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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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va ages MEDICINE HAT DAILY Mouday, J ia Beis Of Tessous espeelally e steps The Finn. scrip, OFFICES . Soolesieeteeteotoe f cette 501 PLENTY OF MONEY sSeethe tactoe se ro mn eens Jand that little well done should bel was issued In a 100,000 Jot. More TO RENT, Furnished, 3 offices on 4 the aim controling the method used. than 55,000 Was spent in New York Fourth Ave, from 16.00 per Auction Medicine Hat te 50,000 in Massachusetts and thousands in Maryland for advertising space tn newspapers and other puo- lications. Yar month, HB. Browne Co. cers, STI Totonto st, Phones 703 or 295 FOR ROOSEVELT CAMPAIGN Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under these headings. 26 words, one day .. .. i and tof FOR CHILDREN OF HAT SCHOOLS sssse 25 jearding the relative suitability and , 25 words, three days .. .50 ( eae ao RENT Fine large oftice - 7 S 24 feet in size, . Value of certuin plants In respect to ae PHYSICIANS GATHER 26-Words, olx days .. .. 1.00 x corner of 4th Directions have been sent out by) . Vexetables: Carrots, radishes, tet- oar OF CCtiNe Plaute bicom, nour-/ More Than a Million Is Al- IN ATLANTIC CITY Additional words at same rate, No A eUe and Main street, upstaira in Supt. Hay to teachers of the elty, tee, turnip, jarenip, parsie ishment required from soil. ete. ready Spent to Secure . sean ad accepted for less than 26 conts, tte News Block: Modern convenien- schools ua an wid In securing some TTurrement of the Garden, Garde) ouig pe neid in mind clearly detin lt; Nomination. (Special to the News) Cash must accompany the order. 0e8 and well lighted. Most central eeu NelWorkl ta ba does Planning, r ed. so that same will serve as eae Atlantic City, N, J., June 3 Noted Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and Nee ae the city. Apply at the uniformity in the wo Arranging the Garden, deciding fcscry guide in formation of plans. Qoge of P Stamps In Physicians trom every part Zot the it will recelve attenten, jews Office, F the schoolroom in connection with in- what to plant and where, should be Plan work should be neatly and accu- CO8t of Postage ips: United States and Cascade, wiht troduction into our local educational given careful atteution even before Eight States Was rately done so that when the laying out of the plot is undertaken it may be done according to plan specitica- HBBLY WANTED, number fr m European countries, are ROOMS TO RENT. coming into this resort by the hund- OREN TKO MT Oe expert on plow work. A. A. Hark- on he soll is made ready. After choice system, of gardening for school chil- ' y a x jof plants has been made, a growing dren. It is intended also to serve an- interest is quickened by allowing in- other purpose, the making as far as 78,000. third annual meeting of the Ameri- Furnished house for two months. Family with no children T- 200;70 Sper - . rv 5 e for the first the pupil's originaljty inti i : - : Vegreville, Ayta, 276d6) Wanted. Apply Hotson and Leader, Ce i SL ean . ing a suitable arrangement in the Should Meee eee el On Printing and -Litho. See sesoatanets a it dain Bicece seers Youneferdeners/tie) same fOnicefed ee Intec NG ete nian ihetall ide Beene ee 3 take pare tm RTE Toe ced wakes Grkppleitararee ae TO RENT Furntabea roome wo rear Just receive 5 for ancther: eee course be greater. if it) becomes a/Tivice, Ge ihe patealee garden TOnS of Literature Issued inaneentie ceeoaan conferences (Mitchell, 438 Esplanade, or phone Parlor, bed and sitting room, mod. Tattoaastary Weck fa bo watee Up In 1458 exercise to be done) in s00l anne ne From Colonel s Head- and in consequenie week of spine itt 276dtf/ern conveniences, suitable for two ment of sun i IE under the direction of the teacher ailowieuauges et ead 2 - sentlomen. Apply 426 Toronta s i the Class Room From the vlewpolat of manual train- eum tg ihe a eect ind ta) quarters. ia 'sclentifio work, ts anticipated .aD Pamy aL ASV aoa from Bloom (a) For Junior Grades. tng. and drawing good material wil//*eveet to the arrange HIG AN ton, June 3 More than OPe,O te Most-tmportant features ** Cosmopallian Heer 2Tbdtt : 2 i a i nue during and after making of the Washington, June 3. a SS TSE eee erro bs stone gor aliduinters ti lessons cl cetena eee