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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ral inf oe bot Erttat rare Fe ttt fr ' Pow- e Sum SOLE AGENTS. the first levated to d College, .solemn Cathedral the cathe- St. Peter's iccomodat- ithful who ceremony. the edifice reets were 3. All of ction were lack man rorn at alF Rome, modations oston, de- jome. Next Patterson Co. are to be - Cardinal, locese and rE DAY gt; Quinine noney if it B'S wigna- ff Your Walls / and Ceilings of BEAVER BOARD HEY look better, wear better, last longer, and cost less than lath, plaster and i wall-paper. 4 BEAVER BOARD sand ways in every home. BEAN 3 BO. RD * RONDFINLAY CO. The Lumber People, One Trial WILL CONVINCE you that our PURE LIME FRUIT JUICE is the Best. - Imp. Pints eee Ae; Imp. Quarts . T5e. ing 1g Book Store : :- HOTSON LEADER CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS BEFORE PLACING ESTIMATES FREE. Ww. A. Henderson LET US FIGURR WITH YOU YOUR /e RED ACCOUNTANTS AND CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ee Office Next te City Hall. Winnipeg, Lethbridge, M dicine Hat Phone No, 198 Somewhat Different Portraits if you were to grow wheat for six- teen years chances, are you would fect). Public for SIXTEEN YEARS, there 1g something in the name. JEWELERY RE PAIRING We give a great deal ef attention to this dmportant branch of work. OUR UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT places us im a position to do r - palis that otherwise would hive to be sent out of town, FIRST CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE GW. ELLIOTT W. ELLIOTT G, W.., AND OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses PANATORIU M- waateher and MeLellan, a ee em Cleaning and Pressing Work Guaranteed. G. L, Dunham's old stand. Corner of Fourth Avenue and Toronto St. E. M. SEM CAWKERA Phm. B. Druggist Ace fete stock of Toilet Articles dries, Proprietary Medi. ane ete, Dispensing of Physicians Pre- scriptions a specialty. 204 South Ry. St. Several trios of thoroughbred Partridge Rooks. Either Eng- lish or, American strains. Also some young cockerels. A. J. N. TERRILL, 812 Esplanade, or at New ottiee Company AUDITORS (Bstabished 1882) A. E. Gibson, C. A., Manager. Burns Block ww. (Practice makes Per- We have been pleasing the now THE BARTLETT STUDIO, R. B. Taylor s Transferi Light and Heavy Erompt, Atten Bled hay for Sale. PHONE NO. 349, House Movers. HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. Praying. mm to all orders, +1 q CROSSLEY BROS. Builder Contractor, 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 J. Jessop gt; Nott Funeral Director Sand Embalmer Parlors and Residence, 22-To ronto Street. Phone 145. Monuments. Chas. Johnsocon Director and Funeiinpaimer Parlora at 200 Main St. corner Third Ave: OBlce 287 Main 8t,, Phone 188, Open Day and Night. Meriuments. Z and we will tell you accurately Your Plans how little, umber .you can get along with, We can do this be- cause our lumber does not cut P to waste. It is full length, fully . seasoned and tree trom-soft- opots. That kind of lumber sa es you time and money both. Let us see your plans. IThe-Gas Gity umber Co y Office and Yard opp.Flour Mill Phone 23 Branch Yard at Bowell Cnn be correctly fitted with Eye. / Glasses. or Spectacles om short notice. I give you the most careful service too, by making exact examinations and adjust- ing only the proper fenses to suit the individual sight. De not delay if you even think you need glasses, but come where you will get the most expert service and prices that are right. *Phone 596. FD: Martin ofwrix mon seweokat the : SOUTHERN ALBERTA MEDICINE HAT. AM Busines: Subjects taught De all for particulars Write CANADA S BEST. NEWSPAPER The Daily. Witness on trial The Weekly Witness and Regular rate, one dollar. At-bas been so and Improved - the most-ponviar paper among church-going people, Its subscribers love it. MAKE IT YOUR At the above Whirlwind Campaign Rates fer, They would, also enjoy tt. JOHN-DOUGALL SON, ers, Dept. M.HLN,, Witness Montreal. S. 7Phone 280, J.