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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. D PEEKING THROU Hellenic eben Friday, April 26th, 1912, : Jolet : ta: +. all wed him to go, Kingaby was sec him come west again, and it-is years. If it carries the convention The Feasons for tho defeat of the pro- creasing and the finances are onthe . faizingly fast when he got going surmised that Fleming is coming will ve held in Milwaukee, Wis, next Doulton werethat. the membua de upward - grade. - During the: quarter se of ORT jand his sweeping ris Were semifd-thfOough With aBouit 4,000 of this Septerties hot upprove of labor entering Into ending December 30, 1911, the branch y jful of Chases Waliace, the famous salary just to hitback at the Van- After being out for two days the/any aer ent with employers Income was 61,000 und the total ex- Y son ey pepetegogs Soto8 Villa winger. couver elub and also to help out the/striking carpenters of Des Moines, whereby the latter ares to asalet in pehuionres 12,400. ee feleinbicinininiet 3 trish-Canadians Meine nretee Nore: the employers eatablistng an old-age peusion sy8- Tho Musiciaue Calon of Jopll E. J. Webb, the noted English having granted their demand for. an/ Mo. bas decided to erect a musi 4 GH walker, just returned home from Ca- Le Canada may be looked upon as increose at wages amounting to ton A chart: has been granted by the ians temple, to cost. 26,000. THE KNOTHOLES AE nada, says Sporting Life: the official orn of the eee onjoeats an co ics men Uad already /American Federation of Labor to the The silk dyers of Paterson, Nu, 3 , My opinion of Goulding? You account of its sporting editor, St Granted the elght-hour day by Bootblacks Protective Union, of have ived a voluntary increase have had that be Tho best walk- F Who says thelr employers gome time AKO, no, California, of 1.00 a week of fifty tours - Seeteteete agosto SPORT CELEBRITI ES er I have ever seen, perfectly fair. 1). Many folk of sport rogret/ The biennial scale report of the In- The miembershiyy of the Gas Work- can't compare him w body you imbroglio in licrosse, but the tem- ternational Typographical Absence of Chas. Daniels Will Seriously Cripple Ameri- ner, but his: atyle can Team in Olympic Tae Webb Says Some More Nice Things About Geo. mite in 6 Goulding. C. M, Daniels, Athletic club, will not compete at the Olympic games next July. In a letter just received by the Olympic committee, Daniels states positively of. the New York that he will b unable to go abroad ly in the public eye tne other week, this summer and asks that bis na be scratched from the list of swim- mers. The absence of Daniels is likely to deal a deathblow to the chances of the United States in winning the re- lay race, which will probably decide tne Olympic rivalry in aquaties, be- action, like Li lt; his own, derstood y has walked know; he has a low Ernie must be seen to be Ernie om that Murr min. 2245 Swimming Events lia, 1 can searee is better than if I had not see hould never have b could walk ash such fast tin H. C. Kingaby, the professiooal) Jittle i footballer who figured so prominent-) me, Canadian ved that Australia, Engla: United States. jtw ict he colonies are +) younger men, Ta F. C., was considered at one time one of the best players in the south ig all right, but I am too fond of England during his stay with Ful-/ sociability for that, and in ham club when they won the South- towns one is just as well off here. championship, and the ern league Craven Cottage supporters were George Carpentier, the French fid- may shortly very indignant when the directors dieweight champion, show the fans of this country ho Special Prices in Grocerie fights. That is, if he defeats Wi ris. is that Dan McKetrick, who is ta Daniel's meal eoupon. awful. this continent that would offer Cai arenas. Tom McCarey is eager uave the'French champi 2 Tea, finest Ceylon. Reg. 40c. 1.10. Tea; Tetley's; 3-1 tins. Reg. 1.25. Sodas, Mooney s. Reg. 25c packets. Sodas, Ramsey's, in tins. Reg. 35c. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, 3 1 pail Golden West Washing Powder. Reg. Santa Claus Soap. Reg. 4 for 25c. Sunlight Soap. Reg. 5c. Salmon, large tins: Reg. 25c. Pork and Beans, Gazette Brand, large 3 Ib tins. Reg. 3hc. Special-25c. 2 for 35c. Reg. 10c per 1b. Lentils. Special 3 Cecoa;Fry's1Ib tins, Reg, Cocoa, Fry's, 1-2 1b. tins. Reg. 5c. Cocoa, Lowney s;-1 Tb tins, Reg. 60c, Cocoa, Lowney s, 1-2 Ib tins. St. Charles. Reg. 12 1-2c. Essence's Lemon and Vanilla, large Ie. Essence s Lemon and Vanilla, 2 oz. bottles, Reg. 20c. Special 2 for 25c. Jelly Powders. Reg. 10c. Special 3 Jello Ice Cream Powder. Reg. 15c. Manitoba Wonder and 1.50 Per Eggs, strictly -fresh,-25 per doz. Heiniz Dill Pickles, in tins, 25 Heintz Sweet, Mixed and Sour, 40c Baking Powder Baking Powder, Alberta s Best. Reg. Maggis Soup, all flavors. Special 6 Heintz Sweet Gerkins, 40 per quar Pettey s Coffee;1 I tins, Reg. 7 Eaund 5 Bee Hive Syruj Chow Pickles (Red Cross) Table Figs, 1 boxes, Reg. 15c. Cooking Figs. Special quality. Reg. Cooking Figs, Reg. 10c. Special 3 1: H.P, Pickles, Reg. 85c. Special HOP, Saute. Reg. 95c. Special 23 Mushrooms in bottles. Reg. 60c. Asparagus, in bottles. Reg. 60c. Vinegar Malt. Reg. .30c per bott Heintz Apple Butter. Reg. 35e, Spec Heintz Apple Butter. Reg. 25c. Spi Bracknell s Club Sauce. FOR CASH ONLY B.C. Granulated Sugar, 20 T sack. Reg. 1.60. Special 1.45. Special 3 Ibs for 1.00. Coffee, finest Mocha Java. Reg. 60c. Special 40c per Ib or 3 Ibs for in wooden boxes. Reg. 12c per Ib. Special 10c per Ib. oe Silver Leaf Lard, 20 pails. Reg. 3.7 Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, 10 Ib pails. Reg. 2.00. Special 1.75 per pail Swift s Silver Leaf Lard, 6 tb pails. Reg. 1.00. Special 85c per pail. Gold Dust Washing Powder. Reg. 30c. Special 25 per packet. Special 22.for 1.00. Special 20c per can. Sardines, Crossed Fish. Reg. 2 for 35c. Special 2 for 25c. Green Gage Plums, heavy syrup, 2- -cans. Reg. 25c. Special 20c. or Corn Flakes (Krinkle.) Reg. 10c. Special 3 for 26c. c- Special 60e-per tin. Reg. 30c. Special 4 cans for 4 c. SEED POTATOES We have still a few bushels of Seed Potatoes left, including Bose, Early Ohio, each: Morrow's Brand). Reg. 25c. Pp, 10 Yb tins. Reg. 75c. Special 65 per tin, Reg. 302 bottles. Special 10 each, Special 45 per bottle. Special 45 per bottle, Monk-and Glass Crystal Jelly Powders.Rog.-12 1-20. Special 3 tor 25 Special 25c per bottle. Honey, 5 tins, Pure Clover, Reg 100 Special 85c per tin. Reg. 35c bottle. Special Punch Saarce. Reg- 86e, Special 2c per bottle. Los Angeles and the Iatter-can. lect his opponent. Of course, if Wi b are off. He may; hat s 1 best that can be said. ily aeross the field. Special, 1.00 per tin. .. Special 2 for 45c. Special 2 for 65c. Special 3.25 per pail: J TT battle howl of the tribe, Take big boob out, Boke throdgh the box. Special 50c per pail. 25c Special 2 for 45c. Special 6 for 25c. ant bench last Thursday. ple off with hand grapple with Nap Rucker, of the. great side-wheelers of the ii dustry. : Ibs for 25c. last. April. and lost but six. confessed Special 30c per tin. Special 50c per tin. Special 25c. season, and thirty victories are 16 oz, bottles, Reg. 1.00. Special either circuit peeled off in 1911. for 25c or 85c per doz. victories. after mid June, Special 2 for 25c. men reach in a lifetime of pitching. intentions of becoming an outfielder. eee eae Lefty was foreed into the outfield Barly Red. + LACROSSE LINERS + this spring while travelling with the Bushel. . in Austra. understand that when lding, but then The docs, and set -up es. For the future this land will be good enough for it be understood that the Big Four suited for may look out for squalls if this-poli- the young fellow with cy is not adhered te- e in the action against the Aston Vitia-teade who does-not mind-going away up country and burying himself the lie Lawis ina fitting manner-in Pa The humorous part of the affair ing Lewis over to battle Carpentier, will bring the latter back if he beats A slightly complexed situation, but as this will be Lewis last ring battle it s not so hore-are-any Humber of clubs in pentier a fat wad to box in their mn disport in lie manages to trim Carpentier, all Justa year ago a tall, spiral youth sat on the Giant bench gazing mood- He was wondering just how many days would drift by before McGraw slipped him another chance to show under fire and after that how many would drift by before: the the would boom again The same tall youth