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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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aay, June rd, 1912 Very Best suys SCHOOL Lots Lots ANNEX, 6, 865 pair. 525 pair, -24, ORTH YUILL, Lot 4, 3800. Lots 3-9, 700, Lots 10-11, 3750. jOUTH YUL Lot 6, 1050.00, 5 Lots 18-19, 1150.00. Lots 11-12, 1250.00. NTRAL PARK, Lots 37-88, 790 pair. Lots. 47-50, 950 pair. Lots 9-10, 850 pair. Lots 27-28, 735 cash BENDING. south half, 200 cach. lots in Powell in half blocks near the lis. See us about these ILTON HEMEON pepe ee ENCED CROOKS 2 Vancouver Pol- tecent. Holdup In- ion. A. P. Dispatch.) B. C., June 3. The rob- Jordova street gambling ay night was carried out d bandits who have had ce in the etick up game, of the polive, after mak- estigation of the affair. ur in the hold-up party up close on a thousand a dozen inmates of No. treet, where they were poker. The business ing is a little man, mid- with a smooth shaved many years ago was mining camps of; Utah He was unmasked, and Yetims against the. wall em for their cash. a 2VICE. ntreal to Vancouver. ncouver to Montreal. toronto to Vancouver neouver to Toronto. ess, St. Paul-Seattle. eas, Seattle-St. Paul. nipeg to Calgary. ary*to Winnipeg. ay Landing. ci Landing. Ltd. St. Paul-Port. Ltd. Port.-St. Paul. ssing time at Dun- rous friends and past seven years md begs to state carried on as a for the company n assurance of ns always been KINNON + a35-d-tf Present Dally Averige 1666 Copies, Advertisers in Dally get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation, No extra charge, Books open to ad- vertisers, VOL. 2, NO 277 lt; B .s, MONSTER C MEDICINE HAT NEWS ELEBRATION MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA, TUESDAY. JUNE 4, IN THE HAT 1912 DAILY EDITION. f. A. P. AND C. A.B, TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE ' Dominton Day, Monday, July Ist, is sto be; Medicine Hat's Day. This was decided at a meeting held in the City Hall last evening, and steps were im- mediately taken to start work to make the celebration, which will be held here on that day, the biggest, best, most unique, most amusing and pleas- ing that has ever been held in any elty of the West. Invitations are to be extended to the people in. all the near-by towns, not only invitations, but a campaign of advertising to let the people know that we are holding the celebration and that they are welcome to particl- Pate-in It, will be carried on. The fun will morning, the feature of which will be a monster parade, and everyone will be personally asked to partielpate and help make the parade success, Sports, ineludfug races and games will follow closely. In the afternoon other sports will be put on. An effort Is also being made to get some other paid amusements. The culminating event of the day, a new one and a good one, will be a big fire works dis- play. A large sum of money will be spent on tle display and already the Hand Fire Works Co., of Hamilton, are figuring on the outlay of the display. Possibly an effort will be made to get the Soldiers home in time so as to incinde a military tatoo, with the fire works display. Besides this, it is plan- ned to have an open air performance start in the early . on the stand, if the attractions can be secured, However, there are many things that ft is planned to have, but. the programme is by no means ready. A committee of four, known as the Dominion Day Celebration Committee composed of W. H. Tarpin, A. F. Bin- ning, C. S. Pingle and W. E, Hay, will have charge of all the plans, They were appointed by the Mayor. They will spare no expense to make the day a success, They will try to make what they can towards meeting the expense of the day by charging ad- mission at the grounds, but the May- or says that the counel will make up the deficit. We want to advertise our city in all the small towns surrounding here, said the Mayor. We want to get the people to concentrate their view tow- ards Medicine Hat. We will give them tlie sport if they come here. It 4g also planned to secure several hands from the small towns,-and also football and baseball clubs, In fact there will be something for everyone and enough for all on July, Ist here. One of the big plans for the pro, cession is to have a Miss Canada for the day, She will grace the Canadian float In