-J. At 116 MONTERAL STREET Funecrt Power, Op god igh 3gen onts Subscribe NOW for The Daily gonsin began its sessions today and will continue Over tomorrow A-num- the programme. Repairs promptly attended to, Phone No. 335- COUNTRY LIFE CONFERENCE Special to News. Madiron, Wis, Feb, 1 The second Wisconsin country life conference un- der the auspices of the cbilege of as- ricultnre of the University of Wis- Best Prices paid per cord deliver- Hat THE A. P. BU CONTRACTING CO. of testimony in the important case of the Southwestern Shippers Associa- don asking w readjustment of south- western freight rates from seaboard polite was begun here today by Com- Commerce Commission. The cas volves two separate suits, one attack: 1 * ing the rates from Galveston and oth- er Gulf ports and the other those seaboard points by ocean route to the Gulf ports, -The chief contention of the shippers is that owing to the prox imity of the southwestern States to the Guit ports, and the low water Fate, the region is entitled to a lower charge SebedtetedectadestotededetPedecetetotortodot y haul acrows-country by rail. fnew million-dollar hotel, the Nult- MONTREAL WITNESS. METROPOLITAN AND NATIONAL trongand Courageous 1.00 Regular rate, three dollars. 7 Canadian -Hamestead -on-trial 65c These trial rates are offered to NEW subseribers or those in whase homes nejther edition: has been taken tegularly for at'least two years, that Wonderfully Enlarged Its circulation is mp) doubled, and s CHOICE FOR 1912 Ang tell your friends about this 5f- Subscriptions sent in at these rates shoula either be accompanted-by-this. advertisement or the paper in. which you saw the announcement must pe -fnamed when sending the subscription. Publish: . Block, at ed at Medicine SOUTHWESTERN RATE HEARING (Special to News than-is now made, based on the long PORTLAND'S 1,000,000 HOSTELRY (Special to News) Portland, Ore, Feb, 1 Portland's jomah, was opened to the public to- day. It is declared to be the finest hotel-in the Northwest. The structure is of the skyscraper type and the in- terior is equipped with every modern convenience and luxury. Among the 500 employees is a-celebrated French chef whom the management imported to look after the culinary department of the hotel at a yearly salary of 10,- 000. HORSEMEN ATENIO DUKE (8278) Color: dark bay, stripe off fore and kind legs white; age 7 years, welght about 1890 Ths. est Stallion of his kind in this district, We will sell or trade him for range horses. Pat ee pedigree write or M. KARKLIN- son Elkwater, Desilers in all kinds of horses... i-w1 mo feb 1. We have many shocking devices in- vented-for-the-comferte-ot the-anot theuse A-site-had, however, been pur ern home. Our large stock -of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES covers every requisite for the in- statiation of heat, light or power, of Whatever magnitude. Qur prices, too, are shockingly low. Medicine Hat Electric COMPANY MAIN STREET PHONE 430 We have the pianos, and we are glad to sel to responsible buyers on terms that make ft possible for them to buy with- out straining thelr exchequer. Come in and let us talk it over ith you if you are alive to the fact.that a yiano is as nece sary as a stove in your home, THE-ASSINIBOIA SPEND. MORE MONEY, side assistance might be secured, how- ever, if such were mecessary. Harold T..M. Tweedie or ea teen pag maa his oven Constituency ar regard to to Mr; Harmer, The former moved remarked that the hoo, member for that the item of 9,000 as bis salary) Okotoks migtt well leave the allota- ve stricken out deputy inipisters had been treata a3 /Mr. Hoadley retorted, amid laughter, well by the governement: in their st) that the confidence fu the government: aries aa it was possible to do. The ahown by tha bon. member for St. Denver, Colo., Feb. 1 The taking Premier said he had the pleasure ol Albert was no doubt due to the tact first hiriig both Mr. Perrie and . Stocks while he yas tminister at Re- for increased indemnity, to the mem- gina. Mr, Pestle began work at 650 fers, amounting to some f 2,000: Mr: month and Mr. Stocks at 1,600 Boudreau, it will be reni mbered, was year- At that tine the Opposition targely inetramendalin security had criticized Been receiving 1800 from the C.P.R gt; Now the Opposition were lauding POU) sa 34 would have aon for the bene- these employees. im the selection Of these gentlemen, pitey, Conservative member for Glai- said tha Premier, 1 think they will chen, congratulated . the goverment find my judgmient 4 good in the casc/ on thie ftem in Ghe estimates, at the of Mr. Hamner pd ih year or two same-time asking for details. hence they: Will be Wondering how we poy, S got such a goud official who has done was pleased to ste the