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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Be Glasgow House Special Sa Children s Dresses e showing In our Children s Department we maugh larger variety of ready-to-wears than usual. ROMPERS Good Material PRINT DRESSES Nice Trimming - Girls and Mises Dresses: White and Colored 1 SAILOR SUITS WASH COATS, UNDERWEAR, UNION SUITS, ETC. All to Clear at 25 per cent. off, .50 up. For every 1.00 you spend you get 25 cts. back. lt;The House of Fashionable Dressers proper corset, to suit the prevailing corsetless figare elfect. And the latest La Diva and Dx A crea- tions-have just hit this off. THE DOMINION CORSET COMPANY QUEBEC Makers of the Celebrated D A Corsets Cc. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. Effective June nd, 1912, No. Arrive. Leave. 1 20.20 2045 Imp, Ltd. Montreal to Vanvouver a 8.05 880 Imp. Ltd., Vancouver to Montreal. 8 11.15 11.35 Vancouver Exp, Toronto to Van. 4 20.00 20.25 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor. Seattle-St, Paul Express. Prairie Exp., Winnipeg to Calgary Prairie Exp, Calgary to Winnipes 5.05 Express from Kootenay Landing. 19.00 Local from Cranbrook, + * Local from Calgary. 10.80 Local for Cranbrook. 620-513, 23.00 Expr ss for Kootenay Landing. 15 680 Local for Calgary. n 230 240 Soo, Ltd, St Paul-Port, 12 940 9.50 Soo, Ltd., Port-St. Paul, Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat Passing time at Dunmore shown. Medicine Mat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every lawful evening at Its office, Main Stree. Wedicine Hat, Alta. A. J. N, TERRILL, E tor, PUONE: HONE: Baltorial, Advertising Reportorhd, and Cireulation and News Dept Job Depts. 13 RING 2 RING 24 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1. y-a1, delivered.... 4.90 1 year by mail... .75.00 6 months, 4 livered.. 2.00 months, by mall. 3 months, delivered.. 3 months, by maf. 1 month, delivered....35 Addresses changed as often as desired, but bota naw and Old ad reaser st be given. WEEKLY NEWS. 30 contains a eumma-y.of the news of the week, local and district. 6 months, in advance 7 e 3 months, in advance. .f0e 1 year in advance.... 1.50.. 1 Thursday, June 20th, 1912. DON T object to this water which we are getting said the Man on the Corner, the water is all right and anyone who says anything against the wa- ter, is a knocker. It s the mud that I object to. -o -Mark Twain used to tell a story of two rich unmarried women who were attacked by scruples on the occasion of Sarah Bern- hardt s visit to their town. They had ways longed to se the great French actress but the price of tickets, 25 each seemed to - them a wicked extravagance. After talk- ing it over they decided not to go, but in- their acquaintance. The recipients went straight away and bought two tickets to see the e Sarah Kansas City Star. MEDICINE HAT, om Greater America s PA eee AL BANK CANADA, CAPITAL AND RESERVES Many u man owes bis success to the fact that pe had the right bank behind him. This Bank offers its clients the services of a fally equipped Banking organization. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH : C. H. McDunnough, Manager SeatertortoateriostoaieeeeD gt; aoaiestesieeie sis toe senses Soke tacte So ee erp eebet Petotostontocteateeteeteetestoatoete oY TE Me 2 Seated rest ee y Fourth Avenue : LOR o rooney oer Imperial Bank of Canada. Capital and Rest .. Total Assets .... A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, R, G. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat. Braneh: Roeteeientesetedte Costeteetedteeiesiotesieaio ioe ANTS BANK CANADA Established 1864 Capita and Reserve Funds .. .. We give special attention to delay in withdrawals. account snd either pary can withdraw money. Our deposits have Increased from 19426,091 In 1901 to 965,494,580, W. 0, JOY, Manager : Soho Re teslesteste ets PPP PPMP treet ye . 11,993,800 . - 72,000,006 ey f THE MERC SAVIN Two or more persons may open a joint + Medicine Hat Branch Its record of growth without parallel in the history of amusements. More and greater variety and mul- tiplicity of novel, original and solidly solely western institution in existence Cowbor, Comsjrla, Iodians, Vaeauerss. J ese ceteris eo estlement ee sane PICKETT THE A prodigious pageant different and. