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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Five Cents is all you need pay for-the best-and purest soap in the world Sunlight Soap. The inducements offered with common soaps cannot make up for the purity of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to make pure soap; but it costs YOU less to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in Ss, as it does not wear and rub the fabrics like common soaps do. Sc. a bar at all Grocers. was a reunion of the blue and the gray, the blue being represented by the Veteran Association of the Fifth New York Volunteer Infantry (Duryee Zouaves) and the gray by members day in celebration of the fiftieth an- of the Robert E. Lee camp, United niversary of the historic conflict. It Confederate .Veterane, of this city. REUNION ON OLD BATTLEFIELD - Richmond, Va., June 27. A reunion + of survivors of the battle Hills was held on the battlefield to- of Gaines LePAGE BROS. THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE Girls Summer Dresses 20 per cent. Discount Special Holiday Clearance Sale of Girls Lingerie DRESSES GIRLS WHIT LAWN AND MUSLIN DRESSES for ages 1 to 14 years, with embroidery and valenciennes lace. Short, Several beautiful. patterns to Beautifully trimmed set-in sleeves. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, E. J. Lussier, son of Mr. J. E. Lussier, has returned for the holidays from Trinity College School, Port Hope, Ont. Miss Addie Miller returned home yesterday morning from school at To- ronto for her vacation. She has been attending Loretta Abbey staying at the Alberta. James J. Uyrey, Redcliff, is spend- ing a few days in town. Benj. J. Plumener and wife of Bas- sano are staying In town. Hon. C, R. Mitchell was in the city. between trains this morning. He ex- pects to be In Medicine Hat.on Satur- day, leaving on Sunday morning again put returning on Wednesday. Mr. Howard Price returned to the city. yesterday accompanied by Mayor Steers, of Great Falls, who is greatly pleased with wat has been shown him at the various: industries, Mr. different plants during the day, Mr, James Mitchell is in from Wil- low Creek. NEW AID TO CUPID FOUND Book Review. oman-Tells Hor Story and Man Far Away Reads and Understands. London, June 27. A book review mance. long, has brought together, well. gether was told vesterday by the last developments by the lady solicitors. known even to the publisher manuscript had been pyt into ments for publication fo bexmade. The writer is a wom n. how she refused to-marry the the age of 15 she enter a theat life-enduring passion. He asked her. tragedy. the tropics. supreme importance. to understand. thet-were darkeneing two lives. Fhe-man is now in America; ber they will be married. W. J. McLean showed him over the Lovers United By Means of in the Daily Mail of February 9 has proved to be the last link in a story of actual fact which is more romantic than the most elsborately devised ro- This review, half a column many weeks after it appeared, a man and a woman, loving deply, but separated by a barrier of imperfect understand- ing and by half a world of distance as The book was published in England by William Heinemann and was call- ed He, Who Passed; to M. L. G. The story of how the two-were brought to- Mr. Heinemann, who has ben informed of The name of the writer was un- the the hands of solicitors for the arrange- The vivid human interest of the story 1s summed up. in. the forgvord. sue tents man she worshipped, because she believed she was not worthy of his love. She had been brought up as the child of provincial actors-in America, and at) rical career. About seven years aften she met a man who filled-heewith w become his wife. She dared not tell him of the reason of her refusal; she could not bear that he should marry her in chivalrous pity. So-she wrote this book-and put into it all the poignant story of her life's Her-lover had passed be- yond her knowledge and was living int A few. weeks ago he was reading the Dally Mail of Febrary 9, of which.a delayed copy had reached him n his-exile,He recognized that, interesting though the book in its pro- fessed character of a novel might be, it had for him a direct message of He sent for the book. It explained at once everything that he had failed It cleared the clouds the wigan traveling in Spain. On Octo- Makes Hair Grow . If a love.of nature, self-relian' boy, ag the Boy Scout organization says it is; why may not the girls of the country be Indoctrined in these same principles? the-Camp Fire Girls of Amprica, re- Jcently published, says they may, and, what is more, that they are going to be. To those Interested in the oterngl Woman Problem, and that interest is new and fresh solution. mestic accomplishments (and this organization. rank