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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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This is the annual stocktaking time and it always brings odd - lines out that must be moved. + We have many REA SAVERS for you, - All thts Season's Swits te-clear at YOUR PRICE. Ee Dress Goods. 25 per cent. off. ee ge Children s Dresses at Half Price. L MONEY ee ge eye ee Children s Headwear at Half Price Snaps in ALL DEPARTMENTS Medicine Mat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Lid, every lawful evening at ts office, Main Stroct, Medicine Hat, Alta. A, J. X. TERRILL, Editor. PHONE: A HONE: Editorial, . Advertising Reportorha, and Uirentation and News Dept Job Depts. Lp RNe 8 RING 13 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y.m, delivered. .. 4.00 1 year by mail.. .... 800 months, d-livered. , 2.00.. 6 mont)s, by rxil months, delivered.. 1.00. 3 months, by a 1 month, delivered... 850 Addreases chenged as often as desired, but both now and old ad resses st be given. WEEKLY NEWS. Publishe overy Thursday in ixt en or more pages, and contains a eummey of the news of the week, local and district. T-yeur-in-navance..,. 1.5 Saturday, January. 6th, 1912 the Edmonton Capital: new educational fa To Our Friends and Patrons: THANKS TO ONE AND ALL FOR YOUR VALUED cords have been broken. oughout the provi have sprung up. The y has yet known. i Sinee September, 1905, PATRONAGE OF THE . PATRONAGE OF THE OUR AIM FOR PAST. . 1912 WILL BE TO MERIT YOUR CONTINUED CON- H.W. lreiand Co. DEEWART TWEED BLOCh, MAIN ST., PHONE 54. became a province, 1220-ne ets-have been formed, bring 1782 at the end of 1911. shown an increase. During the four mon- ths, September to Deron 1905, forty. new school districts: w g quate idea of the . extent of the one, ith the amal,; epee gt; pire eoteoe opened with Fourth Avene. 4 SPECIAL VALUES BROWN PEKOE regular 40 cents per pound, 4 pounds for one dollar. EXTRA CHOICE GOLDEN PEKOE regular 50 cents per pound, 3 pounds for-one dollar. . Sp LOO COIS FROYAL BANK OF CANADA +. 18,400,000 1 105,000,000 : Ineorpuroted.1809 Capital and Surplus Total Assets Over : : Business Accounts carried on favorable terms. Savings Department in which Aceounts may be sums of- 1.90 and: upwards. - MEDICINE HAT BRANCH C. H. McDunvongh, Manager. . Os Me testee- ate Rtedentedenietone toate eed gt; eee eet . TSiamr LPP AL LL SOE er? OCK BOTTLING WORKS All kinds of Aerated Waters, equal tc any- -thing-on the market. -Delivered to any part cities. mF Radical changes in the curriculum of ladapted to the powers of acquirement. systematic study. * From elementary grades, history will form in ecivies have riot yet been prepared. LAGHT and- DRAYING 6 months, in advance 75 3 months, In advance. .50e OUR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. / HE work of the - Provincial Depart- ment of Education which is under the direction of Hon. G. R. Mitchell comes in for the following the hands of Unexampled in the hist ry of the Can- ladian provinces has been the demand for i , for the format- a of newsschool cn us cation, towns, villages, and in e rural settlements, gees which has characterized. the year 1911 in gt; JUST A LITTLE FUN. Alberta. In the creation of 282 new school districts during th 1 vious : istricts during eace epekt ered Hie: These.are things we all are after. ce, close to the. railways and in remote districts wae: but a year or so ago were unpeopled, the new districts 2 u are to be found, Ein the wake f the farm- Bankrupt im the blissful three ing pioneer has followed the school mist- ress, and the school inspector, and as po- pulation has grown denser with the advent f railroad facilities, 1 1 school ar- : 5 of railroad facilities, large rural school ar- With a wild sob she fell into her mother s fave: h di d. urban schools eas have been reduced, fae ies bed ote arms. My poor child the older woman i ducati 2 busiest that the department of education fe strick yout (Can it be possible that he ment. In many instances old sch ol dis- tricts whieh covered