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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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z Bitens or Jeffries : fein Gi Jack Johnson's: aban + donment of ring pursuits and Aa. Wolgast's attack of appendicttis. Mes: claim that in any ted the title reverts: to ieee. jous holder. It the argument d.and:Wolgast s operation mis nt disablement, Battlin d be. justified int 2 premiership. sit is: not believed fora) at-will be out of thie few months, +1 about prize ape Gompl - Dube t 6 ie of ig ite? ists sot or WF, Corbett, the noted Australian Doxing crit'c. He declares that Sam MGVea 1s the heavyweight champion of the world and that he gained the title through default , on mete part. Here is Corbett s argument : , If Jack Johnson really retired, the Ya championship crown would 0,to Sam, MeVea. It is decided by spertifi law long since enacted that gt in. the cir umatances. which I shall peter to the title must pass y stadium? on Dec, thie a eee championship bi gtist to the mill, JOIN THE TORONTOS Len Turnbull ang, Cliff Spring Sign Dacross ): . Contracts for Next Sea- son, Toronto, Jan. 2 As a step toward ensuring a winting team n xt snips m p the Torpnts Lacrosse Club has signed Len Toribilt and Clift Sprink; two: crack New . Westminster home layers, Fr -Hubbard;. the club, HS the Wests omy. secure we or. Vancou- ak before -he returns , sity, Fitsgerata hasbeen offered a contract by the Toronto Fete 8 for the. B of it hard fighting never bilngs much e connection it looks as outuide the ey indefinit city was nearly 500; Arthur. ror YX by acclamation. The good roads through the district. ar- led; for the banusipg-and guarantee- ing bonds of the Pipe Foundry cafried, land for reducing the number of alder- pmen from twelve. int, carrie The following. ere electe Bowmanvilt Bohai MeL Blenhein W. B, Green Bracebridge G. We TBekdestoae CobsIt ae Zz. Tru ie * Kingardine R. Pai Milt y Dr, MeCallum. i containing , pint jeen the post officd and ving. R yara Return aa, y,st-4 bare fll. the skating to New Mttice. a ae Marshall, Hardware fs stock-takikg, WIIL be open as completed. : aillag of J Jou at s. Pioneer Merchant LB, Cochran who for Over Quarter of a Century Has Supplied the Wants of Hatters -Retires Had a Long, Varied and Brillliant Business Career. The passing of the year 1911 also ing that time Is evidenced by the fact marked the pissing out of business of that the lot on which one of the few of the pity of Medicine Hat's ola landmarks, Mr. Cocaran s first catea ace Saat nee residence, the old house on-Main St, near the Burng block; was purchased B. Coghran. For over a -quart r of 1 ror g150., and is now worth 25,000, century: Mr.. Cochran hag been knowm puring his many years of business 4s one of the Hat's most popular and yy. Gochran has leading citizens and the announce- clerks, drivers and other assistants: ment of his retirement from business; ang it Is with a great deal of pride, which was made a few days ago, will, gna justly 0, that he points out that be recelved with regret by many clt - many of his ex-clerks are holding gens. some of the leading :pasitions of the Mr. Cochran 1s one of the most dis- business world today, whlle others tinguished men of this western coun- have already been So successful that try, and alwaya being of a mostkind- they have retired. ly nature he naturally made friends M-. Cochran Sh gifted with a won- and once mad he continued to hold aertul memory. and while sitting in them, Evidence of this statementis the nis tine residance last evening fact that customers that bought g00ds aiscussing old times he was able to (Sf hint the first day he went intolrecan the names of forty of hig ex; business overs quarter of contury clerks. That when these clerks left KgO are still, and have continuously nis employment Mr? Cochran's inter- been customers of his. : est in their Welfare did not cease is: During his tong and varied career, pevidenced: by. fact Mr. Coch- u zum fe able to pretty well. trace their wees itt this western, country and and to today point with pride irly'in the Hat He left Nova Place of hig birth, in 83 6 tha west. For some time ae the store of IH. Cav- hold positions high in and railway business t as ywas sald before, others) have retired, while others have: passed tothe Gra For: the past few years Mr. Cochran has lived practieally retired, his son George conducting his. business for him. Recently hij son left for Syd- ney, B. C., to jolr. the firm of Cocghran White, canners. Since, coming to the west Mr Goohs 3 ran has always enjoyed a fair share of the trade and now that he s: retir- ing he speaks as being greatly pleas- ed with the treatment he has received employed many , MADE INTHE WEST 4 FOR WESTERNERS THESE CANNOT 384 Main Bt. it See tarry : CORRESPONDENCE + Peaeeka cased Note While wetodlli an Com- a as iit: readers, wo wish it t6 be thoroughly understood jg that: hous- a Silthe. Hat ih those ment: for his. successors, --. Mc Sprague and Williamson, Mr. C: from his friends and customers ani Would ask the same generous ene Called at the Expense. of the Institution, ve ee Law in their Favor Turns Trai- OW. A. P -Diapaten) Guracas, Jan, 2 The The money was