in the organization, different colors for reached the efficiency; ness which brings self reliance. Encourages Gang Spirit. By working is duly recpgnized. * bodied Im the ceive the same set of cltement of competition cooing, Keeping account ing baby to be events of thrilli are given. or giving for domestic, acti hoped. the Cariip Fire. aon nate, mi home The organization derstanding of some words, called the Law of the Fire: Seek deauty Give servic . Pursue knowledge, Be trustworthy, Hola on to health. Glorify work. Be happy. stand. Promotion Has Obstacles. many things undergarment and hema dish tow The little red and brown book of nation wide, this movement offers a) The needs of athletics for girls, the pveds of a knowledge of business, of patriotism and many useful and de- lightful aetivities and charming do- they are charmingly seen from this view- point) are Included-in-the make-up of. The Boy Scout movement created demand for this organization-for the girl but has in no sense served as its) model. The Camp Fire Girls has been founded with the girl definitely in mind, therefore domesticity has been made the central theme.-Not just the same old dusty, dish-washy, needle- and thread domesticity, but quite a new sort, lovely and romantic, with a sense of adventure running through It, ENCOURAGE GIRLS IN RIGHT SPIRIT AND OUTDOOR SPORTS Organization is Founded to Promote, Women, Athletics, Knowledge of Business, Patriot- ism and Useful Domestic Accomplishments. Among Young home. In this case it is n adaptable fund serve the same DUrpOse asa out-door camp fire where the latter ig impossibie, Each local group is known as a Camp Fire. The camp theme is chosen more to of-doors into the home than to compel sirls to live in camps. Meetings can be held anywhere. There is a weekly meeting for work and a monthly meeting for play. This latter is known as the Council Fire and then the awarding of honors takes place and new members. are admitted. The leader, or head of-each group is known as the Guardian of the Fire. movement. Out of the first. two and Lov Whohelo, tials to back thelr campaign work, health and love the organizers of t'e the word has been-eyoly. tles which for all ages modeled on an up-to-date pattern. bring the wholesome spirit of the out- letters of th words Work, Health Camp Fire Girls movement hopes to give back to the woman of tomor- row, through the girl of today, an in- terest in those fundamertal activi- v2 been hers. Only give it back to her re- Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Fopnd, otc., ads under these headings. 25 words, one day .. 36 26 words, three days .. 50 25 words, six days .. ..81.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 26 cents. bh dor. , and Phone your ad to No. 13 ring it will recelve attention, HELP WANTED. ANTED A few good:salesmen for high class proposition. Big money to good men, Rodm 1, 38 Main St. 297a6t. WANTED A good servant. Apply to Hospital. ag7att ANTED Maid or housekeeper at once. Apply to Mrs, 8. H. North- am, o-o Simpson, South Ry. St. 296d6 The Camp Fire Girls have found s YANTED At once young woman to word whieh fits the true basis of the . do light house keeping, near to town, Apply to Mrs. D..B. Brown, P. 0. box 889, Medicine Hat. 294a6t ie s With these. three el WANTED A general porter. Cos- mopolitan, soaate WANTED Forelady wunted to look ment, Good salary to capable person. Holt, Renfrew Co., Winnipeg. planade. : after Manufacturing Fur Depart- 294d6t MAD WANTED Apply to 422. Bs- agate MISCELLANEOUS WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watchea, Joweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit Cases, stoves, musical furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- sies, harness, tools, etc opponit P.O. box Phone 206. the abovs, on hand the best selection of Second Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, ney and second hand Clothinj volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness and a nice new line of winter goods We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Raflway St. or Phone 687. t CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. accountants and auditors, (es Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicin Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth: A. HB, Gibson, C.A., residen Phone 198, Burns Blo 276at bridge. partner. AUCTIONEERS onto St, Stock Sales every Frid ofs for proficiency in these age-old activities, to be hoarded up and apent in purchasing promotion to a higher The Outward and visible signs of these achieved honors are beads of the several branches of activities, but the real reward is the consciousness of having conscious- together to achieve honors the gang spirit is awakened and encouraged. Women are rapidly learning to co-operate, an when wo- man s