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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. every day by Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription Facts for Weak Women Nine-tenths of ell the sickness of women is due to some derangement or dis- ease of the organs distinetly feminine. Such sickness can be cured is cured it Makes Weak Women Strong, Ie ects directly on the organs affected and is at tho same ti tive tonic for the whole system. It cures female complaint of home. Sick Women every modest woman, We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of those peculiar affections iscideat to women, but those wanting full information means of positive cure are mon Sense-Medical their symptoms and Taloctsd to the People's Cone Adviser 1005 pages, newly revieed fa acd up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt of SO one ent stamps 0 cover cost of wrapping and mail ; in Freneb cloth binding. : kee No. 663 Main Street, Bulfalo, N Address: Dr. R. V. Pieres, parslrenere: in the privacy It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and local treatment 40. universally insisted upon by doctors, aad 0 abhorrent to Well. Saree goetegreteeoagege You Can Be Assured ? of the best of everything in building materials bys dealing with us. Clear Fir, Cedar and Pine Finish, 1 in., and 1144 in. Moulding in Call and inspect our stock also Fir in 1 in., both Fir and Cedar. at your convenience. The New Lumber Co., Limited fo Seateeteaeateaeaetee eet ee tee te foto eteateaeeee R. J. Russell, Mgr. . es PICTURE TAKING. A Photographer s Advice on Ef- fective Dressing and Posing. THE ROCKING CHAIR HABIT. Famous Doctor Says Women Literally Rock Themselves Inte Premature Gravee Phis Motion Brings Wrong Muscles Inte Play. Dear Elsa Last week was obliged my lovely visage to the merciless scru- uny of the camera. but Dick 1s going Sstnauye Never uaving weer pictorially, Never having sat for photograph, 1 was totally ignorant about camera etiquette, so the artist gave me some very good points which Liga penstng co) 10,708. Here is the ical woman wants to look her 3 eras 1 dou t want 2 fat- tering likeness; make me just as I am. is an ordinary protestation, but we photographers know how much truth Ci eaore te this remark. What we do know fs that every. woman wants to Jook ber prettiest when she faces the camera. To further this end abe should dress as becomIingly as possible apd let the phorographer.pose her. The mistake with the majority of sub- Jects is that they do not give them selves up sutti tly into the hands of the artist, who should be obeyed with- out question. As to dress. said the photogra- pher, light materiais are preferable to dark ones. They blend easily into Voroosogoso mesons 2 PPO tN oo ttints eee tene tenet sentetotetecoeteostetoce ee . for this work. et . Loose Leaf We can'supply you with the latest improved Loose Leaf Systems at Eastern Prices. Keep the money at home. Get our prices before sending out of the city for these -goods. We carry a full stock of Binders , Indexes, Ledger Sheets, Account Forms, ete. We make a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders, in Cor- 7 and Leather, Canvass etc., and can make them any size to order. heceetenintetnion Seteceeincentocoene sa pete the photographer. (hairdressing: the tones of the picture and do not give the-hard: glaring effects often produced by black and somber coiors. Whiett form too great contrast to the skin. Especially is this noticeable in ening dress, when the veck, shoul: ders and arms of the sitter are ex- Posed. As to the texture of the ma- terial. any soft, clinging fabric that falls gracefully 1s acceptable to the photographer. A better effect can be gnined from subject wearing evening dress than sostume. because the farmer tends to soften, the other to harden the general appearance. Bony necks do not tronbie the camera artist. He will that bis subject's neck 1s plump nough. This 1s managed by Mgnting the most wonderful mystery 4m the drt, or it may be done in the touching up. It bas nothing to do with: the sitter, anyhow. Leave it to the photographer, and fie'll tix the Dones-and angles. The dressing of the air ix an im portant item. Here the photographer emands softness as against the dic- tates of Dame Fasbion. or instance, 2 small face cannot carry off a colt: fure piled heavily with puffs or corim for in a photograph the face: will be still more dwarfed. p aimost every ease the pompadour style i wo be avoided. It gives u bard. dark ine learns that. trust and will go no Diay and results in the weering away of strength and tissue Comfort can Dever be compatibie with the majority of rocking chairs. The back and the head are thrown back to an uouseal degree, the feet dongle, and it ts only by an effort tec the feet can brought to touch the Gor to keep body tm motion. Not a nerve in body ia now im pose, yet you eal that 1 would replace every rocking chair with pinin easy chairs, but the change would drive away naif of my women patients That gives you something to think ; about, does tt mot, Elsa, dear? A pos mg Joy, and wore ice cream sodas be bought trom the dimek euvea the professional shine. Yours de votedly, MABEL By Way of Comment. Mrs, La Pollette maintains that chil- ren should be wught to take care of Themselves aa-much as possible. She does not believe that the nurse should obiidren:-the motber wnren fhe nurse and