a wide area have been ed by fire. cut up into smaller ones. Thus, while two districts have been created, the actual in- attack on Buenos Ayres. crease is but one. In: greater Edmonton, I two school districts have given place to igamation- of the twin schools come into effect at the beginning) of the week when- the first- term of 1912 opened. The old standards gave place to the new grade system. Bight grades, each * the average child in a twelve months course are formed for the public schools and four for the high schogls.. The change comes into effect in all grades immediately. Little difficulty will be experienced in: its aecomplishment, the authorities believe, ie sowredt to the highest grades : training in agriculture and in the duties. Henry ixley, .walldnown citizenship and British and-Canadian sys- Ht iow ley, (Walenta tas tems of government will be given. In the gir Henry Rundle, British govemar ' basis of the course. Knowledge of rural, village and city government, the provincial -*f and dominion constitutions and the consti- tution and manner of growth of the Empire ot federation, will be imparted. Text boo ANUBEY 2, so far as the, affairs of the Empire and of ithe Dominion are concerned, they will be similar to text books adopted in other pro- vinees. Until therural municipalities bill and the towns bill have been finally passed by the legislature, however, the sections dealing with Ioeal government cannot be compteted. Local geverninrent will be ts, will form the basis 1 advanced education o' which the mo HOLLINGER-ANDERSON zher grades will be built wp. Prelimin- , ary steps will be taken during the year to- Transfer Co. wards the formation of agricultural high to-day. uple of-such schools: and eventually considerable number will be formed thro- ughout the Province. x --10 a PUBLIC OPINION, Guelph Mereury Don t overlook the dinner yesterday, don t -know where the food will come.from after that warmed over turkey and plum pudding has passed from the family table. True, charity works the year round. It Makes a DI If you take a notion to wettle down for a time apd-after you bave. been you think to from the station the agent carelessly fact that so. f your 3 ;, Waves bis band and et t ome of your unfortunate broti- v About a tatle, you bad best take heed ers whom you helped out with a substantial as to what country you are to at the time. * If it fs to England you are all right. for the familiar 1,700 yards ts the standard, bot if sou bare taken fancy to some sod thatched li cottage it means a tmmp of yards, and if you are moved to ity 4 ip the highlands remember that Kansas City Journa A young lady iny traw Scot, calls yards. Ottawa wanted to have white hafds,-so one Considering the sof Swit z . 7 * ne might expect a mile to be day she asked a cynical guest for a recipe. a tar pop could throw a lal Soak them in dish water three times a the bardy mountaineers think day, ? was the reply. The girl left: the yard the proper thing. te Sh piano and sticking her head into the kitchen ae eee a ea mile of all said: Ma, I wish you would save the dish- detng followed by the Vienna post mite of 8.296 yards. ae. One Travels Thie Distance irily remarks. water when you get, through. whatever nature, whether land, improve- The Flemish nille 1s 6.869 yards. the Gri: Prussian 8.237 yards, and tn Denmark Grimsby Independent My theory and they walk 8244 yards and call It a gt; ore : iy my practice would be to tax all wealth of Stace ana'rall 21468 yards mile, while the. Turks are satixied ments, stores, office buildings, blacksmith, shops, printing ffice, money in the bank, money out on moftgage, money of all kinds, for what he or she owns, whether it is all money, all land, all drygoods, or land, buildings, money and drygoods combined. oe tt Life and Love and merry laughter Win the second, Love, and you Soon will have the other two; * Win it not, and you will be You may Live and you may Laugh, But the harvest will be chaff. , Sudge exclaimed. What has hapened? Has is leading a double life? He has ceased to hopele: Why do you think so