sat on the Gik But this time he was toying gently withhis left elbow, wondering whether or not every cog was right to start his peo- victory in a hand-to- one Rube-Marquard was a forlorn hope Yet he won 24 games. And Thursday he that he expected to blow himself to over thirty victories this few more than any slabman from As the Rube pulled 22 out of his 24 an April start with the same line of merchan- dise should boost him well over the classic border, which but few slab- + * Oh he be hee ode oe oe obs oh oe be oe he ar pest which has a/ attributed to last years. it de wire ends upon opportunism. stay at his post, but let The British Colambis Lacrosse as-. of sociation has adopted a sixteen game schedule, and the season will open at Westminster on May 24. The association has also decided to ap- point an independent commission to control referees; who will be west- ern-men: is Charlie Querrie has given up all hope of McGregor staying with the - Tecumsehs this summer, as the home player is very anxious to look over the west with a view to settling there, and Con Jones offer gives hing the desired opportunity. William Rutherford, who has-been prominently identified with lacrosse in Brantford for several years; will manage the Regina team. Henry Scott is busy trying to ga- ther-in as mmy ot-thie-Montrear stars as possible. So far Aspell is the only one secured. He will en turned loose was and not provoked by tho Nationals. separation of lie two camps must pe pulling of the league never does well. The ationals do not intend to. sub- 1) mit to everything in the Big Four; so he long as justice is maintained the re- resentative of the French-Canadian total earned to figures at ieast Teport states that no other cisco and Los Angeles, Submitted to a referendum ery Workers International : ce Union shows thot increases obtained for the members of the unton will bring the organ fzation can show such an increase. Beer bottlers unfons of San Frans California, have turned down: the proposed old- age pension system which has been vote of affiliated with the Brew- Union. 00,- : Brighten We all must commence at once. This will mean s ers Union of at Britain is still in- R PHONE 66 Piano Moving A Speciaity apid easonable liable Srtesesescsssesoosseosssesoses THE BUSY B's THE MAYOR has proclained a BRIGHTEN : UP DAY. WE agree with him and- have made it a Up Week The Busy B s the Serial ry in t Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 864 Toronto Street. Soetoeteetoatetoaio ets spring and penn dear down put y St, boy. The two fung t end of the bench, wo as to-add welg thing had to giv wood of thelr imp the holding of th stant it seemed 1 then, with 1 spikes ylel ly gave. verted beneath, tt At still higher, low 80 as to leay This was now su the passage of a Keith, lowering the earth to be f The negro instan Uhoy, began crept meas, seeking som Jaid foundation of btructed their pat his had been 1s r quality, experienced btain b fllently, not kn fmight be alread) Rhey siccsedea tr Rhe rock to alloy de 2 ? Sretestes Spe Be os darkness, they YDhey were upon from the town, wi visible, prairie a gether into spect: sound audible but rel in the front ro lerept along to the 2 css where) ine Moat So nee. This will mean six days devoted to.a good. earocsh thet leaning; not only in our homes, but the stores, public bers Stati buildings, streets and park. We want to brighten up the town for had not yet begun lready semblanc re jcct e a-satary ot 1,500-to play with the Irish-Canadians. a Clint Benedict, the Ottawa goal ten, had an interview with the To- ronto club, but nothing definite was decided upon. Benedict is inclined towards. the amateurs, but the Ot- tawa club feels sure they can influ- ence him to join the professionals and play-with the Capital team. Despite all stories coming from the east, Don Cameron has not sigged with the Irish-Canadiaiis. There is a difference of 500 between the man- gement and the player. Cameron has a position in Cornwall) and it will be hard to get-him-to make a move. . There is a feeling in Montreal that George Kennedy is becoming too Powerful a jactor in lacrosse mat- ters, and is the man to be feared Particularly in regard to French- Canadian affairs. Fred Scott, next to Newsy Lalonda seems