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Published every Thursday in sixteen or more pages; a) stead to give the 50 to a poor couple of worthy features than any other a5 BIGGEST FRONTIER EXHIBITION 1n THE WORLD FF Direct and inact tronr-the-grest-Otichome Ranch, chose. nam EVERY PARTICIPANT TO (Only man who ever battled, barebanded, with a Spanish bull, positive feature of every exhibition 2.P.M. TWO DAILY PERFORMANCES Sine 8 P. M. GLORIOUSLY INAUGURATED BY 4 TYPICAL OVERLAND TRAIL FORENQON STREET PARADE istinet from any that ever traversed the city s thoroughfares and Tar cise every charncier and parapberoalia of the great eaterorise for early reservations. THIS DATE IN HISTORY. June 20, ack Hole of Caleutta horror. Death of William IV. and accession of Queen Victoria. 1849 Jared Sparks inaugurated president arvard College of Mexico surrendered to the Juarists. 1866 First issue of the Philadelphia Pu lie Ledger. f 1 President of Mexico, Feb. 21, 1795, 1900 Baron Kettelor, German minister to China, murdered by a mob in Pekin. oe THIS IS MY 65th BIRTHDAY. Henry . Mabie. Dr. Henry . Mabie, for many years cor- responding secretary of the American Bap- tist Missionary on; was born in Belvi- died. Born, dore, TIL; June 20, 1847. He was graduat- ed from.the University of Chicago in 1868 and from the Baptist Theological Semin- ary in Chicago in 1875. After entering the Baptist ministry he held pastorates in Rockford, T1l.; Brooklyn, Mass.; Indian- apolis, St. Paul, Minneapolis and several other cities. the cause of the Baptist foreign missions and in 1890 he was made corresponding sec- retary of the American Baptist Missionary Union. In the same year he was commis- sioned to make a tour of Asiatic missions, visiting Japan, China and India, and after- ward touring Egypt, Palestine and the con- tinent of Europe. He was an active worker in -0- CONGRATULATIONS TO: Helen M. Gould, who has devoted to charitable purposes some of the millions left by her father, the late Jay Gould, 44 years old today. Sir Charles Hardinge, Governor-General of India, 54 years old today Alexander Winton, a pioneer inventor and maker of automobiles, 52-years old to- - day. ee Music and bees, remarks The By- stander, are intimately connected. can only realize this to the full if you have ever seen an itinerant cornet-player stung on the back ofthe head whilst performing In the Good Old Summertime. London Globe, MONDAY, JULY Ist SHOW GROUNDS, NORTH: SIDE OF TRAFFIC BRIDGE. The wondrous West of story and tradition. The West of the Indian and the Buffalo, of the Cowpuncher, eee Homesteader. West that is passing and has Ranch, bears and whose fame ) THE MANNER BORN Ronghtiders, and Features of tho Cattle pleasure the romances, perils, the Vanished Border and descending. hits EnCL ROS ctcccchinenis of advanced EVERY BLEMENT AND INCIDENT: RINGS TRUE The West depleted of ite champions. Every name resowned for ekill or daring i svocations of the rang MODERN URSUS A MARTYR 10 Frult-a-tives Gured Comnwatt CENTRE, ONT., I was martyr to Hay Fever for Probably, fifteen yeara and 1 suffered 1876 Santa Anna, famous soldier and the Bie Sad took thelr treatment, decided to try them, and J am thankful to way fiat thie temedy cared me completely. To every sufferer from wish to say Try Fruit-a- medicine cured me when every other treatment failed, and X believe it 18 a The real cause of of. the bowel Pruit-a-th and thus relicves the excessive strain on the nervous system, Try ruit-a- ives. a box, 6 for 2.50, trial size, gail declers or sekt Sa receipt of Fruit-s-tives Limited, Ottawa. Se Flooring Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill The Gas Gi QUITE SHOCKING. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Medicine Hat Electric ATKINSON FISHER HAY FEVER ey Novaannn'27th rort. T tried every remedy I heard of as for Hay Fever but nothing me. T heard of *Fruit-a-tives and Hay Fever, tives . This this dreadful disease blood, due tothe Fantty action, Iddneys and skin. cleans the blood by kidneys and skin in your house will give you a. floor that will last a life- time. We can supply you with Oak, Maple, and Bireh flooring at very little more cost to you than the common kind. We handle the cele- brated. BEAVER BOARD For inside finish. Ask for samples. Lumber Co y Phone 288. aa EE Wardrobe 422, Main St. Phone 261 -Ladies Silk Dresses, . Waists, Gloves, Feath- ers, Ete., Gents Suits, Felt and Panama Hats Dry Cleaned Particular attention paid to travellers work, suits pressed up on short notice. Thu-tt. We have many shocking devices in- vented for the comforts of the mod- ern home. Our large stock of covers every requisite for the in- stallation of heat, light or power, of whatever magnitude. Our prices, too, are shockingly low. COMPANY MAIN STREET PHONE 430 TRANSFER AND DRAYING. Orders Promptly Attended to, Day Address: Royal Bowling Alley. Phone 189. Night Address: 814 Montreal Street. Phone 500. OFFICE PHONE Yaill Street. d 1912. QUALITY first. Don t be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it s cheap use'the very best. We have it, and ev- erything the Builder requires. A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. - We have the agency for the celebrated Motgan Doors, fHE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL Low POSTS BEAVER BOARD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE BP, 0, BOX 29, PHONE 67 FORMALING FOR SMUT 50c... .Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : 3: H. B. CURTIS HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURH WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR. CONTRACT FORA BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall CROSSLEY BROS. wit t 0 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. O. Box 304. Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. STABLE PHONE NO. 868, 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST: Heavy Teaming.. Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Specialty. Light and Heavy Horses for sale at All Times. CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand. for Sale. P. 0, Box 31. W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER axp CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to. Phone No. 335- eo F. S. LYON Phone No. 415, PRICES Highest Poin Disputes According to th the Departifent of ued ris In prices ing May, though mn) extent, as durin month, The Depa ber, which went u during April, react in the record of t ing May when its pared with 135.4 1 May a year ago. ten points in one record in the his ment, and it is that during the 1 point was record June, while the f year show an ad any previous m lt; meats advanced ti els during May, a the market being have advanced as grades. Grains an increase durin did fruits and on the other hat the case of dairy Strike Record Sh The number of istence increased May; conditions, favorably with ponding month 1 twenty-nine stri Department as teen during Apri ing May a year dred firms and ployees were in putes, the loss lt; HRDIST Ottawa Con Will Lo Ottawa, . June aitizen Says Redistributio1 seats as a resu will take place political circles siderable specul this the case w where, with an 852, the provinc members, It w 86. On the bas Ontario will be members, while will also have Fhe old r s province will hi jut -their epress what the more entitled to. In probable that go, that Bast a united, Brant HELEN 6 Beautiful tune of J lion. os (ey tiful as ternaturally possessed of 2 and a few no loaned by he: minster to st is Helen Mille ic ayes of great wealth. Miss Gould to be protect friends, the woman of- mu arily decent demi-goddess at halo. Miss Gould today, having on June 20, 3 the late Jay G ing considere I may add tha kindly, pleasa and not with lovely, Intell be found amo whom the wo will never be hut net-te-the ship. or incor Miss Gould tell you. There is oF daughter of J able she is, richest spins she 1s unma: there can be been, and are would .willin upon her. tell of a dea ed by traged hood, but the aides, they a nor yours. I
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Image 1057 (1912-06-20), from microfilm reel 1057, (CU1739124). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.