activities are being carried out of the hom into factories and of- fices an dinstitutions this need for There is a spirit of adventure em- organization ,gained through the interest. of doing things in company with others ,to be meas- ured by the same set of scales, to re- is. The ex- cause even or tind- ie ee 4 oy ptember 10 Wabamun. terest. For all of these tasks honors The love of romance is encouraged by the use of ceremonial costumes, by signs and symbols; and by award- ng honors for-out-door activities a love of the beautiful and wholesome is awakened. By this system ofjhon- it is Girlswill rex Store the fast disappearing Interest, fijth average is-divided into three degrees, to be achieved through this system of honors for proficiency. The first is that of Wood Gatherer. Any. girl can become a Wood Gather- r, the only limitations being an un- very pretty Camy (-12 Olds. September 17 Leduc --September- 18-19 Lacombe. Auid if one is young, the beauty of these things is not difficult to under- To reach the second rank there are to be: done, such as mend a pair of stockings, a knitted refrain from candy and odas be- ALBERTA FAIRS 1912 Cireult 1. June 2ist Crosstield.- June 28th, Suly 5th Calgary. July 17 and 18 Okotoks. July 16 and 17 Innistail, Cireult 2 Atigust 1-2 Macleod. August 6-7 Cranum. August 8-9 Claresholm. August 13 Stavely. August 12-17 Edmonton. August. 19-24 Lethbridge. August 26-29 Medicine Hat. August 30-31 Gleichen. September 3-4 Langdon. September 6 Acmi Cireult September 13 Vegreville. September 17 Innisfail. September 19 Vermilion. - September 20 Manville. September 24 Kitscotty. S September 26 Lloydminster. October 1 Bowden, October: 3-4 Penoka. September 12 Entwistle. September 18 Rexboro. September 20 St. Albert. September 21 Stoney Plain. September 20 Hakamun. September 5 Onoway. Cireujt September 12-14 Raymend. September 17-18 Magrath. September 20-2i Cardston. September 24-25 Carmangay. September 26-27 Taber. October 3 Pincher Creek. October 4 Priddis and Millarville. Cireult 6 August 21-22-23 Red Deer: September 4 Sedgewick. September 6 Strome. September 10 Cochrane. September 24 Daysiand. September 25-26 Hardisty. September 26-27 Wetaskiwin. October 12 Camrose. October Provost. October 4 Chauvin. Cireult 7 September 24 MiInerton, September 17-18 Three Hill September 20 Alix, September 26-27 Stettler. October 1 Swalwell. October 2-2 Didsbury. October 7-8 Trochu. September 11 Fort Saskatehewan- September t0-tt Warner. Bassano, Alta. tre St, Calgary. FOR SALE FOR SALE Complete set ot leaving city. 201 Main St. ROOMS TO RENT. RENT Furnish parlor, ern conveniences, suitable for i LOST AND FOUND taining advertising pencils. delivered. Apply to News. Redcliffe and section 10, ship 15, range 7, registered packet a: Hat. select from Regular 3.00 now 2.40. Regular 2.50 now 2.00. Regular 2.00 now 1.60. A SPE iI GIRLS DRESSES in chambray, zephyr and print, in many differ- ent styles in cheeks and stripes. and self colors trimmed with contrasting colors. set-in sleeve with square and. round neck. On sale Friday and Saturday, Regular 1.25 now 1.00. Regular 1.50 now 1.20. And so on down through the range. LADIES FANCY STRIPED GINGHAM DRESSES trimmed with contrasting colg s of plain charn- Low neck, kimona sleeve, for Week-end Sale, 3.10 each. New kimona brays. LePAGE BROS. Agents for The Ladies Home Journal Patterns 10 and 15 c nts each. 88 TORONTO STREET. PRONE 28. grow hair or. money back. of. before the spot appears. amazed. 4 And yemember it Dandruff germ, the hair from the roots. bottle. Shall I fan after it? You stavd yout hat Everybody' s Magazine. We' Piano, sald Mr, Cumrox. But nobody in Dlay It. t. Washington Star. * Pingle has an invigorator that will The time to take care of your hair is when you have hair to take care hair js getting thin, gradu- ally. 1B out, it canot be too long The greatest remedy to stop the hair from falling is SALVIA, the Great American Hair Grower, first discovered in England. SALVIA furs nishes nourishment to the hair roots and acts so quickly that people are Bearer. destroys the little pest. taat saps the life that should go to the SALVIA is sold by Pingle, Druggist, under a positive guarantee to cure Dandruff, stop Falling Hair and Iiteh- ing Scalp. in ten days, or money back. A large bottle costs 0c. The word SALVIA (callin for sage) is on every The Prison r There goes my hat. Policeman Casey Phwat? Run here and Ill run after got a brand new mahogany your family can Yes, that's the best thing about tween meals for q month; done much for the country or stat tality in summer, and: several casion. tive Honors must be earned to eligible for this rank. patterns, 20 the national Headquarters, play. Fire Is Their Symbol. know the career of some woman who has know the chief causes of infant mor- ac- complishments