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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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lay, 7th 1912 Ms 1ys : i Py S a oe . 550.00 Sc ) v 600.00 ba 850.00 E oe : z 1200.00 4 2 1260.00 : : 1500.00 4 : 1100.00 ood spot to ? A oe Sesebesetes Ppetegetoatees , Boe Present Dally Average 1666 Coples. Advertisers in Daily get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation. No extra charge. Books open to ad- vertisers, VOL. 2, NO 255 lt; Be,,, Secon d Industrial MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 8, 1912 Commissioner for The Hat s Bureau Optimism and Enthusiasm Rampant at Last Night s Meeting -Appeal for More Funds Met with a Most Hearty Response--Large Sum Subscribed in a Short Time--Work Carried on Ou' Medicine Hat will have a second publicity commissioner to help carry on the for new industries in competition wita the other cities of the West. This w: tically decided at the meeting of the industrial bureau subseribers held in t Hall last evening. 2A great impetus was added to the movement, enthusiasm and optimism abounded but before the meeting adjourned something more substantial, money, sums was donated to help further the work. The meeting was not as large as some previous meetings, but those who were in attendance all showed that they were vitully interested in the welfare of the city. The members of the Bureau Council stated that they wished to have a second publicity-man in the field, but if they-did so they would wantimore money. They did not feel like putting him in withont having some idea of where the money was to come DAILY EDITION We be Pe AKD Qos Pe TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE f Proviiicial Labrary Deo 191s Aero Clnb of Amerfea the public wil be given an oppostumity to view the a ost impor complete exhivt- most leper ashlee cublete:exhibt 4, General Manayer McLeod of the Canadian Northern Railway, went east + country or abroad. The juinuse of last night, after having speut. the day. it. the y and its environments. He the exhfaition fy fa sth su ie- 4 expressed b mself as greatly pleased with the prospects of business for his + sree aie tbe pubic wy wterte * line in Medicine Hat and stated that even the optimistie reports of his agents No cincrataeee enact Both had not prepared him for what he had vittieated during the day in the way of + Ristorical and moderp apparatus, Am- * development both present and prospective. Particular mention was made of * erican and foreigm, will be on view/** the Ansley Coul mines, he not expecting to be shown + seam of such propor- + and lecturers ee eee to ex-/** tion in close proximity to the city. ae te eR. vi inctede The route which the Canadian Northern will take in coming into the city several specimens of the efforts of the ** from the north will be slightly changed as the result of the general recon- late Octave Chanute, who was one of F aissanee made during the past yearby the field parties of the company. A * s the first to cco ee + much better farming country wii be tapped and the route will be a very dir- * tlined. Then there wil oe ete 2/4 ect one between Edmonton and Medicine Hat. : +. at Philadelphia-New York fight. The * The approach to the city haS been practically settled as has the matter e Fight 4 June sie tea mipeer iyaresaare, + of selecting the site for the station and the manner of exit, but for obvious * : lane, will on view. e orig- as pyae- lane wile a Te Dewi, renene no announcement under this head can be expected for a couple of . he City in which Captain Baldwin made his 2 2 fllehte In Chinn and Japan last year; -f Hon. C. R. Mitchell met the General Manager at Medicine Hat by appoint- + as sane eto is epic + ment in the evening and accompanied him east. Several of the other company + and Atigustus Post won ei ili ity. in good large the Gorden Bennett trophy in 1910, officials are still in the city. re Jand relies of the Wellman airship + whieh started for the North Pole wi THEE ELE ELLE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE ERE EEE REE EE be among the other Attractions, In- teresting among the foreign exhibits will be the Morane