s1.000l00e keto In the ge the Week will be a three-day con: QjANTHD (ATSONGEC aac nO hare eee bea ner, New be held or read.) suggestive of sea- be foim he steps are made easy.. Sond arate - 1,000, ae been expended in thelference for the discussion of health ANTED AT ONGE Man to oxen. om room, sonal developments, These woula ? aoe 7 id that littie , Seetlon H- Making the Garden campaign to procure the Republican problems in modern industry ana Y Yate for sewer connections witnliy oo fortably furnished, house ful- ae ittle done at me and that t Besa ly modern, 3 LAEEAIY. be of thks: NSLATEE 18 C70 ad ee ee ae aa ee Uaeation Hocacential nomination for Theodore the best methods for stamping out Int residence. Apply 710 Ottawa Street, m Apply 438, Montreal St The vests ar would include such as The Srna ike aimed? deca The ties farden spon have soo Noosevelt, and the daily expenses dustrial diseases. on hill, 27346 tailored ang ean C King and the . position. For local climatic condl-tare increasing as the time for the as. z Sa dat Princes Mothse Barth and Her Ya) Ker danlor Grades: Te Make sions sunshine for part of the de ; 's sembling of the Chicago Convention yea Ay. CLERKS MAID WANTED aT ONCE Highest ACCRUES ROUS ' Children, The Seed Babies, etc. A Pleture Garden. preferable to sunshine for the whole approaches, DEMANDS OF RAILROAD CLERKS M . SS terns are ver 3 : cises: Choose the wages to competent perdon. Ap- 7ANTED Step 1l Have frequent informal Paper folding exercises: Choo: day: the morning sun Is best. Pro- The headquarters in Washington iy 608 4th a. V LADIES AND GENTS: talks on the noticeable effects of the/ frst exercise 6 in. squares of com- ection. trom the winds should also bel is costing abot 3000 a aaciCthere (Special to the News) ply Sth Ave. 27403 cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, fact the abov i coming of spring, on the appearance mon white folding paver. Give diree- rovided for if possible. The waedea Boston, Mags. June 3 The bien: of the earth s surface, on the grass boys and girls, men and women. Step U1. Have pupils plant seeds tions that these my be folded length- wise and cross..ise so as to divide the whole Into small squares 1-2 in to a area should be low-lying rather than elevated, The plot should be within reach for sprinkling with hose. vention will meet. remain thirty days before the con- Each Roosevelt delegates has cost nial. convention of the International Brotherhood of Railroad Clerks be- san in this city today with an attend- Se MAID WANTED apply at Medicine Hat General Hospital, 27403, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valisea, sult Cases, stoves, musical instrumenta, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- the acknowle on - gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter . ers in fancy j dean, pea, corn, ete. in window doxes side. Supposing the plot to be 12 ft. on and Soll Callere ey ae ae aaee eo TE ance of delegates of several hundred WANTED Onna Oe Drier tools, etc, raw hides and furs, horse th rita and encourage close observation of/ Square each square on the paper will Tao title space mest be thoroush- nominate, and the average cost tlesates from all parts of the United ee ee ay to Mrs. B.C. pes tg bai) Wool and f..thers, bought and e American the growth of young shoot, develop- represent a square foot of garden plot-liy dug and well enriched. This aiene should remain the same, the total St tes: Capada and Mexico. The Eonto at AGE sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Look them ment of first leaves, etc. Bee /thatthe creases/are plain) Poel; the duty: of thevadult for tha young would be 1,620.00 a clerks are now negotiating for a: mew - Co. 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Step IV Lead up to home garden- ceding further markings some time S90 700: ing by stimulating the desire of the child lo exercise his activities inde- pendently as he may have opportun- ity at his home. Tell how children might have plants of their own to care for, flowers to give to sick or to friends, vegetables of their own grow- ing to have mother cook for them, flowers and vegetables to exhibit at might be given to discussing how di- vision of plot into beds sliould be made, where paths should be, etc. By using pencils to draw lines along the creases pupils will express fairly well the arrangements