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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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SPECIALS IN GROCERIES B. C, Granulated Sugar, 20 1b. sacks, reg. 1.60; Pay Day Special 1. B,C. Granulated Sugar, 100 1b. sacks. Reg. 7.50; Pay Day Spec. 6.71 Tea, Blue Ribbon. Reg, 40c. ; Pay Day Special 3 lbs. for 1.00. Coffee; Finest blond Mocha and Java Reg. 50c.; Pay Day Spec. 40c. Coffee, good and strong. Reg. 40c. per Ib.; Pay Day Special 30c. Ib. Baking Powder, 1 Ib. tins; Reg. 2c; Pay Day Special 2 for 36c or 6 for 1.00, Baking Powder, 7 Ib. tins. Reg. 1.00; Pay Day Special 85c. per can Tomtoes, 3 Tb, caus, best brand. Rog. 20c.; Pay Day Special 2 for 5c, or 6 for 1.00. Peas, Early June, 2 1b. tins, Reg. 16c.; Pay Day Special 2 for 25c. Corn, best brand, 2 Ib. tins. Reg. 12 ; Pay Day Special 3 for ac. Greengage Plums, 2 1b, tins. Reg. 20c., Pay Day Special 150, 08 Minister of Public Works . advantage fs being taken of Outlines Huge Improve- ment Bill of Fare to In- penditure, ers ta the main system Edmonton, Aug. Capital) A programme of road con- c rried on in other sections of struction of proportions, involving the building of a main trunk road extending from Edmonton north to Athabaska Landing and from Ed- the insp ction of the whole of colossal way In order tp, facilitate the varloua shipping pointe, aiid Edmonton railway to Calgary and Since Monday he bas travelled by from Medicine Hat to the towns of the sites for new tratfic bridges the Crows Nest Pags country, along Okotoks and High River. . H. Mitchell, Minister of Public Crow st Pass country . south. The programme which is now ary of the Province, Stopping at ditions will permit, Is provided for in icine Hat. 7 for 1.90. Sherrifft's Marmalade, 7 1b. ti Sherriff s Marmalade, 2 1b. glass. Sherrif s Marmalade, 1 1b. tins. 1 Reg. 1.00; Pay Day Special. 85 tin Reg. 50c.; Pay Day Special 40c jar. Reg. 25c. ; Pay Day Special: 20c jar Bracknell s Club Sauce. Reg. 35 per bottle; Pay Day Special 25c bot. Brown Polson's Corn Starch, best quality, 1 per packet. Royal Household Tea, 3 Ib. tins. Reg. 1.25; Pay Day Special 1.00 Spices, Pickling Spices, White and Black Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Pastry Spice, Nutmegs, Ci Day Special 3 for 25c. Black Pepper in bulk. Reg. 40 ; Ps White Pepper in bulk. Reg. 50c; innamon, Alispice, Reg. 10c.; Pay ay Day Special 25 . ped Ib. Pey Day Special 350. per Ib. the appropriations by a sum of- ) the quick road work of the p year, in addition to usual grant current revenue. In the construction of the ex: isting roads which He along the route of the new highways, large new sec- 7 . are being built, while wherever volve iMllion Dollar Ex- tiw vattic will warrant the building ot entirely new Dramch lines, as feed- In addition 13. (From the to this corresponding work is being the Province by the e eral lines of rail- traftic to Mr. Mitchell haB just completed the monton along the line of the Calgary southern portion of the new system. au- thence to Macleod, with Mnes branch- tomuhile from Calgary to Macleod ing east and west of a main highway along the new road, and has located at Both. of the . P. R. line of raflway, was out- these are situated on the new trunk ned to the Capital today by Hon. in from Macleod he traveled into the crossing Works, who has just returned to the the Frank slide and continuing bis in- city from a tour of inspection in the spection as far as the eastern bound- the under way and being rushed to com- Pass town, Subsequently he inspect- pletion as rapidly as weather con- ed the road from Lathbridge to Med- Hs was accompanied by 1,000, John Stocks, Deputy Minister of Pub- 000 set aside by the government for lic Works, and Mal olm Malder, spector of Public Works for Calgary. resent) from Arrangements have been, made In- for the carrying on Of active operations high-Ithroughout the district during the COLOSSAL. PROGRAMME OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION BEING PLANNED FOR THE PROVINCE fall months in order that the new: direct routes along the Crow's Nest) ine may be avallabl for trattic at am early date. vafter