church-going people. Its -ubseribers love it, MAKE IT YOUR CHOICE FOR 1912 At the above ee Campaign And tell your friends about this of- tot, Thay wotila also enjoy it. pense ap ase stould,elthor, be accompanied by thie advertisement or'the paper in which you saw the abhouncem nt must ne Who sending the subscription. HN DOUGALL SON, Publish- aoe: MELN., Witness Block, s CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. A Dickinson Phone 689. House Plans Furnished. Estimates on Concrete Walks and Walls. STAPLEFORD PROCTOR. + CONTRACTORS For all kinds of Brick, Stone, Cement Work and Il PHONE 539. BOX 394 Large Collection of Liquor ete by Ding men cials Reposes in Government uline: Depart ment has almost Completely Wiped Out Illicit Li- ; mae blind pigs operating than ever before. The elorts of the Heense department are being ably supported by the bet: mndiately previous to the departure of the Terr and men of the navy fonming her crow the Terra Nova set out brayely from the West India dock on Wednesday al ternoon on her voyage to the South Pule and back. Tt was happy inspiration of Cap tain Scott s which emibled is ship to weat the white ensign of the mavy, jwbich has led the way of civilization, o the adventurous comers of tim sign, Nova squaziton registration Captain the flag which to the officers ond men - jol the ship'a company stands for the , nign and. symbol of triumph. 4 Jn recogmition of the part which Ad. miral C, Bridgeman bas taken oat ion Lady Bridgeman waa javited to perfotm the inspiring little reremsony of breaking out the flag. The ship was thtonged with ca a ott cow oad te fea nf the enterprise, Job Work Attended to. FOR SALE Captain Scott petseicend ble ee officers and men aft. A little group of distinguished visitors Sir Clements Marldigt, Mra. S ott, Captain Bart- lett, Sic. George Reid and others gar thered round, bat i was chiefly to ds) crew that, in gifew words, the captais spoke .of how much the flag under Sebich they had teen-so prowd: 0, Sail meant to them all. Lady Bridgeman hauled on the attached lise, the white Demblen of British naval, achievement broke of its folds to the sunshine fand the bemze and was gtected with pinging cheers. Punctuitly at five aidock Cap: tain Evans, who is commpnding the wigel on er ange owt. to Now Zee: x commander cptood upon a Beidge have isa oederc 1 the Terra Nova was warped jet finto the middle of thie dock, whera (ing tug took bet im tow. Cheers crowds side W. A. Henderson co of Som ee wakes tia Company AUDITORS (Established 1882) Winnipeg, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat hs B Glbngny C. Ay Maung er. OORS KE WAL iF. Abeautital illus clare ond Photographs, OMAN me and 3 The Terra Nova will stop four days ab Portmonth for her compaases to be adjusted, and to take otf boand the scieertifig: instraments. The public wif parr nas ial is a al Aaa McPHERSO BROS., Medicine Hat, it is mot intomicating, which should lead Southward Ho in the Terra Nova Re-told Story of the Departure from London of Capt. Scott s British Antarctic Expedition The Expedition is Daily Expectedto Return With Good News. 3 Scott gained the right to sail under y in obtaining the royal: yacht squad-/; master of ae only ailows 2 perjcert. of the alcohol in drinks which are sold as non-imtoxh cant. In future the onus will be upon the seller of Wigner to prove that it to greater cure being exercised by trose HO Hiqtor which purports: to be a nt, as well as sa ving the province considerable sum jby means of Bomers, It will be exeetly, discovered Sea eoenen ore rome moment to navigators to be settled,end the poles dre the surest Magnetic observations will therelore: be compared with those of previous expeditions, so-that the changes will give the British Admiralty precise data for the magnetic charts of the in Jew costs, the vessel. 