they may prefer, Teachers should see that the beds are of suitable size, not too wide, and that there are not too many paths ed soil made fine have surface lev- jet and smooth: the beds should not be child Is not able to dig properly. For a small plot of 160-180 sq. ft. bushels of old manure should be su: ficient, Ground should be well work- heaped up. Always keep the soil loose and light about the plants (use English scuffle hoe). Daily attention a tribute circulars in eij about 15,000, and The telegraph tolls Special Trains and Other Expenses. The items of expense include every- thing from a postage stamp to special train, and from an office boy to a general office manager. It cost 78,000 for stamps to di: ight States, have the deen telephone agreement with the fifteen leading railroads of New England and the eastern States and this matter will be one of the most important to be con- sidered by the convention. The clerks ask for the establishment of the elght- hour workday, a minimum wage of 2.25, time and a half for overtime, pay for holidays, a fifteen day vacat- WANTED -Experienced lady book - keeper. Apply with references and experience to Box 1291, News Of- fice. 271ate ae VANTED A waitress, also cham- bermaid. Apply King George Ho- tel, Seven Persons, Alta. 271012 Dreamland theatre, P. 0. box 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above, 28Dtt. ee THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carr gt; Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new Complete Turpin The Man's Stone- Get the Big Doll Mei N s needed in this matter aad it should suits ac ieuee, on Banwalty. and a general wage in- WANTED Small team outfits for and second hand Clothing, Stowe for the size of the plot. When the Is as cl the Fair. arrangement has been satisfactory, be done in the early morning to get Hoosevelt speakers have cost an crease for all of at least 25 cents a ditch work. Have 2000 miles to Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- ite Grades. best results, day. tet. Sizes of ditches from 3 to 8 volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, H es ceepie taaae ot Nature/seme coloring may be done, brown oo or precabel ot 100 Sarees ede 7: foot bottom. Janse, McDonnell Co and a nice new line of wiates eots. y Study talks, on seasonable changes,/for soil, gray for gravel. green for A straight edged toot-wide board e. weekly Plate service TAFT BUREAU IN CHICAGO Bassano, Alta. 267dtt) We buy everything mentioned above such as evidence of new life in bud grass, and yellow, red, blue, etc., for may be used as guide line in- mere re eeeers, Fans up papa tonetenr and pay the best prices. Call at 604 You will fir formation, green grass, spring feel- the flowers. Note that in placing the ing wana planting. In. pomie, count of 75,000 or 9100,000 for the (Special te hia News) VANTED General servant. Apply South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf ing in animals and in boys and girls: dots for the flowers conteatian sees etibetetea ena aoe Teta) arena Te CRG Hil ey eae ante Jas. Mitchell, S05 your advan common desire) foe nem, srranmedient ferusce eee ee tay the most of them planting in rows ts cost: 200,000 before the last delegate Quarters of the Taft campaign are moras . IARTERED ACCOUNTANTS call often at ceainn fine, rel mcuy dase ete. apart, ete., ete. that this might be ae mnie especially when te elected. , mow located in Chicogo. The Nation- )VANTED Men and women to learn W. A HENDERSON CO, chartered P. R. Men : s ot nae the pimuiltn tbe cease ot the en in distinction of Twelve Hundted Workers, al Taft Bureau opened its offices in barber trade. Summer rate now aceoul i durii J F ee ee ere eae soaniabla taeda markings of this 500d Plants from weed at weeding It ig estimated that about 1200 the Congress Hotel chi morning and/on. Situations guaranteed. Special Wahet Ths) goatee me uae mang Sune ; Suh oar lencee nad pbeceratlons ire Carentan ies Sreat value. After the (ime. and in getting proper distances workers were in the field in the Will Keep its tepeweitere CICMINE rates to ladies. Particulars and gata- imy Wintitpes; Medicine Hat, tea + We are. specialt foe ing ea up in class poems first trial, the pupils, feeling more * -time of thinning out. Generally tiltnole, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, day and-night until the battle for the logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- nridge 4. , Gibson, CA, fealdent week on our 5 F Bea Sine er sere themselves, will request HE SeedS are planted four times Maryland, Nebraska, and Missoyri Republlosn preeidescal nomination tre St, Calgary. 