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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Hl 18th, 1912, build, consider Don't be per- CHEAP LUM- s cheap use the have it, and ev- ullder requires, k of LUMBER, FIR FINISH, MAPLE, BIRCH ORINGS. agency for the gan Doors, BEAUTIFUL D FIBRE, LATH t POSTS, POSTS WIL- ER PEOPLE PHONE 57 P. 0, Box 625 Curtis ER and ACTOR Estimate Free. aemar St.) gt;N i LEADER rating. TORS AND ELDERS TRE WITH YOU LACING YOUR OR A BUILDING TES FREE. to City Hall. EY BROS. eS Sse d Contractors. e., Phone 434 Box 304. tes Free. Prepared. STABLE PHON 2 728 S. FOLLIS ting Co. RONTO ST. Sand, Coal Gravel g n Specialty. Horses for sale at Times, D EXCAVATING Sand for Sale, Phone No. 416, Box 81. stem The News Job very facility for sup- MEDICINE HAT. DAILY. NEWS. Tharaday, April 18th, 1912, ao aie Let Us Loan You the Money at 5 PER CENT. TO BUY BUILD Pay Off Mortgages or Improve Real Bstate. : SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 649, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta. DOSES HMTOTOSOEOM F. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist ,, Complete stock of Toilet Articles Drug Sundries, Proprietary Medi- s, sensing of Physicians Pi 3 ig of rysicians Pre- scriptions specialty. 204 South Ry. St. Phone 75. Saeetececececectecteteteteteegntee ort NO is the time to enroll in the SOUTHERN ALBEBTA Stenographers and Bookkeepers Always in De fee 2 WILLIAMSON PATERSON ctors. a y cunt IF BUILDERS: Shop Fittings and Repairs eh - Given Prompt -Attention. 4c ur figure-on your requirements, Our-yard is the most modern; our stock the largest, best and most complete; + BOX 353. ee our prices low as the lowest. We are, therefore, in the) 4 83-1mo. PHONE 712 Il ete best position to give you good service. ce oe No order too arge for us to handle or too small to RS lt; recelve our best attention, Ask to have our representative 2 es call. * ee J. A. LANDRY ? Western Canada: Residence Office 711 Ottawa St. 4 3, toe wet Legmber Co., Ltd. ees Job work promptiy attended to. -beok-meup if you want a house built. Special attention given to that class of werk. HOUSES FOR 8 City Sale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses - For Sale Light -and Heavy-Draying Hay for Sale Fred McClain Phone 85. Prop. W. A. Henderson Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS (Establshed- 1882) Medicine Hai; A. B. Gibson, C. A., Manager. Phone No. 198 Burns Block House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260. J.J. LAIT +116 MONTEEAL STREET THE INTELLIGENT AND EFFICIENT SERVANTS are those Who read the best papers. Therefore the want ad column of the best home paper is the logical med- ium which to obtain the most capable help. Use the News Want Ads. Shiloks G rrieteaeds Selo esoateeehesie sioaie tee tees able Drill Built. 5 oe In Draft it has proved to be the Lightest Draft oe Drill Built. 3 eno 2 g In Seeding it does Berfect Work. + * These are the essentials of a perfect Drill. Se Be The life of the Dises is in the Bearings. Van ae 2, Brunt Dise Bearings are especially hard. They are absolutely dust proof, no sand getting in or on * * the Bearing. No oil running out, this lightens + 3, out will be replaced Free of Charge. eo oe We will make the best prices and terms oe * oO Sretosseade argee a CONTRACTORS AND BUILDGRS PRICK, 25 CENT STOPS COUONS Face is can POPES SCHSE SES SIPS S OCHS The Light Van Brunt Drill, Single or Double Disc or Shoe cog qt There are many reasons why you should use a Light Draft Van Brunt Drill. We will men- tion a few, I Because it possesses everything to make a Per- fect Drill. Se a In Construction it is the Strongest and most Dur- Soh the draft and reduces the wear. One oiling will And all Bearings worn a dredes s sow a quarter section. 7 oetocirelodtostent James Rae Feb. 15-Thurs. 10-w Seteste Ratetedtedededecte dom Boweateateateeeeeeteefecfecfecdefe RS Rose toste ste Beetodteetortectoetonieaioasediosieee Po Mahe Me he Motte ote See Ce Sie eee tee Sete ee CeCe eek Geroedesgoatealoete efoae-eecteate sgn ageczeate- stele ste sie slo sleaseece sooeee oer gt; PLONE 467 EAST ALLOWANCE a Rotesente die stestesterteclectedterte cocteriesfecterioaterie si ehedesteasy eco cecte eeepc tecetetintet neta etnoted THE RAILWAY PASSENGER'S : ASSURANCE COMPANY : OF LONDON, ENGLAND. (Established 1849.) z The-oldest and strongest aecident com- pany-in-the world. Claims paid, over 3 30,000,000. i + Policies do not discriminate against Rail- et way employees. Bs : Represented by W. C. Switzer. , A, Krauss. Medicine Hat, Alberta. COPSSHEoHoooeeces osseteteteteteetetbbeteeetoetotocecnende 0 FOLehe+eLod t OO 0-0 e-L Oho ait Don t-close-a-deal for -your Fir Finish without first inspecting our stock. Its thoroughly dry and all sanded, and will save you hours of work usually spent on cleaning. We have a full stock of heavy coast Fir Joists, good stratgpt dimension, and everything required by the builder, HEADQUARTERS FOR CEMENT AND PLASTER. THE RPVELSTONE SHWE OID Lope peer Ob OLOre-Leret-ehere F bapormPebeteteberepape-re+ Yard, North Railway Street. : : Phone 59 : Th Sa