monoplane, in which Vedrines made his trip from Paris to Madrid, and Miss Harriet fs Quimby s Blerlot, with which she ROOSEVELT LEADS TAFT IN TEXAS (W. A. P. Dispatch) It was suggested that further subscriptions be taken up, and the Mayor who was Th out of ready money and the second call for at least another 25 per cent..of t ear rom to me he expe KINNON a3s-d-tf meeting broke up nearly 4,500 had been subscribed. This is over and abo eel ount of the old and first subscription list, NG TOMORROW of Medicine Hat ap- inely good pertorm- high grade dramatic y should not fail to era House tomarrow jumbers, The attrac- in Wyoming with ny presenting an en- highly success 1 wes- ama, and for which a exuipment is carried. questionably one of vely of re ing as it does wot realistic history of ns; -but-a-beautifat ith plerty of good, uction as this is-well itropage of the elite enough faith in the city, If there: tions iad been satisfactory, and scriptions will likely be made in a few days. Mayor Spencer opened the meeting industries eight livs ones and these by a few remarks on the work of the cight, which they felt sure that they. bureau. Its existence has justified would land for the city, would em- itself, he said, but we expect still ploy approximately 2,000. He ex- gteater results from their work, The pressed the sorrow of the bureau in reason that we were getting the re- their loss of one of their members, A fire acting as chairman started a list around the mecting with the result that when the bee ce aret eod liye the' m gt; PATER 1 oOo eras tae he sub- haide 'The head of the latter frm was coming here soon. manufacturer would employ, 60 hands a wire fence manufacturer 800, the gliss-86; another clay and sewer pipe company, and a hinge Tock and crossed the ENgish-Channet- Duttas,T xus,May 8 it witt re ) auire a state convention on May 28, LICENSE COMMISSIONERS and Col. Roosevelt as to Texas pre- Annual Meeting for the District Held To-day Protest. Entered Against Granting Third Wholesale Lic- ense in the City. Col. Roosevelt had a substantial lead over Mr. Taft in convention re- turns received this morning, when three-quarters. of the state counties had been heard from. Contests and BETWEEN POLICE AND 3000 MINERS uninstructed delegates, however, neu as tralized the effect of any lead for Four Shot and Many Others cither candidate. Wounded in Pa. Strike. ,The Sxures clay, The Board vt License Commission- Geo. Nelson, Grassy Lake hotel. ers held a session in the sity hall to- Joseph Dobbs, Palace hotel, Taber. day for the consideration of license Dan McMillan, Taber hotel. renewals for the ensuing year and D. J. McMillan, wholesale liquor and were Roosevelt 72 PRICE, FIVE CENTS 5 ; ia TO SHOW PROGRESS OF AVIATION (Spectal to the News) New York, May. When the doors Ne of the Grand Central Palace open to- WY, morrow -for the first show of the ) sults he sajd was that we had the/Mr. Babb, who died during the past spring manufacturer, brass worl 50 state convention votes, Taft 45, un- for consideration of mew applica- store, Taber. right kind of men behind it. They week. With his advanced ideas and a to 150 hands, also a motor company ow. AB Diypaten,) instrugted. 40, contested 8. tions. G. F. T. Ridgedale, Myrtle hotel, don't stop at small things, At Sas- good fellowship he wo- a great help building autos. Pottsville, Pa., May 8 In a battle ROOSEVELT AGAIN The following renewals were grant- Bow Island. - katoon, one million had been sub- to the bureau. R.A, Sewell was la- Mr. Overpack afterwards announe- pctyeon tne pollee ead a crowd come Independence, Kas,, May 8. The d: R. Pallister, West hotel, Burdette. scribed by the citizens for publicity) ter appointed in his place on the ed that there was another autoirm matea at between 2000 and 2000 men Republican state convention which Babb McLean, Assiniboia, Medi- . T..H. Hanter, Bassano hotel, purposes, in Medicitie Hat he did not Bureau. which had practically decided tol at Minersville, this mogaing, four men will be called to order at noon to- tine Hat. Wi B. Code, Western hotel, Bas- think that the people -had quite Ome of the main objects of the come here. : were known to have Ween shot and/day to