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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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April 27th, 1912. i... build, consider irst. Don't be per- buy CHEAP LUM: e v's cheap use the We have it, and ev- gt; Builder requires. stock Of LUMBER, SH, FIR FINISH, K, MAPLE, BIRCH LOORINGS. the agency for the Morgan Doors, OR BEAUTIFUL OUD FIBRE, LATH DAR POSTS, WIL- W POSTS MBER PEOPLE 29. PHONE 87 banshee ental a ee Sr eae eee a a ea a ee Oe Nk OCLOCK Let Us Loan You the Money at 5 PER CENT. TO BUY BUILD Pay Of Mortgages or Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. a Fifteen- Year-Old Boy Sets E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist stock of Toilet Articles jundries, Proprietary Medi- sing of Physicians Pre- 8 a specialty. 204 Gouth Rv. St. Se eoore nrc Phone 75. COAL STRIKE. STOPPED. MU IMMIGRATION: 10 AMERICA Many From France and 5 and Bwitsoriaad Were Unable to Se- cure Passage As Ships Cancelled Their Voyages. (W. A. P, Special Cable) Paris, April 27 One effect of the and Switgerland. Several hundred America but this year the discontin- garians and Turks, bound for the uance of several ocean st amers ow- United States was stopped on the most interesting political news 7 NEWS FORECAST FOR 1 Fe. weex BISHOP REPLIES TO Special to News) Washington, -DC...April achusetts promises to furnish the ing week, Presidental preter- select all delegates fo the con's na- Any Such Denunciation. tlona political convention, Tlie pri- martes in the Bay State will ofer al ge pyaciathe, Que, April 26. test of sentiment different tro apy Monsignor Bernard, Bishop of St that has gone before, lnsmuch a8 yiyacinthe has formally repudiated they will not be complicated with tng denunciation o: the Knights of local fights of any Kind) They are Columbus, made by the Rev. Father called for the sole purpose or British coal strike on the continent/emigrants were stranded on the tron- -) Doyon, Dominica4, in the course of a was the forcing of the decrease in tlers and Were practically living on Ing delegates to the nations conven- sermon delivered in the church of emigration to the-United States and charity, waiting the decision of the tions and they will not affect 4 single Notre Dame De St. Hyacinthe some Canada. Every spring there s an im- British miners. One emigration train, State or-county offiee. This sill notte ago, TmRVeaIAteIy ToMGWINE Ie portant movement of emigrants to containing over 200 Russians, (ul-jeven be indicative of sentiment af-linisstonary priests denunciation, the fecting the. ore for natton igcai Counell of the Knights held a a issues, for that er, for the meeting of protest, in the csurse of ing to lack Of coal made it impossible French frontier and refused mle; State Contention 8 eliminated and wnich the members addressed to his to accomodate all the emigrants who' sion......The..emigrants. settled (hem- wished to sail. Holland and Belgium selyes at -Delemont, Switzerland, refused to receive any more emi-jawaiting for circumstances to decide grants and sent them back to France thelr future, European Theosophists Wild Claim That He Is Inspired by High Consciousness of Hu. man Needs He Makes Some Great Predictions, . (W. A P, Special Cable) Paris, April 27 Theosophists of The prophet presided ata meeting Burope have thelr thoughts directed of-Theokophists, of which he ts the toward Paris, for at Paris has arriv- head, It lias 4,000 members, of whom ed a new Hindoo prophet who 1s re-/600-are-in-France.He plans to pass garded by many Theosophists as the precursor of the ultimate master who fs to give to the world its long-ex- western culture, for he believes that pected moral transformation. He fs a mere bos, and he comes from Adgar in India. wisdom. He predicts for the future At fourteen he wrote a book called At the Feet of the Master which the Pacific ocean like the one called about slx months at the University of Oxford, to gain a knowledge of in the now era there will come a un- fon of western culture and eastern only fifteen years of age, the formation of a new continent in Tas