petetespetotepebetetereperetesetots ee teat wt. RO fndte Cotatte tate detetetetawens Sotoetetoctecteeteetetocteatestoete Sodorteteneefeatesiocteatostoctoate PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS This is a breed of Poultry which meets ev ry requirement. The utility bird of the century large, beautifully plumaged and unexcelled in Q laying qualities. Eggs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- J, ting. Cockerels for Sale. A. J. N. TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE irighest position m the gift of Jimg upon hisn only in the winter off ptongside-her-as sho passed CAPTAIN OF ILL-FATED STEAMER A NAVIGATOR OF GREAT EXPERIENCE For Forty Years He Has Led a Life on tne Sea witnout Accident. New York, April 17. Captain E. J. Smith, into whode hands the pas- sengers on the Titanic entrusted themselv g oii the voyage, which will never be torgottes ia the list of great: sea disasters, tag followed the sea tiny is not ta be dissatisfied but um satisfied. + Adverse circumstances are fruitful sources of despendency many cry cone veyhood. : with Jacob-Are all these things For forty years it lias been his proud) against me ? Show me wherefore boast that he had m uneventful life./thoy contendest with me, unbelief That is why. he waa promoted to the the White Star lite. Events came crowd- tauntingly cries where is thy God ? Temptation brings Its cloud over over many souls our Lord sulfered in the hour of temptation. But des- Pondency s unreasonable man was made for the glad enjoyment of God's presence, The Psalmist cas lt; the microscope lens aside he turns to God and his soul Is filled with hope. After hope enters the heart there follows the song of praise. Let hope, praise and thankfulness characterize our lives. his life and with events came mis- fortune. He rose from the tanks. As a boy im 1960 he went om the Senator Webb and Occan clipper, serving as an ap- prentice. In 19 le shipped wits the square rigger Liztie Fennel as. fourth officer, amd i 1880 he has risen) to the (ank-of fourth officer of the old White Star Hne steamship Celtic, the nominal ancestor of the present vessel of that name. In 1887 the went to the Republic as captain, and later to the Baitic, Thus he saw senvice ann held com- mangd on the old vessels for which the Parties intending to build a house will find it to their advantage to write to Box 1266, News office. tt. A meeting of the Clerks Associa- tion will be held in the court room of the city hall on Thursaay at o'clock, 23503 Ee) Look travels fast, And the great news about our bargains in planos has reached the Mmits of Assinibofa. If you want plang or a player plano now is your chance. We make ex- ceptfonal easy terms. Come in and talk it over. THE ASSINIBOIA MUSIG-CONPANY Main Street J. Pettit CONTRACTOR Phone 727. Box 781. giants of the White Star are named. Later Captain Smith took command of the fre ghter Cufic, and the Runic. Then he went to the Old Adriatic, the Celtic, Britannic, Coptic ju the Aus- tralian trade; the Germanic, Majestic, Baltic and then to the Adriatic. In al this time he served the Ine quiet- ly and tis name was seldom heard, his rise ini rank anf importance was commensurat? with the safe unevene- fulness of his command. When in 1907 he came to this port fo command of the Adriatic on her maiden trip, he Said: When anyone asks me how I cam best dexribe my experiences of nearly forty vears at sea, I merely way uneventful. Of course there have betn winter gales and storms, and fog and the like, but fo all my experience T have never been in accident of any sort worth speaking of. OT have seen but one vessel in dis- tress in all my years at sea, a brig, the crew of which was taken off in a small boat in charge of my-third of- ficer. T mever saw a wreck and never have been wrecked, nor was I ever in any predicament that threaten?d to end n disaster of any sort. If you are suffering from Eczema, Psoriasis or any kind of skin trou- ble, drop into our store for instant relief, We will stop that itch in two seconds, We have sold other remedies for skin troubles, but no:e that we could recommend as highly as this, a mild Wash of Oil of Wintergreen, Thymol, and a few other ingredients that have wrought such wonderful cures all ov- er the Dominion, This compound is known as D.D.D. Prescription for Eczema and it will an fhe jove of the ocean that took ee me to sea ag a boy, he added, has aA) never left me: In a way, a certain NOTICE. is hereby mount of wonder never leaves md, eS* pecially as I observe irom the bridge the vessel plunging up and down in the trough of the scas fighting hes way through and over great waves. A man never outgrows that. Captain Smith maintained that ship, building was such a perfect art nowa- days that absolute disaster, involv- ing the passengers on a great modem liner, was quite unthinkable. ever haupened, he contended, woubd be time before the vessel sank board. fs to. suve the lives of every person on Twill go further, he said. 1 will say that I cannot imagine any con- dition which could cause ship p7 founder. I cannot conceive of uny ital disaster