2044tE partner. Phone 198. Bara Bient 18 820 Suits sediottey that they be allowed to make another neti (beans, 1 in.; peas Ito 3 im: eatpalens. At St. Josep?Mo. work lie ended in the convention that fs to ae nie taisteca etsy Ge Hara pupils plant seeds ja(plan. If time perm t the request lettuce 1-8 in.; turnips, 1-8 in.; car- era were pald 25 a des For Gaver jassemble here two weeks hence. The WANTED A girl to help about Pe anieeen window boxes and encourage close ob- sould be granted for the sake of the ot deeper: onions quite deep. Sow-/al days 1200 Roosevelt men were at Bureau s in charge of Digector. Wil- Kitchen in boarding house. High- AUCTIONEERS : servations of plant development, the exercise that will be given the child's i should not be too thickly done Work In two ofthe Maryland dis- liam B. McKinley: and his staff of as- est wages paid to competent help. day wear, You Put ip vegetable garden first. Thinning, This is a most important part of jSardening; the wisdom of it is not readily seen by the child. The classes should be well informed as to the ad- Vantages to be got from early and suffici nt thinning. The character- istics in appearance of plants in first young shoot, formation of first leaves, Originality and initiative. When the direction of growth of radicle, etc. garden is being made reference should Step 4. Arouse interest in plant/be made to correspond; this impor- growth by causing some reflection, tant particular is often overlooked. through class discussions, on such The Arrangement of the Garden topics as, the lavishness with which Garden Planning. Nature blesses man with her gifts of/ Arranging the Garden: Deciding Plant life in various -forms grasw/what to plant and where, should be flowers; vegetables, fruit, herbs, te: given careful attention even before tricts. There were 147 in the Seven- teenth Ward of Baltimore. TheMary- lard men, it is estimated, were pan at least 5 each a day There have been no signs of pot erty about the headquarters of the National Roosevelt: Committee in Mr. Munsey's Building since the night that George W. Perkins made the sistants who have been here from Washington. transferred H: 8. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- Perlence at your disposal free, Phone Apply by letter to box 1283 News of- fice, 5 260att eS SITUATIONS WANTED. them just what 3 166 views of the Panama Canal will be shown at the Monarch thea- tre tonight accompanied by a lecture by G. G. Anderson, consulting en- gineer of Denver, Col. ee J AM at lberty to go out sewing by the day. Anyone wishing my Services call at 732 Princess Avenue or write to box 147, City. Best of rec. H.S.IREL stages of growth aboy tind mi Veaimentetan Mise om 703. H. B. Browne Co, 519 To- C.P. R. MENS' above groun 1a y . ns. Mis: . Vi a how man should respond in making the soil is made ready. After cholee S iscu, eens 8 San s trip fe rrr Be ene ae ' 8 ae ronto St. 1s2att the most of these; the husbandry of of plants has been made, a growing P iscussed lass so th: ct- sage from Senator Dixon, m: fon between good plants and weed Nature; man s dependence on Nature interest is quickened by allowing in- the Roosevelt campaign, to Col. Roose- i WANTED Situation by younp Gay BUSINESS t tc and the consequent essential form of qividual expression of onlin oe. Ey be made easily. * velt, who had just thrown his hat WANTED Situation by young man INESS CARDS. Dirty Tactics eS ene P ; :s . oe Bee epee resell iS industry for man; the natural desire garding a suitable arrangement a he ean ee atti fn pistes pear tartan be ween ee Sees. R.e00k GINGER SEWING MACHINES aud Vancouv We early show for co-operating withltorm of plan drawing, conditions make open space on the fourth floor of Mr. ping. Apply to box , News of- Sherlock, Manning aac fe Nature in the: rasinusintaeta (euceees X this operation of great importance to Munsey s bujlding. looked like a de. fice, atl Grd tee cates ren We a qavvexist a Livlig) crea turen The educational value of this vere og the successful gardener. Alwoys wat- gerted dance hati tot within . two Con Jones