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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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uns 18, 1912. wmiag sod become ials Popular. om choice or neces es selects most care- r these gowns, The much less trimming equently it is well ore a yard for them, robes well adapted ut are not too hope- . Then a careful Red) RS Ria Gown. embroidery of paame- irded. by x mow of ce quite within the income. There are y chooes trom, ea n and texture, and eae toany yards bo ar mogols of to-day. als like cloth, serge e quantity is almost jose are of double must not be omit- it is extrem. bh plain and figured. of another color or name. onen. od Ww Anmume, aly lately it n color Tuesday, June 18, 1912. story of impoverished blood vervo of some kidney trouble. made without cost anc work of the staif of ph: the direction of symptoms. An it the blood and nervous force is used without the use of alcohol, such Dr. Pierce s Golden stores the lost appetite, mules assi purifies and enriches the bipod. nd restorative neryo tonic. A Drop of Blood Or little water from the human system whea thoroughly tested by the chief chemist at Dr. Pierce's Invalida Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Such examinations are oaly a small part of the yaiciant and surgeons under. d Dr. R. V. Pierce giving the best m dical advice possible without cost to those who wish to write and make a full starement of itation of natures method of restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment (lyceric extract of roots, Which mak s the stomach strong, promotes the flor siemils It is It makes mea strong in body, active im mind f what you ask for Over Land Made tells the haustion when yor Medical Discovery Cordova, Alaska, Juno 17, Wire-) Jess messages received today from the revenue cutter, Manning, in Ko- diak harbor and from. the Alaska Packers Association's tions at Kariuk, Chignik and Nak ot digestive juices, re- wvigorates the liver and jood-maker, flesh-builder n perfect, e great CONTRACTORS THE REVELSTOKE Yard, North Railway. opofeteLeoLmietetede WHALE. SLAUGHTER BREAKING RECORDS Three Hundred and Nine- teen Caught By .- Vessels Operating at Four Sta- tions. BIGGEST 1 NINETY FEET Stray Mammal Unintention- ally Visits Whaling Sta- tion, But.Escapes. Vancouver, June 16 Unaware of the danger, a fiuge whale entered the. whaling station at Rose Hargor and swam alongside the dock a few days ago, according to Captain Shadforth, of the Canadian North Pacific Fish- eries company s steamer Gray, which has just returned to Victoria with cargo of Whale of. The mammal a- roused the attention of the hands em- ployed at the station-by. its. heaw. plowing and the Whaling steamer William Grant, which had been made fast, was sent in chase of the huge creature. Seesiete ne deotoetoaeeoioete Don't close a deal for your Fir Finish without first inspecting our stock, Its thoroughly ary and all sanded, and will save you hours of work usually spent on cleaning. We have a full stock of heavy coast Fir. Joists, good straight dimension, and everything else required by the builder. HEADQUARTERS FOR CEMENT AND PLASTER. ee ee eeeeeeESE Fopepoperepepererereterereteterere OFC OFeFete Oem nek said that there has been no re OLOLe here hOrOFe ere Tererererere Po-rebererem port of note on the islind. the greatest danger existed, if any Ipeople of that section survived the exuption. Captain Kerland W. Perry, of the Manning, reported no more eruptions have ocourred and the air is slowly clearing of the smoke and ash, the returning light revealing in greater degree the real horrors and devasta- tion wrought by the outburst of the firey mountain. The refugees who were aboard: the Manning have regained a certain amount of confidence with the return of normal conditions in the air and are leaving the ship-to endeavor to reach their former homes, which lie im ritins. The people on the island have found it difficult to make their way about, the ash being from twenty to thirty feet deep. a No word has been received from the settlements on .the mainland at 1 3 the foot of Katmai volcano, where AAW GD. UT Street. : : Phone 59 To ThSa LMPOLELO LOOT OTOL: The mammal scented danger, and abandoned its search for food, head- ed for the open water, with the steam- er in chase, The Grant was soon within firing distance and the. gunner placed a harpoon in the huge gun and pulled the trigger. The whale dove Nearly all the houses are in ruins Juntos the gun was fired and escap-;20d those that withstood the at- td. The boat was unable to get with tack of the hail of ash and stones in firing distance again, and the levia- are uninhabitable because of the fine than is now headed for the open sea, silt which drifted through every cre- with a firm intention of steering clear