the big procession that day and will otherwise preside over the events of the day, distributing prizes won in the evening, etc. Another feature will be the eity dec- orations on that day. All the citizens and partictlarly the business men are CITY TO BE MECCA - OF HOLIDAY CROWDS Celebration Committee Appointed to Make Dominion Holiday a Memorable One for Citizens and People of the Surrounding Towns Programme of Events to be the Best Ever Seen in the West Will Spare No Expense. asked to decorate their places on that day, Electric lights will be strung across the strects at various points and it fs ikely that a big welcome sign will be erected in front of the ity, hall. . From time to timd the different de- yelopments of the plans of the com- mittee will be announced by the News. FORGET It There has been more or less diseus- sion locally on a point which should never have come up for controversy, viz, the design on the flags used in the hanger advertising Medicine Hat's: Fall Fair. It would, of course, have been preferable to have seen our own Union Jack utilized, but condemnation at this Inte date cannot possibly be of any advantage, and may engender bitter feelings. The poster Js a neat anit catchy one, and the Agricultural Soclety has, received many compll- ments on thelr selection. The order was given to a Toronto lithographing firm and doubtless hundreds of thou- sands of copies have been printed for Fairs in other parts of Canada. That a flag somewhat resembling that of the United States is used for decora- tive purposes on the poster escaped the eye of the committee which chose it to advertise-the Medfetne Hat Ex- hibition. If it had been noticed at the; time, It would undoubtedly haye been fetter to have had the design altered in-this respect. But the order having, heen filled and the hangers distrib- uted, what possible good can acerue DARROW TRILL (CW. ADP, Dispatch.) Los Angel s, Cal, June 4 The cross examination of Bert H. Franklin in the trial of Clarence S. Darrow for alleg d jury bribing was expected to. come to an end Some time during the day's session of the tria and cikar. the way for intreduction of other evi dence by prosedation. Although th defense has professed itsclf well, pleased with mumber of points brought out by its examination of one of the State's chle - witnesses, the es- sential story told on direct examina tion by Franklin has not been mater ially-changed as the result of an at- - tack by the defense. SHED GHNAL RATE BOOST TS DRUPPED Blue Funnell Tine and other Combinations Drop from Conference. (W. A. P, Dispatch.) der of the officer. Brooks, the station of the murdered officer, is considerably upset, as n re- sult of the crime, and the feeling jagainst the murderers runs high. Da- vies was most popular - throughout the town. Price to starting out on Victoria, B.C. June 4 Word was received here today that the Blue Funnel Line has withdrawn from the North Pacific: trams-Pacific rate con- ference, and other lines in the combi- uation, the Canadiam Pacific, Nippon, Kaissha, Oshakashosene, Great North- rn Steamship Company, and the Ore- on, has issued notice to shippers that consignment of frelght to the Funnel steamers will invalidate all shippers to participate in the def rred rates on the other lines from the Pa- cifie conference, followed by an at- tempt by the Nippon Yusen Kaisha to advance the rate between the United Kingdom and Yokohama via the Suez Blue luc ofnting to bullet holes in his -hat, what has proved to be his last case, and talking to the boys with whom he was a unlyersal favorite, Just a dusk a much terrified, Italian hurried into the town, and Igeating a police- man, in broken language told him that two Indians and a breed had shot sev- eral times at him, at the same time coat sleeve, and in a bundle of blan- kets, that he carried. There was no doubt bt that he had been shot at, and the policeman, after closely ques- tioning him, elicited the information that he was walking along the track he had been around the town, joking) Mounted Policeman q Brutally Murdered Body of Officer Frank Davies of Brooks Found on the Prairie with Bullet Through His Heart Three Prisoners, Two Indians and a Half Breed Held at Bassano Charged with His Murder. Stripped of gun and cartridge belt and horse missing the lifel Policeman Frank W. Davies, of Brooks, with a bullet