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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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May 17, 1912. Present Daily Average 1666 Coples. Advertisers in Dally get the benefit of the Weekly country NO WX Ei Books vertisers. DAILY EDITION A A PRN Or Re Pr TELEGRAPHIC SERVICR MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. SATURDAY. MAY 18, 1912 VOL. 2, NO 264 lt;i, RIGHESON, MURDERER AND WRECK. PITROUSLY PLEADS: Jealous Husband Shoots Wife and WESTERN TO UNVELL IBSEN BDST. (Special to the News) PUL CASTLE FORTHE PRINCE v0 scesssnnse ow sa throughout the Northwest are here (W. A. P. Dispatch: Ottawa, May 18. An order in coun- ch has heen gazetted as follow: Section 2 of the speclal fishery regu- Igtion for the Province of Manitoba 7 Fine Old Have His Body Taken (W. ALP. jed calmly by Clarence V. Ty Richeson today. a bs A (W. A. P. Dispateh.) Boston, Mass., sleep under the infuence of opiates shut out the world from the troubled mind of Clarence V. T. Richeson during the early hours today. fortitude of the former clergyman Week for the murder of Avis Lennell 10 BE: BURIED BESIDE MOTHER Former Cleric at Last Breaks Down When he Sees all --- Hope of Pardon Vanish Father s Wish Not to Boston, Mass., May 18. Word that claimed he was to be electrocuted next week for-them-urder-of-Hivis Linnell, was May 18 A deep The . .who-waits death by electrocution next Home Affects Him Greatly. Dispatch.) ch would be of short duration ho There will be no advance announcement of the hour of Richeson s execution, the being statutory provision that it take place between midnight and sun rise the warden of that State pris- on, having the discretion, extending lover the week designated by the court for Infileting the death penalty. It 1 thought: the execution will take place Tuesday morning, : A light breakfast was carried to the prisoner s room by one of. the attendants shortly after 8 o'clock, At that time Richeson was still sleep- lowing substituted A license in Meu thereof: owner of boats and other firm posting its head office in province or district, (Special to the News) Freeport, I, morrow morning with a pontifical high mass celebrated by Bishop Mul- will occupy Monday and Tuesday all only be granted to a person who is a British subject, res- ident in the Province of Manitoba or district of Keewatin and who is the fishing gear with which he carries on oper- ations, or toa Canadian company or said GERMAN CATHOLICS OF ILLINOIS May 18. Hundneds fot delegates and other visitors are here for the annual convention of the German Catholic societies of Ilinois, The gathering will be opened to- doon of Rockford. A parade and sac- red concert will be the principal fea- tures of the efternoon and evening programme. The business sessions take place in Como Park. The Nor- glans of St. Paul raised the money for the erection of the bust, which was moueled by Jacob Fijelde, the noted Norwegian . sculptor. Profes- sor J. B. Olson of the University Of Wisconsin will deliver the principal address at the unvelling. Him. London, May 18 There 1s a ikell- hood that the Prince of Wales will have a -homs-of bis own in his-own principality, The recent death of the Dowager Lady Penrhyn makes it possible to put throush scheme which has b en on foot for some time to purchase Pemthyn Castle for him. The castle stands on an eminence, two miles from the town of Bangor in North. Wales, It is a very im- mense affair, with a hich Norman tower and turret) Its interior is not- able for its fie old furniture, scul- ptured chimmey pieces, oak carvings and pannellings, hero is also a bed- stead construeted entirely of slate, which 1s exquisitely tooled and fin- ished. Tt took fourteen years to build the castle, and it cost 2,500,000. TO DEDICATE JOAQUIN CABIN. (Special to th News) Washington, D, C., May 18 With elaborate exercises the sambin which was the dwelling place of Joaquin Miller, the poet of the Sierras, dur- ing that part of his life spent in the national capital, will be formally ded cated tomorrow afternoon. The cab- in has recently been removed from its original site on 16th street north- west to Rock Creek Park, where a permanent location has been provided for it. The dedication will be con- Special display of Summer Millin- on