visiting the Pass towns; sald Mr. Mitchell this morning, in de- scribing the course of his southern tour, we returned to Lethbrkige and inspected the trunk road work in the large. and rapidly settling district which es botween Lethbridge and Medicine Hat, We then returned to Calgary and inspected the new court house. Owing to the unusual wet season there has betm some delay in trunk road construction in districts, but with fine weather rabfa progress will be made during the fall. Work has been rushed ahead aince the end lof the first period of heavy raifall. The sam rapld progress is now being made in road maters in the) central and northern portions of the Provinee, and it 1s my intention to spend a very considerable portion of my time in keeping in close touch with trunk road operations. It is the desire of the department to have the roads brought up to as high a stand- lard of excellence as fs consistent with the montes available and the mileage to be covered, 80 tliat a good founda- tion may be laid for future perman- ent imporvements. Require Wire less On pelied to macry. There are too many fields open to the unmarried woman for her to look forward to 10 Teams Heavy Work Horses Weight 1400 to 1900 each. 12 Sets of Harness, 20 Wagon Gears, Sand and Gravel Boxes, .. Brick Boxes, 14 Coal Boxes, 2 Ice Racks, Chains, 1 14-barrel Water Tank and running gear with 4 Plows, Mowers and oped 7 Slip Scrapers: 1 Filling-in Scraper, 1 Wagon Loader for exeavations; 2 pair Sleighs, 1 Hay Rack, 1 new 5-ton Derrick, complete (made by Hoist and Derrick Co.) Winches, Assorted Blocks and Ropes, 1 Capsole for removing buildings. 1 150-yard Concrete Mixer, complete with vertical boiler and engine, gaging Tar Boilers, Barrows, Shovels, Picks and Hoes: Mortar Boxes: Sand Screens, Lanterns, Post Hole Diggers, Blacksmith s Outfit eomplete, Oak Rollers, and various other items connected - Lake And Sea Shipe isyity stmt vitae ome body to. support her. HE MIGHT WELL BE IV Result-of-the-Internationa , ton available. Two new stations have BETTER BUSINESS, SHE SAYS. Congress Recently in however tust Wy. I believe the community where v Midland and Tobermory, both of which the Rev. Mr. Hufiner-preaeh s, and London. are now operating while within a few in fact the whole world, would be en daye there will be a station in opera- benefited far more were he a te preach tlon at the Soo, Midignd will com- om subjects:that. would uplift human- EQUIPMENT TO BE SEERE: the GOURMET EG woatwara, ity: Tee dekth of the etie Oomnore MADE COMPULSORY while Tobermory will command the child, as well as little Mary Barsuto same Water eastward, and also Lake would furnish topics for many a s Huron. The Soo station when com- week to come. Why doesn t this Seperal Now Land feetione pleted will have a rang all over Lake minister tell the mothers how to e. Region Superlor to Port Arthur, while at an care for their daughters and lead Need Many Opera- early date the present station at the the children in the straight and nar- tors. latter point will be superseded by ajrow path, imsbead of trying to gain more up-to-date apparatus and equip- notoriety by means of minding other Ottawa, Aug. 14. It is understood ment. These are What are known as Peeves Sieatoeost Hie shoult Se that one of the results of the recent five kilowatt stations, their appara- made to realize his position on this International Wireless Congres held tus having a range of 3000 miles. They earth, which is to care for the souls in London, at which Canada was re- are at Dresent under lease to the Mar- of his congregation. If he did thi presented by the Deputy Minister of oni Company. Within short time faithfully, instead of preaching, Naval Service, G. J. Desbarats, and it is expected to complete the chain against some of the best women in Superintendent of Dominion tight through to Kingston, whence the world, -he would go down in his: S Pp E N E R 7 OQ D D Wireless, Mr. Edwards, will be that Connection will be made to Montreal tory as a time-honored saint. the various governments will make and thence to the east coast stations.) I believe that Miss Helen Gould's PHONE 40. wireless equipment on lake and ocean Already