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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MALE CLAD A graduate in Physical Optics, Physio. + logical Optics, Emmetropia, Hypermetropia, J, gt; Aphakia, Myopia, Astigmatism, Presbyopia, + gt; Asthenopia, Orthophoria, Hetrophoria,. Str- x 2 e to Me 5 Seegetion eer oot o s coe dete eee es es so-ageetes, pot Beevecgeeteegeetee PHP PHP HOY Seerertes oeererss he o Seageey Pree PEPPERS OHS PROMOTERS OF THE A. AND GW. n HOURS 1 TO 5. : 2 Gpnesaaacaeee nner rbeeeegeeeeOePRE PEPE LITTERS JOHN F. MILLER abismus, Prismoscopy, Retinoscopy, Opthalmoscopy and Ophthalmometry from America s best schools, with twenty-five years . -of experience, and recom- mended by Alberta s best citizens, is PiAking one of his many visits to a WM MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. ecialist * EAE EES ones : Ey gaa ake sone MEDI Cl N E HA ae: CONSULTATION FREE. 3 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT. ASSINIBO A HOTEL. Srefeeeatreteat Pr Seateeee eae sorte Seales NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete, ads under these headings. Now 25 words, one day .. .. 26 25 words, throe days... .50 25 words, six-daye . --- 1.00- Additional words at am rate. No fa accepted for less than 25 cents, Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2.and it, wili-recelve Atiaayog. Medicine Hat Revels in 23 Below Whilst Chicago Shivers with 3. Winter weather has apparently set in for good, for the thermouieter at the time of writing is 23 below dnd during the night as muchas 28 was registered on Pingle's thermometer. Whilst The Hat is almost beaking in the delightful weather ts comic that Chicago is shiv in the icy cold Hast of from Yffo 6 below. Win- HELP WANTED FEMALE, VANTED Young irl to tnke child out in afternoon. Apply to Mrs. T. F. Dawson, West Allowance. 15id3 HELE WANTED, WANTED Salesman for Medicine Hat, Toran erticle which-stiis in every office. Apply by letter box 14 News, 160d1 country cote reports of exceptionally cold weather. It has not been ascer- tained definitely, tut the belief pre- vais that the little escapade of the earth which trotted out of its courte ATEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade, special summer rate on, join now and save money, o the oxtent of a few million miles particulars free. Moler System Col- nearer the sun than it is legally en- lege, 609 Centre St., Calgary, 24dti titled to go, had something to do) with the exceptional:weather that ' FUR BALE. some cities are now complaining of. Seismic disturttances have been record- ed on the St. Boniface instrument for recording eart yuakes that happen in different parts of. the world, and from the astrological point of view the planets are working: in the right way to making q fine mix-up of things OR SALE 80 records for Edison Phonograph. Nearly af 4 min- ute and in good condition. Price 15 for the Jot. Medicine Hat Fire De- partment. JFOR SALE Stock of Tadies and Price to ALL eam LePAGE BROS. searea a a Pair of Hockey Boots, * Clearing Out . Sale Monday Next Men's; Monier Ss and iBoys Hockey Boots x Men's Hockey Boots, regular 8.25 pair, Special for Mon- day . - 2.95 pair Women s Hockkey Boois, regular 3.00 palr,-Special-for Monday . 2.00 pair Boys, Hockey Boots, regular 2.75 pair., Special for Mon- zo pe LePAGE. BROS. ? : THE TRADING COMPANY'S OLD STAND. 88 TORONTO STREET. Rasteat TO BUT BSF aA Cholee Residential Lot, Esplanade a River, 60 ft. by 225 ft, A.1-8 Bes dee vont Phew Inquire for terms. Hollinger Agency + - 84 Main St. Phone 433, Prairie Pride ' Patent Flour not only stands the test, but always ields , satisfactory results it is the FLO in whieh-to-place your confidence ask your d aler for it. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y. 300000000 O0SeSSSCOCOrweGOOSOOOOGOG COOD0OO0 gt; OF CANADA K GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Speciat-attention-given to the business of Radchera and Farmers. Sayings Bank Department at all branches MEDICINE HAT BRANCH W, 0. JOY, MANAGER. Ottawa, Jan. NOTIN POSITION TO CARRY OT (W. A. P. Dispatch.) 