vice, making useless the stores of of all coast-harbors food and clothing. The whales are running well, ac- The wharf at Kodiak, at which the cording to reports and it is expected Manning has been lying was kept rea- that the catches will be greatly aug-'sonably clear of ash by constant mented during the next few weeks. playing of the cutter s fire hose Captain Shadforth reports the Sec- Only a small place was cleared and hart station as having the largest ithe rocks are virtually impapsable catch, the number of whales taken by boats operating out of that port being 4. one hundred, Naden Harbor has a record of ninety-seven, Kyuquot has return to port without taking one or . two whales, in tow. The largest whale ,. cae (Moon dusing the season. yas caught Action to Be Taken Shortly SC reuquot, the leviathan being al By Pest-Office Depart- sulphur bottom ninety feet in length. ment. a seventy-five and Rose Harbor forty- seven, the total catch for the season among the stations being three hun- dred and nineteen mammals. The Tittte whating steamers never) Subscribe NOW. for The Daily News. Seasoned eerrteteeeeey Ottawa, June 17. The postoffice department. has decided to improve the rural mail delivery service of Canada within the next few months, to. the extent of providing farmers with all the facilities for transacting LARGE STOCK OF pregectectededeeees SOLE AGENTS FOR + Western Canada Lumber Co.Ltd. 3 Dry Common Lumber, Fir and Cedar Finish, Fir and Cedar Doors; Fir, Maple, and Oak Flooring. general postoffice business. When the courier drives up to the mail box in front of the farmer s home, he will be prepared to sell stamps, issue pos- tal notes or money orders and accept Jetters for registration. If the pro- posed new system works out success- il no longer be necessary for the farmer to visit the postoftice Water- Kodiak Island Populace Seeking What Were Homes Fury of Volcanos Having Spent Itself, the Atmosphere Clears, Allowing Revenue Cutters to Search Fishing Camps for Survivors Cannery Operations Com- g Sus d for Lack of Water. fishing sta- ak, which was stocked with o lange in some places Small relief boats sent to Afognak MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Desolate The problem: off feeding the desti- rute people is a serious onc. Efforts fare being made to reach the govern ment experimental farm near Kodi- puantity of stores, which if found in fit condition will be used for food. Phe only water the People of Kodi- ak are using is thatdistilled from sea water, all other Supplies being useless because of pollution. At the fishing stations of Karluk, Chignik and Naknek no loss of life occurred, but the damage of falling ush was great. It is feared.that the fisting season at all stations affected by the ash will be a complete failure because of the pollited water, lire quantities of pure water being mecessary to pre- pare the salmon for eanning. otal darknegs covered the entire section about the canneries for near ly forty hours. No game has been Seea on Kodiak island since the eruption began, and it is probable that much animal life was discovered. Phe revenue cutter Manning is still feeding the. destitute at Kodiak. Island, just north of Kodiak, and to Cold Bay, Katmai, and the sottl8- ments on the mainland, have not re- urned and the conditions there are not. known. Most of the white refugees at Ko- diak belive the worst is over as far as danger from Katmai volcano is concerned, but the natives are less confident and believe an evil spirit has been sent to destroy them. They say the present tortures are but forerunners of ultimate death which is to overtake them and the rest cf the world. known in Winnipeg, in fact, their names frequently appear in the so- ciety columns, giving the day on which they will be at home for af- ternoon teas, but all that is over un- ess they reconsider their determina- tion to live away from their hus: bands. City police were asked to detaia the three wives, butalthough they diligently searched the law books hey. were unable to find any section which would enable them to hold tho women and they reported their Je :i- sion to the husbands. Every effort was.made by the hue bands to detain their wives, put they slipped away in some quiet manner, so that there was not even a chan:o for a scene-at the depot, Now the husbands are grass widowers and the butt of many jokes from tho:e few intimate friends who know of the affair, IN MARKED CONTRAST reo proof Paper, Neponset Roofing, Felt, B. and . Wall Board requires no except in cas s of. special - business. There are, at present, about three ini fe hundred and sixty-seven delivery s further finish. be canada fe fi SEE US BEFORE BUYING. Bly somor ing aware. boxes This bi ig divided the -vaRD EAST ALLOWANCE. PHONE 467 7s, 2002 titer amone. he See Pree, Leelee ene