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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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build, consider Don't. be per- CHEAP LUM- cheap use the have it, and ev- ilder requires. kof LUMBER, FIR FINISH, MAPLE, BIRCH DRINGS, ageney for the gan Doors, BEAUTIFUL D FIBRE, LATH : POSTS, WIL- POSTS 3 Ne 9 OCLOCK Let Us Loan You the Money at 5 PER CENT. TO BUY BUILD Pay Off Mortgages or Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. i CO PHONE 57- ALINE SMUT Quart .Pint MORE Drug and ore 3 3 3 P. 0. Box 525 Curtis ER-and- RACTOR . Estimate Free. raemar St.) LEADER sorating. ILDERS UR WITH YOU LACING OR A BUILDING TES FREE. t to City Hall EY BROS. scodraies Fred McC Box 304. STABLE PHONE * 403 728 - . FOLLIS cting Co. )RONTO ST. Sand, Coal Gravel ng a Specialty. ry Horses for sale at Times. LYON . r TEAMING ND EXCAVATING d Sand for Sale, Phone No, 415. co 0. Box ystem Tho News Job ) every tneility for eup t satlatuctory. Phone 629, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta. E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist Complete stock of Toilet Articles dries, Proprietary Medi- is the time to enroll in the SOUTHERN ALBERTA WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. Given Prompt Attention. BOX 353. ) To murder done by night, J. CARPENTER BUILDER Residence Office 711 Ottawa Box 331. Phone 626. Job Work Attended to Look me up if you want a .good substantial, properly plan-. ned, and properly put up house. ed houses. 1000 cash will han- die any of these, 2 first-class thoroughly mod- ern houses close in, See me if you want City Sale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle ere Light and Heavy Draying lain Phone 85. Prop. W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER snp CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to. Phone No. 335- W. A. Henderson Company CHABTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITS: Winnlveg, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat A. E, Gibson, C. An Manager. Phone No, 198 Burns Block House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING * HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260. /eontest for industries Medicine Hat URGES SEDITION CHARGE AGAINST RUDYARD KIPLING Nationalist. Member Brings Matter. up in British House Asks that Attorney-General Prosecute. a Joe Martin imtends House of Commons i tie attiomey- We fought against of old. Rebellion, rapine, hate, Oppression; wrong amd gmecd By England's act and deed. Are loosed to rule our fate, The faith in which we stand, The laws we take and guard, Our donor, lives asd land, Are given for reward. To treason taught by day, To folly, sloth gnd spite, And we are thrust away. Under the caption of Medicine Hat, the Gas City, the Toronto Globe, in a special Western Canada Number, gives the Hat'a good boost. It says: Just across the Saskatchewan Riv- er from Medicine Hat, quite near the railway is a queer looking ob- Ject sticking up out of the ground, and, extending from it to a little brick bufiding a few yards off, a line of black pipe. There is no signof, human heing around; the place is quite deserted. In fact the whole af- fair is 80 insignificant as to be hardly noticeable. And yet this is just the very thing on which the city over the river has been counting for its future prosperity. It 4s, in short, one of the nine natural gas wells. which have been instrumental in-giving to Med- foine Hat Its name of Gas City. Enter Medicine Hat by night-and the place Is one blaze of welcoming Mumination. There s not a house or building Which is not lighted by the gas, and in winter, it is the sole source of heat. So tremendous is the supply that i fs considered mare ex- PRHBIVE LO NIKE MTA tS Tight and-ex inguish the-street lamps than to. kcep them burning continuously. The presence of this source of pow- er has naturally led to the conviction that the city 18 destined. to become an. important industrial centre. It is cer- tainly an inducement to a manufac- turer to have promised him a con- tract supply of free gas, and in the holds a decided advantage. It is at present the home of a large clay pro- ucts industry, employing 150 hands, A rolling-mill capable of handting twenty tons of scrap iron a day and J.J. LAIT 318 -MONTHE SY STREET (W. A. P, Cable) Tondon, April 11. A few days ego genemal will prosecute Kipting for se- the Moming Post. published pos ition. In the News today Piofessor by Radyacd Kipling entitled Uister ' Kettle, w promincat im which Home Rule was denounced, M-P., responds with a retaliatory set asking in the of verses. Bart of the poem in kuestion is: declares its aitherence to Union, end foes. The poem concludes: We Imow war is prepared We know, when ail s said, Blossom Into Industrial Centre of Considerable Importance So Says Toronto Globe, Dealing With Medicine Hat and its Splendid Inducements to Manufacturers, in a Special Western Canada Number. