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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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May 4th, 1912 - -Present Datty Avernge t666 Coptes, Advertisers in-Datty get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation. No extra charge. Books open to ad- vertisers, VOL. 2, NO 253 lt; lt;... MEDICINE. HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. ; er FOOT : 850.00 f HAYE BQUAL CHANCE 5 : 7 (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Dallas, Texas, May 6. It will re- 1200.00 i auire the county conventions tomor- 200. 1 es ? .. . Y6w and a possible state convention 2 Medicine Hat s Representative Takes the Portfolio of Public on May 28th to decide whether Tatt 260. i * i velt he Repuiilicans i: e2260.00 Works---Four New Members Admitted, Necessitat- piaRoasevalt for the Repstiicans and Remains of Late G. T : . : ; e will-receive-the Texas-delogations to Aboard the Cable Ship Mina Which Docked oday. ing Four Bye-elections, Which Will Be Held j ines aon z 1500.00 on May 27th--- Cardston Bye-elec- Ree ter gt: AP, Dispaten) : i? ed Wilson's strength which surprised Halifax, N. S. May 6. The cable was promptly lowered, and the re- 1100.00 tion Fixed for Same Date Farman lenders making him favoritojsniy Miata, which relieved the Mac- maine quickly sonereer tron proved b. for the cqunty conventions tomorrow kay-Bennett in. the work ot search- to be that of Mr. Hayes, a od spot to se 1 on face of returns. The Harmon peo- ing for the Titanfc s dead, returned to Nearly all the bodies recovered Edmonton, May 5. The Provincial Cabinet has been enlarged to the extent of Fer eee al 2 pote Uie WES ape ath ee eee eee a poet aie Naseer eae renee eens Beet yc z ot mast. The met with much though they Beacetully. Two admitting four additionatmembers. The portfolios have been re-distributed with the he known until the state convention heavy weather during her trip and were injured about the eve, walle one following result, the new Ministers being sworn in last night: bs meeting and they claim it is likely tq the bodies were found widely scat- of those recovered had lost a leg, evi- , y Arthur Lewis Sifton, M.A., L.L.B., D.C. L., K.C., Premier and Minister of Rail- take the state convention to render tered, the Inst two picked up being 44 dently being jammed by the ice, gt; e ways and Telephones. a final choice. The result as to be- miles apart, Two firemen, whom it was imposs- Charles Richmond Mitchell, B.A., D.C.L., . E., K. C., Minister of Public Works. Archibald J, McLean, Provincial Secretary Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture. Malcolm McKenzie, M.A., K.C., Provincial Treasurer. Charles Wilson Cross, B.A., L.L.B., K.C., Attorney General. John Robert Boyle, K.C., Minister of.Education. . Charles Stewart, Minister of Municipal Affairs. HON, 0. R, MITCHELL. STER OF PUBLIC WoRKS tween Taft and Roosevelt is left. in The Minia wired every passing even more doubt. Republicans have, Steamer, inquiring for bodies. Among their county conventions tomorrow he hodies. brought ashore was that simultaneously with the Democrats. f Charles M. Hayes, predldent of the sa * Grand Trunk Pacific. Officials of the (W. A. P. Dispaten,) railroad are looking after the body Baltimore, Md., May 6 Maryland, 4 t was taken to his home on a i el te i special train. ct ees Sear han tie ten re made aware of the fact of the arrival ible to identify, were buried at sea. A pathetic incident fn connection with one of those that he had in his Possession Was a sheet of Christmas carol of St. Patricks church. Bally Macarrett, Ireland, and Rev. Mr. Ward will write the clergyman of that par- ish which may lead to dentification. all the victims perished from the cold --Me.