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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ril 18th, 1912, hich some women en- sment of the womanly jemphia, Tean., wrote to be on my feet. escription e organism. It allays id builds up the aerves. medicine which has hat I ask for.'* ovement once day. ML FLAT WALL COLORS 16 shades ars hunt da tind to ). Special 1.45. yecial 3 Ibs for 1.00: i yecial 40c per Ib. pecial 30 per Ib. cial 25 per tin. lal 85c per Ib. 6 oz. tins. Re Special 45c per tin, be. for 25c. wders, 3 for 25 or or 2 for 45c, pecial 30c per doz. for 25c. lettuce antl onions. g. 85e and 90c. Spec- - pail, w. Reg. 1.25. Special . Bc. PERE Some of Our G Buys and CENTRAL PARK 2 lots, block 219840. 1 Cash. HERALD 260 feet, block 10, per pair 700.00, Regular. Lots 9 and 10, block 28, pair, 900.00, Regular. Lots 9 and 10, block 4, 1000.00. Regular. Lot 10, block B., 1450.00. Regular. 60 foot corner, block 18, 1050.00. Regular. CENTRAL PARK 2 lots, block , 850.00. Basy terms. Snap. 2 lots, block 29, 650.00. Regular. 2 lots, block 17, 840.00. cash. 100 feet near Highland St., 2600.00. Regular. TOW NSITE Lot 8, block 82, 900.00. 400.00 cash. Snap. , Main Street, 1400.00. 800.00 cash. Lot 18 to 14, block Lot 14, block 62, suas 10 lots, block 22, 600.08 pair. Regular. 5 lots, block 27, 600.00 Pair. 2 lots, block 11, 750.00. 320.00 cash. Lot 1, block 18, 625.00. Regular. Lot 6, block 9, 600.00. Regular. 50 ft, block 10, 500.00. Regular. SOUTH YUILL Lot 18, block 6, 900.00. 350.00 cash. 50 ft, block 4, 00. Regular. 50 feet, block 11, 800.00. Regular. 50 feet, block 14, 700.00. Regul: 1.00. Special 85c tin. ul 25 per packet. ecial 11 for 1.00. 5c. for 25c. 25e. c per Ib. Se per tin. 5c. I. per 98 Tb sack. 00; 40 sack, reg. pecial 80c; 8 TD sack, per sack, r sack. sack: Shoice Seed Ohio, Man- all selected. 35c. zi . 45e. Special 35c. 35 . ; Special 0c. 26e. er can. So or 2 for 45c. for 45c. o per bottle. for 25c. Wednesday, eep for ref- r after Sat- strawberry, 6 tb tins. in. . Reg. 1.00. Special s for 55c. Oc per Ib. 2 for 450. for 260. gt; per doz. 40c per at. sealer. ERED TO ANY D. Write for Our tOW RAILWAY ST. Coates soeho geste dies Poy ka 04-8 LO O18 0-1 0-0-1 0-1-0 0- OM Le us figure on your requireme our prices low as the lowest. call. PHONE 467 Do destestesostontecerertes The Cap For All Occasions For work-days, as for play-days, an Eastern Brand cap is just what gives you the most value in re- turn for your money. have fit; style, comfort and -warmth and they keep their smart, natty look lo: an ordinary ca) shabby. B eeey Regular. OUSINS SISSONS Regular. NORTH YUILL Snap. WE WANT-YOUR- LISTINGS. T. F. DAWSON CO. Real Estate and Financial Brokers. Anoans and Insurance. modern; our stock the lnrgest, best and most complo We ar , therefore, in the best position to give you good service. No order too large for us to handle or too small to receive our best attention. Ask to have our representative Good Snaps Snap. Sa Se Soda a Bade Behe ee CeCe CPOE EEE Pee ao aae tooo aoa ge Re ace armen eg ng erg ea oan tn 4 BUILDERS Our yard is the most Western Canada Lumber Co., Ltd. EAST: ALLOWANCE They after would be You can't do better next pay than to investa little f-your-envelopein an Eastern Brand cap. Go to it - 3 EASTERN: OOS FOLOTOLOH HONTRACTORS lock. AN Don't close a deal for your Fir Finish without first'inspecting Its thoroughly dry and all sanded, and will save you We have a full stock of heavy coast Fir dimension, and everything else required by the builder. HEADQUARTERS FOR CEMENT, AND PLASTER. Yard, North Railway Street. : FOPOOF OFS FOOLS TOLLE OLOTOLOLOES OFOLOL Ot ORG AAWant Ad in the Daily News a Ze BRAND CAPS 0 FO-O-he-+ore: D BUILDERS Joists, good straight WML GD. UID : Phone 59 Ta Th Se Arose from the Dead ; his text, I Chriet be not risen, then is our preaching vain, und your faith als: vain; witnesses of God. * * * T also. which are fallen asle : are: 14, 15, 18.) He si saints by Jesus and the tinually in difficul: vor to make the Sci on the subject squai the unseriptural into the Church, fnto many. of the creeds dur Dark Ages. these human p them which makes void