been (ranalatedmto-many-tang- Atlantis which, according to classical. the Massachusetts delegates 10 Chi-lioraship the Bishop of Hyacinthe a cago and Baltimore Will not be gov- memorial pointing out that the re- erned even by g platform marks of the Dominican priests had The names of Taft, Roosevelt and peen wholly uncalled for. Lafollette will appear on the Repub- he Dominican referred to the Hcan ballgt in Massachusetts Both nights of Columbus as a dangerous Taft and Rooserelthave visited the. * the) st. Hyacinthe Prelate Says Sue K. OF C. S CRITIC organization and one of which no true Catholic should form part. His primaries will be held vivre to He Reserves the Right for , orasniy m answer to the resolution forwarded by the Knights s in part an follows: The soclety known as the Knights of Columbus s not an organtzation conducted by the church, but a bot iety composed solely of Catholic mem- bers who have made profession that they follow the Gikention of the Holy church, Up to the present time, I e had cause to comptain ot conduct of your order in the diocese of St. Hyacinthe, consequently I can- not approve of the denunciation of your soclety as made in the pulpit by: Rey. Father Doyon. He had received Ro authorigation to give forth such utterances. I reserve to myself alone the rights to make such enunciatton, should the occasion present Itself therefore. State several times during the past ill be close, On the Demoer and Wilson, though it is understood that the Massachusetts delegates at Baltimore will vote for Gov Foss on the first ballot. The primary results will determine who is to be second choice of the Massachusetts Democrats: Both Taft and Roosevelt are tight- ing for the New Hampshire delegates New York, April 27, That.the wo- who are to be selected by the Repub-;men on the Titanic were given the lcan State conyention which will first opportunity to escape when the meet Tuesday in Concord. ship sank is (trikingly shown by fig- Pennsylvania, Republicans are to ures given out at the offices of the meet in. State convention in Harris- White Star line. The number of men burg Wednesday to nominate candi- rescued as compared with the women) dates for Auditor General, State is noticeably small, especially in the Treasurer and four Congressmen-at second and third-classess Jarge and to select tWelve delegates Tn the first class there were 325 two montng aad tt One Woman in Five Perished it wal gopar ae tenes cee While Seven Men in Ten Died ply Finally Revised Statistics Show Clearly That Women and Children First Tradition Was Followed Only 12 Second-Class Male Passengers of 157 Survived. 157 men on the ship, and 126 wom- ex and children. Of this-number; only 12 men susvived and 106 women and children. Here the percentage of women and children saved is eighty- two, and.of the men only eight. Summing the two classes up, the figures would tend to show that onlst about twenty per cent. of the women perished, while over seventy per c nt., Opera House MONDAY APRIL 16 PEOPLE 16 A first-class, clean show, playing all the large. centres. Not organized for the west only. VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS Plan at Pingle s Drug Store. Prices 1.00, 75e and 50c. . SMUT - Quart . Pint + gt;AY MORE 5 Dra and? ot Si P, O. Box 625 DER and TRACTOR ed. Estimate Free, Braemar St.) on gt; LEADER GURA WITH YOU PLACING - YOUR FOR A BUILDING ATES FREE. xt te City Hall. LEY BROS Sa ind Contractors. .ve., Phone 434 STABLE-PHONE 402 728 S. FOLLIS cting Co. ORONTO ST. , Sand, Coal Gravel ing a Specialty. ry Horses for sale at 1 Times. LYON ACTS FOR r TEAMING ND EXCAVATING d Sand for Sale, , - Phone No, 416, 0. Box 31. yatem The News Job every tacility:tor sup- t satisfactory. thisteto be inspired by a high con- sciousness of human needs. To them contend that the Bogeloff Islands, the prophet, who is called both Krish- whose coming in the North Pacific his presence the declarations of Mrs. was accompanied by seismic distur- SOUTHERN ALBERTA ittas) ) Sorbonne last year that a proiound change was coming in the life of hu- physical earth change he believes manity ard that it