Saturday, May the isth, at Miss Busza s, 397 Toronto St. 2632 socigtion. ducted by the Callfornia state As- (WASP. Hamilton, Ont, May 18 Crazed by Jealousy, Frank Truckle, shortly after eleven o'clock this morning, shot and Killed his wife at the corner of Park and Merrick Streets, in full view of many people, and thon made a dash for Uberty, jumping into an automo- bile and holding a revolver to the driver's head and threatened to kill him unless he hurried along, Police in automobiles and others on motor cycles gave chase to the murderer and when Truckle found himself cor- nered on Charles St., near the mouth of the Toronto-Hamilton and Buffa- Jo tunnel, he turned the weapon on himself, firing several shots. He was taken to the city hospital ang Is Bamilton, Ont., the Scene of Anot Which is Followed By the Murderer s Suicide When He is Cornered By Police. and district of Keewatin as adopted ding Which to attend the unveiling of the bronze by order in council of the ist day of Took 14 Wears to Build pust of Henrik Ibsen, the famous May, 1911, is rescinded and the fol- Will Be ed Over to Norwegian poet. The unvelling will ees n ui oO er Dispateh,) ly a block when Truckle drew a revolver and fired through the woman's hi the revolver against not to Taiss, WESTERN INTMENTS CW. A. P. Diapaten.) Ottawa, May 18. Western appoint- ments are gazetted as follows: HL. Boyer and W, H. Errant of Moose Jaw, homestead inspectors; William Rathwell of Caron, homestead inspec- tor; Arthur Dubr Jen of Gravell- burg, immigration office ;, Bensmich of Boharm, farmer; Joseph Gatty of Caron, farmer, ang TF. -Cottins, or Bave way last night. The . collapse Laan peieeneeemeeemenmeeeeee reeeeeenenee neem emir ee Truck, Stoneher fa i ing-and the food was taken back to pected. Cos woater ed erat Svan shense farmer, all. tn She Peo: D Sdn wensealee detonate ithe kitchen of the prison hospital A 3 4 his wife had not been living togeth-jince of Saskatchewan, tc be commis- ee Hara his ibcas ieee rel eens uct Chaplain Stebbins re ed near the q er,--The-husband was jealous of her slouers. to-take and administer under Bia wicther tn Virginia ana dayetarical little fron sat cot upon which the a ee had complained to the police the oe eet naturalization : ee eae otea percacn: 2Rdemned man rested, ready ala : : ut her. She was employed as a and-allens. iliam James Mc- re Cry Eo Ua TorRng Ue Wan semener wot tore Tin COnT fotslfan Narise Sk in Mamanal ae ob ceampiaae acon ae sali watch. Richeson learned definitely ene Ga zy rs oe catnx ia Frank Weidlich Appeared in Police Court This Morning on Charge of Shooting with) coica there last nisht and they had vision of Saskatoon; Donald B, Mac- yesterday that he must meet death by electrocution, Throughout a g calmness, Little by little the im- port of the decision he had heard began to impress itself upon him. Some one of those who entered the death chamber imparted to the pris- oner the fact that his father did not care to have his body taken to Vir- sinia for burial. He at once gave way to his emotions and implored of his counsel, William A. Morse, that the himself with outward went into the death house a shorty jtime afterwards Dr. Johnson. Intent to do Bodily Harm Death of Horse Lead up to Trouble. Inot awaken Richeson but remained by the cot after a short conference with Warden Bridges. GERMAN BUSINESS MEN WANT BETTER Frank Weidlich, an American who has been in this country about one month, appeared this morning on the charge of shooting with intentions to do bodily harm. The charge was preferred by Fred M. Clark, - who works for Mr. H. Webster, about one mile east of the depot, within the city limits, put away Weldlich s horse. Clark went and the meeased said he was going to make Clark and Webster do some night Work, Weidlich then went to the house and going into his room came out with a gun and told Webster to go-and dig up the horse. Webster sald he would go and get the lantern, and did not come back. Shortly afterwards Clark came in the city and called for the police. Sergt, Campy and Constable Camp- beli went down and arrested Weid- lich, Weldlich declafed he did not shoct for to do harm, but to scare the boy, as he had been in the habit of doing in the States. The case was remanded until Mon- day to enable him to bring witnesses to prove