through his heart, w ing on the trail, last night, two miles southeast of Southesk. Two Indians and a half breed are now in Bassano and will be removed to Calgar this afternoon. They were arrested late last night and are now charged with the mur esk. Whiskey seems to have been thelr Object. Just outside of Brooks a resi- dent of the town met them and one of them who had a horse, offered to sell the animal for a certain amount of whiskey and 5, At Southesk they met a man on the outskirts of the town and because he refused to get them whiskey, they shot at him. The Itallan who was shot at and who gave the alarm to the dead offi- ss body of, Mounted found ly- A party of men working for the Southern Alberta Land Company were going into Southesk last evening, when they came upon the body of the officer lying on the trail. The body was still warm and he had been dead only a short time. hurried to Southesk and an alarm was sent to the Bassano quarters of the police. They hurried to the scene and soon rounded up the two Indians and the breed on the charge of killing the officer. ey immediately cer, Is being held at Brooks for the examination of the trio, The latest Information to hand seems to leave some doubt as to the composition of the trio of alleged murderers. The first report sald that they were two Indians and a breed, the latest says that they were two In- dians and a squaw, and other report say that three full blooded Indians were arrested, Big Majorities For The Bylaws Less Than a Hundred Voters Turned Out Yesterday to Canada, will be presented with a handsome gold brac iet. by the committee, fe ole so oe she oe ae ole ole ofe ole ofe abe ole ale she she aff fe fe fe ote whe whee oh fp es es e Corron SEED CRUSHERS + We, the undersigned, beg to : MEST AT, ST IOUS eee ee nominate x (Special to the News) + Miss... St Louis, Mo, June 4 Delegates + Street Address from nearly all of the Southern Sta- + As a tandidate to repr tes and representing an pggregate from criticizing the design now? It is a small matter after all, and if Med- icine Hat is to ever rise to the dig- nity of a large city, the citizens must rise above the hnbit of petty riticisth. Effort to Divert. Moving to Ca MICHIGAN ELKS AT SAGINAW nada Thousand Delegates at Meeting of Northwestern Dev- elopment Congress at Seattle The Flood of Immi- gration to Canada and How to Stop it the Principal eleven are in almost every available Sener UE: niche fn honor of visiting members of ae Sain gl teh emia ana a i the Benevolent and Protective Order (Special to the News) Jjof Elks who are coming to town by Seattle, Wash, June 4 Nearly one South Dakota and North Dakota. the hundreds from every section of thousand delegates are in the city to Many matters of importance. will be Michigan for. their eighth annual attend the Northwestern Derelop- considered during the three days of State convention. While the conven- ment Congress, which opens tomor- meeting. The principal ones will tion proper does not assemble until row. Influential delegations, in near- however, by the question of a unlform tomorrow, the reunion already has ly every instance headed by the Gov- public lands policy and proposed begun. Among the delegates arriv- ernor of the State, aren hand from legislation which will assist the ed are those from Detroit, Cadillac, Lalifornin, Idaho, Nevyadij. Oregon, Northwestern States In more rapid Grand Rapids, Traverse City, Kala- Washington, ota; - Arizona, development and to stcm the tide of nazoo, Port Huron, Lansing, Jackson, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, emigration to Western Canada. Muskegon, Pontiac and Coldwater. MISS CANADA CONTEST Arrangements made to Decide by a Vote of the Citizens, What Young Lady will have the Honor of Representing Miss Canada on the National Float in the Dominion Day Demonstration. : Saginaw, Mich, June 4: Purple and white bunting envlops this city and Elks heads and clocks pointing thelr hands to the mystic hour of In connection with the Dominion Day demonstration in Medicine Hat, it has been decided that the citizens at large shall select ti 0 will have the honor of representing Miss Canada on the Canadian float in the procession. It is proposed that the vote be.taken through the medium of the News and coupons will be published for this purpose each evening after the contest begins. A