name four delegates at Targe Mrs. Isabella Bassett, Cosmopoli- sano meeting, he-continued, was to con- sider the matter of snother Com- missioner. If we can get the money to carry on. the work, it was only a matter of financing and that was up. to. the contributors. He then called apon Secretary W. Hi. G. White to give a financial state- was more faith there would be little trouble in getting all to go down in their pockets and help boost the city along. There is no indvcement like optimism to get industries and railroads. Their representatives vis- it the city and find out that we are dead ones, and despite the fact that ment of the moneys so far expended. the natural resources are here they The amount. subscribed was 19, will pass it up. Therefore he said 980 and the amount collected was now that the city has made a start 5,423. This had been expended as let us keep the good work up, Wel follows: Brown emergency fund 500, haven't achieved the goal by any expenses 1,935.35, sslary 1,600, means, but he did. not think there W. G. White, salary, 196.88; gener- was a city in the West at the pres- al expenses, 727.11; cash on hand, ent time that was on as sound 50; bank balance, 3438.81; liabilities footing as the little city of Medicine between 500 and 600. Hat. There is nothing thpt, will give He then, ax far as he was abley us backbone like railroads and in-/ gave an outline of the work that Mr. dustries, and its up to the citizens Brown was carrying on. He bad a to say whether or not we will have great mass of correspondence both them, We want to get away from with the Commissioner and different the sectional idea, he said in conclu- industries that he has on a string. sion. We are not in competition Mr. White could not give their named ie mentioned the line of goods er cities and the bigger we get the harder we can fight. L. Y. Birnie, chairman of the In- dustrial Bureau, was then called upon to outline the objects of the meeting He said that they wanted the sentiment of the people, to find out whether or not their past ac- He pointed out, in his opening and others interested, giving statis- tics about the cit they now wished to make a report./said would employ 60. hands and Their funds at the present moment Brown from his letters was sure .were low. Some of the money sub- that they would come here. scribed had been collected, others of The second a window glass firm the subseribers had fallen by the would employ 300 men and boys. A way side. The bureau had at the mantle manufacturer was also sure, present time among their prospective arid an iron frm employing 1,000 . would give 500 more. Mayor Spencer in the meantime Started his. subseription 1 while t was going the rounds, anoth- er resolution to Commissioner Brown commending him for his good work Boe Oe taaete Mr. Fulton wishes to get acquaint- ed with the clty before he starts out and with other members of the bur- tout today with the sub- scription list to get additional money. In closing the meeting the mayor sald that when we had the opportun- .00 ity to get a good man we should not 500.00 lose it: We should go on with the 250.00 00d work, We have Succeeded so continued to spread over new. terri- i u well, he sald, that he thought that it tory. The torrent through the crev- be narrow-minded to stop. It asse at Torras reached New eats 5 i : ee ae as Alberta Realty Co. Ginther Land Co. J. . Bending ... 8. E. McClellan L. H. Pruitt . A, Balthasar bi E. D. Bentley ..... Alberta Clay Product: E. D. Bennett : Jas. Hargrave and Son .. H. T. W. Forster Co. .. 250.00 W. R. Martin Ss isysvaaraulascopieis sclera lt;p RU OOOO) J, W. Hamilton ...... ma Bical K. Wafson... eae (ein Maleolm Co. T. . Allan A. Dickinson ... L. J. MeLean ... A. McDonald 500.00 500.00 woul 25.00 Gr eR A. Landry. that they manufacture and the num- Suments. ber of thands that they will employ. Medicine Hat is isolated as far re- competition goes. We are just marks, that at the present timeithey cuticle point, he are sending out of the bureaii office should not lie down but instead go. 25 letters a day to manufacturers after the good live propositions. Mr. Becker was in favor of leaving it to the bureau as to whether or eo ioned-treto-employ-the- secomd-commissioner. Tea sest company tre enti D. W. Brown said that it was up to If they subscribed mon- ey then they would put him on. This was followed by frattious speakers, raising and promising to- double their subscriptions, Ed. Benn tt-said that the meeting. others did not subscribe, . they. care whether they made-money j ritory-which had been conshiered sat 25.00 out of it, as long as they reaped a 25,00 8004 Profit, on their investment. 