his good character, as he has along talk. This morning the man woman to go for a walk with him. She consented and they had gone on- Cregor of Saskatocn to be deputy in Saskatoon-Moose Jaw sub-divis- fon, Judge Sentences Slave to Death for Murder of His Lover's MACLEOD MURDERER WILL HANG fons for the sinking of the casings required for the building of the main * arrangements be iade so that he When Weldlicti came to the dis- from the stable and Weldlich was some friends around town. Husband pler on the south shore. It is ex- might He beside his mother in the I POSTAGE RATE trict he brought some horses. with waiting for him. He pointed the gun pected that the sinking will take baro-nows family plot. AS the day wore on oth- awe Bigs:*Gns of thens hora silean gael ai Clark to go and un- A test case that came under the (W. A. P. Dispatch.) place next week. ree er incidents occurred to disturb the coe session of Mr, Webster whet ithap- cover the hors Gee. wanted to get Masters;and Servants Act was decid- Macleod, May 18 Samu l Wilin- In the meantime the Dominion a is Pe condemned man Discussion between pened with an-accident which resuit- ed in-court this morning. The ser- sky was found guilty of murder in Steel Company who have the con- the counsel for Richeson and the spiritual adviser turned upon the exe- ution and the prisoner begged both Mr, Stebbins, the prison chaplain, and Rey. Herbert Johnson, bis spir- itual adviser, to go to the. chair with him, Richeson also expressed the wish that Mr. Morse should be present during the last few minutes and fur- ther exacted a promise that either one of the ministers would .remain constantly with him until he died. In the meantime Richeson did not take his dinner nor-supper. It was nearly. he must die Durst out in hysterics. He threw himself on his cot and moaned and ehrieked.. His arms and shoulders twitched, his face Was drawn in agony and from time to time-as his glance fell on the two guards set as a death watch ov- er him, he would scream out in hor- ror, crying: They're watching me; they're watching me Warden Bridges hurried to the death house and sent for the prison physician, That official was not at Pee tedeiptestntndedpeteddeaectedecneiaeaes the company hiome and Dr. Frederick L. Lyons of The petitioners think that both the stance that this industry has been se- of the year. ployed, all being under expert super- plerharad baled Charlestown Wascalled. When Dr, German and the United Statesgov- cured for Redcliff, let alone thevfact On the day the News representa- ision, ensuring promptness and fin Pare pees, was stillernments can afford to be generous that the plant is already under oper-ltive visited the plant Prosident Kelly st- of -orkinanship. The black- Lyons arrived. Richeson 250 Organizations Have Pet- Stoned Oe ee to Deal Matter. Berlin, Ger., May 48 Two hun- dred and fifty leading commercial or- ganizations have petitioned the Reich- stag to urge the German government to do away with the restricted two cent postage between Germany and the United States, and introduce a universal rate, such as applies to An- glo-Americah letters. present system of forwarding for two cents only such leiters as-are carried abroad direct from the German steamers results in much delay and consequently great loss to the Ger- man-American business world. It 1s asserted that America is to blame for Hmiting the two cent rate to its present inadequate form. The ters to Germany by English and by French steamers. in the matter, whether the applica American govej have tal Iron Company is one which pointed out that expense woul both a surprise and 4 delight to visit- involved. in forwarding two cent let- ore ishing little town of ed in ite death. The horse was bur- sed yestedlay morning, and last even- Weldlich eame-in-from the coun- try-and was. told about the death of the herse, but did not care to belfeve the story. He went up toyn,abopt 8 o'clock last evening - and returned, about 10. At the time Mr. Webster and Clark were sitting in the house and Webster told Clark to go out and his gloves aq hat, but Weidlich who had been fooled once, would not s:and for it, and then ptook to his heels, after shor ellich to one Side, Clark gained the shelter of the woods and says he heard two Bullets pass him at'no great distance. the road