was to enter upon/will Signalize a revolution in relig- a new phase to be signalized by the fon. coming of the Master who was to es- tablish a new religion. a Stenographers and Bookkeepers Always In Demand. and which is Said by Theosop- tradition, once existed in the Atlantic ocean, The prophet and -his friends Besant in her address at the bances, are the nucleus-of-the new. continent he has in mind. This Read the Serial Story in the News. WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. Fittings-and-Repairs Given Prompt Attention. BOX 353. PHONE 712 J. A. LANDRY CARPENTER AND BUILDER Residence and Office 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626. Job Work Attended to. See me about that home you are going to build I will gladly give you expert pointers, estimates and figures, or show you over some houses I have put up in. town. HOUSES FOR SALE. 183-1mo. Box 881 City Sale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses For Sale Light and Heavy Draying Hay for Sale Three-Foot Chasm Between Titanic and Boats Made it ' s staman.- Hemming declared Fred McClain Phone 85. Prop. Expedition From Aden to Punish Sultan of Socotra Looted British Steamship Kula Which Was Wrecked On Island of Socatra, Must Return Loot and Apologize. - QW. A. P, Special Cable) London, April 27 An expedition )Singapore,went-ashore in Noxember will be despatched shortly from Aden and one of the crew was compelled to punish th Sultan of Socotra un- to travel 200 miles in an open boat jless Toot taken from the steamship Kuala, a British boat, which was were threatened and the vessel was jwrecked on the Island of Sucotra, looted by the natives. Subsequently is restored and an apology. given. the crew were rescued by a Russian The punitive expedition will con- ship and landed at Singapore. sist of a cruiser of the East Indian Socotra is an island of the Indian squadron and ihe steamship Dal- Ocean lying near the entrance of the. housie, which will convey a com- Gulf of Aden, It is 80 miles long and Aden garrison. The-command of the contains 1,380 square miles. Though ty. wilt be given to Major General virtually part of an Arab sultanate, Bell, political resident of Aden. Socotra fe under British- protection The Kuala, bound from Dundee to constituting a dependency of Aden. WOMEN JUMPED, BABIES THROWN, ji sclacra i ba ar quiet, and that this warning came in- directly from manager Andrew of the firm of Harland Wolff, builders of the Titan c, who went down with the ip, was made by Samuel S. Hemm- condition after the collision with the iceberg onSunday night, April 14th. The declaration he was warn- i the crash he had been awakene by the-slight shock of the collision and again had gone back to bed but was soon alarm- (WA. P. Di 2 shins Dangerous, who essary for -womon and children on to -tirmn out: board the Titanic to Yump a three foot chasm from the deck to the life- boats and babies were tossed into the te tive. Tae boats, according to the testimony given to-Senntor Allan Smulth,-ctat' formation came from Mr. Andrews, W, A. Henderson Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND kK EDITORS (Estabished 1882) man. of. the: senate committee, . Byanson, of the Titanic s crew, at crew declared they did not get such yesterday's session. Evanson credit- warning pnd that many of them were jet this method of Toading the boat skylarking aid drinking after the with the heavy loss of life among accidant. Severa saflors told of aee- A. B, Gibson, C. A. Manager. cee Block Phone No. the women and children. amined by the Internati eee eed crews and the purport of his testimony Was sfarine, after the aceldent and bie ea. fe include at Toast three-fifins of the gunnery and engingering-statte- House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK Phone 260. J. LAIT 176 MONTHE V1, made public-toda: fwhen the boats were swung out the were at least three feet from, the steamer Hest abo refused te attempt to jump. sere were thrown bodily across the gap. He stated one woman was propelled with such force that she went over the far side of the boat and was sav- fed trom by: her si Hock, TREET