to be the most desired lacrosse player in Canada. ANOTHER LOOSE ONE Lefty Russell; the twelve thous- Picked up a couple of years ago to twirl for the Athletics, announces hig cubs of the world s champions under the guidance of Ira Thomas. He liked the work in the pasture, and told Ira statements to the contrary notwith Eoae standing. Special 2 tins for 35c. 25c. Special 2 tins for 36c. jackets for 25c. the game this year. eT ies eae George Kennedy is still working and worrying with Fred Scott. It is understood that Scott is asking for fifteen nindred dollar: 15e per Ib. Special 10 per Tb. per bottle, Vancouver is beginning to worry over Billy-Fitzgerald as no word has been received from the St. Catha- rines star for. many days. The wor- ty is occasioned: by the statement that Fleming has publicly declared he will pay the sensational home fielder 5,000 if necessary to keep him in the east. fal 25 per tin. ecial 2 for Se per bottle. - Aspett and Al, Kane have detinites sy signed. with the Irish-Canadiens, The betting is dollars to doughnuts that the old timers, Dade, Macker- row, Rody Finlayson and perhaps that in future he would stick to the tall grass and out out pitehing. The joke was too much for dra, who merely wondered what .Mack would say of the whim of his costly piece of excess baggage. i PEE Eee Ee lt; * ipaeetete ee egoege and dollar beauty that Connie Mack fy : in : ae 2, make. th me 5 MONDAY 24 eirssoeiretes et WEDNESDAY. paint or varnish. ? co All rugs taken up and beaten in the back yard; curtains removed, pictures taken off their hooks, and. wood-work and walls-washed. TUESDAY - Floors. scrubbed, worn. floors painted with inside floor paint, or varnished. Fixtures washed and furniture varnished. Windows cleaned, earpets down,. furniture replaced and pictures hung. Dingy picture frames touched up with gold clean, bright and cheerful. Instead of each individual starting at intervals, let us all start at once THURSDAY painted FRIDAY painting day. SATURDAY Yards tided, put SUNDAY The Day of Rest. Make and brighten up our homes, as this is to be an annual house-cleaning for the city, and we must not stop at our own door steps, We don our own homes bright and cheerful, but to enliven the w: our walks, gardens and street house-cleaned as well spic and span. Nature is putting on her best dress and *t only want to make hole town. We want and everything made why should we not do Here is Our Suggestion of a Programme for this Coming W ek.. Arnaments washed and dusted. Clean curtains put on windows. 7 Stove pipes and radiators enam- a elled; seratehed--chairs. and ta- bles varnished. leaves brushed away, sticks picked up, etc.; Porches scrubbed, -or if worn, painted with porch floor paint. With the bright, sunny days of spring and summer, you want your homes cheerful. Nothing makes a city appear more prosperous than freshly: painted homes and well-kept yards and streets. Let us get. together and boost Medicine Hat-- We can if we all take part this Brighten-Up Week, for it will soon become known that our homes are t, the best kept, our streets the cleanest, our citizens the most progressive, and our city administration the best in the West, this aumerous saloons shout punctured howled in the di ing of swift hoofs lof fresh arrival: he single street de alive with hun xcitement, ready if only once tur would be turned rected, the man the grass felt full grimly, wishing Black Bart s f Alscover the fligh tims. But there every moment ga ehance of safety. Are those hort Diacksmith s sho roy Se rer ? Sete tetededestentadt Srgoegeegeets Sragoes meat v Re 4 ing. The negro stare icated, confuse Sostes thrown by the dir I reck n dey one make out f Then two of t as; come on, boy He ran forwat every chance. cov back behind the slight depression conceal their mo spoke until they gether beside th Then Neb, teeth to blurt out: Fo' de Lawd s ally mean ter ste Kelth glanced im, black shado . Bure not; just But dat s a hs eountry, Massa J Sure it ts it we'd be strung can't be hung tw chance for us wone-at all with tm the saddle, 2 Dack here will trail; I pledge y stay close with 1 Tt was the qui assured commar with his plans, a1 breathing hard, 1 position; all 1 him to the domin ter. Keith leane ot tee ? Rete Poo loctostosete