Receiv: , Fee ee ae HYDE: the work will of course be greater if a. For Senior Grades, Step 1. Introduce for discussion in class such topics as, the husbandry it becomes a class exercise to be done in-school under the direction of the teacher, From the viewpoint of man- ering atter sowing and plentifully, us- ing a fine spray so that the seed may not be washed out. Always water in hours after Mr. Dixon's return to the city from New York, the songs of the saw arathe ring of the hammer were FOR SALE JOR SALE English baby carriage, classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming, Office 381 Main Street. ty Swat in from Player. . : the evenings so that the plants iia heard, and soon partitions doors and good as new, only been used five E B (W. AP. Dispe Nat n s dependence on N , ; tlett 7, Aes ae om ee steenuaat Ccascatiod ei Sais one. Sonne Soon mee have opportunity of taking in all they private. rooms were erected for ithe months, Apply box 1292 News of- u. DAPtle B.A.Sc Neuieguves LC aeahs eee eae teriat- will be found for a number o z - , - form of industry for man; the nat- Tia jespecially. if the steps are S - Sun and hot winds are merciless great army of Roosevelt boosters, fee, 27603 ural desire of man to co-operate with made easy a little done at a time and robbers during hours of daylight. Wa- The Roosevelt Committee offices Municipal Engineer, phone in hand, Con. Jor Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor edge of the lacrosse fic Noe aces of the de- doe should be the aim con- CT, Piehtifully and with fine spray. have been alive day aud night for MOORE'S, North Ratlway St. Next Industrial SpursRallwaye, Serivails aeons Sire, ete; plant cultivation as distinct- M2t oe Sages Daily attention in this matter is nec- thres months. Tons of literature week we will have special bar- water Supplies, Sewage Irrigation Gborge Renale ot Weak Jy: the field for activities of the real Tlie the method used. cessary tn the case of shallow rooted have been sent out in every ditection. gains in Furniture, Buffets, side- Plans, Ete, - pened to chase the ball tudent; abundant material, subject (b) Fer Intermediate Grades. Plants, ex, many of the flowers such The express bilis for incoming and boards, Dressers, Chitfonters. Come Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. soonvsrimaatages Sarees mintter highly attractive, only the best The samie procedure as for Junior allysum, potulaca: but for most vec, outgoing matter have run up to near- in and inspect these. 27583 s methods of -study may be used, les- Sohs-learned most practical and there- life as noticeable in germination, pol- Uination, production of seed, ete.; the the method to suit-the age of the pu- sheet may be rect- re it Profitable; the mystery of Pils. . e., the paper sl 4 eae eae angular, not necessarily square; the smaller squares may be set off rades may be followed, but varying by tables and other deep-rooted plants, water thoroughly not more than twice a week, letting the soil zet dry thoroughly between times. Keep the Soil well worked on surfate-loose and ly 25,000. Elaborate Headquarters and Red Tape The Roosevelt Committee head- quarters here is claborate and up-to- date. The office system is, as full of CONSTANCE CRAWLEY FOR SALE Sewing machine, head, all accessories, good as new, cheap; also suite of furniture. Globe Cleaning and Pressing Co., 4th Medicine Hat Phone 420 Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. him over, the head with stick, * Jones head was dent blow. The accident b crowd to its feet, but citement was over, it 1 of the Westminster play as a grim kind of joke Rennie also who put He careful measurement with graduated rulers and drawn instead of being 2- Correlate Natare stuaypedeby fotding. Freedom may be with the work in literature. Review Siven to allow a choice of oval, cir- the study of suggestive selections in CUlar or star-shaped beds, provided (4th Avenve opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- Sally ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms. Phone 156. ound of seasons, order of, value of, fine. ete, Ted tape as the White House. The taller is meta: he euter-door by a negro usher and s given a seat to await his turn. Ar times the vestibule The English Star, who plays here Thursday night in The Broken Ave., in rear of postoffice. 