happening to this vessel. Mo- dem ship building has gone beyond thet. The first misiottune came into Cap- tain Smith's Hie but Tecently. That was when the great Olympic, sister ship of the Titanic, was rammed by: the British crniser Hawke, off the Isle ob Wight, on September 20, 1911. A great hole was stove dm her steel ribs and she was forced te put back to a clean and healthy city. NELSO: Southanipton. The Hawke, cven more badly dam- aged, put over to Portsmouth for re- pairs. The Hawke was at first blam- ed for the accilent but the Britistt Fourt of Admisalty after a long in- vest gation cevided that her-comman- der was blameless it the mutter in- asmuch ag his ship had been drawn cout of its course and toward the Ol- yindic enginet and the rush of water signed-by- LEER E EEE EES ce + COLERIDGE + heb ee eb bee ee On Sunday evening Mr, Turner preached to a large congregation at the Presbyterian church, taking for his text Psalm 42-11. In the course of his remarks he stated : We are left to conjecture the author of this Psalm, Some ass rt it isa Psalm of David if so he was in trouble. Sown to the wind reaping the whirlwind the hand of rebellion upon him. The prophecy of Nathan was being fulfill- ed. Shunned by th house of Saul. Sorrow, lonlincss, weariness and exile breught Into his soul a-longing and thirsting after God.. Whether David fs another Psalmist He is the ad- viser and the advised. He cross ques- tlons and rebukes his own soul. In the case of the Psalmist it wasa thirst after God My soul thirsteth for God, There 1s a desire in the hu- man heart, best described as the crav- ings of infinitude, In which nothing + ' BRANDRAN SATISFIED Be LOOPS SOSOOD DEPOT ES OD which has limit satisfles man a dea- go shades, including black and white. + YOUR DRUGEIST STOPS THAT ITCH cool and heal the itchy, burning skin as nothing else can. Of course other druggists have D. D.D. Prescription go to them, if you accept But if you will come to our store, we have had the agency for this remedy for can't come to us but don t some big-profit substitute. so many years that we can tell you all about D.D.D. how Jt cures eczema, : Or you, can get A free trial bottle 49 Chas. 8. Pin- by -writing D.D.D. Laboratories, Colborne St. Toronto. gle, Druggist. CITY OF MEDICINE HAT given that Wednesday, i April 24th, will be observed as the ANNUAL CLEAN-UP DAY And is Proclaimed a g PUBLIC HOLIDAY All citizens are requested to clean up their yards and property and thus assist in making this IN SPENCER, Mayor. The paint with the guarantee. And the guarantee ENDERSON. goes on every.can, TeMITED. 73 MADE IN CANADA BY ENDERSON LIMITED H MONTREAL HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, TORONTO. WINNIPEG. 5 FOR 2SALE gt; BY: McPHERSON BROS. CUSTOMERS Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. Prairie Pride Patent Flour Always Pleases Because Its the Best That Can Had. The Medicine Hat Milling Co'y., Limited 000000 0S OCOPOOOSSPDSUSDOSILIDODIS POCDOOORORG sPrescription and 808000900000 3 Out POLMATIER SILER All Star Company OPERA HOUSE Friday, May 3rd UNDER THE A RS OF Sons of Scotiand Store ar7d tf Plan at Pingle s Drug: LADIES SILK DRESSES WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. DRY CLEANED. bosinieieieieleieininivininininininink R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and Heavy Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders, Piano Moving with Plano Van a Speciality. Rargels Detirerea. *BHONE NO. 349. + VACUUM CLEANING CO. Is now ready for spring clean- ing. Have your cleaning done with the Vacuum Process, the best and only way to get Perfect Cleaning, and for-tess-eest than-the old hand way. Place your order to avoid the disappointment of delay. ... ... Post Office box 744 22941 mo. Phone 707. TENDER FOR DRILLING GAS WELLS, HE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT wilt receive sealed tenders until noon of Saturday, the 20th April, 1912, for the drilling of the following gas wells. 1. One well, 1200. feet deep, finish- ed, 6 inches in diameter through out. i 2Onte well, 1200 Teet deop, i ed, - 10. inches in ) diameter throughout, ed, 6 inches in diameter through- out. s . e Proposals for above works must be made in accordance with Specifica tions on file in the office of the City Engineer. f The Towest or any tender not nec essarily accepted, (Sed) A. W. GLEAVES TENDERS FOR HORSES. NOTICH IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Medicine Hat pro- poses purchasing five horses fer the Scavenger Department. Sealed Tenders for the same will be received untH noon, Wednesday, Ap- ril 17th, 1912. : Weight required Between 1250 and 1500 pounds, Immediate delivery must be guar- anteed. The lowest or avy tender not nec- jessarily accepted. ) (Sea) AW. GLBAVES, Storekeeper: W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER axp CONTRACTOR Repairs proniptly attended to 3. Oneswell, 2000 feet deep, finish-- Storekeeper. GAS Ccrrey
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Image 633 (1912-04-18), from microfilm reel 633, (CU1738837). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.