Opposi sich excellent work t the-salary 01 portico ten a which we have secired him. Pete feasiiieetnense OPeceny ce Geo. Hoadley, C; BM O'Brien and TY M. Tweedie. Riley was defeated on party vote. Mr. O'Brien voting with the govern- ment. ep salaries fof the deputy. spanber, John A. Simpgom, and the, clerk of the lt;stimates paseed the House, IR, Cowel showed 200 for the deputy eae Dominion aid would-be granted on a and 1,000 for the clerk recotmmiendation Was passed that the produce his scheme of road building; deputy speaker be given 600 a year (details of which be jenid were promis- fand the clerk 1,600. Mr. Sifton said ed in the estimates, Mr. Sifton re- that the time would soon come when Plied that be bed not stated that tho a permanent clerk or a deputy clerk paid last year. CoM. O'Brien . and ot 3; partment under the bead of legisia- tive qnd departmental buildings cqus- *8ed from the. Federal goverment PAY BIGGER SALARIES es, s simon vic tae applications bad beer received for lees woich woukl if Guilt cost 500,000 or 600,000, and the most necessary would be chosen. Whed Mr. Troadley urge the claims (Continued from Page 1) bridge construction, Lucien Boudreau tion of bridges to the government, Premier Sifton. said that all the who would deal fairly in the matter: that an ftem already) pasted provided strongly the salary be- increase. ing paid Mr, Stoclet, who before had yo se, ture of 1,000,000 on trunk roads, and : fit of the province of the thonev had HE 1 showed suc good judgment e6m expended six years ago. Harold JR tion. approving this expenditar on the criticism of the goverment in The discussion was continued by ragari to Horrowing money. A. Bramley, Moore asked if the Do- tminion government did not intend Phe anotion of Mr. ton-said--. no-eommunication on. the C.-M. O'Brian amade plea for larg- eubject hot- been received, end prob- ably to word would be received until the. Federal The votes house. Dr. Rutberford. believed . the hhasis of population. T..M. Tweedia, With the approval of the Premier qj Calgary, challenged the Premier to particulars: would be gives in the timates, but it was right for the nem- Gers of either side af the House to ask for particulars. He was glad to find two distinct opinions among the Opposition as to how the money should jie expended, one favoring the division of the 1,000,000 among the various. constituencies, amd one inclin- ed to the whole sum Teing expended on one trunk road. The government The Hon. C, R. Mitchell replying ae oe ee per to, Mr. Hoadley, Okotoks, explained 4 the ee ages ina the methods of deating with children y tin eos aectiaed a which . onvicted of Offences against the law, cwiae bsaiemca heed some being sent to the industrial wae school at Portage 1, Prairie, and ppemeprces Gen pia homes beitig found elsewhere for fading to the consideratre curiosity? of the member for Calgary others. In answer 10 further gties-/ 3 tHooREMe Mitchel sada cities with ee Parmuler anid be ted decided a3 pver 10,000 population were reypired 2Temser that the population of AL to-provide- home of Wier own. pale 6 -Sagine ABRF, monton was providing such a home 81:000,000 shottld be spent on im- TAMRREIE REA done so, end Letbieldge PTOVINE Taste: - As. sailetes cf public was in the same position. Poles ib wold: Spe Bae aki forint Sekejiacisaech: were pail at siec rane tT bed teh noted, toate erties Speryeer. 5 er lt;/ hose improvements were most need es Ateay of 110,000 set down in ArPlanee:) SESSRRURA GS ol -the Gabe aporks ds- . West be -desctinel gp a snoce: sane ble system of surveying roads was would be-necsssary. provided for 2,520 Wibratiah John Blue, and 1320 for the assistant librarian, J. Y. Jefimy, the same amounts as were Robt. Patterson thought that there should be-a larger salary paid to the assistant:' A recommendation was made that 1,800 Le granted to him. by J. R. Boyle and W. F. Puller. It eee ee eee at Medicine WSS Suggested that more nutural/lines Hat, Min. AWE, Sifton said that in ight be foliowed here the tope 8oleetio ol povlist tailings it STUDY, oF the ceuaite wae satabe ras aeasomable to wait and see what fOF perfectly straight roads and fect. position. the town in which they were angular comers. to: be placed would assume in regard The Premier replied to remarks to poptilation ami relatively to the by; Mr, Riley regarding completing surrounding country. Medicine Hat payan