de ontortor pe NOTES FROM THE i LABOR WORLD + ae + OB fe che ole ols fe ake oho of oho obs oe oe fe The Labor Council of Stockton California, has bought a 50,000 site for a new labor temple. The American Federation of Labor is considering plans to erect an office building at Washington, D.c. * In New York city 181,972 children between fourteen and eighteen. years jofage are now. at work, 66,620 boys and 65,852 girls, BIRNIE BROTHERS The Busy B s The Largest Stock of Hardware in The City. 3 Exclusive Agents Sherwin Williams Paints and. Varnishes. Berry Bros. Varnishes os in that darknes sling in along thi en foot and hor Joon on the corm ronized. A glo forth from its wi the sound of m: marrow alley wai The fugitive ste afraid that other the pontes and Guided by a ho swiftly ran his b and made quick Poste 2 Sos a re eosteatea to The Lancashire and Cheshire Min- ers Federation has changed its rules es, th tins Reg. Soc. Malta Vita. Reg. 12 1-2c. Snider's Tomato Catsup. Mushrooms In Tins. Stephen's Old Country Jam, rasp. and 90 . Special 80 per pail Reg. 35c. This ad will not apy *PHONE 177. Spectat Special 10c or 11 for 1.00. Reg. 80 . Spectat 20c per tin. Cut this out and keep for reference. Prices hold good until Wednesday, May Ist. TERMS CASH, GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY C. 0. D. H. MORROW se per tn. It looks like a banner year for la- Special 25 per- bottle. amateur leagues, junior and senior jhaye affiliated in one big association and a combined effort is to be made to help along the national pastime. Twelve clubs have affiliated. straw., 5 ib tins. Reg. 85c, and near after-Saturday. The O. L. A. season will open June 1 and close on August 31 on Ottawa University is to have a la- croste team, and will start players practicing at once. Charlie George, one of the most promising of the younger members of he Shamrock lacrosse team of last year, has signed an Trish-Canadiew contract. Hi ita strong, fast but WN. RAILWAY ST. ff inexperienced homo fiolder. Geo. Kennedy declares be will pay ewsy Lalonde 6,000 rather than crosse in Vancouver this year. Thal The manufacturing: industries of the s0 a8 to admit women mine workers jas well at men to its membership, Unitod States employ as wage earners 6,615,046 persons, or almost fourteen and a half per cent. of the total popu- lation. Plans are being made ultimately to unite all the warkers In the metal and machine industry tn New York in-a meta workers industrial union, Practical prohibition of child labor of any kind in the district of Colum- bia Is contem ed in a bill introduc- ed in the House of Representatives by Con 1 Cox of Ohio, All the unions affiliated with the Molders Union of North America will vate on vention of the year, non position to hold a con- international body this having been beld in tive Shiloh s Gure BNICKLY STOR: counMB, CURES COLDS 600 PAIR Block 17, Herald, 6 lots, inchiia- ing -corner 1800,- Terms, Who'll Be First? ALTAWANA 1400 3 lots, block 11. 1000 2 lots, block 14. GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS We Have Buyers MEALS THE TH OAT ANG LUNGS. 25 CENTS. WHO GETS THESE? 105 125 ft. by 150 ft, corner, being lots 23-26, Block G., Barclay St Only 2100. Terms. ALSO ft. by 180 ft, facing Bar- clay St, being lots 6-10, block H Only 2000, will call. TOWNSITE 3000 Terms, 100 Braemar -St.,-blk. 86, 2600 Terms, 100 Braemar St, blk. 85. 650 Cash NORTH YUILL 8600 Lot 2, blk. 9, Dominion ft, tee HOLLINGER AGENCY: sivses + + + ALL EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS - ft ft bik. 99, WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS Phone them In or call, or we? corner, corner, Here, Neb, t him quietly dow thrust the loos Diack s band. An instant lat own mount, and in the same di night there wa obedient negro vanished. The enly-helped. cor but also rendere find one another. westward they-1 directiy down to was no longer foot, as they wer away from the fear of being wome drunken + ommand the n waddle. Both po lot vicious, and eo test their new Sunder control. moving straight qradvally deepe ita black heart
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Image 696 (1912-04-26), from microfilm reel 696, (CU1738819). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.