50.00 ruRks CAPTURE tically (W. A, P. Cable.) We have won Mr. Overpack then introduced a, Mr. Fulton who hails from Indiena. He said that he had been asked have him come up here to meet Bureau. Mr. Fulton, he said, was a manufacturer. He wus ata point be- tween going out of business and re- investing, Mr. Fulton gave.a. good line talk. He pi tured to the ing tha entified by the authorities. fight that Indiana had for industries when they located their natural gas, and said that cities where everything did not run harmoniously were at a standstill, while others went ahead. There was great competition there. Here Medicine Hat had the startland they had. everything their on way, and it was up to the dustries.. They were pr: only city in the belt and if other places did start up why we had great start on them. He quoted fig- ures and named other places which had advantages somewhat similar to sep AWAITING They had competition the said, and we he would pay up his last subscrip- Hon and: if ten-others woufd do s0- hi what did 1000 ITALIANS London, May 8. The government of Turkish Island of Rhodes where the 250.00 altan troops landed a few days REO, 20.00 tolexraphs: victory say the levees guard the elty win the plant and 25.00 jana have captured 1000 Italians, . Ferguson, Thompson and MeClarry, Alberta hotel, Bassano, tan hotel, city. three were probably fatally wounded. to the National convention will en- Mr. Jas. Fleming, American hotel, It 4s believed that a ddzen or more dorse tho candidacy of Col. Roose- taj others.were also struck by bullets. velt for presidential nomination andj City: T. N. Stubbs, King George hotel, the A. woman, Mrs. George Moll, who Was instruct Big Four to vote. for BMr- J. J. Quail, Royal hotel, eity. Seven Persons. standing jon Her porch, was struck bY 30, trom Gret ballot te lac J. E. Howson, wholesale liquor F. N. Stubbs, King George hotel, a brick and painfully injured. William Allen will be endorsed for store John Bestian, Union hotel, Taber. Men wh *tte* thought to have been fatally hugt *are David Davis, shot through the stomach, and others not Diamond Wine and Liquor Co., Wholesale liquor store, Martin and Philips, Canadian h - tel, Suffield. Fred Mund. Grand hotel, Walsh. Messrs. Pabst Mueller, Winni- fred hotel. Paul Poultier, Brooks hotel. Redclifl Hotel Co., Redcliff hotel. Gottfried Roloff, Alberta hotel, Tr- Jas. Marshall, Royal hotel, Taber. The* renewal to the Bowell City hotel license will be granted on transfer -of- license. to another party. A protest was entered against the granting of a license to the Medicine Hat Wine Liquor Co. for to keep a wholesale liquor store on the grounds of being no need for three liquor stores in our city. National committeeman. of (W. A.-P. Dispatch.) Duluth, May 8. The recall, initia- tive and referendum were written inte. Duluth s charter yesterday by an overwhelming vote. Only two of the 636 precinets voted in the nega- tive. The vote stood four-fifths for the change of 6,669, ballots recorded Another foreigner was shot through the leg and was seriously: wounded. The flght occurred ont Fourth st. fn the central part of the town and came as a result of a crowd attempt- jing to prevent Supt. Geo. W. Kosser of the Pine Hill Coal Company from taking two men in his automobile to 5,331 favored amsndment. vine. The board will give their decision his collieries A three-fifths. vote was necessary. John Pollock, Golden West hotel, when they meet at Calgary on May et a Irvine, ith. STOOD IN WATER SEVERAL FEET DEEP the: notorious Alexander street resort brought the two younger boys into YOUNG BANK CLERKS jie cer EMBEZZLED LARGE SUI si Sas we this, morning ona rocky bottom, and 5000 and 6000 Taken by will have to be lightened. A weak Merchants and i steering gear was the cause. STEAMER AGROUND a ACT. Dimpaten) Soo, Mich., May 8. Steamer Smith Thomson, grain laden from Fort Wil-. 