eeeens Ontario 206, Quebec 20. Nova See- tia 13, New Brunswick 27, Prince Bd- ward Island 32, Manitoba 17, SasKat- chewan 12, Alberta 20, British Co- lumbla 11. Mr. Business Man are you aware that THE NEWS JOB PRINTING DEP- Ontario has the largest number, for the reason that it has sent in the most ADP) advantages of the service, as ma fested in the petitions received, .a8 been about 30 per cent. greater dur- ing the past year. TO SYSTEM IW ALBERT Telephone Comiission In Manitoba Find That Sys- tem Has Been Operated In Extravagent Manner. Winnipeg, June 17. The rep gt;:t of the commission appainted to ingnire into the administration and condi- tions of the Manitoba government telephone system has been published, Featured in i oD. 5 unt animous finding that the proposed inerease of rates and the introduc- tion of measured service as propos- ed by the Roblin government are not Paget delice Last Chance to Secure One of the Greatest Paintings Of the Modern French School fa Cigale ( The Grasshopper ) byEdouard. Biss Daily News series of the world s greatest pictures, was Tt is a beautiful painting, the Salon exhibition at Paris. kind. La Cigale is a story picture, taine s fable of The Grasshopper and the Ant. rhyme it runs this way: grasshopper gay And found herself poor By the winter's first roar. Of meat or of bread, Not a morsel she had; Till the season came round. On an antmal s faith, Double weight on the pound Ere the harvest is bound. The ant is a friend, TAREE WIVES QUIT FOR PASTURES NE Disgruntled Women Leave Tneir Homes That They May Be Independent, Winnipeg, June 17.--Three married ARTMENT is now equipped ronal dine mite a e ? bands, conversatii it 2 with all the most modern ach one bad om abused sod ash machinery and latest type faces with which to turn out, Commercial Printing. Your next order for Job Printing be small would tention. ed by us and will receive our careful and prompt at- THE NEWS. LIMITED one thought that her husband loved some one better than he loved her. They decided upon drastic action and left town on Saturday afternoon fon the south, It was a sort of trade agreement, but they, all went alone. They, had been abused, they said, and they wanted to make their own living. Two of them proposed to go on the stage as soon as they reached Min- neapolis while the other intended to get employment as stenographer. 'The three wives and the three hus- bands were well acquainted, in fect, it large or be appreciat- today there are three husbands their loss. which they traveled. All thre of the wires jon a sound paying basis. The com- they used to go out together, but alt be, that is now a thing of the past for standard was eventually adopted. without their wives and they mourn Gentleman (engaging groom) Are Incidentally they are you married? 2 much missed in the social circles in 9 well face scratched The Tattler. required in order to pub the system missioners condemn the extravagant manner in which the system has buaz operated and point out that a very large saving can be made by ecomo- imic management. They state that asia result of their, investigations they find that the tel- ephone system is well built and well equipped aiid that a good service had been provided for the: public. The commission was composed of County Court Judge Locke; R. L. Barry, electrical engineer of Minnea- nolis, and G. R. Crowe, a prominent merchant of Winnipeg. The commission at Chicago exam- ined the working of the automatic telephone and they state that this system demands close investigation and earnest consideration. In sup- port of this conclusion they quote Engineer Hayes, who says thst au- tomatic would result in a saving of sixty per cent in traffic cost. Opera- ting cost, in his opinion would be Hess, and the reason he gave for not recommending the system was that he was waiting until some modern Misleading Evidence. Groom No, sir, I was thrown agin a barbed-wire fence and got my lt; a-begging she went, For the loan of some wheat, ' e Which would serve ber to eat Little given to, lend. La Cigale is Bisson s idealization of the human counterpart of the the grasshopper of the fable. The summery figure shivering in the wind im- presses the story of the nobility and necessity of labor. A Photogravure 22x28 inches. This Picture Never Sold Less Than 2.50 Before To Daily News Readers on, the first of The honorably placed in one of the best of its Nearly everybody remembers Done into How spent you tne summer? Night and day to each comer 1 sang, if you please. Now, madam, you must dance. La Fon- American shame THE COST IS from the front page of The Daily News. mail. These pictures cannot be sent by
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Image 1042 (1912-06-18), from microfilm reel 1042, (CU1739050). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.