work Is being started on the millions can do. more for humanity m ie goinng vessels compulsory. It is re- Stattion at Point Edward. than she can do individmally. Of A Reduction of 20 per cent. off the cognizea that no such strict regula- In Touch all the Time. course, she is placed in a position tion can be enforced through the Con- When the chain is completed ves- where she could do good whether oe eas Vins i Following Lines in our Men s Wear Department. gress, but it is stated that the various S ls equipped with-even short range married. or single. But, as for her representatives will recommend such PParatus will scarcely be able to'get remaining an old maid. Well, I have A chance to buy high-grade Shoes at medium pre: a course of action to the Governments Out of touch with one or other of the yet to see any passage in the Bible which they represent. land stations at any point of their which claims that to be an old maid Britain s Demand for Operators. Voyage. is to commit sin. I regard the at- Already the demand for wirelesa . Already a number more of the C. titude of the Rev. Mr. Huffer as in operators in Britain, owing tothe P. R. and Canadian Navigation Com- poor taste, and emphasize the fact realization of the need of both a night Pany s boats are beinng equipped, a/that he is using poor judgment. and day operator, which was impress- arge number of apparatus having PATENT-OXEORDS. Regular 5.25 for .....--... 4 PATENT BLUCHERS Regular 5.75 for .... - TAN OXFORDS ...... .... Regular 6.25 for ...... ed by the Titanic isast r, has exceed- Deen installed at recent dates, and ed the supply, and advertisements it te-exbected that many of the other TAN BLUCHERS . Regular 5. 75 for . have been appearing asking for as companies will voluntarily install thelyp the Matter-of-the Estate of Med- many ag 500 operators to fill the need equpment Wabaut, being, required to icine Hat Dairy Co. Insolvent. GUN METAL BLUCHERS .. . Regular 5.75 for . reds in Britain alone. do 80. NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that These are all the very latest eas ys New Stations- Opened. n Will Need Operators. the above named. insolvent, Medicing contracting outfit. Also a full stock of Window Sash and Frames, and Frames, and sundry Mouldings, e s Supplies srontine een Wood Cowan's Cocoa, 1 Ib. tins. Reg. 60 ; Pay Day Special 50c. per tin. Cowan's Cocca, Ib. tins, Reg. 30c., ; Pay Day Special 25c per tin. Cowan's Chocolate, Ib. bars. Reg, 25 .; Pay Day Special 20c. Stephen's Mixed Pickles, large bottle. Reg. 40 ; Pay Day Special 30 . . . B. Pickles, Mixed Chow and Walnuts. Reg. 45c.; Pay Day * Special 35c, New Potatoes, nice and dry, 10 Ibs for 250. Extracts, Lemon and Vanilla, Almond, Strawberry, Raspberry and Pineapple. Reg. 20c per bot.; Pay Day Special 3 bot. for 25 Extract, Lemon and Vanilla, 16 0. bottles. Reg. 1.00; Pay Day Special 75c. per bottle. Valencia Raisins. Reg. 124 ; Pay Day Special 5 lbs. for 55c. Currants (finest cleaned), Reg. 12 ; Pay Day Special 5 Ibs. for 55 Molasses, Kitchen brand, 3 Ib, tins. ae 25c.; Pay Day Special 20c. 6 for 25c; Pay Day Spec. 3c per doz. Corn Starch, 1 Tb. packets. Reg. 10. PayDay Special 3 for 25c. Apples, 3 1b. tins. Reg. 20c; Pay Day Special 15c. or 7 for 1.00. Apples, gallon.cans. Reg. 50c.; Pay Day Special 40c. per gallon. Macaroni, 1 1b. packets. Reg. 15c; Pay Day-Special 2 for 25c. Macaroni, 8 Ib. boxes. Reg. 1.00; Pay Day Special 75c each. Macaroni, 5 Ib. boxes. Reg. 65 ; Pay Day Special 40c. each. Leard s Canned Chicken. Reg. 45c.; Pay Day Special 35c. Sultana Raisins. Reg. 20c; Pay Day Special 2 for 3c. the Rice (finest) Reg. 8c. per Ib; Pay Day Special 4 Ibs. for 2 Sardines, Brunswick brand. Reg. 3 for 25c; Pay Day Special 5 *sardines, rossed fish. Reg. 15c.; Pay Day Special 2 for 25c. for 26 PRESERVING FRUITS Peaches, finest Crawford Men s Preserving Pears, Bartlett, 40 Ib. case for 3.25 straw Hats, ral. to 2.00 Pork and Beans, 1 Ib, tins, Tomato Sauce and plain. Reg. 3 for 25c; Pay Day Special 4 for 25c, Castile Soap, 2 1b. bars. Reg. 40c.; Pay Day Special 25 per bar. Prepared-Mustard -Reg 25c: Pay Day Special 2 for 35c. Boot Blacking, Velvet Gloss. Reg. 25 ; Pay Day Special 