the father watch the mother to see that ste does ner duty by the child As soon us it is old enough to go about at all the child should be given a certain amount oF Uberty. -At Grst t may bave a conple of rooms in which it may roam abont to its beart s content Thea there should be the baby s corner of the yard with its inevitable sand pile ano its swing. perbap. and benches. where the baby may play for hours at ime witbout being watched at all. As it is trusted the will make more effort to be worthy of the ther than permitted. Bout if it is met at turn with Not th: way. but t and Don t do thit, do this 4 wilt soon begin to be bored A baby ex perimenting for itself learns much more than one would suppose tt tinds: a hole tp ita little stocking aod. pok its Ginger through. and sucb a jt of strange things happen while it Is quiet ly tovestigating that strange spave in fits stocking The mother or curse who comes along and sinps the pay band for the little pit of miscnier its investigations hare committed shonia be put In a straitincket, for tt is foolish, ignorant thing to da tte. member, baby ts texrning all the time and. while it should be kept out of mischief by quiet s removing from it neighborhood th that are perixn able, it sbonld vor be punished tor making investigations Many parents mothers especially kill all the desire for knowledge tp the days of baby hood. The baby not oniy tiuds out things, but ft reasons abont them and can put two and wo together. as the saying very soon in ts iife It ts. of course. a gtea temptation to noid the baby and to amuse it. but the child hat grow. the more it ts left te itself the soourr will It develop. A Candlelight Wedding. For the pmspectivre pride who is seeking novelty and some ovw and ef- fective features for the approaching eventful diy there ts a possible sugges: tion in the candlelight wedding As is implied, candies supply the only tight. and so there must be dozens of them A pretty idea is to have tbe brass cap- dlesticks with white candles, or. if this 4s tmpracticabie, the giass hotders with: candles corresponding with tbe cbosen color scheme They may be placed ov shelves, manteis, bookcases and among the flowers. The effect 1s charming Inexpensive Sachet. The wowan in the country bas an ex- cellent Gilling for scent-sachets-right at ber band just now, f she will merely take the trouble of gathering Ip the ybove the foretiead and bas a tenden- especially among brunettes, to foarsen the features, The pYiiner the Bair ts arranged the better pleased-is Of course this 18 n impossible matter upon which tw fay down a hard and fust role. for there are comparatively few neads sufficiently perfect in their symmetry to warrant an entirely plain style of common mesdow suret. Somehow it has escaped general knowledge that this flower, like the sweet woodruft. re tain its odor when dried. The simplest way ts to tle the flowers tn bunches and hang them to dry, then to tle squares of muslin over the heads These bunches will scent the linen cupboards until next summer's supply of the sams tower comes again. Yoo may possibly gutber trom 1e Jength of this. photographic advice that 1 spent the day posing before the eamera, 1 assure you such was not French say, ia 8 borry. remendoms. My interest in the art called foreh the rn ter the sitting. Now, bay fimg made things ciear to you. 4 will pass on, as the lecturer says. to an: ether subject - My doctor has forbidden me to rock Just think of being separated from the luxury of Vibrating backward and forward in a chair as one reads or sews. For Baby's Porridge. No matter how baby dawdles over fis breakfast. it will be kept appetiz- warm in this new porridge bowl OO 1-0-0 0-L0 -0F0-Le-ro7- * 3 our stock, Yard, North Railway Street. : POC 1O-+O-40- 00+ 0FOH OLS OLOL+OPOLOLS --S-+-OFe-FOLe Don t Close deal for your Fir Fintsh without first inspecting Its thoroughly dry and all sanded, and will save you hours of work usually spent on cleaning. We have a full stock of heavy coast Fir dimension, and everything else required by the builder. HEADQUARTERS FOR CEMENT AND LAS Joists, Tu Ths LIGHT BRAYING obo or; Oo Ore good-straight and HEAVY oi Qne day recentiy Dr KR came ip to patch up my shattered nerves and found me seated 1n rocking chatr, , Which-was to rather vioient-motion about how tong do you do that every day? be inquired. Ob, 1 don't know, was my reply. whenever I get time It Is the only thing that rests me. Great heavens, he excisimed. do you know that half the women in town are literally rocking themselves into premature graves? 1 have a great many patients who are not seriously iL but just lingering along tn a state Se -socabderalicien. and those that compiain most about being tired and worn out are the ones who do the most mote etergy tn keeping a rocking ehair on the go than would be re- quired to do a small washing. The trouble with rocking is that yocking. The average woman expends attached to a nickel pan. into which hot water is poured through ap open ing-at-the. side . Baby cannot break disb, decorated with nursery rhyme pictures, nor can he spill the water, even if bis oatmeal bow is shoved over the edge of the table on to the breakfast table is a flower vase of wood brown bamboo. They come in a variety of shapes. Inside are sheet fron or meta receptacles to hold the water. Most any flower shows to ad- vantage against the dull brown of the bamboo Meny or