the Word of ( These errors have been instrum in dividing the faith of Gox into six hundred denominat: six hundred different prof 2 3 2. hota Mody teste SPH P Naoto ep aee4 Podow Lodois 2 sf R3 R3 os S Reece Seleteetetreoer re it 0, add The Wor De ah 00-00-00 p-ep abet Or or, Russell of the Brooklyn Tabernacle preached in the to-day to nea: hearers. His topic was, the resurrection, becau: find stated in the B: Hee resurrection, 7 PEOPLE S Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL Pastor Beso'lyy Taberaasle. NY. 7. Pastor Brooklyn, April of Music hundred vhy C Acade' twent, found fals en they in Christ As xv yea, and we are ished. Corinth aes The faith once delivered Ap th been very gencrals people profess u belie tess ural teac 1 theories ree and incorp St. Paul warned the Chureh age ilosophies, and gelenee, falsely so. call God's people could all co the simplicity of the Bibl in respect to the resurrection 0 dead. all of thes differenoes woul apeedily dispapear. God's Word would be seen to be beautiful und harmoniot Satisfactory to th - sectated intellect, as none o sectarian creeds dre. Really the doctrine of the tion of the dead has been re all denominations, 1ot willinc not intentionally, but perforce were. An opposi theory re and intrenched in the minds vives no place for the doctrine of the rr surrection, as the Bible nts. it Consequently we have d the doctrine of the resurrection and cite, I believe in the resurre lt; of the body. Yet even this resurrection is not satisfacte those who hold it. They wi a time that the doctrine of th rection were not in Bible, much differenc : instance, how that they should the resurrection of then say. tions. If it is a blessing to d et free from the limitation: dy, how could. it be a bl be reinearceratec: in the bo obliged to Keep it. through all etrn- ity? Such is the inconsistency of the struction. of il able-and- ening and uplifting of all tho familics + of the earth ee P U L Pl T lt; Hearken to the special promise made to the Church: Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the First Resurrection: on such the S cond WHY CHRIST ROSE Death hath no power, but they shall qe be and Him sand FROM THE DEAD jition xx, Also i UCR promise of the world's There shall be a What It Proved and What It Guarantees The Core a complete chan-s is effected in seven years. Thus a man, a soul, sentient be- ing, may in a life of Aity, years have loughed off gradually sufficient mat. ter to have com sgeven bodies. But the moment the sloughing off of this dying matter the substitu. tion of living matter ceases, we have death; and as soon a8 the body dies the soul dies that, ia, the intelligent being ceases. There ca be no think. ing without a brain, no breathing without lungs, no maintenance of life in any sense of the word without 8 body. a total de the soul had not God specially provided, ag. the Prophet declares, that He would redeem man's life (soul) from destruction, through the redemptive work accomplish by Jesus in giving His fe ing for man s in, and thus making possible man s jon from the dead. It is in consequence of this Divine provision through Christ for a resur- rection of humanitythat the Scrip- tures speak of death as merely a falling asleep for a time, to wait for the new body in. the. resurrectios, rather than to speak of us as dying as the brute beasts. The word sleep im- lies that in, the Divine, purpose future life is intended, and will even- tually be given. St, Paul does not leave the matter of Christ's r-currection undecided. He positively affirms thet, Christ is risen from the dead, and that, thus risen, He is the Firstfruits of those that slept, which implies that when He was raised the rs still slept. Jesus slept a part of those thre days, from the time He died until the Father raised Him from the dead, from hades, from sheol, from the tomb, on the thitd day. He, as the Firstfruits of. the sleeping on s, is an example and a guarantee of the ful- fillment of the Divine promise, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and of the un- fast : It behooves us to take a decided stand, either with the Grecian phil- osophers and