nomination blank will be found appended. Nominations will be received until Thursday evening. On Friday, the names of the candidates who have accepted nomination and are willing to enter the field will be announced. Z Be i - - me The voting begins on Saturday, June th, when the first coupon will be publish- ed in the News. The contest closes on Monday evening, June 24th and on each even- ing between the 8th and the 24th the result of the day s vote will be made known. The successful candidate in addition to winning.the honor of representing Miss . Dominion Day in Medicine Hat, capital of. 10,000,000. were present ** Nominated by ... leaiee at the opening of annual con- + Street Address F vention of the Interstate Cotton Seed * Seconded by ...- . Crushers Association. The conven- + Strectsvddress tion will Continue in session until Fri- + 3 o- hetween Southesk and Brooks, when he met three men, tivo Indians and a half breed. They asked for the bun- dle of blankets he carried under his arm, He declined to part with them jand they, In an effert'to secure them, nired- Several shots after him. He took to his heels and seaped and then hurried to Brooks to report the mat- ter. When the officer had secured as good a description as he could from the man by the ald of his broken Eng- lisa, he Jumediately secured his horse and arms; and set out on thelr trail. He traced them-to Southesk and at the GP.R, station at-thut point learned Jirom the agent that the (ree men had passed there but a short time be- fore, and that they had turned off the track In a southeasterly direction, tak- ing the main trail, The officer immediately started af- ter them, and that Is the list that was seen of him alive. His dead body was found some time Iater on the trail patch) two miles from the station. ws. What took place when he caught up Columbus, O., June 4 Althouch 'with the party of three, is only a the results of yesterday indicated matter of conjecture, but the bullet that Taft delezates would be in nole through the officer's heart tells. control of she republican state con-/ 4; (he enlmination of whatever hap- vention today, the first test of ac- honed. tual strength of the Roosevelt and His murderers ther took his gun and Paft factions will be held'immediate- cartridge belt and horse, and contin- ly upon the opening of the conven- ued on thelr way southeast, leading the tiop- when the majority and minority horse. z reports of the resolution committee The men. who found the body of the be made. The majority report polieeman, after making sure that life will be an endorsement of the Taft was extinet, in on to Southesk. administration and the-minority The station Who but a short strong endorsement of Roosevelt. time Previously had given. the po- The convention will then begin the eeman the information that 7 TaK of sling hal orntes (0S ert t,o Bean Pele Cor the Chicago convention. Roosevelt , Seats snpsorieslaes practically Doral) Johasion, of Bassano; aotltyiog Speed: tat : hhim of the murder of his brother of- seered that ie will Be unwise 0 5 ltieer. Ag soon as possible he hurried caueus-ity the scene of the murder. Whether Following the selection of six dele- y. was assisted or how he came npon gates the convention is expected to ang arrested the three men-who are Fecess until after the National con- now being held for the murder, is not vention at Chicaco. The politicians y, yet known. Suffice to say that he this morning declared this to be gneceeded In effecting their capture. the Kightest * conyention the re- Whether or not they protested their The result, they say, will be battle innocence of the erime or boldly nd- publican party has ever held in Ohio. mitted it, is not known. If they took royal on the floor. the former course they will find it hard-to explain how they came to be Cana , 10 per cent: Wie rate-was to have gone into effect at Yokoboma May 15, On that date Butterfield and SWits. agents of the far east for the Bide Funnel Line, gave notice of the withdrawal of the powerful British line of steamers from the trans-Pa- cific conference and the proposed in crease' on the Suez route: was then abandoned. The dispute was brought into the trans-Pacifie trad by rea- son of the negotiations. between the Japan Tea Growers Association and Japanese lines for reduced tea rates to America. Ohio s Majority Report for