and vant in question had broken her con- tract and was brought. before the to. make a test case. The penaty was the costs, 25 cents, oi the accused, but according to the. mag- istrate it all goes t6/show that ser- yants annot legally break their con- scription the magistrate said, the The Artistic Product of Grilles for Offices The plant of the Alberta Ornamen- is Redcliff. Few of the residents of this city are as-yet aware of the circum- lation and has orders booked ahead Attention Throughout Canada Beautiful and Artistic Bronze and Brass the Supreme Court here last night and sentenced by Judge Justice Har- vey to be hanged on July 26th next for the murder of Geo, Lakatocz at Frank, Alta, on Feb. 26th, 1912. Both men are slave coal miners, .Wilinsky was in love with the murdered man s H ife-and-shot Iiim-in-the-spine wash4 house on the night of that date. There were no eye witnesses and the. evidence was circumstantial. STARTED ON BRIDGE first of: the summer. Every. precau- Jaceident tract for the superstructure, are ex- tending and making wp their shops at Yachtine for the manufacture of Diers-is likely -to by finished by the tion is being taken to guard against INLAND REVENUE OFFICE , Ottawa, May 18 An order in coun- sel has been passed creating the Cal- eary the Alberta Irom Ornamental Company. Should Attract) a Specialty. find their work most handsomely ex- ecuted to clean sharp style or E ie fitting shops are fully equipped with the latest im- proved-machinery and-devices; Only the most skillful mechanics are em- the Redclift works. Just now 25 men are employed in the building but in- side of three months this number will be increased to a hundred and it is expected-fully two-hundred-hands-will be on the pay roll by the beginning Ty unconcerned. Dr; Lyons adminis- tered a sedative and the prisoner went to sleep about 2 o'clock in a deep slumber until a late hour. The attack follows out the conclusions of ts who recently examined Richeson, and who declared that ax though sane he was subject to per- fodical spells of emotional disturb- ance or hysterical delerium. It was Me ode oho be ole he obs ok oe oe ole fe ode os tion of the rate to all letters invol- ves extra cost or not. America s chronic postal deficit is said to have decreased, while the German postal surplus is the largest on record. Lots in block 15, North Yulll, 735 pair, Terms, Lots 4, 5, 6, 7,, block 11, Bridge St. 950 pair. Terms. Simp- son-Northam, North Railway St. Pee Eh bh eh oh 50x12 feet in size, which was erected last year for.a foundry has been ac- quired by the new concern and has been-created-into a veritable hive of industry. Additional buildings almost completed and until these are ready for use, the Alberta Foundry in Medicine doing the casting for for contracts amounting to over 25- 000. The two story brick building are expert smith and forged work of high artistic nature will be most skillfully executed. In connection with the fitting shops is to be the large iron and bronze foundry, which will be most thorough- ly equipped with modern devices and appliances for the production of cast- ings of-rich architectural detail. ger Sherwin was courtesy personified in. explaining the nature of the pro- duct which is turned out. The term Ornamental Iron Com- pany, though comprehensive,-fails ut terly to convey to the uninitiated the magnitude and vari ty of the work carried on. On hearing the firm name, the mind associates it with ornamen- tal iron fences, at Teast that was the impression which the News reporter had formed before Mr, Sherwin took AN ARTISTIC WINDOW OW. A. P. Dispatch) Quebec, May 18. MestrsxM. R, and J. 7. Davids, contractors for the structural. work in connection with clues the provinc of Alberta and Saskatchewan which have been 4 tached from the Winnipeg I Manitoba, and that part of Ontario the Quebec bridge, have a large num- ber of men engaged making prepara- west of Pie river, will constitute the Winnipeg district. Major Belson is Visiting M Further Interesting th: Cadet Corps, Military District No. 13, fg in the city for a day or two for the purpose of increasing the interest taken locally in regard to the corps amongst the citizens in general, as well as amonget the boys. Major Belson, who is a brother-in-law of Major-General Sir Percy Lake and who has been