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. pressure system-188 miles, giving a total of mains of/37.3 miles, Rajlway development in the Medi- cine Hat district will serve to advance the city s interests still further. Both the C.N.R. and the G.T.P. have pro- mised to run lines tn, and. according to the Sifton rallWay program, tne city will be gn the Proposed north and south line through the eastern por- tion of the Province, The C.P.R. are now cof tructing -lne to Ronald- land, in-the trrigated district to the west controlied by the Southern Al- berta Land Company: Not 80 Jong ago the country around the Hat. was given over almost ex- clusively to cattle Fanching, but now this picturesque industry is dying out, or giving way to mixed farming. A Dominion land ageney Was opened in 1910, und the settlement of the lind proceeded with, Some 30 square miles were located last year, though probably two-thirds of the district ts still yacant and available for home- Stead or pre-emption. In fact this section of the eoumtry has only lately come Into fayor, ahd with a good crop, it would doubtless experience a boon. Those who have district are for the mo: to-do Americans. Good coal has been found within two miles of Medicine Hat, and a coal Nationalist ex- mine is now being Worked there. The company operating it has recently beex reorganized and fresh capital in- troduced, with view to securing a spur line ip from the C.P.R, With coal close at hand, natural gas and cheap electric power, the city should experience little difficulty in securing industries. were valued-at 748,532. The busi- nes streets of the city are assum- ing and up-to-date appearance, and several fine blocks occupy the matt corners. Real estate values are steadily. advancing in view of the an- ticipated industrial development and meantime, an imerease of population in 1911 aggregating 1,500 people, has offered ground for an appreciation in all residential properties. The munt- cipality is keeping pace with the growth by adopting 2 liberal policy covering all needed improvements, ;steh-as -cement-walks, water supply, sewage disposal, schools and hospi- tals. Altogether, there Is every rea- son for expecting Medicine Hat to blossom into am Industrial centre of considerable Importance. SEVEN YEARS FOR ASSAULT. (W. A. P.-Dispatch.) cise -Riters to be Enigtem 's Patarboro, Ont. April 10 For criminally assaulting Mrs. Maggie Moore, while she Was alone in her house in Dummer, Samuel Newell was today sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary by Judge Latchford. The Next.two stanzas of Ulster On every peaceful homet We know Hell s declared For such as serve not Rome. SEEK TO ABOLISH JEWISH. CARICATURE Special to News. Baltimore, Md., April 18. The .an- nual Central Conference of American Rabbis, which was organized in 1609 at Detroit through the efiorts of the reformed or liberal branch of the Jewish teachers, wes opened in this city today with an address by the president, Dr. William S. Friedman of Denver. The conference gestions will Hcontinuefive-days und will he devot- The Gerror threats and dread Im market, hearth and field, We perish if we yield. The-income of the American Fed- eration of Labor from all sources during the last quarter of 1911, was 42,634.90. STARTED FALSE REPORT Message Received at Mad- cial Spanish News that its statement that the Pope was dead, was due to 92 error in the mea- sage received from Rome. punclature here it is believed the error ocourred in deciphering of code message, RUCK SLIBE WRECKS TRAIN ND 2 18 BS Engineer and Fireman Are ed sn the) earat- Cars Wrecked. of Canadian Pacific passenger train No. 2, which left Vancouver last evening wag wrecked at 6 o'clock this morn- ing by a rock slide three miles west of Savonna, which sa station a short distance this side of Kamloops. En- gincet Walker and Fireman Hoskin- son of Kamloops