2 for 36c. Corn Flakes. Reg. 10c.; Pay Day Special 3 for 25c. Sunlight and Lifebuoy Soap. Reg. 5c. ; Pay Day Special 22 for 1.00. Raspberry Vinegar, large bottle. Reg. 50c; Pay Day Special 40c. bottle Lime Juice; large bottle. - Reg. 50c; PayDay. Special 40c per bottle. Rubber Rings for Sealers. Reg. 10c doz; Pay Day Special 3 doz for 25 Lemons, large, new stock. Reg. 40c doz; Pay Day Special 85 doz. Oranges, large and juicy. Reg. -80c; Pay: Day Spepial 40c. Oranges, large and juicy. Reg. 40c.; Pay Day Special 30c per doz. Preserved Ginger, 1 Ib. Jars. Reg. 35 ; Pay Day Special 25c. Klenzine Amm Day Special 2 tor 26 . Chloride of Lime. Reg. 15 .; Pay Day Special 10c. Pickling Vinegar. Reg. 75 gallon; Pay Day Special 50c gallon. Rowat's Pickled Onions, large bottle. Reg. 40c; Pay Day Special 30 . per bottle. GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY, C. 0. D. TERMS CASH. NOTICE TO CREDITORS At the present time many of the The increased number of land sta py, the a it Dairy Co., of the Cit ineclg plyiog TOHTAGA. great. tawoa Cape eba yoked funtallations ts found Tat ee eee Toate ted are not yet equipped with the appara- to create a demand for operators, wade an assignment of his estate and tus, the chief reason in the past belng Which: from present Indications Will) orrects to The Trusts and Guarantee that there was little land commimica- for a time at least be difficult to ill. Company, Limited, Official Assigne SSS SST tor the general benefit of his credi- sier with eight chiiren tittle tors, under the provisions of The youngsters gatiered aroumt ter ent Act, being Chapter 6 knee than with her 8,000,000 in a 0f the Statutes of Alberta, 1907. great safety deposit vault. She will The Creditors are notified to meet be sorry she is unmarried when she at the Office of White, Laidlaw TELLS Ti K is older. Blanchard in the City of Medicine Hat 4 x HIS: PARISHIONERS ARE at the hour of four o clock in the af- - SPENDING MONEY FOOLISHLY- *e 0on on Friday the 16th day of i In answer to Dr. Hufimer, 1 A sust, 1922, for the purpose of re- . ceiving a statement of the affairs of H. M ORROW H's Glabered Spimatrs Ho win int emis a asta aa e Says He Was sapach PHONE 177. N, RAILWAY ST. Democratic Club, tay aco paying Doaal of the oniate him to preach such silly sermons, Every creditor or person claiming Court House gang, who were em : A TRAIN BANDIT pezslers to the amount of 50,000. et Him Mind His Own : ROBBED TRAINS FORMERLY. Business, Says Mrs. John Crosby, President of the Woman's Ment of inspectors, and the giving of they are spending, their money fool- to be entitled to rank on the estate have stolen more than that S. Crosby. amount from trains in this terri- tory, he declared, and I have rid- Democratic Club, today. And it lrections with reference to the dis- HINT FOR DR. HUFENER ishly. assigned is required to deliver or send Tnst ad of the old maids being to-the sald Company on or Wamished to a desert island, I sug- before the thirty-first day of August, gest that he be shipped away. What 1912, particulars of his claim, yeri- Tight bas he to stand before a pulpit fled by affidavit aad such vouchers and criticise anybody's mode of liv- the case admits of, and stating 13. And still the ing? What does he know about old Whether he holds any security for bis New York, Aug. den away with it tied on behind A Train Robber is Better my saddle in a seamless sack, but T was caught at last, and now my greatest desire is to. prove that I can be an honest official. Than a Public Yegg, He Declares. More indign ties trave been hurled at yet he dares criticise. I am sure Hufiner-Gould controversy continues. maids? Absolutely nothing. And the time-honored. old maids.' The great many faults could be correct - Rev. Elmer V. Huffner, who aroused ed in his own manners without look- claim or any part thereof, and put- ting a specified value on such secur- ity (if any), in accordance with the said Act. And notice is further given that af- ana i the ire of all the unmarried women ing for trouble among respectable, 4 train robber who is trying to im the country, still continues peace-loving women. ter the said Sist day of August, 1912, lead an