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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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EDICINE HAT DATLY Every effort that can be made to make a store a thoroughly satisfac- tory place to deal is be- ing made here. We want your shoe ial el the a ing lg as fe asi- al (el . ge a (el fell Ie poe : el Peels) o-eSo-efe sheeted ab or vat Me 4 Pa dasts eee 1 soateas be 1 cesta toate oes ? es should use will men- 3, ake a Per- most Dur- ested test Draft Ms Soeeeeaeaeg oo thoughts to be pleasant and to be of Walk-Over Shoes. eS -Turpin Bros, The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth ENGLISH FOOTBALL. (W. A. P. Cable) London, April 11. The following are yesterday s old country-football results: Second Division. Gainsborough Trinity 1, Barnsley 2. Southern League. Watford :3, Northampton 0. CANADIAN UNPLACED. (W. A. P, Cable) London, April 10 Eastman, the Canadian, in the hundred yarde han- dicap at Cardiff, won the heat, but Was unplaced in the finals. . Dreamland presents the Battle Hymn tonight. .Prices the same. Don t miss it, TENDER FOR DRILLING GAS WELLS, receive sealed tenders until noon of Saturday, the 20th April, 1912, for the drilling of the following gas wells. 1. One well, 1200 feet deep, finish- ed, 6 Inches in diameter through- out. One well, 1200 feet deep, finish- ed, 10 inches in diameter throughout, One well, 2000 fect deep, finish- ed, 6 inches in diameter through- out, e Proposals for abbve works must be mad accordance with Specifica- tions on file in the office of the City Engineer, The lowest or any tender not: nec- essarily accepted. (Sed.) A. W. GLEAVES Storekeeper. TENDERS FOR HORSES. Notice 1s HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Medicine Hat pro- poses purchasing five horses for the Scavenger Department. Sealed Tenders for the same will be recelyed until noon, Wednesday, Apr Al att asia Weight required Between 1250 and 1500 pounds, Immediate delivery must-be guar- anteed: Drill. The lowest or any tender not nec- ngs. Van easarlly accepted. urd. They. 2. (Sea.) A.W? GLEAVEs, ; * Storekeeper ng in or on is lightens oiling will ings worn - lt; rms + Sa wear s re Sate of Ms eS ree e ag i6-Thurs. 10-w eetentediodtostoate The stock is now com- plete with all lines, We have: the finest 1.00 per suit, Balbrig- gan, to offer in this HS IRELAND -from Rome, Dispatch Announcing Pope s Death Untrue Special Said He Was Dead Later Investigation. Proved the Despatch Wrong as He Continued Audiences To- day. true. Rome, April 11. The Po; (W. A. Pe Was confirmed at the Nuncature, annou of the Pope comes with startling sud- Nothing within the last two days has indicated that the Pope was in a criticar condition, although his health for some time has not been satisfac- tory. On March 25, he.was complain- ing of U slight cold, accompanied by catarrh, On March 27th, be was suf- fictently improved to resume his aud- jences, Among those greeted on that day were some 350 Americans. They noted a slight pallor anf some hoarseness in the Pope's speech but vonctmtedt SOO for alarm. He went through the fat- iguing ceremony-of-grecting-200 per- sons without exbausti a4 The first dispatch received today from Madrid, is but a few-words, it is noted that it states that it was a pri- vate dispatch which, brought the first word Of the report to Madrid. This FLASH Rome, April 11. Report death of Pape un- Madrid, April 11. A. private despateh received here from Rome which The report from Madrid of the death would be open to much doubt, the subsequent statement Nunciature gives seriousn: cannot be overlooked. known at Madrid caniot be explained and gives another reason for reserve of judgment. been no word from Rome, for more than an hour,the report of the first dispatch from Madrid, together with the compl te lack of information in the offices of the cardinals and other Catholic dignitaries, in this and oth-. to the