1 Cardi spilt bo Avie she sila eusign at het geok alter which tie ship sell ail for 27 iat, is to-atudy the caone ot the at deria and coal there. She will also tous at Capetown and at either Syd- ney oF Melbourne: A fout weeks stop be made in New Zealand for provisioning. Here also 190 Samoyedes, or sleigh: dogs, Captain Scott ci bia plane for his dash to the South Pole tetore a tetwerde cn eustern Party of six or seven menuat King Edward's Land. Th April the ship, alter further ex- ploration gad a visi6 to New Gealand first phase je doobtiul. Probably, is Sir Ernest Shackleton found, only men will baidbic to traverse the pase ses and th platcan beyond. (December 99. seid Captinin Soot would be an ideal dan on which to oceans which they issue two or three years ahead. Dr. E.-A. Wilson, ths chief of the scientific staff, an old shipmate of Captain Scott, will act as director, zoologist, end artist. Mr. Griffith Taylor, the geologist, will examine all the rocks end stones be cam find. The two biologists, Mr. E. W. Nelson and Mr. D. G. Tillie, will record ail that is to be discovered of the life of those rom The Tedidon Daily Mail, im- be given aiopgyrtunity of inspecting Jonely seas and ica packs Mr. Lillie from the ship end Mr. Nelson from mosphere, the chemical composition of the sea, and the structure of the ice. Bach officer will take with him bis own skeiging flag, and will plant it at the farthest point south he reaches. These fiags are broad pennants of uni- Horm pattern, desigsed by. Sir Clem- nts Markham. On the-mast tmlf is ; Fed St. George's cross, on a white 1 colors, alsd on a white field. Three of the officers have been chem- pion boxers fm the navy. Hight thous nd applications to joi the crew were reqeived, amd most of the men selected are firsttlass petty officers from. naval depots t Portsmouth and Chat ham. Captain Scott, replying to, the toast of his liqglth at farewell luncheon gi ven by the Royal Geographical Socie- ty et the Holborn Restaurant on Tuesday, seid: ou lanwiety, and hard work of the on ial oe ae and equipment such a5 have never been excelled in wny' past expedition. I can- not tell you how satislactory it is to see the Terra Nove lying beside the dock with everything on board that is neccesary. I have tried to make this expedi- tion an empire expedition. We buve totlelt out Canada, for Mx. Wright, at my side, is native of Toronto. We have others from Australi and others from New Zeeland. I think we have collected a very represetitativd gathering. of the men of our sact. Relerriaig to the finances of the pedition, Captain Scott ae reach the Pole. whim the sun rewshes 'h ot there was still y shortage, ximpm altitude. Special theo- icted. With them it willbe possible to determine the existense of he Pole to within one mille. Om. hat day the sum rill describe eltic at exactly tha same where altitude round th Pote. * Captain Seat save a dencriptiont the sclentists'who accompany hie. He has drawn his assistants from the navy, the afthy. the Indian public service, Camifa. Austria and New Zealand. Tf the Pole is reached the whole empingeei' hats the ory. of officer: On 2s on school xt Pregemonth. eutenant Johnston, of the ea th shortage would not. eal equipment of the expedition, but and tie shoves 1 tone seater for pride During -the signing on of the officers and crew of the Terra Nove, sald Lieut. Evans, referring to the spirit emomg those who were sailing, tbe first officer was asked What pay? (A hiilling q, tionth, he answered. Every member of the crew would have Signed on for nothing at all. We are all, * be added, as keen os any mes ever were. Wlare are tciguetic: soccote st ox places at which to determine them. .4 Royal Crown Soap, regular 25c, per carton. Cash price 2 for lt;6e, 4 field; on the pennant half are the ad aE Abe in Pa Cash price 6 for 26 cab. Sag ais aden iore 18 oars ade AN we ask Is: That you pay Cash for your supplies. Coffer, finest Mocha and Java. nee ae Gorn and Wax Beans, regular 2 for Peas, regular 15 per can. nil G68 4 shan tO bones Peaches, large 8 