dear??? gt; Thi morning I-caught him poring Be silken strands out of his hair rush before using it-on his own head Glasgow News. lt;m 0: . THIS DATE IN HISTORY. e 5 -January 6. * 1698 Whit. Ti, 1874, Ct a sary as fhe capital of New York. , THIS IS MY 51st BIRTHDAY. - of supreme court of the Philippin with 1,826 yards, and the Itallan shorten the distance of a mile to 1.7 yards, just six yards more than the . toe American bas in mind when the agent - and each individual should. be assessed waves bis band and biandly remarks. About a mile. Chicaxo Record Her ald. . Clusters and Long Lines Formed by ocean there are few more Interesting things than fceberss, intefesting - not only by reason of their gigantic size. thelr fantastic: sbupes, thelr-excerding beauty, but also for the manner where in they array themselves. both clusters and long lines. aud these groupings may arixe from the ffect* both of ocean currents and vf storms extending for many hundreds of wile east of Newfoundiand, bave been shown on official charts-tasued bs the government. - Twoiof thexe:croxt euch other. each keeping on its independent course after the. crossing. In sever instances parallel lines of bergs. leave long spaces of clear water between them. i: Palace, London, destroy- 1763 British ships made an unsuccessful .1811 Chari s Sumner, statesman, born in Boston. Died in Washington, March 1842 Massacre at Kyber Pass when-the British Army was retiring from Cabul. 1897 Albany celebrated.the 100. anniver- ; on the other side of a bot sto * Charles B. Elliott, associate justice of the Minneapolis from 1884 to 1890. He was 4-of That impatient 4 . He was made assoeiate of the suprente court of Minnesota by Governor. Johnson in 1904 continued in that position until ap- ICEBERG GROUPINGS. Storms and Ocean Currents. Among the perllx und wonders of the Icebergs exhibit u tendency to form Some very lt;sfoguinr tines. of bergs. r while enormous Gelds of fice invade so. called steamship lanes of heAtiantic at tbe opening of spring during certain years. in other years at that season. there Is, comparatively, little ce to be scen , The ice comes, of course. from the edges of the aretic regions, from the Icebound consts of Greenland and Labrador, where buge bergs. broken from the front of the glaciers at the point where they reach the sea-start on thelr long journeys toward: the south; riven by. the great current that flows from Ratin bay into the northern Atlantic ocean. Harper's Weekly. Why Stars Twinkle: 5 : The twinkling of the stars-is chiety a-effect produced :ti the atmosphere upon the waves of light. It is due to currents and strata of alr of different densities intermingling and doating past eich other, through which the light passes to the eye It Is seen much .more in cold than to wars weather and nearer the horizon iore than overhead. The same effest may be seen by looking out of a window. over a hot-radiator or a. candle held that you have to look through a body of-highly heated the candle flame. The fame be seen to waver and quiver. In other words. the various iayers of alr are at differ. . ras-born Fs Morgan County, Ohio, Jan tary 6, 1861, densities ond In motion, bence-the ) a Be oe eduvated at Marietta College, the y i Be e University of Iowa and the Univer- the assistaiice of the inspectors will. be giv- s; : ke practisedtaw i en Srlene ven see by teachers. In the Soe ae ean . high schools, pupils who commenced their il Titinici NE course under the old system will be attowed si amen a apes, to continue under this system to the end. ear to-be-jud: re of the district Two of the most importanjadditions*to Bi om the school curriculum to bi ugurated: by. the separ unee of education, are the sub jects of agriculture and civics. In,a desul- : tory way these subjects have been taught ni net ee Buprelne cours - as Philip: '0 grase widow, in the past, but in 1912 they -wititbe given i ; twinkle. Exchange. * The Grass Widow: fofined. It fs related of a Methodist bishop that when presiding over a district conference in North Carolina he bad au attack of hay, fever and in conse- quence was somewhat a rather poor account of bis work was A grasa widow roared the bishop. 