6. The argument be- + Doherty, Minister of Justice, Premier Borden and several of hispeolleagues, on the application for the disallowance of the act of the Albetta legislature which the province assumed the 7,000,000, placed on. de- posit in connection with the Alberta Great Waterways Rallway project, Wwhich.was continued yesterday after the lengthy sittings, were taken up Tby the counsel who spoke im- support of the application, and yesterday the side of the Province was heard. behalf of the 'They contended that in cancelling the agreement made between the govern- ment of Alberta and the Alberta and uni Fi juins from the bond Issue, th gt; government had acte entirely in-the lof this. agreement, Great Waterways Company, the gov- . A. Master, K.C,, Toronto, and J. ared in Alberta Governmient. rnment was appropriating the 7 the Albei Washington, D.C.; Jan- 6. St. Lou is, Kansas - City, Chicaga, Denver, Baltimore, New York where shall the national convention of the Democte- tic party be held next summpr? This is the learing question to be consid: inthis city Monday. Many memibers of the national committee, together with numerous other Democrats of wide prominence, arrived in the capi- tal today in anticipation of the meet Bling ot the committpe and the banquet: to be held ai the Raleigh Hotel Mon- day-night in memory df the patron saint of Democracy, Andrew Jecvson. The speakers at th Baiggset witt-in- of them candidates for the presilen- ton B. Parker of New York, Represen- Underwood nor Woodrow Wilson-of New Jersey, ace, Governor Baldwin of Connecticut; ; William J. Bryan of ie the Democra- ee al conmnitice at ite anecting of Se convention, will rebsive com- clude a number of the/most promin tox Democrats im the country, several chairman of the Democratic national committee; Speaker Clark, Jndge Al- 2 of Alatama, Wil- jam R gt; Hearst of New York, Gover- Senator Robert L. Taylor ol Temes- daraska, form- ex-Governor Joseph W. Folk of Mis- souri, Senator Francis C. Newlands ali of Indiana, Senator Pomerpaie of and Bepreseatative James. T- 2 sipty to TERMS OF AGREEMENT interests of the province. It was a matter connected with sie the Tounce had complet ction as the railway which it wan prope d to construct was a local line. They quoted authorities to show thatthis was fot a matterin which the Federal authorities had any right to-interfere. Tonching om applications for dis- aug ce which have been-dealt, with past, Mr. Lewis said that Hon. Mille Sir Charles Fitzpatrick and Sir Allen Aylesworth, three former min- istera of justice, were afl of the op- inion that extreme caution had been displayed in the matter and that of a provincial legislature should .be dis- jallowed- unless clearly and without question ultravires. Appealing with the specific cause . . counsel, for- the under: discussion: government of All contended that in a position to carry out the term: Democrats Looking to the: West Many more than half generally. Stangezers are saying that the earth is too much in. con- jnnetiun wilh the sun to allow of the world s being at pease, and that the signs of the zodiac point im the dir- ection of continued warfare the world over. x Im spite of all this Medicine Hat seems to be one of the few places F where the machinations of the zodie- cal signs Seem powerless to upsat the general tranuility ofthe city or its sitizens Twenty above or twenty bo- low doesn't seem to-make much dif- ference to The Hat and with the sun shining as it is doing at the present time people don t much care if the mercury drops another. twenty or. 0. dollar. Dreamland. Complete with gasoline 400 feet capacity. yee. at 324 Balmoral St. pApply Chlet of Police, agate and shoes, worth about 1500, to be sold in-10 days for 60 cents on the Buyer can rent the premises: Store, 5 living rooms and barn,-for 40: per month. Apply to The Harvard. Talloring Co., 312 4th Ave, opposite 132d1m OR SALE CHEAP A horse. Gentle; broke to ride or drive. 120 Otta- +25ate) pHe FOR SALE Well drilling machine. engine, In good repair. Will sell cheap for cash, if taken at P.O. Box 33, Carlstadt, Alta good milk cow for sale. Apply 14983 Shiloh Gure STOPS COUGHS Paice as cance PRICE. 25 CENTS FOR RENT Cheerful, ROOMS TO RENT i warm. pp- stairs front room. Five minutes Saturday, January 6th, 1912 ww Vu FOUND. L 08T Two cults, about end of De- cember, one dark bay, the other Diack stallion with white spot in fore head, from range 4-13-4, west of 4th, Ten dollars reward for their recoy- ery, Geo, R, Robinson, Medicine Hat, 16046 Se Ee (pst marmot muff be- tween Post office and market. Return to News office, Reward. 14743 T,OST A parcel containing pink silk between the post office and the skating ring. Reward. Return to New office. 1aTas JFOUND Scart pin at last Tennis dance, Owner can have same by paying for this ad and* proving pro- perty, Apply to News office. 160att JFOUND on Main, St. on Jan, gna, purse containing money, Owner may have same on paying expenses, boat JfOUND East of CPR, station Sat- urday night before Christmas, par- cel containing pair lady s slippers. Owner may have same by proving property ang paying for this adv, Ap- ply News office. 