which do not sound adventuresome but really. bare when the spirit of the Camp Fire has slr 604 2 22 ified the affairs of every day, and the charm of romance which is in. these every day things, is brought to the Cireuit September 13 Eagerton. September 17 Wainwright September 19 Irma. September 24 Viking. September 26 Holden. September 27. Tofield. t October 9-10 Castor. surface, not simply added for the oc The third degree is that ot Torch To the first set of activities taust be added others, Twenty Elec- i Nature love; + camp craft, hand craft, home craft, + healthy business and patriotism are f+ are to be selected, and for each hon- or a bead is prespnted tto be woven into a necklace and worigbout the Teck with the ceremonial costume, all of which has distinct charm of its own, This ceremonial costume te not a work of artdrom the hands of a professional costumer; it Js made of galatea, by thef girls themselves, and Uttle red and brown The -object of this movement js to add the power of organization snd the charm of romance to health, work and They have chosen fire as their syin- bot because the heurthstone bas long been copsidered the center of the purchasing power. studies advertising is ane . frequently, to make one i gt; lar do the usual work of twor, The experienced. reader of ; advertisements will always make-a yiollar command a premium, that s, make it buy more than the dollar of non-reaer of advertise ments. How much above par are the dollars in your pocket It will depend on how close- ly you study the buying op- portunities outlined in the stor ads. THE Your dollars vary in value ++ * -according as they vary in + The manfor woman who ++ STRAYED horse, double wineglass brand on left hip, which ran away at Shannon Springs June 11, year old stallions brand d on right thigh, 10 p head to their reebvery. beg P. 0. via, Medicine Hat, Alta. Ta 27 w ths a2 on right shoulder. 15.00 to the finder. Medicine Hat, Alta. TEACHER WANTED John Alberta. TO RENT 1304, News, ANTED Small team outfits for ditch work. Have 2000 miles to let. Sizes of ditches from 8 to 8 foot bottom, Janse, McDonnell -Co., 267att WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade, Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special rates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- 294att farm machinery, spring wagon, single harness, saddle, fall blood Hameltor- jan driving mare. Inquire rebster. Harvey -269as FOR SALE Leather-colonial rocker, Morris chair, Haviland china din- ner set, mahogany parlor stand and Orienfal seamless velvet rug. Owner Will sell cheap. Apply 29sadt AUTOMOBILE FoR SALE CHEAP 5 passenger, touring, in first-class condition, 30 horse power, fully equipped. Apply P. 0, box 597. tf 0 LET Furnished bedzoom. Apply, 397 Esplanade. 29743 FOR RENT 2 unfurnished rooms for light News: rooms to rent, id sitting room, mod- two gentlemen. Apply.426 Toronto Street. ? a74att OST Two small sample cases con- Call Room -113-Assiniboia Hotel. It SS OST Gold sq. link bracelet back of. 0, P, R. station. A reward when 296ast ee 08T Between Medicine Hat P. 0., town- dressed T. B, Hinselwood, C. N. R. Survey, Medicine Hat P. O., containing notes and private letters. Finder please return to postmaster, Medicine 29506 a OST A gold filled open case wateh swith leathor watoh fob attached Finder please leave same at R. F. Col- Iins butcher shop, South Railway St Bosatt, 15.00 REWARD For information that will lead to finding of grey going north, hitched to a buggy. Kindly advise Harold Gatenby, Medicine Hat, section 31, township 21, range 4, west 4th, It m my ranch last fall, two two will be given for information leading A. B. Carle, Rose- OWN mare branded Borneman Reward of 297-2 August for lawn 8. D. No. 2476, Write, stating Qualification, eal: ary required and previous experience. Harry Johnson, Secretary, Bowell, June 27 wit, where, House fur: ducted anywhere, Consult us, our 3 perience at your disposal free. P 103. Tonto Bt. 1s2q BUSINESS CARDS, oR SEWING MACHINES Sherlock, Manning Pianos. Organs for sale and to rent. classes of insurance. W. J. Office 881 Main Street. E. Bartlett, B.4.Sc Municipal Engineer, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Plans. Ete. Medicine Hat W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker, Consignee and.f rwarding agent, a1 shipments going into the States, Commissioner in B. R., R Estate Broker and General MEDICINE HAT. Painting and Paperhanging Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New. Wall Paper Estimates fully ufrnished on cost of Paperis your rooms. Phone 156. NOTICE T0 CONTRACTORS June, 1912, for the erection of-Medicine-Hat-for the Union. of Canada. Certified checks for an amou equivalent to 5 per cent of tender acompany all proposals, sarily accepted. (Signed) WM. J. WILLIAMS, Dated June 19, 1912. OP AMM i (IMPORTED) Topsawyer, winner of courses, Do you wanta 16 hand team that will road ten or, hours st a stretch and can be pushed 80 to 100 Wiles in a day? Cross Topsawyer with mares of 1100 to 1200, with a dash of standard and thorough- bred blood. Do you want a good heavy welght hunter? Cross Topsawyer with a good short- legged general purpose mare with a thorough-bred cross one gr two generations back. Tope wyer will stand at the Sarnia Ranch, Walsh. Throws no col- ors but-bays or browns and puts his own head on all his (297-12t. FOR SALE Jersey Cows and springers. 