1d what, pray, 1s 0 grass widow? pe responded 4 CONGRATULATIONS TO: Lyears old-to-day. the, and of Malta, 56 years ald to-day. : sy LD THIS DATE IN HISTORY. treaty of peace with the Indians. 1- United States. ence. 12, 1902. CONGRATULATIONS TO: the (669 Massachusetts colonists concluded a 1789 First national election held in the + K Good Third 1832. T. De-Witt Talmage, noted Presby- al terian-preacher, born in Bound Brook, N.J. Died in Washington, D.C., April eee Viseount Gladstone, governor-general o the Union of South Africa, 58 years olc of the Rainy River; fies been ats- he young. clergymal whose husband died of bay You admit that you are net first in ber affections, yet you seem ebeerful. 1822 Greeks proclaimed their independ- ob, tean't expect to compete with the pug dog and the rubber plaot Washington Herald. Knows Just Enough. the stock Just enongb to keep out-of t f the city. sd wi lt; orenee . - pe re pr ewe peciall reference to the forms: 1852 Layal University at Quebec opened. answered tichly. Bultalo Express Phone 122. 320 South Railway St. In agriculture simple object-lessons in fee? Brass aval end Eeeeot military - action DISMISSED 4 y eeepc ons it life, and sqovth, development of the expedi axa ciyiaees eee We Seas ofobservation-in regard te ae ot aie eon fe Power cof for an injunction restraining the Por: tage and four other timber compan fea from storing the water at: the head nissed by Mr. Justice Middleton. In the estimates to be brought Charles Klein, the noted playwright, 4 ) 9 cure. coup m0 ONE Diy down by Premicr Sifton when the Ho years oid to-day. Sin S a mad probably be made for the establishment of and publicist, 85 years old to-day. is Tablets. fake LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine t falls to cure. B. W. GROVE'S sig. neture s on each box. 25c. Get Ready For Winter eee ORDER YOUR STORM. : G x4 DIAMC We have recent lerge: stock of special 925,00 DI ENGAGEME 9 AND STORM DOORS NOW up to 550.00. G. W. EL JNWELER AN Issuer of, Marri STORM SASH HANGERS, STORM SASH ADJUSTORS FELT WEATHER STRIPS, For upper sash of Windows. For sides of windows und doors. -For bottom of doors. Width of moulding, 1 in. . Woot aid Felt combined. Positively rain, snow, cold and dust proof. All weather strips in 12 foot lengths. FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE .. P.0; Box 29 J Covers every f An Eno single book, Only Dictio New Divided J 400,000 Words. 6000 Tllustratic half a million Let us tell you s remarkable sin hone 57. One Trial: gt; + V ONVIN i you that our PURE LIME FRUIT JUICE is the Best. re Imp. Pints Imp. Quarts . Pingle s Drug and Bopk Store : : ofa pix mo Kyat tho UTHERW (Lb SO SEs CZ se J - + ueprom pa eeetares ute - HOTSON - LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS ANP BUILDERS LET US FIGURH WITH you BEFORE GONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Ofice Next to City Hall. Now is the tlme to see about THAT ROOM YOU ARE: GOING TO HAV Papered iphone 156 and Rey- gt; nolds- -Stewart will be. pleased to bring and- show You their. NEW SPRING; WALL PAPER samples and give you on. ong or all the rooms of your house. REYNOLDS STEWART REYROEUS Sesto opp. Binning s Store, estimate Partridge Rocks. Ush or Americar some young cocl DA. dN. 812 Esplanade, o1 Setimatca : .W. A. He Com CHARTERED, A Winnipeg, Lethbrid Gibson, Light amd-Heary Drayi Prompt Attention to all ord - Phone No. Hay for Sale, Pareels Delivered. PHONE NO. 349. Deeper nnnibbtettetl : neral T id Emba Parlors and Res ronto Licensed House Mo AND FOR SALE . + EXCAVATING - HEAVY. TEAMING - CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260. J.J. LAIT JMG MONTREAL STREET Parlors ab 30 Main St OMlce 27 Main t Opt Day ana Nicht WR. Sin CARPENTER: Axi Patterson Co. Funern Directorsend 4 Embelmers Foose hon 1a Repates prompt Prone
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Image 28 (1912-01-06), from microfilm reel 28, (CU1738169). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.