14745 AUCTIONEERS. Hi: 8. BROWNE .CO., Live Stock and General- Auctioneers; farm and ranch sales a specialty; house, sales. of furniture will r celve our spectat attention. -Goods-of any de crtotion can-be entered for our res Square. Cash advanced on aaa con- Signed for absolute sale. Apply H. B. Browne Co., 366 Toronto. St. Medicine Hat. Phone 481. See our announcement elsewhere of auction sale, Pais MISCELLANEOUS PRESSING CO. beg to antouhce that they are opening 2 cleaning and pressing. establishment opposite the Fire Station om 4th Aye. and second hand goods bought and sold. Mark. Harris, Prop. 15146 )VANTED LADIES'. AND GENTS: east-off clothing, shoes, watches, jeweiry, gung, revolvers, Valises, sult eases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggon bug- guaranteed to give satisfaction, New -- the promicter of the company was not influential democrats are inclined to butieve that the conventi n will go to Chi- reagh: They predithat-if it doss not, it will go as far west. s Kanses City or Denver. The claims of St, AUCTION SALE S SQUARE FRIDAY JANUARY 12, 1912, AT 1 O'CLOCK PROMPT, ern conveniences. Bt. F554 t venlences. - Apply Street. 701 8 conveniences, sultabl men, 546. for gentl When we shall offer for Sale by Publie Auction a large quantity of Driving. and Heavy Horses, Cows, Oxen, Single and Double Harness, Buggies, Wagons, Bob Sleights, a quantity of Farming Implements e. : Phone 559. walk from PO 226 Main -S t5203 FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, mod- 642. Montreal s0det ROOM TO RENT ANl modern: con- Ottawa tapate board. Cor, of Ottawa St.'and First Ave, 149-3 Apply, 183. Ottawa St. Phone -watohes, 1s2att ully modern house, Also large par- lor bedroom with or without board. asiatt hair, wool and fuithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tafloring Co., 312. Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P.O. box 701.. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the; above. 7 2aptt AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand fhe best selection of Second Hand Tools im. the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and segond hand Clothing, . Clocks, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything. mentioned above bos /PHREE unfurnished light housekee ing rooms, every convenience, in 2 eles, carpenter tools, ete., raw ices and furs, horse MEDICINE HAT Hibs, ron 1 1S HERE, AND 1 RESOLUTIONS WE OWE HAVE M Al FAR AS BUSIN: CERNED WE YeD 10 TRY A BUSINESS IN) TI THAN WE-DIDT POSSIBLE TO Gl LIC BETTER. SE EVER? - Turpin The Man s Ston Get the Big D lt;Hot Springs next talent for his Milwa aly Cobb says: tha the Tiger flinger, wi pitcler; im the: Am Chamce cannot com not -play, first base season. Pitcher Otey C (game irom Pitcher octet Back Matty eins visit to Cube. Frank -E, Docsbuy; dary of Senator Sx with Zeider, Jone and Borton working The . Minnedpolis. Catcher Otte Hung alilornia. He is a of the convention, will receive ideration. they certainly Democracy have four times proved a raid of Chicago, St- city or Denver. ral grovitd for the convention. gt; New York apparently is im earnest in, her desire to secure the copvenuion,, ut if the gathering-is holdin the Kast it is believed that Baltimore: will get the prize. The Maryland. city. was the-first to put in bid-and has tien conducting a hard campaign tion in Baltimora, for Baltimore and sinner, which is*more-thast cam be Touis, Kansas Chicago would be regarded as. neu- The selection of New York, on the other band, would, in the opinion of many Democrats, give the nomination too niuch of the Tammany taint. Denver a8 the convention city wonld give the : ; progressives an advantage over the E conservatives. The selection of St. Louis or Kansas City migitt possibly mires for this Sale can be IMPORTANT. leup to12 0 Sale, at the offices of the Auct- foneers, 366 Toronts Street, Meilicine Hat. Phone 481, - H. B. BROWN CO. NOTE The Auctioneers intend to hold these Sales weekly on the Market, and farmers and others can-now depend-on-a, regular Sale for cattle, pro- duce,or anything they may aye to dispose of. oe ee the- Alberta, the Yukon Territory, bie, -may -be- feased- for a-term twenty-one years at an-annual of 1 acres Application-for 2 lease must made by the applicant the Agent or. Sub- trict in which the are situated. In surveyed territory b described by sections, SYNOPSIS OF CaNADIAN NORTH- WEST LANB REGULATIONS, Ny person who fs the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may hemestead quarter section of pe constried es chances of either city. aoan adventage Champ Clark or Joseph W. Folk, tut the possibi'ity is so remote that it is for available Domintdn land in Manitoba, veyed torritory the. tract appsied Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person. at the Dominion Lands Agency. or Sub- proxy may be made at any Agency. on certain conditions, by father, m: Lost: in C. P. R. yard Dec. 20th; Steel Staft about 6 inches in length, enclosed In black rubber case about 10 inches long with screw top. Thi ts-part-of electric star system