identified with military matters in the West since the early pioneer days, is eminently qualified ctor of Cadets edicine Hat in the Hope e Citizens in the deal: of persuast the leading citizens, under the cir cumstances, to contribute a sufficient amount to outfit the corps. Principal Laerte, of the Alexan- dra School, has already secured nu- cleus of a smart corps of Cadets and it is to be hoped that Medicine Hat will soon be in a position to rank with the other progressive cities of the West in the matter of equipment and of numerical strength, the larger-metal-parts. Worle on the. fon to induce some of FANCY GAS FIXTURE ?4 formed wfore ai. Sherwin too hadi ay eunilag snd) education tor Rogroratel et See eee Y a oe das the post to. which he has been ap- ful progress in Sweden, where 32) Ea SUER ee ah a acest he Newton shires pointed, He hopes to be able to im tases oniaieatad ad a Moon 5 Sore tea terest a number of heads of families m training school has been establish- The programme committee for the Twenty: Reece ST eee enti Tin the matter of cadet training be- ed which ranks amongst its attend- fourth of May sports in the afternoon at the Ex- Rcecaen ke: Sud Satisute Sw aie ing carried on in the schools, from ants students from all parts of the hibition Grounds has arranged a list of events, News, To be briey, . ornamental the. standvoint .. of) the sdyantneee ROWS. OS ni Zee eee ee which will accrue to the boys, both physically and in a disciplinary sense. The uniforms while very neat in appearance, are not expensive, costing In the neighborhood of 4.90 be mentioned that a summer training school will convene at Calgary ear- ly in the year for the purpose of far- ther instructing the teachers in Dis-- trict No, 13, means something when hitched on to an iron industry s, product. It means elaborate store fronts; matquises, el- evator cabs and enclosures, staf dainty grilles, exquisite lamp stand- modern bank and office fix- which will be of more than ordinary attractive- ness. In addition to the racing card, an added event has been assured at the last moment, which should draw many outsiders to the city on the holi- day. This consists of a bucking contest in which / PES Pb h t bb ee furnish suggestions and submit spec- i designs upon request. The modeling room and pattern de- partment employ the. most skillful modelers, wax workers and pattern makers obtainable, All parties plac- ing contracts with the Company. will grand stand. 5 Enticing prizes will be hung up for the riders and a number of the best bronco busters in the country will doubtless be in attendance. LEEPER EEE E EE EEE EEE EEE price paid, it is understood, was 80,000, or be- 9 xe tween ten and eleven hundred dollars a foot, the: ct. + highest figure yet paid for Medicine Hat realty. A. P. Day s bunch of outlaw horses will playa + . eet anit Seoae g, e z principal part, The horses have been sold to a t : fantiques in lanterns, memo - C P p rty syndicate and are to be shipped away shortly and. * vite aukondy - pamcm tims OusinS fo e : this, therefore, will be Medicine Hat s last oppor- and oke other things including art Seas : tunity of seeing them in action. The committee + Istically designed lamp posts such To H. W. Ireland, of the Hollinger Ageney, * had collected sufficient funds to defray the ex- + jas Medicine Hat should have for clus- belongs the credit of swinging the biggest deal yet penses of the racing and the council has consented + bor:lighta: nthe husinens eerpetn: recorded in connection with inside property ine to donate a couple of hundred dollars for the buck- + ae lepton edna Medicine Hat. Last night he was instrumental in * ing contest, therefore there will be no admission ** re ettin neces anai ee sclling the Cousins property, with frontage on To- charged for entrance to either the grounds or the bgteabetity who tipi 16 cHTeLaRaTtS St-of-75-feet-and-en E Ave. 0 0 : + feet, to Mr. John Dixon, of Maple Creek. The * el. F le + Tete 4 (Alberta Iron Ornamental Company, Redelitt) (Alberta Iron Ornamental Company, Redclitt) REPRE YEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EES tee + LEPEEEE EEE EEE TERETE
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Image 839 (1912-05-18), from microfilm reel 839, (CU1738902). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.