Hie doinitory sautidieg-of Tine Was hot abeolute- Alberta University said it was diffi ly suff ting from the lack of q court cult in a mew country to fine comtrac- tors who could undertake and catty ed enp tiries to be mada as to the pro- court. house - would erected in ith tear future, Mr. Michener, leader of the Opposi- practically to they toped be as involved the expenditure of f2- 000,000, amd the gov nument had stand behind tha con im employing day labor im To Mr. Patterson the Pramier -ax- the erection af public buildings und plained thmt- 10,000 set down for aAvocated the Jetting of the work to agtictiltural schoois was for schools some tesponsible contractor: Dr. Ru- on the tines of those on. the experi- thenford femarked that the sum of mental farms, of witich the stinister 45,000. for anew Government house 08 agriculture intended to buitd three. at Edmonton seemed very; reasonable ton. Duncan Marshall said it was imi view OF the fact thet the Dominion inossible to give agricultural educa- us spending the sum of 160,000 on rion apart from the farms to demon- strate the instruction given. Two oF The original estimate for the Par- sosstsy three school, not expensive Mament House, Mr. Michener was in-) buildings, were tobe built this year, formed, was in the neighborhood of and in time it was hoped to have one 1,500,000 exclusive of cost of site cy each farm. and-mischinery for beating, venti ; tion, ete. Last year the Premier gave an estimate of 2,500,000 for the huikling when completed, and he now stated. thet estimate would-probablyi lt;iaimitig iaundated lands was work be not far out. of first inxportance in the interest of AEs. Sifton. dxplained that the tie tm Prowinee,-Mr -Sitton- suid: white dt statlation of reecis apparatus fm coal Wa* eoassury to spend certein sums mines was a new cxpenditire which Of money on draitiaga in connection be thovgiit would doa good deal of With the roads it would be unwise for public good. The rescue apparatus consisted of heliets and brea appliances which to travel thfotigh gassy areas in the drainage was not larger, than 20,000, Mr. Micheer said this work of re- of land Jenga scheme of drainage other owners. S to co-operate with the provi in Soom IRON TO TRY TUE jparing for, the trial of the chased in 4 separate locality and a through works on such a lange scale ly, denounced the man as an impos tion, eritized the policy of the gov- tractor and allen him euery facility City bank ill peek todeprove +t Rogtetting that the estimate forl ries Maggie Brandt returned to the government to embark on any Bhat Bie aaa Wiehe Was at present tr the-hamis ot jor btttte Pru Bank Clerk who Mysteri- (Special to News) St. Louis, for both sides are busy at work pre- famous Kimmel case, which is set to begin in next Tuesday, The trial Is expected to attract wide attention on account of the.many strange features that the case- presents. The case to be tried is the suit Brought by the receiver of the Farm- ers State. Bank of Arkansas City, Kas,, against a New York Insurance insurance policy held by George A. Kimmel, who was cashier of the bank at the time of his mysterious disap- pearance in 1898 and was heavily in- debted to the institution, The whole ease hinges on the question of wheth- er Kimmel is living or dead. This will be the third time that the sult has been tried, At the first trial a ver- dict for 8,000 wag returned infavor+ je plaintiff, but it was reversed by the court of appeals. On the sec- ond trial the jury disagreed. The insurance company claims a man known as Andrew J. White tg in reality the missing Kimmel. When first discovered this man was serving a term at the Matteawan Asylum for the Criminal Insane. At that time he gave a number of starting facts about himself purporting to prove that he was Kimmel and- upon bis release rom prison Year oF 0 ago ls went toNiles, Mich, where Kfinmel was born and raised and endeavore to cs- tablish bis identity as the missing man, Many old-time residents of Niles declared that the man was the George A. Kimmel -snom-they-hmt Hknown intimately Oa the other hand Mrs; Julia B. Kimmel, fli gt;motier, and Mrs, Bdna K. Bonslett, the-sister; atter-studying the ex-conviet careful- ter. At the approachivg trial the attor neys for the receiver of the Arkansas claim-of-the instirance company that White and Kimmel are one and the same man by the testimony of witness- es who knew Kimmel and by the state- ment of John Boone Swinney, a New Mexico ranchman, who declares he saw Kimmel killed in an Oregon forest August 14, 1898, . which was a few weeks after he disappeared from a hotel in-Kansas- itys JOSEPHBURG 0 Miss Katie Hillenberg is visiting in Walsh with her-sister, Mrs, John Weiss. her home in Seven Persons after vis- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Brandt. A crowd peopl spent very pleasant time Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hillenbers. Keonlg had to be remoyed to the hos pital. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joh : daughter. bivvorke feels confident of pure and wholesome foo d-when using Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 1- who work with pen-and brain t rownid to keep the-Demoerati in the Hoosier State in a fon and fighting condition roundes the Denison Hotel in this cit for the annual meeting of the na Democratic Editorial Asso company to recover the amount of an mhe unusually large attendan evidence of the interest exc the interesting political situati existing im Indiana. the editors the gathering a mahy--of the political leader latter came to attend the which Is a leading feature of vention programme and , whic ALBERTA We are sorry to hear that Mr. Karr Brandt y 2 Baking Powder i oa Grape Creamoe Tartar Baking Powder Made from Grapes DONAHUE-WOOLWORTH WE (Special to News). New York, Feb, 1 Miss Jess KIMMEL CASE) ws Woolworth, who has made n Fight Over the tie Kunnbance of out of his five-and-ten-cent sfo1 Ig adding to his fame by erec : this clty the tallest building 1 ously Disappeared will) worta, tnis afternoon Start. bride-of James Paul D nahiie, Patrick Donahue of this elty wedding took place at the Fit Mo., Feb, 1: Attorneys nue residence of the bride s and was largely attended. ot Fra cam the United Gentes court ta inte. city aEANA DEMOCRAMIC ED) 7 In add e Governor Marshall an prominent party leaders am speakers, UNRESERVE AUCTION - SA STOCK YA CALGARY. Thursday, Feb. 8th, 1 12 o'clock Sharp. 500 HEAD OF HORSE Comprising well-matched 1 of young mares and geldin Percheron breeding; Tots of Mafes: cariond. 10 yearlings; carload lots of Ing colts; two carload 1 Clyde Mares and Gelding Per cout of this 600 heat mares, 2 is 50 HEAVY WORK TE; General purpose teams, and double drivers, Saddi ses, ete., ete. 7: This ts an exceptionally bunch of horses, with ple bone, any anyone in wa teams should attend this as they Will He sold abs without reserve. These horses-are the prc of a Bank for whom I 80 horses on- the 12th of Ja last, and this is thelr Las signment.. For further particular: ply to: snines'-aiter -exptosionsof-Gther acel- The government, Mr. Sifton imform- dents. . ed Mr. Riley, had made definite ap- On the item of 35,000 set down plication to the Dominion government for ferry services. Robt. Patterson, for the swamp lands of the province, Maclerxt; srkt thre tmew of a ferry but the responsible reply which was responsible far an item of was that the question of the swamp 10,000, in former estimates and whicl lands had not been dealt with epart iced a . J. R. from the qhestion of hanting over all Boyla und'P. Ginn spoke of the use- the lands of the nce. fulness of: the ferries im vartows parts aye further discussion of the esti- of the province, amd hoped the ferrs is Ss was adjourned. services would be axtend dt J, Kem. * * ads mis, Pincher- r ck, spoke in favor of minister's Ber of prominent speakers appear on Hl aiid We are having mild weather at pres- font The snow ts disappearing slow but sure, Miss Emma Brandt left for Saska- toon where she intends to spend the balance of the winter. Mr, John Quast and his young bride, expect to move to Medicine- Hat. in the near future CLARK'S TENTH ANNIVERSARY Worcester, Mass., Beby 1. The tenth annual celebration of Founder's Dey was brilliantly observed at Clark Col- lege today, Dr. Lyman Abbott. of: New York and President Sanford of some system of inspection, to vee that ivan man pep wer os Sp PONRS CG s Cure those im charge of them, George, Hoadley, slit in. STOPS COUGHS Pride. as cure ITunes the college delivered th THETURUS adrestan, moe nel FOR SA Chopped Barley, Wheat -H. JOHNS( Flour and Feed
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Image 171 (1912-02-01), from microfilm reel 171, (CU1738264). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.