their theories, or with the Bible. The two sre in conflict and whoever attempts to hold both is in confusion. If the dead are not dead, then no human being is dead. And if no one is dead, how could there be a resurrection of the dead? The inconsistency of the theory held. respecting the resurrection of the body has invited a very reason- just criticism. Th. skeptic acks; How could the body be resur- rected, after it has gone to dust and after the dust has scattered to the four winds? They tell us of a grave that was opened near an apple free, and it was found that a root from the tree had entered the coffin surrection, both of the unjust. they that have done come forth. that they may resurrection effected by of the Gospel. disciplines, cha: + dew ee nnmmmene ciory whicy will be attained perfection a raising up to first through disobedience, and redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. John v, 98,29, R. V. resurrection of our Lord dead, and if a proper the just an (Acts xxiv, 15.) Again, Pros judem ments, which will r; and the be in.them chara possessed by Father Adam, lost Every Sunday is a memorial of the IN SIX WEEKS. we shall have ten 7-roomed houses finished and for sale. In three weeks we shall have ten small houses for rent. Anticipated buyers of houses on easy terms, keep in touch with us. We are building 25 to-35- here this season. ADOLPH SMITH . * MEDICINE HAT. For furt her par 116 Moritreal St. MOOSE JAW iculars see . W. Smith fi from the ntion the Master s resurrection were kep in mind we would not think of quar. reling with the expression Easter Sund: But alas, this name Exst is associated with heathen philos phies: and idolatries, which did so much to make the Word of God of none effect; and-the fact should be noted that it is tie name of a Greek Boddess, The compromis:ns spirit indteed-some-of the-early Church to admit the heathn philosophies and to mmingle with these the inspired achings of the Bible; but now there yhristians to rid themselves of science and philoso- phy falsely so-called, and to return the Biblical simplicity of the Di- ine Revelation. Of this Revelation alone St. Peter declares, It is able to make you ise unto salvation, gi an inheritance among a ch are sanctified. And again, The Word of God is sufficient, that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished unto every-good work. Let us to-day, then, rejoice in Him-who died for our sins and who rose on the third day for our justification. Let ustid our minds of the foolish thought that He did not really die, that He only seemed to die that when the Roman soldiers crucified Him, He simply got out of His body, laughed at them, and said, I have not died at i could not die; you could not kill Me. Let us remem- ber rather the Divine Word on subject: Christ died for our sins He poured out His soul unto death ; He made His soul an offering for sin, Let us remember the assurance of the Bible that eventually He shall see the fruits of the travail of Hi: soul and shall be satisfied. . Let us rejoice also in the assurance of the Apostle that His soul was not left in hades, sheol, death, but that God raised Him from the dead on the third day. If Christ did not die, then the death penalty upon Adam and his race has rot been met. Those who claim that He did not die, that merely itis body lied, are illogical. They profess to believe that Jesus accomplished. for 8 redemptixe work, that He died, The Just for the unjust. If Christ, Redeemer, noured out His soul to death. and if His the recovery of His soul or z out of death, wherein is the logie in the declaration of some that tis not this with the Church nor th the world? If Jesus did not go ayen when He died if He went into the grave, into sheol, men A mole or a pimple can be con- cealed by a bit of court plaster ekill- fully applied. Flesh. color is best, but even black will be taken simply as one of the beauty patches which wo- are again aff cting. One Remington sprinkle it well with Another Visible Model 10 Typewriter inuse in will absolutely prove to you the enduring leader- ship of ington. additional one sim- ply piles up the proof. Remember your