were so badly in- fured that they died within a short New buildings erected during 1911 4 6 : the other cars of the train were de- Heads Have Agreed ERROR IN DECIPHERING OF BEATH OF POPE rid Re Catholic Pontiff s Death Explained. (W, A. P. Cable) Madrid, Spain, April The ofti- agency explains At papal that oth Dead Engine and Vancouver, B. lt;., April 12. The with halibut were derailed. No mgers were injured and none of lad pas railed. The locomotive ewung around to a position at right angles with the rails and the halibut-cars ate alongside the tracks not seriously damaged. It is ,belfeved that the rocks were joosened by therein and must have ome down only few minutes before the arrival of the train. The track walker had passed only a few minutes before the accident and at that time everything was-all-right The-track: will be cleared by noon. MANITOBA VARSITY TANGLE STRAICHTENED to Any of Gov't. Pro Question o Taught. (CW. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, April 12. The tangle in the status and affairs of Manitoba Un- iversity appreciably approached near- er solution this morning as the. r - sult of a conference between a delega- tion representing the University Coun- cil and Premier Roblin, in which the latter stated that the government was willing to ald in 9 reorganization, which should be satisfactory to the council, the colleges and the public, and in ald thereof renewed the offer of expropriation by the government of sufficient additional land adjoining the present buildings on broadway. Archbishop Langevin agreed thats Subjects 1 uF Meenses will be considered by the Board of License Commissioners at the annual meetin, City Hall, Medicine Hat, on Wednes- o'clock a. m.: Hotel, situate on lots 27 to 30, inclu- sive, block 18, Elcan; tel, situate on lots 11, 12, 13, block 4, Brook: newal of th license in respect to the Alamo Hotel, altuate on lots 13, 14, 14, and 16, block 19, Suffield: cense in respect to the Grand Hotel, situate on lots 1 and 2, Walsh: ler of the license granted to Upton and Mueller, m-respect-to the Winnifred Hotel. CW. A. P. Dispatoh.) 12, inclusive Alta. the Mcenre in respect to the Winni- fred Hotel, Winnifred: license in respect to the Alberta Ho- tel, Irvine: neWal of the Heense in respect to the Hotel Redctift, 22, inclusive, block cense in respect. to. the Royal Ho- tel, situate on lots 19 and 20, block pany, Limited, for a new wholesale Heense in respect to the building sit- ual Railway - Street, Medicine Hat: the license in respect to the Cosmo- politan Hotel, situate on lots 23 and 24, block- 23;-Plan 1491, Railway Street, Medicine Hat: of his wholesale Iicense-in respect to the prerfiises situate on lot 18, block 23, Medicine: Limited, for renewal of the wholesale license in respect to the premises sit- uate on lot- ,-block 30, Number 4i1, North Railway Street, Medicine Hat: newal of the license in respect to the Assiniboia Hotel, to 14, block 28, Number 877, Toronto Street, Medicine Hat. license in respect to the American Hotel, situate on lots 16 and 17, block 14, Medicine Hat: a HY cense in respect to the Golden West. But Hotel, Irvine: LIQUOR LICENSE ORDINANCE APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSES Ke following Applications for la- to be held in the the Sth day of May, 1912, ut 10 John C. Dysart, for renewal of the Ncense in respect to the Coal City Paul Pouplier, for renewal of the license in respect to the Brooks Ho- Messrs. Martin and Phillips, for re- Fred Mund, for renewal of the li- block 12, Payst and Mueller, for consent to on lots-8-to Winnifred, itual 19, block Pabst and Mueller for renewal of Gottfried Roloff, for renewal of the Redeliff Hotel. Co. Limited, for re- te on lots 19 to Redoll John Quail, for renewal of the li- * Medicine Hat Wine and Spirit Com- block 24, No: 212, South Mrs. Isabei)2 Bassett for renewal of 888 South John Edmund Howson, for renewal The Diamond Liquor Company, Messrs. Babb and McLean, for re- situate on lots 11 James Fleming, for renewal of the John Pollock, for renewal of the li- George Nelson, for renewal of. the license in respect to the Grassy Lake Hotel, situate on lots 21 to 24 inclu- sive, block 11, Grassy Lak Joseph Dobbs, for renewal of the license in respect to the Palace Ho- tel, situate on lots 36, 37 and 38, block 4, Taber: Daniel Needham, for renewal of the Ucense in respect to the Taber Hotel, situate on lots 25 to 28 inclusiv block 8, Taber: Donald J. McMillan, for renewal of the license in respect to the. premis- es situate. on the east half of lot 24 and the west half of lot 23, block 3, Taber: George Francis Ridgedale, for re- newal of the license in respect to the Myrtle Hotel, situate on lots 28, 39 and 40, block 11, Bow Island: Robert Pallister, for renewal of the license in respect to the West Hotel, situate on lots 15 and 16, block 8, Burdette: fd to the k scussion of numesous pro- blems of vital interest to the Jewish tace. Marriage and divorse and the adaptaion to the laws of the country to the church jaw will be the chiei topics. One interesting feature will be new aspect had been put on the matter by the acquisition of the: barracks site, Several members of council thought the Tuxedo park site too far out, Father Blain sald *hat St. Bon- iface College would be willing to take part in any: ral plan of re-organ- homne tt Hunterfor-renewal ot the license in the hotel situate-on lots 1.and 2, block 4, Bas- sano: aes William Buell Code, for renewal of his wholesal nse in respect to the premises situate on lot 5, 3, Bassin Messrs. Ferguson, Thompson and. report showing the progress of the movement secking to abolish deroga- fiory characterization of the Jews on the stage and in the humorous press. NEGRO'S THIRD TRIAL flour mill with a capacity of 150 5 FOR MURDER barrels are growing industries. The - latter concern is now erecting a/new mill capable of producing 650 barrels a day, while it also controls a li: seed ofl mill which hardies all the flax that can be grown in the sur- rounding country. One of the local plan which will employ 75 men, and a company has been formed to maint tacture lt;gas dritling--tools and -sup- plies. The Lucky Jim Smelter Company have assured the city that they will start operations in the spring on the erection of a smelter to handle the zine ore from the Lucky Jim Mine in Britiss Columbia. To utilize by-pro- ducts of this industry, paint and brass works: will be erected, according to the plans of the promoters, Subsi- diary to the rolling mills operations, nut and bolt and nall factories are being arranged for. In connection with the gas supply it may be interesting to note that in 1911 a total of 32 ,686,00 cubio feet yas sold to the consumer, while 20,- 20,000 cuble feet were used by the Silty tS operate the electric. power plant and the waterworks. The total earnings for the year were 61,643, yielding a net profit of 41,000 lt; er- inly- nice: source-of-ineome-for the city. The gas is sold to ordinary con- sumers at fifteen cents per 1,000 cuble feet. Manufacturers are given a cer- tain amount free, according to agree- ment, and anything over and above that amount s charged foi Th cents per 1,000. The wells are ap- proximately 1,000 feet deep and give a pressure of from 560 to 580 pounds per squa-+ inch. This summer it is proposed to sink a new well to con- siderably greater depth by-way of Special to News. Amniston, Ala., April 12. The case murder of McClurkin occurred in th? 4own of Oxiord on April 20, 1909. Pope Was convicted of the crime on court has twice reversed the verdict and ordered a new triql im the case. SEIZED LIQUOR B. . Strike Remains Quiet But for. Couple of Minor .Mooidents.-- Ba CW, A. P. Diapatch) Vancouver, B. C., April 12 Be- yond the seizure of a large shipment of liquor in the strike zone there were no new developments in the I..W. W. strike on the C. N. gtade today. Two Italians imcharge of the liquor swore vengeance on Constable Ctambers, who confiscated the shipment at Yale. The strike pickets now have a sig- using handkerchiefs during the day and flashlights at night. blow up one or two camps have beeh i y Wife-ot Contraltor: became tired of the annoyance of the strikers at her kitchen near Yale yesterday and dispersed them with a small hose attached to a hot water tap. 6 Department has every facility for sup- jor Exvm: Pope, W Begto Who has been twice convicie ad condemned to Reported That Hill Has Se- deathy for the munder of J. BL MeCiur-: plant Hie. a white men, wesipelied is court here today for the thing riel. The na code up and down the canyon, Threats to Loose Leat-System The-News-Jobconsist-of Licut.C. Sifton, Corp. jzation provided that institution was given Independent to what subjects it should teach. The way is now opened for carrying out the new university scheme in connection with the parliament bufldings and city hall. BIG