authenticity of the Madrid re- report and no other-capital of Europe with the exception of London has re- ported. the receipt. of messages on the subject. The London message identical with that which reached OPEN-: HEARTH STEEL FURNACE, A REPLICA OF WHICH 18 70 BE ERECTED IN MEDICINE HAT IF BY-LAW IN CONNECTION THEREWITH IS ENDORSED BY THE BURGESSES TO-MORROW pe continues his daily aud- iences. He received today Cardinal Delta Velpe, Prin e4 Borghese and Senor Dedurada of the Argentina. Cable) mnces that the Pope is dead. but that the confirmed the dispatch the report whi Why a report 1d-first-be-made CW. A. P. Dispatch) New York, April 11 There having banquet last might by the Winnipeg MANITOB'S NEW BUILDING PLANS. CW. AP. Dispatew gt; Winnipeg, Man, April 11 At the Architectural (Association, ito Leon4 ard Stokes, president of the T.I.B.A. the latter sald five plans had been selected from the sixty six submitted for Manitoba s new parliament build- ings, Among the other guests were Hon, Colin Campbell and Mayor Waugh, who agreed that the new city hall should be carried out on similar lines and in the Same group as the parliament buildings as suggested by the town planning commission. Winnipeg, Man., April 11. The fol- lowing are the market quotations for today: Wheat May (old) 104 1-8, 103 7-8; (new). 104 1-2, 108. 1-4; July 105, 1-8,-104 5-8. ni 1 el Flax May, 194, 192 1-2; July close 191, Cash Prices. Wheat 1 Nor. 102 1-2, 2 N 3.Nor, 95, 4 Nor. 88,.5 Nor. 65, feed 44. ? Qats No. 2 C. Wy 50, No. 3 C. W. 40, ex. 1 feed 42, No. E teed 41,.No. 2 feed 38. Barley No. 3 Jected 50; feed 50. American Markets. te t te No. 4, 62 1- Question of Who Should Likely They Will Take Ini Winnipeg Public School Board can- passed by the legislature a few days ago With the. purpose of enabling the Smith's opinion is to wait. until the parents of Roman Catholic children attending their schools ask the board school board could probably think it determine -how. the apparently tradictory clauses of the act can be to buy Medicine if you. invest now. one of the great ones. She is forging her way rapidly and is gaining momentum daily, Nothing can stop her now. square -and cor ing, it is just simply growing rapidly. ntial and will endure. st. Our city is Sustined become ahead Values are not inflated but fair, The city is not boom- It is sub- The values will continue ervative. torise: Buy NOW and you will soon be wearing the smile that won't come off. shall not trouble you furthe Lots 12 and 13 in bi 4 lots, blk. 2, Cousins Terms. Terms. Lots 31 and 32, face Central Park, blk. 12, 1000. Financial worries Your suecess depends 13, Herald, 1050. Terms. Sssons, Highland, 825 pair. LIST WITH US WE WiLL SELL IT. We are THE Farm Land Compan EM GUNTHER LAND COMPAR 890 TORONTO STREET. : 2 PHONE 171. CHOOL QUESTION UP IN WINNIPEG Take the Initiative in Matter is Undecided. CATHOLICS 10 MEET tiative and Ask That Teacher be Provided. (W.-A. P, Dispatch.) Winnipeg, -Man,, April 11, That the the army today, sanithtion Belence, (Watlington, D. C,,; April 11. Col. Jobn Veit Rensselaer Holi, of the Un- fted States Army Medical Corps, clos- ted. States gs military ed an achive career of forty yearh in ing the Russo-Japance war. having been trans- ferred to the retired list by operation of luw on account of age. Col. Holl ig known as the creator of the United di States Field Hospital as it exists in make your selection early. the army today. He is responsible Dry Goods Co., A. 2 eee ulso for much of the development in ager, as a branch of medical Gol. Hoff is-a native of New York State end entered the-army soon the Battle Hymi after the close of the civil war. He night, Prices the same. was conspicuous for bis services in the For all kinds of job printing, try grent army camps estiablished during th foe's staff, when: the allied armies en- tered: Peking knring. the Boxer troti- bles. Tn 1905 he represented the Uni- observer dur- New straw thats for children