honest life is far better than preaching against them. Why, nine-tenths of the world s the said Company. will proceed to. dis a public official who, under the There are old maids and old greatest: women. nave never mrarried, ribute the estate of the sald insolvent guise of respectability and honesty, maids, he says. First there is the but have devoted their lives to look- Wider the ald Act, having regard on- robs the people. clabbered old maid. She is the type ing after other pecple s vaildren. to the claims of which ft shall Jennings draws lange crowds night- that Ihad in nlind when I preached Their lives are noble from beginaing have notice at such time of distribu- 50 ft, 840 pr. Terms, ly to hear bim narrate his bandit ex- ed my sermon. to end. They accommlish work that tion. . fe, 600 pr. eras is Now Nominee for periences. He was serving a ten- 'This class despises men. The might never have been Legun had Dated at Calgary this eighth day of k 29, 50, ft ie pr. Terms, County Attoi Fear sentence in the penitentiary for milk of human kindness has soured they been hampered by children and August, 1912 Te 1200: prs Terma ounty Avvorney- . Tobbing the mails when he was pac- in them. They see no sunshine; all household duties The Trusts and Guarantee Co., Ltd. 50 fe, 1000 pr. Terms ship. doned by Roosevelt. is a shadow. J do not mean to say that it is Official Assignee. Block +14, 100 ft, 950 pr. Core cnaregee eran Then there are the disappointed. better for all women to remain sin- A. , ROSS, Manager Terms, x s Oklahoma City, Aug. 14 A Frank H. Funk, who has been nom- They are ofttimes crossed in love. gle. Farfrom it. J. still maintain Messrs. White, Laidlaw Blanchard, Blok, ch 100 tty. 575. pr. in robber is better than a public inated by the Progressive party in hey sit on front porches in the that there is a Jack for every Jill, Mediciie Hat, Alta, Solicitors for rm gOUTH YUILL yegs, has been the campaign slogan linois for governor Is a practical) shade of old-fashioned Vines that and that the reason some-womes-; the anid Company yet Block T. 50 ft., 1050 pr. Terms. of A. L. Jenmngs, zoe train rob- esate He ee farm of more clamber toward the roof and they mever marry is because they meyer Block 8, 50 ft., 1050 pr, Terms. ber and member of the famous Dal- than 2,000 acres in McLean County, knit soft things for little ones that found a man could really love. Painti ri ton gang, who was nominated in Deatly all of which fs under high culti- are dear to them. This is the class Such women shoxtd be bonaurd sent Pointing and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. oday s primaries for-Comty pinion, Mr Funk graduated from President Taft knows. respected. The world would be a mey over a halfdoze: opponents. Yale University in 18 Daring Then tiereis-the-talkative class. t deal better off if some of the (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) Jannings declared on'the stump that College days he was celebrated as al They have none of the good quali- women who Wow-married-had New Wall Paper Estimates cheer the Dalton gang was a tame af- football player, being left tackle on ties of the rest and all of the bad, never met their husbands. Sally ufrnished on cost of Papering fair as compared to the present- the famous Yale team of 1890. iss Helen Gould would be hap- In this age a woman is not com- your rooms. 'Phone 156. Some Extra Good Buys JENNINGS ON THE JUMP Stole More Than 50,000 From Trains But Was Re- leased By Roosevelt-and CENTRAL PARK Block 13, 75 ft, 1050 . pty Block 90, AO tes 1060 pr Terme oc) pr. Terms Block 22, 80. ft, 1250 cash. Corner. Block 28, 75 tt., 840 pr. Terms, NORTH YUILL Block 9 ,50 ft, 900 pr, Terms, Bloek 10, 50 ft, 800 pr. Terms. TOWNSITE Block 80, 50 ft, 1200 pr, Terms. Block 86, 100 ft., corner. 4000. Terms, Block 82, 108 ft, 1250. Terms. RIVERSIDE Block 19, 125 ft, 250 each. We pay strict attention to our Listings and anything recom- mend tovour customers we know to be Fight. Try eh Osce customer always a customer,
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Image 281 (1912-08-14), from microfilm reel 281, (CU1739356). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.