Remington Typewriter Company Gncorporated) * - 206 CENTRE your office, the. Rem- And every that we guarantee satisfaction. STREET, vere, way to bide a mole ts to cover thickly with old cream and then to flesh colored powder until it is invisible. For all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. Te eral view. There is nothing inconsistent in the Bible presentation of the resurrec- tion. Not from the Bible, but from men, comes the suggestion of the resurrection of the body. The Bible invariably tefers to the resurrection of the soul. It is the soul that dies as we read, The soul that sinneth, shall die. living soul, but his living soul came under the death sentence because he disobeyed-God. It -was-his-soul-that was redeemed from death, not his body. I will redeem thy. life (look up the word life to see if it is from the HebreW word meaning Psalm ci struction. 4. h this redemption we To accompli read that His soul upto death ; He made His eoul an offering for sin. Moreoxer,. we are partjgularly told that it was the soul of Jesus that was raised from the dead: Thou wilt not leave My soul in sheol. St, Peter quotes this statement as prophetical of the resurrection of Jesus, that His soul was not left in hades; God raised Jesus from the dead on the third day. With what body -do they comek is dead souls, in the resurrection, cording to, the Bible. tant. point retted not the body. dies, as the Bible declares, manifestly the soul should be God by our. traditions. tradition which Socrates and rdi of the body, the tran; it seems port, and with hundreds of to condemn: it ach a 7 ause of their they had no revelation from respecting a future life. fore tried their best to convince them. that no man can die. theor; namely, body, that he is a soul, eentient being. Neither bodiless being, and Adam was created. mesuallg eon, ood wures never speak of the resur- thesis) sith Stor oboe ore Saeg Ser : a ist Jesus poured out totally- different question. Some of ll come forth with spirit . bodies, and others with human bodies, ac- But the impor- , that it is the soul, the being, that comes forth; that is resur- Tf the soul then ire to believe in a future life; and becausg They there- selves that man really does not die die. The. Bible. is the very reverse of this, that a man is not merely a a thinking, is he a indeed he cannot bea being at all without a body. His body may change, as science declares and practically absorbed the corpse, from which it had produced thousands of apples, which in. turn .had been shipped to various parts of the world, some of the poorer grades being fed to hogs, whose hams were cured and sent abroad and thus passed into other human beings, to become parts of still other human bodies. question proper unanswerable one from the stand- point of our former misbelief and our poor attempt to combine human Philosophy-and Divine Revelation. But such a question brings no con- sternation to the Bible student who follows the. Scriptures alone. The iv the resurrection of the soul, and t in the resurrection God giveth it (the soul) a-body as it pleaseth Him. How reasonable it will Be for the world to be awakened in practically the ,condition lt;in which they went down into death And these will.ex- perience, if willing and: obedient, a gradual resurrection or raising up to the image and likeness of Father Adam in his perfection. But some in the: resurrection receive spirit bodies like unto the ang ls, and same like unto; the body of Christ in His which-Saul of Tarsus of the sun, at noonday, of Jesus. the Holy Spirit w Tf they are faithful to thei rection resur- rected. wenant their vesur The difficulty with-us has been that Jory, honor and-immortality, as we have made void the Word of We -re- ecived from the Grecian philosophers Jato both advocated, namely, that when a human. being dies he does not really The soul, it-is claimed, cannot but, whenever the sul gets out dies. How that we all, as in- teligent, thoughtful beings, have sc- cepted this heathen. philosophy, with- ou: a word of Scripture for its sup- Seriptares We can see how-thedugathen phil. osophers might be led jure up Tt is sown