Taft But a Strong One for Teddie Will be Submitted by the Minority. consecutive coupons from the considerably jefe Dally News, and a Local officers are cfieet that the Indians, who are sus- by mall. oho echo fe ole oe whe Be ob obs Es eke steph eke ste alsisbn ts fe Bente oe oh oe ioe scsncribe now for The-Dally News. peeted of the murder, shot at another BNE Ee ee ooh tb ob of man Jnst on the outskirts of South- * titles the holder to a photo- thelr fellow officer. Davies wasa gramme reproduction of the ++ young man 25 years of age, and was + famous painting, The Prairie 4+ considered n most efficient policeman, Pire Coupons and rhoney +f) His untimely and traxic death Is i should be presented at the + deeply reeretted by all the Brooks News office any time after +f) people anday other officers of the *f Tuesday, June 4th, force. ++ This picture cannot be sent Later information recelved is to the a + * PERE EE EE EE in possession of the officer's horse + and arms. They. were taken to Bas- + COUPON NO. 20. Flsano by the officer and wHl this af- se ea F ternoon be taken to the Calzary bar- + Tuesday, June 4. ++ tacks, where they, will stand trial for +. This coupon with five other + their Ife for the officer's: murder, Cast Their Votes for or Against the Five By-laws Nine the Biggest Vote in Opposition. The five by-laws voted on by the burgesses of the Hat yesterday all carried by a handsome, majority. The biggest vote against any of the by- laws was nite und the smallest, one. Not quite a hundred Yotes in all turned ont to cast their ballots. The By-laws and the vote: SIDAKOTA PRES, Pind Eqslongee os oe : PRIMARY TODAY Last of the States Holding Voting Today Large Ticket for the Voters. TaN TH REPORTED TRE DIT TraiaNo. 2, which left here an bouy late this morning, is reported to be in the ditch at Webb, between here and Swift Current. The wires are down and communication cut off. It is impossible to. learn whether or not. are anytfatalities, The local auxitiary has been called aut. FIVE DEAD Gas Fumes Suffocate Cin- cinnati People. (W. A P. Dispatch.) Sioux Falls, Juse 4 South Dako- - ta, the last state to hold primaries for the election of the delegates to the republican and democratic na- tional conventions, today witnessed the closing struggle: qetween the sup- porters of the national party leaders, The three lists of delegates on the publican ticket, several pledged-to Taft, Col. Roosevelt and Senator La follette, evidenced the warmth of the three-cornered party fight. Fol- lowers up of the president, were hope? ful as the day advanced that the strength of his opponents would be divided. Roosevelt leaders were con- fident the Colonel would carry the state by avlarge plurality. 5 On the democratic side the battle was waged between the Clark Wilson forces. The Wilson men were certain they would gain by reason of, there being two Clark tickets, The. presidential preference oyer- shadowed the contest im which much interest was manifested in the fight of Senator Gamble who is opposed for re-olection by Rochards Colmen Grigsby and Thos. Stirling, three side fight for gubernatural nominations on the republican ticket was waged between Geo. W. Egan of Sioux Falls and Frank M. Byrn of Faulkton and Loomis S. Cull of Ra- pid City. (CW. A, P. Dispatch.) Cincinnati, O., June 4. Five persons perished as the result of being over- come by gas fumes in a grain well at the dairy of Jacob Sachs in Fairman, this city, today. The Presbyterian Special for Bd- monton, passed through the Hat last evening at 20.40.- It was composed of one day coach, one dinner and. three sleepers. ENGLISH PARLIAMENT REASSEMBLES. Talk of Dropping the Welsh Church Disestablishment Bill on Account of Large Amount of Business. (WA. P. Cable.) June 4. Parliament re-as- iz certainly far fiom a popular meas tre, with many supporters af the gov ernment, yet ft is extremely doubtful if the ministerialists,dare drop. the measure. Tho B sson wit perhaps lt; lt; extend into next year, t London sembles today after the White Sunday holiday. It is admitted hat the pro- gramme awaiting digestion Istruly gi- gantlc and thers ig talk of dropping Weish aisestabliishinent, although this
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Image 935 (1912-06-04), from microfilm reel 935, (CU1739105). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.