- Cunningham -said that-nearly Theodore Roosevelt will capture the us friends and a begs to late 0 carried on as a The changes will necessitate four bye-elections and the writs will be issucd at once calling for an election, Monday, May 27th, nominations a week earlier. The bye-election-in Cardston: will-take place the same day. h So far-as the geo; neerned, so that neither north or south has any adv bers representthe whole province. lt;3 The new cabinet-is generally regarded-as a strong one, the new drawn from the brainiest and most active members of the legislature. Hon. C. W. Cross was the first attorney-general of Alberta and gave up that purt- folio when he resigned from the Rutherford government in 1909. He sits-as one of the members of Edmonton city. He is a lawyer and a Presbyterian. He is about forty years of age and was born-at-Madoc, Ontario, where his father has been prominent merchant for years, Hon. J. R, Boyle is 41 years of age and was born in Moore Township, Lambton county. He was educated at the public school there and at Sarnia high school. He i elot the Minia, were at the temperature rather-than from drown- State em Votes at the Republi- i. take the He sald one thing was impress- fo the poetic er tntion, but owing wnii-the G.T-R. officials awaited the ed on them, by thelr experience, that to the peculiarity of the Maryland srival of Mr. Haye's boys the White/it was most unfortunate that the half law there is a possibility that thel oiar oftielale-and afew newspaper omplexion of the delegation to the men were on the wharf ad the bodies Democrati convention will not be were brought ashore and quickly re- determined until the state conven- moved to the morgue while Mr. tion. Under the new law the candi- Haye's body was taken to the under- date that wins a majority of the 124/takers to be further prepared before delegates for the state convention being sent to Montreal. will get all the National delegates The body had been embalmed on too. Since there are but two candi- board the ship and is in perfect con- dates for Republican presidential pre- ition. His was the first body found ference the division of the state dele- oe the aut aia on the spot gates must result in a majority for Where the Titanic went down. one or the other. Dasectalaty Y iit Thursday night, Rev. Dar. N. Ward cloud the Democratic situation be- Cummingham, of St. George s chureh, e cause there are three candidates in Meld memorial service which he sald today was Wreck and that the steamers which Were in the vicinity did not make fur- ther earch as there seemed to be no doubt but that they would have been saved. It was observed from the ship that the sea, was very heavy and they Steamed around the place several times but they failed to locate, The bodies were miles away from the scene of the disaster and so scattered after the first day's search the, re- mains were picked up from thirty to sixty miles apart. blood being IST NOTES Suffered Relapse Due to Heart ae ind Passed Away this Afternoon. , AP. Dispatch) isiness meeting of 1 of the Socialist 1 in Patterson s hall ) at 3 pm. al will meet in the in . 6 - D7 a most impressive ' came west some years ago and before taking up the study of law, was a school teach- Toronto, Ont., May 6. Judge Mabee the field, Speaker Champ Clark, Go- sight, with the men of the ship gath- Berlin, Germany, May 6 The mar- scialise /ongant er. He is now the head of one of the leading law-firms in Edmonton. He has repre- 215 this afternoon, Tomer ula Hermon and Gorer- coi on the Wonks, wiih hada: owed Idue. Cuntpiieise galle s cai Weavers Judge J. P. Mabee, having taken a bid turn at 1.30 o'clock, his heart's strength having cgllapsed, he passed Away at:3.15 this afterhdOn, He was conscious till the last and his son nor Woodrow Wilson. Belief is ex- Pressed that the candidate with the smallest number of votes will lease his delegates who thns. will sented the constituency of Sturgeon ever since the province was created. Presbyterian. Hon. Chas. Stewart is a native of Strabane, Simcoe county, coming west Was active in political and municipal affairs He is a in the service and a beautiful clear William s-initiative in consequence of night, just such as the giant steamer ,the Titanic disaster, was opened today at the Department of the Interior. or, will be here on stay in town the Owing to the dif- ing a hall arrange- te- went down to her doom, so that the OT whote-seene was vividly recalled, gt; free to vote for either of the candi- Ontario, and before in that county. He is an Berlin, Germany, May 6. The Am- The next morning they began the : BED ete Wh sre BS, enterprising