in 688, in power; it is own in it is raised in glory ayer honor, an body. This is tection which God has al. the members of the Body of Christ, which is the Church. morning of the New Dispensation. But he adds, We shall not all sorhe will be plive and-remain the second coming of Jesys. These, however, will not take precede over the sleeping ones, for, io Chtist shall rise frat ment, in the twink. changed in a. in: - ) ling of lesh and Kingdom. of God. dead through glorified, and in du Ibe resurrection, Deheld shining above the brightness The class that is promised a resur- rection in spirit bodies is the Church intly few who walk inc the The begetting of, ich comes to these , * S- their nature from: earthly to; ed explained by St., Paul in the context, po t is sown animal body, it is raised a spirit description of the, resur- promised to St. Paul de- clares that the members of this Body fall asleep, to awaken in the glorious in n08 The dead then we which gre alive and remain shall be ie, because blood cannot inherit the As the death of wns absolutely. necessary as the atoning price for human sin, so the resurrection of Jesus was absolutely heovssty, that He might not remain ail eternity, but be time, come again 5 erat wires thr te that others go direct to Heaven cll or Purgatory? Let us be con- The wages of sin is not not a Hell of torture, in ff place. On the contrary, f sin is death. The ed and rose; and is nt He who raised lt;p Jesus from the dead will raise us 1) also, by Jesus, through His spirit vd power; and not only so, but also world of mankind, all who were yaved-m the death sentence upon fi man gt;, the entire world ig in- the death payment made by it Redemer, that As by man tion of the dead 1am die, even so all in Christ be made alive. But, says the ste, while. every man who will into Christ. shall be. made will come forth own, ist company shall the Church of the wen. Afterwards will come who will become His at, or dur- His presence during the thou- years of His Kingdom glory. e opportunity of that thousand rs will inean to: every man. the nrivilege of .coming into fellowship ith the Redeemer and King, Em- manuel, Whoever willl secept the op, Yortonity will receive the blessing of ion to Messiah's family, As become al ing and regenerati ee, all such, to.o fil imnge and Ukeness of God, lost in Ban, redeemed at Calvary. ine ewes eee Boomerang. gt; A gilt for repartee is an invaluable weapon inthe armory of the political orator whei missfles are fying sbout, Some years ago avsneeting was held in a cwest country constituency in Ergiand, which was largely attended by men on the other-side. One of the azguments addresaed to date took the form of a particularly large cabbage, It missed its nim, how- 8 the speaker contrived to jeld it and, holding it up to the ond, exclainied, One gf aur poll Bi al opponents appears to Hothead tonden Clpronicl The Chance H Lost. - Why are you so sad, Alice? her mother asked. ge T've decided not to keep company with Mr. Jonesby any more. Dear me Have you heard any- thing about him? ot No. But last night when I daid T wished that I.was a man he merely asked me why, instead of getting ex- cited and saying that life would be atetul to him if I had not been to effect the resurrection of docs gradually, hour by hour, until *PHONE 66 Piano Movi A Specialty (His Church and, subsequently, the awak- Transfer Co. Reessonane A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results. orn girl. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 364 Toronto Street. We can supply you with the latest improved Loose Leaf Systems at Eastern Prices. Keep the money at home. . Get our prices before sending out-of the city for these goods. We carry a stock of. Binders , Indexes, Ledger Sheets, Account Forms, etc. for this w rk. We make a: speciality:of Tose Leaf Binders, in Cor- duroy and Leather, Canvass and Leather,.Canyass..etc., and can make them any size to order. Job Dep Medicine Hat News, Ltd. artment
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Image 604 (1912-04-13), from microfilm reel 604, (CU1738739). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.