7000 People Taken out of the Flood Devastated dis- trict by Railroads. Vancouver, B.-C:, May Alex trachan and M. M. Cox of the Mer- chants Bank and J. H. McRobbis of the Imperial Bank are names of bank clerks. Vancouver Papers not using them. as: TO THE ELECTORS OF WARD 1. (W. A. -P. Dispatch.) Vancouver, B. C., May They trad stood in water several *ithln the elty and will welcome any t the ree. 3 is but 20,/ Black who had bean fect deep for nearly three days when *cHeme or proposition which will at- Fears OM, the qa cad Sk toe ;tain this end. * prominent in the af- eae a oe es - It will be impossible for me to see bank managers and they are moth fairs of the Ogilvie + : you sll personally before election day teatly aflected by the incident, say-)2 (oonany for some ed. last evening. to T take this opportunity of solicit- the boys are not eriminala but 2, CO pany HR WL ae Dic) ing your vote and valued influen ve been. ed aabear.bethe. herd z? o eat ts : Yours sincerely, situation which reigns in Vancouver. ay New Oreleans, La, May 8 This oe tet forenoon there had been no new AP. DA A ese gambling joint was res- Fh hb heb bee eh breaches in the levees for the water today and hundreds of people in Ter- fromthe flood, now are in great dan- Ottawa, May 8. Notice is given in this week s Gazette of Se SOe Ser. Couriers have been sent into the /the Western Canada cold storage and packing company with a capi x pncoaced country: 1000; head office Winnipeg. The incorporators are Howard Grant Reynolds and- Will- mained wehonged teaay ane gt;-'jam John Lecapallem, printers; Alex. Hamilton, E. H. Edburne and Albert Jackson, has risen four-tenths of a foot in the enginee Edwin J. Reynolds and Douglas M. Bruee,-secretary,. and N. B, Nichol, last twenty-four hours and At is be-/agent, and F, H. Malcolm, broker, all of Winnipeg. z Heved crisis will be reached here The new company is given-authority to: acquire fromr Messrs. Bruce and Nichol within the uext two days, Engineers hold, iMedicine Hat. assets of the Central Canada Meat Packing Company, Limited, at. zs (W. A. P. Dispateh,) Ladies and Gentlemen: fi ey e. At the request of a number of re- local bank clerks, two o SLEEP EEE PEE ee t New (Roads, La., May 8. It-is pe- At the real z vamiient positions ia th Yieved by those in chargeof the flood presentative citizens I have decided to Prominent posit ie rolled eck at practically all flood er myself a8 m candidate for the bank, and one employed by the Im 4 Black Mentioned as marooned inhabitants of Pointe * ucy-in the city council caused by Perial Sa i. an Ogilvie s New Head + C sh wilh: ed Be Tesignation of Alderman Howson. charge of embezzlement of funds, All *- ary + Gunee, Davish will have been reneued re elected: I wili-stand as I always three confessed and although there IS by the end of the week: D xas and yave stood, for a larger and better was said to have been collnsion-be- * (W.A.P. Dispatch) Pacific Railroad officials, say he Medicine Hat, built on good, sound tween only two of the youtg men, * Montreal. May 8 toad has transported sbout 7,000 principies, i the dates of the thefts, however, *The arrangement for * people from points along) their line in . Poi oe In matters which come before the would point to eollesion between-all - the funeral of the date Sa Runnels ey eee rl We heap wal a station interest tthe 'y as a whole in om Si ef crowded with white refugees waiting preference to the interests of any the Machaats Denk aovlonee emit ot be made for sey- + to be taken to reliet camp at Batton corporation or individual. another sum of 6,986 wae spit. up 'Y eral days. Talk of a Rouge. Among them are four women shall do my utmost to support.al4 it vcn the other two. The older F stiecessor centres ar- who wore resened nearMorganza.- Polley. of progress and improvement f 70) ue IUCr IMO. oe oil ound the name ofa
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Image 782 (1912-05-08), from microfilm reel 782, (CU1738886). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.