and successful farmer and resides at Killam. He was elected by acclama- ae percent were at bis bedside to dates still in the ra search and at six o'clock they discov-lerican Panama Pacific exposition i represe: viek i er: ij i Ton e-end. z lered a body with a life preserver, commission of which John Haye tion to Tepresettt Redeewcl. a ie general secure of 1909. He is a member of the opi, t, May x2tie dotiors oR JOINTS floating th the dletauce. They quick: Haminat ler ihe praldae anton 1 FINED: Chureh of England and is torty-tour years of age. feted the following: Judge O- N. RAP jly steamed towards the body, a boat here today trom London. Hon. Malcolm McKenzie was born in Tiverton, Bruce county, Ontario, and is a Mabee suttereda;very severe relapse REPRESENTATIVE) hristy and Iron pioneer westerner having tived in Macleod for over a quarter of a century, He has tee heart tattere-2t- -pam-nis con : before Inspector aT 2 dition was very low. (W. A. P. Dispaten.) been closely associated with political activities in the south, He is a lawyer and rep- resents the riding of Claresholm. He is regarded as one ofthe most influential mem- bers of the legislature. on a charge of be- ry was fined 5 and th in Lethbridge. let go on suspend Winnipeg, Man., May 6 R. M. De- runistoun, K.C., has been appointed by the Canadian Northern Railway as representative of the company in US. Steel Case Opened To-day I. W. W. s GONE: WORK ON C. N. R. GRADES BEING se he helped the J. K, Drinnan, Jno. MeNeely, W. A. RESUMED the arbitration board to settle the the owner of the 4 Begg, H. Price and W. Saunders. , dispute with the men over the run- : The floral tributes were: ning of the Great Northern trains , . * Ascorft, B.C., May B.Work on th 5 3 States to Have the Wreath, Pendleton Commandry No. Canadian Novthers grads fin this ve into Canada with American crews Action Against Corporation by ee I e two-Mon: : . Pendlecon, Ore.; spray, Mr. and cinity is being resumed as fast as Place of Canadians. J. T. Murray Alleged Trust Disolved will Like y Last two-Months heb bb bbe oo Mrs, J. H. Spencer; wreath, Ladies is the appointee of the i . . J. H. Sp Peath,: Ladies en can be. secured; bubeigtrastors ee ee ee: Many Prominent Men as Defendants. e i Club; spray, S. A. Pelter; spray, Mr, finding it difficul So ag xE + and Mrs, Meiklejohn; maltese cross, S ding it difficult to obtain any LAWYER ASSASSINATED eo 4 sitet . Wm. W. Johnson; wreath, Mr, and ha eta number. eee : (W: A. P. Dispatch.) Mrs. F. B. McKinnon; emblem, ere are none of the T-W.W. left CW. A. P. Cable, vY s i i rt ern- turned over * jelety; peneater aathioe, Fe in this town except the twenty-one Laliberta, San Salvador, May nn oe Mee sa taee an ti ae Beet: oe ieee ness for the- Ei jR. Babb; spray, Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Who are in jail and who will have a/Francisco Rodolfo Jimitn z, leading t testimony, in the federal suit to 7 B g a + dissolve the: United States Steet cor /anti-trust-law- son, to The + Hundreds Who Took to House Tops for Safety are Swept wresth, Agriculturat Society; Hearing has ing Voge Le ocean poration wes apmtiensed tage totsy that Cus GmblagtTOn oe GES + - Wreath, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Huck- ainst-them being vagraney,. Jlast evening by foreigner named o z 2 5 oe oe ae Away Many Reported Missing Losses Cannot be vale; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yuill; About seventy-five of the strikers Simon Calvo. Murder was committed ae will probably continued tee be alata celles cere oe si a i a A ii a the principle streets. peo One fa mined. spray, Mr. and Mre, W. J. McLean; were headed west at the time the ar- on one of F ; 5 ds and pat- + Deter spray, Wm. Mitchell; wreath, Mr. and rests were made, marched five miles Fear ee Cal aise be held in ote (28 Seay ate s ir generous gt; J Mea, White:wreath, directors down' the road and admomished to AFRICAN METHODISTS MEET. cities and possibly it will be tal at erate aa aubeedin Oh wae wens during the * OW. A. P,-Dispateh) Montana Oil and Development Co.; Keep-moving. They have mot return. hefore the United States circuit made defendant but many of its eaeatn, and e Newroads, Ua., May 6- Flood