27443 SSPANIELS Brown curley retriev- ers; Dedigreed, ten weeks old; JUNE WEEK AT ANNAPOLIS order to reveal the fundamental val- ue of a knowledge of plant and animal life. for the proper interpretation of the full meaning of much that is best ip the teachings of the standard auth- org as such ven in their writ ings. Step 3 Emphasize by suggestive operations with seeds in window box- s Or in some other practical way, the threefold exercise of heart, head and hand by plant-cultivation, the para- mount industry for man as creature of reason. Section 11, Part 1. What They May Contain. In all grades interesting discussions may be for the purpose of deciding what. ind vegetabies are the best to have. Consideration will be given to size, color, relativg values of color in -giving the whole plot a pleasing effect, time of blos- Soming. whether annual, biennial or perefinial, the hardihood of the plant, Whether suited to our soil and climate, duration of bloom, ete., etc. They may also be considered ac- fording,as to uses, and rranged in Broups as folluws: (a) These for edging: Dwart tortiums, allysum, candytuft, portu- choice of plants has been made, a they are not too wide. The fancy of the child of this Grade is so vigor- olls as to overdo the thing If left to have too much freedom; still the wise teacher will direct with loose rather than a tight rein. Much care must be taken to modify, change or correct without giving discouragement, The Spacing the flowers and especially the Vegetables should be given close at- tention and illustrations. shall be made to show how spacing varies for qitferent plants according to their size, location, ete. In the discussions that arise in regard to the depth to which seeds should be planted the teacher may lead the way in secking satisfactory conclusions rather by reference to simple experiments than by-placing the word of one against the other, Let the plans of pupils of this grade sbow more definiteness of conception - than is required in the Junior Grades. Garden Planning. Arranging the Garden, deciding what to plant and where, should be given careful consideration even be- fore the soll is made ready. After rowing Interest is quickened by al- lowing individual. expression of op- Inca, (single), mignonette. (b) These for main portion of the inion, regarding suitable arrangement in the form of plan-drawing. - The (Special to the News) Annapolis, Md., June 3. Annapolis js in gay and festive mood for the cel- ebration of June week at the Naval Academy, the period during which the board of visitors appear and when the class whose members have conr pleted the four-year course, is grad uated. The vanguard of the expect- ed throng reached Annapolis Satur- day. Other visitors are coming in on every train, and by- tomorrow morn- ing the city will be crowded. The exercises of the week began this morning with the official reception to the board of visitors and will end with the farewell ball Friday night. The reception. took, on Morden Field. and the brigade midshipmen, headed by*Whe academy band, did the honors. Immediately following the reception and infantry drill by the brigade took place, followed with aa inspection of the several departments at the academy, under the guidance of the naval officers on duty. This afternoon Captain John M. Gibbons, Superintendent of the academy, tend- ered a reception to the official party at his quarters in Blake row, Winnipeg, Man., May 3. Winnipeg Wheat market closed today on ac- count of the King s birthday, but to the offices has been literally alive with colored Republicans eager to make trouble by starting contests, One day leven negro preachers swooped down on the Committee from West Virginia, The first room after entering the door is occupied by Senator Dixon, who sees but few callers, but is busy with the ones that count. Mr. Dixon works behind closed doors, and the strip of red tape between him and the average caller is miles tong: 0. K. Davis, managing dfrector, comes next to Mr. Dixon. He has clerks and stenographers at his beck and call. There are expert contest men typewriters, copyists and dozens of helping girls. Everybody labors behind doors. The only persons with- in sight of the ordinary caller are the negro doormen, Sent Speeches roadcast. Colonel Roosevelt announced his candidacy February 24. Immediately his supporters began to organize. Ormsby