end girls just arrived. See our window They are selling fast 30 Tmpetial For scenie effects it is hard to beat at Dreamland to- ot take the initiative in putting into peration the legislation which was ity to bring the Roman. Catholic All that the board can dd in Mr. o provide them with a teacher of heir own faith as they are entitled o demand under the act. Then the necessary to, consult: its solleltor to con- arried out, In view of the fact that sfurther question as rt Rome has not confirmed. the was here. Irish Home Bill tors Flocked Parliament. cw. AP. Rule bill, ithe third effort made by'the L beral governments of the United Kingdom ing quarter of a century to settle the quarrel between Great Bri- tain and Ireland, was introduced in the house-this afternoon by Premier Asquith, The official title of the bill is The Government of Ireland Bill. The atleries set apart ior the members Of th diplomatic corps, for the peers and for the public were fill- d to their utmost capacity, whi every box in the body of the house was occupied and an overflow of mem: bers stood in the gangwa; Premier Asquith oe Premier Asquith Brought Up in House Today The Gov- ernment. of Ireland Bill Great Crowd of peer: London, Aprit 11. The Irish) Home beak, He Rule : Cireniation decreased 616,000. n ro ice: Bullion increased 395,652, Other securities decreased 3,84 Cable) home Tule at the point at which the Ine William Ewart Gladstone left off years ago pointing out that through Years of political chahges the perais- tence of the Irish for home rule had been maintained constantly,-the vote of Ireland was preponderantly in favor..ot-home rule and the right of relatively small minority in Ulster to Vote all of the vast majority of the Irish people could not be admitted. step in the 1a MORE EPISCOPAL BISHOPS New York, April 11. In response to. the-call of the Presiding Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Daniel S. Tattle of Mfesouri, the Episcopal House of Bishops as- contains many Indians and been talk of creating separate cese for the Indians and electing C.P.R. MENS STORE MICHIGAN CLAIMED FOR TAFT cecdings indicated that tho Taft peo- Governor Osborn. up. the narrative of He has always pressed the case of Home Rule for Ireland as. the first scheme of devolu- Separate concerns of different. parts of the United Kingdom could, he said, never be treated until they had been handed over to their special Bay City, Mich., April 11 Michi- gan Republicans assembled in State convention here today to select the delegates-atlarge to the national con- vention et Chicago. The early pro- ple would te able to mame the dele- gates and frame the reholutions, des- pite hard fight made tly the Roose- velt supporters under tite Jeaderehip of For all kinds of job, printing, try IEMTEap OTIS, Wheat May 108 1-8, 107 7-8; July 102-3-8; 1013-8. Chicago. Wheat May 105 1-2, 104 1-4; Jul; 102, 100 7-8; Sept. 100 5-8, 99 1-2. a BANK OF ENGLAND STATEMENT. (W. A. P. Gable) London, England, April 41 The weekly-statement of the Bank of Eng- land shows the following chatges: reserve Increased 1,102,000. Other deposits decreased 110,000. Public deposits decreased 2,206, 000. : Notes reserve increased 1,100,000 Government-securities included. Phe proportion of the banks reserve to Mabilities this week 42.85 per cent. ast week it was 37.0, SHOULD BE STANDING AD, London, April 10 The Financial News editorially, urges Canadian of- ficial departments here that they should have more Gentraliation and) jess competition among each other. The central block of Canadian offices in itself will be a standing advertise ment for the Dominfon as a whole. An innovation 4n motor vehicles turned out by the Autocar Company is a sprinkler cat for Pensacola, Fla. A farge cylindrical - water tank is mounted on a regular commercial chassis, with complete sprinkler is 300 gallons and the car is calculat- ed to do the work of several borse- drawn sprinkling carts. The car