refu-/Appeais for hetp.teached here last/ spray, Mr. and Mrs, J, C. Howson; ed and the LWW Wall closed. Kansas City, Mo. May 6 Thequad- court of Trenton where the suit was subsidiaries and private individuals i k fi the * gees, reaching here early today, de- Msht from Lettsworth, directly in the spray, Mr. and Ms, Wm. Cousin: Between Ashcroft and Lytton there e nial general conference of the Af-/ filed, will take up evidence for indi- are named as defendants, J. P. Mor-- ora gee oN clare there has been loss of life in PatH of the torrent. Half a hundred wreath, Industrial Bureau; pedestal, are a number of men employed on 8 Methodist Episcopal Church cial consideration. Gan, John: D. Rockefeller, Andrew, Gtenmed * the State of Louisiana inundated by perp-qawere Tevorted to be Tatmmi- Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Fleming, Mr. and the grade and three steam shovels, Sesembict 1 thls city today with) The hearing today before Henry T. Carnegie, Geo. W. Perkins and Da- ir esteeme: x . the Sta ent danger-Gt-drowning. The house/Mrs,A. P. Day, Mr. and Mrs, G. AL br ki g more than 500 delegates in attend- Brown, examiner appointed by the niel Gf Reid are among the promin- + the Missisaipp river whlch rushedlin which they had taken shelter had Johnston, Mr avd Mra. J: Qualls hotec ance a eee cag Shee. Organtantion was completed at cireuit court, was. the first to be. ent defendants named . COOPER. * through the levee at Torras. Motor been loosened from its foundation shoe, Hotel Staff; - anchor, Mr. and be employed to better adi the initial session. Among important : : es Doats sent to take numerous persons/atd tossed about in the current. Mrs, W. A, Burton; spray, Mr. and aceon . er Sdvantage/ business to be transacted later in the from Hosting housetope arrived too/There are at least one thousand per- Mrs. J. C, Beveridge; pillow, Mra, U2 O8-the rection between Lytton week will be the election of general 5 F EEE late, The losses cannot be determin- sons who remain to be rescued from Babb; cross and crown, Crusader 4 Yale. officers and of several additional bis. im ed the inundated country west of Letts- Preceptory No. 54; pray, Mt. and hops, to met the rowing demands of : . . 54; Mr. SPECIAL REPORTED WRECKED y . rth and Bachellor. Mrs, W. B. Marshall; 5; M the church. Heininbele init Families are separated and many Wo Mrs, W. farshall; spray, Mrs. . earauae ase ce eee ees Some of them are drifting about Grace; spr spray, CW. A. P. Dispateny T. Bell, Sr., Attacked by Three Men on the Other Side eless large numbers of ec aa onhastily constructed rafts, Crev- claim to have seen entire families asse water Is-spreading at a rapid rate swept from house tops. Leaders of inumdating sections of Pointe Coupe the rescue corps admit that several Parish, which-have-never-before beet Triangle, Assinibola Chapter No. 126, times they have sent motor boats to by overflows. . Town after Medicine Hat; square and compass, points where families had taken re- town is bel rept bythe muddy Medicine Hat Lodge: No, 2A. F, A. fuge on. the roof and that when the waters. The last of the special trains x, GRA ; apray, Mrs. Noble and air. boat arrived the crew only found the Which have been bringing the refu-/Saunders; emblem, Alazar Temple, building, buffeted about by currents gees: out of the country around Bach- Medicine Hat; spray, Mr. and Mrs. W. its roof surface submerged. ellor arrived here last night, Finlay. - TO THE ELECTORS OF WARD 1. Hattiesburg, Miss. A special train of the Bridge on Saturday Night. carrying confederate veterans from ; dies aaa Gentlemen: Texas to Macon reunion, ig said to ser z At the request of a number of re- : have been wrecked at East Abuchie, Mr. T. Bell, Sr., was the pictim of presentative citizens I have decided to SR ee MAI BROS At ottee myeait sa Candidate for the a dating hold up on Saturday, evex: gaente Me. Bell, but the old gentle- reported hurt, vacancy in the city council caused by ing last. line and the animal sprang forward i the resignation of Alderman Howson. He was returning to, town from his man was too quick for them. He hit farm to the west of town, and while his horse a smart stroke with the If elected I will stand as I always have stood, for a larger and better some distance from the inlay knocking down the man who held the ir, and Mrs. W. G. White; crescent, Umakilla Lodge A. F. A. M., Echo, Oregon; spray, Mr. Arthur Balthasar; 3 head, and the other two sprang to For all Kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. devas tae See SESE 2 c n good, sound Bridge he was met by three men, one horse's head and Me. Bell was soon ae principles. : is horse of harm's wa: W. H. BABB S FUN ERAL NBW GBNe SUBD PEPEUS E cunane NAvARE LING Col f westiets whlch como betdre tus Meo NCE HOM ot Bs Horns ct : . 