GAS CITY VACUUM CLEANING CO. fs now- ready for spring ctean- ing. Have your cleaning done with the Vacuum Process only way to get Perfect Cleaning. and for-less.cost than the old hand to avold the the best and Place your order ed;-and also witha view of over- Florida and State con ntions in Col- that she did not have half an hour to assemble in Minneapolis Wednes- tothe national convention. EncoUr-Tmen, women and children who sailed aked by their success in the recent trom Fngland. Of this number there primaries the Roosevelt followers are laying plans so that their control of the convention may be unquestion- were 143 women, 177 men and five boys. The women saved were 131 in number, the men 68, and the three. This would show that of the female passengtrs 90 per cent. were reseued by the Carpathia, while only throwing Senator Penrose and com- setts there will be similiar primaries ine. Other events on the Republican calendar for the week will inelude the story. and the State convention in West en are concerned, compares well Virginia, Tennessee is claimed by With that of the first. There were boys 32 per cent. of the males lived to tell: the State caonyention In Tennessee The second class, as far as the wo- of the men met their end. One-teature of-the-figures-is that the men rescued decreased in number according to classes The first-class shows that kver thirty per cont. of the men were taken into hteboats, and in the third an average of ten percent. lt; With the women it was quite dif- ferent, for in the first, ninety per cent. boarded the Carpathia, and in the second class, over eighty per cent. K the Taft managers, while Roosevelt is belleved. to haye the lead in the FIRST AND SECOND west. y The Democrats will be even busier during the week than the Republi- co cue ecs tan) PLACE DACCELEDE preference primaries in Massachu- pletely wrecking his political mach- for the Democrats in Georgia and orado, Connecticut and Delawar . The cohtest in the Florida primar- son and Oscar W. Underwood and Declined, Hor-assistance.'Phe-Hves-of-the-erew the situation ts believed-to-be-virtual ly the same in Georgia: Connecticut W. AP. Cable) for Governor Siineon E, Baldwin, hundred first and second class pass- while Harmon, Wilson and Clark will/engers of the Olympic volunteered to instructs it probably will be for Wil- son. Events of the week outside the field of politics will include Presi- dent Taft's visit to Georgia, the cele- bration of the Louisiana centennial at New Orlenas, the great parade of woman suffragists in NewYork, the unyelling of a statue of Archbishop Carroll at Georgetown University, and the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, which is day, FRANCE S 5 NAVAL LAW Provides Great Line of Fighters of Various kinds 4th Avenue. , OFFERED SERVICES Would Fire the Olympic to fes will be confined to Woodrow wil- New York, But Captain Democrats are expected ito instruct Southampton, April 27. Three ing firemen. The captain thanked them, while declining their services. Crowds of seamen and firemen thronged the decks throughout the day and many of these condemned the-action of the strikers. Distress in this port already is great in conse- quence of the loss of so many heads of families with the Titanfe and to- day's events will perceptibly add to the hardships Late today It was decided that sal- scengers of the Olympic would proweed by train tontght to hiver poo, where they will embark upon the Lursitania-which will sail for-New Vork tomorrow. fight t out in Colorado. If Delaware act as firemen, to replace the strik- The Medicine Hat Ice Co. WILL BE IN FULL BLAST MAY 1st, 1912 TO SUPPLY ICE TO ALL. DAILY DELIVERY: Phone your orders to the Company s office, Corner of Esplanade and PHONE NO, 745. 