these sasea aro loosely woven. and dull red or green pottery peers through the interstices. They may. be found im any oriental es Podeed PRESTO eo 4 borvwocs yousibar pis. -rherefore the want ad column of the THE BUSY THE MAYOR has proclained a BRIGHT EN ; UP DAY. WE agree with him and have made it a make everything clean, the same. MONDAY Pareetene frames touched paint or varnish. homesand ee Rae are foofee ot Exdusive ae i Seeteoes All rugs taken up and beaten in the back yard; curtains removed, pictures taken off thei? hooks, and wood-work and painted pictures hung. Dingy picture up with gold The Busy Bs We all must. commence at once. This will mean six days devoted to a good old-fashioned house-cleaning, not only in our homes, but the stores, public nea buildings, streets and park. We want to brighten up the town for spring and bright and cheerful. Instead of each individual starting at intervals, let us all start at once and brighten up our homes, as this is to be an annual house-cleaning for the city, and we'must not stop at our own door steps, We don t only want to make our own homes bright and cheerful, but to enliven the whole town. We want our walks, gardens and street house-cleaned as well and everything made spic and span. Nature is putting on her best dress ahd why should we not do Here is Our Suggestion of a Programme 1 ae for this Coming Week. - THURSDAY Arnaments washed and dusted. Clean curtains put on windows. FRIDAY walls washed. pire pipes ona radiators enam- 7 elled; scratched chairs and ta- TUESDAY. bles varnished. Make this Floors serubbed, worn floors painting da: painted with inside floor paint, y: or varnished. Fixtures washed SATURDAY and furniture varnished. Yards tided, idavas Henahed WEDNESDAY away, sticks picked -up, ete 3 Windows cleaned, earpets put Porches scrubbed, or if worn, x down, furniture replaced and painted with porch floor paint. With the bright, sunny days of spring and summer, you want your homes cheerful, Nothing makes.a city appear more prosperous than freshly painted ell-kept yards and streets. Let us get together and boost Medicine Hat. Wecan if we a ae er in this Brighten-Up Week, for it will soon become known that our homes are the best kept, our streets the cleanest, our citizens the most progressive, and our city administration the best in the West. ; BIRNIE. BROTHERS : B's SUNDAY The Day of Rest. i Residence appointed to conduct the circuit made vacant by the tragic death of Judge Massie, sat on the bench. Im- mediately after court convened argu- ments were begun on petitions look a change of -venue. It Is gen erally exp cted, however, that -the trials will proceed in Hillsville in ac- cordance with the decision previous- ly rendered by Judge Staples. The trial of Floyd Allen wittbe fottowed hy those of the other two members of the clan now in custody. These are Victor Allen, son of Floyd Allen, and Bud Marion. THE INTELLIGENT AND are those who read the best papers. best home paper is the logical med: ium whfch to obtain the mbst capabl help-. Use the News. Want Ads. Read the Serial Story in the News. 600 PAIR Block 17, Herald, 6 lots, includ- ing corn r 1800, Terms. tmuscies tnto- store: J. Pettit CONTRACTOR Phone 727. W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER snp CONTRACTOR Box 781. FIRST OF THE ALLENS ON TRIAL (Special to News) Hilisville, Va, April 23 In the same court-room where a little more than a month ago the Allen clansmen shot down Judge Massie, Common- wealth s Attorney Foster and three court attaches, Floyd Allen was cail- eq to the bar today to stand trial for Repairs promptly attended to. the part he is alleged to have played in the celebrated tragedy. Judge Wal- Who'll Be First? ALTAWANA 1400 8 lots, block 11. 1000 2 lots, block -i4. GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS re Have Buyers Her R. Staples of Roanoke, who was N. YUILL tots Bo 700, Lot 16, block 11, 550. Terms. Lot 4, block D., 1200. cash, bal. 6 and 12. Lot 1, block 18, corner, 685. 4 cash, 6 and 12, Phone 626 The Busy B s Eee The Largest Stock of Hardware in The City. punt eee illiams Paints and Varnishes. Berry Bros. Varnishes HOUSE 5 : City Si All GOOD Investments naa HERALD Lots 1 to 5, blk 9, 3650, Terms. 28, block 13, 1000. Terms. Lots 16 to 20, blk. 18, 630 pair. Terms, BENDING 18 lots, block 3, 210 e: Lots 16 to 25, block Terns. Lots 7 to 13, block 15, 530-pair. Lots 26 to 30, block 15, 530 T. W. FORSTER . Moneyto Loan Insurance . 1368 TORONTO-ST. A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results. WHO GETS THESE? by 150 ft, corner, be lots 23-26, Block G., Barclay St. Only 2100. ALSO 125 ft. by 180 ft, facing Bar- clay St, being lots 6-10, block H. Only 2000, Terms. 500 NORTH YUILL CENTRAL PARK Lots 18, 19, 20,-block 20, 1350 cash, Lots 16, 17, cor., block 21;- 850, 835 cash. Lots 39, 40, block 24, 850, 450 cash WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. CHARTERED. 4 e (Bs Winniveg, Le A. EB. Gib: Phone No. 19 TOWNSITE 8000 Terms. 100 ff. Braemar St., bik. 86. corner, orner, Braemar St,, bik. 85. 650 Cash 50 ft, blk. 99. Is now ing. Have the Vacut only way and for le way. 600 Lot 2, blk, 9, Dominion St. WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS peste in or call, or we wilt
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Image 670 (1912-04-23), from microfilm reel 670, (CU1738830). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.