5 hi are from the Glen Range herd o' pion butter producer of the world, 18 The average return per head (co and heifers milking) in 1911 was cows are now in full milk except shrinkage in transit from Ontario. lothers are dus to freshen before 8 PO RENT Oftice on Main St. Box : 296a218 instruments, vicycles. carpenter raw hides and furs, horse) hair, wool and f. thers, bought and) sold, Apply to the Harvard Tatlo1 Co., 812 Fourth avenue, Dreamland theatre. foes Pald for 28DKt, PHB MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have Hand Tools in the city. We carry Clocks) Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- 4 W. 4 HENDERSON - - 0- chartered - 3. BROWNE GO., Live Stoci and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranctf iture sales con H. B, Browne Co., 519 To Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyo Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Phone 42 sembler and executor of papers fq Unita Sealed tenders will be received, at dressed to the undersigned up to o'clock p. m. of Saturday the 29th and stone bank building in the cit The lowest or any tender not nece mm excell cowboys. Architect, Medicine Hatt 2906 oH THOROUGHBRED STALLION , Gov- ernment premium of 250 Jan. 1911, s a brown horse, 1216 Ibs., ) bred from proven stayers over two and a half to -four mile Mary Ann of St. Lambert, the char yearly record 867 pounds 14 3-4 of 97.00 from sale of cream alone. Fot th, 1912, If interested apply to 71 Tinney, P. 0. box 399, or 225 MaDy the News Job Department. Thursday, June 27th, 1912 POPP 5 gt; ONE MORE FO on ctocte : stuff at Turpin Bros. Panama Hats, Summ Suits, B. V. D. and ot er lines of light. u derwear, silk Hose a fancy lisle thread Ho: and the greatest line summer Shirts and s collars you ever sa Tog out for the first July at Turpin Bro The Man s Stone Where Get the Big Dollat s Wort he ee eee ea - 101 RANCH ++ SHOWS HERE * JULY ist PEELE EE EEE ES With the 101 Ranch Real Wild Show which will be here on J swill be a full company of the M insurrectors who)have been ca on the war against the Maderc -ernment of Mexico. While the g part of the difficulty between the ican government and the insurr thas be n adjusted the opportur seeing the men who were among cwho waged the war will be on all will take advantage of. from the fact-that these men a Surrectors and the flerceness which they fought-almost made objects of admiration. They p many natural accomplishments appeal to lovers of amusement. As horsemen they are alm equally proficiedt as the Am cowboy but their style of rid much different, They have tio 1 for their horse and their crueits Pronounced that t would ma cowboy s blood boil to witness. are held in check when with the for should they ever attempt t sand whip the-horses with the as they do-in thelr own country Would be an uprising which wot e n the annihilation of the deans, They are not-onty-deris accomplished riders, but they with it a grace that no cowho; ever been able to affect. Witl Jasso and lariat they are exper for fancy roping and trick ropin However, wh comes to straight roping the cc have Tien beat to a frazzle. Th jeans in all of their work cour plause more than anything eise the cowboy looks only for subs results. The cowboy will tak chances for practical results will bring substantial reward the Mexican will sacrifice ever for a smile from some fair lad source, The latter has no chai the cowboy. Applause is lost and he strives only for that wi practical and substantial, dae ee eer hs AMERICAN BRIDE FOR GRAHAME-Y (Special to the News) London, June 27 Claude Gri White, the famous aviator who time, or another has been re engaged to half a dozen actress prominent young women of soc at Ist a benedict, Today he wa led to Miss Dorothy Taylor, da of Mre. Le Roy Taylor and daughter of the late Governo well P, Flower of NeW York. wedding ceremony was perfor: the little parish church at An Essex, and was followed ; ception at the home of Sir Dan Lady Gooch, who are intimate of the bride. For ali kinds of job prints
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Image 1111 (1912-06-27), from microfilm reel 1111, (CU1739034). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.