246dst Read the Serial Story in the New (WAP. Cable) ruched in and ordered -him and others Then the boatswain came and said, You fellowa-have not half an hour F. and other witnesses from among the He was S- ing J. Bruce Ismay, managing direc cape from the ship- One of them sald Ismay. alded-wo- men and children Into the boats. Evanson told leck, which was seventy he sea, Women were'so terrified that they BACK IN WEST: niunging imo tte sea oniy(Foxmer Superintendent at oe which caught in an oar- Medicine Hat is. Trans- Babies and chiijreh said . ferred, Evanson, were tossed-into. the boats ae lke sacks of grain. There was no Moose Jaw, April 17 General Su- jother way. perintendent, J. J. Scully, of the Sas- - katchewan division, with headquar- Washington, April 27. Out of alters at Moose Jaw, has been trans- mass of testimony taken from mem- ferred to the Lake Superior division, jbers of the rew of the ili-fated Ti- with headquarters at North Bay. His tanto by. 4ridividualmembers-of-the place will be filled in Saskatchewan senate committee, who worked noar- by General Superintendent J. G, Tay- ly ait last night, conflicting state- 1or, trom North Bay an exchange. Mr disappointmentof delay. ... 4+. Phone 707. Post Office box 444 ments as to the judgment of the of- Scully is-well known here as very 229 1 mo, ficers and sallors as to the vessels capable railroad man. Sate Fae TEE SUTTTINTY, cece e j that ture atrer-20-years service. In JG. TAYLOR IS harsh, faded, charactetless hair, who Canadian woman can have lustri land luxurlant-hair by using-SALVIA- the Great American Sage-Hair Tonite. 9 ig oe an attractive-head of hair in a few weeks by using SALVIA. bottle for 50 cents, an guarantes t to banish dandruff, stop-talling- hair and tching scalp in ten days, money back, law just proniulgated fixes the strength of the Fren h navy at 28 ships of the line, 10, s out cruisers, 52 destroyers, 10 foreign service ships, 94 submarines. 4 thine vessels, P, 0. Box 1010. hips laid down before1906 are to wit completment, and the reduced crews A Simple Treatment That Will Make Hair Grow Every up-to-date Have radiant hair. There are thousands of women with woman shoi'a For Steam, Hot Water, do not try to improve it. 8: In England and Paris women take : pride in having beautiful bair. Ses Plans,-Spec Every reader of The News an have Pingle, the druggist, sella a large MEDICINE HAT - non-sticky Hair Tonto, SALVIA s a beautifal, pleasant. Vapor, Vacuum and Fan stems of Heating and Ventilating, and Sanitary jeations-and Estimates furnished, On Application. 602 MAIN ST. Inintinieieieieleieieieinineininentetneinieleeteetietel Paris, April 27. The new navy PPRPE RRP REPRE RRR ereeeeteeritit Phone 759. Stfuck off tie list after 25 years ser- Vice, and-shipsinid down later than the case of the battle fleet at least half the ships are to be kept in. full LIMITED one rE HEATING; VENTILATING AND SANITARY ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS sointeoietetotttats lonfotionfoss Plumbing. td Builders, ADA: Sons. of Scotland W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER anp CONTRACTOR LOOK HAPPY Yesterday -Is dead torgetat Tomorrow does not exist don't worry. Today if here use it. How? Let us tell you with that gown, sprig. hat could certainly make a pleasing. photu. of you. i New designs for spring. + All Star Company OPERA HOUSE Friday, May 3rd UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Plan at Pingle 's Drug Store 2774 if Situated at Moose Jaw, Sask, suitable for drilling 4000 feet: 6 foot double-tower, heavy iron drive wheel, heavy balance wheel, 35 H. P. Link engine; 40 H. P. boiler, un: derbits 18, 14, 10, 8 Inch; drive head and elevators for 18, 14, 10, 8 inch, drive and flush joint pipe pair of 7-8 in, quadruple bloeks for handling pipe, complete set of sand pumps, sinkers, jars, wrenches, etc. Carpenter's and blacksmith s. tools, ; order for 3500.00. Also 825-feet flush joint-pipe at 1.45 per. foot, 1115 feet drive pipe at 92 cents per foot, The pipe has never been used. THE WALLACE BELL C05 LTD. 78 Miteheson St, Montreal, Que: 2s1bt + TEACHER OF Niolin, String Instruments AND Brass of All Kinds Phone 525. 20-1mo. CONTRACTOR es Phone 727. Box 781. Repairs promptly attended to Phone No. 335. THE BARTLETT STUDIO 213. Fourt Ave. Over , Binning s Store. - veal
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Image 701 (1912-04-27), from microfilm reel 701, (CU1738773). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.