was shipped to Floridm last momth und is now doing serviedon the streets of Tennacola. The inotor sprinkler does not puddle the roads the way ordinary slow moving sprink- ler carts do. It wets the ground even- bp and yet thoroughly by reason of its ability to traverse iy Toute. sev- eral times while Hotes are doing it once. Motor sprinkler systems ete now in thia country, bat bave been used ex- tensively for years im Germany, Wiskiop of the News Job Department. France and other Eutopsim countries. Roman Catholle parents cannot yet until their children are attending the city schools, it appears that they will be able to take the first step until next fall at the earllest: board taking over the separate schools of the city, the executive of the Cath- olic Federation is silent, and will be until. Friday night, when a general meeting of *the Di tmembe: ence with His Grace Archbishop Lan- ghter- uni Tata equipment. - The capacity of the tank iook as fit and strong aa prize fight- ards avalling themselves of this legislation On the question of the public chool a of the 63 gevin of St. Boniface will the Catholic . That the initiative will be taken: by the Roman Catholics is expected. ENGLISH LORDS 10 LIVE IN CANADA Driven to Forsake Their . Birthplace by Excessive Taxation. New York, April 11 Foreed to leave England by excessive taxation amd increased cost of living Lord and Lady Geosge Herbert Hyde of Hert- fordshire, England, their son and dau4 r-Somers, Lady Hyde's rother, arrived here esterday on their way to Canada where they intend to settle on a farm and till the soil themselves. Both Lord Hyde are more than six feet in height amd Lord Somers and ers, They spoke of their departure forever from England without regret and as though they hed looked the matter ajnarely in the face and decid- ed Canada provided the only oppor- trinity for them to earn a Hving. Lady The is as enttwiastic about the mat er ao her Inshand and she is willing and readv to do anpithing that farm life way require. New straw hate for children and girls just arrived. See our window .COPY opinions. * display. They ere selling fast 20 make your selection early. Tmperiat Dry Goods Co, A. F. Binning, mar ager: SOME OF THE TACTICS EMPLOYED BY * ONE OF THE PROMOTERS OF THE MEDI- TWEEN MR. A. F-KRAPFEL AND THE REV- ELSTOKE SAWMILL CO., LTD., CALGARY: Chas. Sine, Esq. The-Revelstoke-Lumber-Co.. Calgar: My Dear Sin yesterday s New: Manager here is taking an active interest knoeck- ing by-laws to be voted on on the 12th inst, ; I question very much whether this is good business ' policy on the Company s part, THE REVELSTOKE SAWMILL Co., LTD. Mr. A. F. Krapfel, clo F, C. Lowes Oo. Medicine Hat, Alta, Dear Sir, We are in receipt of your letter of. April 8th, and needless to say, we are rather sur prised at the contents, but after receiving your marked copy of the Medicine Hat News, we come tothe conclusion that if o) was acting with such representative men as iisted gt; in the-advertising of the Medicine Hat Citizens Association, we will certainly stand back of his ac- tion in this matter. We know of no person who has worked mare er and has boosted more for Medicine Hat than Mr. MacBean. ly wrong with the Electric Street Railway when such 4 large number of business men, who are yit- ally interested in the upbuilding of Medicine Hat, should oppose such a by-law. Every man is entitled to his own opinion in any civic matters and we do not approve of the method you are taking in trying to throttle these TO KNOCK A PUBLIC SPIRITED CITIZEN WITH HIS EMPLOYERS, AND DEPRIVE HIM OF HIS FRANCHISE RIGHTS. OF CORRESPONDENCE BE- Medicine Hat, April 8th; Alberta. Iam mailing you copy of You will note that your Calgary, April 9, 1912.- Mr. 1 There must be something radical- Yours truly; F, . MANNING,
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Image 586 (1912-04-11), from microfilm reel 586, (CU1738838). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.