3 Winnipeg, Man., May 6. Announce- z 2 2 Counell I shall atways--consider the ate 4 ankle mont was made at Canadian Paciticl 1 ongon, day G Fred rE lintoresis of the city as a whole in TERROR STRICKEN guest for permission to ross the LARGELY ATTENDED Jisstesstir: neve th vie print aHe, the nara aueoriynot- op PFeference- to the Interns of any CHINESE IN MEXICO otter ine reached wang Peters, assistant to the vice president, 0 corporation or individual. Car f : o with Bendguarters at Winntoes, was es Ne pee aie z shall do my utmost to support a APPEAL TO STATES ek hee ob ee ee ee icjand with the many beanti oral ; PPointed Gen, Supt. in British Co- re Policy of progress and improvement i 5 Was Held Under. Bacon teibgteeovinvased the Meh cater lieablas with headquarters at Vancou- i Bee ee Within the elty and will welcome any/A8K THAT THEY BE GRANTED +f a Auspices Many Floral i icy ine aoseusce mee held. er, succeeding the late Mr. Oborne. F feu guinan est 4f- Scheme or proposition which will at- TEMPORARY ASYLUM LAST/. gTaAR THEATRE + Tributes and Large Cor- in, remains were taken trom the . 4 H. Stevens, formerly chief train) y me. serioueneas of this fg tain this end. eseenere SEEEN DEED + SOLD + tege. House, 616 Main St. to St. Barnabas U*Peteber at Vancouver, and at pres- 7F oottnces by the fact, that ofe Tt WIL be impossible for me to see zt church, where the funeral gervices ot (Ut superintendent at Moose Jaw, 18/4 Germany has recently secur. sf- 0U all personally before election day ae eee ea The Star Theatre * + The funeral of W. H. Babb, held ja most impressive nature were con- APPolnted assistant gen. supt. of B. C/mnn Nas recenily secur- 801 take this opportunity of sollelt- Washington, May 6. Several hun- e yesterday afternoon, proved to be one ducted by Rev. E, A. Davis, He also lines... i SE bia. We are perbaps.a Uetle -f. 6 Your vote and valued influence. dred Chinese fleeing from one dis- was sold by W. Bent- of the largest: held here in a long time conducted the burlel services atthe too prone to imagine that - Roursistocerelys kurbed state in Coahulta, Mexico, 2F9/ Jey to Jas, Gray. this * it Was under Masonic auspices and grave and was followed by the Mi 000 COMING * Germany can have nothing AED DAY: appealing to the United States Go- * 3 Ri a 3 lt; over 100 of the brethren turned out sonle burial service, conducted by London, May 6 The Tomaldson f but ourselves In view-and ty op uy ExTolay is Arbor e ment for temporary asylim in morning. Rimmer an and marched, paying last tribute fo Worshipful Master Jesue Billott, as. iiaer ia, carried 8,000 from Glas- - forget what the upsetting of op Winnies, May 6 he soverntment tis country. , Terror stricken by, the Smith put through the * their Iate brother, ze fisted by TD. Hutchinson, Senior War- gow to Montreal Saturday. Tho Allan the Monroe doctrine might f- Day in eee Ga e etitstoba ak memnsy of the Chinese massacres of 9 deat + The balancerof the cortege whi 'T. Biatehford, J nlor Warden, liner Scandinavian carried 800 for 4 gain in Germany. , tices, inane in 8 the last: sovoltcaha Ghcbbenapaeereicns az follow: e. remains to their . lastjand F. F. Fatt, Chaplin, Quebec and Montreal, chiefly agricul- .- ay rany, stores ares closed: ing into Diedras Negras opposite Wy lace, was a very large one The pallbearers were: W. Burton, turists, Engle Pass, Texas. Thefr urgent re-('P FF bob bb be ob bb oh ob eee sunscribe NOW for The Dally News. tithe
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Image 766 (1912-05-06), from microfilm reel 766, (CU1738903). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.