RAILWAY SCHEME cured Land between Twin Cities... (W. A. P, Dispatch) Winnipeg, Man, April 12 The presence of Mayor Pelletier of Port Arthur--here,-together with that of the general manager of the Great gineer representing the Hill interests jg the foundation of a report that the Great Northern has secured running rights over the Canadian Northern a- Jong the north shore into Fort Wii- Mam and Port Arthur. It is sald the Hii interests will erect blast fur- naces, smelters and coal docks, From the eame.saurce comes the report that a Nova Scotia firm, ers of railway supplies will locate on the Hill property between the two cities and that one great city will be built up, ministering to the ratlway requirements of Western Canads. Mayor Pelletier spent the forenoon at the industrial bureau and refused to talk. Positive confirmation of th report is therefore lacking. TEAM OF SIFTONS. (W. A-P. Dispatch) Ottawa, Ont. April 10. A militia fW eAsgned this morning contains an announcement that the Minister of Militia has approved of a team of of- ficers to represent Canadian tia, at International (London, England) Hague, and other coftinental horse Northern an a New York railway en-) Tanuraetur-P- McClarry, for renewal of the license in respect to the Alberta Hotel, sit ate-on lots 9 and 10, block 3, Bassan: Frederick Neelands Stubbs, for re- newal of the license in respect to the King George Hotel, situate on lots 21 to 24, block 5, Seven Persons: Martin Morrison Stubbs, for renew- al of the license in respe Carlstadt Hotel, sltuate on lots 9 and 10, in block 1, Carlstadt: John Bastian, for renewal of the l- cense in respect to the Union Hotel, situate on lots 6, 7 and 8, block 18, Taber: James Marshall, for renewal of the license in respect to the Royal Hotel, situate.onlots-1 and.2,-in block 9,-Ta- day of April, 1912, LF. CLARRY, Deputy Attorney General. TENDER FOR DRILLING GAS WELLS, CITY OF MEDICINE HAT will Teceive sealed tenders until noon of Saturday, the 20th April, 1912, for the drilling of the following gas wells. 1. One well, 1200 feet deep, finish- ed, 6 inches in diameter through- out, 2. One well, 1200 feet deep, fintsh- ed, 10 inches in diameter throughout. 3. Orie well, 2000 feet deep, finish- ed, 6 inches in diameter through- out, Proposals for above works must be made in accordance with Specifica - tions on file in the office of the City Engineer, shows this summer. The team will Guides; Lieut. J. Sifton, Corp. of Shiloits Gure HEI LUNGS STOPS COUGHS Paice. ss cunrs experiment. The high pressure gas system s 84 miles long, the low plying the most satisfactory, Guides. . For all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Deyartment, Talloring Go. Announces having the entire stock of a ehant In the city who ing from business. Sale commences Monda March Bist The stock consists of. Gents? 1 eee and Ladies Boots, Gisvee Teeake ete This tied will be sacrificed at 85 cents on the dollar. BE ON TIME for these bar- iH The proprietors don t Expect this took to. intt Jong. So remember time ai 312 Fourth Avenue Seed Potatoes VERMONT GOLDEN COIN. Prices on application. . Vinden P. 0. Box 689 . Medicine Hat. Wardrobe LADIES SILK DRESSES WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. DRY CLEANED. R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and Heary Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders, Piano Moving with Piano Van a Speciality. Pareels Delirerea. *PHONE NO. 349. CONTRACTOR Phone 727. Box 781. GAS.cITY VACUUM CLEANING CO. Is now ready for spring clean- ing. Have your el done with the Vacuum Process, the best and only way. to get Perfect Cleaning, disappointment of Phone 707. LOOK HAPPY e TENDERS FOR HORSES. . NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the Gity of Medicine Hat pro- Poses purchasing five horses for the - Scavenger D-partment. Sealed Tenders for the same wilt be received until noon, Wednesday, Ap- ril 17th, 1912. Weight required Between 1250 and 0 poe ee Immediate delivery must be guar- Janteed. The lowest or any tender mot mec- The lowest or any tender not nec- ssarily accepted, essarily accepted. (864), A. W. GLEAVES, (Sed.) A, W. GLEAVES Storekeeper Storekeeper. lt; of - . No orier too large or too small for th News Job Department. Give us trial.
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Image 592 (1912-04-12), from microfilm reel 592, (CU1738749). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.