TM. cans, regular 35c per can. Chsh price Me or 285 per dozen cans. Peaches, 2 cans. regular 25 per can. Cash price 2 for 350, oF 1.86 per dozen cans. Cherries, large 3 Tb. cans, regular 36c, Cash price 250 per can, 2.85- per' dozen cans. apricots, large 3 Tb Cans. Regular 35c.. Cash price 26 , oF 2.85 per dozen cans. Lombard Plims, 2 Ib cans, regular 20c. Cash price, 2 or 1.40 per dozen cans. eo Blueberries, 2 Tb Cans, regular 20c. Cash price 16 or 7 for 1.00. Strawberries, 2 cans, Regular 25c., Cash-price 20. Pears (Bartlett -2m cans, regular 26c. Cash price 20c. Juris (Cairns) large 7 1D tins, pure jam. strawberty and Tasp- berry. Regular 1.25. Cash price 1.00 per can. : Jams (Buchanans) 5 Ib tins, strawberry, raspberry, and black currant. Regular 85e per can, Cash price 75 cents. Marmalade, 5 Ib tins, Regular 7c. Cash price 65c. Syrup, Edwardsburg, 20 1 pails, regular 1.60. Cash price 1.26. 3, -Syrup (Edwardsburg) 10 pails, regular 16e. Cash price 650. S syrup, Lyles, 2 1, cans, regular 26c. Cash price 2 fer 45c. ape eee regular 12 i-Ze per Tb, Cash price.5 Ibs. for for 260, Cooking es regular 10c per Ib. Cash price 3 tbs for 2c. Soup Tablets, all flavors. regular 5c. Cash price 6 for 25c. Muple Syrup, quarts, regular 60c. Cash price 45 per tin. Maple Syrup, balt gallons, regular 1.00. Cash price 86e-per can- Royal Crown Dutoh Cleanser, reguiar ide. Cash price 3 for 35e- Castille Soap,1tb-bars,regular25c. Cash price,-2 for 3ie- cents, or 580 per Case, 144 bare. Swifts White Laundry Soap, regular 4 for 25 , Sunlight Soap and-Litebuoy Scap, 20 bare for 1:00/ Jelly Powders, McLaren's, 3 packages for 26c. or Soc. ant Free with every 3 Packets.) Dustbane, Sanitory Sweeping Compound, farge. tins, ash price 35 cents per tin. Velvet Gloas Boot Blacking, reg. 26 . bottles. Cash price Corn-on the Cob, large gallon tins, regular 60c. Cloyer Honey (Pure) 2,1. ting, regular 40c. C Clover Honey (Pure) 3 Ib. tins, regular 60c. Cash Clover Honey (pure) 5 tb. tins, regular 2.00. Malta Vita, Post Tonsties, and Corn Flakes, 11 for 1.00. St. Charles-Cream, regular 12 1-26: Cash price: 4 6a Sardines, crossed fish, regular 20: per can. ST for 1.00, Sardines, Seabird Brand, regular 15 . Cash price 2) Sardines, Brunswick ae pm Bracknelia Club Sauce, regular ae. Cash eu Macaroni gnd Vermicelll, 2 packages te eee Baking der, Alberta's Best, 16 price 2-for-35e - fee, 1 Tb tins, regular Gc per can. Cash price 2 tor cents: Worcestershire Sauce. regular 200 per bottle. ianaten Btephame Pickls.Chow.snd Mixed: Extra large bottles, 40 cents. Cash price 35 or 2 for 650. White's Pickles, Mixed and Chow. Large bottles, regular 36 cts. Cash price 25c, Oranges, nice and sweet, regular 50c per dosen. Cash pri e 40s nice and sweet. Regular 40c per dozen. Saie price 30c. f Haddie, tins. Reg. aor 360. Cash price 16c a tin. bed Hi z2. tin .2 fox 26c. Cash price 15.8 tin, 4 Pp Ponk-aud Wends; vonular Be. Cash price 2002 can. p's Pork and Beans, regular 15c. a can. Cash price? for 25. pee 3b. eee ne the Hardest, wae Teguiar cate D Flakes for washing fanneli, ot0.. ibe por faice ess, strictly fresh, 35 cents per dozen. Canned Chicken, 45 per large cam. - nd Beans, 8 Ib. cans, regular 26c. Cash price 2 cans for st Bacon, sliced by machinery, 306 per Ib or 2 Ibs for Boats. Wash. Mat. 018s pom Opened in Seattle thls morning for what-1s reearded as the most tm- portant municipal -election held here fa years, Interest conters almost -in the mayoralty content be- tween Hiram C. AIM, tohmer mayors and. George -F. Cotterill, the sing tax ti The aari Indications point to the election of Gill, who con- ae + Tentenant Powrs, in change of stores. Dr Wilson, chef of the stlentific ducted his campaign under an. open: town slogn: ie MORROW : oie 177. NORTH RAILWAY ST.. News Want Ads: oy et Em.
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Image 372 (1912-03-05), from microfilm reel 372, (CU1738495). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.