and yery necessary to operation of train: or by returning to Medicine Hat yard SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING REGU- in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and: Northwest Territories and in a por- tion of the Province of British Colum- rental nef ce Not more Chan 2,560 tm fase un bel Dflice. x. fait sete ad Limited ) 5 o politics, crati makes the war and this time. representatives of and progressive Hf it were a that any. cert Stands, however, vention city may have a most jortant bearing on the nomination The firstqmatter to be determined is hether the convention shall be held in the East or the West. cratic candidate for been siamed in tha East since the civil liioyd of Missouri, Of the party for a con- vention city promises,to ibe brimful of The contest for the Demo- nomination between recognized - the conservative wings of the party choice of the convent: in factory to foregone in capdidate would. nominated by, the.Democrats, it would not matter much where the conven- tion was held. As the situation ident many of the party lea belicve it would be poor politics take the gathering from the West at the cho e of a con- The Democrats in President. managers ani those of Wootrow. ion Tell would prefer that the convent be be. Yilson,-or anv other Democrat, that matter, a isyine to the rank perty. They argue that, and file of 0 Demo- in the West, thet it would he a g has the Weat. Titewise, ders to Zoster man nioht strengthen the latter Jown nection in te tegarded-as fevoring, Fiarmion Tor eae Mary and city long to the conserva- tive wing of the party. At the same time- da Ylieved that the Harmon) tion of - Governor Harmon, Governor trowcht about among Democratic commun- ul be more sat- ff it shall 1 tim omt that Governor Hatmon is a stronver catviilate inthe Fast than thing far bim if he were nonzinated in if a convention feld in the West were to nominate an ie Governor Wilson, it fatending hetesteader. jx monthg- residence upon. mid cultivation of of the. land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of-at least. 80 acres solely ownedand occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. the as ion pe elite Weet- In thismattit 39 ceriain-dintriete e-nomesteader belief of many sother fm good standing may fre-empt a quarter-section alongside his home- stead. Price 3.00 per.acre.- Duties. Must reside apon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead n- try (including the time required to earn homestead patent) ind cultivate tifty-wcres-extra; A homestender who has, exhausted his homestesd right-and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for s purchased homestead in certain di trict Price 3.00 per acre. Dutles Must-restte-six montba in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and rect a house worth 300:00. 'W. W. CORY, Neputy of the Minister of the Interior N, Unauthorized publication of, his advertinement will not be paid for for the ood his able output of the tain 3 five cents.perton, The person operating the raine shal furnish the Agent with sworn return: accounting for the full quatitity o merchantable coal mined and pay th: royalty. thereort, If the coal giinix; Hents Are being operated, such returP should be furnished a once a The lease will include the coal min ing rights only,-but-the-lessee-mny be permitted to ptrchase whatever avail able surface rights may: be coustderer necessary for the working of the min: at the rete of 10.00 an acre. + For full information applicatio: should be made to: the Secretary ot tho Department of-the Interior, Or tawa, or to any Agent or Sub-Agen ot Dominion Iands. W. W:.cORY, N, B. Unauthorized publication his advertisement will nut be pad for Sept. 14-D-6m. Signs that attract. City Sign Work Phone 478 dsr. Deputy Minister of tae Interior and 4th Ave. Telabote oa. P.O. box 792. Ottioes: Pruitt Block, Room Sans THAT 4 C1 ;- CITY SIGN w RKs Mala 865-55). jane INGER SEWING MACHINES and Sherlock, Maguing Pianos and of the .and.must or iegal sub- divisions. of sections, and in unsur- for shall be, staked out by; the, applicant MUSIC VIOLIN, MANDOLIN. GUITAR. OFFICE TO REAT Fine large Office in the News Block, 20 x 25 feet in size, well lighted,- steam heated, modera conveniences APPLY TO. Visiting Canda tatty pteted 4 tne Sept. 14-D-6m. News Often. pews Office. (Bteonone 514, P.0. box of el Teague, is in favor o Canton, Erie and 3 Ohio dnd Pennsylv: the work which 1 five dollars agcopy. Dot See miss The at the MO euIEKLY STOPS COU MEALS THE THROAT / THE -HO RE-UNIO Offers an oppo that GROUP F We are equippe BEST in Gipui Portraits,
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Image 30 (1912-01-06), from microfilm reel 30, (CU1738187). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.