received in Caracas specks Saag a Tessas Spo and the congressmen assembled: They Ubereted for a month and then instead of. approving the bank con- cepsion, pissed a new banking law, sounder than the old one, and making the Issuance of depreciated paper money mpossibl , Congress also de- creed tho coinage of 7,000,000. of bo that he might pepe ats of gold, members then left for thelr homes, having much -enjoyed nt their stay at the capital, and, more than ever impressed with French gen- rosity. usar ot sate for the x against the paper money danger fs siven to Geners N. A, Nates, minister of foreign affairs, himself a were held night convinge the other members of the government. He ree ably. seconded by Doctor Jose had no. troubl in ispos- toul; minister 8f education. ing of the Goncempion to-Paria finan- clers. But s concession in Venezu lal erat does not. become 2 law until it has been approved by Soneeaey and un- fortynately, Congress iad. just ad- and would not again in ular session. for a Pin the Beastie many. things might happen. Castro might Te-appear and upset the whole plan, . Agcordingly, the French interests mae their avceptance of the congetaion conditional upon the agree- ment of Bresident Com z to call Con- gress ff an, extraordinary sension. Comez Was Aereeable but could not see why. Venezuelg shotild be put to the The prejudiced revolution. of goes member of arth a aagds Soneee ee in Tead innumerable deen /Deateti in thm al, He 2 probably Join for- with Alejandro Rivas ivares-of sllver currency gnd 3,000,000 that .we do mot necessarily subs- cribe to or-entorde thre opinions expressed. by our correspondents. All letters, must. be signed- by the iter, mot necessarily for publica tom but as a sign of good, faith ma WHO WILL.BE HANGED? Medicine Hat, Jan. 2, 1912. Editor Medicine Hat Ne Every contributor to f dicine Hat publicity fund should be present at the meeting of subscribers on Wednesday night and participate the hanging of the Old Timers. eal entertaining function has never yet pillled-off-in-Medicine Hat, and ears to be an auspicious injury. for the Tutiire-of the city that the pei formante should be under-the auspi- T0 BUY EAPLANADE PROPERTY AT RIGHT PRICES. Choiee Residential. Lot, Esplanade and River, 60 ft. by 225 ft, 2 1-2 blotks front post office. Inquire for terms, Also fine Lot, 50 it, by 275 ft. cam be bought for 1300. BE BEATEN. Hollinger r Agen Phone 433... Every towm-has its live Old-Timers - onel Walker, R. B. Bennett, and J. T. Skinner,.in Calgary; look at Frank Oliver, John McDongald, Fred. May and Fraser Tims at Edmonton. Haye any of the new comers and strangers anything on these men? Not-in this Seneration. Not in any place except: the gki-rich-quick, don t-cafe-just-how you-do-it, imagination of the advanced There is room and a place in our western cities for all classes, but there is no room, for hangings without a trial, and no room for supplanting up- to-date old timers who are progres- sive In their ideas and who have known character and reputations. The city of Brandon had a ripening jexperlence a few years ago.with a man named Morrow (departure deeply Jamented.) There gre people in this clit wi te his experience, and it should make: god hearing. at the The publicity campaign has Fesoly- ed itself into such a squabble and tur- moll, and there is:such rank and dis- ces of the publicity campaign. As Rev. Mr. Morrow remarked, on : ay night, in discussing this thing the pulpit; the graveyard is claiming the old-timers one by -one, In the face of this fact it seems rather in- decent and indelicate that th. should be rushed in order to fill th vacant places: with ledtkcious Voluble new timber, ed With brains and -abilit to grow and ad- vanee-with the progressive times, and they have-hed- rity to leave their work and upon'the advanced and solfit 1 ment of the city, and they have Medicine Hat high reputation clean, unsullied name,- MedTeiie thanks to. the, so-called igh-emong western cities jn ce, growth and industrial 01 id in Tuture prospect Why. should. the. up-to-date old Pipers b relegated to the kagsman s- noo: order that their places may be by men who are rhtive strang- Jers, and nim om have not had the valuable p and bringing ripener, aoe (eophas Teniarked that be in for ar nf ent position fin to the Pubjicity eanipaign is untenable nd righteously rotten and unsavory, to number of ontributore,; andy friends, There 18 a deadlock on the teethres, Stewart, (Hawth Sword, holding oyt Ur joining with the ity council and wopll along seubible anit); busine e-mento be SainiRee Which, for. salaries - AG. cstimatea ikers thought it ov- the Venezuelan exe- Woula stand the ex? Dywever, having had yith Congress and . ; as t. how the ex- would turi otit, tt would-b necessary S p them for Teco know. there Will up the wt cordant division ef pinion regarding the oppointment the -fate campaign as at present duct of the campaign ditions, wili not be that, born ina the city's 3 * and they are about the liv you can find at the present daly. a + St Pat Burns, Senator Lougheed, Odl- 7
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Image 3 (1912-01-02), from microfilm reel 3, (CU1738166). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.