McHarg, Gifford Pinchot and ndreds of leaders who had been advocating Senator La Follette be- an to work for Roosevel. Thou- sands of coples of the Columbus speech A Charter of Democracy ere circulated. The Carnegie Hall speech was sent broadcast through- out and including Saturday, June Sth. lector for the year 1912 A commission of 15 per cent will be allowed on collections, Applications will be received, up to 1912, for the position of Poll Tax Col- Applications to be forwarded to the N. Reay, Assignee, Strathmore, Alta. from best trained stock; just right age to train for fall shooting, Ken- nels getting over stocked. Will sell at the following low prices: Dogs 2.00; bitches, 500. Write R. W. Al- len, Hillside Kennels, Piapot, Sask, 273d24t FOR SALE King award pool q room, Strathmore, Alta. 4 tables showcase, wallcases, two barber's chairs and outfit. Terms of lease ar- 1 ranged to sult purchaser. This fs a snap for prompt buyer. Apply Albert PIANO TUNING VOIGING and REGULATING All kinds of repair undertaken at the lowest charge consistent with best workmanship. Expert Work Guaranteed. CHAS. A. ADSIT. Telephone 68, 505 Main St. Roan Mare Lost Strayed from Box Springs about undersigned and to be marked Pon 273410t May Ist, one roan mare, 7 years old, Tax Collector. . weight 1400 pounds, heavy with foal. H. BAKER, JOR SALE I still have some nice Brand left shoulder. Suitable 27606 City Clerk. seed barley for sale, two and six reward. Thos. White, Medicine a row. Near Redcliff, Alta. John Q. rat 272di2 - Landis, 27146 : el ee eee SSHETLANDS FOR SALE Bunch . of ENGLISH CATTLE six Shetland ponies, including one names four-year-old stallion. Apply to J. R. Liverpool, June 3. John Rogers Millican, Fourth Ave, 269412 and company, Liverpool, cable that Also 125 ton packing sawdust. A, RISTER. WINNIPRED, FFOR SALE Thoroughbrea White Wyandotte eggs for batching, 1.50 per 19; also select Early Ohio Seed potatoes, prize winners Medicine Hat Fair 1911, 1.50 per bushel. Ap- ly The Chatterton House, cor. N. Ry. and Ottawa sts. 26oatt there was again no cattle for sale at Birkenhead market but quota- tions may nominally be given as un- changed at Saturday's prices, viz: States and Canadian steers 152 to 16 c. per pound. Hear Mr. G. G. Anderson, consult- business. He was not put off by who thought it was acgi 23 Starters for Big Field. will Lik the Post on Wed: London, June 3. The bable starters for the D Wednesday numbers ts and with the race so ope ter it is probable that m will go to the post. anything entered feel the chance at lcast in a year many accidents and reve accompanied preparation great classic. . Today Sweeper I is a ter in price at 5 to'2.. and Tagalie are anchored and 8 to 1 sespectively. Jaeger and Pintadeau 100 mint and Jingling Geordie 7, Javelin 20 to 1, Crusck Tagalio is being backed f on the filly s record on re ning. : the country. syndicates were The newspaper large con- ing matter. Three headquarters, in Washington, ing engineer of Denver, Col., lecture jon the Panama Canal at the Mon- arch theatro tonight. Plot: Phlox, asters, convolvulus (ma- dor.) larkspur (dwarf), miniature sunflower, tall nasturtiums, poppies, Saillerdia (annua), godesla. c These for bounurdies: Scarlet Tunner bean, morning gloiy, educational value of this part of the there was'a Little doing on the curb. Work will, of course, be much great- The stock exchange was closed. jer if it becomes a class exercise to be es To RENT me '0 RENT, Furnished, 8 roomed house J e P ettit within 2 minutes of post office, a a eanOol under the direction of Hear Mr. G. G. Andersom, eonsalts Naw- York ans Chicago, were set in 60.00 per month. Apply H. B. Browne 00se- Leaf System The News Job the teacher. From the viewpoint 0/ling engineer of Denver, Col., lecture motion. Co. Auctioneers, 519 Toronto st., DePartment has every facility for sup- sweet manual training and drawing. good om the Panama Canal at the Mon- The first great fight came in Illinois CONTRACTOR Medicine Hat. Phones 702 or 295. Pling the most satisfactory. material will be found for a num- arch theatre tonight. Where more than 250,000 was spent Phone 675, Box 781, 276atf Subscribe now for The Dally. News.
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Image 930 (1912-06-03), from microfilm reel 930, (CU1739044). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.